The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-02, Page 15What's now for '59 Happenings. In
BiddulphClsn -.
.eek larger b
fraise .-British diesel
for economyRtnsEor 4-H .clubs n district
ve neYer sold anything !hat's the Ntiffie, either."
bee:i so popular with my cus N.tcknantecl the ""Diefenb.aker
Can -
!Diners says Di dc. Jermyn ' Diese,'thecause it came to Can-
a time
WY -
proprietor of ;Exeter Farm. Equip- •from -Britain ampa gn,, Nl Feld
melt, about the Nuffield diesel offers tsvn types of diesel --the
tractor ile',§ featured during the three -cylinder 37 -BHP and the
past year. four -cylinder 56 .BHP.
After a ;full year's experience, The company claims the Nuffie
we find the service problems 3 will consume about five-eighths.
have been less than for .any ma- of a gallon of diesel fuel per
chine we have ever handled,' hour under average conditions,
he continued. as against it gallons of gas for
"Owners have reported some ordinary tractor of .equal horse-
arn z, ngly low costs in opera- l power rating..
Among the new machines be -
"Despite this severe winter, ing featured by Exeter Farm
none of the owners has reported Equipment this spring are a
the slightest troubleble. startingn
New Holland 401 hay crimper
which cuts drying time in half
and .a new Case 77 combine with '
larger capacity and simpler
tfg) I 0(29(9 elbQI73 O operation.
The new balers produced by
CO-OP floNew Holland .for 1959 have new
Q ,. flow -action and tractor seat eon•
nn trols. Flow -action principle elim-
ci ALF,rALFA inates old-fashioned auger and
{ wallboard, Strong aluminum tines
measure off exact amount of
distribute it throughout bale
CLOVERS ' chamber. New seat controls let
6 etre selected seeds f the operator handle .complete
David Elston is spending his
Easter holidays with his grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les .Gib-
son, Exeter.
{ 1Mr. Ern Hicks and Mrs. p'1s-
C.illa :Mack are both ill with, the
Mrs. .John Kuzmicb and sons
Karl .and Harold, of Brownsville
are spending ,some Easter holi-
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs., Karl Weiberg,
Guests: on Easter day with
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiberg were
111r. and A1rs. Tom Kooy and
Clayton of Ailsa Craig, lar. and
Mrs, Lorne Weiherg and family,
•of Centralia, also Mrs. John
mich and sons,
Karl arid Harold,
guests with
Mr. old Mrs. Jack Blair were
Mrs. Ellen Flanigan, Mr. and
Mrs. William .Hedley and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Anderson, all
of London.
Mrs, Jack Blair entertained
Misses Sheila and Wendy Elston
also Misses Judy, Bonnie, Robin
and Fay Anne Blair on Monday
afternoon in honor of her daugh-
ter, Geraldine's .eleventh birth -
6 baling operation without leaving
V the seat.
High quality standards in
the selection and cleaning of
CQ -OP SEED helps guaran-
tee top yield.
Only Ontario adapted varieties
are selected, They are then care-
fully tested to assure high ger-
mination. Cleaned by the most
modern seed cleaning machine-
ry, operated by experts, Co-op
Seeds ensure you of high seed
purity and low weed content.
No. 1 Alfalfa, No, 1 Red,
Clover and No. 1 Timothy
1S. lbs: to Acre — $6.60
Exeter District
Phone 287 Collect
proprietor of Exeter Farm Equip-
ment, says the Nuffield •diesel
tractors are the most popular
machines he's ever sold. The
British -built diesels have been
in this area a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Antos Warwick
of Port Huron spent Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair.
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Blair and
girls spent Sunday with the tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clark Fisher, Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston
were guests of F/O Davirl Broad-
bent, RCAF Centralia, on Sun
day morning and on Sunday eve-
ning they were guest of Cpl. and
Mrs. Don MacKay.
Mrs. Joseph Hodgins and fam-
ily of Owen Sound are spending
the Easter holidays with her
mother, Mrs. Jessie Lewis, also
i1r. and Mrs, Lloyd Johnston
and family of Ailsa Craig spent
the weekend with Mrs, Lewis.
Easter Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer were
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fischer and
Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp-
son and family and Lloyd Thomp-
son, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Vargo,
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake
and family, all of London, Mr.
and Mrs, Bi11 Fischer and girls
of. Dashwood and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd. Fischer and boys.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Gibson were Mr. and
Mrs, William Brown of Wind-
Miss Linda 'Smith is spending
her Easter holidays with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Campbell, Exeter.
Weekend visitors with their
••••w•••••••••••••• • • •.
•4,. ••
do more than dream .
• • ,•
DREAMING IS "OK" but it's much more
practical to plan profitable crops with
"Nlsw PRdcEss" SHUR-GAIN . the
fertilizer that provides greater plant
food value and guarantees worthwhile
savings in time and labour. Three years
ahead of the field with "NEW PROCESS",
SHUR-Gri1N is granular . . is the
original free-floodrag fertilizer . . is
backed by 40 years of fertilizer ex-
petietice. It has been proven, the fittest
fertilizer for your good earth, I.1ere's
why: When granular fertilizer is mixed
with the soil more of the phosphorus
in the fertilizer remains readily avail-
able to'go to work;, delivering greater
plant food value froth every ton.
PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN with its con-
trolled low moisture content, and
granular texture assures/me-flowing,
it drills well, and there's almost a eom- '
plete absence of dust. SHUR-GAIN
retains its smooth flowing consistency,
despite long storage, After using
SHUR..GAIN, equipment is easily acid.
quickly cleaned.
CEss" SHUR-GAIN, the fertilizer
scientifically processed to provide
greater plantfood value . , . guaranteed
handling ease.
Mahufactureri of
"New Process" SHUR.6Aii4 fertilizer
iorohto s' Chatham
lie 'flUZllzrt t
Officials are .hoping .for a
larger 4-11 program than ever
in. Huron County this year.
I "We hope to have some new
4-11 clubs organized and we hope
to reorganize all of the clubs
which were active in 1958."
states. Arthur S. Bolton, _asso-
ciate agricultural representative.
"We would like to see an in-
crease in the number of ntent- in each elub, particularly
those who had less :than 15 mem-
bers ."
Organin izatio1958n meeting for Ste-
phen 441 Calf club will be held
tonight — Thursday, April 2 —
in Crediton community
centre -
At least five clubs will be
' fertnecl ata meeting at SIIDHS
on Thursday, April 9. These
clubs include Exeter beef, dairy,
grain and corn and the South Hu-
ron 4.1-1 sugar beet club.
Calf club for Zurich district
was .formed Wednesday night in
the town hall there.
Date for the formation of the
South Huron 4-11 white bean
club — which won a number of
prizes at the Royal Winter Fair
last year -- will be announced
Other clubs may be formed if
sufficient interest is shown.
Bible are all boys and girls
who will be 12 years of age by
May 1 and who will not have
reached their twenty-first birth-
days by November 1.
"New members are Particular-
ly welcome," says Mr. Bolton.
"as 4.1.1 members are asked to
bring along any neighboring boys
or girls who may be interested
in nur 4-1-1 clubs."
"Parents are welcome to at-
tend this first meeting," he con-
tinued. "Their co-operation is
appreciated throughout the year.
At the organization meeting,
outline of the 1959 program will
be presented, along with films
and demonstrations on 441 work.
Each club will elect its execu-
tives, !!'time permits, and 4-H
materia! will be distributed,
Compete for swards
Again this year, Huron County
4-1-1 members will be competing
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
John Spaeek were Mr. and Mrs.
William Woodall and girls of
Windsor, Mr. Frank Gregus of
London, Mr. and Mrs. John
Gregus and daughter of London,
also Mr. and Mrs. Augus Gregus
spent Sunday with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ratko
and family of Toronto spent the
holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rolko.
Easter Sunday visitors with
their parents were Mr. and Mrs.'
Lorne Hodgins and family of
Lucan and Mr, and Mrs. Leonard
Smith and family.
The Sunshine group met at the
home of Mrs. Jack Coates • on
Tuesday. The afternoon was
spent in games and contests,
Mr, and Mrs, Ivan T. Need-
ham, Tlderton, accompanied by
Mrs. Garfield. Needham visited
on Tuesday evening with Mr, and
Mrs, M. H. Elston,
New Tractors
Help you farm
better, easier
for impressive silverware don•
ated by 414 program boosters.
Top award is the Elston Cardiff
citizenship trophy, won in 1958
by Don Hemingway, Brussels.
In Ltaborne township veteran
winner, Patsy Marshall, RR 1
Kirkton, .captured. C. S. Mac-
Naughton's award for the 'high-
est marks in the county. She k
the second girl to win the award
in the history of the program. '
4-H clubs study
land conservation
4-11 conservation clubs have
proved to be highly successful in
Waterloo County in Onts,rio.
The purpose of this relatively
new -type of club is to promote a
better understanding of the con-'
servation of soil and other natur-;
al resources; to study proper•
soil management; to develop and
foster leadership and Community
Each club member was re-
quired to seed and manage two
acres of forage crops, keep-
ing records on the progress and,
yield of the plot over the two
years, The members compared;
the one acre of forage made up,
of a regular mixture with that
of a complex mixture, noting'
which was the more successful
op their particular farm.
The members were also re-
quired to seed a small plot with
ten different legumes and grass-
es. In addition, they secured soil
• samples frond their plots, studied
recommended land use practices
and took pictures of the effects
of so erosion.
it .
Educational tow's to observe'
flood control programs, tree nur-
series and reforested areas form-'
ed an :important part of each
year's program. The planning
and building of 4-H displays,
dealing with some phase of con-
servation, has been a further
activity of the, clubs.
Tho Times'Advocats, April 2
1959 Pals 15
See New Farm
i e..
In: Action
At Your LQalImplement nt
4-H Club
Thursday, April 9
South Huron High School
at 8:30 p,m. Sharp
Boys and girls in Huron County between the ages of 12 and 21
are invited to join as many as three of the following clubs:
Exeter 4-H Grain Club
Exeter 4-H Beef Calf Club
Exeter 4-H Dairy Calf Club
Exeter 4-H Grain Corn Club
South, Huron 4-H Sugar Beet Club
Any other type of 4-H Club may be organized if there are 10 or
more members.
'This Nuffield Diesel
Is theAnswer....'
See The
New Holland
New Model 401 cuts hay drying time
in half!
1 4,
Case 77
'the best selling and moat Versatile
comblrte tee crops in telt erre
been Improved tit provide GREATER
TION, Let us show it fa you,.
says Garnet Hicks
prominent Usborne
"During my 30 years as a tractor owner, 1 have
been constantly looking for the right tractor for the
average 100 -acre size farm," says Mr. Hicks. "i: believe
that Nuffield has the answer with the 37 BHP diesel
because of its weight, adaptability for operation and
economy. In actual test, my diesel performed 3.5 hours
of heavy slugging work on only 27 gallons of fuel!"
Garnet Hicks is but one of many Nuffield own-
ers in this area who are singing the praises of the
British -built machine, Ask any of thein what they think
of it, We haven't had one complaint yet!
Save up to $200 a season!
NUFFIELD gives you two great diesels that really save you money—first on initial cost;
then on operating cost. Over a 500 -hour season, the Nuffield diesels save you tip to 000
over comparable gas tractors! Chbose from the NUFFIELD FOUR CYLINDER 56 BHP or
the NUFFIELD THREE CYLINDER 37 BHP, Both Nuffields have independent PTO and
Hydraulic Control.
Phone 508 2y D, Jermyn, Prop Exeter