HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-12, Page 6tart6 Th.lim.os,Ad..Y.ocate, Mardi 1..2i 1949' Award life membership 4to active chu er rch wor < Al the March meeting of the --.N.ALS. of Hensall United .Church ,4"!tati 'Thursday .afternoon -17.0eOrge Hess was .presented with 2.# life membershipcertificate and pin in recognition of her service to the organization and to the Mission Band. The pres. ciliation was made by Miss IU , gni& and Mrs. :George ThoMP• ion. Mrs. R. M. Peck and her group arranged the program with Mrs .Peck presiding and assisted in „the devotional bY Mrs. Henry . .Whittaker and Airs. J. Horton The :study on "'Unemployment end the Immigrant in Canada" Personal Items. Allehael Ho. 8, grade 2 stu- Jlent at Hensall Public School, ' who has been confined to his home for the past five weeks. was taken to War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, last INTiclnesclay where tests are be- ing taken to determine the cause of his illness. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Miss Maja Roobol, nurse -in - training at Victoria Hospital, London, is spending a two weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol. Mr. T. C. Coates, who has been _confined to his home with ill- ness, is improving. Mrs. Gus Voth and Mr. William D. Simpson, Detroit, visited their mother, Mrs. L, Simpson, this week, Norman Allan, 10 -month-old $on of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet M- an, was rushed to Clinton Hos- pital on Thursday, At date of writing he is doing nicely. Ed Fink was in Hamilton on Thursday on business. Mrs, R. E. Davis, Michael and Kay, spent the weekend with relatives in London, Gary Clement, 5, kindergarten pupil at Hensall Public School, underwent an appendectomy at St, Joseph's Hospital, London, last Wednesday and is coming along nicely, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Clement. Mr. W. R. Dougall and Mr, R. Y. MacLaren were in Clinton last week attending the Spring Seed Fair held Friday and Sat- tirday, Mr. Frank Bean who has been ftl for the past number of weeks was taken to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, last week, by ambulance, where he underwent an emergency operation, NOW TO RILIIVI Mr. Ernest Chipchase re - was presented by Mrs. E. Sproat and INIrs. Peck. Mrs. Sim Roobol and Mrs., George Armstrong I favored with _a duet and Mrs, R. J. Paterson with a reading. The group sang "The Old Rug. -1 ged Cross". Airs. Armstrong presided fat the business when plans were made for the annual party to he' held this month. Visiting groups will be Chiselhurst W.M.S., St. l'aul's Anglican W.M.S. and Carmel Presbyterian W.M.S. and Arnold Circle and the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church. The program committee includes Airs. G. Hess and Mrs, E. Rowe. An invitation was received to attend the annual April meeting o ie eaneer unit in James Street (hafted Chureh. Exeter on the evening of April 7 when Dr. John McDonald, London Mil be guest speaker. Mrs. Roobol and Mrs. C. D. Daniel were named delegates to attend Huron Presbyterialin 20. Trade fair here Set for April 1 At the meeting of the Hensall Recreation Committee Tuesday night, date for the annual hobby fair was set for Wednesday, April 1. Prizes wilt be given for metal- work, woodwork, shellwork, coin and stamp collections, needlepoint, embroidery and crocheting, painting in water colours and oil, dolls. New feature this year will be a door prize. Chairman Jim Taylor and all members of the recreation coinmittee are organizing the fair. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Adams and daughter of Dashwood were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. jack Corbett, Connie and Al, MissMartha Heideman of Clinton visited last week with Mrs. Archie McGregor. Mr..William Parsons, of Chis- elhurgi a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is recovering from a major operation. Miss Lois McLellan, of Kitch- ener, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLellan. Mrs. George Hess was rushed by ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, where she is receiving treat- ment. LUMBAGO I turned home on Tuesday from a ...LAME BACK business trip to Calgary, Ed - Apply monton, Winnipeg. and Gimli, w rm oil to region of soreness, rubbing until oil is obsorbod.At Druggists for SS yoan. ST -1 Manitoba. At Gimli, he paid a surprise visit td Leo Tiberio, Mrs. Tiberio and Ti, who were thrilled to see him as it was the first person they have seen from Hensall since Mr. Tiberio was posted there. la 4,1 during IDA's March Sole Retractable Action — Standard Refill Bali Point Pen Top Quality Terry Cloth Wash Cloths ONLY 9c Regularly 19c Each 2 FOR 25c Save 52.00 On A Regular 56.95 Bathroom Scale $4.95 Stock Reduction Special On Regular $4.95 Heating Pad $3.99 'Economical, Positive Protection Moth Crystals 2 L... 59c 11111114111•114••••••••••••••Pewimm IDA BRAND For The Mille Family Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 100's, Regularly $1,15 89e 250s, Regularly $2.29 $1.89 500's, Regularly $4.29 $3.49 Gifts For EASTER. MARCH 29 IS EASTER SUNDAY! Choose 110W ,-,•• boxed chocolates, faney nuts, cologne, perfume, lipstick, famous Shulton toiletries. UTLEY DRU,G STORE ..... *•i: Idalidlamplammataiimmium.howiems EXETER emalriovelea•Molin:avemoloielaimie: phone 50 ensatt and district news toRRE:.,,moNogNTs .Mrs. Maude ilecklen, Phone 5. Mrs. Archie .MacGregor, -Phone ,56 ippen WI enjoys trip . Thirty_ seven members and friends of Kippen East. Women's Institute endo ed b t Wednesday to the Royal College °A.( ., Guelph, where they tour- ed McDonald College and the greenhouses, and attended A fa- shion show and tea. They also attended the lee ('apades at Kitchener Auditorium • in the evening where they saw figure skaters performing to melodies of the great operas, premier performance on ice of George Bizet's "Carmen", a pro- file of Puccini's "Madame But- terfly and Tchaikoysky s "Nut- cracker Suite"; saw the world champion's Czechoslovakian fig- ure skater, Aja Zanova, and father and son acrobatic team. A salute to George Gershwin brought a more modern musical touch to the show. They said the costumes and lighting were fabu- lous. Open house draws crowd Open House was held at Hen- sall Public School Friday after- noon from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. at which time parents saw their children at work in the class rooms. Any difficulties of the pupils were discussed by ,the par- ents and teachers. In grade 1 Mrs. R. Elgie had pupils read, in each of the other grades a special. subject was taught. There was a splendid turnout in spite of poor weather con- ditions. Comments About Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG I . . . . i March Meetihg of W.M.S. The March meeting of the W.M.S., of K ip p en United Church, was held in the school. irom last Thursday with 19 mem !hers and two visitors present Mrs. John A. Cooper and. Airs Emerson Kyle were hostesses. Mrs. Edgar McBride conduct- ed the worship service. Mrs. R. Consitt presided for the business part of the meet- J ing, during which the ladies, were reminded that used ar- ticles for the bale should. be turned in by the, end of April, Mrs, Emerson Kyle and Mrs. Robert McGregor were appoint. ed delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Goderich on March 20. Mrs. Bert Faber read a poem. Mrs. Ross Love had charge of the study book and gave a chap- ter on Mexico. She was assisted by Mrs. 4. Parsons, Mrs. E. Jarrott, Mrs. J. Anderson, and Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. E. Kyle and Mrs. R. Broadfoot are the visitors for the month of March. Wins six awards Two suffer at Mk.ISIC festival Miss Carol Brown, .daughte of Mr. and Mrs, William Brown Hermit, won three firsts and three seconds in piano solo coni petitions at le Kiwanis Muw. Festival at Stratford. In the under45-years class she was awarded a first with 81 marks; wider • 17 years, a firs with 82 marks; Under 15 years. a first with 84 marksi under 16 years, a second with 81 marks; piano solo open (Bach), a sec- ond with 83 marks and under 16 years, a second prize with 80 m arks. On Wednesday, March 11, Carol has to compete with other first prize winners for the Beare Intermediate Piano Tro- phy and the St. Marys Piano Trophy. Prepare For Tournament concussions I While playing broomball with Hensall Firemen versus Dash- wood, at Exeter Arena Sunday afternoon, Douglas Brintnell, 19, suffered a slight concussion and was unconscious for about two . hours when he collided with a t Dashwood player causing him to land against the boards striking his head, He was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and released on Monday. He returned to hospital on Tuesday. Douglas is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brintnell, of Chisel - burst. Joan, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Slater, suffered a siight concussion when she fell out of her top bunk bed on Mon- day. She is resting comfortably. Hensall lodges plan euchre Noble Grand Mrs, Inez Mc- Ewen presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge No, 349 on Wednesday evening. Arrangements were made to hold a euchre party following the regular meeting of lodge March 18 sponsored by the Re- bekah and Oddfetlow Lodges with proceeds for the CPT fund. Hensall Legion Pee M ees will hold a practice Thursday eve- ning at 7 o'clock to prepare for the Shamrock tournament to be held in Lucan, Saturday, March 14. Hensall's first game in Young Canada Week at Goclerich is at 2:30 Good Friday afternoon, March 27. The team will play Tara. Evening Auxiliary discusses Mexico 'M the March meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Hensall United Church on Monday eve- ning, Airs. Douglas Cook pre- sented the study on Mexico. Mrs, Walker Carlile gave a paper using Easter as the theme. She also led in the devo- tional period assisted by Mrs. Dave Kyle and Mrs. Wes Rich- ardson. The roll call was answered with donations for the variety table for the bake sale and tea to be held Saturday, March 14, in the church schoolroom. Mrs. D. Kyle reported on the two flower pedestals and re- ceived the go-ahead to order then ) to be paid out of the bake sale receipts. An invitation was received to attend .a daffodil party on April 7 in James Street United Church, Etteter, in the interests of the cancer cam- paign: A. recreational period was en- oved in charge of Mrs. J. In. gram and Mrs. A, Munn. Mrs, (en Elder conducted the meet- ing. Personal Items Mr. Sta.nley Jackson attended a Hereford sale in Toronto last week. Mr. Gordon Wright, of Lorne Park, spent an evening last week with his mother, Mrs. J, Wright, and a brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. At the morning service at St. Andrews 'United Church, a good attendance was represented, Mrs. Norris AlaeMillan, of R.R. 2, London, was guest soloist, The minister, Rev. D. A. Mac- Millan, has formed a communi- cants class of young people be- ginning at 10:30 a.m., Sundays. Miss Hazel Slavin, of Lively, Ont,, recently spent a weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slavin, On Saturday, Bobby Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper, entertained eight of his friends to a skating party itt the Hensall Arena on the occasion of his eighth birthday. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Stan.; lake, of Exeter, who have re - WOLF CUB NEWS On Friday, March 6the final seven new Chums of the lst Hen - sail Pack were invested as new Wolf Cubs. The boys were Bob Carlisle, Bill Chipchase, Gordon Deitz, Charles .Schwalm, Keith Hay, George Taylor and Barry Mousscau. A good representation of the boy's parents attended and all joined in the games with the cubs. Keith Hay was presented with his team play proficiency badge —the first award of the Hensall Pack. Campfire and dismissal followed. Would persons using arena for extraneous activities please re- frain from using the auditorium while meetings are session. —Good Hunting Personal Items Mr. Laird Miekle, 13111 Mickle and Bob Mickle attended the hockey game in Toronto Satur- day evening. turned from a trip to Florida visited n Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hark- ness and family, of Parkhill, were Sunday guests of the lat. ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Mr, Sam Cudinore, of Tort)n. to, was in the village on Friday Zurich personals — Continued From Page 5 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Witmer and family, were Sunday visitors with the former's sister, at Pres- ton. Mr. and Airs. Emerson. Erb and Mrs. Mose Erb motored to London on Monday. Air. Ed Edighoffer returned from Clinton Hospital and is pro- gressing favorably. Mr. Lorne Amacher, who is attending University of Western Ontario; spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Rev. and Mrs, A. M. Amacher. Mrs. Harold Soper has re- turned home from Victoria Hospital. Mr. George Hess, of Henan, made a business call at Zurich last; week. Mr. and Mrs. Vallie Gerber and son, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Gerber and daughter, Arlene, of Hartstown, Pennsylvania, were visitors with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Gerber. and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clausius and daughters. Mrs. Hauser, of Rodney, spent the weekend at the home of her daughter, Mr,, and Mrs, Laird Jacobe and family, Parr Line, Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, motored to • Baden last week to attend the funeral ot Mrs. Steimnan, of Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bachert, and Mrs,' Chris Swartzentruber, and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Swartzen- truber, attended the funeral ,of Mrs: Steinman, at Baden, last week. Miss Marlene Wagner, who is on the teaching staff at Kit- chther spent the weekend at the twine of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner. • Mrs. M. Geiger of Bayfield visited with her relatives on Thursday also attended the L.A. and W.S. meeting of the Evan- gelical U.B. Church hi the eve- ning: Mrs. Mary Manson and daugh- or, Mrs. Newell Geiger were Wednesday visitors with friends at Bayfield. Mr. Adolph Xalbfleisch is a pa- tient at Clinton hospital, A little old lady handed the post office clerk a package con- taining a Bible. "Anything breakable in this?" he asked. "Nothing but the Teti Com- mandmenta," the little lady re- plied. Palmerston lady 1.11111MMI 11.11MIIIROMII II I IMAM III IltilMMIUMMICIIIIIMMUMUtiontumtuntntilittilialitillukti!,„ speaks to Carmel The Women's Missionary So- 1. elety and La dies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian 'Church met Mon- day afternoonin the church schoolroom with 22 ladies pres- ent, Airs. Basil Edwards, Airs. E. Munn and Mrs. Harvey Hyde. taking charge of the meeting. An inspiring, address on mitsion- ary work was given by Mrs. Meston,. of Palmerston, which was. interesting and informative. The Ladies' Aid, presided over by the. president. Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor, named Friday, April 3. the date for a hot pork supper to be held in the church school- room. The meeting last Monday open- ed with the usual ceremonies and an instruction period follow- ed in the patrol corners, This was followed by a game and a yarn on how to set up a camp by Scouter Eric. On this yarn he drilled mostly on clean- tliianles. ss of the campsite, The troop also worked on hand sig - The Eagle Patrol received the Honour Flag of the week. Last Tuesday Pack Scouter, Bill, Fink, and Troop Scouter John Baker, Erie Mansfield and Ron Broderick attended a meet- ing in Stratford. Scouters from Huron, Perth and Stratford dis- tricts eathered to hear the Chief Executive Commissioner of the Boy Scouts of Canada, Fred J. Finlay, give an interesting talk on 'Scouting. This is your Hensall Scouters saying Good Scouting until next week, She: "I'm breaking our en- gagement, because my feelings toward you have completely changed," He: "Well, how about giving back the ring?" • She: "Oh, they haven't chang- ed that completely." NOTICE The March .session of the Huron .County Council will he 110.1 at the .Court House, Oode, rieb, on Monday, March 23, 459, At 10:00 A.M. All communications and accounts to he in the hands of the .Cleric by lion, Friday, March 20, 1039. 1.1111111.11111111.111111 ..... I itIMI Ili it'll i.i.t 111•1111M11•111111111,111P110 am . •.']::: Look athe outside of the Lark. TOM, compact, truly smart, Then step inside. Lo and behold! A luxuriously appointed full•sized car with ample room for six husky adults, surprise Conveniently smaller than other comparable North American package cars—yet priced $300 to $400 lower. 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Daily, thousands of people in London and Western Ontario use inexpensive London Free Press Want Ads to deal directly with their customers . , Get the job done quickly . .. Ads received by 5 p.m. appear in next day's paper. tte,rn G&' $.5- in exec ot Street IN !orton, TTNS0, 4 1-51IETa7 11 wed,„ h, Jackei. ,;14.4:217e8 rewing )ni $20. Eve, fulY I ego na, 36. 430 Ef.F,frrile Weer, 2' Year); ann 1.71 :lay, cm. ir17.4•1::::e. D. Et ‘,1! ,r • l LiUrtin.d.41t7r. " r washer " offer". er#.,48‘..7 Ci • Strathm, pit .......z4j22...6)) trimee, " 4..eiranteed Pa». sealed 117.4/1....""' 62„,71 REFRTGITITArig Gc)k.aafft:Le4L- C bt• D Open evehings. SZ.CC elihr.1.0tv7N-Tn"a....e 1.4leet4e, 7r7 Dtnilneisnr's . liaraMonti Org.r...an33, Iritektricidel Ba• & condition at a real saving. 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