HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-04-15, Page 1IsamiaimeMItilinteateregema •
- —
7•re aware that when 1
6 -fore you at the into
real F:leetion I had notnc-
titled Office, although 1 . tod
Um itizetted 4* priat ado
asseAttive Caused. • My reasons
refusing that Ofre 1 stated
OP PuPlaislY sod in full. I then
flioniiked to you, that alth9421
it is necessary. to have a Chair,
.man or President, the duties
hitherto devolving upon the Pre-
sident were not sneli as to war-
rant tho country in payin dri
loindrod pot -fa
iil a star for is
services. Since that time, how-
ever, the office of President of the
Council has teen irmterially al-
tered and other important duties,
tin now neealeded) bTe . been As a dewy (lutetium dal•
„„eltiaChet) tO it --..-12-0t.) what. Spring, w.' im ts obirds rife.
lhat it IS no*
'That wad sing own, wood and plain/
- - , -
in reality no longer a shiecure ites it sped, like the sprig o' the Minstrel's
and hence my principle objection
to it is e.ntirely retuovetl. In-
deed, it may beresumed that
the duties allottedto the Presi- The en• la' the caulJ min
dent of the Council, ill future, As of i:ey had never loses;Pass "17'
are equal in number, and al t
A� ' Ibis wee limb, is thew blythest strain,
equal ill linportaum to the duties .sulvt'tt.lecthali..itra:r.g.hprib:;hir..11:: (100
perfumed by an' other member ', " ""t cum. beck 1364'.*'• '
So eady at the yeari An' the spring o' Abseil suitors days,
of the Cabinet.
urged in strong terms, u n ihe , AeAn'''
1_ 11. An' gooey 0(0! green spot;
se'traidis dolrers, and lays.
attention • of the then movern-Itt sle's i"". at are n"r ("rg°1.
went, the justice and utility oft la.
Ullenied wi, dubs or pain;
daszls' hopes an buoy blue,
getablial,:n. a Depart . .! pue'd aas. wi' ows pledge but Agriculture,this-
feeling thtn I d
as t ooi TI.at it winna come again.
, For thedirclocke are grey, as' the e's grows
now, that if any one interest Oe
department was entitled .to the There are wrinklm on his bine-.
. 'tA ytailat no';:rloouhrho ID' snbadcows., mirk an' grim,
eunsideration and igilauce of
Legislature, that one' should be An' loveless, dowlisel°thoughts aft bring
the Agricultural. This is•Cana- • ii‘
Dat days al' °lib ts °' "10,
. bilk tog that the LI-intatrel's minim
I IBM Siti•Ltriosi
. Vottly.
— •
BY TillOsio• il•c4,0111101.
The could gnaw lies on the howls an' bill,
It drills on the ley bay.
An' the April ehow'er is bitter and chill
That can nee mair come natio I
Mat The fitprirg wili come -the ic7 bay
WC;tylow wi' its wavy green;
cla's great interest—the founds-
bon cf• all our hopes of wealth Can 6•ervTg
reome again.
and prosperity; and • notwith- ilamotog410t Aril, 1 1155•
standing the comparative indif-TUE WAY -FARING MAN.
ference wtia iwhich it lia4 tither- .
. .
10 been teg,arded, it is. t e one IIIT Iloarrilloarellir.
Willett must turnish the " !len. A poor way•faring man of grief
,,wometi and money," that wia . - Has often crossed me on my Mari
ithitnalely raise us in the scale who -..,..d .o humbly -for relief,
That I could answer nay;
of r.ations. ? - t hail not power to ask hie name,
The Government has now wkeiber be went or whether he came;
established a 1/eparUnent of yrhetatts•re wits something in his eye
won my love, I know not why.
Agriculture the 'managementof
()nil: ...izeooly Acuity meal was 'spread,
nrhieb, .together witlirscveral Bet • word be spoke:
tither duties -connected with emi_ Jost perishgng for want er bread,
gratioti; aud the statistics of the: A
I gave him ell -b• Wormed it, brake
, ; aned •te bdt pave ma hart again;
ProtilICC. are, eotrusted. to the ' 11.1vne was an angers portion then-
.Cligirnviu of Conniti!tces or Pre_ And while 1 fed with eager hams,
'Licht of the Coin:ca. And His cruet was means to my taste.
.Excellency haiug been plcased
. t en'ed him when a fountain beret
Clear from *be rock-ebie strength was
to offer we this (Ace in itsralter-
ed and improved character, I felt . The hegei.".rees:ir water miseked his thiret;
it my duty and esteemed it an Ile heard ,t--eaw it hurrying on •
honor to aid in the deliberations •lhrniceanfdrorrs"dthuu
of an AtIministsation in whiph•T,Thetirciank' and thirsted and taloned it runnrienagn.ei'ernly euP.
rnever move. .
bad tail eonfidenee---which I hid
ateistetipsio fomt, and of which 1 'Twee n'ght. The floods were out; it blew
o have heea, from .,___ A wintry hurreane aloof;
expee t
um i heard his voice abroad, and flew
fu-st, a member. To bid him welcome to myoof'
.And although I still feel that r "en"'d' 1 ciPthd' I beerein'Ygnelt'
1 I
a gentle,man of super •
superior literary tt7iit Iiirlauone
d theem7 ep°eiti to reg.'d
and memod,
attainments would more proper- In Edee'sgarticnswhtlilemy1drbee'
ly theaCilltrge the duties of Chair- Stiriplupeudn,dwhiciimunbdyedtiieb;aigterwanyigbacto death,
man of -Committees, yet as Ilia
t rzsed his pulse, brovight back bis breath,
Excellency and his Advisers Win,,
th:frepapibrit, sod supplied
have been pleased to consider me _ bad ;fly _r meet ; he was healed;
eel a wound concealed,
oornpetent to the several duties L
Hut from that hour forgot the Elna,
nowattochoa to the office, rhsec
Anii peace bound up any broken heart.
at're,plefl t. And in doing so, I
affain contradiction'gTe
of- the i 'elt trgow him next, condemned
statements of the opposition and The tide of lyoinig"tro'un s mi itud
at morn ;
diocauteuted paw" that my ac -t And honored barn 'led (theme .ad sears.
:, if ro :keel sith irflutrost Zeal to tty,
ceptance of it, in its • present
osuieldeidires.o ell!
!StrItila. will be a Considerable say_ he flg.sh was wrear myw
spirit cried, "I will r .I '
.115 to the country. It has been , But the free
-111Wegod . by certain portiqfis, of, Thee, in a moment, to my •iew
straoger sterted from disguise,
the Press that I ant at. likerty to me ytleavnisoilint ehtioa!robiarol knew -
accept and hold this *Mee without ' .
Apia appealing to my eunstita_ Ile restive and my poor nreernmerteeYnssemed
.enss•the ittio8ntlientsayloemesu terils sult;e7tr, :.1.711e.::5aiidtt:itli7: ;Inn; inct"Int ;V:.";1 -
Fear not, tbon Bidet it unto me."
I have toc Audi respect for Dub_
lie opinion and the peiticiplat or AGRICULTURE.
Gut 4;enatitutios, to eva both
brims pechaps eta; • heifei
It teles 4111 great shahs the aritinaeUo
to tell which Is the most profitahlii.
OM TUN APFLICAT101 OF 1.1.IK rr) Gras
• -W hen we tamed., the wait q no-
w of lime that te removed by a crop of
g loss, it teems reas.:nable to svppose that
,nea:ta ought to be taken to trerare that
e lement to the soil, if the sod dose sot &-
read, contain a saacient amoont,
toes of red clover will carry oft shoot
130 Ibe. of lime --two tons 01 rye ersev,-33
lbs. This di an analysis by Professor
Johnston, whose high ligation:), cannot be
doubted; end from analysis we find all
cameo to contain lime in large proportiees,
especially clovers arid Lucrene. Although
quantity of lime appears a great deal,
carried of by these crops, Tel ,Or, small
when compared with the weight of the Gott,
ns one culitc foot weighs about 80 lbs.: and
rho p r e eee ce 1 mock realer glantity of
lime le neeesarry to be present in the soil
than what le actually required by the virtues
cropP, as the roots and feeding urges* du
n ot coma in contact with the hundredth
part of the soil. The clear, gluey parte of
the stem of grass. is composed of a silicate
of potash or a silicate of soda: and, in the
absence ef either of these substances, lime
in contact with sand or that will render it
sufficiently soluable to eater into the or-
ganism of plants, and well also *et at liberty
matters that here been taken up in the soil
e nd quite unfit in that atate to become the
food of plants. If grass Is set cured away
in the shape if a crop of hay. bit is iiaed As
e pasture for milk cows or growing stock,
.1111 a great amount of glum is removed br
those animals; 100 101. of boors conic,' 7.;
Ib.. of lime. Igithk, too, carries off carbonate
end sulphate of lime in 'rem almegacce.
Yet it mut be rerneinhered there is a mark-
e d difference between the fdll grown anl.
mal and • young or growing one; the former
excretes carbonate sod phosphate of lime in
its licmid. excrements, whereas nature bas
so organized the young vernal that the
greater part of theli me eaten in its food is
asaimtlated for the growth and extension of
its hones; if such was not the fact, biw
could bonen peepers the immense guanute
of lirue in their eorrepoaition?- 1 do not wish
go mislead farmers, but 1 am imeakieg from
practical application of limo to grass land.
Science dictated this to me, sad its applica-
uon was attended with the smite beneficial
results. The. imasee 1 elierild miaowed
to apply lime is Dow, or as early as posable
after, as in the• winter moirtis ITole inters
cense its most -heneteisl astaeneo en the
soil. , I should apply three tons to the acre.
There is much dIffererce in the quality of
lime;-whiehever cestains the Wiest
ant mat of pure earbgansto of limed. the
best for axial:coral purignee. lame I
should recommend be 'lacked, earmail oo
i• as thick a meat., ale .postOlo, and inmate.
Maly brosiad holt lengthways and
across; real and whip Clever will appear in
ninth greater ahtindance then fur yeari•pre
mous ,to the use of lope. Potatoes are
muddt beasifitted by de use;.9 lane, w.th
their top.. will taka from the soil 270 lbe.
et time; 47 team of turnips, welk . their tope.
will carry off 110 lbs. ei litne-hen•e bit
hewefit aniteg to toreipc,4. fr04.11 thediee
of better,. from the feet of their supplytng
lime in addition to the organic enemata-
ente.-G. Gree
Some pairs ago I travelled through a
portion of Michipn. It went on foot; or
rode as best sited my purpose. I carried
rich silks and jewelry to sell to those die-
posedeto buy. My only companion during
lay jouraey, was a large dog of the New-
foundland breed. Lion was fit to be king
of his species. He was good natured and
quiet, and there was something atmoot De-
man in his eyes. Ile attended to Ilia own
business and Inger quarrelled wills "curs
of low degree." Ile would bear an insult
from worthies puppies, with a philosophy
worthy of admiration. And I never knew
him, save on a few occasions, resent the
undue liberties of pupies of large growth.
When his ire, however, was thoroughly
aroused, he made such offenders a terrible
warning "ecul doers."
When I travelled, he trotted along by
my side and when I stopped to trade, he
seated himself near me and watched all my
movements with a business -like expression.
it annoyed him a little, sometimes, to ace
my customers drag the goods from my
back and handle them with such freedom,
which he expressed by a low growl, while
be followed every piece with his eyes, to
see that they were not appropriated
out proper compensation, and with my full
Ile really took a strong dislikg to those
who were disposed to find fault with every-
thing, and my ptices in particular. I believe
be knew the value of everything I curial,
and the talum I attached to them. BeAts
n it may. be seemed satieted when I was,
and wagged his tad when]. made a good
trade. was au excellent watch -dog,
and there was no dang;r of anything con-
fided to Lie care being taken away. I
fouud him very useful and companionable in
my travels.
Conveyances were so scarce and uncer-
tain, that I wag often obliged to go on foot
from one settle mint to another. These
'gurneys were aay thing but pleasant, and as
the country was new and the state of socie-
ty anything but gnat, robberies were fre-
quently prepetrateduon these lonely roade.
and there were those, nn doubt, to whom
doe rich &tuffs I carried would be a suf-
ficient temptation to commit a murder.
The idea frequently occurred to me io
travelling through the woods of the
West. But old Lion was always by my
side, ready to (lie in iny defence, and proud
to Share in my waaderinge. I always went
armed. An excellent brace of pistols,
steel barreled, and loaded with were
layer from my pocket, save long enough
no doubt but Lion understood the pantorni-
to see that they were in order, and at eight
quite inc as well as any body, be did not offer
they lay beneath my pillow. 1 felt
PL VNTI TO TREN3.1f1 1111 year 1758,
n inety two fir tree were planted upon a
piece el groom!, about teregimarters 0( 50
acre in extent. The land was waste ail
poor; no extra exoettse hs e incurred, and no
further anent ,. a wail psid to the young
trees. , In 1513, they were cot down, and
yielded 90 tom of timber, then worth /.4
oar ton, giving a round sum' or L360, when
was egged to a rent of .C.1 104. during the
ingervening t5 years. Cas a more convin-
cing proof be given of the facility with
ethic!: . man may este a fortune for hie
grandchildren! lo Yorkshire, very rftelli-
17, 50,000; oaks woo cut down, which
yielded the mini of. £100,000; nod, as re-
cently, in Somershelshire, the Weber of an
mute of 31,410 seres wait refused to an altar
of 450,000. Ears in Scotlan,f, a piece of
groend 01 worth 30e. per acre, for Agricoltural pommies, wes planted with @yea.
mores, and at the rail of -sixty years they
fo.ched a mon that paid .£14 per acre per
ann. doting that period. There are ways,
however, of making land, apparently fit for
nothing else but planting, yield even an
Immediate profit by a very simple process,
f,sr it haw been 'wartime 1 gist a pound of
turnip seed sown after harvest upon an acre
of light, sande, end gravelly land. .which
had been worn eat hy over patighing, sod
ploughed in, atter two months' gr,wth,
leave., rook, Mc., had as butt:wog an
effect as cold hare been croddce. y
by availing myself of a legal ON FEEDING ANIMALS. load* of maniire upon that gestalt', of land. agr"able or'.
The rled; if road it conlil be coiled; was
quibble. .1 shall, therefore, so - VAtoB OT TRH ARTIctIOILE AI AN AIM...
The following is •n extract of the addrue CIILTORAL Prorwirr.-Reeent investigation very bad and through the thickest forest in
that part of tile country. The ni,gdit, too,
80011 as a writ can issue, that ia, et William Little, which wo take from the of this cornet.. root show that 100 parts
culture. by weight of the tuber," contain 23,0t; of alt-
substance, being richer in nitro -
Fifth Repeat of the Sate Bosrd of Agrieul- erep: on apace, and promised to be darker
sign my seat and give you, the vinous, fatty, aed esccharino mettere, and than common. But Linn trntted alonp,- by
so soon as Parliament meets, re -
Electors of litiron, an porteni. 111•.'0Atsio,d sotowthohevbfeesegog, it4eof proodiep mow in pbosphates than potatue. It theretom r„, ole; 1 wai, a smart walker, and was
- --ps, fists,* your
ty of expressing, at the Pots
the quastios. bow do yew feed your animate, most Talgagg, for the („a„,„&,,, of pig., eonfident I was getting over the ground
follows that the ArtIcaoko would prove •
able food for dumb saitale. let ase sae you
thus concurriag in the first at -
your opinion of my Cominc. t in
h sw11 putrtasiretho"billobodow !limit coltja.fer yaoltlir °ewe, sad faunal, generally, and its cola- fast; eo I didn't mind it mirth.
The darknem was on me before I wi.'
mcnt to r., vbrrtize and elevate Caetab le1:11.41c n 'III „be'dou,riefnitigNal:thint1:11:•aittsePtrrtersoyarlolltiheofedu. waidd •eav a°11 to %sten' tlly°1:1 e°010in 'lout; at: h:file7Pibtearr".:,,a. baaa-tiji disa tcwhbfa::: '11 boa°. 1:: :1 res tit di be: very
eet already walked eighteen miler, hot I could
tempt of any ()anadian Govern- aware of it. It seemed to me that 1 had
the agricultural interest.; by a
Ma mks of having the fattest sad largest then, enth ether aliments more resistant and
'Am lancnidi such, for •xamp'e, as dry fodder, 'en° "Idement•-Thi. "rPristql me •
distinct Governi:oental Depart-
ment. , yibertisiafirminouttpeeithhouis seethes:4; yttltri imfairoman, itan, and grain.. which w ":.:1 be smeller- little, for I was trued to travelling and knew
etufilid to the rote el their emaatrintleme for
toot to 4soo sioiter, wime they may au, Med miatere. A. In the ittliculty ef limit- well my ability to calculate distances. But
1 bare the Honor to be,
dwrotaeirrith; sandiest:1r tositsmosrea oesgr ouht,10,0Thith:oryta inUittlieinetibstillitrntePrre,ve.P°e•ntapeeediAn,:y1°Ity7oerr.cp.Plral°dIrivt.actl'.‘'°nnhi'ire IhttbaSr4lent w1 askepritn:lye acePrtedsisiteIelertilumdiste'skment GnMy 8 eleatily 1,
'four' obed't merv'ut, rotalletbiiverotetputOreseof 4feloodest,oaknosthpretbeitte thin: ant dowel ie the green, making wedded or
hoed plants succeed them. th stems of the Or been misinformed in regerd to the dis-
• "*1 a ' .• MALCOLM CS Ittitarne. taoce, 1 conchided it would be beat to keep
! • . wiles, rimeeti. it will sot a 610 da y 1,.., green fodder.-Proreedings tail l'reach the road I was in odd I reached some habi-
Aaa*surialesigiabsomas 76.46.,.. siregu. .4700 riewerog ar et:bsorietrokea a.leo co 'tuts a good
c,,m17, --Jete-1- 1111; writ. :a -a•-..- Illootriel hamotlana"thitleerlwi:ise,te4.14:;rat }kw Imo ot. pos uses tabor'. ,
•erryntrisaitnifor‘ohtyliwels,gmiort In"; rail ircre:alueu of Ferieseed the fact, that you have a..." _--.. _,.- _. •
In a short time 1. W14 glad I bar! made
8408 ov the magus of 1550. Its cotes
1,Thiseillorthes 146•4:7441froalill'IVaLlInied bit imilbillag Ini destriWe a
metropolitan correepondont of the
tbioa the resolution, for 1 saw a light glimmering
. lig; Talth ir,711a „A ivericans 1118; Preach '. 11 aefil tau y a. ay,,,ATio onenns. kry
. mitztot_t pettish teihrerttr, rti;IncghtioCstnathditasasetnotor 5:. ethisepna...e.o....id., sus e lop goy shod. mrnister; 60 500,ei-owb(asett.7,0oisol•niche':::: from a cabin. I approached it as soon sa
IS; ether delettriee MS. In religions* which. be es is, is beteg euneoetsci by Ib.
RUM ef the Irish See, by breakwaters sits. •I thought 1 toad he Sedearefated
possible. It wag rather above the medium
• • smiler" Om esteem Oasbeiles bare e there Yell well. it hod the impairer* of
sesepeederanosi, bet se there are op..
la laiiiiii "ehhatilLIZIr 44 r•aab h'y owe- lifiraeLen wOonaruuutame.laditiroilirb"nuagi"hadelasec
L4lieliellesUr" "4 eig....eteNi alis.l1/1" WI' it". Til" --` kleirelliiimall with se Portpatrie. Thee, it is argued, bob in, being rery comfortable within'. I tired
wi„ _ guld k•I't dilr. . To ups 0 1.3 i.
reltiltitheetatiotree may sot after 61.1 Ito 1114101
a...laala,a....12,2asif so km out est, •,. ill 11,1111.1. Liveepeel, Whitehaven, and other fa, „,t,„,),,„,. The door was ar,,,d by a
, tablIfe there ere no fadeganifeata or Neve -
ate oily fit marked 111 Barlow tookedreesinFoigfe"aal:tirstheemet Fateasper"dimstastreatiorioairilht;tboaLoarisefir, e".11:""inateej ih....7.176:71:,: "orb,Plieml."dity,ktiht:embildishannrieehtat,n1:11 niaNn•o. I sot sot a perm,. to brier,. le pre.
: Vete ta a • religious paled bf Ore.
:' raaallata II alt. "•••• u• °IMO boor.,"•als4 siren. tawo a oh..., ..d, e•stewitiatnioftee18144,00.d.h.rthiertelyik. leen ?Illohi. yenwolifiaddibes.
. ' 54,35ft formilm. Widempea,
2810; Wormy* lafftfl......flenal wed dee* et; am, ia *hi, saw" of no rhanr, ...ups es -neon per tent. of oora Dow imported fres
Illiwut 11.1 lAind"" 9S1 "WW1 aallasl' 11"th •Iitart.allid is edditirso te 4;i -chopped 411"7".8:....*,.'"",,:..,. ofillawndh°61: iltarfilsoir lea.;
• Moab 4.11led feetalee 1.1100- V • l'Itiiit• htedi_elll ereft theft 1 a, pee da or
Itri•• •-•-••• tvesee••• ,••,-- • •••Ill'Ziaawe•• =at may 54. yam V•iseuI•ow.:-401 mhos\ the railway will be for the ith eompl•-
• ja 185ensi.4144.....,' lamaitiashe Mt °1149144811/11/61' St "0 • fht Itie wisos,„„gaw atripik g ...„_6. MP dreatemity of al oreassoho Ray. ser•••
4. lieletilBEI• Mem 4,5,1; t. tit; as
Pio% lea keltlellet ma edema/ lall'elleiletkidalfral"'iskjavaireiviadsh.istem.""imierset"riverg t11.1
betakes 78. COorel pumas, 1110 • , roam* hay. *nal nil dem yawn old watt et lee ow sea. it 1.••••-ub'r..
7 WeerwagaiwitertoWSWINalleatarallaw4001
' discover the cheat &ad elevate Mi
A thoUnaed sac li thoughts mislaid
my mnsd in an inetent. 'no cola
ran down my fare ha • steam. Tail
i !leaven, I was sot kept lout in waspesue
A terrible *avionics fulteertal the ireage
t ful pane. A item of Jogs pommel fate
, my bed, perforating my wig. and scattering
TWELVE »r FOX l'ENCE hh*earPut
Al I" 1" 6"11"1"L`L. i br:atrthe d
ot:/r.,,gate twat it, to the 10,0,4
i 4.
NUMBER X11. Ditrint: these ogerr t; ,e4 Lane ha oInteli
I41f by my aide, %via his fore feet apes
it,. bed. erbile to Ittii p .I-4pit Say
„e *dation,. After Wvallittliag a 1"'" •• 1 thouglat the co -Awe weed,' like to gagg go attat y
meat, be asked me to cuter. A tall female
was seated in a -oruer near a large rock
fire place. She seemed buy witeghog
is piece of meat o. er the fire. It
etruck 1 had never areLl a noire ain't
%I" Ly tile irift' sail abet by way ar" meant, ler had kept hint so fore.
Call the varmint mit tilody ! At the moment of the diveliare, be g•AVe a
t!' • low growl. I point( d to the lle
,nn wants t %keg in a mon uith the '.a„gegatagg my agaawgis well.1 ,711
beast, added male lied, In a treemer flint
flashed like (ills of fire while he waited
couutenace than hers. She hardly notice expel -seed a great deal of chtistian satiety .Ii.
i the moment to wreak hie vengeance on the
ed my entry. She might be forty yinrs far my welfare.
old. Her face was remarkably long, and
wrinkled to a degree to excite curiosity.
Her nose sharp as skinny, and was indeed
her whole face. The bead -gear was is holly
indescribable, and beneath it grey hairs
were visible. Her entire dress was unlike
anything I had ever seen. I could hardly
keep my eyes off kier, She, as well an the
man, glanced eagerly at my pack as 1 .laid
it down. The latter was a coarce looking
person, whose countersuce appeared more
indicative of rapacity than villainy.
To my questions he replied very civilly,
after I bad entered and he had got a clew
0( 107 person. 1 learned from him what I
had suspected for ttk last half-hour, that I
had taken the wrong road.
A kind of telegraphing took place bet-
ween the two, after which I was informed I
could stay. This did not appear to Inc a
very great favor, since I had • chance to
observe my host and hostess.
The meat upoo the coals was set upon
the table at length. I was iuvited to par-
te-lie of it which I did with my host, who
had been lament, and had returned a few
minutes before my arrival,. During 07 re-
oaet, Lion took his station by my side;
receiving a portion as he always did.
When I bad finished, I drew away from
the board, and taking a paper from my
Pocket pretended to bii busy reading.
I glanced up occasionally from my order
brows, and was start!ed to see the apathy of
the woman as well as theta the man, wear-
ing off rapithy.-Iler eyes grew animated,
and, in unison wide his, glanced at the &Si
with evident sign.' of dissatisfaction.
Preseatly 1 nodded over my paper, like
a sleep;r.g person. Instantly the manner
of the two persons became more alarming.
Finally the tall hag lifted my pack arid
weighed it in her hand at well as she was
ahle. Her eyes (lashed like a serpent's for low and laid (loon, bat such an minceetint-
it contained a large quantity of specie, be- able sense of evil pressed upou me that 1
sides valuable jewelry mid costly silk.. I could not steep. Lion; too, appeared too
always made a practice of putting my silver easy -came and puthia fore -paws upon the
money in a bag, and depositing it in a cor- bed every few minutes, then went back to
ner 'of said pack, but my bills were bis pot by the idoorraa4 laid dons ia
placed in a belt which I wore next to • my kind of feverish satiety.
,Nfter she had done this she motioned
for him to come and lift it, which he did
with apparently as much satisfaction as his
other hall bad experienced.
Ile then opened the door softly, and
motioned the dog to go out. Though 1 have
• •
"I prefer to have him with me," I auswer- " I will open the door a httle, and whoa
e there
Oh no," I answered. " You are quite saidethe%
The door was opened, but " the cre'idr"
Ile wont eat that quarter of meet in hsettk:ifout his head, shoot hint,"
there, will he
didn't stick his head out. Lion knew bet -
right --he never takes any thiog that's not
ter than that, said waited hio chance. Es -
bolde.ned by not hearing anything, the dow
Saying this, I wieliel them a gond night
was gradually opened. Now was the time
and closed ti e door.
They had provided me with da talon
111th a terrific bowl, Inion leaped over the
i head of the woman, and seized the ruffian
candle, and the fir,t thing I did was to ex -
by t
amine everything in the room. It ass he throat, dragged him n an iinstant to
the floor, where a great struggle took place
pretty well lumbered iv. Val ices kinds ,
in another moment the hag was writhing,
in my nervous grasp; her surprite was to
great that she made but little redstence--
and I quickly bound her hard and foot with
a cord she had procured for auolher use-.
perhaps to drag my body away into the
state that they were take4oni the wood; ,
l'ise nett thing to attend to was the man
and the clothing upon 11 Air coarse enough
and Lion. The struggle was still going.oe,
for a hermit But what struck me as being
a little singular was that the bed was torned
towards the partition separating the two
rooms, and right opposite tbe pillow was a
wide crack, which had the appearance of
being left mica by d aign.
I began to feel queer, (and that is set
just the word to expects what I mean.) I kit
his riettin to punish
another; for below
had large sums of money about me, enoitgh
I could prevent it, be had let bia tee,,
totempt the cupidity of my entertainers at
quite through the beef arm, who shrieke.
as their ictions Lad already evaeg .
of vegetables occupied different corners,
among which were pumpkins, potatoes,
melons, kc., together with a quarter ol
venison, some jerked beef, and skins of am-
inals. It was a Imo( concerti, the frame
being made of round ries, in the same
but the latter had set his sharp teeth into
the throat of the wrttilt, and rendered
his efforts abortive althhugh he was a lima:
of powerful frame. He was already rale,
ing with blood, and i hastened to save whelk
little of life was left in him. The dog was
loth to quit his hold, and when be did, bm
any r
e .
easy it would he tor them 20
The fellow looketekas tly enough whack
•• through the crevice whilst I slopt.
I released him. Ihs seek was frigIstallt!:.
'deo(01 P°s'ev'i'3n of me fu"Y' and torn, but he got no pity from mei I boalet
d not deice. it from my mind. I would him as 1 had his companion in ilairava441,1?
e fastened the dowry but there was nth -he maintained a moody silence, white
to fasten it with, and I was impressed
heaped courses upon the dogg4bo
her apron about hie aeck, wIi a&
come M that direction. it should, Lion
with the idea that the danger would not
surgical aid he got from me. Iderfrtt
was thete to apprise me of it. I laid or very well satisfied with the eftedetrait
• eientil
iny coat, sol bustled about is though I was
and laid down in the corner IOW
until essing.. I put my pistols under my pit -
them with much calm philosophy,
We remained with them till wo"W
cannot say but I enjoyed bet trims
much as Lion did, as they Were ter
offenders, as it was proved afterwitrall
court ofjestice. As goods fortune s
bare it. a man prised the neat
whom I sent word to the nearatee
At last 1, feigned sleep and snored meet
of whab had occurred.
musically, but 1 did not fail to look through
Before ten o'clock the offender,' wit4
the crevice and see whit my host and hos-
the hands of the law. Thr
less were doing. They laid down upon ga to the nearest jag. w
the. bed which stood in the room, and wits! trial, wlicti t,k placQ
llacy wet*.
qbeeuiertdethenhyr,uithistpileri.begaNtabtaot enweorree I-1•4:tpterwretts.riol.as no too in
safe With Muse and Lion, who was the
compaoioa of my nights as well gas days.
He always laid down between my bed and
the door, with his face toward the latter.
growl. The pantomimes ceased ;(.. an in -
No one could enter without attracting the
stant. The door was closed, and toe poker
attention of Lion.
returned to its place. I stirred a little.
One day in the summer of 1840,1 found
They were quick to observe me.
myself in a small settlement on the border
"A fine dog," said the man, thinking it
of a small lake, anxious to get forward to
prnhable I might hear the remark. "1
the next, which was about eighteen miles
reckon Le wants to get out -he growls as
distant. No conveyance could be obtained
without waiting till the next day, which I t`mug" be did."
was not inclined to do, so 1 set out on foot. A Pau5e f°114.'we"hi5 remark. 11e
thought I might order him out, but I did
It was near night and 1 walked forward
to stir, but lay at my feet as Ivied); as ever.
At last the old bag grew impatient and
shook a poker at him. Lieu showed two
rows of white teeth, and uttered a low
It thin',
briskly. I was not long in discovering that no bur 0"
Try expedition would be by no means an Nice dog," the woman added, after a
inoment "nice dog," and then she offered
hini a piece of meat, and attempted to fon-
dle Lim. Contrary to her expo-tat:low.
Lion ntterly refused the meat, and put an
crud to all faiiii:iarity by showing his teeth
again in a very testy manner.
'Fla, was something very strange for him.
I never before knew him to refuse meat
when it was offered him. lied Lion shared
iny suspicions? lied his instinct taught
him that the hand outstretched was not a
friendly one I
Ily this last hostility on the part of env
dog. die hag appeared not a little discon- not like the iiltia of taking human Cle,,ef.edretnhie.;hontwhspitra.irdreiner gs:rieterrotifie:1, ;el;
certed. She retreated almost bellied DIN I sum eoinlent 1 could dearnd wiyeelf, yet abet, ,,,,„g„„„g ..,.cal alga
chair, and shook her skinny fist at him; but even that cnnfi leure we. net enoirgh to he returned to the colony awl was seised,
earl iiiineetestely doomed to be betel alg1
make me 10,1 aliggetlgr
easioess at that rather decided and euerge- Taking my pistols carr hands. 1 bent and ane Are ems otiosity kiedled fetltheigk4
pose but at his triirricai nupalleit11611, eirre
he did not condescend to express any un -
glee the bed, nail commeneed encring 4- flr•t allot sod then brirned, veld% Om emew
• I now th ought i t time to wake ap, which gars, at the mune tone watchnig the move- 4Aemri::::e%,t7e:/..a.frt 111"4.14 rZ14711". °ma; a*
tic etpression of tbe feeling+.
'two% that/ and liar intoned mte4y *efts+
twill the wii.iirtwera. The °weer. er,
Show. of 14.w t Myles, who was ow btlie4
WWI iihot without any provocation, ped the
captive wee ',aced that he m abet
were bet two sweetmeats, in the cabin and -1Ie tool the. gaits. ast.1 ie hei stocking teet Sirruilhe'soosat.
both left the one I was in to make arrenge- I appreeel.4 the crevice nepo•:te bed, %twitted 4„ykrillr“,
takes sod pillegedt end the metal., seem
years imprieonntent, whi
!lotions when I saw theta rise softly, ad the' ever live to get out, t
man take a gua from behind 'the bed. I sleogg ke seerieg their
11 feta tO.
teneert to
hi N L
hermit; he
saw bids, assisted by the Ing, draw. out a still as strong and healfttly' g es you
charge of ,bot which was iu die gun, and find.anYwh"rf'• No momoersssedi •
re -loaded it with it bandful of slugs. I me. to pati with Ithr" If. is adni 1.
likeness pithtialted in One sketch/
shake., hie head Orel?, as m
-g 1 don't care shoat it, m
worthless poppy ha.s bit !Ace
more use than it ever been before. I lifted Gratef;i1 for past seeciees, I so4taittatie
rapid( from the bed, aid felt about in ,tbe have lois even way in thie,as in* gregmmig
e of die p„„maggs 1 other ina'ter.. Let no ovio rl
qtitIyin turned over breed,' and pretended to' have 117 hee as17"1bpvi
44W' r
hun the prbprtety
awakened. Mg plan of action was arrang-
ed in a nomeot. I had warn a whip for
several years, on account of losing ay hair
by a fever. 1 determined to make it of
dark, until I found on
legt seen. Over this I drew my wig, and it ni,rieuies t dreulat
happened to be an excellent fit. Haviag og„0. Pe I n
dressed it in this uncotr,tnen inamier,1 crept
to my bed, mid placed it on my pillow, in MUTINEERS ANTI PIRATES 0
the exact spot which my head taitharcupi-
ed. When it wit, thus ailjasted it was te Some weskit shier: tin areetent wis
juata-position with the longereeice,thrilegh leueolowneccdbottfmipi:ic‘i:
l.mseitiontysten:fliiiie the WrieoPireli
which 1 now l441.4 another kok• Deas
vens! 1,100
Iles fiends virere leadial a braes of pewit t New York, deice frrins V7Iparleo lo POL.
with the isuue Mfernal slugs!
I real ray but I fella little dry 'shout
the throat theft.- I looked towards old Lion.
I could sec his (Teat eyes Out -nigh the dad. -
nese. Ile was atill span .the alert. peva
piration began to roll down my face to great
drop*, not that 1 felt aimulatirly afraiite-fer
I dotter mvei If 1 wise no eoward---bet I
11301, have been re, and further ;WI.
coler• of the mud iny and egeey and nvae.
committed by the ntienber,, mot their Lit
arreet, the recovery of the termed* mimed by
he,o, 5n1 fir a Is-ge mild toe of the arialge
..n board then . A noweependam of abdi
New 1 ork imams; from Val-
paraiso. ewes the partimilars of the pap
Ile *aye the Coiony. Including pitmoosr•A
Bauman. li.. CIt weal 648 fervent.. •
moony was headed hy The
I did with a preparatory yawn tor two, Th.; event. of the man and hie amiable rowel.
game apathy came track mid sat epos the 11.1:iely explosiou from my nea 'eeemi•d in
features of my entertainers. I mode them girt her ,mite •Illsearlsm• The/ ionkod
understand that 1 wished to retire. There at 'each °Orr. a lei, al smiled grime y.
menta re the other for my accommodeaws. Soli 10.4 by the hag, *lib the i Alois awl
They reeve .Int ed length, sod I was bald earvieg hear. tstoppieg. ha peered into
the* ty 14 411111 41Idy. They watched ety the ronm. and bmw41it his ferocious 1..iolvaag
imaymf yterseepoetwirtnoettirewpetrilerrpheme74."1. startTieehl; reelfiNestle:"Ivriertlerre"t :le Iteeyridanalegerbmioain.r arnato iseistyanwlgy 'metal kit.. *14 rewcs24ivisid
SPTItiewo,. oti.givi.vi and all that pert a worthy port lighted ism I relieved lad tens
thing. hut 1 certainty saw something in that it, and they fail to a smoseces, Thi, .io
man's couotenance that I did sot like the 001 all -I permed in first, awl the emataa
rirmient 1 at my eyes upon horn. Yit a attempted tn shot the door no Line; bet
gruff ',lice be asked my !mimes. I the klberretties forth lee strength, sprang
told hua 1 believed I had lost my elbariilili MO Illatiet, atrenst sporttias tha
way, aarl was seder dm neeessity of caking hag M die blahrilkeis.
• #.111.
, _ faa.10 beit 01,1 temiraa.
Talbot, save mete sed the ewe., • see met
sowei slier heves boon put 14 Irene.
babe. frail' (WO** to remedy mimosa
murdererii embeikea board AO ele
which they bah ire . ?Mel Mid ant
kr, lawitrever, befute they fon oat 1
my head 0. 5.1 harm's way, and emitted Ihmesietwiti. `1%. tardier of the pl
wow and then • mere. 1 distimeely Wawa Entl" a °5n"' 66?""sa s Ph" P
twejoellty of the ereeargif leso the hor
him fit the newish of lie gee egarest the aa„,,, passais„..,„,atbaa &moray ow
fissure onormite the wig, said thew Vitiate,- tiers mow be thaw Imola mg
,nor of inSigwitiussi, soil • kind 0'weep* 0001 rues 04
fitses. 04"b1"41 ,4•4!"1";
tbe ethamv
theineelvel sugtel• or *b44
a Chtilla port. AM wear Le,,.
aonsaeloo, all over ma, I drew hoot slid
welted the mealt. It wen a momesd Maw.
fol wironseires te me . bet if he shoed*
' 4"" trOlekLAP