HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-09, Page 13SAINT$BURY REPORT Falls into barn stable girireqs. 5 surgery By MRS, HEaER DAVIS Tittle Miss Wilma Weibet'g. who fell from the barn floor to the stable below tali the Ellering- ton farm where her father, Mr. Conte Weiberg, is employed, is a. patient in War Atemor1al Chnl- dt•en'sHospital, London, where site .underwent surgery on '!'ites- day morning Tier condition is reported satisfactory at this time,. M,r.sa VY: Culbert ,clips in hospital Airs. Wesley Culbert died in South :Huron Hospital, :Exeter, on Thursday, April 2 in her 83rd•. year, She was a member .of this community and St. Patrick's church for many years, coming to the Culbert farm nn conces- sion 4, Biddulph, where Mr. and Mrs. -Don Maguire now reside, •as a bride in 190;3, She was for- merly Pearl :Elizabeth Cuddy of Adelaide township, Her husband predeceased her in September 1999, She has resided in. Exeter since that time. She is survived by four Oils dren: Aljoe Culbert, concession 4; Mrs. Percy ;Browning •(Wilia), Exeter; Alfred Culbert, London, and Mrs. Ted, Sims (Eva), Exe- ter; 10 grandchildren and :three great grandchildren. The funeral was held on Mon- day, April. 6 at ,the Murdy fur neral home, Lucan, with inter- ment in St, Janes ccnaetery', Clancleboye. St. Patrick's Outlet Dlrs. Clarence Davis was host-, ess on Friday afternoon for thel April meeting of the Guild. Mrs. i Hugh Davis, president, conduct- ' ed the meeting and led in the devotional period assisted by , Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Maur- ice McDonald .and Mrs. Heber Davis. A letter was read from Miss , LiJlias Powell, Obuse, •Japan,? prayer partner of St; Patrick's; WA giving a -description of her; work in the New Life Sanitarium,' Obuse, Japan. The treasurer, i Mrs. Dean Gibsonannounced the receipts from the St. Pat rick's tea were over $45, Following the business the ladies pieced quilt blocks. Personal items ' Miss Ruth Lewis, Toronto, and Air. Haywood, Kenora, were guests with Air. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Atkinson.. Leslie Greenlee is still in the London hospital but expects to he home .n a few days, v Mrs. James Turner is confined to beti and .Osear kiodgiiis, i .ucan, is spending a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott! visited with Mr. and .Airs. Ivan Needham and Mas. Garfield Needham, Bally -mote, ou Thurs. day. f , A nuiabcrfr t � •o �this r.ani o . triunity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alonzo. Abbott al the ilaskett funeral home, Lu- can, on Aionclay. She was a for- mer resident of this community,, having spent many y'ear's faarrn- f Mg on the farm where her son, Mr, and Mrs. Aiurray Abbott now reside, on concession. 4. -C . with "nests wttl. Air. and Mrs.; Murray Abbott over the week. end were Mr, and Mrs. Lloycl Maguire and Jeffery, Seotland, Mr. and Mrs. dames Mugsford,! Toronto, and Mr. and Airs. Tilly Abbott .and Hill, Niagara Falls.! 'With Air. and Air's. Clifford Abbott were Mrs. Madeline Moon - and daughter, Melody, London, and 21r, Clayton Abbott, Paris, Misses Heather and Joan Bark- er spent their Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and( Mrs, Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kony and Clayton avere guests al the Knn- ing-Branderhorst wedding at the Church of Christian Reform, Exeter, and at the. reception fol. lowing. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dickins held a birthday dinner for Mrs. Diekin's father on Sunday eve- ning. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs, Frank Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Ron• Squire, Whalen, Mr. and. Mrs. Nelson Squire, Farquhar and Mr. and Mrs.• Heber Davis.. 5 to a surprise H:ensaii warming A pleasant surprise patty which took the forth of a house warming was hold at the home of Air. and Mrs. Walter Madge. A presentation of a gift was p c, anode, Miss Agnes..Aanderson and Mrs. Charles Robinson doing the honors. Air. Madge made a re- ply, thanking everyone. r ro ressive euchre vas played after which lunch was. served and an old time dance was enjoyed. Guests included Miss Agnes Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Murray ,Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred iluntable, of -Centralia, Dir. and Mrs. Stan Love, Exeter, Mrs. H. McMurlrie, Hensel], Mr. and Mrs. J. A..MeMurtrie, Air. and Mrs. Harold Jones and family„.of Kippen, Dir. and :firs. Charles Robinson, Mr. James. McAllis- ter, llir, and Mrs. Robin McAl- lister,Zuriah, Mrs. .1, Love and Jim and Wayne, A'arnia, Mrs. Ross Dick, Goclerich. * Air. Jerry McClinehey re- turned .home after spending a week with Sgt. William ,Shupe, Mrs. Shupe and Sarann, at Alt. Clemens, Mich. • Air. and Airs. Don Avary, of Sarnia, visited over the week- end with the latter's parents, Mr. and `1rs. Joe Flynn and Toycend 'Air. and Mrs, Gerald Flynn,nn, Mrs. John Baker and Bradley spent the weekend with Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton in Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys visited recently wth the latter's aunt, Mrs. Aaanie. Blatchford who is 111. Euchre and dance sponsored by the Kippers East W1 Fridav• was the last of the season. WT: officials .expres-sed thanks to those who have supported them during, the series. Airs. Annie Blatehford was taken h_v . l,nnttaron ambulance Sunday evening to South Huron ;Hospital. Exeter, with a heart condition. Dir. and Mrs. Bill Shupe and Sarann. Selfridge, Alich., spent the ‘rcckenrl with Air. and Mrs. W. Jinks. ,terry McClinehey who spent the Easter vacation with them oecompanied then home, Around arena. .--• Continual from Page 8 lies went to Larry irintnell and Dennis Hockey, ,aster ,activities Quite a successful Easter Egg hunt was staged last .Monday .afternoon al the arena. Thanks to the efforts of the local Kinsmen Club at least 20 dozen eggs were purchased and colored. Due to the poor weather cond!tions outside, the Easter eggs were hidden all around in- side the arena. Close to 100 chil- dren took part and a good time. was had by all. Winners of the Faster Bonnet contest were: first, Connie Makey, second, ,Joan Heywood and third, Joanne Killeen. In the Pet Show that went all to the Dogs, it was Honey Wein with. "Slippery" for first, Hans Zeehuisen with "Bullet" second and. Doug Stanlake with `"Boots" third. HERE IT IS AGAIN! HENSALL'S IIQG Bonthron & Drysdale blast prices for 8 Great Days -April 9 to 18 Sovereign, Regal and. Belmont PAINT BUYS • House Paint • Semi -Gloss • Porch & Floor • Enamel Regular Price $1.59 Quart $1.09 qt. 3FOR $3.00 . DISCONTINUED PAINT 1/2 PRICE. TOILET TISSUE Snowcap Brand Regular 2 for 29j Sorry! Only 9 To A Customer TERRIFIC SAVING( • 9 FOR .0.12 . Galvanized Pails 69c Top Quality "Duro" Regular 89¢ •-.. Sori=fit, Two to a Customer Repeat Offeri Corn Brooms . • 5 -String Reg. $1.59 One To A 99c Customer EA. Brooder ulb 250 Watt .White Westinghouse For Chick & Pig Bicycles CCM JUNIOR, JUVENILE OR STANDARD Sorry, no trade-ins ;39.95 Light ulbs Westinghouse, Reg. 22¢ 25-40-60 watt FCiP 35c FLOP $1 WE CUT 25c Reg. 35 p Don't be locked out! Used Westinghouse R frigereltor 8 cu. ft. Sealed Unit -Good Shape No delivery! SPECIAL Sunbeam Mixer • with stand and bowl White -- Reg. $31.75 Limited quantity SALE 19.95 Major Appliances EACH UNiT FULLY. GUARANTEED '59 FRiGIDAiRE DELUXE 30" RANGE $249.00 Light, clock, timer, Regular $309.95, 2 only 21 CU, FT, CORONADO FREEZER ..., $349.95 735•Ib. cap., '59 model, Reg. ;459:95, 2 only '59 FRIGIDAIRE APARTM'T RANGE .. $149.95 4 -Burner, Regular $186.95, 2 only '58 FRIGIDAIRE 30" RANGE $249.00 Glass door, automatic, Reg. $309.95, 1 only FRIGIDAIRE .13 'CU. FT. PRIG. , $299.95 '58 Model, Reg. $379.95, 1 only FRIGIDAIRE CYCLAMATIC 10 FT,,$319.95 No defrosting, Deluxe, Reg. $429.95, 1 only FRIGIDAIRE, AUTOMATIC WASHER $249.95 Reg. $429.95; 1 only, new plus insfattafion Power Mowers 18" ROTARY 2 C' CLE, 2 i4.ls..;.,.,... ... $43.95 18" ROTARY 4.CYCLE ..:....,,,.,o,,.;,,.,,,,, $69.95 18" LAWN ROY, 2 H.P. ,.,,,,..... $44.88 Sorry, No Trade=ins at these prices. GE Steam and Electric Evenflow, Latest Model Regular $21.50 SALE '14,95 Coffield Washer Reconditioned .1.1.! Pump Long Skirt ' Tither ONLY SPECIAL Both Stores FRIDAY NIGHTS ONLY April 10 & 17 7 to 10 o'clock 2 ALL LTE aa[� Excluding Sale Articles, Of Course Other Greedy Rr ;r:uced Prices .FARMERS Compare these prices Buy nowt RARR WiRE SALE $8.95 4 pt. '6 Can. Heavy, 80 1'06 LIGHT BARB WIRE SALE $6,2$ 4 pt. 6 Canadian, 80 rods FROST FENCE, 84212 $1.29 Rod TAAtL POSTS, 7' ft., red, each 980 EVEREADY FENCE BATTERY, ea, $3.95 $59 Ironer Thor -- Used Short Time Worth $159.95 new This one's like new. SALE Wallpaper Sale ONE. DA,Y.ONLY - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Entire Stock 1/2 Price Subject To Stock on Hand -- Open All Day AlicClory Cook Stove Royal Charm, White, Frail Enamel Hiph Shelf, In Perfect Condition New $195.00 -- No Delivery . SAL E $69.00 Ladders Best Gracie Extension 20' SALE $18,95 24' SALE $22.95 28' .,SALE $2..6.95 30' SALE $28.95 32' SALE $30.95 36' SAL E $33.95 16' Push Up ..... $8,95 1" & 11/2" Pure Bristle Point Brushes Reg, $2.49 Set i49 One Set To A Customer -HARDWARE Phone 11' Own6r And Authorited healer DOM All Day Wentlesday ssi I kiS��� Closed All bay Monday Drysdale Hardware' Ltd. Nails 11/2 to 6" 15 Pound Kt..X14 C 1'iparel Ther ►os Pint "Bottle Reg, $1.I9 SALt 79' fear Custattiet" r Tipp 'Times-Atdvocat,r, A,pr.ii t. 191 P 1 4!: 3: IF !T'S OASN YOU NEED, DON'T LAY- CALL T.C.C. ON THE .PHONE,, TO AY t, Loans $1,50. to $2500. or more, "rake up to 30 mouths to repay on a wide selection of loan plans. Fast, courteous service. esss 148 THE SQUARE, PHONY 797 GODERICH, ONT. its a Sparton s r1 SOUND D�de _ to LOOK to Qualify TV featuring the new Sparton "Picture Perfect" chassis - gives you better reception, longer life at peak per• formance. "THE NIAGARA" 21" CONSOLE SPECIAL $269.95 With Trade -In In Working Condition EXETER'S ONLY SPARTON DEALER For Quality TV Service, Ask For Ted Prouty. Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER VIES REPQfE ir niers g En 501b. drums. and 5lb. b g:. [150115 Simazine` 5!JW€ increases corn yields with fewer cultivations Fisons pre -emergence herbicide, SiMAZINE 50W, kills weeds in the soil before they start competing with the tender young corn plants for nourishment. Only pre. emergence control kills weeds in this period when they do the most damage, and keeps The crop weed free right up to harvest time. Simazine also takes care of annual grasses in your corn. These are the reasons why Simazine SOW increases corn yields as much as .50%. Reduce or completely do away with laborious cultiva. tions. $ave your time for other important summer work. if you cultivate, do so to a reduced width, to avoid damaging the corn roots. This year apply Simazine 50W of planting time and forget weed problems for the season. Aprisultural��hemicels �'sons $D 4,RM/ ' !`•isens (Caeada) Limited, Agriculture! Chemicals Division 1843 buvenport Rd., Teronie 9, Ontario Also Marketed by Chipman Chemicals Lid„ Hamilton Melirreet "Simazin" is a trade mark eif the Geigy Chemkat Corpetatio i EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP PHONE 281 BESIbE CNR ST TI N CANN'S MILL LTD, PHONE t3S EXETER