HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-02, Page 18IS The. limes-AelYtaeatfe AprH 2e Clandeboye Comments MRS, 4. H. PATON Ike hater •**retort At St. James church eon Easter S unday the rector the Rev. J. P, Prest was Assisted by Mr. *tatiley Tornes, student at Huron College and member of St. James chore'', The junior choir iteng for the first time when over 50 communicants received com- munion. The flowers were placed by Mrs. H. Murless in memory of ber mother, Mrs. F. Harrison. The Good Friday service was well attended. At the Clandeboye United Church the Rev. E. J. Roulston, pastor conducted the Easter gervice with special Easter mu- sic. Easter lilies decorated the l▪ tar. personal items Mrs. Mervin Carter is spend- ing a few days this week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Waldren in Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing,: iSaren and Joan of Chatham spent the weekend with Mrs. Down-. ing's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al - mer Hendrie, The girls are spending the week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Paton en- tertained Saturday evening Mrs. Aileen Bielil, Veneta and Bob sef Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ted Logan and Myrna of Thorn - dale and Miss M. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manson of $irneoe visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Alvin Cunningham on Monday. Mrs, Omar Cunningham and lion Roy have been confined to bed with the flu. Miss Carole Cunningham, of Detroit, is spending the holiday week with her grandmother, Mrs. Omar Cunningham. Mrs, Wilmer Scott and infant daughter, Brenda Lee, returned borne on Tuesday from St, Joseph's Hospital. Mr, Murray Lewis and Linda, I !of Toronto, spent Monday in the village here. Elizabeth, Catherine and David Hill spent Monday with their grandmother. Mrs. Erwin Scott . while Miss Nancy Hill visited with her aunt, Mrs, Alan Scott. in Lucan. 'Miss !Mary Northgrave, o Lie ean. spent Sunday with her brother and sister. dr. William and Miss. Aggie Northgrave, The Bell Telephone Co. have been installing the :new dial tele - :phones on lines here but they will not be used till ,Tune 7 when the dial system and new numbers will be introduced. : Miss Mary Jane Hail of the staff •of Brantford Ontario School for the Blind is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hail. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter of Lansing, Mich. visited the for- mer's mother. Airs. Charlie Carter at the home .of his brother-, in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall, on Friday. CO.OP SEED There is only one answer to underinsurance jitters —face up to the problem once and for all, Your G.A. agent will be very happy to help you survey fire, burglary and liability hazards. Complete peace of mind can be arranged _much easier than you think. Let us $how you how to cut apprehension once and for ail. sisoselesetegireii ' AV; e** *P44 410/ P.hone TO? lonan. Si** A* 40111f. Liman and district news Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott F1&5 group hears artist Mrs. Daisy 13alley of Arva professional artist d instrue tress, was the guest speaker a the March meeting of the Lucai Home and School Associatioi held in the sehool auditoriun last Tuesday. Airs. Bailey, who was intro 'Tired gf snow, •T -A goes south r An Eleinfield .suhscriher Groups join for ,Easter the Exeter Times -Advocate was union Holy week services ' disappointed when she did not . •'h hegan with, the )ou w n She receive her copy for February sasses Sunday night continu 10. oreported her loss and on sionsay night en the Pent 1 i the incident evas forgotten until ,costal Holiness church -with t 1 last Wher ednesday when to h 1! Rev. Edgar Roulston as speake amazement the lost paper was lie took as his text, "And I if ,." found in her mail box. he lifted up. from the earth w i ITnfortunetely the paper cane draw all men unto me," Mr not report as to where It spent Jack. F,izenga, Miss Lorraii ge the last five weeks, but per- Graham and Miss Velma Itirtc . chance it too was so disgusted sang a trio. Members of tl • with the 1959 winter that it dee ocerr attended in a body. euled to spend a month in the 1 On Tuesday and Wednesda sunny south. • nights the meetings moved If so, it should have increased the United Church. On Tuesda the length of its visit for winter ,! night Rey. Fred Thomson spok . • returned with a vengeance the on the text, "And he was num 1. day after it arrived back, ; bered with the transgressor Medway euchre home of Mr. and Mrs, Carman '"" . • le and. ,. bebore the Sin of many an At a fourgable euchre at nigtfl the l nole,,rlot.ercession for the :Iran 14' ; the Rev. J P,Prest chose th s On Wednesday nigi- .11 ig' last A' . , following Members of the Med- : text, Watch and pray that ye e d 111 ed \1MS was held inthe church er- basement last Thursday with the he president, Mrs, Sheridan Tev- r. in the chair and Mrs. I Mrs. William Aylestock's group ill in charge of program and re- s. freshnlents. le Church activities Anglican Flowers in memory of the late Mrs. D A. Ashworth, Sirs. P. Cobleigh. and. Air; and Mrs. Wil- liam Martin termed a heeetiful setting for the Easter services in Holy Trinity church which began with a Holy Cemmenien service at .9 a.m. One of the ohurch's largest Easter attendance was present for the 11 o'elock service when hot h choirs prOVIded Specia1 musks Peter Prest and Bob Jackson assisted at the O'cloek communion and Peter Shipley and Frank Hardy at the 11 o'clock communion. WIAS meeting The March meeting of the Friday night, APril 3 and for the rummage :sale in. the parish hall :Saturday afternoon, April 4, All members .of the church are aSiced to .either, take their con, tribution .of good used clothing, games, toys and candy to the parish hall Friday night .or phone an AYPA member to arrange for a piek,up, Ponteepstal Holiness -church The Wookert's Auxiliary held its March meeting at the home • of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizenga - with Mrs. Graham in eharge. All other weekday services gave Way 'for the Holy Week services. At the Sunday inerreing service 'dueecl by Miss Line. Abbott user. • to illustrate. not only some of th intricacies but also the pleas ores an artist experiences in the O painting of a picture. Following her interesting talk she answerer questions and spoke briefly 01 sculpturing and ceramics. Stu also invited all present to at tend her exhibition to be helc in April at the Fred Landon Library in London. The school (mir, accompanied by Miss Bette Leake entertained with several numbers. Another highlight of the rneet• ing was an Easter hat parade staged by Grades 1. 2 and 3 girls and boys, most of whom modeled his or her own erea• tion made of colored paper. Maureen Smith, Jimmie Coughe ry, Nancy Hardy, Helen Lewis, .Timmy, Hickson, Joan Lewis, Joyce Rummell„Terry Freeman. Betty Anne Lewis, Donald. Fed- dar, Barbara Cooper, Bobby Arnold, Judy Kehl, Harold Her- bert and Carol Haskett partici- pated, Not even on Broadway, Easter Sunday wiJl ane sce such a conglomeration of color and style nor any happier litile models. The two commentators. Norma Davis and Carol Thorn: son drew a big hand of applause. The attendance cup went to Mr. Jule Desjardine's room. With the Trade and Hobby Fair scheduled for June 3, 4 and 5 there was a discussion as to 4 what money -making, scheme the H & S should adopt for its booth. , It was finally decided to dress a a doll in dollar bills and sell • tickets. a large 4'x2'personal paintin WA and Guild Mrs. Ernie Lewis was hostess on Thursday for the March meet -1 ing of the WA and Guild of St. James church with the presi- dent Mrs. Andy Carter presid- ing, who gave a pre -Easter mos- sage. Mrs. Ray Hodgins, Rev. Prest and Mrs. Ed Flynn as- ; sisted with the devotional per- iod. Airs. Ernie Lewis presided for the Guild meeting. During the business session the church sign was discussed again and gifts handed in for the bale which is to be sent to Rev. and Mrs. Robert Carson, Norway House, Manitoba, who lost all their belongings in a fire. JI was decided that the Guild serve coffee and sandwiches also doughnuts and apples at the farm sale of Mr. Karl O'Neil, April 8. •• Letter From 13rinsiey By MRS. CECIL ELLWOOD Personal items ' e Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barr an MissMargaret Crornby of To ronto were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Dixon and sons, Glen and Terry, spent the weekend with 'their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickering. Mrs. Lin Craven of Parkhill spent the weekend with her son, Wes Watson and Mrs. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Raeburn Steeper are the proud parents of a baby daughter born Thursday in St Joseph's Hos ital Mrs, Edgar Roulston led in the devotions. Mrs, 11, B, Lang - le ford, Mrs, C. C. Bradford, Mrs. B. Smith and Airs. John Park y assisted in the Easter message, 10Mrs. Gordon Banling a* the y Study book and with Airs, Ayle- c stock gave a temperance mes- sage. Mrs. Thomas Lee enter- s tained with an instrumental. d During -the business session $25 was voted for a life member - slip for a member to be chosen e later. Arrangements were made for another quilting in the church basement April 16, Letter From Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS • Easter communion was ob- served in St. Paul's Anglican • church Sunday morning. The choir rendered an Easter an them. Flowers were placed I the church by Miss Ethel Copc land. Mrs. Peler Dymond and the Ladies' Guild. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rodge visited on Sunday with Mrs Nathan Doupe, Stratford Gen eral Hospital. Mrs. Doupe, a for leer Kirkton resident, fell and broke her hip. Mr, and Mrs. Don Hewitt and family were Easter visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hiram Hanna. The Kirkton Teen Town were guests of Exeter Teen Town last Thursday evening. This Thurs day, April 2, Exeter Teen Town will be guests of Kirkton Teen Town in Aberdeen Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clarke and Gregory of Richmond Hill visited this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith. Miss Rosemary Smith returned home with them for the Easter holi- days. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Cowclry took Mildred to South Bay Mouth over the weekend. Mildred has been at home convalescing from a recent ear accident. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton from Si. Thomas are spending the Easter holidays at their home in Kirkton. Philip Blackler is spending the Easter holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Henry of London. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Blackwell, Terry and Michael of Newmarket were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lack Roundell, Mr. and Mrs, George McKnight of Cayuga were. Good Friday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Armstrong of Parkhill. UC Easter service Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carter of Lansing, Mich. were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fenton also calling on his mother, Mrs, Cora Carter, and sister, Mrs. Jim Hall and Mr. Hall of Clande- boye and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood. Mr. Otto Darling has been con- fined to his home with the flu. Mrs. Lin Craven of Parkhill visited with Mrs. Cecil Ellwood on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton and children spent Thursday evening e with Mr. and Mrs. George Prest. Miss Grace Trevethick of Lon- don spent Easter with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Treve- thick. Miss Betty Sholdice, RN, of London spent the holiday week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sholdiee. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon spent. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hughes of St. Marys. Mr. John Erwen of Strathroy and son called on Mr, and Mrs. George Mercer on Sunday. Celebrate birthday "The insurance Man" !HONE 24 EXETER Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fenton en- tertained in honor of their daugh- ter Gale's third birthday on Mon- day evening. Guests were her grandparents, Mr, and Airs. Harold Knapton of Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penton, also Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Fenton and family. Our forests are a perpetual as- set. 411.1111111/111S111111111111111111111111.11/0/111111/11MMthk. GRATTON CANAMAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES n r Easter service were held in Kirkton United church with the Easter message presented by the pastor, Rev. T. Elliott. Spe- eial music was provided by the junior end senior choire. way euchre club were the Judie enter not into temptation." Th winners: high score, Mrs. Grant choir providedspecial music an Hughes and Mr. W. J:Stanley; Mrs, Bert Thompson sang a consolation prizes, Mrs. Seymour solo. White and Mr. Earl Middleton, The last two services were and lone hand prizes, Mrs, evil. held in the Anglican church, liam McComb and Mr. Austin Rev. E, M. Cook preached from the text, "God spake unto the Bobbs. The next euchre wits be held fathers hv the prophets, but in Friday night, April 3, at the the latter day by his son", on home ef Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart. CGIT attend service For the worship part of last Thursday. Al the three hour Good Friday service alt four ministers of- ficiated, each 'reading the story of the crucifixion from the four Monday's CGIT meeting, the gospels and then in turn speak - members attended in a body the ing on the seven last sayings of the cross. Mrs, C. W. Hawkshaw, for many years organist of Holy Trinity church, presided at, the scrap hooks for the Sick Child- organ. renls Hospital during their craft Some remained for the full period. three. hours while many others Personal items were only able to attend part of Holy IN eek service at the Pente- costal Holiness church at 8 p.m. Priro to leaving for the ser- vice the girls completed their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter the service* of Detroit have returned home Easter in "eV' after spending a few days. with 1 Luean had a white Christmas the former's mother, Mrs. ,John and also a white Easter, Though Casey. the sun shone brightly the air Miss Marilyn Brownlee and was cold and chilly. However Miss Rose Revington were two some Lucanites, true to form, of those who tool: in Miss ! appeared in their new Easter Bacon's conducted tour to Newi finery: at the church services York over the long weekend. At least two Lucanites have received letters from Toronto saying their friends had heard on a radio broadcast of Mrs. but the majority still appeared in winter garb: As for the annual Main St Easter parade, during the after- noon, it was a flop. All were content to turn up the oil, turn Carling's early robins. That Ex- on the TV and sit comfortably eter paper does seem to get at home. around! Sunday guests with Mr. and Personal items Mrs. Wes Hodgins included Mrs. Easter guests with Mr. and Joe Hodgins and family of Owen , Mrs. Murray Abbott included Sound and Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mr, and Mrs. Billy Abbott and Tubb and family of Mitchell. family of Niagara Falls. Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strasser, Mrs. Jim Mugford of Port Credit of London, were Sunday guests ManedlodNylrosi LondonMadeline. e Moon and Sandra Abbott, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott returned to Scotland with Mr. and Mrs. Mugford for her Easter vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire and Mrs. Don Abbott and Janice with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Abbott for a week's visit at. Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickins, of London, were Wednesday guests of Mrs. Bob Coleman and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and family of Edgewood, Sunday Haskett and Mr. and Mrs. Cal- guests. vin Haskett. Dr. and Mrs. Len Lobsinger Mr. and Mrs. George P'aul and and familyiof Sarnia were Easter Randy are spending a few days guests of Mr. and Mrs. John with Mr. Paul's parents at La- Park - chute, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Reving- mr. Harold Whyte and family ton and family and Mr. and Mrs, moved to )3racebridge last Mon- Lyle Revington -and family at - day. tended a family reunion at the Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gagnon home of Mrs. Harry McFalls of and t il eani--Y' 01 Willowdale and London last Sunday, Miss Audrey Gagnon, of H.amil- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins ton were Easter visitors with spent Easter Sunday with Mrs, the Rev'. and Mrs. Fred Thorn- • Fred Davis and the latter at - sot:. tended the afternoon service at Rev. .A. AyIestock, of North St. Patrick's church, Saintsbury. Buxton, and Mr. Bryan Braith- Miss Doreen Garrett, daugh- Waite of Toronto spent Easter ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Gar - Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wit- rett appeared on TV London last ham Aylestock. Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Edwards, -, . . .. ............ .. . .. . ... London, were Sunday guests of New' Budget From Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Hovey. spent Easter Sueday with Mr, and Mrs: Frank Hovey of San nin. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Graham of London and Mr, Fred Arnie Cage were Good Friday guests Personal items of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Morley, Mr. Louie" Kilmer of Thames - Mrs. George Wilson has been ford spent last Sunday with Mr. engeged as teacher at the Eighth and Mrs. M. 0, smith. (Mrs, Line school for the corning year, Kilmer is on a trip to England.) Mrs- Robert Elston visited, in Mr, Neil Leckie of WaterlOo was (Vilna1 on Sunday, li '5 Wilma a Monday Yieitor, Iston is spending a few holi-; Mr. and Mrs, Den DoWns and. ays with her brother, Mr. Clare Mrs, Irene Courscy spent Good iston, Mrs. Elston and Janice prjaay and Saturday in Detroit, n London. the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Peed Easter visitors i Ferd and family. Mr. and Mrs, Jecle Pieltel and. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laidley Bobbie, St. Marys, and sir. Isar_ of Toronto were holiday guests vey Parkinson Kirkton, with with the latter's lancets, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piarkinson and Mrs., Roy Stanley, and Brenda, of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, bringing home Joey Hodgins who had spent the weekend with them at London and at their cot- tage at Port Franks, Mr. and Mrs, Einerson Hod- gins and family, of London, and Air. Victor Hodgins of Clande- boye were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummins and family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, jack Graham and fam- ily of Chatham were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Baseline By MRS, ARCHIE bEWAR 1 HOTSON ,.1Flowers for the occasion were 1-1 ' given b3t Mrs. Lorne Marehall, Phone 156 Grand Bend 11 Mrs. Herman Piaynter, The Mee I ,'phat Counts and the Sunday ' /0011411111S1 '''' I tt IffifilthOOSSIO tt I tt SMOOT. IF CA2H YOLLNEED, THEN DON'T DLAY- ' CALL T.C.C. ON- THE PI-10Iq,,TODAY I 14 .140.4? ledatie $150, to $2,500. or more, *rake up to SO ninths to repay Oft A Wicia teleetiett of loan plans. Vast, eteU±Leente service, • efteee...• 'eel:pee:see 141 ?NE*QUARE, PHONE W' 1100E111CH, ONt, TRANS CANADA COEDIT' ;;4 ":" ...tx‘ 4:',4*Or ei*"%g:. •"*444 I Mr. and Mrs, R. X, Mime ssr, and leers. Lloyd flatland geiviere and family Have moved and family, Glenville, Mr, and into their new home 611 11°6 Mrs. Erie VVestman and David, street. Lotidon, and Mr, Jack Nutt, St. I Bob Jackson, son of Mr. and Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. David Mil. Thomas Jackson Of Lon - Holland. :don, was a weekend guest of the Mr. and Mrs. \fermi Trott, Rev, end Mts. J, P. Prest, Joanne and Betty, Toronto, with Peter and Han% Mrs, Trott's parents, Mr, and Misses Holly and Bale Mar - Mrs. Archie Dewar. fin ofLoeclee and Widen) of Mr. Ninon meiswighten with Detroit were tester guests Of his millet, Mrs. Alex MeNaugh• Mr. and Mrs. T'. A. Hodgins, len Who Is Otlite 111 at the home Mr. and 1411' Jack Ste" of her daughter, Mr. end Mrs, family spent She holiday wccb- Melmegan Ilderten. ebIl ur 0ShaWal the 'guests of Mr, and Mrs, Inge Morrow, Mr.,)36 VialtPdt; London, with the iatt or, t*. Mrs.VY 0,,,voueres mitA, Mr, and Mrs, Otto Ram, On Dresden high Wool staff is Mr, John Minn, Wiiliani nd sending het. r'aStat. Va°ati6tt at Hower?) nM Miss Noreen Walk-sitesrtshsthlesoiste'le.„es ford, ore with Mr, Art Mint, Thames. —s`tye•turirt-4—"iitt.F07 tl'gr 1114 ; 111 vacation with Mr, and Mrs. Toth ono n(Hid most per- CtIlittrYk. P. Langford, or TO.1 Mallon!. or building stones, Is ronTO; efenet this heilititiv Weeketicil pro:401 almost every Canadian with her thother, Mrs, John 'Casey, AYPA The regular meeting of the Lucan-Clandeboye AYPA was held in the parish hall last Sun- day evening with the president Tom Tomes in the chair and Pat Egan, as chaplain, in charge of devotions. Arrangements were made for an AYPA Corporate Communion, April 26 at 8 a.m, to be followed by breakfast in the church basement, Rev. J, P. Prest reported re• ceiving another letter from the Rev. J, Langford of St. Mark's Church, London, setting April 12 as the date he and 15 of his AYPA members hoped to visit Luean, Considerable time was devoted to finalizing plans for the cone munity dance at the Legion Hall HOCKEY NEWS By CAPTAIN WARO HODGINS 'Phe Leprechauns played an exciting game with Lambeth on Thursday night when they came from behind in the third period to tie the score 4.4 in the best of three out of five series, The goals were scored by Larry Lewis (1), Roger Black (2),. Ernie O'Neill CIL At the present time the standing is one loss and one win. On Saturday in Goderieh they were bddly defeated by Ayr .with a score of 6-0. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradford who returned from visiting their son in California about a month ago, had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Engelke of Madison, Wis., who are the par- ents of their daughter-in-law in California. Mr, Sherman Ryan, father of Mrs, Pat Crudge, has been ser- iously ill in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal but Mrs. Crudge found him slightly improved when she visit- ed him on Sunday. Mr. Cecil Armitage, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital following an operation, was able to be brought home on Sunday. Miss Doris Wood of Oakville was guest of honor at a birth- day party last Friday .at the home of her sister, Mrs. Don Abbott. Among those from a i distance were Mr, and Mts. Lloyd Mugford of Port Credid Mrs. Ira Carling and Miss Muriel Carling spent the holiday weekend in Kincardine with Mr, And Mrs. Eimer Walpole and at- tended the funeral of Mr. Robert Walpole, 87, Alt% Everett Gagnon ,of Willow, dale played his trumpet and Miss. Audrey .Oagnon.ml Unites! Church A, large crowd .attenderl the =merlin service at the United Church :Goad Friday evening. A -communion set, donated by the .fainily of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Revington was. dedicated to their 'met -none also a ..chaliee presented by Mrs. T. D. Orme was dedicated to the memory of .03 her son, Air. Murray -Orme Wilo recently died, So large was the attendance at the Easter morning service that even with chairs in overY able space onne had to be turn, ed away. The choir provided .spectai MUSIC, 1 get, idt! 0;W HANDLING EXCLUSIVE EASY -RATIO STEERING... THE VERY NEXT THING TO A POWER SYSTEM! Just a light touch does it ... when you're at the wheel of a Chevy. Chevrolet puts hyper -efficient ball -races to work for you, rolling the effort right out of turning and parking. It's the world's most efficient steering principle . . . and it's yours, standard on Chevrolet. Turn in at your Chevrolet Order's today and try it for yourself. GO CA1Eik0a-r— FOR EXTRA VALUE! 6 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ShO llllllll lllllllllll llllllllllllllll hOhlhhh1111111h101111h10 Chevy's Got It! Snell Bros. Ltd, Phone 100 Exeter mmni llllllllllll W lllll InWnin lll MOWinitinutmWWWintInt lll ineWnwumffinnsinmimmumW1Ww and TRY US FOR PRE NEW eager to serve you! • ELECTRICAL WIRING • TV & RADIO REPAIR • OIL BURNER SERVICE HONE 1 4arty Et* 6111 Rowe NEXT TO Mt/NV(1; Our firm Is new but we've had many veers of expo- ietece in servieing. Give us a fry — you 'NeOmit be ells - appointed. WE'RE ExtTER's NEW DEALER FOR Spartott TV New 1954 Models Now In Steck sptcli. troltoDuctoRY oFrozu Beautiful "Nirogoe Metal contoitt model1tPleture-Perlett" e ONLY 289 95 AERIAL INSTALLATIONS FOR TV AND PM e et* Electiric