The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-19, Page 3Ta;yes. econd look, aho.n lana chain es ,lie Ausable A ithority, at a • antzation of .a campaign .tn •control, land ' use; 'reforestat:ion meeting last weak, instructed .encourage more tree planting on 1 and wildlife. its committee to take a "second submarginal land. trews of men which have been took" at the tentative agreement Management .of the Authority's working ;at !tock Glen and Mor - it has made t'ith Exeter .to. ur-,I ln. own reforestation plots will be' risen dam in the winter works chase property beside Riverview .reviewed in an effort to. improve i progrant have been. laid .off be- I'ark. theili. I cause no 'further work .cats be The eonniuittee wilt inspect = •Le7tgth of term of chairmen of , clone until the snow disappears. elate the house and two ares advisory boards array be limited Considerable. site int.pr.ovem.ent of land. which the .two. .bodies to three years to provide for a 1 •work has been done this winter plan to purchase from. Ray; greater _exchange of ideas, 1 at both places, X''rayne E Teter., ! A committee was set up to in-; The action results from some vestigate •tete purchase of Jiun•' sppa.rent misunderstandings over :gry .Flollow, a 50 -acre area in Town to tics the property. Some adjustments,West Williams township which is /"' .... ie the distribution of the cost of proposed as a public park. The plat r`ce .Love et th , Junior 114.000 may be proposed, , land .is next to the new bridge! ,• t i... .. _t . . .e un.. r Tile Authority planned to use being erected by Middlesex anti' Farmers and Patsy Afarsllall the house as permanent morn-.Lamblon counties. I and Doreen Brock .of the .junior attended the annual moclation for its field officer .and . The flood control conlnaittee Institute pcovtncial. canfe- alloty I.he town to develop the svgs instructed to investigate the ineeting and .1 , Ian din connection with the ad- .request of Grand Bend to clean i rence of the.,. union Farmers ascent part. the 'Walker drain and repair Association of Ontario at OAC The Authority also took a erosion on its banks, f Guelph over the weekend. "second lock'' at its entire] A coat of. arms, featuring a` gr. and. Mrs. August Gre;us operation in a unique self -distinctive horizontal oval pie and 111r. tinct 11irs. Gerald. Prout a appraisal session following a sign by Clare Bice, London, was are spending a couple of weeks testimonial dinner which paid; adopted by the Authority to be in Florida. tribute to the retiring chairman, I used as identification of ail ARA 1 Mrs. Whitney C o a t e s John A. iliorrisatl, the meeting' property. daughter., Miss Wilma motored lo' FETE ARA CHAIRMAN John A. Morrison fetes ARA e. Morrison M rrison Tho T imtes�Advocate, .M.ar'ch '19 11.59 t"oo* Looking in reit. Liz Area accidents, —Continued front Page 1 ed car owned by Mrs. Flossie Dickins, .also. of William street. on. Sunday. Crawford was coming out of his laneway. Miss Dickins had left her car in front of her home s inside for.a while she tent an e • 'v.■.vw!r M1Tf! ! iA everyshow sy ELIZABETH TOVCHETTE. The Romeos proved .again Sat• -present singing career• moment. :Constable Robert Alt - hest that they arc at their ; 'I always wanted to .sing. I ken investigated. hest with smooth old standards wish I had made the 'switch. On Tuesday, cars driven by like 'Stella by Starlight". The years ago," he says. ''Rick has ,J a On Watson,da RR r drive andb quartet has a fine harmonious a daughter, Shirley Ann, who is e Geiser, Crediton, colhd- blend that improves each week.' eight years o.ld. Albert a er, , But, the boys are not actors er, John Garden, the group's Bari -street. Damage was ed on Huron comedians and they are decided-. tone, comes front a ;very ntusic only about $i a according to ly uncomfortable when called al family' in Scotland. He sang Chief C. H, MacKenzie. upon to.perform Broadway type on the i3BC in Scotland before noises like their recent 'race coming to Toronto in 1948. "Now' Rayon track' number from "Guys and nay young sister is jt st break - Dolls". ing into show business in Lon- pulp. The ilomeos are Vern Ken- don, England, and is doing Sleds', Ales Ticknovich, hick' well," he says, ' 'and I have an Stainby and John Garden. All uncle in the business in Scot - four are Gino Silvi singers and land." so often, appear on. Hit Parade' John is a structural engineer with the chorus and on radio. but made the switch to full time Vern Kennedy was with the singing in 1953 when he joined Five P.la to a couple of sea- a group that became the "I1J-Fi sons ago. Be comes from Am- Four" and made a few records. a n d herstburg and was studying' lie joined Gino in 1956 after the ... electrical engineering at Toronto quartet split up and has been was held Thursday at Fanshawe' .. 'Pile crest depicts major phases i Mt, Clemens, Mich., and spent f John A. Morrison, the man U when TV beckoned. He still' working regularly on TV and Lake, near London, of conservation including water • the weekend with the fornier's ',who sparked the F. asable River intends to get his degree al radio ever since. g' In a four-hour session, mem-, 'daughter and family, Mr. and j Conservation Authority . into be- though now he's had to abandon John is a spare time • pro hers reassessed the Authority's' Mrs. R. H. Doherty, Denise and (.coining the most active conserve. daytime classes. His bride of photographer and does publicity accomplishments and objectives Diana, while there they attended .tion group in Ontario, was hon two months is still a student at shots and portraits for his own in an effort to improve its eon Dobbs chairs the Ice Capades in the Olympia'ored by provincial officials and U of T. cohorts and for other perform servation efforts. The session1 arena, Detroit. ;.ar.ea representatives at a testi- Alec Ticknovtch, the quartet's ers. ryas planned by. Andrew Dixon, ' Mrs, Ewart Pyna, Airs. A1'. ! moniai dinner in London. Thurs• tenor, has done several solos on . All four have worked hard to Exeter, chairman of the public area meeting Holtzman Mrs. M. Hannigan 'day night. the Juliette show. Be. comes be ready for this break on a relations advisory hoard. Airs, F.. Squire, Mrs. L. ,John Chairman of the authority 'for. from Port Colborne and had network show. Let's hope they Members agreed that reforest-! Fred Dobbs, Exeter, presided cion, Airs, H, Schroeder and ;nine ears, Mr, Morrison was. operatic ambitions when he came: are allowed to sing the songs Mimi on pri state land had been for the district conference of the Mrs, H. Cooper attended the pot resented with .apainting of the . to study at the Royal Conserva• ! suited to them, the songs they negle=cted and suggested the or-, Canadian Cancer S o c i e t y at yuck. supper and meeting of the Usborne dam pro ct: which the •tory. "But it's too difficult to like to sing and that they are _.._.__ __...- .-._.� Stratford Saturday, which at- Huron Waves' group of the Aiary A th•'t ed after him He study and to earn a living at soon. permitted to cut the com- J. W. Campbell on station staff John William Campbell, 51, an ferenee was Dr. 0, H. 1Varwick, was succeeded by Freeman Hod - Pastor employee of the mobile rduip chief physician Gordon Hewlitt of Rar was ment section at RCAF Centralia, p Y ician at the Canadian cine !visconsin visited with his gins, McGillivray township. diedsuddenly Sunday at'the Cancer Institute and Princess home of his sister, Mrs. E. L. Margaret .Hospital, Toronto. Chaffc RR 1 Centralia, Dr. Warwick emphasized that. Mr, Campbell was born in "research today is yet a very Huntsville and for the past eight' young story." There has been no made i is h h .re, i further cure found for cancer a• traeted over 100 delegates from' a olt y .nam d g Hastings club at Crediton Com• also °received a. scroll paying; the same time, so I'm glad 1' edv, seven counties, • 1 triunity Centre on Tuesday eve- tribute to his leadership, ; made the switch," he says. In Lorraine Foreman and Tony Air. Dobbs is the first chair •in ng. ; addition to TV, Alex has been Thomas will be married on Sat - man of the new-ly formed Elis Mr, Archie Morgan is a pa. Mr. Morrison retired as chair• I singing on radio's "Songs of My urday. Tony is a CBC radio pro- , man of the authority at the an•, !People for .five ('ears. queer, Principal speaker at the con—l tient in Victoria lios.pital, Lon• nual meeting in February and I p Rick Stainhy is an ex -Van- Predictions: An educated guess sinceHe was a member of the Exeter , therapy - meeting of the Canadian Owners Masonic Lodge and the Orange I covereo• since lieu. xoweverr, mother, Mrs, Martha Smith this week. Larry Snider, Van Laughton and Jack Pryde flew to Toronto last Thursday evening in the for- mer's. plane and attended a and. Pilots Association, They Order, also of the Royal Arch treatments have been and are listened to a round.table discus - Masons, i a r k h i 11, and the being developed enabling people sion on traffic near major air - Knights Templar Lodge, Lon I thlive disease re comfortably with ports. They flew back the same don, e night. Surviving are his wife and twoFifty per cent of those with Auction sale of farm imple- daughters, Mrs, William Phil - cancer seek medical. aid too late, tnents and household effects be - lips and Gale, of Toronto; two ! the doctor said. In most cases, .longing to Lloyd Hern was held brothers, Archie, of Montreal ;this was not the fault of the pa- Tuesday afternoon with fair pri- and Clifford of Clarkson, also tient but the "insidious nature' ces being realized. The farm, his sister, Mrs. Chaffe. of the disease." lot 3, concession 8, Usborne, was The funeral Tuesday was held Among those attending from sold. before the sale to Lloyd's from the R. C. Dinney :funeral i this area were Mrs. Kenneth brother, Thomas Hern. ' home conducted by Rev. H. Johns, Huron unit president; Joseph Wooden, SHDHS tea - Snell. A Masonic service was Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Mrs. T. G, cher, has purchased the resi- held at the funeral home Monday Dunlop, and Mrs, Harvey Pollen. 1 dence of C. S. MacNaughton, evening. Members of the order! John. Street. Mr, MacNaughton were present from Parkhill and plans 0 build. a new residence. London, i Garnet J. Frayne ,Mr, Wooden will get possession Attending the funeral were of the MacNaughton house in the re- latives from Toronto, Montreal -fall. land London. USbOrne farmer Mrs. Wesley johns is a patient The bearers were Ray Lam- Garnet J. Frayne, a lifelong in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, mie and Wilmer Wein, represent• resident of Usborne Township, having undergone surgery on ing the Masonic Order; William died Saturday at the Heywood Thursday. Green and Frank Harburn of the Rest Home in his eightieth year, Mr. Keith Coates visited over Orange Lodge and William _Smith He had been ailing for the past the weekend with Mr, Lynn Mor and Jack Simpson, representing two and a half years. tin, Turnerville. the RCAF. Interment was in St. Mr. Frayne was a son of the Miss Barbara Parker has ac- James cemetery, Clandeboye. late John and Sarah Frayne and cepted a position at Huntley's lived on the farm on which he Drug Store. was born, a mile east of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. T. Wilson, Toren - James McBride Besides farming he was for a to, who visited with Mrs. Janet number of yea's a drover and Mason and Judy on Sunday, dies in • 1705 It• al purchased hogs for different were storm -stayed until Monday. p packing houses. Mr. and. Mrs, B. W. Tuckey He is survived by his widow, returned Sunday after a month whose maiden name was Annie spent at Fort Lauderdale, Flor- Reid; two sons and one daughter, ida, and a trip to Nasseu. They Arthur and Irene, of Exeter, and brought with them a branch con - Robert at home; also . four taining 17 coconuts which Mr. James Albert McBride, Clin- ton, died in Clinton Community Hospital on Tuesday, March 17 in his 71.st stear. He suffered a stroke and was rushed to .hos pitel where he 'died three hours grandchildren and four great.- Tuckey sawed from a tree at the later• grandchildren; one brother, motel where they were staying. Surviving are his 'widow, Ruth Clayton, of Exeter, and a sister, Mr. Whitney Coates, of Us - Holland, Clinton; two sons, Bert Mrs. Lisle Worden, of Staffs. borne, fractured both bones of The funeral Tuesday afternoon his right wrist Thursday morn - as held from the Hopper -Hockey ing. He was working around some cattle In the barn when he slipped and fell. Lloyd Ford; Exeter, proprietor of Lloyd Ford's Men's and Boys' Wear, Incabeen awarded a cer- and Clare of Zurich; two sis- ters, Mrs. Charles Stephenson, Hensall, and Mrs. Maude Schnell of Regina, Alta. Resting at the Bonthron fune- ral home. Hensall, where a pub- lic service wilt be held Friday at tificate of merit by the Men's poll.2 p.. conducted by Rev. T. J. Ned Armstrong and Earl Frayne. , Pitt, Varna. Burial will. take Interment was in Exeter Ceme Clothing Manufacturers Associa• place in Bayfield cemetery. tery. tion of Ontario for successful completion of a course on style, construction and salesmanship in men' clothing. The course was held in Toronto last week. funeral home, conducted by Rev. R. S. Hiltz, of Main St: United Church. The bearers were Mer- vyn Dayman, Thomas Yellow, William Webber, Gordon Oke, Used Car Specials THAT ARE • You'll be the proudest driver in the Easter Parade, in one of these used cars from South End Service, '58 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN—V8, automatic, tutone, radio, whitewalls, full chrome discs, 9,000 actual miles. '58 FORD HARDTOP—com- pletely equipped, red and • white. '57• PLYMOUTH SEDAN push button transmission, radio, steal it .if you wish! '57 DODGE SEDAN—excell- ent, '56 PONTIAC SEDAN— tu- tone. '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN tutone, clean, '54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN — clean. '51 CHEVROLET TUDOR — sharp eas they come! '51 FORD 1/2 -TON PICKUP— excellent condition, '51 CHRYSLER SEDAN — Intl power equipment, radio, 'SO" FORD SEDAN over, drive. '52 STUDEBAKER — over- drive (cheip), In Stock NEW$1959 METEOR TUDOR --blue ice metallic And white in color, whitewall tires—for immed• fate delivery. WANTED: GOOD USED 'SO -'SI AUSTINS South End Service Ruga and Chuck Snell PHONE 32* EXETER :�tiui'Yii1'iiiritfiiYiiiYifliriiYilrii15i1i1`tiilltillYlYiitfrltiri7ruiiiu tYnlliiiYtiiiilYtlYliiiiliilirbuirnlYiiiii,iimilliY+Y'iir o couverite. He left the west coast tells me that "Rhapsody" will in 1947 but he is a fairly new be among the shows returning Among those who paid tribute addition to Gino's group singers: for the summer. season. I would to him at the dinner were Dr.! lie joined them in the summer not be too surprised to see' Patti Sherwood Fox, former UWO for radio's "Dream Street" and Lewis copping a replacement president; A, H. Richardson,! just "stayed on". Rickwas show too. Joan Fairfax, seems chief conservation officer, Dep't' primarily a musician: he start-, set for a summer show, too. of Planning and Development; ; ed his carene with the RCMP and Ausable Authority members. Band at Ott- He has played Air. Morrison, clerk of East trumpet with rt Niosi, Benny Message From Williams for many years, be- Louis, Bill Bailer and Mart came the third chairman of the Kenney. When he was with Jim - Authority in 1951, five years my Coxon's orchestra he did a after it had been formed. He hit of singing with a quartet gave it the spark it needed to they called "Four of a Kind" embark on many of the projects and eventually that led to his which collectively have earned for the Authority the distinction 11'••l! ` . "`! ' Lenten service Topics From The weekly Lenten service of funds to work with than • • Christ Anglican church was held at the home of Mr. Borden Elimville Smyth on Thursday evening with Mr. Morrison was keenly a ' By MRS. ROSS SKINNER the Rector, Rev. Anions in ware of the need for preserve ( charge. tion of public recreation areas Following the service there was in the Authority and pushed the choir practice in preparation for movement to save the Pinery • Elimville Euchre Club was Faster. Refreshments w e r e from being sold to private in • held on. Friday evening with four terests. 1 tables playing. served by the host, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Autly Personal items He also saw the problem of were hosts of the evening and! Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cunning - water supply which id he sing winners were: ladies high, Aars, i tart• who were returning home many municipalities and he sup, Delmer Skinner; gent's high, from Listowel after spending ported the construction of the Mr, Rien oner; Westdorp andt consols the weekend with their daughter 1 dam in Usborne as an excellent tion, Mrs. Franklin Skinner. � and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.! means of providing such a sup-, r Lloyd Vogan, were snowbound Ply. CGIT The Elimville CGIT meeting! overnight in Monkton. They. were' The painting of the Morrison was held Sunday afternoon with t able to get home on Monday. dam which he received was done eight girls present. Misses Betty 1 Mrs, Jack Essery was in by Clare Bice, London. Tor - Stephen and Margaret Beiber onto on Wednesday and attended were in charge. the funeral of her uncle, the The girls will meet to repair Your library the Sunday School hymn books. Misses Shirley Johns and Ruth Horne are in charge for next meeting, Sunday, April 5 at 2,30. Personal items Miss Anna Roully of Simcoe, Miss Grace Routly of London spent the weekend with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Alargi- son and family of London visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Delmer. Skinner. Airs. Ed. Johns, who 'has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Margison, is now spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Del - bridge celebrating Mrs. Bruce Cooper's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William. Routly, Misses Anna and Grace Boldly, Mr. ,Jerry Ronnie of Hensel] were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN of being the most active in the province, even though it has fewer moat. is made from 111101117107101.1uiuseurluturus!laldlrlut1,1011 t6M 00!, .Garage !1 a And . Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evening throughout the week. Exeter Motor Sales �e woodi I 'llanu1110liiiiii aunu,ana0u,rnn0ununnnnt° The flavour and colour of butter is Natures secret rt ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS r, rovauangrarrommitimmaimmair SAVE PLENTY! v`t. 4 Continued. From Page 2 garet, because she is a princess, is always page one material a• round the world. In his preface the author writes "While covering her royal tours in my capacity as a journa- list, I have often been touched by the wonderful way she has with people. Like her mother she has inherited the common touch," The writer of her biography speaks of her as a warm. and human person who loves her family and friends and wants desperately to find her place in the world. * * • • 1 Sailed With Rasmussen Here is an adventure story written by a favorite author, Peter Freuchen, who, for 14 years, was "Rasmussen's part - Curlers discuss . mer" accompanying him on ex- peditions all over Greenland and of Kirkton. =Continued from Page 1 W northern Canada where they Bob Margison of London spent Three rinks, skipped by ,lack ti ` ci 1 nd the land Edward Skinner and Aliso Frail - sought news information about the weekend with his cousins, Fulcher, Charlie Smith and Har- ry"Nothing Snell, remain in the running"than the spring draw title. Alt Freuchen says, to hunger Cann's foursome has been de• together, to see death in each dared winner of the fall draw. other's eyes and lying in snow A number of rinks are play- huts during snow storms of ing in a consolation round. many days duration." Winners of the three draws Select books of your choice will enter a special competition for the club championship. from your library. imewai ces Skinner, Miss Verdi Kellett is spend- ing a few' days with Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett of Thames Road, Miss Helen Herdman of Gode- rich spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Squire Herdman. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parsons, Susan and CCail, Mr. and Abs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons of Hen• salt, the occasion being Susan Parsons and Mrs, Ruby Finlay - son's birthdays. Mr. Gilbert Joins lost his drive shed, colony house and 500 chick- ens early Tuesday morning by fire. Silver anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym en- tertained on Saturday fo a din-, ner party at their home in hon -1 our of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert; Lobb's twenty-fifth wedding an- niversary. There were forty•seven mem-I bers of the family present. They! were Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Lobb of .Holtnesville, Mr. and Mrs.' Mervin Lobb and fancily, Mr.: and Mrs, Alvin Lobb and fain-. ily, Mr, and MI'S. .lames ',ebb and family, Mr, and Mrs. Don Crich and fancily of Clinton. Mr. find Mrs, Harold Lobb and fam- ily of Brucefield, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Docking and family of Steffi, The Elimville WI The Elimville lift held Their afternoon 'euchre on Tuesday af- ternoon in the hell with three tables playing. The Elirriville Smith line la - diet Were in chase, Winners were: ladies high, Mrs, Camu- bell'; ladies loin, Mrs, Allen THREE TIME WINNER—Luther Sander's, . ,lt. 2 Selaf rtla, ! ,Johns; lucky clip, Atayfi. Gorden won the small seeds dhantpionshili for the third time at Prance, e. seed fair on 8attttelay, He also wort in 1i x4, titad in wilt 1[ty \Nit. Johns `oe Pair of 01110W nCases were -.,.T+�A Immoof carie kldeck . won by h;Ir•s. Everett S 1955 and WOn . a yin hi 1987, He tar inn 111 Mull town. r deep Ship. late Fred J. Hill and her sister Mrs. Edgar Rundle of London accompanied her. Allison Clarke, youngest daugh- ter of the Bev. ,J, T, and firs. Clarke has been chosen to rep- resent the South Huron District High School in the London Free Press School Queen's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden and Margie were Sunday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paynter and David, Kirk - ton. in celebration of David's birthday. WINDOWS SMASHEC Two plate glass windows in town were smashed by the gale-' like winds on Sunday. A large pane in the showroom of Larry Snider Motors Ltd, fell causing some damage to a new car on display. Another pane at Armstrong's I Restaurant was broken. COUGHS SPEEDY RELIEF Colds Should you contract a cold, be it ever w trivial, resort at once to Robert's Syrup. Pleasant to take, Your nearest dealer has it. MEN'S SUITS, COATS PANTS, SHIRTS Alterations Of All Kinch JOE'S CLOTH'NG Main St. Beside Central Hotel n& (1 FOR A SOFT,. CASUAL CURL ww A Pretty Hair for the Easter Parade CHOOSE FROM THIS COMPLETE LiNE OF HAIR CARE NEEDS. For Children 2 to 12. Complete with bobby 2 pins and neckline curlers. i She SL414 •rn4 Custom•mode Far Gray Hair. $175 TAME CREME RINSE' The new, tnvtsible Ile 9 �[ harrelressmgt SP/N CURLERS by TONi Enough for any ham. Y$1 39 permanent. Home rermanen! Refill. 9 75 new creamy Actually waves new Miff softness and manageability . No right into your ham drippy Solution $200 No Messy Neutraliser. ail. new Oilt 1 Oder -free, brush**, trouble•free as a $200 wave ran be. Regular, Super or Very Gentle. MAI New lotion shampoo. .45, .75,'1.25 Get Your EASTER CANDY Mere ! rfirip ow.% Smnll.sire kit for "between.permanent" stragglers. 925 Regular, Super or Very Gen*FS IJNTLEY DRUG STORE '1,11111ir: EXETER Phone 50 Ready For Easter! "A Little Bit Better .w * X111 Ways" IDTOWN Phone 33 CLEANERS 1