HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-26, Page 18Page 1$. The Times -Advocate, March 26r xR A PRESENT "WM WHITE" ----"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" was one of the principal productions staged by Exeter*Figure Skating Club at their annut:l carnival Saturday night. Above, Snow White and Prince ('harming are surrounded by pretty flowers; bottom row, from left, Nancy Brady, l)cx•lene Snell, Sheryl Ailey, Wendy Robertson; top row, Geordie Laughton, Catherine Waldron, Susan Bailey, Eleanor Stanlake. —T -A Photo FROLIC DRAWS LARGE CROWD—A large audience applauded the "Ice Frolic '59" production staged by Exeter Figure Skating (.'lub Saturday night in the local arena. Members are seen here in a ballet number during the "Sky Fantasy" portion of the progra.m. A group of "marsmen' provided comedy with imitation ballet and a hockey game using a hula hoop puck. —T -A Photo Combine fantasy, fairy tale into colorf-�21 sk show Exeter Figure Skating Club i blended a popular fairy story with a modernistic fantasy about the heavens to produce a color-' ful, picturesque "Ice Frolic for '59" Saturday night. The club's annual carnival at -I tracted a crowd of 400 who braved cold blasts on the first ° evening of spring to applaud the local amateurs presenting their , first show without outside assis- tance. Colorful costumes and popular. songs featured the frolic which' portrayed "Snow White and the Seven. Dwarfs" and "Sky Fan-' tasy," Fairy tale attractive 1 Young skaters in attractive costumes representing tree,s, flowers. bunnies. hamhies, a chipmunk and a bat highlighted the fairy tale production. Darlene Snell portrayed Snow White and her Prince Charming was Sheryl Ailey. Substitutingas rpiern for Xan- dra Busche, who became ill the morning of the show, were Miss Slade and Lois Denham. Richard Laughton was the convincing bat who accompanied the wicked queen. i Diminutive .Turfy F'tcy per- formed an appealing chipmunk • number and dnvec Terri Laugh- ton and Jennifer ;Jackson drew applause for their duet. Five solos in fantasy In the "Sky Fantasy" produe• tion, the five sale numbers in- cluded .Tail Hyatt, skating a strong "lightning«; Anne line - key, the "Purple Penple Eater'; Pat Tinline, "Pnlari:''; Lois Denham, ballet, and Miss Slade, who climaxed the production `with her -Moon t;nrldess" num• her. Tn thi; T,',t"in`t, trso, the two members rd the !flea' club from Londr.n, .Till Tlraft and Kris Den. Local male skaters joined the cast for the first time to provide pairs skating and a group of clumsy old "men from mars" contributed the comedy number. The show was the last to. be presented here by Miss Pat Slade, the club's instructor, who has indicated she will not return next. season. She was presented with a gift on behalf of the mem- bers by Janet McDowell. Miss Slade provided the skat- ing highlights of the show. A group of the club's senior ska- ters shared solo roles. and a rear (ooding door foo.`flr$tfuprYfdrtd sdE� J velk swagen can 60ybur c1eli. 1'y vasl ;Iq delvers mare, on, tete tinsel 4y .a;i.‘fv+t t+rair li, space only i3 :inch'esil;ter `! 14!e 1 1 davta Goods crates, maahinery, electrrcol Etre rent service Coast tb CO*sI or v'irlp ' 8ryfrr�I' lis,l(rd`rr'rcYtx16cn' • • 1t c'nr,s Dep.:v i %L. Mm;µ People who know ore turning ro Volk vise„ VOLKSWAGEN+, Golden Mile. 1`f`rt53 G .1 Hunter-Duvar dal. Sons Ltd: ' Mini Sfret l belie CREDI.ToN NEWS Grandmothers guests. of W.om... en"s Institt.i te Roll call was answered by , Mrs. Larry Cann and daughter naming games of pioneer days Patricia of Alliston spent the when the Women's 'Institute held i weekend with Mrs. Cann's par - Grandmother's meeting in the' encs, Mr. and 1\lrs. Wilfrid Mack.' Community Centre last Wednes Mrs. Wesley Wein who fell on day, 1the ice and fractured her arm President Mrs. Edward Lam-' and spent a few days in South. port presided for business when iluron Hospital, is now spend- rneeting decided to again holdLing some time at the home of public speaking and spellmmg con- her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- tests in co-operation with t'he' don Stone of 'Whom. local schools. It was decided to! Mr. Wesley Wein, who return - hold April meeting on April 22.. ed recently from London hospital Topic "ibis is Grandmothers'is convalescing in South Huron Age' was discussed by Mrs, R. I kiospital. Molitor who also presided for ! Mrs. Edwin. Beaver returned program when Miss Ella Link to her home on Sunday after of Exeter gave an interesting spending some weeks in South history of the Either family. Huron Hospital. A reading was given by Mrs.' Lorne Finkbeiner and solos were sung by Mrs. Lorne Preszcator and by Dennis Lamport. Evening *hostesses were Mrs. Molitor, Mrs. L. Finkbeiner, Mrs. H, Schenk, Mrs, E. K. Mrs. Ro Finkberner ham, skated together in a .roc• ket number and. Pat Tinline and Anne Hockey presented another duet as "Moon Maids." Pat Tinline and Bev Irwin, Jill Myatt and Lloyd Moore skated a waltz and tango. The comedians, dressed - in clown suits and mop wigs, in. eluded the president of the club, Derry Boyle; Larry Heideman, Bill Musser, Harold Preszcator, Murray Brin(nell, Jim Hennes- sey, Bev Irwin and Lloyd Moore, List of skaters Skaters in the production num- bers in "Snow White" included: Trees — Lynn Lesnick, Lynda Perry, Marilyn Pirelli. Susan El- lis, Donna Murphy, Donna .Per. ry, Penny Preszcator, Lynn Page Sharon Kelly, Susan Kelly, Lor- raine Robertson, Barbara Jan- ke, Cathy Corbett, Mary Cor- bett. Bunnies — Brenda I3rintnell, Lois Ann Porter, Mary Wilson, Patricia Lesnick, Florence Col -1 ton, Janet McDowell, Judy Hor- t cell, Patricia Snell, Elizabeth Mickle. Seven Dwarfs — Anne Hockey, Pat Tinline, Gail Waldron, Mar- gie May, Lilly Myatt, Lois Den- ham, Ann Fairbairn. Flowers — Eleanor Stanlake, Nancy Brady, Catherine Wal- rdron, Georgie Laughton, Wendy Robertson, Susan Bailey. 13amhies — Bonnie Dempster, Debbie Johnston, Sharon Dove, Debbie Dean, Roberta Grassick, Linda Lowry, Judy Lesnick, Jo- anne Whilsmith, Ann Marie Hon re]], In "Sky Fantasy," numbers (he participants were: Air Hostesses -- Terri Laugh- ton, Lynn Page, Penny Preszca• tor; Jennifer Jackson, Susan El- lis, Lynn Lesnick, Linda Terry, Donna Perry, Sharon Kelly, Su- san Kelly. Donna Murphy, Mari- lyn Piroth, Lorraine Robertson Margie May, Barbara Janke, Mary Corbett, Cathy Corbett, Gail Waldron. Ballet — Lynn Lesnick, Linda Perry, Marilyn Piroth, Susan Ellis, Donna Murphy, Donna Perry, Penny Preszcator, Lynn Page, Sharon Kelly, Susan Kel- ly, Lorraine Robertson, Margie May, Barbara Janke, Cathy Cor, belt and Mary Corbett, ,lets Ann Fairbairn, Anne Hockey. Gail Waldron, 3111 Hy- att, ,Jennifer .Iackson, Sheryl Ailey, Pat Tinline, Terri Laugh- ton, Lois Denham, Pat Slade and Darlene Snell. FO Bob Perry was roaster of eereinonies and S/L and MrS. W. Tinline were in charge of the tnusie. Exe:er Giti Guides sold programs and Mrs. H. Preszca for and Mrs. L, Estey looked after costumes, Officers of the club include: "tars C. V. Laughton, pass, pit. siden,t; Mrs, R. i). Grassick, vice-president; Mrs. L. Estey, secretary,. Mrs. 1t Preszcator, treasurer;:Mrs, M, l3rintnell, S/L W. Tinline, Larry Heide- man, Mrs, G 'Robertson and Mrs. 15. Snclgrove, all direct. Lora, Fahrner, y and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport. Soap and pins donated On Saturday the United Church Mission Band held its March tea party to which parents and friends were invited, Joan Eng- land and Carolyn Glanville were in charge of the worship serv- ice. An enjoyable program was put on by the children. Guest speak- er, Mrs. R. S. Hiltz, gave an in- teresting talk on missionary work and displayed articles she received from missionaries a- round the world. Members of. the Mission Band brought in and donated 14 bars of soap and six cards of safety pins to be given to the Woman's Auxiliary to complete the lay- ettes they are making. Following the program the children served tea to . their guests. Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Russell Clark of Detroit visited on Saturday with the former's father, Mr. Francis Clark, who accompanied them to Detroit where he will spend the next few weeks. F/L and Mrs. R. W. Palmer and daughters of Brighton are visiting with Mrs, Palmer's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner, Rev. Calvin Fahrner of South Cayuga visited during the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fahrner. Dr. Frederick Morlock and son, Scott, of Kitchener visited during the weekend with Dr. Morlock's grandmother, Mrs. John Morlock. News From North Bosanquet Personal items Messrs. James Van Praet and Frank Cabak of London visited Mr. and .Mrs, F. Van Pract and family of the New Venice Farm on Sunday. .11r. Oscar Nordstrom of the Haig Tarin is in the doctor's care. Mr. ,toe Frost of St. Catharines visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bur, ley Jr, and family and Mrs. Burley Sr, on Sunday, Mr. Graham Romphf and Miss Rota of Arkona visited relatives in the vicinity on. Sunday. Mrs. Maurice Desjardine is em- ployed at the army camp. Morkin Bros, contractors of Lucan have their shovel down off the mats on the south side of Lake Smith, when employed on the Lake Smith drainage scheme. Two pole bridges over the Art - sable in the Pinery are being re- placed by galvanized culverts lOx16 feet. A. large quantity of fill will be required. A. steel watchtower is being constructed for spotting fires. Guernsey Kim- merl,y, of Port Franks, will be the watchman. By PL JIM SWEITZER and PL DOUG HODGSON Although the Exeter "A" Troop has two experienced Scout lead- ers, It could not get along with- out the assistance of the group committee. The group committee includes chairman A. J, Sweitzer, secre- tary Ross Taylor, treasurer Jack Pryde, Gerald Godbolt, Douglas 11redlake, ,Tack Delbridge, Jack Futcher and the newest addition, William Johnston, The group committee is the link between the sponsoring body, which is the Lions Club, and the Exeter troop. Some ' of the duties of the group committee are: to register the troop annually and to renew the charter; 'to assume respons- ibility for all troop property; to assist Scouters in preparation for camps and other special events and to approve arrange- ments and budgets; to prepare and submit to the district coup• cil and the sponsors an annual report covering the activities of the troop; to ensure that due emphasis is given to the relig- ious aspects of Scouting in the conduct of the life of the troop. We are thankful to this group of men and the work that they are doing. At the present time there is a campaign going on to enlarge and complete the Scout hall. This takes money; have you made your donation to this worthy cause? ,, u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,,,,,, O„,,,,,,,,,,,,11111111111111111111 Garage Sunday And Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Rumpel's Supertest Nature perfect food! Ifealttl costs less when you get it through milk. Get the milk habit for pep, energy and vitality, MN' Hurondale Dairy HENSALL We have been services of SERVICE Radio and Appliances fortunate in securing the expert TED PROUTY to manage our Television and Appliance Service, Mr. Prouty is a trained TV technician, having graduated from De Vry Technical Institute, Chicago, Ill,, and will personally guarantee to give our customers top quality service and satisfaction. Beavers Hardware PHONE 86 EXETER Heinz Ketchup "— b°",• Ads etre news--sonietrines big tows, Read T -A ads every week, Niblets Corn abob Coffee Sodas Green Giant 14 -oz. tins REDPATH GRANULATED SUGAR 5 -LB, BAG 1O -LB. BAG 45c 87c FROZEN FOODS Birds' Eye French Cut Fancy Green Beans TKO, 2,5c Sunshine Fancy Peas Poly - 2.Ih. bag Sunshine Fancy Sliced 57c ld•oz pkg. Strawberries 1S -OZ. FKt3. 35c s PHONE 532 All purpose grind So off 1•ib. bag McCormick's Plain, Salted or Saltines Ib. Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE Swift's Premium CHEESE SLICES Alien's Fancy Quality APPLESAUCE . . Quaker Lg. '12 -oz. pkg. CORN FLAKES Royal— 7 Varieties— Deal Prices . • .. . INSTANT PUDDINGS 50 Off Deal — 100's KADANA TEA BAGS Kids! Get your Crystal Radio for $2.00 33` 69c 31 c 48•oz. tin • . 29c B per package . . 2P 20 -oz. tins • 2 FOR 33c -With Free Vo•Vo . 254 2 FOR :21 SQUIRREL PEANUT BUTTER Choice Tender GARDEN PATCH PEAS 2 Monarch 17 -oz, pkg. PIE CRUST MIX . 79c 16 -oz. 35c 15•oz. tins FDR 294 25c Market FREE DELIVERY Open Saturday Evenings Until 10 O'clock • Maple Leaf Tendersweet Party Style, Fully Cooked, Shankless HAMS 691, Cry -o -vac 4-6 Ib. SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF HAMS * Picnic * Buffet * Boneless Turkey Broilers Fresh Grade "A" 4.8 Ib. 43Fh Devon Rindless Sweet Smoked Bacon LB, 5 5c Devon Skinless — Ib. box Sausage 394 PRODUCE New Tender Cabbage 2 LEIS. 15c Crisp ,Green Head -- 30'S Lettuce 2 HCADS 29c Golden Ripe Bananas Sunkist lie's Lemons 2 LEE, 294 5 FOR 19c Ocean sprayWhore Cranberry Sauce i5°Dt, `ltd 26