HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-12, Page 12rage 12 Th. Times -Advocate, Marcia It M?$
Let contact for wing
hire two new teachers
Contract for a $30,000 addition lation will be installed. The class
ea the Luean Public School has room,* will have acoustic .ceilings
been, awarded to Cecil Lewis, and fluorescent lighting.
general contractor, of Lucan. Charles Gitlin, London archi•
Construction will beginas soon tect designed the addition, which
as weather permits, with cons- will form an "L' on the soutir-
pletion scheduled for August L east corner of the present build
The addition will include the ing, erected five years ago.
' kindergarten, and P.5. Board Hires Teachers^
schools first kinder ar
another class room, providing o fl. E3 commander
additlonai accommodation At the regular meeting of the Meet uric h
a minodatron far up k !�-�
and district news
Phone 109 Lucen
Correspondent; Mi,s .Lina Abbott
vIIS a. 1.
S iJ i t r f
Thursday, March
to 75 pupils, so two new teachers Lucan Public School Board on ,
lby Airs. Murray Hodgins
R# Oben came Youth Counsellor, using the
Church activities
The Lucan Ciandeboye Y.P.U.
held their regular meeting last
Sunday evening. Twelve members
visited the Pines Haven Nursing
Horne before the brtsirtess•meet•.
ing which was :attended by 25
members and seven adults, with
Sandra Williams in the chair.
Alan Ready and Dana Culbert
were homed to represent the
1',P,IJ. at an h cumenreal meet•
ing to be held at the .home of
Miss Lina Abbott.
A written cede was .conducted
. question, "Why do I go to
Y,P.U.?" A resume of the
answers whieh showed much
serious thought, with a few
humorous inserts, will be given
at the nett •meeting•
IIeien nestle led in the wor-
ship service assisted by. Keith
A panel discussion on "Let's
find out about Jews," the first
of a series of three on the
"Faiths of the World," was eon.
ducted by Helen Kestle. The
members of the panel were
Bonnie Drenan, Jeannette Blake
and an orthodox Jew, Allen
Wilensky, of London.
Pentecostal Holiness Church,
:The regular Wednesday eve-
ning ' ervice was held at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Birtch with the Rev. Fred Thom-
son in charge.
The Thursday afternoon ladies
prayer meeting was held at the
home of Mrs, Rufus Thompson
with Mrs. J. A. Grabens in charge
of the Bible study.
will be required for September. rrtrsf ay, . are i 5. the board J s e rr
At present, the school has five engaged teachers with duties to
rooms and 202 students. commence September 1, 1959:
The addition will also include Mrs. Alarguerite McRoberts. RR '
,. new :teachers' room, and a, 1, Lucan, and Dirs. Donna Ar en
storage and service area. Radiant 'khats, RR 1. Luean, as .full-time
heating with tempered air venti• teachers. and Mrs. Donald Hearn,
Luean, as kindergarten teacher,
Explorer News which class wilt be held in the
The Lucan - Clandehln e Exmornings only.
f►lnrers held their fifth wt ex- The board accepted with regret
pedition in the United Church the resignation of Mrs. Maxine
basement last Monday .evening. Allison, who has decided to re.:
tare from teaching.
The meeting opened with mem-
bers each making a lei. , The hiring of two additional
The study bookstory on teachers was made' necessary by '
Hawaii was taken by Counsellor the building of a two -room addl.,
Kae Haskett, who also led in the lion which will be ready by Sep
Barbara* Ready and Patricia : Open House
Cobleigh. ! The members of the Lucan
Counsellor Rose Revington was' Public School staff were pleased
to charge of the installation of , with the attendance at Open , WednesdayOfficers, ! House last Wednesday afternoon, ;
many of whom were caught in
' the freak 10 -minute blinding'
blizzard which suddenly hit the
After viewing the children's
Sponsored by ; work in the various elass rooms
Legion Auxiliary
ing s
I The Lucan Shamrocks advanced
to the Ontario Minor Hockey
• Association Midget "D" semi-
finals when they defeated Platts-
ville 8.4 last Saturday. Barry
Black scored three goals, Paul
Conlin two, and Cliff Acheson,
Jerry Harrigan and Hugh Conlin
one each.
Lucan will now meet Zurich
in the best -of -five game series,
beginning in Lucan Wednesday
night ata p.m.
Bingo winners
continue lucky
The Legion Auxiliary bingo at
the Legion Hall drew a bigger
than ever crowd Thursday eve•
piing, Many of the previous win-
ners must have taken their
rabbit foot and good luck charms
with them, for there were very
few new names among the win-
They are: Mrs. Thomas Jack-
son, Airs, Roy Stanley, Mr. Les
Luepke, Mrs. Thomas Weller,
Mrs. William Mathers, and Mrs.
Richard Davis, Mr. Thomas Wel-
ler, Mrs. John Smibert, Mrs. R,
Westworth; share the wealth, Mr.
H, B. Langford.
Consecutive bingo: Mrs. Pat
Crudge, Mrs. Van Develin, Mrs.
R. Westworth, Mrs. Jim Avery,
Mrs. Roy Schlueter; five' dollar
consolation jack -pot, Mrs. Pat
Crudge. (Last week was the first
night since the bingo games be.
gan that Mrs. Crudge was not a
winner, so this week she made
up for last week's deficit.)
The jack -pot for next Thursday
night will remain the same $60
in 54 calls.
devotions She was assisted by tember 1.
Every Thurs. Eve.
8:30 p.m,
Admission 35.
Extra Cards 3 for 25(+
"Share -the -Wealth"
Jackpot now $60 Personal Items
in 54 calls. Mr, and Mrs. Merrill Edwards,
EVERYBODY WELCOME of Mrs. IrenerCourse . guests
t,,,,,tt,,,,ttYft elect, eal,,,,,1,l,,,!!!,!!l,l,Yt!t�,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,!!„tiltles,,,,,,,1,,,,1,,,,,f,,,,!„tt,t,Ytt,f,ttmee
visitors were served 'refreshments'
by the president of the H. and S.
Association, Mrs. Calvin Haskett
and her helpers, Mrs. Cecil
i Lewis, Mrs. George Paul and,
Mrs. Norman Hardy.
An innovation was tried out,
this year. A consultation time
was set Thursday and Friday,i
3.30 to 5 p.m., for parents whose;
children needed special help.;
Many parents availed themselves
of the opportunity to consult with
the teachers at the time assigned
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The Lucan Legion Auxiliary
held its March meeting at the
Legion Hall last Tuesday evening
when 22 members answered the
roll call. live new members,
Airs. Bud Cooper and I1rs. Les
Luepke, were installed.
The new zone commander, Mr's.
Millie Seed of Stratford, paid her
official visit, and was aecom.
panied by the past zone com-
mander, Mrs. Eva Quackenbush,
By a strange co -incidence, the
mystery prize was won :by Mrs.
Lunch conveners were Mrs,
Ralph Rummell, Mrs. Art Bell,
and Mrs. Harold Butler, Jr, The
zone rally is scheduled for May
7, at Melbourne.
During the meeting past prese.
dent Mrs. A. E. Reilly was pre•
rented with a citation in appre•
elation of five years of service
while president.
Describes trip
to UC group
Woman's The Woman's Association of
the Lucan united Church held
its March meeting' in the church
basement last Wednesday eve.
The president, Mrs. Murray
Hodgins was in the chair, and
Mrs, H. B. Langford's group was
in charge of program and re-
freshments. Mrs. Langford was
assisted by Mrs. Benny Saulnier
and Mrs. R. K. Montgomery.
Miss Nancy Elson, of Clandeboye,
Mrs, Jens Anderson gave an
illustrated resume of her trip
recently to Holland, She also
showed souvenirs which she
brought home with her.
Mrs. Sheridan Revington and I
Airs. Jack Lankin were named
College alumni the new nominaeing committee,
attend reunion secretary,
an rs. , , Ready, the new
The London Teachers' College
Alumni staged their annual
home -coming weekend, March 6,
and 7, which included a dance
Friday evening, a basketball
game, tour of the college, ban-
quet, concert and dance on
Saturday afternoon and evening,
Among the vast crowd attend-
ing the banquet we're Mr. How-
ard Cranston, former Lucan H.S. -
i principal, Mrs. Cranston, Mr.
and Mrs, Charles Thompson, of
Thamesford (the latter was the
former Miss Gertrude Elliott, of
Lucent, Mrs. Irving Gibson and
Miss Lina Abbott.
It was a red-letter night for
Mrs• Thompson and Miss Abbott
as they were two of the thirty-
three 1909 braduates who were
presented with 50 -year pins..
Speaking on "Patterns of the
Future," Rev. Angus MacQueen,
13.A., D.D., moderator of the
United Church Council of Can-
ada, was the guest speaker.
It was a happy reunion for
j 1909 graduates, many of whom
had not met for a half century,
Plans were made for a St
Patrick supper, Tuesday, March
The maintenance committee
was empowered to purchase two
extensions for the tables and also
an electric kettle,
It was decided to send an
Easter basket to the patients at
the Pines Haven Nursing Tome.
ions_p an
house 'blitz'
The Lucan Lions held their
regular dinner meeting in the
Anglican church basement last
Monday night with Mrs. Al
Bromwick's group doing the
Four members of the Ilder•ton
Lions were guests.
On Monday, March 16, the
Lions Club is having a blitz to
collect funds for the Red Cross.
A house-to-house canvass will
take place from 7,30 to 10 p.m.
Householders should leave porch
lights on and have their dona-
tions ready for the collectors
when they Calf.
The Lucan-Clandeboye Y.P.U.
staged a successful teen -hop in
the Legion Nall last Friday night.
In spite of weather conditions,
the young people from the dis-
trict attended in large numbers.
Special guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Jens Andersen and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Young, of Lucan,
Tuckey Beverages, Exeter, do-
nated soft drinks.
"A Little git Better
. All Ways"
Phone 3 3
Just couldn't keep quiet any
longer, It's about time I broke a
long silence to bring you some
important hockey news.
Once again, it's Lucan and
Zurich in the Ontario semifinals
for the midget "D" champion-
ship. Man, what a series this is
going to be!
Saturday night, a short time
after the Lucan boys so ably.dis-
posed of Plattsville, representa-
tives of the Lucan and Zurich
teams had a meeting regarding
,playoffs. After an hour or more
of argument and phone calls to
OMHA headquarters in Toronto,
they came to some kind of a
fighting agreement.
The first game is to he played
in Lucan on Wednesday, March
11, at 8 p.m., and back at Zurich
(???) Friday, March 13.
If Zurich thinks they are going
to force the Lucan team to play
on soft ice, mud andwater, they
have another thought coming.
Lucan also is insisting on "good"
neutral referees.
This series will have to he
settled on good ice acid not in
committee rooms which seems
to be the favorite procedure of
the northern teams and the
I understand Zurich has a
terrific following, and I'm quite
sure that Lucan and distriet
people will he out in full force to
give our boys the encopregement
they deserve. This is Lucan's
year to go all the way, say Coach
Jim. Freeman and Sponsor alar•
vey Langford, The team is of
the same opinion, to a man,
Saturday, March 14, brings the
Shamrock tournament, starting at
noon. Tuesday, March 31., is the
date for the monster earhival in
aid of the Listowel disaster fund.
More of this later.
It 'gives me a great deal of
pleasure. to announce that. "Big
Bil1" O'Neil, the 95•poundheckey
wizard, has been awarded the
RObin Hood Trophy for his
Mackey ability, improver, scholas-
tie standing and attitude toward
teachers and eoaches, Bit is cap-
tain of the Lucan bantams, and
also plays for the midgets. We
are all proud of him, Keep up
the good work, Billy boy!
Attend Baptism
Mr. anti Airs, Ronald Crozier
and daughters, Julia, , ra as old
Susan, Tyrone harm, 'Lucan, at.
tended the christening ie Water-
ford of their niece, Deborah Ann
Mueller, Chosen daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Ilehry Moeller, Water.
Following the cereniony,a re•
ception teas held and dinner
served to close friends and mem-
bers of the family. Mr. and Mrs.
George Saratuse, owners of the
Saraeuse Rotel, wore hosts. �Ir.
and Ales. Fred H'eyetrs, Guelph,
were god -parents. Mr, ft. Cram•
eron Vance, l•laitrilton, Was toast -
Persenad Items
Mie thornas Maines, who has
been visiting Lucan aftd distriet
relatives for the past week, Itas
Left for his home Irl Sitskttfclte-
t . ittl.
s. by SchMMuter returned to
brsytoii on Monday after spired•
int; a Mw days witit lir. and
Mrs.: It, X. Mont"gorntry,
eear l..
When Airs. Ira Carling ail ng last
Thursday saw not one, hut two
robins feeding at tier miniature
bird sanctuary in her back yard,
she decided spring must be just
around the corner, but Fr'iday's
wild storm filled her :mind with
doubts again ,
For years the late Mr. Carling
purchased food and provided
Water for the Frances St. birds.
Iriswork.family is carrying an his
Ml winter they have enjoyed
the blue of the blue -jays and the
brightness of the cardinals as
well as all the other birds which
visited their feeder, hut on.
Thursday Mrs. Carling was sur•
prised to see the two robins
among her feathered friends.
Their place of refuge during Fri-
day's storm is still veiled in
Lenten Service
Last Wednesday's Lenten serv•
ice for Holy Trinity Church• was
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Murdy, The Evening Auxili-
ary attended in a body,
This week's service is” being
held at the home of Miss Lina
Abbott, Rev, J. P. Prest con -
Untied his address on daily
Personal Item*
Misses June Graha'h , Tena
and Margaret Eizenga, of To-
ronto, attended the Youth Rally
in the Pentecostal Holiness
Church last Saturday,
More Lucan News
On Page 13
The S.W. division of the
Middlesex Quarterly -Conference
of the Penteeostat Holiness
diuretics was held at L
un last
Saturday with the superintendent,
Rev. J. 1-l. Taylor in charge. The
forenoon session which begat' at
10 o'clock, was given over to the
receiving of reportsfrom the
delegates. Mrs. i' red 'l'honison
reported for the Lucan church,
The delegates were served a
chicken dinner at noon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Frost, Mrs. Graham and Mrs.
Frost in charge. They were
assisted by Lorraine Graham,
Vicky Eizenga and Erma Morrillson.
At the afternoon session, Mrs.
Fred. Thomson reported on the
Sunday School, and Mrs, Howard
Currie on the work of the
Women's Auxiliary.
Plans were discussed for a
summer camp, somewhere in
Southern Ontario, if possible.
The session closed at 3.30, and
was followed at 5 pen. by a
buffetresidensucepper. again at the Frust
A capacity crowd filled the
church at 7 p.m., for the Youth
Rally. David Howden, of To.
ronto, youth leader of the Life -
liner Youth Council, who was to
have been in charge of the
meeting, ran :into road troubles
so was late in arriving. The Rev.
Fred Thomson carried on until
his arrival,
The guest speaker was the Rev.
Alvin Thornton, who told some
of his experiences as .a mission-
ary in Cuba, taking ,as his sub-
ject, "Giving One's Life to
Christ." He and Mrs. Thornton
sang a duet in Spanish.
Other numbers on the ,pro.
gram included .a duet by Misses
Tena and Margaret Eizenga, a
trio by Mrs. Jack Eizenga, Misses
Lorraine Graham and Velma
Birtch, and a trio 1Iy Chatham
girls. Miss June Graham was
pianist for the evening.
Puring the Daily several
pee* gave their lives to Christ,
Anglican -Church
Last Sunday was Mothering
Sunday ici Holy Trinity .Church..
Two members of the Evening
Auxiliary, Mrs. Kay Egan, W.A.
president, and Airs. Calvin leas-
kett, Explorer counsellor, read
the lessons. The Hill Florists of
Landon donated the flowers to
quake the traditional Mothering
Sunday gifts to tach lady present,
The .choir provided special
music, and the rector preached
on the traditions of Mothering
. Next Sunday, Bishop Townshend
will conduct a confirdtation sere
lee at the 11 o'clock service,
There will he a special coniirtna•
tion offering.
- The next Alert's Club meeting
will be Monday, March 16, with
Oyster refreshments,
& Hibbert
Mutual Fire
The Exeter office will be
& 19, on account of the Mu-
tual Fire Underwriters' Con-
vention in Toronto,
Secretary -Treasurer
"Why don't we have a clothes line?"
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With the wonderful convenience of a modern electric
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In any weather clothes dry indoors, automatically .
fluffy and sweet smellix'tg ... or, with just the right amount
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Laundry is only orae of the many tasks you can do quickly,
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4 is yours
The cool setting of a dryer
Allows you to fluff pillows
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