HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-12, Page 31. Announcement;.
Births 'Ng -Charge
Marriages ;and Deaths
1.Merriages and .deaths ere reported
news columns. This „charge -0.PP1114
wader Annet-incementa,a
Cards of Thanks, gneaeaments 7.50
In Memoria wag)
Extra maga, gee* SLOO-
..... 750
Without charge
only. to listing
— Mr. and jr'As 110Y
BaYnharn. Exeter. annnilliCe htt
birth of a (laughter, Wendli
Lynn, at St. Joseph's Hnspital,
London. February 2A.
130NN,AL LIE Mr. and Mrs.
tHen Don nal lie, Ainntreal. an-
nounce the birth of a son. Ora Ig
PottglaS, at Val heri Tool li
Hospital, AInntreal, VehritarY 2R.
BEMIS .Mr, and M. Ivan
Hearn, Ltican,Bre happy an-
nounee the birth nf a daughter
at SI. .jnseph's Hospital. Lon
. -
don, March 0-- a sister for Mari-
. lye, Jim and TOM.
gr: •-•
The Story in
Guild Plan St. Patrick's Tea
Mrs. Raymond Greenlee was
hostesson Thursday afternoon
for the March Guild meeting.
There were 16 ladies present.
The roll call was answered with
an article far the June bazaar,
Mrs. Hugh Davis, president,
was in charge of devotions and
a business meeting which follow-
ed an afternoon of quilting.
Plans were made for a St.
Patrick's tea to be held in the
Parish Hall o n Wednesday,
March 18. Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. • a
P.H.N. will be guest speaker t
followed by a short program and • t
Mrs. R. Greenlee assisted by
Mrs. E. Greenlee served lunch.
Mrs. Tom Kooy was winner of
the mystery prize.
I -
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Ings and , t
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll were , r
Saturday evening guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll.11
Mrs. Ings, Ron and Harry all
celebrate birthdays this month.; a
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott
visited Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Man
guire, Scotland, Ont. on Sunday.
Mrs. Alonzo Abbott of London,
formerly of Saintsbury, was
found on the kitchen floor of a'
her home with a multiple frac-
ture of her spine and is now a n
patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- lit
Mr. and Mrs.
end Wayne and
Clifford Abbott
guests with Mr.
Mullins, London,
Mr. and Mrs.
Mr and Mrs. Pa yid
:MacKay JG
ackson. rand Bpntt
a nnnil nett, the birth of a tit/ugh..
ter, Pamela Sue .at Snuth Huron
nosPita I, Marcia 18.
S. PILLER— Elginand Alabel
London, wish to anuntinve
I he birth of a son at St, Jo-
seph's asp la March --
brother for Cavil Inc,
MOLOCK—Mr, and Airs. Freda-
riek Morlook, Kitchener. an-
nnunee the birth of a daughter
at Ki tebener..•Writ orlon tinsPilal.
Ala reit $: sister for Sent!.
KEGS • F -T, and Mrs. Al. S. Kenn,
Ai °mit Carmel, a nnnunce. the
birth of a son, Joseph Lynn. at
Soul h Huron Hospital, larch 5.
PE.AIIVE - Air and Mrs. Albert
f'Parre, Irk ton, 81n000re
1 he birt h a flanghter at South
..11nron Flom) ita I, March 1 0 --- a
ba hy sister for Lynda.
REAFWILN—Alr. and Airs. Ttnliert
Rea burn, Hensel], annou floe t hp
birth nf a (laughter at Soul b
Huron Hospital, March 7 -a sis-
ter for Joey, Jeff anti Patil.
ROBINSON—Alr. and Airs. Robert
Rob' neon, Won() ham. an n on nee
the birth thu
of a mb Pr. Aliebein
Marilyn, at lit.Al
ary's Hnspital,
February tia -a sister fnr G or,
don and Graham.
VAN and Mrs, A.
Van Hprgen, Ft:trier, a niumnee
t he birth of do lighter, Karen
Belinda, at South Huron Hos-
pital, Ala rch 11 -- a sister for
Hilly and Diane,
VENNER -- Mr. and Airs. TtodRer
Ven n Pr, Hensa II, announce the
birth of a snn, Stephen Pat riek,
at South Huron Hospital, March
M r. and rs. grn PS t ltd"
H.ensall, wls In a nn Imre
he engagement of t heir rlaugh-
Or. Florence. Elizabeth, t Mr.
Vali er floss Ala eAl Wan, son of
tr. A net Mrs, cha ries lenlm
llacAll Han, London. The ma rr lage
vi 1,1 I 711a! )1 lsit" 40 ri4(1•Ittni,I.Z1 a in Aprtl
7nited Church, "tense II,12.
(lark a nd Tiuia Fisher wish to
hank friends and rein tives fnr
law ers; trea is. , eon's and V ,ta
.(111.tir!;11c18;tinst'l\ii:1;1, a A IVIPti,tIn e
ng sla and (Motor's, and since
18 rot urn brnt,. 1 2t,
The ram ily of 1 he hit P Bert 118
'Briewish to t hank heir
•Iends and neighbors (05'ind-
eiss and sympathy shown them
wring their repent sad
he berea ve
-nen, for tfloral Him t Pscard
f sympathy; sprvia 1 thanks 1
sl f I of Smith Huron tins
ita I, Dr. Fletcher and Rev. 11
14'1 2
1 wont(' like In take this fin
or( un it y to offer my heart fel
hanks in all Inv friends who
iem berm'
lopflowers ea rd q
isits, treats and in any waA
•hile In St. Joseph's finsp it a
nd since returning home.Frec
nip. 12
I wish to thank all these who
('111 cards, flowers, t coal s an(
'sited me while a pat lent It
lint on Memorial Hospital.—Ear
amphel I. 12*
AN e wish in thank all our f rie nds
nit neighboursbeautiful
a rds, flowers a 181 gifts recelvcd
n nu r sixtieth wedding a nnivers-
ry. Speela I thanks to Ca von Con-
regat tonal Circle for I enw ers.
Ir, and Mrs. John Ca mplip I I,
x el or. 1
1 wish in thank all my friends
and neighbnurs for the acts of
k fulness, l'a rdS and flowers 1'F.
relved In the na ssirig of A be-
oved wife, Susana Socha. Spey's]
t hanks to Br Gulens lev.et or 1 0-
inn Ladies Auxiliary, Exeter ',P-
ion, and to all Min assisted
rs. 'Rita Keay in any way.—
ntin Sedan. 12.
A BEDTIME STORY THAT WORKS—F/0 Les Halliwell, Huron Park, can recommend
a good bedtime story based on this experience with his 16 -month-old son, David.
Both found the yarn sleep -inducing, as this snapshot contest winner proves. Mrs.
Halliwell, who submitted the picture, says she always keeps her camera loaded for
situations like this one.
Letter From
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Fenton en-
. tertained with a dinner party in
honor of the former's father's
birthday. Other guests besides
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fenton were
• Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenton
, and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Lewis visit.
cd with Mr. and Mrs. George
Prest Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Mercer of
Exeter called on Sunday with
the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mercer.
Mr. and Airs. Orville Dixon
I were recent callers with Mr, and
, Mrs. Fred Fenton.
Harry Carroll A
Mr. and Mrs.
were Sunday
and Mrs, H. A, s
Earl Greenlee a:
end boys, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Atkinson and Miss Betty Morley ar
were Friday evening guests with 0
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Green. a
lee. Mr. R. Greenlee was ob.
serving his birthday.
The cheery song of a robin
was heard in the vicinity on
Friday morning,
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
family, Mr. and Mrs, Earl At- a"
kinson were 'guests during the
weekend with. Mr, and Mrs.
Heber Davis.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Maguire
were host to the Farm Forum 11
meeting on Monday evening.
Mr. Garfield Latta, London,
called to see Mr. and Mrs. Her-, Si
vey Latta on Sunday and also
called to see his father, Mr. G.
Latta, a patient in South Huron Y
Hospital, Exeter.
Mr, aftd 'Mrs. Earl Atkinson
and Mr. anti Mrs. Gordon At-
kinson attended the funeral of
their cousin, the late Russell
Shoebottom on Monday, March
9. Mr. Shoebottom was killed
accidentally in collision with a Y
car when he went to get the s.
mail from his rural box.
'ETS—in loving memory of John
Wein,. whn passed away In
South Huron Hospital one year
ago, March 11. 1 1R,
veet mein orieswilt linger for-
Time cannot. change them, it's
ears that may come, cannot
Our loving remembrance of
Ever remembered by his family.
I i*
HO PTO'S—In loving memory of a
dear husband and fat her, Jarvis
Horton, who passed away March
/0,011lit1 OF;00 MTN
'FO p4op
Get rid of that cold before it becomes
something werse, It is a syrup that
has gained an enviable reputation
through its success in treating
coughs, colds, or bronchitis.
7-;ift.irts (1‘ir t bratit'thi mem-les,
ear, ,
I ways y Is' '117tt h 08
As we Journey through the
Parting was great sorrow,
Our hearts knew many a pain,
e'll eet when God is willing
Sever to part again.
—Lovingly remembered by his
wife ()live and son
daughter-in-aw Evelyn and
The wedding ceremony was at
an end. The bride dabbed at
her pretty eyes with a filmy
handkerchief. One of the brides-
maids was also affected to tears.
"Why do you weep?" asked a
gentleman guest, "It's not your
The girt giri looked at his scorn-
fully. "That's the reason:" she
Give your engine a chante to do its
best. Get bur precision motor tune-
up. Our mechanics are skilled at
thote delicate engine adjustments
that make the big difference in
power and performance. n
Larry Snider
Phone 624
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keogh of
Lucan visited with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Keogh, Saturday evening.
Mr. Eddie Dixon of Sault Ste
Marie spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Sunday guests with Mr. and:
Mrs. Cecil Ellwood were Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Odd of London and
Mr. and Mrs, George Prest and
Mrs. Roy Hamilton and son
Bob spent Wednesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil E11 -
wood. •
Mr. and Mrs. Les Morley and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Allison attended the Ice Capades
at Kitchener on Saturday.
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Schenk were Mr. and
Mrs. Mac Allison, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Lochner of Inwood, Mr.
and Mrs. Ewart Vernon of Sar-
nia, Mrs. Yearley of Crediton
and Mr, Ed. Gackstetter of Dash-
Miss Grace Trevethick return-
ed to her work in London at the
Bell Telephone after spending
three weeks with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick.
Mr. and Mrs, Rollie Williams
of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Dixon.
Policeman: "I've had iny eye
on you for some time, Miss."
Girl: "Fancy that. And I
thought you were arresting me
for speeding."
Lodge stars
on television
,busloadof Rebekahs left
Exeter at noon on Friday to ap-
pear on Bazaar TV program,
Kitchener, and attend the Ice
Capades in the ;evening.
Mrs. Archie Ryckman waa:
named "Lady of the Day" on
the television show and received
a corsage and gift certificates •
Mrs. Ward Hern won a car coat
for wearing the nicest novelty 1
hat and Mrs. Bob Belling was
given nylons and lipstick for
answering a song quiz.
At 6 p.m, three car loads left
Exeter for Kitchener to see the
Ice Capades but were forced to
turn back at Russeldale owing
to the storm and poor visabilitv.
They saw many cars in the
The bus load arrived home at
3.20 after a hazardous trip,
Happenings In
Jimmy Mossey spent Monday
with Mrs. Cecil Mossey.
Mrs. Alvada Hopkins of Mit-
chell spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Thomson.
Mr. E. Trewartha of Holmes-
ville spent Thursday with Mr,
and Mrs, Kenneth Langford.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin-
son and Paul spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picket of St.
Mrs. Fred Thomson spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Lottie Jones at
the home of Mr. Wm, Jones.
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gover of
1 horndale.
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson
and Marie spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petch of
Stra throy.
Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Lon-
don Teacher's College is prac-
tice teaching at Prince Charles
School of London grade 7 Ups
Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper held a
party for Jeanette when she ce-
lebrated her sixth birthday on
Wednesday, March 4. Among her
guests were: Janice Thomson,
Cathy and Joy Thacker, Ann
Parkinson, Sharon Thomson,
Donna Jones and Marie Lang-
ford. All enjoyed the afternoon
with games, fun and the usual
birthday supper,
Sgt. John R. Beer, who has
been stationed at the RCAF Cen-
tralia for the past four years,
has been posted to the RCAF
Station at Aylmer. The ALE. sec-
tion (Mobile Equipment( held a
farewell party for him at the
station and presented him with
a desk set, Sgt. John Beer, Mrs.
Beer, David and Johnny spent
Sunday with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer,
Mrs, A. Sanders
Usborne native
Mrs, Arthur Sanders, Usborne
Township, died Wednesday mor-
ning in her seventy-ninth year.
She was born in 'Osborne, her
maiden name being Mary Cow-
Surviving are five sons, Wil-
liam, of Saskatchewan; Sheldon,
Clayton and Gordon at home and
James of Windsor; also three
brothers, Edward and John Cow-
ard, of Usborne, and George of
Resting at Cae 1 -Topper -Hockey
funeral home where the funeral
service will be held Friday
afternoon at 1.30 o'clock.
forth district hoir emaking ci uh received provincial honors
for completing 12 project frOnt, Mrs, E, Desilarditis,
president, of South Hump District Wornett'S Institutes, al
'the achieveinent day in Helton Saturday, ' —T -A Photo
"Darling, if you marry me,
satisfy your smallest wishes." Funeral services were conduct -
"And what do you propose to ed Wednesday with burial in
do about the big ones?" York Cemetery, Toronto.
Mrs. B.
Iast.of family
Mrs. Bert ',O'Brien, Eiter,
died in South Huron hospital .on
Saltirdaart A1areb 7: in her
,seventy-sixth year. She had been
ak patient for the past three
Mrs. O'Brien was the former
Bertha Ups -hail and .the last sur-
viving member of her family -
Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien: farmed in
Hay Township, retiring to Ex-
eter seven years ago. Mr.
O'Brien died six years ago.
Surviving is one daughter, Mrs.
Lyle Simpson ((ladys), of hay
The funeral 'service was con-
ducted at the Hopper -Hockey
funeral home by Rev. la. S. Hiltz
on Monday with interment in
Exeter cemetery.
Pall bearers were W. J. North-
cott, George Jaquea, W. J. Hor-
ney, Alex Duncan, Wallace SO -
don and C. Housen,
"rho TimesAdvoc4t., Morch 12, 191i9 iNg.
Acclaim PS operetta
RiakY MaaDOnald, Aliatt Omani!,
Detlef Fritz, Alfred Aquilinat
Ponies Beaver. John Gibbons.
The fairies who brought rilagit
cal gifts to, the princess veer.
Mara' Jane Sanders, Margaret
May, Karen heYwood, Christine
Shaw, Phyllis Madge, Darlene
Snell, Anne Bell, Jane Dettmer,
Barbara Cameron, Linda Stire,
Sherri Smith, Darlene Parsons.
Guests at the party, who were
dancing on the garden lawn as
the third act oisenerl, were Shir-
ley Genttner„ Susan Doerr, Bar,
bare Janke, Sharon McArthur,
Dianne Jory, Norma Young,
Gary Wediake, Bob Broderick,
Larry Johnston. Daniel Lena-
ghan Peter de Vries, Larry Wit.
lert and Dennis Hockey,
Production credits:
Music — Mrs. Lorne Kleinstiv-
er, Mrs. Ron Heimich, Miss
Betty Goudie.
Drama—Mrs. Cliff Jory, Mrs.
R. D. Jermyn, Gary Bryant,
Principal Idle,
Choreography -- Mrs. Douglas
Hughson, Miss Goudie, Mrs.
Grant Triebner.
Costumes—Mrs. Donald Mous.
seau, Mrs. Triebner, Mrs. Hugh.
son. Miss Faye Ford.
Make-up — Mrs. John Mahon,
Mrs. Jermyn, Mrs, Turvey, Miss
Tickets and finance — Carl
Publicity and program—Mrs,
Lloyd Turvey, Mrs. Mahon, Mrs,
—Tory, Mr. Mills. Fred Smith,
Jerry Cooper, Earl Gackstetter,
Bonnie Turvey.
Stage, properties and lighting
— Mr. Bryant, Mr. Idle, Mrs,
Heirnrich, Sheridan Penhale,
Wayne Baynham, John Nagel,
Alvin Guilford, Erian Wedlake,
Tom Ellerington.
Art — Miss Ford, George Try-
on, Ken McCarter, Angela Web-
ster, Connie Rumpel, Loretta
Haley, Gary Ford,
Script — Mrs. Mahon, Miss
Dettmer, Helen Horn, Ann Fair-
bairn, Pauline Aquilina. Bonnie
Turvey, Joy Seldon, Carolynne
Simmons, Nancy McTavish,
Marion Bentley and Jeanne Dzi.
Comical e oks, who danced a
jig in their tall white hats, in-
cluded Kathy Smith, Karen Jer.
myn, Helen Cole, Cathy Corbett,
Alarion Carscadden, John Gras -
sick, David Grainger, Marion
Walker and L. Jones.
Red -costumed elves, who were
supposed to guard the garden for
the party but joined the cobbler
in his plot against the queen,
were played by Elizabeth Snell,
Rossini Hannigan, Paul Mason,
Bill D in ney, Brian aynha
James Kerslake, Michael Dove,
and Douglas Stanlake.
Boys who portrayed cobbler's
assistants were Paul Brinthell,
Richard Frayne, Brian Colleen,
Couldn't believe it
says Listowel official
Holm does a Western Ontario
community like Listowel react
to a tragic disaster such as the
arena cave-in which killed seven
young hockey players and a re.
creation director.
Kinsmen. Governor Ken Mc-
; Kenzie, who comes from the
Perth county town, attempted
to analyze the feelings of his
townspeople in an interview fol-
lowing his official visit to Exe-
ter Kinsmen Club Thursday
nig4Lthink all of us had difficul-
ty realizing that this had actual-
ly happened to our town," he
said, "It seemed like one of those
tragedies in far-off places which
you read about in the papers or
hear over radio."
"Yet everyone pitched in to
help. Hundreds rushed to the
arena to assist in the removal
of debris."
"I think our town reacted well
in that they started to organize
a relief funti immediately. The
a"fttnermnoitothee was formed the same
"Contributions to the fund will
he used for three purposes: first,
to pay for the immediate cosi
of the funerals; second, to set
up a trust fund for the McLeod
family; third, to meet the ex-
penses of e injured.
Five days after the tragedy,
Pride of Huroneltebekah Lodge.
Exeter was presented with a
Lraveling gavel by Mrs. Donna
Lyndell and her officers of
Huronia Rebekah Lodge. No. 306;
Clinton Wednesday evening in
the Lodge rooms.
NG Mrs. Ross Taylor made a I
fitting reply. Twenty-five mem.'
berg of the Clinton lodge
guests. •
1 After the business a penny
sale was held.
Plans were made for a dance
for the Oddfellows and Rebekahs
and their friends in the, Legion
Hall on Friday, March 13.
Frederick J.Hill
Toronto printer
Frederick James Hill, former.'
ly of Exeter, died at the Toron-
to Western Hospital on Sunday,1
March 8, in his eighty-first year.
He learned his trade as a •
printer with the Exeter Times
and went to London, afterwards
settling in Toronto working with •
various printing houses. He was
with the Telegram from. 191.3 to
1952 when he retired.
He is survived by his wife, the
former Lillian Maude Ford, of
Exeter; one daughter, Mrs.
George Lillico (Vivian); one son,
William J. Hill, Toronto.
the service club official des
cribed Listowel as "a pretty sad
town — things are still pretty
"Of two things you can b
sure — one is that another are
na will be built in due time and
you can bet that all the precau-
tions possible will be taken to
make sure that it is constructed
The Kinsmen governor paid
his official visit to Exeter lams -
men at a meeting which cele-
brated the ninth birthday of the
club and the founding of the or-
ganization 39 years ago.
Happenings In
' , •
Entertains Former Group
Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Exeter,
was hostess on Wednesday eve-
ning for the ladies of the Sun-
shine group. Games and con-
tests was the evening's enter-
At midnight the hostess served
supper to the group,
Mrs. Skinner was a former
member of the group before
moving to Exeter. Another for-
mer member, Mrs. Lillian Blair
was present.
I a. M. H. Elston accompa-
nied rs. Mlan Elston at-
tended the funeral of their coil -
sin, the late Russell Shoebottom
of Ballamote which was held
from the George Logan and Sons
funeral home, London.
The Sunshine group gathered
at the home of Mrs. Mack on
Friday afternoon. She also had
as her guest, a former lady of
the community, Mrs. Cecil Skin-
ner of Exeter, Mrs, Charlie Wei -
berg and Mrs. Charlie Atkinson
of Biddulph. A social time Was
spent quilting.
Mr, and Mrs, M. H. Elston
lent their home to the members
of Christ Church for their Week-
ly Lenten Service on Thursday
evening conducted by Rev. R. H.
Anions also to the choir mem-
bers to Baster
which is in charge of Mrs. M.
Elston, organist.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner,
Gary and Karen were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morley, Wha-
len, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, Leonard Smith
visited Sunday with Mrs. Smith's
father, Mr. Earl Campbell, who
is a patient in Clinton hospital.
Bradley and Jimmie Gregus
of Exeter are visiting with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
John Spacek.
Mr. and Mrs. bean Gibson
spent Saturday evening with Mr,
and Mrs. Earl Greenlee.
Mrs. Allan Elston entertained
on Tuesday to a quilting.
Waves, are having a meeting in
the form of a pot luck supper,
Tuesday, March 17, at 6:30 p.m.,
in the Crediton Community Hall.
All members and friends are
cordially invited to attend. 12c
And Dance
Fri., March 13
8:00 p.m.
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
St. Patrick's
Tues., March 17
Everyone Welcome
, .
He hod family
medical bilk
to dean up
He needed
cash to modernize
his kitchen
.so both are borrowing from a bank
Faced with unforeseen household expenses?
Want to make atlite special major pur.
chase? Need -money for taxes—or to meet t
family etnergeney? Personal loan to help
people meet just suclt situations are being
made by tilt chartered banks every day,
You're not asking a favour when you visit
a chartered bank to arrange a personal
loan. The Manager welcomes opportunities
to make loans, repayable out of earnings
in convenient instalments,
And at a chattered bank, you can always
count on privacy and courteous cot sideraa
tion, Whether you are arranging a loan or
using other valuable services the bank