HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-12, Page 7Ernpire iine f tem,ni.ne "S Ey MISS ELLA L -INK F, A. May and Son This season's fashions are def- initely feminine and shopping. for an Easter .costume can be exciting:. Traditional for spring is the navy blue dress wttlt lite wide oversized collar in white. V necklines dipping to front are seen as well as draped or square necks. -Sharp color: contrasts in sban- tungs,, flowered or striped, and terylenes (nylon and acetate blends) lend themselves fol the dresses which are fashioned with the new convertible jacket mak- ing two outfits in, one purchase. The Empire line is the main interest in dresses. Natural waist flees are accented by wider belts, dipfiing to the back and higher in front. Sheath and fuller skirts are gd6d. The shirtwaist dress with soft box pleated skirts are seen every- wi}ere and are being made in HI -LINE Beauty Salon Located in Cook's Hotel, Centralia Air Conditioned Dryers Full Lina of Revien Products PHONE AC 11-6661 Mere Coward, Prep, 9 fashions shantung and drip dry cottons, Hall -size dresses need riot be Matronly, You will find colored. prints iir youthful styles, with. soft draped necks, sheath, pleat- ed or gored skirts. Many, .of then are in washable materials. Shades are important as many t=onne blended in combination colors of blues and greens; pink to deep rose; yellow to tan and brown and mint green to cucum- ber and darker shades. Spring suits are fashion news, with higher waist lines, shorter jackets, larger collars, brighter shades and open weave fabrics not forgetting fine cheeks. Softer lines make the suit easy to wear. Many leave gathered backs fin- isbed with bows and fitted short peplums. Skirts are softly rounded al the hips tapering to the hem- lines which are higher. Coats are in pastel colors .from beige to darker cinnamon and burnt sugar, light blue, aqua, turquoise and navy; pink to raspberry red and mint greens. Featured in all wool, crepes in waffle weaves, checks, suedes and bengalines they are light and can be worn over dresses in bright colors. Styling lends appeal to spring knitwear, The classic styles are first in banlon, orlon and ban - ora. Shades are soft pastels and dyed -to -match sets are the last word. Accessories a r e important. Scarves and gloves come in many shades to help complete your ,Easter ensemble, ne S`efe' .. Pleiisoist ..: Effectitte %:; Use Mother Graves.: WORM EXT ERMINATOR,' , 'pt11r11111I1O1101111ti 111111 it111011111101111Q11t11111111111111tt it ll tt 11111111111 tt ttttttt 1tt111111t11111111111111pull111lei ry, SHOP & SAVE THRIFTY SHOPPER a Features Start Monday, March 16 FREE! A regular 500 bottle of new REXALL BUFFERED PAIN RELIEF TABLETS with any of these "Thrifty $hopper" features: CARA 'NOME FAST HOME PERMANENTS, Only $1.89 "So easy, so fast, for curls that last!" REXALL TRIPLE ACTION COUGH SYRUP Children's 3 -oz. 89¢ 8 -oz. $1.49 Adults 4 -oz. 980 8 -oz. $1.79 NEW! STOP -COUGH SYRUP, 8 -oz, .. .. . ... .$2.49 REXALL BISMA-REX 79¢ $1.29 $2,89 For fast relief of excess acidity . 4 -way action REXALL "THRU" PENETRATING ANALGESIC 6 -oz. $2.98 2 -oz. $1,49 " 2 -oz. Jel $1.49 REXALL SUPER CQI,4D TABLETS 72 tablets $3:49 30 tablets $1.79 12 tablets, 980 24 Junior 79¢ Many Other Exceptional Rexall Quality Buys ANDRW JOHNSTON DRUGS PRESCRIPTION',• 1 ,th4, •rt(gL4.L1.CANGM I'. EICETER I%ttflzc�aJzcau Supp JENNY LIND CANDIES • t''horrs.447 ' SEE. THE BIG REXALL TV VARIETY SHOW THIS SUNDAY' • 7ltatuelitittltt111111111`1111111111111 t 1111110111.1t1N1i1/1111111`/1111111111111111 i 1111111) l rl r 1111 l 1111 l t l Il i 1111 1111111111114 N 777. Focus on softer lines This suit from P. A. May and Son, modeled by Mrs. H. E. Russell, is of fine wool crops in turf tan shade. The large collar and three-quarter sleeves with button trim softens the lines. The short peplum and gathered back are the season's newest: feature,. The straight skirt has a pleat at the back 'and is a shorter length.—Jack Doerr Kinette group stages shower The Exeter Kineltee held a liusiness meeting on Monday eve. ning at the home of Mrs. Ward Kraft, for which President Mrs. Ray Frayne presided It was planned that the next social meeting begin with a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Art Clarke on Monday evening, March 23. After the business was cam pleted, a baby shower was given in honor of Mrs. Irvine Arm- strong. Hostesses were Mrs. Ralph Genttner and )Mrs. Lloyd Ford. The draw was won by Mr. Ward Kraft. Easter message James Si. topic Easter was the theme for the meeting of Woman's Association of James street church on Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs, Hector Mur- rey presented an appropriate message. Mrs. Earl Shapton was assist- ed by Mrs. Whitney Coates in the devotional and Mrs, A, 0. Elliot favored with a solo ac- companied by Mrs. H. L. Stur- gis. President Mrs. William Ber- nick was in the chair for the business, Mrs. A. Idle was nanierl to the church library committee. It was announced the W. A.'an- u,Ga n, (pa yoke at.bake . 6Om Junior matt ute host to mothers At the .innlcr ln,;titles im' i r and dntteht^r banquet held in Themes ):toad United Church on Friday iday evening, Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, r, Exeter, was guest Speakir r. Her thence Viral "Every day we live is like a pare in a book." She spirt, "Just as some page, in a hook we wish we could te•ir out end thrnw away, so there are rani' slaye in our lives w irh u'e wish we could forget or live ever e said." The speaker was intro- dueed by Shirley Morley, and thrill eel by Mrs. _Murray Dawson. 'Berbera Bernick introduced the h' rl table, and Alma Hern pro- pn;^d a tons` to the mothers to which her mother resiled. llari- lyn March..el1 favorer) with a reediest., "The Country Tale phone," and Doris and Doreen Brock sang two duets. Doreen Brock conducted three conteet.s in which a11. participat- ed. The ladies of the church catered for the ban:quet., and de orations were in the St, Patrick's theme, Main St. groups hear about SS At the March meeting of I1ain St. W.A. and W.M.S. Mrs. R. 5. Hiltz spoke on the Sunday School in the Home by Mail and Air for which she was district super- ' visor for Northern Ontario for 11 years. • Mrs. Hiltz also told of the Five Oaks Training School. for Lay Leadership in Paris, Ont. Mrs. Harold Skinner led in the. devotional with an Easter theme and Mrs. Fred Hatter and Mr,;. Tom Walker favored with a duet accompanied by Mrs. Frank Wildfong. A donation of $115 was voted to the Provincial and Itistrirt Boys' Work Hnarrl of the Ontario Council on Christian Education. It was decided to hold a quilting at the church the following Thursday afternoon. ;Oil's. R. B. Russell presided for the meeting. niversary would be held Sunday, May 31 with Rev. C. Britton, Seeforth, guest speaker. MALCOLM THE MILKMAN hM gOitRY, I WILL you MYES, _ *max"' Pt t�Aie PLEASE MALCOLM IrORt3La71 1110Y to' L WILL, ... .� .: i geeet,C! a• : by EXETER DAIRY HOPES 4E DOESNrT P -O ETi 6 1 L Mrs. Joliet may be forgetful, but she's 'surto' to he healthylt A.il that milk the thank was 'r'ich in Mod Veluea for fitnoss, pool EMT keine 331 Y ,.. 11111111/t11mint11111111t1UUlltt11111111NAl1AIiimullowittii1titinktimitioluItittutlttllNIIIIIIu,1111Mitil,llttrt,,,I. .r. THI.. `N H _,.. _"H , ,:-!..- _By MRS, 4.M. ls. Diel ou know that a Roman barquet always began with .eggs and ended with apples, so the ancient Romans used the ex- pression "frem eggs to apples" where we would use "from SOUP to nuts." In China a proud father gives his frirnels a basket of egs in- stead of a cigar to celebrate the hart li of a new baby. As Faster season approaches we are confronter) with eggs in sa many rinend we are rrnifriinrrledt of theisguises customand inwhit t h. egof 1sseeeng Tastercan morneangt.emost there are so many ways to use r•=gs in the family menu and here is one of our favorites: Cheese Souffle - :1 tbl. quick conking tapioca 1 tp. ;salt 1 cup milk 3'1 sup grated cheese 3 Peg whites 3 egg whites Cern lune tapinca, salt and milk in a saucepan. Place over melon» heat and took until mestirrp crimes to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; add cheese and stir until melted. Alines to cool slightly while beat- ing pugs, Feat ' g Whites until stiff. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon coloured. Add tapioca mixture to egg yolks and niix well Feld in egg whues. Torn into a greaser) baking rliii Place in a pan of hot water and belie in a moderate ov^n, '37Jo (10 see::. far 50 min - lora, or unfit snuffle is firm. Mal:es 4 to 5 i,ervings, We have been requested to re• peat a recipe for meat loaf with spiny sauce which appeared about two years ago and was sent in by the Clandebaye Menu- ettcs when they were taking the project "Meat in 'tile l'4enu". It. has become one of aur favorite recipes 'too, Meat 1.40 2'3 cup dry bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1i'a pounds ground beef 2 beaten eggs 1,4 cup grated anion. 1 tp. salt 1,8 tp. pepper 1 2 tp. sage Soak bread crumbs in milk. Add meat, eggs. onion, and sea- sonings. Mix well. Cover loaf with Piquant Sauce. Bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Piquant Sauce 3 tbi. brown sugar 1/4 run catsup 1/4 cup nutmeg 1 tp. dry mustard Mix ingredients together and cover loaf. to * R. Mrs. Eldrid Simmons has giv- en us a recipe for spare ribs with a gar -b -q sauce which she has perfected for your benefit. Bar.B•D Sauce Brown 1 4 cup of shopped onion in 1 thsp. butter. Add 112 cup water 1/2 cup catsup 1 tbsp. vinegar 1 thsp. lemon juice 1 tbsp. worcesterslirre sauce 1 tbsp. brown sugar 1.'2 tsp. dry mustard 1 i2 tsp. salt 1/8 tsp. pepper Thi, Times AAcillo4it hear nurse 11liss 8. Goertzen, l;ixeter and district public health nurse was guest speaker at the March meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to South Huron Hospital on Toes - day afternoon. She told of the forming .of the Huron County Health unit with Dr. Aldus as medical director, seven health nurses and two sa- nitary inspectors. One of the most important duties of the local health nurses is the pre- natal classes, "It is wonderful to start with children when they are very young but it is better to teach the expectant mother" said Miss Goertzen. She spoke of the haby clinics —each baby has a record that is filed and local health nurse has around 1.000 school children in her care. (.hest clinics and TB clinics are also part of a health nurse's duties. Mrs. J. G. Dunlop thanked :Hiss Goertzen. Mrs. E. D. Bell presided for the meeting. A shower of cups and saucers added two dozen to the kitchen. Sewing was on hand to be taken out. Mrs. Dunlop re- ported 100 attended the capping ceremony for which the Aux- iliary provided lunch. Mrs. Eugene .Howey. ways and means convene 1•, reminded members to prepare for the rummage sale the last Saturday in April. Mrs. C. 5. MacNaugh- ton gave a reading on public re- lations. The regional meeting of Hos- pital Auxiliaries is to be held in Tillsonburg on April 15. The an- nual meeting of the South Hu. Boil together approximately 15 minutes Cut spare ribs in serving pieces and brown, Pour over sauce and bake in over 325 to 350 degrees for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. .411.1111.1111111 iMa rOt I , 19S, Ton ifospital twit. 4u tog held March 23« " .At the April mekting Os HO* .sail ladies will, present l:hA pre,. gram and lunch, , Canadian birthrate runs 10 par cent over that of the U.S., boo - lug to people this sprewhat vacant nation. No eafper'te needed to see that tills populat- ing process, plus coritinuecj 4M, migration, is a key to a marl prosperous future for c,Ti1ada .How SANITONE SOFT -SET' Dry Cleaning Keeps. Woolone` Fabrics Soft end Lustrous as NEI Send Us Ye itt Clothes Now for Easter BRADY Cleaners And Laundeteria Ltd. Phone 106 AYLMER t 2 Vn9etalale 2 Tomato 5 Reg, 10 -Ounce Tins - - _. r Lushus Large Economy Strawberry, Raspberry Cherry and Orange PKGS. Opera or McCormick's Variety Mallows -- Your Choice fk CATELLi READY CUT ni YORK FANCY GOLDEN — 20 -oz. tins r c L5. CELL❑ PILLSBURY BRAND — Chocolate or White a YORK --. 0 Off Mason Jar t tier MINETTE'S BEST CHOICE QUALITY t• ,tri 7 EAG LARGE ZE-CIZ, TIN APPLE AND STRAWBERRY — it's Delicious SI'crtenirg -- Seeded Garden Patch Che!se erse agri Libiyy's Fancy MI X DAVID'S Deal 2 `KFS T AAT ICE 2 Matthew -Wells Sweet a� i@X 'iCKL 23c LB s. 15'oz. tins F DR 20.0s. tics 2 rpR 16.oz. jar Taikt Tissue Larne Site Sheets HiTE SWAN I t] LL S , c Clark's 20 -oz. tins K Ex .M SH. POR R c VESA MEAT BOYS One pound or over tray pkg. Chicken Wings 5' Lean Lin Pork Chops LC. Devon Brand back Bacon HAL`=-POLINt'9 Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled, 2-3•1b, average Cotthge Roil ► Maple Leaf - Sliced' or Piece oiogna CF'YCIVAC 344 3c Jam . ��i.r.�iY�,'1„a';,; .fsX'cv "�a�.`•'Li:gin; 29° F 37c 3/41 39° PKG. 23` Large 24 -oz. Jar 39' FRESH 'PRODUCE pples by the Bushel 1`A N CY SPYS 2.x,9 i -AD MACS 1.99 Pineapples CUBAN i:ACH 254 CderyStalks EACH 234 Grapefruit lap's 5 Ft7R 294 Grope Juice WELCH'S 6*0219a York Strawberries 3 54 York Corn 2,Lis, POLY Pt4G, 5 5' York Ice Cream DAL, 894 'Mono 5S2 AND .H, Free Oelivov'y