HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-04-02, Page 7!MIN SA1,1, 3, TARA 3
Ira MAIN. S.kota on 4:9a1 13-12
3'14 I ,ger1f)4
ill ori ng ^- None.
Penalties ('nlctnatl 111 ming)
1,:23; M'1'1cj.th and thorn(' (hardy
Checking at centre ice) 1:15;
S haputa,t 11)041410q) 11:33.
Second pe!1(d
I- -Tara, Thorne
(1 ra.tyfnr(I) 10.1a
3---(I ara, Thorne _ - __ 11 :;' 11
Penalties Alahpat11 (tripping').
0:l5 Kennedy 110 min, miscon-
duct 1.2:511,
'third. Jterllyd
,3 Tara, Young' (Alexander) 4:11
4--11enaa11, Chapman _ — _ - 5.31
3--1I na,tll, l hFarquhar-..__...
tap-ntan 1 . 7:34
f, 1,len-tll •t'arlile
i'flelloaih) 11:12
Pollan les - ('hipcha'e (inlcr-
fererlt•e) 10:57.
i !Il - IlnitI, 14.ennedy; defence,
Harry Ateyatuhr, Nthe Klein;
turtre, (1eorg'e i.'nlotnan.; wings,
Bryan (ra%vfnVrl, 1401) Young; 01-
1ernii 1 's Bruce 'Thorne, 1;111 Price.
\\nyne Jlorrison, tun Kennedy,
;,ary 1McA1ullncl , Allan Sinclair,
.1.111P Alcl.ennan, .Keith Coleman.
•"1"4".”.n11MlftiMit11111I1,nlllllt1111n1111n111nnn111.11r11111111tI11,11U1n1111111111, ntn11111111111111n/111111111m,
There's Still Time
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T1snn,llnnnln,l„n,nnn11n 101,1M11nno,llnn,no,11111111o,M,11,n„1„n n,,,1no 11,1„n, Iti lt11111,11„1„I nn,11I'
Pee wees loss 2-1 in C ��mi-finals
after defeating Inst year's champions
District teams in the Goderkr•.h the score in the second, they still ale third period when Gary Parh:•Nt.:rl%1t F, .4°.Ht`;lal,k11' (I
Pee (Vee hockey tournament are trailed. a smooth -skating :Elmira oa nto l::tr4er 4)114nir(tc (*beaky a; -a
fade in their bid to pick up a club (9.7) in shots on goal. npesons ]jsideked of theloose netpuck afteri1llikethe (*beaky
1r,irr.t .11erlu
championship trophy. with a job to do in the final Cushman and Bob MacDonald 1._.1,;yPlPr, Pushrnan
Zi:xeter advanced into the semi- ,period the locals were flying bad \forked it into position. (Pa,sons)
finals before bowing 2.1 to .a right front the drop .of the puck Shorty Wildfong, coach of (r;. Pr4•nekwill)11s 1n. 40
hard .checking Forest entry. Pre- ;They outplayed Elmira for moat the Elmira .club, saw his son( Peual,les Fidler ((ripping;,
vious to the Forest defeat, the of the period although the shots Rodger, put his club right back i 7•i3•
locals had bombarded Chesley on goal doesn't pro' it Shooting into the gang just twomotiles sevn111 r1) 1
°- 1:ret. Pars
8-0 and had rung tip a victory t5y the Exeter si•
x was erratic at later when his bullet like drive scoring - None.
in a 2-2 tie with .Elmira by .the times but it was good enough to caromed into the net off the left ingP(nale$ en•bnr
:;nit; \\•addoltl•nralasl,hililing(l 0a3d-
shots -on -goal method, give them the edge for the game, goal post. De Vries (honking) 12.54,
Hensall and Tara battled to a The only time Exeter scented to However, after the tying mark 1'rhird period
3.3 draw but Tara was declared tire for a f ew seconds was er was scored, F2;,efer outplayed( ”- I';\PIer. Parsons
the winner w1) 11 outshot around the 12:00 minute mark Elmira the rest of the way to I ('llanman) __. _ _ 7:r
sin to upper hand in to shots- s- , I'a, sons, 7 4_
goal on -goal department. r \Plrr, t ualunan u1 11
I1ensall 13.12, when
toy o to when Elmira broke through for a ' the I d I tl l 1 , 'I -- 1:0Pr(r, { ushman
4 . _ .. . •
Couldn't crackBob Veitch opened the ,scoring i
E! L 5” f tl f' t Catch f'
Forest defence f
�xeler S amt. On • `` o,
• the "Young Can a d a Week” the net. r It took Exeter pee wees two!
Itightwinger Bob McDonald ,r ►eiic 11 ynnl, Neu llanulrns-
hockey tournament in 'Goderich periods to get clicking around 1 defenc•P tarry \\ inert, Jim Cars -
Tuesday afternoon when they played an important part in the Chesley net but when they eadden; eanCrP 1111<e /'nshman,
Cars -
came out on the short end of a setting slopped husky Bob the first tergal did, they made it plenty hot for nons;s' a)ItPI•na t PSk" Pole l'iP\•ries,
2-1 decision a, atnst Forest.Chesley goaltender Barry Rahn tioh 14er)onald, ',Larry Idle, rill
along the boards just inside the and company, I Allen, Hon Wright, Han t.ena-
J'he locals thew everything Elmira blueline and fed a short, ',;tan, Larry Brinlnell, Jack 4,10-:
they had at the Forest club in pass io Pete DeVries who in turn The locals slapped home six \(r•,
rte final period taut it wasn't j wasted little time in relaying 10 goals in the final stanza to .lit- 1
1 Q1t F:5 I - - Anal, nlMnmheld: (I P..
quite enough. Exeter held a wide linemate Bill. Allen coasting in erally coast to a lopsided 8-0 vie-, reni'e, N. Wilson, "'•Kenny: pen- ,
edge in territorial play but .a front of the net, Allen made no tory over a badly outplayed en- uP, 0 \\ ilsnr,; wings, ! l-?uar, l
stonewall defensive setupspark- Matheson: alt elnatPS, Jamieson,
p mistake,
fry from Chesley' hall, Pearson. Pryer, Thompson, 1
ed by Jim McKenny and Ken Exeter took the lead at 9:15 of Exeter threw 32 shots at Rahn \Ir•F1ckill, 1tcKella,, Forbes, Dunn.
Wilson upset the local attack, in the Chesley net and if it had- nM;NS+L1, [,nal, 1)a vid 'rallnr:
McKenny was the main thorn , n'1 been for his steady netmind- I rlofen-P, r,ruce Shirray, ('raig
in the side of the Exeter club ing, the score would have easily I `�!' ani)nur't1\i F,Paii�, (\ahiriP
all afternoon as he blocked more Shots on goal been doubled. Neil Hamilton in r:ti vnnd: alternates, taro 1'ar•-
shots than Bobby BloomfieldI the Exeter cage looked at a j (11,1, al tot ltoek. Keitt, 1la:v,
did in the Forest net. I1fcICenny I mere two shots, both from well t;t'ant \\'alkPr r+n c hiprhase,
made a key save for his club in oust H en sa I l out. 1,1Pnn hlarhurn (;corse. Taylor.
the last per.iod when Ile blocked' As far as the scoring was con- I I i'1u)t:+ - - (nal, 1<1aemer: de -
a two man Exeter break by 1 Tara advanced on Into the sec- cet•ned lanky centre Mike Cush E" -ii r)'nhackor, Soiling: oPntrP,
Sehtvindr twine flair-, r'ar. al
( 1 serer 1 uahntan - _ 11.29
1 r \Pact De Vries
for mica a 12: a o le 1)'s lr$ in (AnPtu 22.411
period when his tricky flip shot
S- .isxeter. 11 inert
C bounced over the shoulder o I (('usl,man, 14 to
F Neil iH ilt andintoo whip Chesley Penalties---Lenar'han ttrippi
Exeter Pee 1M1ees bowed from 4. tllinge, ttr,rnping) 14:22.
coming up with the puck with a and round of the "Young Canada min was the main thorn in the
beautiful defensive move, Week" hockey tournament at 1ori,atPs, ' \\ il(irong, Atarrinriald,
Forest took a 1-0 first period - Goderich when they outshot Hen- side of the Chesley six as he ; i cotµ„ : i l."(i;,agmal, inn, 1:uppel,
J'''"'"8 -
lead at 4:58 when McKenny I sail 13-12 after fighting to a 3-3 pumped home four seals and set
up two others. I,inemate Cary 1 /•
111,51.E r (nal, t:arr,Y P.ahn:
moved up fast to beat Neil :Ham- tie in regulation time. ((‘''''‘41
efine R. Gallin1er, .lira Minor-
jlton in the Exeter net. Maurice Down 3.0 in the third period, Parsons wasn't too far behind
Dunn made it 2-0 on a last min- Hensall made a sparkling come- as he fired a pair and engineered ( 11. r ria�l�1 �\P�aiPu,IrtIalPPc,Fid-
tlle rush in the second period back 4.o gain a hard earnt tie Jun -
two plays for Cushman. til: alt'rnates. Jiro Kaufman.
after Exeter swamped all around but fell one short on goal to Aggressive centre Peter De incl RPlilj�i De -
Ken rxaraoh t)tn ly;' i�hn
the Forest goal but couldn't force an extra period.
Vries found • the range at 12:40 Snti(h, Leslie ('Mien,
capitalize. Bruce Thorne was Tara's big of the third period to shoot the'
Centre Mike Cushman put Ex- gun with a pair of second period locals into a commanding 7.0
cl.er on the scoresheei al the goals, Rightwinger Bryan Craw. lead. Defenceman Larry Willett.
8:02 mark of the final frame ford sank the lone third period made an outstanding offensive
Defenceman Craig Chapman
blinked the light at 5:31 of the
third period for the initial Hen -
call. marker. Bill Farquhar fired
the second counter past Ricky
Kennedy in the Tara net at 7:34.
Bob Carlile finalized the I-len-
sa 11 marksmanship with his 11:12
goal after taking a pass from
Douglas McBeath.
Seven penalties were called
throughout the game. Hensall
was nicked for four while Tara
received two minors and a ten
minute misconduct.
when he pushed a loose puck be-
tween the .legs of Bloomfield.
The goal seemed to inspire the
club to greater heights but al-
though they held the puck in the
Forest end of the rink for most
of the period, they couldn't get
a good shot on the net.
Exeter players started into the
game slowly but everyone gave
it the "old college try". So the
2-1 setback certainly wasn't any
disgrace to the local entry,
Defeat champions
on shots on goal
Exeter Pee Wees gained the
right to enter into the "Young
Canada Week" semifinals for
the "C" championship Tuesday
afternoon when they edged past
a powerful Elmira entry on shots
on goal—(13-10)—after battling
to a 2-2 tic.
The locals did it the hard way
as they were down 1-0 to last
year's "C" champions at the end
of the first. Although they tied
Around the arena
I - Continued From Page 6
!Allen and Bernie, Penner and the
Wings are coachd by Art Storey
and Doug Grayer.
Both teams ended the regular
1 schedule in a tie for first place.
They will now play a two -game
total goals to count series start-
ing this Saturday for the cham-
Make sure you're getting full
value for your dollar. Examine
carefully the features and
workmanship of the set itself,
When you inquire about the
reputation of its maker, re-
member that every RCA Victor TV set is backed by the unparalleled engineering
skill of RCA — world leader in electronics.
it's time to
replace your
old set with,
Series TV
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✓ Striking new Styling
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PHONE 16 "City Frices# Next.Door Servicer
Junior Bowling
— Continued From Page 6
single with a 144 game while the
1 top double was rolled by Darlene
1 Snell at 265.
Intermediate girls' high single
and double was howled by Kay
Essery at 140 and -271. Daisies
and Starlets share first place
1 with 1.1 points while the Bobby
Sox have eight.
In the junior boys division. a
161 game took the high single for
Ron Cornish. The top double was
picked up' by Don Wright with
306. Dynamiters with 25 points,
set the pace in the eight team
loop. Hawks are five points back
in econrl.
Pin Busters hold a five point
edge over Red Billiard's Jr.
with 17 points in the intermediate
boys league.
Dale Turvey chalked up a 224
game for the high single honours
while Bob .tones topped the list
in the double department with
.11 VI(1R wint,S
Pony 'fails10
i<nockeindo tins .,_....- 1;
'who ('ares .-_ __ _.-.. 0
Blemettee 4
Hot Dogs _ .. _
1N'l'F n,nCro1A'1'P; (11111,5
haisfea .. 11
Bobby Sox 8
Dynamiters 15
Hawks 20
Belly Buttons ._...__.. 10
Fire trackers ______ 17
Wildcats _ .___..- 14
'6e -Bops -.__.--.___..-___-_ _ . 12
Pirates __-. In
Rockets __.....,_..__. .. 9
1N'141111N.ED1:A'I'Ii 1101'5
Red's Billiards ;1r, . . _ .
1lley Rats _
Cannon Balls ________
Silver :l-tawks _ --
Ladies' bowling
•- Continued. From Page 6
Mary Cronyn (Whatnots) 613.
u, 1 F 1.('1. 1,1
litnsy Lees (\1. Itldwards 005) 5
Nita 1-la,tl,a (14. Sangster 0171 2
PM Poppet! es (11 r neer 00) - 7
Ritteretips (K. Stapleton 25) . n
he -Bops (C. Heideman 004) _
Cps fi. Downs (S. 'htpfer :inn) . 2
Alley Cats (\4, Westlake 570) 0
Wee Hopes (C Sweflrer 070) 7
-Happy (leis (0, Diet:; 0151 . 7
('risky Six (14 tones 310) 0
Whet Not (4 (07 Cronyn 0121 1
Mighty Alice (V, Wnrtn 1901) ..- 3
HAPPY Gals _
Pin Pnppett-0a
\\dee Hopes
T;usy tees .. _
l'es 10 fnwns .. .. , .... _ . ..
Wile r Net9
1Hey rats
Pot tetri111s• .
Frisky SIS - ....._ .
3l(a Ha w108
Mighty Mice _ . _._...
4•11" 1,14.1 IN 1 1,1'
flntveltas (1). erapee 10).
Spot nII<a (F:. rad ,:1:11 .
Lollipops (,1. 'Lipper! i 3)
Merry Maids ((,, Fereotha 40:11 2
Jolly Six (1. Simmons 502)
Pills (P, 'Hunt er- 0711 71
Flanrlirappera (\ Green 317)
14ot Dogs (II, Tiernan 5151
101.1.JIA11ts ('1'. 'I honlpann 301:) r,
11,hr) Cayes (t%, ,tory 5.0:41 Y
rtsllttles (a. Smith 0'101
.lolly J1110 (A, l,tt.\\•inn 502)' li
f(110 1144 l4U Fr
tk'hle _: _........ 22
Hlntyefreti _.,..----.___ 10
((illy ,hilt; _ 10
Fla.niltcappfr( w .,
T'111a 10
:\t4iri'y ltal(la - t5
,folly ';Ix
\rhe) Carts(
move at the 14:10 mark of the
final period when he rifled a
drive into the lower right hand.
corner of the net on a superla-
tive power play.
J OR1,S'1' 2, F1SP:'I'1,n 1
lel ref period
1 --Forest, \irlie)lny
111o0;ek1111 4:55
PenalliPa -Wilson (body check-
ing' at centre ice) 9;25,
Second period
2 -Forest, Dunn
Wilson) 14:00
Penalties .--- Matheson (tripping')'
Third period
3--Flxelet% Cushman _ 0:02
r'enaltiP0 —. r)unn 1roughing)
2: :Io -:l1 2, FILM] F1A 9
Rseter Winn Sbote On (:oat .13-10
leirr1t period
l--Famirn. \'ritrh
10, Sell wind)) 12:55
Penalties -• F'arr thoardingl '
0:15: De Vries (tripping') 10.223;
Brtntnen (tripping) 12;35; \'eitr'h
(slashing) 14;40.
Second period
2-141xere,. Allen
(1e Vries, 1Iaellnnall1 )
Penalties - None.
'1'hlyd. period
3—Exeter. Parsons
(Cushman. 1lacDonalrl)
4-01ntira \rildfnn;
- 9:15 !
(Scl)tvinrlt - 11:17
Penalties Seilin.^,• (hnnkin=•)
2:07: Farr (10 min. m.isconrluct1
+2:'23; (;lover (Interference) 10:51;1
Cushman (slashing) 13::1.
.The •Timee•Advocete, April 1959 Pas!
o1111111teltIMJIn(nO Mltrot)lillinut I, l o IUt.itiM14 nIIIlntaloi,61nnni boil unntlt,l(11nt1tiumUtno
Custom Chest Freezer
Stores 525 lbs, of food
light -, 5 -year warranty
ment, Regular $379.95.
April Special
Lid -mounted interior
°-'.'s Fast -Freeze Compart-
$309.9 5
TV, Radio & Appliance Service By Ted Prouty
Beavers Hardware
Phone 86
Terrific Buys!
Space Savers
Kitchen Suites
All Lamps
20% Off
Tieman's F
Stan Frayne's Fifth Anniversary April 2 to
Appreciation Week
Ladies' First Quality
51 Gauge
PAIR 69c
Ankle Sox, Panties
Lots of Bargain Buys
1, Sheffield Carving Set
With t Steak Knives
2, 6 Steak Knives
3. SOI(fd Set
On this, our fifth birthday, we'd like to say sincere thanks to our kind customers for
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ure working with you. We invite you to take advantage of these Anniversary Bargains:
Orange Pekoe Tea
McCormick's Sodas
Sockeye Salmon
Ballet Toilet Tissue WHITE
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Quaker Corn Flakes
Quart Eottles Plus Deposit
Kist Ginger Ale 2-21c
Big Half -Gallons
Bisset's Ice Cream 894
Camay Soap 4 SARs 41
Burns' Wieners LE, 45c
Burns' Bologna L8.35c
1D -Oz,
ERE E YO -yo
1'z -L8.
Le. 31c
1/z LB.
2 L15. 29c
Oranges 138'5
Potatoes N ,1
9S•L13. SAG 1.59
Phone 301
North Exeter