HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-26, Page 13Be fashisnable Q tom he parade of Tile Time$ -Advocate, March 26, 1950 atago. 1 ; classified users FOR SALE ;FOR SALE'.—. FOR RENT— ANTED TO RENT, i WANTED, Ilnl,• pinw-; Del',av'at cream separat- 3 -drum roller; �tr:leering rlrnit:rnot Diapers; Iron kettle: 2, eleee g u mw plow: t P Deering 1(w her )011 t r 1 t 11 n n t t h l J k i P I 1 d•0 1 y loader: Mel/Per:mg trio fencers: sling ropes: wrii* ' t 1(r, in new cnnitltinn: 1•Im•Pr head' ha .,- "' .. tine leer; 1 1(r' ant Al• w e: an.* '•' t -w- I s re r. le $: Pedal. gate: t Ole 1''I1.19 1.3(1E11'AIE T a .Head• 11 A N D - 31 :1 Ii 1e get Mies, some. I APARTMENT, available immed AP:1I1'i111.NT. 4- or 5 -room, Or, 111 '1(1N t:1O )D OA'rS or mixed t (wailers tic 1103 al typewrtteio, linens, lialv s, Is and odd hnntipA. (atoly. Apply Beavers Hardware, I small hose in Feler or Uensal1. t grain. sanely Elliot, phone 176 ' 1'lctnr adding »1a01nncs We yeti suitable for baby Sltnwer$ 0r I phone 6, t 14:2fio Write lk,x 1]3, Exeter '1Ilfl('s. ! l:xrler. «1;r Fawn ,vau money. ,J11eter 'l'imrs• I'srrter gifts. Mrs. :1ay:nrimall, 1;,� , 4.1(1w0cate, ;Sr:. All yorete, Winne 770. 271fe Ilium :4I. 1•:. 101. 11 ' A ,Ta tipple Alt.%11„ M:h.:NT. fitrnlr+hrd. DUCTION SALES ,. Prnaln ,enlranee, lot Hur11n s(. CHICKS"''' , ALl!Al.l'.1, red t• nwir, tu„n1h?'• ;9 lellttt11IAIIIE Deluxe Dryer- FIN 11 26•rfr BABY CHI &'rm, reel tonvcr anti. yellow sa ell tllly the new model licca at a 1'0- -_ '.. i._ .. nitlyd. Ilea a'+mthly . rirerl. .wpp]y Through 141,.1\ 1111 tot spring matlwrls. i AUCTION SALE 1 ,i0('cl•(11 p 1' •r Line. (lured price, Through 11tlaIIlity •I APAfl'1AH5\'rs, heated: 'I Iw•n- lanncd]atP shipment dayplr:l ttnd' r)8 v I r ( at 1 u , pnrehase, ae are able to :offer this 3,Prtronm 1 nor-herlrnnnt: al] atilt- .� phone Zerirh •�S-I1-�. 2ri 2 :l'I+ :,..,t ti,. marline foe mt!y 1199,!1:, ; ' Snmr statt0rl l>ut11 ptupnse pu1lrls Of R,dl Estate and 11111 Iota and seri. tee Iwai - !ties peel. :lpuly 9L s. i.. lw• 9L1it- and rmlcri0ls. SnmP +lours bullets.; S gr .,nnlory, nu Fria, 3. roily, Matn sL, a'sn. Lr^burns. Rargain5 nn Raw•I Household Fur.nishings 11 fi 111(,11 71911•. lhrin ,,•:“: a rant Y. Snel„1ow.e 5, phone l. ,1- ; . 1 1 rrtrr. I ,230''Imran, phone Ino, 'tier; old Ileavy Meed enekerels, Order change 3n Klerk and white snaps,209,4 s ,. c �„ • j ;April -Mai- broiler chicks now. , wl'A.TE .OF LATE a' sink finish snaps, the new At'.11'1'A11 A'I' .- llnclern, boated, Ask for ltrlrrtist. 1 ray Halrhrry.' E1,l'l,ABETkf (;AROLXNFe photo varier, It coats no more, i T r0nt rt' lENl 'M AIR ill Al 1'001 hoop' Bussell Electric, Exeter I t•ir t'arsraddrn, 19xeter, p XElalo iii , :12192(' ire s A Bargain Phnne 5110-f: Exeter. 26" 2,tri-w. „fir.( Tito above F:s:al: ;las !net Emit. Pd the nnrlprsi„ned Auetlnner In HELP WANTED FEMALE— Sell 3r i seLPr nn aturday, 9larrh t i 2' ill rnmmenrinl; at 1:00 p.m., 'the following P.m lI, EST,ATF: rrlrk bruise 110111g Lnt T9. Plan 20, East side of Anlrew' St1'eet, 'rnwn of T:x- elrl Snh,i'rt to o.onditions of sale and 1 PSP( wr bid. Hn1'a JS II 0 I, p I+rr'R.NIa141Vi1S \1'111 he catered at the same time wit limit rosorwe. IGUARANTY TRUST COMPANY (IF CANADA .Administrator FR A\iti TA YLOr , AT'CTIONEI',T; rarti.s Tillil7, b1'lneu tie, n F00(1 mintlltien. Phone 911. 2';r BOY'S i)f 1 `S J 1('Iel.ET -r• 111ue tweed, si"e 10: girls rr;• anti hal, s z' t, blue w ith. Can be 00e11 at Bratty Cleaners. 1.'0141) 1) 17-1'e NT PS -- S5.011per t1(•,. ,\ppl t`i'ny Il Roynnlds, phone 177- r -t Exeter. , 'e PINING R()09(1 sV1'1.1•:, 10alnit, Pieces, In gond (0nli1`on, 1'a11 117.; Sanders St., or phone sit I -VV. 9:e FEED 'I't'rNL11.4--•(:a11 be del 11 or- ' eel. Frank 1.001 ell, phone 1TI-r-4 ENetnr, 2'r• 13 krill' 111'011'.• $unshi110, sllwr'• grey and white. w''I1 h t•itro"•r' guards. 1 'inn' 191 't'lirl or. 2.,p ((118.'9 DRESS, gent], pale b'ue.I size 10 tern :0lay he 000(( 01 'roe n (*leaflet's. .1,t• ROYAL PORTABLE Not yet or. second ribbon Gray With Case Twin -Pak ribbon 74.50 May Be Seen At THE TiMES•ADVQCATE EXETEZ TABLE POTATOCS $1.00 — 75-1b. bag G. J. NAGEL or Phone 153 Exeter 5nc ('11(111'1:; 111} 91111 ba 'es. 1'hnn" 1EE:A T) ST. 11'1'1114 PCI,L1':TS — F0vreal bemired llelcal3) Pullets, hatched Nov, 11 woks n1(1- 1"eh. 2:1; 11 works- 91a reit 9, Vaceinat- 011 for• brnnrhilis and Newc'a,alle. melon syrup, 11', 91011(}', phone Shnu'd be SPrn. to he apprcoiated. 22; P:•:rlrr, 26' If lou keep records, 3011 will Icrop Prlcalhs, 9lolre'$ l'nuIl('9' 701 1''1115, wear ed, t ••.''p cs 1('d. Enrol, Seafnrl,h, Ont„ Winne 1117- 9L•s. D. 8110111 lee, Centra Ila, 23' 31, 2:191 fn 25_r-17 0I 92-1'- 7 111"I 1'111. 26. 91.9,'1,15 S1' 311'P--DTiers will he taken again this year for' Elmira T1J21 nut 1511."Tort Leonard,11 p1. ft., 711-pnnnd freeze,- idles, 91311; Thor 30" range, +lined oven, ttmrd plate, 1118'11 mit let, lei rhectie, $190: baby b(z;y, Eng Heti, 3'01. T.1 111,1t1 POT.\'TOES, No, 2. 79-11, Pltnnr .11' 0-0,;'9 7. 20e ba'., 51.0(1; No. 1 table potatoes. al0') Nn. I large pnta1nes for (4191:8 SPRIN'1 ('1) 91', 01"' C. result] re11ta and french fries. 9'. navy hone wont, 9109' be seen, al I°, 8oldnnt, 11.11. 2 Gra nil 110nt1, fir,wri; c'ies'tors, 2114 phone f4 -R-'.' (rand Pend. 2:211(0 500 e'd111'F i1'1(111)l:l1, 1Vnrnrr 2 (''1'1'4130 r'Ol r 111:5, chtnn rah]. Peltl:co, in grind (mein Inn. Apel9 net, drop freeze, like I1P W. 0110110 ,lobo Balt, 911. Carmel, plume 902. 961-f , 21e r-1 f"' ,,hw•0nd. 2':e CORN—liet'l'erm 1i, and Ic ions l FOR RENT— of gond 'nrn, .11(rod Hay! Pc, • plinn0 1112-r-:, 14(1(1(0, ('nn, 2, 1,nr .1'P:\ITIIILN'r, stenm heater], fur - 1r, 91l(1i111vray, 26' ni0hed, right in 0011100 of town. 1,Illot .1partmen te, 442 :lain St., STO(F RACES, 1 closed and 1 Exeter, plums 176, ,':;Ifo nprn, for half ton Dirk -1(p; also P. rtuanrity of cabbage and ear- APAfITAI :N'I',lor 4 bright rot::. Ted 1,011,0111, phone 11.7 rooms, partly ftlrniSllPd, heat, 7,nrirl,, tet light, hnlh, lint and cold water; Te85nnabl0 rent, ventral Inetainn. I (11111 r r1 fat. P possession; mirage •Itailatile; adults. 313 Andrew St., Exet or. ,. 19:261 1.111';11 Phone 1P1it1l1PINT, grnund flonr. nn Hain 91 reef. 1 bedroninItwulg rnnm, large modern kit(hen 3. pipet, - piprr hathrmmn, private entrance r'ltnnr 063 I: 901er, 2tir 3-1100AI ,11'A1197A1I::NT, furnisher) and heated, with 4 -piece hath anti separate entrance. Suitable for 2 or 3 8r1(111a .\VAilahIP (10wv. Nn pets, please Apply es'enlncs at 1119 William Si„ nr phone 41111-11', 12.1fe PASTURE LAND, 611 acres, Lot 4, ('oneess loll 15, Stephen township. Apply 'Irvin Rata nr Marl I:a tz. Das lt.wvnnil, 19:20:'e. REAL ESTATE- 7- non Al HOUSE, in good repair, with bnlbronm, kitchen cupboards. nil heat. Apply 'P, Plantin,a, incl \1'11110111 Sl., Exeter, phone 869 after .i porn, 28:2* W. C. Pearce r:r.\LTnn nENPRAI, INSURANCE 06 Anne SI:. Exeter Phone 425 2-131:1) brick ('01ta ;0, • wired for r0((go,11.pleee bath, oil furnace; garaxe; iittera1 terms. "- cirri) 0 -storey hoose, 3 -Piece PS • . 1lir a bushel, hath, (nal furnnnr, 172-11-25, ]larvoy Perkins. 1"fl ,IJ:') DUPLEX, oil furnace, 974 bathrooms, \Vo have a gond rhnice In farms, 40 aorrs to 210 acres. EARL PARSONS, Phone 507 T'R1:D (101E, ]'Rona 5.11-'R r,.l'SSi:LL hr0P1:R1C'K Phone 1107-9V JOHN 1)3';1;1,1;. 111 with nlnttntrd beet harvester, 1011 series, 3 years old ,in .1-1 enndilinn: also beet and benn smaller, 1.10arly new; beet and bran pian ter. ,Apply Glen McNichol, RR 2 Walton, Dhnn0 9^I-1:-2.1 Sraforth, 26:2+ Puy the dependable brand name products advertised in The Times -Advocate, 5-I'1009r ,\T'.IT1'rIIENT, 1300tail•s, with olerlric solve, In Village of Contra ha. Phone 190 'Medford r•nlleet. Stfn TRAQ1'AI'R APAIl.TM1;\'1' — Fur- nished, heated, hot water sup- plied, upper, self-enutalned, five counts, nn children or pets. Apply at 50 John St. E. 'a:12:19:200 • Whether yob ihoast;'io-�itlxliiibllssl piked Bisiia)tite, trhei/y lets y(1fu powerCh'd tN°vi ers�(11431' ,b peppy be, 10%I(lrft.et5is p(4:614 itDw, .`' 1 •:r I•.iIc iq7w{atYg a••ii..,.. ♦ 4. 1'ng� fan �3_speetf, 4•Spechi)SXnl;h p:'f ,e trtsdtit/ .edtitf, " . rw Cltbri1011 r §ee your 1311e11t'ol�'IE (3til�itq" f 4 °4 k' •'bt ' M£ '� `, "4:; !' „. x. •„4. .,.� bli•!!#bi ��.�. � w, r: a,. ter 1.93. �\im(nh Omm�ninun0un cioniii,ininrun11ennnunu'innriinuunuirrnrrrnniniingn livaniniiiliinunri( Chevy's Got 1t! SneII Bros. Ltd. Phone 100 Exeter iinTiOnfitnlglYiilfilt)inirnirfrrnilrn(irrnrnn'1(rrrnmtn lt111nnn)rm'nnurnni'0nitntlnrrnrnntlrnmt Inlet 2:190 FARM, 50 acres, hrlek house, gond barn, choice land, lots of water. North half of Lot 13, t'ancessinn 19, Stephen township, Apply Irvin pati or Earl Rata, 1)11011 worn'. 19;26:2', FARMERS wishing their cattle 1011 ACRE FA TIM, 5 miles worst of, sprayed for 1ie.e, phone, Rill 11sl- I'Txeter, on 1•1l(9hway 0:1; S arms 0011. Da011w0011. 37 -r -I D. 12:4tfc of hush; 501 acres (alt ploughed; • halnnee in hay and 30001 um hank barn: 7 -room brick house with fitrnere, hydro, bath, Pie. Wally Wein, phone 54 I)ashn'nnrl. ((:12:19:26:2:en Junior Stenographer, FOR EXETER BUSINESS • OFFICE Apply in writing to BOX LMX, THE TIMES•ADVOC.'.TE For past touters of property see Frank Taylor, 12:19 2lie 26ctfc Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Choice Cattle, White Thresher, Farm Implements & Misc, Items On the Premises, Lnt 23 Pon. 12, 11A9' TOWNSHIP 1 1.i Miles West. of 7.urieh and 21� Miles No rt First farm east of :Blake. Th p undersigned aunt In11eer 15 instructed to sell by pllhllc anc'- tinn nn )I0 DA 1', 3IA.rt('Ir :i0, 1951.1 ('onus trnelnl-, 1(t 1sOfl p.m., Shure c1'I"t'LEI — Part Hereford and Derham cow, milking', bred Feb, 15: part Hereford and Durham row, bred Feb. 24, with Pall at fool; part Here -filed and Durham row, milk Ing, bred Pee. 2' Het'e- fnrr] heifer, bred Felt. 11, with calf el (001; red Durham ('ow, milking: part Hereford and Due - ham row, milking,; part Hereford and Durham heifer, with calf at front; Hereford cow, earrv]ng ser - end calf, due April 20; part Dur- ham and Hereford 'heifer, with calf at font; 1'0811 Parham cow, Parrying* third calf, due .April 24; roan 1)1(01)811 row•. milking, with calf at font: part Durham and llorofnrd heifer, bred Dee. 31; roan Derham heifer, bred Tan. n 14; 5 Durham steers; _ 1TP1'P tnl'd valves. '1'11is is all extra rimier herd of rattle. Inspection invited. THRESHER •- \Vhi1P 11 011.S11 21x422, on rubber, fully equipped, shrorlrler anti 16 -ft. elevator. IMPLEMENTS, I:T('. -- Massey - 14nITIS 7 -ft. cultivator; 51-'H rut (11oy0r: M-14 1 -way dist': 9(1c- 1)rrrine side rake; McDeel•in' hay 100rlrr; rubber tire wagon, like 110w• iii -ft, hay rack; John Deere In `'.A” hammermill; grail blower with ;Hoes, 11110 new: \-sertinn din 111011r1 harrows: trailer and reeks; electric Viking cream sep- arator; fanning mill: root pulper: phone Seaforth 78 now for a eng,ins Stratton 4 -cycle gasoline.dr p' PnginO: Pump jack; 75 -ft, rlriwro' poin tm ent. YOUNG WOMAN to help with care of 2 children and g'Pnet•al housework. Live in. Apply to Rus N93", The Exeter Tinges-Ad:1n' rale, 2'ie SERVICES— WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Fulls Are I'sed" Supply art if ielal breeding ser- vice Inc all breeds of rattle. If phoning long distance, simply aslc for --- Cl JX'l'OX ZENITH 9.5('(50 If it is a local call, use our regular nnmhel•— CLINTON HU 2-3441 Por service. or more informa- tion, rail bet 0'0011:- 7:110 and 10:044 A,]11. week days f,:q1) and 1:00 P,'1, Saturday evenings For CO w9 noticed In heat on Sunday -morning, run not call until Monday morning. The. quality is high and the cost low. 12:81 tip C. V. Pickard 11Y144'I.R We have clients wishing. to pur- chase Exeter homes. 11 you wish to sell. see us. We are offering the following and other properties: APARTMENT H' 0 V S'flu, Exeter. with central nil heating. Th15 property requires renovating but can he pul'chaserl at very Ina, price on easy terms.- 21c 3-B'EDr.0091 BRICK, gond Exeter location, nice living. rooms. hath up and down. sun perch; high, dr')' basement: new oil burning furnace. Terms. 2:5c MEDIUM sized 11.; storey brick --'I bedroom down, 2 up; frill hath up and clown; new vont; centre Exeter lor•atInn:. close to Sehonls, Pr lea $7,8118.00 nn easy' terms. To buy or sell, see PICKARD, Realtor, and Insurance, 3114 Main St., Rhone 165 and 620, C. V. General Exeter, 6:atfc PASTURE FARM, west half of Lot 10,Concession 113, Hay tow11 811430, 95 acres, 11d J. Stir', Dash- wood, phone 37-J Daaltwnnd, 111:26. 7-IIOOTw2 ROUSE, in gond repair, torn ted on large int. in Dashwood, hydro, water, 0tc., small hen barn and garage. Price $3,000.011 with terms: less for cash. Nally Wein, phone 54 Dashwood. 5:12:19;26:2:90 HOUSES—New houses located to Exeter, 2 or 3 bedrooms, land- scaped mot•t;age arranged. Also low cost homes for rent or sale. After small clown payment let your rent be payment on Your own home. Apply Art \\'hilemith, contractor. Exeter, phone )114-9T, 10:9tfc • GRASS F-AT:111•--'100 acres with torn springs. .About 15 arrrs hush. Lot "1, roll. 11 Rtrldulph, Cont Oct W. S. O'Neil. phone '21°9 (lrantnn, 3:26clf0 CTETN't'RALT.1, -- C'nmfor!ahie 2- beden0ln cottage; gond basement; nil burning furnace; parllcularly (tee int, This prnprrty is In Ileal 01 condition, Price $6,500.00 -- terms. 3:21e CUSTOM PROCESSING Curing and Smoking Service For Lockers & Horne Freezers EXETER FROZEN FOODS Phone 70 2:26(10 SEPTIC TANKI$ pumped, immed- iate service. Butler :Bros., Lunan. Winne 130-W or '1.110. 2126-3:211• TAX RETURNS ping mill: cutter; buggy; 011170 er; 141 ton wagon with 251( -bushel t hinder twine: cedar posts: ,quart, reties 3 chicken ohelt:erS; ehir•11(0 6'r8i8 lira; small \v8gn11 with 1110- 14Ity 2 -inch lumber: quantity incl} erate9: Rudizzn pincher: estr'n- bushel hos: ewvheel 1 atter: '2 lumber; 2: enrd beach wood; 81101 la,drlet•: (1111)8• fence; logging sols +1(811101(11 harrnw8, 99.111011 chains: pig crates anti scales• ,'ferulic Saw ell fit: 910(015 nn1 forks. shnvo1s, etc., errroller. fanning mill; rubber tire f1ft.17N & 4'c)RN ._ vitt 1,11911015 wheel larrnw: hog scales and crate: sot of 51010'119: clump rake: mixed grain : 111 tnn5 rnh corn. rwclone grass s*rde1% gravel 1108. HOI'Si9h10LD I;FI'l,c"I'5--Wing- I sliding hay rack: T'armak o'lrc- ham conk 9tnv0; inmpleto tlod- 11'11' fenrP1'1 Jnh.n Deere tractor 01009 suite: (lining rnnm (chin; 43 umbrella; findn111y of a14 iron, *'hairs, hnreau: rupllnal d • Ile• 911311', 1T15MS. 13010, chairs, 1.,.),. nr'*an' q!rl'hna".1 " small 5tlirlin rnurhPS, 1(91100, etc', rte. H. G. MEIR Counsellor, Dominion Bank Bldg. 19:20:2c HIGHEST CASH PRICES fret• sick, drawn or disabled horses and cows, Dead stock al value. Call promptly'; 7 -day' week service. Call :3)14 Andrews, Collect. 191-19- 11 Seaf0rth, CUSTOM CAPONiZINC1 and be- beaJcing. Carl Oost rirflPr, Pash- woorl 1)11 000 5741-29, 3:12-4:311* SEE Y0rn. authorized dealer for 'Viking Electric Separators and repairs, 1pp19' Basil O'Rourke, Blacksmit11 and welding S11np, 13i•itwofield. 26' PLASTERING, ('01)a3rs of any typo, neatly finished. Al Pearce. phone 291-R Exeter, 21c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES \\rl'r11: EASTER ahead, great Pr sales possibilities with 0111 w•nn- derful line of high quality ens - menet; and Imusollnld necessities, High eonlmis)inn, neoning5 in ygllr surroundings. Pricer ea(a- ingu0 on request. P8011100, Dept. 4, 1600 .flelnriinier, 910111real. • 19 211' TENDERS— Tender Sealed lenders will be received by the undersigned ftp to April 6 for an nil fired furnace of suf- ficient rapacity in heat the Sellout EMPLOYMENT WANTED— building' of S.S. Nn, 3 Hibbert, Also for the erect inn of a ee- mont. hioek building, 12' x 14'. to 111(100 sante. Tenders may be submitted ein building 1(r' furneco, 1',nw•est 01' any tend Pr not necessarily ac- cepted. Plans 301101 spoeif teat inns may hr. Sorurod from EDWARD DEARING Secretary -Treasurer. Staff a. 19:2'1° ODD JOBS, carpentering, na.Inting etc. Phone Centralia AC 1.1687. 1:5tfc FARM GIR1', wants housework in 'or around Exeter, fond of child- ren, age 17. Phone TIrk ton 9-11- 10. 26:2:0* SITUATIONS 1VA.N'rl'TD -- Nur50, registered Ill Ont arin, -available Incprivate rases. 1'ho`4(e ('rant Bend 1 52, 26:'2e s4 ►..PH1 N TOWNSHIP HELP WANTED— DRAINAGE WORK hAK1;RY OLP, male or feinaTP, Tender's will he received by the Apply Wit h. LP, 's le orf, ago. Undersigned until 12 n'cl0elc neon. l 'Pileup 501 0'' 'L la ',x' April 7, 1959, for the drainage work known as the ('hammers 911101clpaI Train. Tenders In be PRO I'S'f.N'I' Tl \CFCE1 fnr SS accompanied by a marked cheque M Work n ll. C 101. 1 prim,. \\ 1 a t o r of •o c No, I'Sbn1't7P t l.hamr 'Road eon ra t Dui lea 101 Commence September, to b0 done according In 1)1(115 and 199n, Experience preferred, salary specilleatien0, Lowest m• env teen- neco•rling'ly, Apply 9(1x5. Reg. der 'tot n0c05sarily aeeepled. l odger(, .RR 1 \\'ondha.in, Ont. TAMPS 1f.A 1\'I-.IINN1;V, t`Iorl 'se HELP WANTED MALE— MAN" WANT KO Inc Pswlrlgrt 1)110111155. soul- to 19410 fanilllra, 1 flood profits for h stler5, Write Inelly: Rawlolgh's, Dont, ("-212-31, 4009 Rirhrlion, Montreal, 26rn 9 knolm a5 1 S'rPIP H EN 'I'01vNS1flr DRAINAGE WORK Tom 015 11'111 he 10rrlw od by' undorcignrrl until 12 n'rtopk noon, 11(^' 1100 111(1. each, i1t market t•on• ,Apel( ,, rot, the, rdrninage tlitlntl; 5 yearling' Durho m 51 Pere; work he Adams Dlnni• •' Yearling' Tlurham heifers. Those r 140'1,1 '10ten010(1 T,('ain, T0nd0r5 10 eattle are all Of 1linles qualify. he neeni11pa11led by a Mari,r+rl T).171t1' CO\\'s ..- lTnlsl0411 low, v110qur of Tor;, 0r rnatl'at'i prier. ti111kinlr, r0ht'ed .111110 •'t rte Water - Work to be done arrnrding 1,) Ion Cult T1141T; Holstein 3101('r, 10011.ana 8nd 8310('31ira3to15, I -1413.00f01 111(0 31810 t C 5011'; 14010(019 000•. env (cruder tint )1Pr0558rIf; rarrylng• s(lcifd 1011, (lap last 0011(019, 001011. 311 April; Holstein en w, J.1711113 Li1•'l'•ii'T:\N1 1, ('1013 fresh 3 weeks; Holstein Peon, rnr- 21 'r t':vial; Second +'alt, clue 00(111110 of May; I•1otatein cow', t'arr'ying- 5e0- Tn\\'NS1T11 (9t' S f ►:r"971:\' mid rail, dust in April, Those LOADING 1 HAULING tows are cif best tlstrain and 1133;11 producing' blond 030'0111, CRUSHED GRAVEL SALESMAN AV0 loll•*' a1 010111ng• Inc a 11011 11 In cover South t1ltrnn' (oun(9' handling' a 118110na11e Is11nwn pro- tIolot, 9(tnst have rat', good A1111PAD- A 110t1 and character, 10 111014'1H and between the ages of 25 and 50. No invraiment (1r Sales (x310)'. !more 100rs;c(ry a(1 WO 4tipiily furl training, 11 you feel volt can 111001 these rtlalifl('(tinns, 'HORSES •-- Clyde gelding. T'er- API't.Y P.O. BOX 2',• 701111/08 will 1e repel%eli by floe (31rr11n mare, A good ;reliable )rndetal4nrd lint 11 I nr1nr1(, 11(011- Work team GODERICIt dry', April ' '0, I989, for lnadinr and TRA( Tell:. , e'ord 'tractor, ((5or1 11:20o hauling appr(rltnairl;v 10,1(1111 enhii• { r'e041, in ora• rn11iltnn, equlp- Varna of et'u1hed frrav1l (('rent ped with hvdt"iltt111 111t and EQUIPMENT FOR RENT -- Monteith arnrlr per ani( lost p'(' Yuri"ov pltfAv Yard for lnadih3 tovnS1ip' true!,, 2. to he delivered att9'W110re nn \ 131 1te Drrl ung Floor Sanders garde 3 roads, '1(in ,'k t ei 1(f ,;n0 ynrd5 pct' day, Work to 1)r: ('nnt- plotod by '10100 19, 1'119. T•le1Or 1;r1grr5, fi'Inn) 1'nllahel'S Marl rel 1111:10(0 of 0200.944 to at- 1'arltinl ('101)1)105, '1"0018, Att. ermine,)0 w inch 13109' Lnw mor 1(r any lender , Itnl • BEAVERS HARDWARE 11rrt1,w5arny accepted. e:x.rT'i'Il LAWRENCE '3811,1,, t;lstfne belt: 120 -ft. drive hell: and matt* other miscellaneous items. No reserve, everything will by Hold, . TE11918: ("ash. CLEMENC1 ,C LEON, A'R n .1EFFREY, Executors for 1 h Estate of the late Leon Jeffrey ALVIN RAV, Clerk ALVIN w.ki,PHr,, Auctinneor 19,261 Dairy Herd DISPERSAL SALE Of 58 Vaccinated Grade Holsteins (Particularly' gnnd 41181110 rattle) For the Estate of the Late Mr. Norman Hart wick. Tot "" inn. 1, Fss'r NISS0t11f TOWNSHIP 2t, :Miles South 0f Prospect Hill off No, 7 'Highway (\Vateh fnr signs) 'l'UU119DA1', , ('1;11, 7 •at I:80 p.m. - 22 HnIstoins, milking, some re- fired; Hoistoin row, duo in .lune: 13 twn-year-nld heifers, running with hull since .January; S y0a I1n heifers; 14 heifer calves; 1 Holstein hill;, 1(¢ years old, 9(1iSC'ELL.\X101 S: Silo, 19'x31', of corn ensilage; `; inns cnh porn. 14 milk cans; 4 steel pig self - feeders. It would he worth one's while to he on hand to purchase some of these got; animals. TERMS: Cash. ,\ttct inflects: HUG If 'F'ILSON & TOM ROBSON Phone 11dorlon Colleci. 21c. Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Choice Durham and Holstein Cattle, Horses, Tractor, Farm Implements, Grain & Misc. Items On the Premises. Lnt 19, Con, 10, I 'HAY TOWNSHIP 2 miles Soul 11 et lln'ieh The undersigned suet inneer is Instructed to sell 11y public auc- tion on 1w 1'1).N IIA, ll 1111, 1 .11150 (onnne0*'111;' 1)t t 00 )),in„ Shari) DURHAM CATTLE lied 00w, carrying $000nd calf, due last week in 111ay; red row', e al'rying fourth veil, date last week in April; recd tor, parrying second Pail, dote middle: cit Aril: ('0511 c0 w, carrying fourth calf. due Met week 3n May; red cow, cat•t•y- 3(1g' third calf, due sale elate roan Durham cow, carrying third calf, clue last week 111 April; 1 dark (ball heifers, rising 2 years nid, In market ('0114itinn ; ' roan the SIeP15. rising 2 years (13(1, noorar• TAIPf.T•1M1 r.' 1"• roll fert{lher drill,in new rofldr' 1(0111 Tfp1)eet 9114' mower, 541, )'1(l, ilk e neer, 111.91: binder', 611. tuft: 91 N cult Iva, or; 9r H 2-dlnm steel railer; ;1•a0c'llnn dimm�nd harrnw'S; 1n!erne 'toiet "-her side dell•ory rake; 'Inter. manure 011rea)lrr 1(,e rubbrl; 9(1.1{ bran 5t•u1110t; lr-H toad 8uperlttitendent :11(1111' Pelle; ru1111rr fire 0394'ntt; 211-.2c 11 -ft, hay rack; (ocksrtutt \walk• tabus: kitrhen table sink: largo apple peeler; lamps. dishes; ("rooks, and numerous other ar- ticles. Nn I•rsecrP. as the farm is sold. TERMS: ('ash. WILLIAM f) \' 1PSON. Prop. GLEN 111111:, Clerk A1.1'I:N 1VALPT,R, ,Alotcnnoor 19 • 990 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Auto, Household Effects & Miscellaneous Items On the Premises. LorSne11 Survey, Gn111Pn St rem Nnt•th, r(1 311 VTt:T,9(3IT (8F Zt'RH'H The undersigned auctioneer is i1101rtirted In sell by puhlir anr- 1 inn nn SAT 1'310 9','9.1'11(4. 4, 19511 ('nnlmenring at '1100 p.nl., :4 harp RT9.1I 1:STATE - Proper(0 con- sists of Lnt 5, Knoll's Survey, in Iho Village 01 Zurich, nn whtell is st,,. ted a well built 2 -storey frame hoose. envered with asphalt shingles. has a large (lnn1110 front verandah, also full size basement with newly installed enal and wand fin•nare; soft water cistern: stain floor enneists of 14^. Mg' and dining room, summer kitchen. utility 1•nnnl and 2-pirre hath; around floor has ' hrdrnn:ns and '3n11109 rinsot. Thorn is assn a 0011011 Karn suit ahie The garage. This prnprrty is we11 located, a desirable home, and in gond state of repair, Terms of Ural Estate 111^; nn day of Sala, hale nee in 30 days Sold snbject to a reaenna hie re- serve hid. AUTOMOBILE _.- 1936 Plymnnth ena011, in gond condition, with very mileage • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 'tare Towel range, like now; heavy' (ley - -burner elertrir plat0. General 6 en. ft. refrigerator. Beatty elertrir washer; dining I room table; r'hatra; kitchen table; • leather t•o'k,rs; oak cancers: wleker chairs: minima rd chest of drawers; trunks; battery rad!( 1 anllgge fu•nit11.01 rent re tables:1 4 wooden be(tstearls: steal hod: t stead; dressers; t1(m1(ter1ra' 2 toilet 5015: end tables. (slew) rte lamps: elertrir ten 1(01110S. iron; glassware; r•hin8; (milia; comfort- ers; mats: tinniesthr, small size refrigerator; ;c i re h 0 n 111085401 ernkinnlo bon 191; large qua 0(0(1'i of fruit; 4ardPn Innis, 4 Inn of chestnut enal; glient117' of wend • and many articles Inn numerous to mention. Nn reserve, everything w111 he sold. TERMS; Cash. \VILLIA91 FUSS, Administratnr Inc the Estate of the ;.ate :lames Rennie. ALVIX Cl'A1,PT';r, Aurt3nnerr 26:2e 1+a 0000l•ve as farm is t;nid. 1101' SOL.D:AN, I'rop. GARNET HICISS, Clerk ALVIN \V .11,PP R:, Anrlin)100r 26.2x• Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Etate, High Quality Holsteins, Dion Thresher, Tractor, Firm Implements, Hay, Grain, Poultry and Household Effects. On the Prrm18PS. Lot 0, t'nn, 11, CS -BORNE 'TOWNSHIP. 111 Milos Snctt h of Excier. steel drums: turnip seeder; fm'icsl shovels; chains; many other 101450, (terns. IlAY & (MAIN • 1011 bushel hornet seed oats; 3010 bus. mixed grain' 10 Inn mixed hay, choice equality 1101-SEl4OLr> EFFECTS -- t'nnk seote; *'nal and 1vncut heater; complete bedroom shite: dresser; enmmndo; parlor suite; buffe'tt leather rockers, wicker chair; trunk. churn; kitchen sunk. etc,, ell. No reserve. as the .farm Is .Sold. TERMS: Cash, HERB 119.999:12. Prnp. r,A1NET HICKS. Clerk .AIN IN 1VALPER. Auctioneer 26:29 Exors AUCTION SALE Of Propecuterties 110 1'ILL:\(1E OF HF,NSALL nn 8A'!'(n4345.', .PIr1I4 11, 111 :00: p.m. NO 1 PROPERTY -- Frame 7- 7 Moles East nr 2 Miles est room dwelling on retain street, nf F irkton, Hensel'. furnace. rail hath, with Tho 1104015101104 111(03inn00r is extra 2-pirre ;lath, garage, inrat. :nstrtionuetnn Hnnsod to sell by puhlir 011(1- ed nalln , Lot 234. Mao(8 SuroPy, '1'1'ESDA.V, :1PfiIL10533 N0, " rblflrF9r,TY 1'rgmo 6. ' ronin rI;Pillow, rolled Krick std. rominracing at (2 O'('Iork Sharp ins, nn main street, Hensall. 10. T21:AL I:ST9'I'E l'nns:sis of stud 00 Lnl 21.., Hay's Stirvey, South half 1(t Lnt 9, inn. 91, 144ns:ill; hydro and water l'shnrlhe Tnw•nsh(31, :" acres of 110111 solei 5ub,(Prt to r'servs Phndr'P lnar», all tinahlo 1and, hill. 0100'00 failing +cal er 5)11)3119', per•- l,'sta Ie of An''n's Stewart, Srntly all in grass, 5nmo shade 11.1;01.1) .1Ar'IiCON, Awn:0110er trees; ideal pasture farm 'I'ersm or Tleal Est a1' • 1(0'9 nn fenr ferthrr parlirnlar5 apply to day nf solo, balance in 311 days. 11(1011 I'1a1'yn1Ple• 91(1011011. 000;11. Sold subject to a reasonable. rP. 10r, telephone 2;97-11' Mit0I1e31, 0r serve hid. 31,'('nnnell & Siewert, SOafnrth, l.1C)I,S'rlIINS - ?n 'Im'o pur0• snlieitnrs for the Pxe("utnr, bred and grade Finis' pin cows And dile 2a:: +(3 num- heifers, mostly fresh, remainder Clearing dite around sale (la10. A!so num• her of young- rattle, All eattlP taAUCTION SALE r•oinated and '(31 lusted. riii),,,,,,:ny,..-;r. like new: John ner,,e t ram or spreader. All in new enn - FARM IMPI.19MJ3X r5 .._ Fult Of 100 Acre and lino of implements mclndjng Tenn Grass Farm LW 1:, r'nneessinn 9 11r•r;ILLIVP..'1T' T81VN'SHTP 91(14. Nnrib of ('landebn"* 1(d 1 (4 9(14105 1Vc9( of No. 4 Highway nn Trinsley ]load Wretch for rnmp10t0 Ilse nr this outstanding sale in next, week's 105110. Nn reserve, every+ lung will he sold, 91:T1938: rash. LAWRENCE & RUSSELL MILLS Prnpriet ors (1AP,NET HI(' KS, clerk ALVIN \\',\LPF.R. Aurtinneer 261 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cattle, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain & Misc. Items On the Premises. Lnt 13, rim. 4, ST1;PH3) 1'nwssuiT', 11, :Hiles Snutlt nf Fixeter. 2 Miles West or 114 Miles Past age cutter, 4;Phl fmag0 bloc of t'rodltnn. 2 11(105 Xnrrh' wvtth 111 fret 1(r pipe and down The undersigned auctioneer is pipes. fimallr} grain blpw0f. ,0 hist nude(' to 8011 by puhlir• nee -feet pipe; 91-H power 1(1(1 1+ disc tion nn fertilizer drill; 31-H 7-13. binder; 3 i1T^,D11 SflA"V, • APIA I1, 0, 1989 A,c', porn planter, 901 bus.; Newt ni• 1:00 p.m. 9hnrp 44 Pa manure so read or; 1 ,tnhn WED lk1,5))4IL, AP1il), 1(1 1(t 12:30 .Sharp LIVE RT11CK' S year old saddle horse, w•r'11 hl'nicPn, 0010- saddle and bridle; 2 ro'4s100011 8 roar old Hnlst pin rows, freshener;; 1 year• registered Holstein heifer; 2 ro_iOtProd H010(0111 heifer ealvos; 211 Hereford rows. rales hy side, and rite in April and May; 2 farrow enws; number of yearling a rut tn•n year n3d ilerofnrd and .ingns steer's and ;biters: 2 Yok- shire sows, duo .April and 9(lay• 1111 tons col) corn; quantity baled hay. 9(1:1('HIN'1;T11': 91-H 41 t rapine on now rubber; .\'195 ('pa'niers (',A. framer; maniere loader and 5(111(1101, 6') Now l4nlland haler with mmol'; EP'! threst) oi', "0x50, 5t raw eurter in4 clntrr attach. mint; 9(4-1-1 clipper r•nmbin0. rum• poetwith pick-up: 1.14 C. posit. 94011SES --- (;and work seam, Deere cultivator; 9i-1-1 tin:,h Clearing trite and reliable. Ray general (1i0r; potato planter and digger; rumens(' mare, ran be ditched ('nck5hltlt nor -way dial'; I1 -1i e ." u AUCTION SALE single ,r dnuhio, furrow p3ngh, 3.14.0 side t•alc; Of Tractors, Case w Combine r'ATTI,1: Rack en,, wit,, rat( M '-ft. power mower; roller; ( at font; Durham rove ith calf at now M)4.1(11nugh chain saw; 2 Farm Implements and runt: gory Durham pow with rat( Sar9 harrnas: rip Saw nn stand; 3r fon:: Hereford row, (lm, 9(1ay, 2 scales, 1,2en and 2.131141 lbs.; Miscellaneous Items , black inn•, duo .April 711; Dur_ orrharrl Spee}Pr, 4nn_Ih. prrssute: he 'Premises. l,ril ('nn. 1. 1110(1, I•nw, :,17,311.9 pril 24: 431.0)1 11(11•-; 5pel r.harrrl; ('0010111 nl]\Pr: conn ham row, (10 \lay Dnrllnm 1. 1 • grind r, M-1( 1 farr•nw comance! ronrl](ino, ; grinder: ru1h01' t troll wagon and r: deb On 1l 11,\1' TO\\'NSHI3'. % Mile Xrml1 of Hense'l nn No. 4 High way. steers, averaging lino lbs, roach am rloon, non- (Lpprrs. -ft. Tho 11 11401814)104 toilet ioneer is • " part Durham and Harafnrd • ladder: boon puller, 500 clerk 111at rue( ed In Pell hy p111,1 le 3110_, 1101(01'5, averaging Ann lbs. oath, 101004:10 brnndor, halts. 7"-.-0 tInn nn 3 Polled black heifers, averaging - and an feet; ntimernti' other ar- 910x.1)A1", .A./'RIL 8, 1989 tieo lbs. 0arh .1l1 in toll market ln•les, nt 1 :00 '1'•01,• *harp ! cmirli Inn. Tl1,5 45 an extra fine I TERMS. Cash. t ! herd of rattle. ln5po'tinn invited.4 inn Arm.; (;R_9Set FARM. Lot: F.11131 191PL3;31ENTS • lir•F.1 11M 191PLE9IENTS9(l-H! 10, Concession 2. Ftddulph Tnwvn- PPPring '1V-311 tractor on rubber:' hinder, 7.13, int; 93-H (manure ship, gond fences, gond water C.A. Allis Chalmers with 2 -row spreader: :1 -drum steel roller; 11 -,supply and large water :rough• smatter: bran puller and motor- hoe fertilizer drill; grain 41111:, Will be sold subject to reserve pd 2-furrnw plow: 9(1-F1 2 -whirl Deering mower, 3-10, cttt; 3-310050' hiri, manure Apread0r. rase a -ft. rum-; 01(1(40 at nr; teem 4190; walking' bine wit it motor. 31(.1n -eying :l c pinto ; 48143 plow; set of hob Karr, O'NE1L. Prop, stiff tooth motivator; lb•I1erring sleighs, sectio, diamond bar- RR. 1 Clanrlehnym. 0-11. double disc: 9(1cllr,'r:'(2 1n. rovs, hay loader; mit Ior: 111-ft.I .1. 1'1,0109'43. Clerk run fortidixer drift: 93r•Deer,ng lark; int. 01001rir er08o1 sena rat - 00rtion dray harrows: 9(b•Deertng 1(r. Dover clipper: wagon. ha) flot•5e ivalor and bean puller: rake: Set nf scales: steel drums: 7 -ft, :91-H (binder; 9l-14 an3P rntco•13 APIA 11arnPAS; fanning mill; 2 SC. 5. n'NEIT, & SONS, Aucts, Phnne 20-R-7 Grantnn 26'29 Feed Freshness IT'S ALL IMPORTANT! Chicks, like babies, must have special feeds, specially prepared—to high quality control standards. Digestive upsets in chicks can be costly — and usually result from feeding stale feed. The longer feed is stored, the more it deteriorates. SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER is fresh, really fresh. Daily manufacture at our mill ensures this. When you buy SHUR-GAIN you know you are getting the freshest, the most economical and the best results. Ew D4S/E$NEED FRESH FEED! riIIcK STARTER C*w'Mi _ l / I" GRAIN -FEE -SEED S D E111:7ERA0°(.'735-•WHAIEN CORNERS•5'k0w'KIRKTON 35915