HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-19, Page 8Page 8 The TIrnes-Advocate, March 19, 1959 Get a head start on Easter with a 59 -fashioned coiffurestyled expressly for VOLT HI -LINE BEAUTY SALON Located in Cook's Hotel, Centralia PHONE AC 8-6661 MARG COWARD, PROP. Be beautiful for EASTER SPECIAL SAVE $2.00 Our $6.50 perm will be reduced to $4.50 for one week only --I.-. March 19 to 26. Call for appointments to- day. Y -Go -By Phone 522 BEAUTY BAR Main Street, Exeter Complete your costume with JEWELRY let yourself glow with fashion -right touches of our beautiful jewelry ... spring sparkle for Easter outfits in new designs that rival "the real thing" for glomourl „.. ,..,, - ... , ......„? , ,.... 4,.... . ... ,,...„ =NM Jack Smith PHONE 510 CREDIT JEWELER Mouth -Watering Easter Candy By Olin Brown HERE IN TIME FOR EASTER! World's First Perfect Shirt by Von Heusen It's the All -Cotton "CENTURY VANTAGE" with the one-piece Soft Collar that • won't wrinkle ever! Automatic wash '11 wea, , . swivel button for French or plain cuff '5.95 NEW HABERDASHERY FOR EASTER BRIGHTEN UP YOUR WARDROBE NOW Lloyd Ford's Men's Wear PHONE 299 EXETER .Fairfield tudents entertain parents Grandparents and parents of 440 ,,pupils .of Fairfield sehool at- tended onen holiselast wen. They observed classes beitig. taught by :the teacher, Mrs. .Mer - via .Carter, and examined the work books .of the children aaer which they t.njoyed a eolleert 01 song and instrumental music on the accordion and piano by the pupils. Brief eomments were made by *Herman Powe. Earl Neil and Elmer Powe paying tribute to Mrs. Carter and. the fine pro- gress .made by her pupils. Lune'i was served by the pupils. New colors gorgeous By MRS. EDITH BOYLE Irwin's Ladies' Wear In spite of the fact that Easter conies to us earlier this year, there. is a firmer indication and more optimism for better and brighter days ahead for 1959. The big trend which started last year was in the distinct change from nylon to orlon. This will continue during this year. Gone is the chemise; with us are the more conventional styles, with - modification of the ultra - styles, such as the Empire line. Canadian manufacturers are working hard to give gond styl- ing in all lines and are using beautiful materials and gorgeous colors. Shrimp, soft powder, and mint greens are the lead colors this spring. Drip drys are tops for dresses with the shirtwaist way out in front for style. In blouses, cottons and blends Are the important fabrics used and these are seen in a great many styles to compliment the beautiful prints in the skirts. Skirts are found in all snot'. ettes but the most successful are expected to be the bouffants in both flared and pleated styles. These are made in cottons, blends and synthetics. When the fabric is a print it is a beauti- ful print. Slacks and shorts come in a selection of lengths. The length which is expected to be good in shorts is Jamaica, which is somewhat shorter than the Ber- muda shorts. Slims are in the new cord fahric, with jackets to match. Swimsuits with the Empire look, the long torso style and those with brief permanently - pleated skirts are good this year. Nylon is being replaced in lingerie by arnel in beautiful colors as well as white. Handbags are large with lots of room in them. Gloves and scarfs are dyed to match and compliment the ensemble. . So, all in all, we can look for• ward to bright and back to nor- mal days. Mrs. J. Chambers Exeter resident Mrs. John Chambers, a resi- dent; of Exeter for many years, died in Clinton, Saturday, in her 8Ist year. Mrs. Chambers' maid- en name was Alma Grace Hill. Her husband predeceased her a year and a half ago. She is survived by two sons, Calvert, of Dorchester; William, of Clinton; two daughters, Mrs. George (Grace) Thomson, of Sarnia, and Mrs. Anton (Nona) Anderson, of Marine City, Mich. The funeral Monday afternoon was held from the Hopper - Hockey funeral home, conducted by Rev. Bren de Vries, of Trivitt Memorial Church. The bearers were Jack Carr, Fred Darling, Norman Norry, Ted Chambers, Aubrey Cham- bers, of Woodstock, and James Chambers, of Ailsa Craig. Inter- ment was in the Exeter Ceme- tery. 4411* Practical and pretty Ready for the Easter parade are Dianne and Helen Jory in practical and pretty outfits from Gould and Jory. Di- anne wears a navy and white drip-dry silk broadcloth dress -with wide cummerbund and short sleeves. She carries her spring coat o 'orsted with back trimming. Helen models a suit with grey flannel pleated skirt and. blue and grey checked top trimmed with skirt material. White, lacy hat and purse completes her ensemble. —Jack Doerr Figures return again in new spring designs By MRS. DOUGLAS GOULD about this year's accessories. Gould and Jory Colour is everywhere, from um- brellas gay enough to make the Dame Spring .is just around sun shine on rainy days, to hos- the corner, and with her she is lery tinted to sheath the legs bringing a fashion story, told in in delicate gossamer, in choos- a twinkling.. Women have found ing names for their colour, their figures again. Exuberantly, Spring has borrowed from a waists show, shoulders show, hundred flowers and fruits: ger- sleeves bell and skirts swell, anium, daffodil, lime, cherry - Only hem lengths are unwaver- fizz, orange, lemqn-ice, pink, ing—most hover about the knee wine, mint and lemon -glaze. caps, White, the perennial classic of Spring's suit story is young, the fashion world, still appears feminine and often dramatic. Un- in quantity in almost every type assuming clipped jackets achieve of accessory. Thanks to this width through the important col- wide use of colour, accessories Lars that mantle half of all the will add ."zest" to the plainest spring -taking dimensions, broad - —Please Turn To Page 9 en the silhouette. What they gain in width, they have lost in length; even on coats and suits they have climbed, often to a- bove the elbow, Skirts are a chapter in them- selves. Some a r e modestly ga thered f r o m high -hugging waistbands; belts circle the mid- riff time and again, other skirls curve over 1 he hips—infants style. The fullest skirts are often patched with low -slung pockets to emphasize their new-found width. Designers' .favorite fahric is wool heathery, lacy tweedy, tail- ored and dressed up. The colour palette is saturated with reds,. blues and pinks but yellow is the hottest colour under fashion's sun. By contrast there is an emphatic revival o f classic blackand while. Black crepe frosted with white organdy is incredibly romantic; black and white polkadots are dazzling; black and white checks in every conceivable size have unques- tionable authority. There is a flower -garden look cop, It's just like mother's Laura Jean MacMillan models a bengaline duster coat "just like Mornity'S" but new this spring kr the younger set at MacMillan's. In navy this duster features push-up sleeves, white button trim and high yoke in the back, giving. that lifted look. With it she wears a white Ilreton Sailor hat with navy streanoer ad white gloves. —Jack Doerr Crowd mourns district .farmer A largelY•attended funeral serv- ice was held on Monday. March 9 at the George Logan and Sons chapel, London for James Rus- sell Shoebattom, 99, London. Township farmer who died Fri- day at Victoria Hospital after being struck by a car near his home. The Rev. L, B. Jenkins, rector .of All Saints Anglican church, officiated.. Son of the late. Mr. and Mrs,. James 11. Shoebottom the vie- tim was born on the farm ,of his late residence. Ile was a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson who lived for many years. on William St., Exeter. Ile was unmarried and lived with his brother, Marcus. London Township police said 111r. Shoebottom walked into the 'path of a car driven by Russell A. Steele, Embro,' a he turned from .talking to the driver of a tractor to his mail box on the opposite side of the road. He was taken by ambulance to Vic- toria Hospital suffering from head and arm injuries. He died the following clay. Besides his brother, Marcus he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Wilson McCullough (Clara); a Mate, Mrs, W. L, Berkey (Shir- ley) and two nephews, William and George Barkey, London. Interment was in Si. John's cemetery, Arva. Pallbearers were Hadley Fitz- gerald, Craig Day, William Bere, William Talbot, Arnold McGuf- fin and Rc.bert Hodgins. Neu' collection of Shoes for Spring, Starring THE ELEGANT PUMP Choose your spring pumps from our new group . . . gracefully designed to slickly off the beautiful leathers and colors, and to flatter your feet, imummium1111111111.111111110111M11111~1111111111111111111111mutufnm11111,11111,1,1,11,1111111111,111111111111IN SAVEON FASHIONS tz: At "The Friendly Store" Nylons 51 Gauge 2 for $L50 77c LADIES' HATS $1.98 and $2.98 CHILDREN'S HATS $1,98 HANDBAGS $1.98 JEWELRY 390 to $1.00 SLIPS, Cotton or Crepe . .... $1.98 EASTER NOVELTIES .. 50 and up Greene's Variety .O111111111 llllllllll 111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllllll 11111 lllllllllll 111111111111111 46 • .11 • 111, ' loop 10 .1 You'll enjoy your most beautiful spring \ . ever when you see us for a distinctive new coiffure. We know exactly how to make your hair look both fashion -right and right for plil you! You'll be so pleased with the results! Modern Beauty Salon Phone 349 Exeter resses tor Easter Noted for Easter , , the return of the very feminine dress, in spring -fresh colors, fabrks . „ the importance of costume . . . the flattery of the high-rise look. See them here! exciting accessories Scarves and gloves . . hand. bags and blouses . , shoes . . lingerie „ . all the accessories are here children's clothes * coats and dresses • lingerie * hats * shoes * boys' and girls' blazers GOULD & JORY PHONE 974 EXETER Give Generously To The Rod Cross Campaign Next Week — Open Saturday Moll', March 21