HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-26, Page 16r4,731S Th a Tirnes•AdvOcate, March 26, 1959
Phone 109 Wean
and district news
Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott
Hear active 'Present Pickles
IWI res
octogenarianIwith sales award i
At a St. Patrick's Day ban- ' new .prorects
. .
The Anglican Alen's Club held, /Vet sponsored .1).•Y the Aleteor1 "Nature never spoils her work
pa. I a‘nd 'Mercury division of the Ford
* successful meeting in the by being in a hurry," was the
Gish hall last Wednesday eve„ , Co. and held in the Royal York'
motto for the Agriculture and
Hotel, Toronto. Tom Pickles of
Ong with the newly appointed ' , Canadian Industries meetinghelodf
president, Erwin Scott. presid• , the Lucan Atotor Sales. for the
wo_ the Lucan \VI which was
ing and Ken Clarke at the piano. seemid consecutive year, " in the Community -Memorial
e ales -,
Jack Aturdy led inthe dethsmanship award for the
votians ' Centre last Thursday afternoon
assisted bRoscoe Hodgins ,
; highest sales in South-western '
y , 1
The president introduced the ; Ontario. Twenty members answered the
roll call by, naming the plant
guest speaker, Mr. Reginald ; His awards included a $1.(10 „,„„„ in
Hudson, an octogenarian from Certificate, a polaroid camera, —•":"—"" "'"" ---"
growing and by telling the secret
London Township. Mr. Hudson ! a carving set and a diamond t I.
aL aer es
has been well known to Holy Tri-; ring. succS.
nity rectors as far hack as the In the absence of the presi-
old church. In his talk he said II : dent, Mrs. Wes Hodgins. the first
he knew seven generations of LI ghts gown, , vice-president, Mrs. C. H. George
Armitages including Dr. Ram-,
• presided.
sey Armitage and . Archdeacon Airs, George Paul reported
Armitage of Halifax. 1 g 1 r I burned that the leather for the making
He cited many happy expo,' of the Tweedsmuir Book cover
riences with Liman rectors, He ' Linda Hodgins, four-year-old had been secured and was now
told jokes, repeated readings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- in the hands of Mrs. Irving Gib -
and accompanied the last hymn Ilam Hodgins, is a patient th St. ism' •
on the piano. April 7 at 9 a.m. was the date
Joseph's Hospital, London, suf- ' and time set for the tour to the
Other numbers on the pro-
gram were tap dances by Anne fering from burns on her right H e s p 1 e r woolen mills, Mrs.
DorisCulbert d :George Paul and and Mrs. Erle
dian numbers by Larry Lewis. Last Manday morning she was , Young were named a commit -
Messrs. George Mitchell and alone in the kitchen while her i lee to make the necessary ar-
Stanley Scott, two electricians, mother was dressing the other irangernents.
were guests. children. Either with a match,Mrs, Erwin Scott reported on
After the meeting all went or a lighter, she managed to the information she had received
down to the basement for oyster set fire to her nightgown. re the purchasing of trees for
refreshments, prepared by Allan Fortunately Mr, Hodginsthe landscaping of the arena was
Scott, Roscoe Hodgins, Don home and able to rush bgrounds. It was decided that the
to St. I
Downs and Gary McFalls. Joseph's Hospital. Though her; committee, previously appointed
(Mrs. Jack Steacy and Airs. Wes
Relatives meet
hair and eyebrows were scorch-
ed, her face escaped injury.
Medway Euchre Club
to say goodbye The Medway Euchre club held best location to be planted, An
a four table euchre at the home Arbor Day ceremony was sug-
Prior to leaving for her home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hughes gested for the day of planting.
In Vancouver Mrs. Minnie. Barnes last Monday evening. I Mrs. C. C. Bradford and Mrs.
was the guest of honor at a sur- High score prizes went to Mrs. John Park volunteered to repre-
prise party at the home of Dr. Austin Hobbs and Mr. Wilbert sent the WI at the making of
and Mrs. T. A. Watson last Wed- Stanley; consolation prizes to cancer dressings at the next
nesday when over 50 of her rela- Mrs. Seymour White and Mr. meeting which will be held in
tives met to say farewell, Austin Hobbs and lone, hand the Anglican basement at 9 p.m.
,The first part of the evening; prizes to Mrs. William McComb Thursday, March 26, following
was spent in seeing home movies and Mr. Carmen Hodgins. the Holy Week services.
of Miss Pat Watson's trip to; It was decided to accept Mr.
The next euchre will be held
N. W. Wasnidae's offer to frame
Hawaii and was followed by sfx-
v at the home of Mr. and Airs. ' ',
band euchre. the large WI motto, designed by
While lunchwasbeing
e i Carmen Hodgins next Monday the late Mr. Ira Carling,
pared Mrs. Barnes was present- : evening. Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
ed with a leather purse and bill ; Hockey banquet Mrs. C. H. George were named
fold. t CKSL, London, sponsored the WI representatives to the Can -
During the week she was en- first annual London suburban cer Society meeting to be held
tertained at three fowl dinners minor hockey banquet last Tues. in Lucan in the near future.
at the homes of Mr. Wilfred day evening at Queen's Park. A number of members ac -
Dixon, Mr. Don Scott and Mr., Of the 900 present, Lucan was, cepted the invitation to attend
Hi Dixon, ' well represented with a bus load the tea sponsored by the Cancer
, of 40 players, Bill Smith, H. B. Society to be held in Hotel Lon.
William Braunton Langford and Harold Ribson. The don from 2-6 p.m., March 31.
last two had the honor of being Mrs. Harold Hodgins and Mrs.
former barber I
'seated at the head table. Wes. Atkinson were named a no -
Ward Hodgins, as Leprechaun
minating committee to bring in
William John Braunton, 86, captain, had the honor of receiv-
a slate of officers at the April
died in St. Joseph's Hospital on ing the Don Buddo trophy. Two meeting. Before turning the
Sunday, March 15. Funeral serv- other Lucan players, Jim Rum-
meeting over to Mrs. George
Paul, Agriculture and Canadian
Industries convener, a practice
of Mrs. Harold Ribson's original
WI poem was held. Mrs. George
Paul presided for the program
STAR IN LUCAN ICE SHOW—These three Lucan skaters starred in the "Cind.erelle
production which featured the Friday night carnival, Marsha Box, left, was Cinder-
ella; Chuck Box played Prince Charming and Doreen Lamont was the fairy god-
mother. The show was produced by Miss Gaye Clarke, London, and Miss Margaret
Neil, Lucan.
—T -A Photo
Happy fans
Toronto Maple Leaf fans were
not the only happy weekend
hockey fans, When the Lucan
midgets defeated Zurich 8.6 Fri-
day night and the Lucan Lepre.
Hodgins) should meet with the chauns defeated Shallow Lake on
Control Board to decide the type Saturday, 8-1, there were many
of trees to be purchased and the happy Lucanit.es in the village.
ices were held in London on melt and Steve Davis, brought
Tuesday, March 17. Interment home door prizes.
was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. . Lucan dog a prize winner
Mr. Braunton was born in Dev-
on, England. He lived for many ; Mrs. Eileen Currie has re -
years on Frances St., Lucan, and ' ceived word that one of her dogs. and presented a film, "Peter and
operated a barber shop where . Brialan. Alaska, sold to Mr. the Potter" which depicted the
the Stanley Block now stands.i EverettGagno of Toronto won process of making pottery.
After going to London in 1912, ' first in junior puppy female at , Hostess convener was Mrs.
he was a salesman for the D. S. i the Canadian Samoyed Buster John Park, who was assisted by
Perrin Co. and later desk clerk ; Show, held at the Coliseum 1 Mrs. Wes Hodgins, Mrs. H. S.
at Savoy Hotel, London and !Sportsman's Show, Toronto, last Stanley and Miss Lina Abbott.
Grand Central Hotel, St. Thomas. i Saturday. While the refreshments were
He is survived by two daughters, Explorer news being prepared, Mrs. Murray
Hodgins conducted an Irish con -
Mrs. Marjorie Wilson, and Mrs.
1 The sixth 1959 expedition was test.
Cecil (Jean) Conley, both of Lon-theld by the Lucan-ClandeboyeUl The meeting closed with a can -
don. i Explorers in the United Church cer talk by :trs. Art Black, of
basement last Monday night the Public School staff, who
Temperance men , with Counsellor Kay Haskett in urged all present to help the ut-
charge of the study hook story most in the coming cancer
appoints officials of "The Mayor of Monkeyshine",
the tale of a little Negro boySamuelJ. Wright
The Lucan Temperance Organ- i who was chosen mayor because
lzation met in the United Church , he was such a good scout. Samuel James Wright, 79,
last Monday evening with the 1 The expedition began with the died in London Thursday, March
Rev. Edgar Roulston and Rev. pasting of pictures on the map 12.
Fred Thomson as joint chair- of North America, pictures to The funeral service was held
men. I indicate the various occupations Tuesday, March 17. Interinent
Mr. Hugh Birtch was named of the people. was in Woodland cemetery.
ford, treasurer. Other commit- I The business session \as spent
in. Lucan, living on George St. He
Mr. Wright was a native of
manager and Mr. H. B. Lang-;
I finalizing plans for thve annual
tees were set up. ; Bunny Tea to be held in the attended the Lucan Public School
On Wednesday evening the or- and also the Little Brick School
: United Church basement April
canization held a prayer meeting1,. --- , on Main St. South. Later he was
in the Pentecostal Holiness I ` an employee of the late Mr.
Church. — Please Turn To Page 17 George Bowden.
Lenten service
The last of the 1959 Lenten ser-
vices of Holy Trinity church,'
which this year was held in the
homes, was held last Wednesday
evening at the home of Mrs.
Kay Egan when Rev.
continued discussing
lights of the week's
J, P,
Mr. Art Bell reports a robin
seen at his place on Monday.
Christie and Tommy Nugent,
of London, spent the weekend
Crowd lauds skaters
in club's first ice show
Directed by Miss Gaye Clarke,
of London, and Miss Margaret
Neil, :of Lunn, members. of the
Lucan Figure Skating Club. pre-
sented their revue in the: Litean
Arena last Friday night,
Taking part were Billy Has -
kelt, Marshall Box, Nancy- Has-
kett, Donna Waters, Nancy Yelle,
Doreen Lamont.:Chuck Box, Don-
ald Boyes, Robert Walters, Janet
Bottram, Dianne Lamont, Jimmy
Bottram, Peter Murphy, Janis
- t
: Freeman, Darlene .Sceli, Jerry
Cheryl Marshall, Carol Has -
keit, Linda Birch, Janet Neil,
Carol Ann' Boyes,Jane Crozier,
Sandra Marshall, Jane -Corbett, each, Al
AU the wee folk, many of announcer and Mrs. :James Free -
whom were making their debut, man, make-up convener. Many
Hall with a leather stud
Linda Pedlar, Maureen Kearns, hag and Clennintine and Edith
Gerda Jansens, Maureen Smith,. with earrings and necklaces,
and Beatrice Martingale. Mr. Clarence Haskett. was the
did ceext,cehpatctionseakre d\iferlile.uiLtyucmifaenr: the
others aided in the dressing of
ipulating her long tail.
"Cinderella on Ice" there was a
Following the presentation of •Leprechauns win
demonstration of square dancing.
In gay red, white and black cos- Goderich opener
tun. (loaned by Parkhill), the
AI Hall and "The Student
Prince" performer, (senior skat-
After the finale, 'T.alean and
Parkhill parents showed their
appreciation of the two directors
by having Sandra Marshalland
Maureen gems present them
with large aosega,YL.
Foilowingo the revue, the eltib
and parentswere served refresh-
ments upstairs in the :community
auditorium by -the Wean WI.
Miss Muriel .carling, who took
over the presidency of the club,
when Mrs. J. B. Roberts moved
to Ottawa, Presented, the two di-
reetors with •a cup and saucer
skaters went through "Dip and BY CAPTAIN WARD HODGINS
Dive" like old timers and won a On Wednesday night at Lucan,
big band of applause. as did Lambeth outscored the Lucan
Clem Cadiddlehopper, Edith and Leprechauns, 4-2,
Beginner lucky
in Legion bingo
Mrs. Jack Arnolds, a new at
at Legion Auxiliary bingo,
last Thursday night had begin-
ners' luck, winning three times
other winners included Mrs.
Richard Davis (2), Mrs. Les
Luepke, Airs. D. Getsler, Mr,
Louis Lemieux, Mrs. F. W.
Hovey, Mrs. A. E. Reilly, Mrs.
R. Westworth, Mrs. William
Mathers and Mr, Les Luepke.
.The $5 consolation jackpot was
Prost with their grandparents. Mr. and • won by Mrs. Gordon Couples.
high- ; Mrs. T. A. Hodgins, their parents , Owing to Holy Week there will
Bible , taking thorn home Sunday eve- be no bingo next week but will
' I continue April 2,
Larry Lewis, who shot both
goals, was assisted by Roger
Black and Ernie O'Neil.
But in fife preliminary Young
Canadian play-offs on Saturday ,
at. Goderich, the Leprechauns
outplayed Shallow Lake, 8-1.
Goalie Eddie Harrigan was real-
ly stopping them. .Roger Black
scored three times, Ernie O'Neil
and Larry Lewis twice each and
Russ Kennedy once.
The ec nuns will nieei
Riplenat 9:45 next Saturday at
Goderich, and should they win,
will play again on Monday.
Apparcntly t h e. wratherrnan
has lost his calendar, for March
21 was very cold with bluster,
i snow with no signs of spring.
Luclitot AND THE. MICE—Janet Neil, AS Lucifer the black cat, chased these pretty
little. mice in Lunn arena dur:.ng the figure Skating club's Hitt annual carnival,
They performed in the "Cinderella" number. 'Tht mice included: top row, Darlene
SW, Jar& Freeman, Peter Murphy, DiAlthe Lamont; middle, Linda tirch, Jet*
reeman, Janet tattram, Carol Haskett; front, Cheryl Marshall., Jimmy tattram and
Janet Neil. Photo
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