HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 8P. a "The Timos•Advocatot April 16, 19S? ensall and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Heciclen, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 Allan Cochrane victim of heart Allan Cochrane, 62, died sud- Will retire UC pastor I :First aid course .1 W omen Institute starts Thursday jetres..Arribulance PQ1,4rol, elects new officers sponsared by -0eleral. Coach. _ Works, Will start Thursday: , sirs, Ere:i neer was eleeted Auxiliary to South llama .Hos- Aprfl 23, at .P.m. 'tiens411 president of 11ensa.11 Women's pital. Mrs. E. B. Davis, Mrs. town..5wettl: It W" alln"3";1 Institute at thnnul. e .aameeting Shernt, Mrs. Peck. Mrs, Beer 'last Wednesday .afternoon m the and Mrs. Orr were named a The course wilt run for St( Legion Hall. Sirs. Cart Payne is committee to arrange for a. bake weeks. the past, president. ; sale, lea and art exhibit, AlaY Anyone may take the instroc. Vice-presidents are Airs. E. 16 at 4 P,11). in the town halt tion, Applicationmeshould !Davis Mr& Sim Roobol and Mrs. Mrs. Peek gave a l'OPOrt of made at the Peles . r I. 1 C 1. er. Mrs. IL M. Vett; assiStant, liensall Arndt 7. The district an. ' • t • , . the li t i .1 ti ' -Li i Mrs. N. Normintoe; press and nual will be held in Grand Bend 'Reci delegate' s . —' -- . Haden; district director. Miss is to alTallgc" a musical number. Public relations, Mrs. Maude May.21. for which Miss Lammie attend meeting , Phyllis Case; alternalel Mrs. R. ' nano solos were contributed _ .. M. Peck; card convener, Mrs. by Miss Carol Brown, .a reading ard Noakes, J. It. lime, recrea• O. Goodwin; pianist, Miss Greta, selections by misses peg*.Goci' Mrs. R. M. Pect.L. Airs. Leon- W. B. Cross; assistant. Airs. W. by miss si. gips and tap dance tional director, and Jim Taylor, l'ammiei as°, Mrs. William dard and Carol Brown. Auxiliary hears chairman of the recreation coin- Drown; branch directors, Mrs. district officer . .. ... ference of the Lake Huron Zone Alexander, Mrs. R. Y. McLaren Comments about recreational council. al Walker- and Mrs. John Skeet auditors, Zone Commander Mrs. Alm ton .11011 School on Saturday. Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and Miss denly Wednesday afternoon, April Rev CI D. . • las. Daniel, minister McCann, of Fordwich, from the There were I0 present from Mary Goodwin. 11, 4•orn a heart condition. of Henan and Chiselhurst ITnited Hoivick Auxiliary, Paid her of- Standing committee conveners: finial visit to the Hensall Legion seBveols.aillieessminIAPissCussed included aericelture and Canadian in. Ar. C,ochrane was at the farm 1 • 1 I th t fou• , a Oa es; seue ais-treasur. ( s r ( execu se ng n soon.as Possible. mittee, attended the Spring Con- George Armstrong, Mrs. Albert Cromarty Auxiliary Tuesday evening, and . playground and recreational mat- By MR$, KEN McKELLAR . active ministry to take plaee in officiated for the initiation vere-,ters, swimming, senior citizens, 1 Mrs, Wes Richardson; citizen- .... • ' ''. '.. . • • ••••.' ..- ''':.';'..!....: dustries, Mrs. Walker Carlile, of 'Jim MeEwan west of lien- announced his retirement from 1 ' sail. looking over some live stogk and apparently was in the June of this conference year. monies for two new members weaving, square dancing, drama, ship and education, Airs. T. J. Roy's WMS and WA . anie is c a.rman of- into the Auxiliary, Mrs. Haven sports, arts and am, Mrs. R. Vanstone. crafts. Several mum', Mrs. Robert Elgie; The April meeting of the VMS best of health, at 4 p.m. WIrm • Rev D • I ' h ' Air,:' AlcEwan went out at 7 p.m. Huron Presbytery, convener of In speaking to hie group, :rs. ing E towns are interested in organix- Teen Towns which they feel Mrs, A. R. Orr, Mrs. J, E. Mc - home economies and hea I th, ' and WA or Roy's church was he discovered him dead. Death the Pension Fund for the presby- Ewan: historical research, misi held kt the home of Mrs. Calvin was attributed to coronary throm. , tery ; padre of Hensel]. Legion, McCann stated that "we must are important for teen agers.. Christie with Mrs, Norman Dow basis. is on the recreational council, work to keep alive comrade- L . . : e, , .., , Al. Ellis, Mrs. R. AL Peck, Mrs. in charge. Scripture and medita- , past master of Huron Lodge 224 ship." Mrs. McCann was intro- ..';,'..1''''' ".' ' ' -: ' • — '-..- ''';"' '''.- William Henry, Mrs. A. W. Shir- Ile was unmarried and made his borne with his sister, Ans. AF & mu. . , . • ' 1 ' ray, Mrs. Lorne Chapman. ti�ii were taken hy hussell Miller gave Mrs. Hugh MeMur:rie. ' Rev, Daniel came to Hensall William Brown, and presented, I Comments about Airs. Basil Edwards presented sons. Mrs. Johb, Seaforth; Jim. Toronto; W. ¶E., Hinsdale, Illinois; seven Surviving are three brothers, from Ingersoll and .is retiring He has served in Northern Mis- to Ingersoll where their home rs. a past president. Ten dollars was voted to the , Kippen the slate of officers and Mrs. R. i " —“`""g• Elgie conducted the election, 1, The program committee for • 9 will be Mrs. held with a gift by Mrs. E. R, Davis, sisttrs: Mrs. Ross (Ida) Dick, stons, 'Campbellford, Sunderland, Listowel relief disaster fund, A 1 By MRS, NORMAN LONG business. Mrs. Basil Edwards re- , 3 Dowandis. Russell Mrs. Carl Payne conducted the the maY meeting Miller, the meeting to be Goderich; Mrs. Albert (Agnes) Teterboro, Palmerston, and In- motion was passed to sponsor: ....... ported that the Institute would ' at the home of Mrs. Carman Sixth Bowling. contribute - - ' ' '''' • '' ' '' '''' ''''' ' '' ' "" ute one number to the two teams to the. Northey, Cameron, Ont.; Mrs. ;emit, and has been in the min- lingh (Polly) AleMurtrie, Hen- istry for 44 years. His first Alley Tournament at Walkerton , m and provide luneh for Park. . ! salt; Mrs. R .S. (Ann) Hepkins, charge was assistant student either the 29th or 30111 of April.; Mr. and Mrs. G. Vennema of program ; Burlington were weekend guests the May meeting of the Ladies' 1 Mrs.S, Graham favored with an instrumental. Current events Greencastle, Indiana; Mrs. L. S. minister at the Dominion church, Members will attend the Zone •- l were given by Mrs, Elmer Dow Ottawa. Rally May 13 to be held at Sea- Mrs, A. Binnendyk, of the latter's parents, Mr, and _ (Claudia) Eller, Youngspoint, ' and the topic "Concerns of a Ont.; Mrs,J. A. (Alice) Miller.; forth arena, at which Seaforth . Mrs. Emily Owens of Salem, Personal Items continent" which was taken Seattle, Washington; Mrs. Chas.; (Edna) Robinson, Zurich. Auxiliary will be hosts. i Girl Gui▪ de Oregon, accompanied by her sis- i Private funeral services were i tery prize. Bingo winners were ' field, left bY plane Tuesday for and Sherry, of Port Dover, were . by Mrs. J. liocking, held from the Bonthron funeral ! Notes Mrs. Taylor, Sr., Mrs., Alice her home. Mrs, Owens has been weekend visitors with 'Mr. and Personal items home, Hensall, Saturday,April ' . , . Joynt, Mrs. Wilson, Fordwich; ' the guest of her sister, Miss Mrs, R. E. Shadclick, Mr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerslake 11 at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. The ., Girl Guictes held their Mrs. H. Campbell, Ali's. John' Jean Ivison for several weeks. Mrs. Bert Horton and Mr. and and Mr. John Wallace of St CharlesD.Daniel. Interment regularAmeeting last Tuesday atMarys visited on Sunday with 7 . ) r» :.'llie o en d their meet- Henderson, Mrs, S, -Dougall,: Mrs. David Triebner spent was in Hillsgreen eemetery. • I . ... • 3' P ek Airs. R. Vanstone; specials. Mrs, . Thursday in London. Mrs. Peter McNaughton, The Local Association to •Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace, . ' ct b forming,into• l and 0 - .Guides and Brownies held a sue- 11Ir, and Mrs, James Sorensen Elmer Cameron, Seaforth;. J A Pallbearers were four nephews . inspection tookplaceby Lieuten- H a r r y Horton. Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert Fordwich. • - and son, James, of Geor etown -• --• 'ant Parker. The horseshoe was visited Sunday in Harriston at cessful home made candy sale formed and the singing of the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack on Saturday and ran out of candy Smith and Bruce Walker, Hen- sall. Ian Dick, Exeter and Orville 1 A short business discussion , Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. Queen was followed by the Guide Cromarty farmer i Dickert's mother. 1 Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet Dickert, and also visited Mr. whole town. Additional candy before they could cover the was made so that no one would 7 NaGvildv gAie‘lIrtross1.7JAa lis:te;snst,13 .atpiniaeirseeiryt.gse e'icielirc.1 Air. and Mrs. L. E. Abbiss of McMurtrie, Kippen; Douglas and were Sunday visitors with Mr. 2 , took place including making discovers balloon returned home Saturday from be disappointed. The proceeds Mrs.A.Blatchford plans for selling of candy on Arnold Westlake of Cromarty !spent, the winter months with Grand Rapids, Mich. where they were gratifying. Airs. H. Blatchford. Exeter, and Mrs. Harold Carey, Saturday and wood gathering on found a weather balloon on the daughter returned home from Seaforth native •• , Sunday afternoon. top of a big hill on his farm on 1 her son„'ohn. Mrs. C. L. Jinks, was a recent' guest with Mr. and Seaforth Hospital on Sunday, i Mrs, Jas, Ramsey and baby - P. I A session' ,bf song was held Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. The . Mrs. E. Kyle spent a day Mrs. Orville Workman anicni Mr. Andrew McLachlan is con-. la teOl'it,Annie Blatchford, 82, r of Taps, Puptse..surieral services for the , and meeting 'cloiett . by singing balloon was 'between an orange. London last week. ..,,,g • ... and red color and was released 1 Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Taylor Margaret Vair left Thursday, Mrs. L. Simpson and Mrs, fined to his home with an attack On Saturday morning the il. Flint, Mich. on Saturday, April with Mrs. Robert Dinsdale and , of Stratford visited Saturday April 16 for Florida where they will vacation for some weeks. Candy sale a big success from the WBAS Weather Bureau, of flu. wert4:41d.• from the ,Bonthron , April. 15 'Conducted by the Rev. Guides and Brownies sold home- Miss M. Whiteman. Miss Bernice Dining of Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr. and Mrs. Roy MCCUI- funerat --eliapel on Wednesday, ; Hensall Union cemetery. ' made by the mothers. Sales a- .2:-=..----•-::,-.zt.,-r.xs,•:.----;'r..:%---.---...- Jim Kyle was in London Mon- spent the weekend visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-, aunt, Mrs, Allan Cameron, in Chas. D. .D'aniel, with burial in . i made candy which had been loch attended the funeral of an Mrs. Blatchford, widow of the mounted to 555, .„,...„ ....--.74.-- ---,-........7.• .z.itz.., ,.... .,...-,...- day and attended the show "The • Shaggy Dog." ; bert Dining. Mitchell on Monday. some years ago, was the for- . like to thank the mothers for' ::------ The sum of $57.20 was realized Mrs, Amelia Schroeder return - late Nelson Blatchford, who died , .... The Guides and Brownies would :-----;--. making the candy and also the at the bake sale Saturday in ed home after spending the past near Seaforth and had been a residents of Hensall for their Hensall which was sponsored by several weeks with relatives at .i'''-'...'':•:'' '. mer Annie Papple. She was born • t patronage. -...-;;•--- -."--7......,--.. ..- the WA of St. Andrew's United St. Clair Shores, Mich. • church. Mr, George Otterbein of Pres- '.:',; ..; ' resident: of the village for over i 60 yit.ii-S..,..She died on Monday, Lon visited over the weekend Apr2=t South Huron Hos. t ..., ..•„.. -:,:',.. V. - * ' B I N G 0 ! with his father, Mr. William Ot- ;:.' -• pital, • Exeter, where she had D'r"..0 'W Henry ..:• --"."-.-0577?-• been admitted a week. previous , • terbein. Winners at Legion Bingo Sat- F/O George Sangster, Mrs. to her death with a heart con- • „receives grant urday last were: Mrs. C. Wilkin- Sangster and son of Hamilton, ditirlijShe was a member of the ;,...• .. Unifed church and Woman's I' .15e 'Cameron W. Henry, son son; Mrs. Glenn McKenzie; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, John Peebles and • • ,9• • of Mr.' and Mrs. William Henry Johnston; Mrs. Norman Long; family of London were recent Ivlicsionary SocietY. 1 Fred Kennings; Miss Pearl Tides- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Surviving are a number of of Hensall was one of four Uni- We regret that the last few well; Mr. Kennens; Mrs. Wes Noakes and family. nieces and nephews. '.:., 1 yeesity of Western Ontario fac- weeks we haven't been able to ulfy members named as a re- bring you a report on our prog- Venner; G. Kestle; Mrs. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of :,.... : McKenziei Mr. Kennens; B. Up- London visited last week with cipient of Canada Council re- cess as we were preparing for Rector addresses search grant. a weekend camp. The camp was Mrs. Bob Baker (tied); shall; Mrs. G. Broderick and Mrs. James Sangster. Mrs. Inez AlcEwen• and. Mrs. Dr. Henry lectures in philos- only for the patrol leaders and will continue research mi. 19th seconds in order to familiarize wealth, Mrs. A. Foster. Grant McGredor: share the them with setting up a camP Jackpot this coming Saturday Mr. William Lavender of Lon - evening auxiliary ophy at Western University. He , donh Visited over the weekend , Rr4. , • Bran de Vrie.i, Exeter, century British philosophers, and how to run it. - wit his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1 was,....guest speaker at the UC. Mill and Whewell, and will work '1Ve would have liked to take will be worth $105.00 in 58 calls. Thos. Lavender. Eveiing Auxiliary meeting Men.' on summer research grants. a- the. whole troop out but as we, F/O George Sangster, Mrs. day'evening and chose for his mooting to about 4800. 11 the Scouters know, this would ' Canada's highest peak, Mount Sangster and son of Hamilton theme, "Canada, freedom and , The Canada Council grant is have been impossible. Logan in Yukon Territory, has were recent visitors with Mr. I • to permit, the work tol The boys went out on Friday, an elevation of 19,850 feet. and Mrs. James Sangster. privileges Canadians should try la renewal ' April 3 and stayed until Sunday to preserve'. . continue and Dr, Henry will con- afternoon. They set up camp The speaker was introduced by 1 Friday afternoon and it was set Mrs. C. Daniel and thanked by1 • Mrs- R. Reaburn. i Two properties Up well, considering the bad 0 weather and spent the first night 0 Mrs. Ken Elder, president, ' . sold by auction in a rather chilly atmosphere. • welOomed the guests: the Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, the Properties of the late Mrs. greeted by the sun shining down Saturday morning we were • • Guild of St. Paul's Church, and --- Agnes Stewart were sold at auc- on us and the boys were very • the OMS of the United Church. tion on Saturday. No. 1 property, grateful for this. The boys cook- • Miss Mary Goodwin led in de. seven room dwelling on Main,St. ed their own meals and the Scout- voti s using as her theme, "The wai sold to „Her In old (Shorty) 'ers helped eat them (with a hefty Ma er Weaver". She was assisl- :Caldwell. , helping. of, hi-carbonale). N .ed ir ftrg. Pearl Passmore and Mrs, Ed Corbett. A six room dwelling on Main] Th' t boys worked, fixing up a S. occupied by Mr, and Mrs. • • • - A1A;' S. Rennie reported on the' Bill Riley and family was sold spring . . „ and making a find pole recent..bake sale at which over to Mrs.' Pearl Koehler. Harold for the campsite, Sunday we held a short service conducted by Scouter John, Then camp was broken, tents taken down and pits filled in and campsite cleaned up. from the study hook was givent'' Mrs. john Skea won the mys- , ter, Mrs. Reed Terrence of Bay. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Scruton ..01•1•••1•••••111.. .41.1111IM11104011A1110 WILIAM 011011111,1)110110.11114011.11.104111.1411111.110111111111MAIIIMMIIM11111114)4111111AIIIMA11114,1, Warm Air .,Heating And Air Conditioning Now Installations, and Alterations LENNOX & ANTHES IMPERIAL, FURNACE$ OIL BURNER SALES 4 SERVICE Lindenfields Ltd.. :PHONE .161 EXETER mmummtimmmillommummilmmiumnimmilitmoommillimmittoommuktimitimiliwiltimittliiie ''' mitimstinfimiimpt, Hensall'Motor Sales Offer Miles of Motoring Pleasure In 'These Used Cars '58 DODGE "REGENT" 4 -DOOR SEDAN • Torque -flits transmission, clean, low mileage, one owner car, radio, tutone. '57 DODGE "CUSTOM" ROYAL 4 -DOOR SEbAN Radio, in the best of condition, • DODGE Take The Lead 0 in a wonderful '59 DODGE Henson Motor Sales Toni Coates, Prop. • PHONE 31 HENSALL 1 ,1111111101191111 ''''''' 10111111111111111111111111,1111101111111111111111111111111111111111111, ''''' 111111;1111,11111tIVIIIIIIIM,11111 40•••••••••••••••••••••••••ss000too • • • She ,1,2eeds an EXTRA phone • • in the kitchen! • • .• • • 0 • • • 81.00 was realized. Mrs. H. Mc. Jackson was the auctioneer. Ewan gave highlights of the Presbyterial held in. Goderieh, — March 20. Party food Miss Carol Brown favoured with; two piano solos. H stesses w e r e Mrs. Don Joy , Mrs. J. Corneil and their coi,nitfbel Courtesy remarks The short course on "Hospital- wer ektended by the visiting 'ity Foods", sponsored by the up and back. Also we would like presided% Mrs. E. Fink, Arnold Hensel.] WI, .was held in the Le. to thank Adam Wilson for the Circlei. Mrs. W. 0. Goodvvin, gion Hall Monday ,and Tuesday •nse of his land for our camp. Guild, and Mrs. C. Armstrong, afternoons and was well attend- Till we meet again Good Scout- WMS. ed with several branches repre- intS• sentcd. ' The Hensall Scooters Miss Ai. Porteous, home eeon- 'l._ • With the sick ornist from the Department (AI Agriculture, Toronto, was the Aqry Payne, who has been ill leader. Airs. Fred Beer, new ONLY 3 in Srott Memorial Hospital, Sea- fortliml i, with pneumonia, is ini- • • president of the Herman Insti tilte, 'welcoed the guests. - proVang nicely. WI topic We would like to thank Bert Horton. Peter McNaughton, Er- nie Chipchase and Mrs. G. Brode- rick for supplying transportation • • oc) • • 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • DO YOU? To order—call your • • a • . telephone business office. • • s • 0 ••••••••••••000OSS41•4044000000000/0 E. Carlile was taken N. Miss Porteous ipoke about Al ' nY , things tour essential for a sue - Dorton' arnbularice last Wed- cessful party; spontaneous wel- nes y afternoon to South Huron , ,,,_e; Hosgtital, Exeter, with a heart '," attractive :environment; „ gracious service and good food, condition, 1 and demonstrated types of par- Fr'ank 'Bean is a Patient in ties, menus, recipes and garn- Scott Memorial Hospital, ' Seas foes, forflg. ; On the second afternoon table , Mis. John Consitt. Briteefielcl, settings and accessories wc-e wasOaken by Bonthron Ambu- demonstrated and a complete lance to South Huron Hespit.al, meal. prepared buffet style, Exeter. served td the guests'. Mts. Elmer Johnston, who tin-, Young people have A greater derWent ah operation in Vic. elance of being saved from can. toria liotpital, London, is .117i4. cee in their later life than had pro1 , ng nicely, ' earlier generatiOns, The secret. Al . RObert Baker, Sr.. is con- is early detection and prompt fine to his room, having suf- i treatment in regular canter fared a heart attack. , elinies, 1 AGRICULTURAL 'PRICE. SUPPORT ASSURES AMPLE SUPPLY AT REASONABLE PRICES ONTARIO CIIAM 1000110010V MARKITINS SOARD OtteltEStNTIN4 16,666 duo liltabutild MORE DAYS! BIG HENSALL CLEARANCE By Bonthron & Drysdale Stores • 20'7o Off All Items Friday Night 7 to 11.0 p.m. Bonthron & Drysdale 1 Ilotitheart A .Son- Ceo0 Haedwite* 'PHONE II 'HENSALt; PHONE .)ll ' RENSALL There's a difference, though. You're wide-awake, to the future a future for your family as bright and sure as you can make it. That's why you should arrange now for a low-cost Mutual Life of Canada Family Income Policy: H anything takes you out of the picture, your family is guaranteed a substantial monthly income until the time you would have reached age 65. Ii i addition at.that time, your wife or heirs will receive the fun face value of the policy. On the other hand, if you live to age 65, you may • , receive a monthly retirement income or a substantial cash sum, The Family Income Policy is a wide-awake inVestment you'll like — talk it over with a Mutual Life of Canada mai soon. tan — ninety years 01 leadership in mutual life insurance 1959 • coresenta ive: / , , t i • /7 , / /,//' A ///,/ A /7, •/,,, / //A /4 '', • ' /, • V, ' n0 AC r; ; o74 "r,r, • 1 ,./, 4 . I/ G4 it GODBOLT, Corn ee Sands & Edward Sts., Exthr 7)