HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-05, Page 14Page 14 The Tithes-Adyecata, Marsh S, 19$9 Looking to With :Liz Cricket song. now in French By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE Bobby Gdmhy tells me that his Cricket Song" has ;lust been recorded In France "Le Chan eon du Cricket," said .Dobby, s'I'nt 'dying to hear it.' The song, which he wrote with Johnny Wayne, has been record- ed, several times and made the hit parade charts here and in l✓ngdand a couple of years ago. "It's still selling. teo." says Dobby, "nothing spectacular but I get a royalty cheque every three months. It looks as if it's going to become a standard.•' 'Re laughed. "'At the moment, Johnny and I call it the sub- standard.'' • Although electronic devices were used to produce the cricket :Found on other records, Bobby slid the chirping on his own ver- sion. "When I was a youngster ice Cabri, Sask., I used to listen to nature sounds and try to mimic • them.' he said over coffee at the ('B(' cafeteria "When I mastered the .cricket's ehirp I decided that when I grew up 1 d use the sound somehow," Bobby has written several ether songs and he ang one for use that I'm sure could hot the top. It's a Christmas novelty/ tune called "When Bessie the Cow Helped Santa," and is the cutest thing I've heard since they first shined Rudolph's nose Perhaps the song will be record- ed this year. If it is 1'll let you know. Speaking of records, Pa.ut Anka just cut eight sides in New .York, and the other flay he signed a 28 -week contract at are en the move, ,lust about $10.000 a week for another ,European tour. Bob G4ulet tells me that he has heard rumours that sus show will fold at the end of the sea- son. "Of course, at this time of year those rumours always Ant." he added. Bob plans to go. to Rew York this summer MIy agents there feel it's time I made the break," he said "They hope to get me some suns neer spots. and if anyone will take a chance on an unknown like bile. it will be ,Broadway next year"." • I asked Bob how his dramatic role in Thunder Rock at the Crest Theatre bad fared. "Just fabulous, wonderful," he said. "The critics panned it, the audiences stayed away in droves and it was a big flop," he laughed. "hut what an experi- ence. Wonderful," Now that spring is on the way ( and. thatis known as The power of positive thinking) the stars ;everyone has personal appear lances mapped out. Bob has a Peterboro date in a couple of weeks. Joyce Sullivan (wilco by the way is more attractive .each • time 1 see her, goes to Winnipeg this month. as do Joyce Hahn :and Patti Lewis. The Fort Wit - !Ham Home Show will feature Juliette and Joyce Hahn. • My belated •thanks to the treader in Dashwood who wrote !as "A. Canadian TV Fan," tell, ing iiia about her TV favourites. I passed. along her comments to .some of th t h t' e stars she mentioned SELECT SAFETY PATROL OFFICERS ----A captain, Kathy Smith, and five lieutenants were pre tinted with, badges' ' at Exeter Public School Thursday morning followig their selection by Principal A. 13. Idle and Police Chief C. Il. MacKenzie, Above from left are Lieutenants Jun ('' Susan Din- ney, Juarscadtieli, Captain Snaith, Lieutenants Anne :Fairbairn and RobertWolfe, Chief MacKenzie, Lieutenant MichaelCushman and Principal idle. Chief Mackenzie . praised the work of the principal in supervising the ef- ficient operation -of the p.at.rol which has been conducted successfully for a number of years, —T -A Photo 1 -This Week In ` and they were delighted, So was . Thamis Road ,I, Thank you. y,unmrmmun»uuu»orae»»u»en»»eu»sem,u»ruaunn,rnnnruur»»uu»,»rurn»»r»wmoimint aiadaaald000400111i4,15.a0 1 See The All -New• FORD DI EL 8-71 With .Serono -Speed Transmission — The Greatest Thing Since Hydraulic! NOW ON DISPLAY AT LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LSMFT Larry Snider Means Fina Trades NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AN A-1 USED CARL Act Now Before Spring Demands Reach Their. Peak! '58 EDSEL SEDAN—straight stick, r j'57 MONARCH TUDOR OR HA RDTOP—full y equippid, low. , mileage, locally owned. . , . '37 FORD FAIRLANE "500" SEDAN — automatic, radio, a sharp black and white. '58 FORD SEDAN—deluxe model, radio, should be seen to be apprerrated. '56 MONARCH SEDAN—fully equipped, just like new! '56 EBUICK 4 DOOR HARDTOP—low mileage. '56 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN -automatic. '56 METEOR SEDAN—a nice blue. '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN—power glide, radio, sharp tutene. A — H '55 FORD COACH—a a lovery roto e , n we'll deal for this oc one! make a real '55 DODGE MAYFAIR SEDAN—a sharp sportstone. '53 FORD SEDAN --overdrive. '53 METEOR COACH 5 '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN—"210" series, sharp! `53 PONTIAC SEDAN—deIuxe model, we'll make you a deal on this one. '5.2 METEOR SEDAN—automatic. '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN—very low mileage, the hest one in captivity. '52 DODGE SEDAN—we're getting desperate with this one, '51 MONARCH COACH—overdrive, radio. '51 .FOR.D COACH—radio, a jazzed -up, model. '51 METEOR SEDAN—she's good! . '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN—she's gotta go! '50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—this one may cost me My job (Herne), so please buy her! '49 MERCURY COACH—radio, solid! '47 FORD SEDAN ---a real grm! Should make a good car for someone! TRUCKS 4 YOUR CHOICE OF 3 TANDUMS—in A-1 condition! ! Two with air hoists and dump badieb. Only 45 small 'e measles. • ` `S6 FORD F,600 C & C-154" wheel base -18 -of them, 1 'S5 FORM F.600 DUMP '.. 31,400 ,$4 4 VOLKSWAGEN AGO "K" owns $1,300 18'DOMINION EN PANEL—big niotot .._..... $ 930 "STAKE" TRAILER . $ 400 '49 FORD PiCK'UP—r£un it out of here for $ 200 • TRACTORS '4? 1;ORDD---wit]1 Sherman haek hoe, 8' dipper'steek 'YOU 1NA.lI1 A GOOD DIGGER? MERE IT Ift '5fl-10' depth. new Industrial Loader And_ a eab to keep our. the adverse conditions — 14,500, SET OF '>:'z TRACKS—not much' good ,,.,,,,..... 60' Larry Moors Fbid - edsti IVliitiarclt I9tit1*t"W Htt *4E 621 kid Ph rin quipllionit I XE1`tix y Y.1> y Y p �/ 7 {f ,1 v�� 3� ry A 1 �c oortmiii mmeplm uinifmnaermoiRrt onou1„719emono mmmettlo »atni nittieetiano,,,niYtFiYk4 amyl Iei rt1/c1'c1val and JIM (arscaUdLii, tilE lord illayof'. """'3'''A d)lic tO Personal Items Miss Sharon Passmore spent the weekend with her grand- mother, Mrs. Percy Fassmore of • Exeter. • George .McIntyre of London spent the weekend with Larry Ballantyne. Mrs. Ted McIntyre and. Peggy of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Ballan- tyne. ( Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borland visited on Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. J. ,Willard of Mount hope. AIr. and Mrs. Sam- Skinner, Karen. and Gary al Centralia visited .on Sunday with 1Ir. and Mrs. Ernest Pyne. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and Linda were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, HarryWebber, Woodham. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Nickles, of London, visited on Tuesday afternoon with- Mr, and Mrs. ;William Snow. Mr. and. Mrs, Charles Jeffery were Sunday guests With Mr. and ' Airs, Glenn J•e.ffery. Thirty-four memhers 'of the 3.M Club motored to London on Thursday evening lo the Grand Theatre to see "Purely for !.Pleasure." Mrs. Ted McIntyre of London. ,lir. and Mrs. William Cann spent i Saturday evening y%ith Mr. and Mrs. Wright of Wroxeter. Some 35. relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the home ! of. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin T'ass- snore on, Saturday evening after the Brazier -Passmore wedding.' The evening was spent in play • ing cards and lunch was served.'. Miss Marilyn Tuckey, Mi'. and , Mrs. Ewart Pym of Exeter, Mr.. and Mrs. Tony Shulman, Marcia, Mark and Beverly of Embru were Monday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest i'yuc, . • tite occasion •being Mr. Py m's birthday:. • - Linda and Dennis Hackney spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs.• Lloyd Ballantyne. aMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne and fancily, lir. and Mrs. Ray Ballantyne and family were guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne. You'll enjoy shopping in The Times -Advocate ads. Save steps, time and money by reading lo- cal merchants' ads first. a t 1 geOthil,q t act viis s By DOUG HODGSON And JIM SWEITZER • Although "A" Scout Troop is a thriving organization, it could never earry on without fine leadership which comes in the persons of Scout Master Ralph Sweitzer and his assistant Hal Hooke. These two men have carried on the troop for over a year alone, They have worked very hard and all the scouts appreci- ate their fine efforts. W°ben the troop was re-formed after the Scout house had been built, Scouter Hal Rooke took over as SM. The following year Terry Lawn enee became SM because Scouter Ha1's work in the Ausable River Conservation Authority took a large amount of his time. The next year Terry went to the rescue of the Centralia troop and this, left Scouter Ralph our new SM. Scouter Ralph has his Gitwell wood badge, a hard-earned badge for leaders, and Scouter Ilal is %working hard on his and should soon be clone. Our leaders work hard all the time. During the year they super- vise our fair booth, cutting and selling Christmas trees, all camps (they require a great deal of organization), • and preparing our displays which were seen in Exeter shop Windows recently. And during the peck they spend hours planning regular troop meetings. conducting the court of honor and passing tests. However all 'the credit doesn't go to Scouters Ha] and Ralph for they both have wives and children who deserve the atten- tion that goes to us, the Scouts. Instead of insisting their hus— bands bands stay home they 'allow the Scouters to spend time. with us and a sincere thankyou from all the boys is extended to Ralph and '.Hal and their families. Jeff Pearson is moving lo •Gim'li, Manitoba, Jeff is well on his way to Second Class and he has attended summer camp with us. Be is a member of the Stag Patrol and we are sure everyone in the troop will miss hint. As exams are upon us the ac- tivities of the troop have come Message From Greenway Persona Items :Hiss Karen L•'rophey 61 London spent the weekend with her par-; ents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Bro- i nearly to a complete halt. On »hey. !Monday night the Eagle patrol, :lir, and 'Airs. Claire Woodburn' o .lite se l apenl I. se weekend took theteal i1 :points o lead m t i s ii nc the ' p f >' 1 Stag patrol. Every 'three months . with `,lir. and 3Ii's, Gordon IVood- I isms»ssmisa»nnnnnn,nnunnnuunrunan»uu»n»nnwum,unn,u,...... uu,n»n»wn,uu, totter Prom until nt la recently by M. Albert,. 11Irs. Arnold Robertson who. Creduton spent some weeks at he home 81f MRS, ':tOSI«pF IYOOPALt_ L►,C, Mission Band The United •Cluireli Mission Band held its meeting on Thurs- day in the Sunday school rooms with an altclidance of ;?8, Clare Skinner and Ronald Ken- ny were in charge of the service. Personal Items .Several citizens from Crediton and community attended the Seed Fair in Landon last week, Mr. Lewis Faist of the Bell Telephone Go., lately of Sl. Thomas, who has been trans- ferred to Sudbury, has disposed. of his. hoose in St. Thomas and left last week With AIMS, raist and. family fot' then' newly Intr. ehased home in Sudbury, Mrs.. Ai. 1' aist of Crediton who spent a few days with her son and tawny in. St. Thomas, Ascom.• ponied them to Sudbury- where she will spend a few days. Mr, James Brock was vatted on Wedncsday of last week to at-' tend the funeral of his sister -in-, law, Mrs. .Alex Fraser, near :Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Fraser died suctd.enly while preparing to attend church service. Mrs. .Edward Chandlers spent a few days last week in Byron at the home of her slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Priestley. I1'irs. AlfredSmith is ill at her home here suffering from an at- tack of jaundice. Mrs. Edwin Beaver, who is convalescing from a severe at- tack of pneumonia, entered South Iluron :Flospital on Sunday. Mr. Edwin Fahrner and. Miss' Pears Fahrner have purchased froom Air. Martin Morlock the dwelling on King street .occupied Mrs. Carman Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner and family of Alalton spent the weekend with his mother, Airs. J, Gardner. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Rinker. of Sarnia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey. A number of relatives from this vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs.. Roy 1MRann of Clandeboyo last Thursday. of her parents, Alr. and Mr's,. 1':. heaver has returned to ,her home in London. • teed Teachers? Find, Thom Fast ! Your "TEACHERS WANTED" ads in The London Free Press will reach graduating students at the London and Stratford Teachers' Colleges And teach- ers in other Western Ontaiio centres who want to change jobs. Call GEneral 8-6101 or write The London Free Press to place your ad, .Ads re- ceived by 5 p.m, ap- pear in next day's paper. STANDA is good YonFY!j -lateat, $ GZ 8.799 •►ant AQUART to eecel With ll`hts; ar. all GL 61.76 1',ED- 1MG gown, ongn1, fire • A01 nI t 1.- `i•Ip B.1.; 'Jr r ltz length, an iA0r1+ BS,iQ !cior, Fotd n , n. 33,39. o " oor, a61 -g R$CO1;D e, Auto. matte. ondltfotrlier eOO. ee;e1 KETAL bell soring and m+etirPe.r there is a patrol enncpetitimc and burn and .faintly. this one ends in March. Prizes; Mrs. Albert Pollock, Mr. and! include visits to the Sportsmen's Mrs. Rufus Turnbull and Dom1a attended the funeral of Mrs, locks" sister, Airs. Levina nedy, in Bad Axe, Mich. on urda.y. Miss Marion iI'oodburn 1Jr. Ken Larmer of Burk Fair, Detroit Zoo and Big Four football games, Report On Shipka Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Baker and family and Mrs. 11. Baker visited on Sunday wills Mr. and Mrs. Roland Neil and. Gerald, at f Ailsa Craig, I Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNair, !Debbie and Barbara, of Ilderlon, , were Sunday visitors with Mrs, - E. Lamport and Tom. .lir, and Mrs. Don Adapts, Mark and Brock, of London, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Air. and Mrs. Les Adams, and also visited at the home of his uncle, lir. Hugh 1lorenz, Airs. Harold Finkbeiner and t baby, Joan Marie. returned from South Hum Hospital on Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clarke and family Wednes- day on�11 c..f tes- day were Mr. and Airs. Morland Turner and family, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Wine- ' garden, of 1•Iantilton, and Mrs. John Babcock, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson and Warren, of St. Marys, were Slur day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Ron and Bar- bara, Mr. and Mrs. 1•Iugh Morenz and B]l.lie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 13i11 Coleman and Les, al, ' Mr. and Alr•s. Alton Comfort, of Fenwick, are visiting with their daughters, ?tr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, •:lir, and Mrs. Hilton Sweitzer, Sir. and Mrs.! Tack Pickering and their families. Buy the dependable brand name products advertised in The Tunes -Advocate. 1 _ I OUEEN TAKES A TUMBLE -A domineering queen leat"lis a lessson ill the operetta Cobbler of Pair'y Land" being presented this weekend by Exeter PS, Demand for 1 tickets has beet) great enough to warrant a this'd production. Saturday night. The royal f our t. well above includes: stated, Elsie Uosa1', queen; John MacNaughtoll, king; standing from loft, 1'1ealiof ,SltIi`118kt`', princess; fitsie11 .1•iendriekl "Lady T tteinrld,'; Pol-; Sat - and eton ALF ANDRUS — QiI Burners — Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work 403 ANDREW ST., EXETER • PHONE 719 Sl)Cnt the weekend with Mr. and,rrirerreen,»»rrirrrunrrnr„ern„nrrrr»,nnrn„r»»„n,flee»»n»nuu»uunnu,uuuw,i,uuuuu»nu, Orient Famous 11Gold Award” Pre -Faster Nylon Sale MARCH 6 TO MARCH 14 25` Off Each Pair Complete range of Spring styles in the Orient ""Fashion Show Colors". Fine Denier sheers; Eeauti-Skin sheers; 30 Denier sheers; Seam - free; Service styles. Reg, .$1;25, $1.35,• $1.50, $1.75. Sale • prices $1.00, $1.10, $1,25, $1.50. Buy several pair at these low prices! Pre -Easter Showing, Of Ladies Spring Dresses And Coats Our ladies' wear buyer has just returned from the fashion • markets and we invite you to see our complete new stock of Spring dresses, coats, suits and blouses, r• Spring Coats In yi'affle weaves, tweeds, velours,' beiigalincs. in new shades of lighter blue, rose, mint green and 'burnt orange. Sizes 7/ to 151 and 121: to 46, *23.95 to *4.9.95 wits Smart tweeds in new short jacket styles. Sizes 10 to 20 and 141,2 to x241%2. $29.95 to $49.95 ReaI Tartcirl Sabre Slirns li'ol" 1 h best fit you've ever seen! Tailored in fine imported all•Ivool. authentic tartans. Sizes t3 to 20, 40 i PHONE iJ 9ti• Special $13,95 JUST ARRIVED! NEW SPRING. SAMPLES For Men's and Lassies' measure Snits and topcoats by Fashion. .Craft and • Regal Park We are sure 0)00 looking through these samples you will agree no effort has been spared to bring you (lir choicest talrrics as to dttalilc', pattern: and colour '.from the world's . !¢ renowned mills, The latest trend in starling, Combined yvtth rfttality and fit at moderate prices, I'ricnct from $59.00 to $79.00, EASTER: IS EARLY — ORDER NOW!