HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-16, Page 2• • Pap 2 'Th e Times-Advocatot April 16, 1939 • 1 Lawn gam e I in top honor •pc.rs laud here„.. daci .... 7 : with Porkingoo . • b- -11 • Reward energetic Scouts thAriin fa -her son ban , . Is lawn howling dead in Ex- eter? That was the question con - 'Ay J. M. SOttITHCOTT At the father and son banquet for the Boy Societe of Exeter at the Legion Hall •Wedneeclay, April 8,160 persons sat down US the tables catered to by the Legion Auxiliary. • _ it is doubtful if such a gather - hg of Seouts could be duplicat- ed in a place the size of Exeter anywhere in the province. Like- wise the number of badges and wards that were handed out to the- Scouts and Cubs revealed the tremendous interest being taken by the boys and their Ieaders Lion Jake Sweitzer, chairman of the group committee, presid- ed andcongratulated the lead- ers, the boys and the Lions Club which sponsored the Scout house. Ed Brady, Lions president, stated "there was doubt in the xninds of the Lions Club as to whether the building would be a worthwhile venture and now there is a . new project to in- crease the size of the building." Mayor Pooley brought greet- ings from the town and stated that Exeter was fortunate to have leaders to spend so much time with the boys. Scoutmaster Ralph Sweitzer led the group in a lusty sing song followed by the presenta- tion of badges and awards. Jack Pryde, Jack Delbridge and 13111 Johnston were present- ed with gold mos for their in- terest in Scouting as members of the group ,committee. Uarry Penhale, of Aylmer, a farmer member of the group :commit- tee. was present for the occa- sion with his. son, Dettglas. and was presented with i gift by Doug Westlake. C. S. MaeNaughton. MLA. whose son John received seve- ral awards, spoke briefly an what it meant to be a father of a first-class Scout. Field Comnjissioner Bob Tay- lor, liarriston, and District Com- missioner G. Lodge, were guests at' the head table along with 3. M. Southcott. representing the press. I Jack Pryde, a member of the group tommittee, intreduced E. C. Shelly, Inger,soll. who spoke on flying saucers„ rockets and ; visitors from outer space. He was thanked be Gerald Godbolt. Badge presentations included; "A" Troo • Souts • First class badges. John 'Stec - !Naughton and Gary Wedlaket second class, Bob Higgins; win- ter sportsman, Dale TurveY; handyman, Fred Sanders; knot - ter, Jim Switzer: musician, George Godbolt, Bob Higgins; woodworker, Dale 'rurvey, Jim Sweitzer; camper, Gary Wed - lake; ambulanceman, Neil Ham- ilton, Fred Sanders; pathfinder, Doug Jermyn, John MacNaugh- ton; forester, Jim Sweitzer; "A" cord,John MacNaughton. "R" reap Scout* Dairyman a n d poultryman, fronting the shareholders of the ' Exeter Lawn Bowling Club. at a meeting in the town hall Tues- day evening. Interest in lawn howling has decline -considerably in recent : years anti last summer, outside of two. tournamentS, there was little activity at, the local greens. The nuestion of the future of the sport and the. disposition of the propertY, which has been a beauty spot in the centre of the town and one of the best bowl- ing greens around, was the sub. jest of enntroversy. Lack or interest in lawn bowl. ing was attributed to motor ears, summer cottages, golf, and the death of some of the older members. Hope for a revival of interest seems remote and it was left to the direetnrs to consider the most beneficial use to which the nroperty can be. put before of - ferule it for sale. The directors are W. G. Coch- rane, Ulric Snell, 13. M. Fronds, Exeter. anti Ted Davies, Forest, Barry 'Grainger. ("13" troop has just been formed and untie of the members has his second' „class except Barry who ,is a pro - duet of "A" troop). , -Cith Peck "A" Se ond star.athlete 'collector, • Patti Mason; artist, Paul Mason, Brian MeLeare Larry Willert; guide. .gardiner, Larry Willer!, Larry Willert now has all 13 Cub proficiency badges. cub Peck "E" Artist, Bill Beavers, John Grassick; swimming, C. Keat- ing; first aid, John Grassick, Bill Beavers; team player, John Pryde, Brian Baynham; guide, Bob Beavers, John Grassick; house orderly, John Grassick, Gord Greene ere ; home craft, John Grassick; collector, Brian Baynham, Bill Dinney; athlete, toy maker, Doug litindey. Rector urges )pp Constable George Mit- school study I At the April meeting of the Home and School Association on *Tuesday evening Rey. Bren de - Vries was the speaker choosing ; as his topic' "Education." He spoke of the edu ational system of his native land, Hol- land Then he queried "Educa- tion for what? and stated that lllll f llllll If ISOM lllll children should be educated for competence; ' for historic pers- pective; for artistic understand-, ing; for Scientific knowledge and :for spiritual 'consciousness) ; "Teach your children- these at-: 1 4 • V* • civil and Mrs. Mitchell attend- ed a wedding in Toronto Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard' Knight and daughters. Sandra and Deb- ra, of Saginaw, were Sundae visitors with the former's grand- mothers, Mrs. Mary Higeins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston and Sharon. Mr. and Mrs: Ross Davidson, Kenny :and Brian of Goderich visite:) with the • Mon relatives in Exeter on Sun- day. Mrs. Ken Greb, Centralia, :Mrs. 13. E; Ponies' 'and Mrs. Whitney Coates. Exeter, attended the London Conference WA' in Windsor on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Argyle CaMP- , Sarnia, Gecrtlo Anderson, Windsor, Dr. and Mrs. John Ross, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. E. ,T, Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. George Newton, George Sawyer and Frank Cham- bers all nf London, Mrs. William Seip, St? Agatha, and Mrs. Fred White and family, LoCk- pert, N.Y. attended the funeral of the late Henry Blerling on Monday. Huron Conney Junitir Institute rally will he held in Seafarth High &heel on Saturday after- noon, Aril IS. - ' tributes rather than become icky in the race for the moon" admonished Mr. de -Vries. ' ! Mrs. W. G. Huntley introduced !the speaker and 'he was thanked I by Gerald Godbolte Miss Maxine' Reeder fovoreci with two solos :accompanied by Mrs. Lorne I I Kleinstiver, • The a ttenclance award was won by Principle A. Idles i A tea and bake sale will be 1 • room. held by the Home and School on! ' Wednesday, April 22 from 3 to : 5 o'clock in the school. • He went AWOL to see the.buys at Larry's Supertest PHONE 968 EXETER We don't hold with GI's going AWOL. But if a fellow ever had a good excuse, it's 'Charlie. Ha didn't want to miss out on our sensational values. Where Your Used Car Dollar Gael Farther Hats Off to Canadian Canners Ltd. "Always Buy" 311‘ PRODUCTS 4e Foundation To Roof, We've You Need. From foundation masonry to roofing, we supply your complete building needs for every job, large ',r small. 'We'll 'help •you figure quantities, • too, Thrifty Prices. Prompt delivery. • Huron Lumber Co. Limited PHONE 48 EXETER Everything for Building, Remodeling iilea*iwirrailiTe6'wolkatomiosoilerabwriimiminnianikat Save UP TO on your new spring suit SPECIAL MONEY- SAVING OFFER FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY .. . Extra Pants 3% of riguler. ofrices'for 11Sent stilt Every suit tailored -to - measure by W. R. JOHN- STON craftsmen. Guar- anteed good fit! Latest ail -wool fabrics. Order now for best cloth selection. • Buy P.• 111 44,t PRODUCTS • And Boost the Community Walperrs Men's Wear PHONE 61 EXETER TO WESTE•RN CANADA Th Winnipeg, Saskatoon EdnIonton, Jestper and Vancouver 41, gl/PER' offelosotai Th t1111/11771111 Pert Interreatlee Aftatolitetytithsn &iittOiet your' heisted am Agent 4 soPrrg.. rfnapittheerre, tri8faiii7rhe It:worn, - with his Peetneests in the Chat' ham -dog show -over the week= St. Aebreys Kvan of Elselort • won top honors in his cles#,, Town topics ! Mr. and Mrs, W. Hawley of :Hamilton And Mr. George Grun- dy of Larder Lake were 'weekend visitors with Mr. ;and Mrs, Wil- liam Marshall. , Mrs. C. Hale has returned to. her home in Vancouver after spending the past montb.. with her granddaughter, LAC and Mrs. Jack Gibson, Main St. Exeter, Mr. W. C. Dunsford and son, Ronald of Sirncoe spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Dunsford and Mr. .and. Mrs, Ralph Genttner, Mr. Herb Beaver and sister, Clara have this week moved to Exeter from Stephen Township -into the residence recently pur- chased from the estate of the: late Miss Nettie Keddy, Mr. and Mrs, Oran Moir, Mr. aed Mrs. Ten Blekely and Mrs, D. Blakely of St. Catherines !spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil 'Skinner were at Cass City, Mich., over the weekend where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. .and Mrs. Homer Motz. They also visited relatives at Pigeon an ctoe, 44,, Mr. Motz was a former Crediton boy. Mrs. William Murdock, Dun- das, visited over the weekend with :her father, Mr. Witham wood. Mrs, Murdock and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Lam- beth returned from a three-week vacation in Florida. • On Tuesday 'afternoon exwart dens of Huron County, 13, W. F. Beavers, B. W. Tuckey and Hugh Berry and Charles MacNaughton MLA attended the funeral in Goderich of exwarden Wilmot Ha ake. ••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4114P1.019•49•M FAST RELIEF FOR NINO CLES isen ac Huron Conservatives paid tele blitz Malicia: night to Peter El- senbaeh, Grand Bend. w h served as treasurer of the pro- vincial riding asseetation for 30 years to attend the meeting because of 111-heelth, Mr. Eisen- hech forwarded his resignation mrs. FrDobb Jr. attended last weeig's RNAP cortvention at the Royal 'YOrli. Toronto,and later joined .her hushand-;. in Guelphwhere they spent the. weekend with Mr. end Mrs, 'Rob- ot mogk. Mr. Witham Pest, 'Sheila. and Mary Lou 'of Windsor, Alr. arid Mrs. William .Carroll :and family of :Sarnia, Mrs. Jean .Miller and ',family, Mr. Vince FM- and Mrs, W. B. Crisp of Lawton were :welt:Pend guests .of Mrs, J. W. Powell. beeattse he is Dow. living In 4,0414.,, beiltharetyouonitkelais, lumina C. S. t Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beaudre -of $t- JOhn'a, Que, are -visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Mr, and Airs. Whitney 'Coates. !visited with Mr, and, Mrs. Rob- ert: Foote of Elora and etr, and Mrs. Erie Love at Atwood on 'Sunday. Marie Curie who, with her bus' bad ii nd Perre, discovered radium in 2898 once made the remark '.that, "Nothing is to be fearecL I It is only to be understood. .NOTicE OF UrC111 Poweri. Interruption MAcNeughton, Huron L A, ; praised, the long and efficient; service be has rendered the as-, eociatioe. Mr. Eisenbactes successor Is .e. Jack Morrissey, former .countx 'I - warden ,and reeve of Stephen. Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seafortli, was elected president replacing George Ginn, Goderich, who re- tired, Vice-presidents are Har- vey Coleman, Stephen; Mrs. D. 14fooney, GoderichDouglas Free- inap, .Clinton. Secretary is ja.ntes aanenielersexfthe Y'°derich' Mexecutive are Glenn Webb, Luther Penhaie, FBillciEDIlerbibngton, Elgin McKinley, ' don 13loch, jerome Dirictetn, Er- nie Ross, Bill Dale, Carl l5raper and Dan Bauerman. AT DISTRICT MEETING Nine women of the Bethel Re- formed church of Exeter at- tended the spring union meet- ing of Reformed Church women held at Hepe Reformed Church, Strathroy, Tuesday night. Part of the program consisted of pic- tures of the Southern Normal School among the negroes at Brewton, Alaba m , on9.••••Nolint•IIMIFINIIIMMEMInlow, Weather Permitting Sunday, April 19 . 19$9 5 a,m, to 8 &m, EST Affecting the area north of Sanders Street in the town of Exeter, This interruption is necessary to make provemeilts on one of our main primary lines. H. L. DAVIS, Sup't. Exeter Public Utilities illIffiftftflIfftftfitflftlIffIllft ll I ll 111111111(1111111 lllllll 1111111111111111111111111,1101112111111111111111111MilltilimmulA What does it meal to be rated? Not long ago men and women with coronary artery disease, tuberculosis or diabetes were unable to obtain life insurance, Today it is possible for many of these people to be accepted in a special premium classificatiot, Technically speaking they are said to be "rated" policyholders. Por many years Manufacturers Life has contributed leadership in this special field. Today we are well know ,n for our progressive outlook and for the favourable premium rates being offered. Actually 90% of the people applying for Manufacturers Life policies today are accepted at regular rates. Another 81,4% are offered insurance at the lowest phssible cost considering their particular physical condition, while only 11/2% are declined, Whatever your needs, you can he sure of progressive life insurance service when you call the Man from Manufacturers. P4-59 • fa •mr;Cr.ie • 7 • T HS. OFACT.URERS LIFE. CO's1FAI)). • A. E. Pym Representative EXETER Tel: 671-M Shop this week for .J.flp freshet -pis.;. Dal Monte Fruit Cocktail 28 -oz. tins 2,FD65c Del Monte Fancy CREAM STYLE Corn 15 -ox tins . FCIIR . e,,,e,eeeeeeeeeeeteseepeeeeeeeeease, Success HeavyDuty LIQUID FLOOR WaX Pint Tin • 35i S! Money( INSTANT‘,MILK 54 Lti, 0)0. ji YLMER Week! Buy AYLMER, — Back local industry "Sunshine" Fancy Aylmer Tomato. Juice Aylmer Pork 'N Beans 20-02, Aylmer Choice Peas is -oz. Tirsis Aylmer Wax Beans Aylmer Tomato Soup 4S -DZ, DICE IS -OZ, lo -DZ. TINS 31' • ro F39' • FoR 29' 15 23c 2 FON MEAT BUYS Maple Leaf Pure Pork, Skinless Sausage Maple Leaf Bulk Wieners Maple Leaf 39' 43c MincedHam 65c FROZEN FOODS York French Cut, Fancy Green Beans 25c Old South er Sunshine State Orange Juice 43 '<edema 100's 5¢ off deaf Tea Bags 79c White Swan Tissue 3 rcp, 39 Ne* iant Size Special K Kedge* drander. SOeigar, A 45 54 bag 45" H Phone 532 FRESH pliODUCE Sweet, Juicy SunkItt Orangestavcr. 95 Fancy, Delicious Apples 3 lbs. 23' Writhed, Cello Brigs Spinach 2 for 23' Carrots 3 lbs. 19' MARKET Free Delivery 4