The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-05, Page 13pupils at Clandeboye
win seed fair
Mrs. Clarence Carter. teachers Paton fattuly on Wednesday eve -
'tit Clandeboye School, and pupils mens.
won several prizes at the Seed' Mrs. Clarence O'Nei.l,::of Mont -
Fair in .London last week. ! gunnery, Penn., attended the in
Winners for grade 5 .and 6. ;tap neral of her sister•In•law. Mrs.
of Australia were Judy Scott and Aleftann,. on ',i'littt'sday, .and.. spent
Janet Munn; grade 8, map of some time with Mr. and Mrs.
Canada Admen were Ralph' Kari O'Neil and with. Mrs. f .
Simpson and Bob Baton. !O'Neil called am Mrs. JdaCatup
Junior F!rmers '. bell. of Strathroy, on Saturday.
Aiid-week Lenten service for,
The annual banquet and dance St, Ja•mes Church ryas llel(l om.'
of the Luean Junior Farnicrs q'hursday evening at the home of
will be on Saturday evening, airs l i • m 1 t
s Tores last week by
(13i1J) :StewarALLA., of North Llare visited Sunday evening
with their slaughter anct family
Afiddlesex. Tickets are still—mil- _• ,
able. 111x•. and Mrs. l�ilfred Logan,
Plans. for the junior l'aiitters Thor.ndale, Airs. Logan returned
Conference loI be at Guelph ares home on Sunday after spending
tarn for arch 13, 14 and J 11 days in Victoria Hospital, suf.
laki f ood Junior Farmafeting from virus pneumonia.
ee and Mrs. Joe niers and airs. Paton now is spending a
Elyan entertained the Ed ewood few days with her slaughter.
Junior Farmers gr.. g
Monday evening. p
with Clare Paton as guest speak-
er, who spoke on the Accident.
Survey which is hein; held in dies in hospital
Biddulph Township and through p
out the county. Funeral services were con-
ducted by the Rev.. .1. P. Pr'est,
Local News rector of St. James' Church, on
Air's. Maurice ,Simpson is R. Thursday, February 26 Inc Mrs.
patient in. St, Joseph's Hospital Roy Mc 1191111, the former Lceta
following an appendectomy oper• I Mae O'Neil, elder daughter of
*lion on Saturday, : the late Louis and Elizabeth
Mrs, J. PI, Paton visited one Horner,
evening last week with Mr. and, She- was born at the home
Mrs. N. L. Paton in London. I farm, concession 3, McGillivray
?. < Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith township, on -October 4, 1891,
t l and Airs. Lorne Tlocigins attend -1 where she resided until her mar -
or] the L.O.B,A. Euchre party at riage to Roy McRann in 1915.
.Woodham on Thursday evening.! They resided Inc a few beat`s
Air, and Airs, Gordon McDon-; with his parents in Biddulph
ale, of London, visited. with the. township, concession 1, Later
they took up residence on their
I farm across the road in Me -
Happenings In "' Gillivray township.
She died in St. Joseph's Hos-
illness. on Monday evening, Febru•
c 23, following s nil
aeveral mo 1 s
The private service was con-
ducted at the Murdy funeral
home, Lucan, followed by a pub -
School Party he service at St. James Church,
The young people of S. S. No. Clandeboye of which she was a
9 Biddulph held. another party member.
in the school house , on Friday airs, Menem is survived by
night. Lunch was .provided by he.r husband, one son, Neil, of
the ladies, Clandeboye; three daughters,
The next party will be in Mrs, Grant (Dorothy) Lattinter,
charge of Mrs and Airs, Bob of Sarnia; Mrs. George (Shirley)
Tindall and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Noyes, Delaware, and Miss Elia-
Davis, abeth at .home, and two grand -
The prize winners were: ladies sons, Also two brothers and one
high, Airs. Allan Elston; • ladies sister, Karl and Ross and Mrs.
low, Mrs, Orville Langford; Cecil (Mary) Carter, of Clande-
gent's high, Mr. Jack Blair; boye.
gent's low, Air. Bob Tindall,
Personal Items
In preparation for Easter Sun-
day the choir of Christ Church,
Centralia are invited to the
home of Mr. •and Mrs. M. 1•l.
Elston tonight (Thursday) to ar-
range their Easter music, a son,
Lenten service to precede.
Miss Valeria Lowry, RCAF
Station spent Saturday with Lucan personals
Davis spent the weekend with
Sheila Elston and Miss _leather L,O.B,A. 387 Euchre
her cousin, Wendy Elston. The L,f),B.A., 387, held a sue -
Visitors on Friday afternoon cessful 11 -table euchre in the
with Mrs. :1f. H. Elston were lodge room here last Wednesday,
Mrs, Clarence Fletcher, Wood- ur
ham and Airs. Melvin Gardiner,
Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Sato Skinner
and family accompanied by
Messrs. Allan and. Melville Bus-
well were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Skinner, Exeter, when
march 7, at 7 rant'' „ at. the Arm- the rector, tithe Rev. J, P. Prest .
GlronQ Resta - Jtxctei. with Alr". and 11rs. J. ll. Paton and
the �trest speaker, 'tl 11' A
Temporary entombment was
made in the Mausoleum in St,
James Church Cemetery, Clande-
Pall hearers were Andy Car-
ter, Mervin Carter, Wilmer
Scott., William Northgrave, Roy
Cunningham and Maurice Simp-
glh score prires went to lir.
George Davis, Exeter, and Mr.
Mitchell Haskett, 'Luean; lone
hand prizes to Mr. Ernie Lewis
(playing a lady's card.) and Mr.
Roy Pepper, Exeter.
The draw for the box of groc-
eriesthey entertained in honor of was won by Mr. Fred Cul-
bert, RR 1. Lucan,
their son's birthday on Wednes- The L.O.B.A. are planning an -
day evening, other euchre here on Wednesday,
Mr. and. Mrs, Sam Skinner and March 11.
family, also Mr, and Mrs, Jahn
McAllister and boys were guests Auto Accident
.of 11ir. and Mrs, R;on Denham, Last Tuesday morning three
Kirkton on Friday evening. Lucan girls, ' Misses LaVerne
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates and George, Pat Watson and Joan
Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr. Hodgins, were involved in a car
and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall, Hen- accident on No. 4 highway just
palls east of the village.
Guests on Saturday with Mr. They had stopped to pick . up
and Mrs. Sam Skinner were Mr. Miss Rose Revington when a car
and Mrs. S. G. Klatt and kiddy ran into them, badly damaging
of Exeter. their car. With the exception of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fischer a bad shaking up, the girls es -
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. caped injury.
Chris Fischer. Lucan Leads Series
John Langford spent the week-
end with his grandmother, Mrs.
Fred Pattison, St. Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross McF'ails
and David spent Sunday evening
with Mr, and Airs. Charles Atkin-
Mrs. Ross McFalls was soloist
at the R.ees•Rollings wedding
Centralia on Saturday.
Air. and Mrs. George Gibson,
of Wroxeter, visited with the
fernier's brother, Mr. and Mrs,
Dean Gibson.
Mrs. Jessie Lewis spent a
Couple of days with Air. and Mrs.
Eugene Armitage, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff 'Kenny,
Ronnie abd Doreen, spent Sun-
day Afternoon with Mrs. Inez
Dickey and farttily.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner,
Karen and Garry were guests
of Mr. and MrS. Ernie' Pym on
Sunday evening at the supper
Lotter From
(� p
Mr. and Mrs, Roy :Hamilton,
of Luean, spent Monday evening
wtili Mr, and Mrg. Gordon
Mr. Albert loess, of Zurich,
spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs,
,Tames Trevethick and with his
mother. Mrs, Mess, Sr., Who is
very i11 at the home a her
Mr. and Mrs' Eaton, of Clande-
boye. Were i eceni guests of Mr.
anri' Mrs, Fred 'Fenton, '
Mr, and Md. Oiri Dixon
attended the 'seed fair in Lon-
don on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordonyl1anting,
of Luean, spent Wednesday With
Mi'. and AIrs, Fred Ironton,
Mr, and Mrs, Goidt5n• Allison,
Ali'. Arid Mrs. Elie Hamilton,
and their daughter and
IAw, Mr. add Mrs. I3i11 Yearly,
spent Saturday evening with Alt.
and: Mrs. Troy }larriilton, of
Sunday guests with Mt. And
In spite of flu, players, Luean
Shamrocks, defeated Plattsvilte,
8-3, in the opening game of an
Ontario Minor Hockey Associa-
tion best -of -three series. Paul
Conlin scored 5 goals and Cliff
Acheson three goals for Lucan.
Mrs, J. H. Cantelon who was a
patient, in St, Joseph's Hospital
for two weeks, is able to be
Mr. Harry 13avden and sister,
of Toronto, were .recent guests
of Miss Ida Porte and Mrs. Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millar
and Marjorie, of. ,.Dutton, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sheridan Revington and Mr.
John Pollard, of Ingersoll, was
a weekend guest.
Mrs, Eva Henson was a Satur-
day visitor with Aliss Betty
Grover, of London.
Corporal A. J. Hodgins (Sandy)
and family, of Aylmer, were
weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs.
)`Iarold Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs, Murray Gibson,
of Denfield, were Thursday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Henry
March came in like a "lamb"
in Lucan but Lucanites hope it
will not go out like a "lion" as
they have had too many "lions"
this year already. .
Mrs. Irene Hicks and daughter,
Maxine, have returned to Flint,
Mich„ after spending the week-
end with the forger's sister,
Mrs. Thos, Brigitte.
Air, and Mrs, W. 5. Gould, of
Detroit, were weekend guests of
Atr, and Mrs. William Atmos.
Miss Andrea 'Vahey, formerly
of Water street, Lucan, is reeu--
erating at her hone in London
Township from a recent opei'a-
tion in St, Joseph's Hospital,
Messrs. T. A. Iforigins Charles
Corbett and fi M. D Engel et -
tended the "Reiter. Roads"Con•
ventien at Toronto for three days
last week..
Mrs. Wes.. Atkinson' spent last
weekend with Mr. and Mts. Geir-
ald Atkinson and family, Lori•
Miss TOO Walpole, of Rin•
Mts. Cecil EltWood Were Mr. cardir'te, lyes a Wednesday guest
hick Ciettdinning, and Alias of her grandmother, Mts. Ira
1Sdnhie Hansen, of bereliester•, Carling and family,
And :District .hlews.
,Phone 109 Lucan
Cprrespendent; Miss 'Line ,Abbott
e p res . s post a
L I'L. Wins
e hau .
t IO
Scott marks
• ut-otriumphs
sh . ut
fair awards
founder day, _
, lir WARD
The Founder's meeting of:the.
Lueen Rome and .School Associa-
tion was held in the school audi-
torium last Tuesday evening
with the president Mrs. Calvin
,Elaskett presiding a n .d Mrs.'
James .Freenian program and
lunch convener, There was a
;splendid attendance with a good-
ly• number of male folk present.
Mrs. Cobleigh's room won the
attendance cup.
' As a money making project it
was decided to hold a cooking
school. For those who forgot ,
their donation for the Sick Chil-
dren's Tlospital, Principal Wes
ley (Slow offered to place a box
in the school for donations,
Airs, Alurray Hodgins was com-,
mentator for a n interesting
candle -lighting skit for Found-
ers' Day, Carole Davis, a grade
8 pupil, lit the white memory
candle, in honor of, Mrs. A. C.
Curtis; Mrs. Jack Eisen, the red
national. candle in memory of
the National Federation; Mrs.
Harold Cobleigh, a teacher, the
blue provincial candle in mem-1
ory of the Ontario H & S As -
sedation and 13r'esident, Mrs.
Calvin Baskett, the local yellow
candle in memory of the Luean'
ll & S Association.
Mr, Toni Bird of CFPL-TV was '
the guest speaker and was intro-;
duced by Mrs, James Freeman.!
TIe gave ,an. interesting resume!
of London's TV background,
workers, cost of operation, ad-
programs and growth, r
His address was .followed by a
lively question period. !
Mr. Jule Des,jardine announced'
Open House scheduled for. Tics-'
day afternoon followed' by op-,
portunities for parents to inter-,
view teachers from 3 to 5'
Wednesday and Thursday after-'
noon. He also thanked all those
who assisted in the survey for'
nursery children. Indications
show their is no 1 -ace suicide in
Lucan and district,
Harold Atkinson
Biddulph native
Air. and Mrs. William Haskett
and Air. Harold Corbett attended
the funeral service of their cou-
sin, Harold Lionel Degray At-
kinson, 84, at the Bennett and'
Pineombe funeral home, London, i
last Tuesday with interment in!
Woodland Cemetery,
Atkinson watl .
s e son of
George and Charlotte Atkinson, I
of Biddulph Township. He was a
veteran of World War I and has;
been a patient of Westminster,
Hospital, London,Incinn the past!
,years.Ho is sure lv ed by
his wife, the former Hilda Flow-
er, an oft -time visitor to Lucan.
Ten C.G,I.T. members attend-
ed the meeting in - the United
Church basement last Monday
evening. The meeting opened
with craft in the making of tin
pie -plate pictures.
MrS. Charles Sovereign handed
out. Friendship Diaries and read.
a letter on education and proj-
ects for camp proceeds. Ruth
Frost and Linda Bridger read
Scripture passages.
Carolyn Donaldson, .1 u d y
Thomson and Nancy Haskett
were named assistants for the
next meeting.
Medway Euchre
The Medway Euchre Club
held a three table euchre at the
home o.f Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert
Stanley last Monday evening.
Ladies' high score prize was
won by Mrs. Austin Hobbs; lone
hands by Airs. William McComb
and consolation by Airs. Seymour
White. Men's high score prize
went to Mr. William McComb;
lone hands to Mr. Austin Hobbs
and consolation to Mr. `Grant
tlu Qhs.
The next euchre will be at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mid-
dleton, March 9.
Personal Items
Alter being laid up with an in-
jured back for 10M .
jured days, r
Howard Currie was able to re-
turn to work, in London, last
Air. and Mrs. Colon Nugent
and family, of London, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs, T,
A, Hodgins last week.
Lucan Leprechauns wan two Erwin Scott and Sons won two
shut -outs over the weekend, de- of the mast coveted awards at
fearing Ailsa Craig Pee Woes in tine 21St annual Middlesex Fair
the Canadian Legion series, 2.0. lid
Roger Black scared the first and Food Show which closed at
goal, assisted by Ward Hodgins, the Western Fair .Grounds last
and Paul Young the second, .as-, In.iday with a record-breaking
' attendance of 13,085, when they
Saturday afternoon in the wan hotil the T. Baton silver
Shamrock Minor !Jockey play-off tray for .the highest points in the'
with Zurich the: score was 3.0, - grain and seed show and a ban -
Paul Young got the first goal. as -
mer s,inbolie of the premier -ex-:
, isted by Roger Black, , hibilm: award for Middlesex
Roger Black got the ether two,' County.
assisted by Ward Hodgins, Larry; Gordon Hodgins, RR. 1, Gran-.
Lewis and Brian Smith. ton. topped the Middlesex Seed
The next Legion series gae es .Iuririn� competition with 580
will be in Glencoe Tuesday eve- i titilts tc w' l the to C
ming and Parkhill Thursday eve 'ran ' 130 ltsn t Prin n .pin
ning and the Shamrock game. Bi y p
Satury1 ay afternoon at Zurich Bingo Winners I
(weather permitting), otherwise ! A larger crowd and many new
the oast two games will be played folks attended the Thursday eve -
at Lucan, I ning bingo at the Legion Hall—'
a sure evidence it pays to ad.'
Mrs C
ve.r1INe but in spite of . all the ,
nca't•ninc•rs Airs. R. !Vest -worth .
the only new winner. (How-;
born near Bier i -ever she was a three -time win
After a lengthy illness, Mrs. i iter ' .
Chester McComb, 00, died at her; Again it was Cooper, Malhers
tate residence, isi g infield nn: and Jackson night. Winners were: I
Tuesday, February 24. She lay' Mrs. Thos. Brooke, Mrs. :Sud,
at rest in the C. Jlaskett anal Cooper 12), Mrs. Ralph Rummell.,
Son funeral Home, Luean, until. Mrs. Ralph Smith, Miss Rose
11:30 Friday, thence to the Birr! Jackson 1'2); Share the Wealth, t
United Church where the :Rev. i Alt's. 'Phomas .Jackson; conseeu-1
Bruce Grey conducted funeral, five pingo, Mr. 1Vrn. Matters,
services at 3 p.m, with interment' alt's. R. Westworth ('2), Mrs.;
in the Birr United Cemetery, + Bud Cooper, Mr. Wm. lathers i
Pall bearers were Murton Ale-, and Mrs. R. Westwor•th; Mrs, i
Lean, John Mellhargev, Roy Mc- 11'm. Mathers and Mrs, Thos.
Conti, John Adams, Neil White Jackson. The $5 consolation.lack.!
and Guy Ryan. i pot went to Mr. Les Luephe.
Airs, McComb, the fornmcr Ed-' The lark -pot next Thursday,
na Maxwell, was the daughter of will be ii60 in 54 calls. i
the late Mr, and Mrs. John Max- Local Winners in thegij Contest
well. She was horn ,rust south
of Birr and attended Birr school.; Airs. Robert Gladwell. of RR 1,
Since her marriage she lived at. 1)enlield, was runner-up in the
E.lginfield. She was a member of ; largest egg contest at the 21st
the Birr 'United Church. ' annual Seed Fair and soon five
Besides her husband, she is dollar:;. Airs. Harvey Kennedy, of
survived by two sons. Donald; Granton, was third, Jack Gar -
and Keith, two grandchildren,: i'ett. teenage son of Mr. and :Mrs.
Kevin and Brian McComb, also! W. W. Garrett, won first prize of
two sisters, Miss Gladys Max -1 five dollars for the oddest egg.
well, of London, and Mrs. Eva I
Clark, of Detroit. 1 Groups continue
Ails. Wes. Hodgins is visiting to fete family
her daughter, Alts, Jim Tubb,
and family, of Mitchell. An add-! honors Inc Mr. and Mrs Har-
ed adcli.tion to the family is a ; girl Whyte and family continue.
hahJ' girl born recently at tltei Al. a Scout and Cub dinner in the
Stratford General Hospital. Anglican Church basement, the
Airs, Warner Mcrso;terts, of Scouts presented Mr. Whyte with
the Dresden H.S. staff spent last a silver engraved cigarette box
weekend at her hone here. land the Cubs, an engraved wal-
air. andMrs. Frank -
tat.!. Looker,
who have been living in a trailer I Tuesday night at a social eve -
at Dr. T. A. Watson's, have!ping and smorgasbord at the Le -
moved to Pt. Severn. Mr. Looker, ; gion Hall, Mr.: Whyte's hydro as -
a Hydro construction superin• 1 sociales presenter) him with a
,I• dozen
Whyte with a
tendentisnow stationed t deo Alis 1V! v
of stat o d at La a
bridge. ( red roses and David with a five
Mr. Harvey Baskett, of Lon- dollar hill. (David said he pre -
don, was a Sunday guest of lir. I ferrel the colour of his gift -to
and Airs, Mitchell Haskett. the red of his mother's roses),
listed by Roger Black.
See Us For Complete
Wheei Service
Front -End
Is A • R•
Stop In
th Us!
!tit aun
,uuuntin , mamma ntuwuun Infiniti nmuuuuottoman tin ntit nImmune, ti nnunun
John Bremner
area carpenter
(S. llaskett and Son, Lucan,
hart charge o funeral arrange
ments for John Bremner, 66, of
London. who died suddenly in St.
JosepJ,i's Hospital, London,. Tues-
day. February 21.
Funeral servit es were held at
the Needham Memorial Chapel
at 1:30 p.m.. Friday, February
27, with interment in the Fore'.st
l.,a.tvn Memorial Gardens, Six
nephews acted as pall -bearers.
Mr. T3rernner was a London
carpenter. He is survived by his
wife, the former Florence Jones.;
of Granton; one son Iaorman
William Bremner. of Sarnia: one
grandson. John Charles 13rem.
nen: also two brothers and two
sisters, of Scotland, Misses Helen
and Jessie Bremner and Simon.
and William; 13r'einner,
Tea, showers
fete bride -elect
Miss Jean llarl ;ins, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hodgins. a
bride•eJect of Saturday was en
tertained at a trousseau lea and
three showers prior to her wed-
ding in Birr Trinity Anglican
Mrs. Hodgins was hostess at
a trousseau tea in honor of her.
daughter last Saturday. Hiss.
Margaret O'Neil attended the
door and guests' were received
by the bride -elect and her
The tea room was decnr•aterl
with pink and white streamers
and the lace covered table•was
accented with an arrangement,
of pink and white carnations,
flanked with pink and white
Serving lea were Miss 'Barbara'
Saftley. Miss Marion Saftley of
Strathr. oy , Miss Anne Hepburn of!
London, Miss Joyce. Hodgins and
Miss Cecile Hodgins both of St.
The bride -elect's trousseau and
gifts were displayed by Miss
Sylvia. Barnes, Miss Margaret
Hodgins, Mrs. 1-Iugh Haney, Mrs.
Ken Hardy and Mrs. Sam Beck.
Others assistin>; ,were :tins. ,toe
O'Neil, Airs. Harold Hodgins Jr„
Airs. Murray Shoebottom, Airs.
Elmer Eedy, Mrs. Ken Roberts
and MI's. James Saftley.
3 was tactof nr•
:`Hiss Hodgins guest h 1
or at showers, held at the homes
of Mrs. Donna Crosby of l.nnrinn
who entertained the bride -elect's
business associates at the home
of Mrs. Saunders of Forward
Miss Sylvia Barnes held a mis-
The Times•Adv+otcate, March 14 199 Pty ''II.3
'hunch news
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The regular Weduesctay prayer
meeting was held at the home of
Mr- and Mrs. Ed. !Butler with the
Rev. Fred Thomson in charge.
Mr. and Airs. Hugh l;3irtelt will
he Marcie hostesses.
Mrs. Meine 1izenga Was host-
ess for the ladies" prayer meet-
ing last Thursday with Mrs. Fred
Thomson in charge of the dove -
lions and Mrs. J. A. Graham of
the • ible study -
Thelar) silt.
The E.rrday Young People was
to charge of the president, Mr.
.lack Eizenga. Airs. ,Hrxenga led
in a Bible treasure discussion
and also assisted Misses Velma
Birteh and Lorraine Graham in
a trio.
During the. meeting next Sat
urday's activities were an-
nounced. '1'!te quarterly confer-
ence Inc all Soullttvestei•n Pehrte•
costal churches will he held at
Lucan followed at niglht by a
large youth rally when the guest
speaker will he Iles, Allan
Thornton, a former Cuban mis-
Anglican Lenten Service
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey's
:home was the setting for last
Wednesdays Lenten service
when the Rev. J. P. Prest con-,
Willed his talks on the daily read.;
ing series. This week's meeting;
will be held at the home of Air.:
and :firs. Jack Alurrly.
Next Sunday being Mothering
Sunday a special service is being
The floral baskets in the
church on Sunday were in loving
memory of Mrs. Roy 1MeRann
1 Airs.Chester McComb Or
P Frank! BI NGO
snnally try to composer, Fr n
lain Pat ligan reading time Scrip,
tura and closing ttis lneetrllg.
Most of the business sessio*:
was taken up .on plans. ,tor. enter•-
taining St. Mark's (London)
A.Y.P.A. and Rev. Jaeii Lan$-
ford,. ltlarclt 15. A supper was
planned Inc 6 P.M. ,With the fol-
lowing committee in charge of.
arrangements: Tom Torn es,
Aiarilyn Brownlee, Loreen and
Helen' Hodgins and Helen Hardy
who will meet im the vestry at 1
p•in., Tuesday, to complete plans.
The social committee: Included
Jane Steacy, Alice Ryan and
Graham Thompson,
United Church
The February Jneeting of the
W.M.S. met in the church base-
ment last Thursday afternooq
with the president, Mrs. Sheridali
Revington, in the .chair and Airs.
.Wes Hodgins' group in charge of
program and refreshments. Mrs,
E, M. Cook read the Scripture
Mrs. Murray Hodgins, Mrs,
Sheridan Revington and Mrs.
Alex Young assisted Mrs. Bodg-
ins in the study with the theme,
missionary Itospitals.
Mrs, Sheridan Revington gave
a report on the annual Presby.:
tenial held in the Colborne Street
Church, London.
A discussion was held on the
missionary allocation and it was
decided to make tiny aprons
' with wee pockets in which to de-
1 posit in. money the size of waist-
line, the aprons to be sent to
friends for donations.
am Or-
ganist Ken Clarke played a
special anthem given to hien per I
E. Woodhouse. Sponsored by
A.Y.P.A. Legion Auxiliary
T'he regular meeting of the
Luean-Clandeboye A.Y.P.A. swas
held in the Parish Hall, Sunday
evening with the president, Tom
Tomes, in the chair and Chap-
" cellaneous shower, Mrs. Murray:
Shoebottom. Concession 14. Lor
don Township. entertained the!
bride- elect's friends and neigh-
Among those who attended the ;
trousseau Sea were Mrs. Alvin'
!McLean. :firs. Clifford McLean
and Airs. Murton McLean all of
1 Elginfield and Mrs Arnold Hnrl-
I gins of London, formerly of Lie!
Every Thurs. Eve,
• 8:30 p.m.
Admission 35e'
Extra Cards 3 for 25
"Share -the -Wealth"
Jackpot now $60
in 54 calls.
rtf rc
Find buyer:; for horses, pigs, cattle, poultry
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Ad pages of The London Free Press.
And, when buying form equipment, businesses, tires for tractors, saws to
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fart --: °
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