HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-09, Page 877,1
Page .$ The Times -Advocate, April 9,, 1959
COP TWO TITLES—Exeter Bantams made an impressive showing in the bantam "C"
hockey trail this winter as they copped two championships in three tries. The local
.$quad won the WOAA Bantam "C" title and the Lucan Shamrock Hockey League
championship. The only attempt that caused them to face defeat was in the OMHA
semi-finals against. Blenheim. Pictured above, top row, left to right, are "Bunny" Ford
(coach), Mike Cushman, Fred Smith, Bob Broderick, Bob Schroeder, John Nagel and
Derry Boyle (coach). Bottom row, Don Cann (captain), Lester Heywood, Ricky Boyle,
Fred Lamb, Leslie Howard, Stan Lesnick, Peter McFalls, Billy Wright and Freddy
Wells. —Photo by Jack Doerr, Exeter
Last chance
for bowlers
With playoffs right around the
corner, teams in the Exeter
`lien's Bowling League will have
one last chance to grab a posi-
tion in the top six in each of
the ''A" and "B" groupings for
a crack at the top winnings.
Teams finishing lower than the
first six will automatically en-
gage in a consolation final.
Rockets of the "A" grouping
have clinched the choice spot
and will bowl the Wildcats or
Larry's Supertest for the grand
championship within the week.
Wildcats are only one point a-
head of the second place Super -
test entry who have been "hot-
ter-than-a-fireeracker" over the
past eight weeks.
Kingpins rolling .too!
Kingpins, who were lodged in
ninth place four weeks ago, have
shifted into high gear and are
presently comfortably holding
down fifth place in the stand-
Co-op and Edselaires, each tied
with 84 points, will have their
last fling for a place in the top
six this week as the GM's, who
are holding the sixth rung, have
m total of 86 points.
Pepsi's are the only team that
can dislodge one of the big six
!n the "A" group as they trail
the Big Six by two points for
sixth place.
Players turning in 700 or bet-
ter triples this week included
Larry Rumpel (Larry's Super -
test) 705; Stan Frayne (Big Six)
731, Lloyd Stewart (Red's Bil-
liards) 736, Lorne Haugh (Rock-
ets) 710 and Jack Coughlin (Pep-
si's) 705.
Three bowlers hit the select
"300" club. Ward Kraft of Lar-
ry's Supertest rolled 318; Cal
Wein of the Edselaires chalked
up a 311 game and G. Webb of
the Tip Toppers managed a 306..
Free bowling awards of the
week went to Ward Kraft for
his 318 single; Lloyd Stewart
for a 736 triple and to Ross
Haugh of the Rockets on the
hidden score basis.
Oz tops averages
Bob Osgood, since the start
of the bowling back in Septem-
ber, continues to pace the in-
dividual averages within the 24
teams with 238.
Len Thompson, who is a team-
mate of Osgood on the Wind-
mills, holds down second place
with 218. Jack Fuller of the Rock-
ets is third with 217 while Bob
Nicol (Fin Poppers) and Ray
Van Dorselaar (Red's Billiards)
share fourth with 215.
":1" LEI 5:
Tradesmen (E. Tiepwnnd 656) - 5
Pinpnppers (P. Sweet 647) 2
Big Six (S. Frayne. 731) _ 5
Pepsis (T. Coughlin 705)
Windmills (R. Wetttanfer 64n)
Silver Hawks (Default) n
Bed's Billiards (I.. Stewart 736) 5
111114/:en (R. Smith 600) 2
Butchers (G. Robinson 6113) 5
Spare,` (T. Fairhairn 6221 . __. 2
Rorke's (I.. Haugh 71111 -.... 5
C. Ftnilera : R, TWAT 571) _.. .,,.. 2
Rockets 112
'Windmills . 141
Red's Billiards .._ .. 12:1
Butchers _ .. -_,. -. 112
I:Cilkmen _ . 106
Big Six 1116
Pepsis .... 101
Tradesmen . 90
Spares ....., .- ... - i
Pinpoppers. 16
Crnmarty Rollers . . 77
Silver Hawks , ., .....
"n" IMAGE 171
0 ;n:,n
Imperials (I). )Tarrisnn 566) 5
Bankmonts (13. Harris 316) 2
Wildcats (F. PolvdCri 65(1)
r.'1I'8 (14 Carroll 36.1
Edcrlaires (C. Wein 602; ,. 5
Co -Op ((7. Hume r, ,0)
Kingpins (C. 'Radford 6(:7) _. 7
Dodgers (Default) ..._ 5
I.. Supertest(T.. Itumpel 705) -. 7
t"pstnrte (5). Melntnsh 654, n
Irippen Tigers (J. Triebner 604) 3
TIP ;Tippers I(4. Webb 666) _.. 2
Wildents 111; 40114
Larry's Supertest 1112 61161
1:'pstarte ... )9 64910
imperials ., s; 41222
Kingpins 52 65024
tY.1T'a• . _ _ 56 7,3951
Co -Op 64 71111
Erlstlaires Si 70201
Tip 1'nppera.................64 779311
Kippen Tigers 03 77106
Bankmnnts . 10 74451
>po(Ig•erit 60 72062
'r'll"E', ",20(1" ,Fi T It lGxl f t,t Tt
;Bob ()sgnna226
Len Thompson 216
Zack Fuller . _.... 217
BobStilrn! 15
Ray '4nn rtoraefaar • " 215
Brio ;Heywood -...212
("rocker . _.._ __._. 212
rap 'Fester- 21 1
F3. Wettlaufet — _w 210
T+orite Haugh --.t ___ - 205
W. T)avidson ttttt606
lriniY travett 205
Dort Wtlla ._ 204
Harold 7iolt2m n 205
Stan 1'r:cyne ._ .- ._ 201
Larry Tleldern)n .... 203
Lloyd Cushman 204
Chub 12dwards 202
T)rn T''alr1talrn 20;
.A. P15ltke 0"
DTiirray T rintnell-------2(11
(4enrg (i1rnn)r r1e0n:..
/M Smith -- ttttt 202
I Mohawks
l- Continued From Page 6
1 perately tried to form their gang-
ing attacks inside the Exeter
blueline but a sound defensive
pattern with consistent check-
ing the mainstay, the tribe hand-
' cuffed all attempts to score.
One of the nicest goals of the
night was scored by Mohawk
Gib Sabourin at 6:01 of the third
!period. Gib, who turned in one
1 of his best displays of the sea-
, son, Mole the puck off the stick
of a Chew player at centre ice to
race in on an unprotected Phi-
lipsburg netminder. He carried
right into the goalers' doorstep
and deked him out of position to
casually flip the disc into the
open side of the net. The goal
came when. Exeter was a man
short .and Philipsburg were
forming a serious attack.
Lanky Jim Russell added more
icing to the cake at 18:10 when
' he finished off a play with Hei-
t deman and Oberle by drilling a
high shot into the centre off the
net over the prostrate form of
John Reinhart. The Chev goaler
had previously stopped two shots
off the sticks of Heideman and
Oberle before he gave way to
Jim's scorcher.
Blueline brigade scare
Exeter finished the third pe-
riod with only one defenceman.
Bob White was smashed into the
boards midway through the sec-
ond period and had to retire.
Keith S t e p h e n, the blueline
basher who added a lot of spark
to the Mohawk, defensive setup,
missed the game because of a
chest injury. Al Rundle didn't
dress. So Glen Wiese was the
only regular defenceman in the
lineup. To fill the gap Heideman
played the point throughout the
game while Loader took an extra
shift to help out. "Red" was only
off the ice once in the final
fram e.
. Bill Pincombe, Gib Sabourin
and chunky Bob Gauthier
formed the second line for the
tribe and looked their best this
season. Glen Wiese also came
up with one of his better blue -
line efforts in the victory. Pin-
combe and Sabourin monopolized
the play when on the ice with.
their checking tactics while
Guathier set up offensive plays.
Chevs wins fourth game
Philipsburg Chevs prolonged
the series whenthey copped the
fourth game 7-4 in New Ham-
burg. It was a do-or-die effort
for the Chevs and they made the
best of it by skating the tribe
into the ice. Mohawks missed
the valuable service of Loader
When he arrived without skates.
Ron Phillips, Jim Pfaff and
Jerry Steffler paved the way to
victory, Phillips fired two goals
in the first period and his line -
mates added singles throughout
the contest, Don Heibein also
scored a pair while Roger Crane
added the other.
For the Mohawks, Bill Oberle
blinked the light twice while
,,111/Ill iIIIII1111011t1011111111111111111111,,r,,Ir111IIIIlnliltl1111nllllt111111111111tItIIP1,1111!11111, 1Ittltttttttttt11111111111111:
Dawn tavern
cops GB title
The Grand Bend Men's Bowl-
ing League climaxed the season
this week with Dawn Tavern de-
feating the Could Bees in the
finals for the championship.
The Grand Bend Ladies'
League are presently engaged
in the :semi-finals while the Park-
hill Ladies' League is winding
up their regular league schedule,
Tips and Downs _.., .. 2703
Harmony Girls _. , 2561
Leginnaires 2473
On Timers _.. -._ 2463
Lir ky Liz _,-..-_-._ .__..._ 15
f)umples _.-_ 56
Hula :Hoopers 52
Tinpred)rtables 42
Sputniks __-.-__ 38
Bird bogs _......_.» :1
Rock 'n rolls _ _..._ 16
Jim Russell and Gib Sabourin
notched singletons.
Club not going on
Even. if Exeter Mohawks had
received permission to enter the
OHA playdowns, it is doubtful
if they would have gone on, The
cost of keeping ice in the local
arena was at a considerably
high level while the Mohawk
club itself was short of players
due to the injury jinx.
Exeter A, Philipsburg 1
EXETER — Gonl, Dietrich:
defence, Wiese, 1Vhlte; cen-
tre, Oberle: vyingly, Itu, sell,
Louder; alternates, Heide-
man, Baynhnm, Gauthier.,
enhourin, Batten, Jim Mac-
Donald (sub goal),
hart : dere n. a e, Christner,
Vines: e r n t r r, Phitllps:
Wings, Stetfler, Pfaff: al-
te,rnates, Forler, McMillan,
Arnold., Ehrat, H e (h e i n,
Crone, 'Heldman, Pnetker,
Ahnntz, Hnnnn (mug goal).
First period.
1—Exeter, Leader
(Oberlc) -. . g:38
Penalties—Arnold (elbow -
Second. period
2—.Exeter, Loader
(Oherle, Russell) __ 9:19
3—Exeter, Oberle
(Louder, :Runnel`)
4—Philipsburg, Phillips
(Steftier, Ehrat) __ .15:44
5—Exeter Heideman _ 18:48
Penalties — R.unsell (trip-
ping) 5:47; Pfaff (slashing)
9:38; Chrlstner (holding)
10:00; McMillan (boarding)
!Third period
8—.Exeter, Sabourin -- 8101
:—:Exeter, Russell.
(Oberle, Heideman) 16:19
Penalties — McMillan
(booking) 1:48; Heideman
(tripping) 14123,
Dashwood Phone 8
AIIr I,IIIIIIIIIII111t111Ir11lrrlrllrlrlrl 1!1111,/„111111111,r1r1,"11111111,1,1/i1111ir1111,r1r11111111111rr1IIIIIII 1111 11111 !111111,111\
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Bantams win
Shamrock title
Exeter Bantams, under the
supervision of coach Derry Boyle,.
won their second championship
in three tries this year on. Mon-
day night in Lucan when they
thumped Lucan Gherkins 8-6 to
win the Shamrock Bantam
League title.
Exeter took the best -of -three
series in two straight games
after playing to a 5.5 tie in the
series opener.
Previous to the Shamrock
League finals, Exeter bad cop-
ped the Western Ontario Athle-
tic Association championship but
Lucan wins
— Continued Froin Page 6
period, the Lucan kids skated
Keene right into the ice. If it
hadn't been for some stellar net -
minding from Howard Stevenson,
the score may have been doubled,
Jerry Harrigan completed a
three-way play involving Barry
Black and Keith O'Neil at 13.05
to give the homesters a comfort-
able two -goal edge. Barry Black
added insult to abuse when he
angled a shot into the Keene net
off defending defenceman Bill
Renwick's skate,
Neil steady in goal
Thirteen - year - old Bill Neil
turned in a superlative sixty
minute effort for Lucan. The
young netminder, who actually is
in his last year of bantam, came
up with several keys saves, par-
ticularly in the first period. One
of his biggest of the night was
off centre Joe .Clancey who broke
right in on him from centre ice.
Fast scoring in Peterborough
Lucan did things the hard way
at Peterborough. Down 8-5 with
only two and one-half minutes to
go, they pumped home three
quickies to pull out a tie.
Norman Sceli:+was the hero of
this contest as he sank Keith
O'Neil's pass at 18.55 to tie up
the game. Keith O'Neil himself
got the scoring spree off on the
right foot with a goal at 17.20.
Hugh Conlin, wearing number 10
on his jersey, picked up an
unassisted marker at 18.15.
Jerry Harrigan produced the
"hat -trick" 'with earlier goals in
the game, while Norman Seeli
and Barry Black rapped in single-
Bill Renwick led Keene with
three goals. Joe Clancey and.
John Kindred bagged two apiece,
while Ray Scarlett scored one.
Every player on the Shamrock
hockey club gained equal praise
from Coach "Froggy" Freeman
as the only way Lucan won the
championship from Keene, was
through consistent teamwork
from every player on the club.
I4:I.ENE; — Goal, Stevenson: de-
fence, Bob O'Brien, David Nelson;
centre, Toe Clancey; wings, Ray
Scarlet, .loon Kindred: alternates.
Billy Renwick, Don Hawkes, Bill
Shearer, James O'Toole. Clary
Cory, John Shearer, John La -
Plante. ,Ian Edwards.
',DEAN — Goal, Bill Nell: de-
fence, Paul Conlin. Prank Egan;
centre, Barry Black; wings, Gerry
Harrigan. Norman Sceli; alter-
nates, Jne O'Neil, Keith O'Neil,
Gerald R. Kehl, Mike Murdy,
Hugh Conlin.
F1rNt period
1: Lucan, P. Conlin 4:07
2—Lucan. Joe O'Neil
(M. Murdy) . __ 2:21
3—Keene, Hawkes (Shearer( 10:59
4—Keene, O'Brien
(Clancey) 14:42
Second period
5-Lucan, Garry Revington
(P. Conlin, 'Egan) ___-.2:25
6—Keene, Scarlet.
(Kindred. Renwick) 12:3.4
7—Lucan, Keith O'Neil 19:13
Penalties—Scell (holding) 11:98;
Kindred (slashing) 15:59; Seel(
(elbowing) 18;58.
Third period
S—Lucan, Garry Harrigan
(Black, K. O'Neil) 13:01
9—Lucan. Black (Harrigan) 17:56
Penalties Sceli (tripping)
10:34; Renwick (slashing) 11:40;
Kindred (charging) 14;48: B.
O'Brien (elbowing) 16:30; Hawkes
(match misconduct) 16:30.
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With NeW Improved Spred Satin it's
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Spred Lustre, the ideal semi -gloss en-
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bowed to Bienheiln in the Ontario
Minor Hockey. Associatiolr semi-
First lint was .hot
Spearheading the Exeter of-
fensive drive was Exeter's first
line of Freddy Wells, Rickey
Boyle and Fred Lamb.. Bach of
the trio took time to fire two
goals apiece. Defenceman Lester
Heywood and. Mike Cushman
added single tallies,
Leading the Gherkins was
Garry Revington with three
goals, Bill Neil fired a pair while
Mike Murdy sank a third period
goal to round .out the Lucan at.
Exeter held a 3-1 first period
lead and came out on top of a
slim 6-5 margin at the end of
the second. They outscored the
homesters 2-1 in the final 20
minutes to wrap up the game
and, the championship.
Nzgftr f:R 8, LLC,:il:.(t
This Was The Big One:
111.TFi1 .-- Goal, Lesile Howard;
defence, Don Cann, Lester Hey-
wood; centre, :Ricky Boyle; wings,
Fred Wells, Fred Lamb; alter-
nates, Pete McFalls, Billy Wright,
Alike Cushman, Don Cooper, Stan
Lesnirk, Bob Schroeder, Bob
14'CAN --- Goal, Eddy Harrigan;
defence, Dale Hussey, Mike Mur-
dy; centre, Bill Nell; wings, Gary
Revington, Wart Neil; alternates,
Gordon Young. Terry Hickson,
Clary Hayter, Boger Black, Don
Around the
The Wings, coached by Art
Storey and Doug. Grayer, e-
merged i.s the winners of the
Exeter peehouseleagweeue Satu
hockerdyay morn•
It was a bard fought battle
between the Wings and Jets as
both teams ended a 20 -game
schedule in a tie for first place.
It was then decided to play a
two -game total goals to .count
In the first game the Jets
coaclted by Doug Allen and Ber-
nie Penner squeaked put a well
earned 6-5 victory to give then)
a one goal advantage.
Bill Allen and Larry Brintnell
came up with two goal perform-
ances for the Jets while singles
went to Dennis Hockey and Tom
For the 'Wings it was Bob Mc-
Donald with two with singles to
Ricky Schroeder, Ray Cockwell
and Larry Willert,
In the second game the Wings
walloped the Jets to the tune of
Bob McDonald came through
with the "hat trick" while
doubles were registered by Ricky
McDonald and Bob Storey, Ray
Cockwell rounded out the scor-
For the Jets, it was Billy Allen
with two goals while single tat-
- Please Turn To Page 13
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