HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-19, Page 714 '•'111111111141111,1"1,11"11"1,11","11.•11,1e.11ttaltat111rlL liatim111r41.111U1111•11111111141n1141111 •1, Cornish, Mitchell &Co.,. C.ERTfl9EP :PUBLIC AOCQ JN.TAN T:S: ... •CArnish L. ,F. Cornish. P, Mitchell W, 51Ade W. k, Suchard 291 DWNPAS ST. We GE 2.2651 LQNOQN, ,QNT... • 91111111111.11111141.11111111111111111111111111111111111~11111tAIMIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111(11111111111111'` ,11111111111,111111111t111111111t11IIt111111111111111111411114111111111111111111111111'11111,111111411111111111111111111111.111111.111111111, HOT CROSS BILINS .`V1 i ?1 •f ^.r.' t1,` Bakery geniis For Easter OUR BREAD IS STILL 15g A LOAF Witteman's Bakery MAIN ST, Across from Chainway EXETER �i',111111111141111P111U1111, 111t11UD1111111n 1,111••'•1111111111111111114111111111,1111n111t 11111IIIIIIIIII'1111111u111U+ BE WISE -- BE DRY WATERPROOF YOUR BASEMENT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!! Sta-Dri Your Basement And Stay Dry!! Huron Lumber Co. Phone 48 LIMITED Exeter RICH HE!RAL ESTABLISHED 1900 CORRESPONDENT, MRS. CHESTER .1, :SMITH Nonanarians vis .rwstees discuss Glrl Guides PIan,1uy, zf London, is spending several weeks wdtll • request for street her sister, Mrs, Mary Brenner, bottle collection After cnllsiderable discussitln, 1, t 1 lite Zurich Girl Guides Held 1i11 ie (laughter, Zurich trustees decided. to file a Lloyd kl c kers Air. and B s, their regular meeting last Thugs ofZurich, who is at residence en rte , on the Blue request from the Chamber of Water• 11. 11wa day evening in the town hall Com nler c '4:1041113 4onvanno'h Mr. .and Mrs, Lloyd •O'Brien., Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Thiel, Air. and Air's. Milfred Sehiebe and Mrs. Howard 'Thiel attended the hydro convention at .the .Royal York, Toronto, AManday and Tuesday o,# this week. P.rsonal R.m.* Mr. and Airs. Aelviti Zehr of .Kitchener spent the weekend with'their :parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon. Erb. Air, and Mrs. Lawrence Bris- son and farlily of SI. Thomas were weekend visitors at the home of their parents, and other e to open a new toad Mrs. Raccy was er Years •old After the meeting .a court of relatives and friends, in the police vallage, honour was held at which time Ale. Ernie March I'1 1950 and Airs. l3ren The i'hemher suggested that Der w 11 � 90 11 - it was decided the Guides would: i. be. in May. the street be opened through.gather i n Urfa Saturday, properly own e d by Normant . March 21 and collect empty pop Casella. It previously belonged Men s Bible class bottles, coat bangers and *- to Ed Zimmerman. quart baskets The money raised Surprise party ,chooses officers r1, this project: will go towards Clifford laird was pleasantly .0 v. A, M.a camp for the Guides this sum Last Saturday evening Mr. Re Ainacher was an mer. charge of the election of the of-' Personal items surprised when about 25 friends freers of the Men's B3ible Class of and nieghbers gathered at their lemmanuel ]'.'Ul3 Church on Sun- Air. and Mrs. Henry Wilds of home to give him a surprise day, March 15, caneesslion 16 motored to 'o• birthday party. Games, contests President for the coming year. ionto last Friday, visiting Jthe and a lively sing -song were en- is Menno Steckle; vice-president, former's sister. They were ac- ,joyed. Personal items 14r, and Mrs. Harold Keller- man, accompanied by Mr. and .er of the class for many years,na Oswald were Sunday visitors Mrs. Mervin Tiernan n[ Dash-! was re -appointed, and was exwith relatives in Detroit. wood, called on Miss Pearl tended a vote of thanks for his Miss Anne Meidinger of Lon- •1\'urtz last Sunday, faithfulness and continued inter- don spent a few days at the I Mrs, Milton Dietz spent sev- est in the class. borne of her parents, Mr. and eral days last week with rola- Mrs. Alfred Meidinger, on the fives in Galt and Frenelton. Personal items Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Desch and Mr. and. lairs, Madman AMelick Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Den - family 1,t Baden spent Sunday a.nd sons, of Goderich, and Mrs. omme, of Kitchener, were week - at the home of Mr. and AMrs, Pearl Melick, of Zurich, motored end visitors at the, home of Mr. David Desch. to Kitchener recently to visit and Mrs, Noel Laporte, Drys - Mr. and Mrs, Chester Louckswith the former's brother, Mr. dale. and daughter of .London spent and Mrs, Lennis Callas, Lennis Mr, and Mrs. Keith •Gingerich the weekend , with the letter's being a patient in the 'hospital. and family .and Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lucien r Air, and Mrs, Morley Witmer, Solomon Gingerich spent Sunday Carents. of Detroit, were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11Ir, and Mrs. Albert Bedard, at the homes of the tatter's sis- Peter Gingerich of 'Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. ters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Thiel, Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach. Ernie Fisher, of Goderich, spent and Mrs, Allan Fraser, of Exeter, the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. returned home from St. Joseph's Lawrance Brisson at St. Thomas, Hospital, Landdn. Mr, and Mrs, Edgar Edighof.- fer, of Pigeon, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred :bender, of Winnipeg, By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN Blake Man., and AMrs, Clare Glennie, of Hamilton, called at the home of Mrs, Pearl Meelick and other rel- atives in town on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Linney Bedard, of Goderich, were Sunday visi- tors at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bedard. Oscar Greb; secretary, Russell companied by t h e former's Grainger; treasurer, L e R o y mother, Mrs. Wilds. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard. Prang, Mr. 'num Edighoffer, teach- Mr. Louis Prang and Mrs. Ed - Message From ' The Story In Zion By ELIZABETH FINLAY Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock, Alr. and Mrs. Harold Hern, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl were Sunday dinner guests with Mr, Mr. Archie Mustard, of Wind- AI 1 and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Mr. . sor, spent the weekend with Mr,his• George rayl of Whalen. It was wife and family, and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut Mr, George Earl's 82nd birth - and son, Mr. and Mrs. William day, On Monday the Blake Public Yungblut, a.n d Miss Marion AMr, and Mrs. 13111 Dixon and! School held a St, Patrick's Day yunghl.ut spent the weekend at Mr. of Clandeboye were Sat• I program. Games and contests the borne of Mr, and Mr,s. Grun• urday evening visitors with Mr. were cn,jaled• au, at Birmingham, Mich• and AirsWard Bern, Mr. and Mrs, Roy McBride Mr. Mose Gerber is a patient Mrs, Philip . Murch, Elimville, and Johnny entertained Mr. Har• at victoria Hospital, London, for is spending some time with Mr, old Finlay and, family to a croki- observation. Friends wish him a iand Airs, Norman Jaques and no.le party Friday evening, speedy recovery. family. Mrs. Mary Manson visited Misses Gloria Dietz and Alary Miss Doreen Brock spent the with Mrs. David Gingerich and Geiger, of London, spent the weekend at Guelph where she Mrs. Nancy Koehler during the weekend at the. hone of their attended the Junior Farmers' weekend. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Miss Edith Steckle spent a fewconvention. t Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert; days with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner Geier.. and .family were Saturday eve - Rev. and Mrs. A. E.:Holley, of ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Grand Bend, were Sunday guests Norman Jaques and Mrs. Philip Family Favorite! 10 -ounce tins Heinz Tomato Soup 5 Off 2 -Ib. Plastic Container Billy Bee HoneyLiquid Javex CREAMED 32-02,, BOTTLE Vinyl Floor Wax Simoniz Liquid GJUART TIN 410 FOR 2 FOR 33° 49` 49 X1,09 Margarine Golden Dew 2 LEIS. 49c BEST BUYS IN MEATS Pork Tenderloin L�, 79c Mac & Cheese Ls. 49c Schneider's Summer Sausage LEL69c Tender Sweet CARROTS 0 L 17' Juicy Sunkist 13t'sS ORANGE-Daz75c Cheese Velveeta elveeta 1 -LS. PKG, 59c VIP Camp's 2 15 -oz, tins Pork 'n Beans 33' E. D. Smith's, 2r Off 20 -oz. tin Cherry Pie Fill 35c Club House Blanched Peanuts 14-OZ.leKG, 39c Deodorant Beauty Soap Colgate R5G. eAR 9c Club House, 40 Off Ice Box Jar P'Nut Butter 37c Free Rose Bowl Offer California CELERY F' 'J'UMED 19 T'kif1v►ATOES Pico 19c . FROZEN FOODS Old South 2 d -oz. fins Orange Juice 43` Haddock — Skin on Ib. pke. • Fillets 43c French Fried Potatoes 19c A � H MARKE Phone 532 SUPERIOR! T•FOOD MARKETS,] Free Delivery STORE OPEN SAT. NIGHT UNTIL 10 EXETER at 'the home of Mr, and Mrs. mune. Chester L. 'Smith. Misses .Tane and Ruth Dyke - Mr, and Mrs. Ted Letts, Lon- man of Wingham. spent the week` - don, were weekend visitors with ; end at 'their home. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan l Little Miss Gale Parsons, Hen- Kalhficisch• f sall, stayed Thursday with. Mr, Mrs. Thomas A{eyers has ''' and Mrs. Norman Jaques. turned to her home in Zurich Mr, and Mrs.;kid Dykeman after spending a number of and family and Mr.and Mrs.weeks with her daughter at Port 1 Paul Dykeman. and family were Colborne. Figure skaters complete tests Figure skating tests were held under the auspices of the Cana• dian Figure Skating- Association Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Exeter, Mission Circle Zion West Mission Circle wa.s held Sunday morning in the Sun- day School rooms. The president, Margaret Brock, conducted the worship service. Muriel Hern had charge of the at the Exeter arena on Sunday. Day of Prayer" service and read meeting and followed the "World Successful in the preliminary test were Lynn Lesnick, Susan •two poems. Ellice, Margaret May, Judy Ea! Ley and Jennifer Jackson. Darlene Snell was successful ] Dynanniters blast in the first test. Judges were Miss Marie 'Le into league lead • Courtois, St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ford, London, Dynamiters blasted their way to the top of the Metro junior boys' bowling league this week. Gals score second when they picked up five points to move one paint ahead of the straight shutout second;place Firecrackers, j The Belly Buttons dropped to ]!appy Gals recorded their third spot in the .league as they second straight shutout in the. were held pointless in the week's Exeter Ladies' Bowling playoffs,. activity, whitewashing the Be -Bops 7-0.i In the intermediate boys' Jan Lovell led the Gals with a; league, the Pinbustere held on to nifty 705 triple, and turned in the top spot, but Red's Billiards a high single of 263. Jr. picked up one point on the The Pinpoppettes and Wee I leaders to move to within one Hopes also recorded 'shutout I point of the pace setters, wins to remain one-two behind in junior girls' action, the low - the league .leaders. The What ly Blowettes picked up two points Note, :Busy Bees, Frisky Six and ; from the second place Knockem• Buttercups are tied in the fourth ; downs, to allow the first place spot, with seven points each, I Pony Tails to open a three-point In the "B" grouping, thej 1-1i- • spread over their nearest rivals. Lights took over first spot with ; The Goofers and the Who Cures a 7.0 win over the pointless , remain tied for the fourth spot B,ollettcs. 'Tic Merry Maidsas neither team has been able to moved into second place with a I pick up any points in league play 4-3 win over the Who Cares, I to date. while the Hot Dogs moved from The Starlets moved from third seventh to third with a 4-3 win; to first in the intermediate girls'. Over the Jolly Six, ' league as they ]sicked up three Jan Lovell's single was the points. The Bobby Sox and the high rolled on the alleys for the Daisies are tied for the second week, while Dot Elder of the spot. with eight points each. ]Vile l{awks capt.ur'ed the hid- The individual honors held by den scare. ton Wright, Ted Sanders, 'Helen Campbell and Connie Rumpel in Fr11,py (.al 1x. Laved l ;1,r,, 7 their respective groupings re - 0 if., liri(lnman 'on)n Alain unchallenged. 1'. Pnppefiea 1.\ r 1Ir'halt•n 5711 7' ;ilex (:0 1(7, ACnti11 (nI 1,; 'r1 %lila flora Mighty ewe tee WHane Sm) „ ri reaereilere, - net trrerlpa rlf. 'I'nylnt Gam 7 r"reer•arkers sitTralr'lcs rr1. \lnttsnii :,4s g Relly Ru'tttl10 . .. Fri0kl' til. 111, lnnea ,G.1 ��"llrlrats Noisy Nees 1r;, \1'ebstet 5nn1 2 1 -raw,,," -»• Pto lC i1mw110 11i. Kram 51er Re mops Wee Ira,,,., rNT"rhrtnen 1 I'Iratea F2nrlrela to / r;11`,ets nLVr 1 nova Nahuarrt'a I i T rd's F111tnrd ,Ir, 5 n k'ai' la , t;mispi v rl«ki n "A'• (:Tari I` 1\'hal Nolo t 11, 'I'l lII h1e VST, I u Standing; Itflltl,y 1'IR 1A 11 Phi 1'6p11(110a t 1 1\''l liupna _,.. 111 11lirl Nets 1 rfav floes 1 Flaky Nis 7 :It ` Suri Ottita Thu terenpa 7 1"nhly 'i'ail9 1.7 Sl1ey r'nro iinnrkenldnwhs Nli' lin wkk minti•ettog d 1 pa 14 Irntl,,a 5 (1nnttra n 'pa. pups r Win ('ares 11 ',Mighty Mire 1 VIIIIVittilltA. 0; f tfi i., e11" tutor to Ktarlere A 111•1,lehta (I1, Viitran,l 521) 1'ialatep 1 1'011r11es r1'. Smith milli 11 Flnhhv ;1,x fi Jolty ,Tills r1*, :Simmons r8631 :, = „,•.,,_ Lollipops (N. 'Slums 519) Nile( r1', 1'Trrnter-1xtver 5::•11 11erny ilataag .._ 2 1Tat negs 1,, i,ni1141nno , • E Rinwalinn .. ,Tilly 5i' " ;, . Inlly llilii J 2 ItafrllralypE'ra -.. Wim r'area sleet -like -w r 17nllettee. eee ........ ......e 0 1R 17 (t 11 - 111 emenike iT , tlrirl 31121 ,rally Six trf. i i( tiinr, 7,2n) 41 -Tel flnaa dTh 'Tiernan 1,751 &ferry Nis Ids r,1, 1-lgrnnss +1'2r 'Mtn Caret, r1,, Jrir:r 5c51 Mil% tfee Tis. i''rrrhre .77x1 t�alydleaTtrsera rrt. 1'.larS 4047 atnrritlita• Ili -4,I h1J .. ,.. _ 11 15 .Y f. and Mrs,. Laidlaw 71).* Times -Advocate, ,Mirth 11, 1959 Ng* 7. spent Friday .evening in London. Miss Ann Ducharne and friend of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Siemon and family of Goderich were Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Peter Duellarrne and Peter. Mr, Stanley Smith reports the fishing business as 'being very poor, much cold and wet work with. little returns. and Mrs, Clare ,(Teiger.. Mr. and Mrs, Leonard tnatl, and sons were weekend Vivi Ws with relatives ir4 the rS,tr Jacob's district, ]lir, and Mrs. Leonard Mass, •of London were weekend visitor. with relatives in the Zurich diet„ triet and also on the Blue Water, area, Mr. Norman Charette of the.Ar. John Ga.ndwyek,-acconpa. Blue Water south, who fractured a ed h. Mrs.aArchie Mustard eek his foot same time .ago, is now and aDetroittrandspS the geek. end at. . Sarnia,join- able to be around again. ing the latter's husband at Sar- Mr. nay Ortwein of Galt spent nia who accompanied them to several days at the home of Mr. Detroit. The extra safety of YLON WHOLESALE DISCOUNT SAYINGS ON SUPER-LASTIC 100% NYLON With ass "A" Trade-in Similar Savings Sizes NILO% TU8ELES$LOK .9 670-15 Reg. List $22.96 750-14 Reg. List $24.90 Reg. list \610-15 $26.95 150'14 $29.65 Similar savings on other sizes Greater Blowout Safety If you're looking for the best possible tire buy on the market — with super - safe Nylon Cord and latest Improved Polymer Cold Rubber Treads this is for you] Latest engineered tread design for quiet running, easy -riding comfort and I -o -n -g -e -r mileage. SAVE SAFELY I Reg. list — actually LESS than you'd pay for "original equipment" Rayon — With Class 1'A" Trade;ln -- and Whitewalls FREE INSURANCE AGAINST TIRE FAILURE ONLY CANADIAN TIRE OFFERS THIS EXTRA NO -COST PROTECTION SUPER-LASTIC PASSENGER TIRES are Road Hazard Ineured against Blowouts, Accidents, Glass Cuts, Stone Cuts or other normal hazards which make a tire unfit for further service. 5 -Year Guarantee - against defects in workmanship and materials. r Pay Less at your local CTC STORE LOWEST PRICE1 iN TOWN ' .95 with Class "A" Treele•irr 670-151 or 600-16 "Early Bird" Feature BRAND NEW--Pre•Spring Value] Why fake a chance en the haz- ards of worn tires or retreads when Brand New Tire Safety is yours without straining the budget. NOTE—Add St)# to Tire 't"rises ler installation. Expert Wheel Balancing MODERN EQUIPMENT -- FULLY QUALIFIED MECHANICS 436 Main It phone 4,5 Exeter Nliltian R. Reborn: