HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-19, Page 19�tltlnlluulurululn Fnm1,1611.lAllnlµllNlAttlltltlAlpU,U.tnllnllnln.tllalllt.lntlltllltnllAttAiltdl.l.I1tn0111innitlll�!t� Announcements. .RATES !}irths Marria0es .and Peaths (Marriages and deaths are reported an news columns, This charge:appiles under Announce!lents.i No charge 750 without charge only .te listing yards of Thanks, -Engagements In Memoriams 14.1ine verso) •Extra, verses, -each. IRTHS, .13011TOLOTTT—A1r. and Arra Larry l:dortalotti, 325 Carlin;' St., laxs eter, annorini'e the birth of a son, ;1,Jhert Patti, at Snuth Hu+ ran Hospital, Alarch 17. l HI DBRSON—Air and At1•a• fin. beet 1r n,lerson, 32 .#lgonrluin 1 Drive, Ilr^A:F' Station C.entraiia, { announce the birth of a daugh+ ter, Linda, at South Huron Hos- ! pita', March 15 --- a sister for Cathy and 7{enny: PAT3P,R0-, Mr. and Mrs. D. 'fa Fabbro. Grand Bend, announce the his•th of ason. haul Andrew, at South Huron Hospital, %larch 15—a brother for IN arren. /S'lACS ... LAC and Mot, R. T Isaacs, Simmons Apts., :Exeter, announce the birth of a rlau.;h- ter, Sheila Attn, Adareh 11 -- a sister ter Tony and Anna Afarla, LnWTRBR Mr. and Airs, 4. 0, Lowther, Crediton, announce, the birth of a snn, Jelin Edward. at South Huron Hospital, March 12. 11idI.I.I;R — alt. and Mrs. Tntn Miller, Exeter, annottnre the birth of a son, 'Daniel Thomas, at South Huron Hospital, March 12—a grandson for Air. and Mrs Irwin 11`ord. P E FLt4--Air. and lib's. Fred (red) Newell, former Megan Crane, Ingersoll, are happy to announce the birth of twins, Shawn Paul and Tamara Clay, at Alexandra Hospital, Inger" sop, March 7, 1959. SMITH —Mr ,and Alrs.r. Smith, Hay P.O., announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Ann, a1 Snuth Huron Hospital, Atarch 14 —a sister for Freddy, Kenneth and Ronald, WITHERSPOON•-Carl and Ruth Witherspoon (nee Schade). of Crediton, wishto announce the birth of a son, dandy Carl. March 16. ANNOUNCEMENTS— Mr .and lira. Kenneth McKellar. Cromarty, will be at haute to their relatives and 'friends on Thursday evening,- March 25. on the occasion of.• their fortieth wedding anniversary. lane CARDS OF THANKS-- . Mr. Wesley Wein wishes to thank his many friends, neigh- bours and relatives for all their prayers, cards, flowers, treats and visits while a, patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home, Special thanks to Rev, Strome and Drs. Gttlens and Busby. 19c Mrs. Nelson Sinclair wishes in •express her sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neigh- bors and friends for tbp many acts of klnrdness, exPresaions of sympathy, and, beautiful floral tributes received, duringher re- cent bereavement; specal thanks to Mrs. Eagleson and Dashwood friends. Mrs, F. herr. of I%lxeter. R.ev. Hiltz, pall bearers and T. Harry Hoffman funeral home. 19r AARDS OF THANKS — T wlah to thank everyone for their vialts, r:arria, flowers and ready kind deedtl while a, patient in ' ire fin r 1 a Hospital. Your tiiong'htfulness will always be reitternbered•- Oerald Catnppell. tae Agra, 1Villlatn Pearce wishes to thank all the people who have been s0 very kind to her while a patient in the Exeter Nurain„ lfrine for visits, flowers, treats, letters, cards and prayers. lac 1 wish to -extend sincere thanks to friends and relatives for the. Iovnly flowers. cardsand gifts and to those who visited me. while t have been shut in.—dna Pass- more. 19s Tile family of the late. Alan fiend ' Lock le ;'Isla to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tirtn for all the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beau- tiful floral tributes received diir' in„ their recent sad bereavement itt the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Padre J. f . Atrl ay, J'/L K. Carpenter and all those 'whn took part in the service or helpedin any way.— Mrs. .a.11ce Lockle and family. lar I wish in thank all my gond friends and neighbors `fur their kind expressions of sympathy and the lovely cards sent ale dur- ing my recent sad" bereavement.' --Mrs. Laura Pollock, 19* 1 wish in thank all ihoae who sent flowers, cards, letters and treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning ;tome, -- 111r15, I'iussell Finkbeiner. 19+ BIN and Olive Esker- wish to thank their many friends and relatives for the beautiful flow- ers, cauls, gifts treats and visits while Olive was a patient at Victoria, Hospital. la• "''e wish to thank all those who visited and sent Ilowere, treate and cards to Amelia and who helped in any way the last few weeks, — Don and Amelia Dear- ing, 1'J• I would like to thank all my neighbours, friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with visits, flowers, cards and treats white. a patient in South auron Hospital, — Mrs. Harry Beaver. 1)1* T would like to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends and relatives for all the cards, flow- ers, treats and visits while a patient At St. Joseph's iioSPilal, Landon, and since returning home. --ituth weido. 19c' iN MEMORiAM— DOIISnN — in loving• memory of Montague Dobson, who passed away five years ago on ,March 13. 198-1. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near. —laver remembered by wife and family. 190 it's Easy To SELL Chicks Livestock Feed Seed Fertilizer Equipment Farms Land FOR C Use. London Free Press Want CALL GE *.6101 or write* The London Free Pretis to place,_ your odt Ads rt*ceirod by LOO peel. appear ilk eteitt day's poper. READ FOR RESULTS . USE FOR PROFIT Flying r!'l.issionary tells experiences tli>< Wednesday evening in the Pentecostal..ch.ttrch, Exeter, Rev. ,T. Spillenaar, flyieg missionary to Canada's Northland, spoke and showed slides of his work and .ministry in the regions of Judson •and James Say's. ,His plane "Wings of the taos- pel" takes him ta• remote di.s• trios in his lances. .among the Indians and lrslciulo from his base in South P'orcupine. JN MEMQRIAM—.. 'aet1 TON.•- In loving memory of t< dear husband, father and ;'rand. father, John Ltt:cton, wh i MOS'trl away one year ago, ldarch Messed are the dead whirls dip in the Lord; To depart and he with Christ is far het ter. --Sadly missed and lovingly re- tttetnhered by his wife, sons, tires, daughters-in-law and their fain-' d13s. Ll)i't'ON--Tn laving memory of a dear rather and grandfather. John Luxton, who passed away ane. yeoldar ago, March 211, 1918, I lost a Dad with a heart of g, 'Who was more to the than wealth untold. 'Without farewell he fell asleep, '`rVtth only memories for us la keep. I have lost hut Ood has gainer! One of the hest Dads the world contained, --Sadly missed by Blgin, Mildred and family. Jar Cromcirty i nt By MRS. KEN MCKELL.AR Royer WAS and WA The March ;meeting of (toy's Church WMS and WA. was held at the home of Mrs. S. Grabill. The meeting was opened by Airs. Neil and Mrs. Daynard and Mrs. H. Pridham led In devotions. Mrs. Al. Christie gave as 'read- ing which was followed with an instrumental by Mrs. N. Dow. LA olds March of Dimes The meeting of the Ladies' Aid was -held at the .home of Mrs, Will Miller with a good attend. ante. Mrs. Miller presided. De- votions were led by AIMS Olive Speare and lairs. L, Sorsdahl. Business was conducted by the president when it was decided to send a donation to the March of Dimes. Miss Olive Speare gave a St. Patrick's reading and Mrs. Sorsdahl conducted a musical contest. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Airs. R. Laing and Mrs, W. Ifarper, St. Patrick's supper ' The St. Patr'ick's, supper and entertainment which was held, in the basement of the church on Friday night was well attend. ed. A good program of music. readings and a skit was provided by the Young People anda male qulntette from Staffa contrib- uted two numbers. Rev. R. Nur gave a short address on some of the customs of the Irish and the hie o! St. Patrick. Personal items Mrs. Heber Shute, Kirkton, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. David ,Gardiner. Air: and Mr's. T. L. Scott and Mec and Mrs. E. Moore attend- ed the golden wedding anniver. nary of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Byrrleli, of Cameron, Ont., on Saturday. Mrs. Byrnel] and Mrs. Moore are sisters. Miss Sandy Bailie, Mitchell, anent the weekend with Mita Alice Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Me'f Gardiner visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Eggert, Rostock. Mrs. Gardiner remained with her parents for a visit. Messrs. Tteg, Findlayson, Gor• don Colgtihaun and Frank Elliott ;left by motor on Sunday for a two week's vacation in Florida. Mr. and Airs. G. D, Armstrong, of Weston, visited on Saturday with Air. and Mrs. IL, Carey. Mrs. Otto Walker and Alex visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Robert Hulley, Winthrop. 'Miss Carolyn Kumm, Mitchell. spent the weekend with Miss Margaret Jean Russell. comments About Kipper) By MRS, NORMAN LANG The Times -Advocate, ,March 19, 1959 Ng. 1' ��tnl_y.Itt4Unt111UiiOIItFltuUl;infl 1tI tatannlndtalanta atilialltimU hart ntliallttan nnlattelattttO... 11, ,persona( items Mr. and Airs. Charles McKay z spent Saturday in Stratford Miss Margaret McKay recent ly visited in liilisbtrrgh with bcr brother and sisterrin.law, qtr. :and Mrs. Ross Afcliay. Messrs. William and Emerson Kyle received word last Friday rtf the sudden death of their cats- ?. sin, Mrs. Priscilla Bridgman, of C 1.. onton, Alta. The deceased was the former Priscilla Kyle, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Kyle. Celebrates birthday Jim Kyle celebrated his 8th birthday .on Saturday by enter. taining 12 of his little friends to a skating party at the Hensel] arena, his grandmother, Mrs. Jean. Kyle, being present for the occasion. A decorated birthday • cake with eight •candles,'centred • the table. A few games of bingo and col- oured pictures of Disneyland shown on the screen by Mr. Cam- eron Kyle: proved pleasing en- tertainment to the children. BUY EASTER SEAMS GL•..AS.:SLYNE..,R MUFFJERS 1 Quality :Amit ..* . ,qn; # Priced To Fa Your Pocket Now Available At r Graham Artlives see These Used Car Buys '51 OLDSMOaIL ---Auxp Jrtatc '50 METEOR SZDAN Grctham Arthur MOTORS 24 -Hour Wrecker Service PHONE 210 EXETER WW1 's NI11,1111,11111111,11111,111140111111,1111,11111111111,111111111/1111; at1111111111111it11,1111111nnntnln 11111t111111111111tittgl a kk, 1k GREA TES 7 BEAD/NG DARWN Of 7116 YEAR! cow PR/C( Get genuine, fine quality SERTA at this "once-in-a-lifetime" special sale price. Choose box spring and mattress or two mattresses complete at this ONE low price. Act NOWi This offer is limited. Quality at a "Never Before" Price... featuring heavy quality, imported damask ticking, this well -tailored mattress will give you many years of comfort and service, 204 coil type unit, turning handles end ventilators. Outstanding value. Twin size only. MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO MATTRESSES ONLY — 95' Not too soft, not too hard, this medium firm inner- spring mattress features 220 coil construction with tape edge, pre-bilt border and beautiful; modern stripe ticking with metallic highlights. Another great value. 5 0 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO MATTRESSES ONLY — SMOOTH lop and bottom. Not a button or tuft any - 79.50 where to disturb your rest. Hundreds of electrically tempered steel coils, layer on layer of fine white felted cotton. Attractive, heavy quality print ticking. Pre- bilt, crush -proof border. Value PWS. MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO MATTRESSES ONLY $ERTA GUARANTEE Backed by tIic famous SERTA name, makers of the qualify SERTAPED`IC mattress t;. The ultimate in luxury and quality, this sturdily built SMOOTH TOP features multi,vented border . hundreds of eyelets; That actually air- condition your mattress, allow it tt5 breathe, Hundreds of tempered coils, erush•praof border, heavy sisal pads, layer on layer of white, felted caftan. Top value, MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING OR TWO MATTRESSES ONLY s 50 Dinney Furniture Phone 20 Exeter WE OELIVER