HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-05, Page 12Page 11 The Tinee.A .vocets,.:Merck 54 1't1. WILLIAM ELLERINGTON . U.sborne youth dies The Story In Zion By MRS. JUD PYKEMAN Personal Mems :Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs. Har- old 1-Iern and Mrs. Gerald Bern, attended the First Presbyterial at St. John Church, Stratford, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington. Brock attended the Fair Board Conven- tion at the King Edward Hotel. in Toronto. Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. George Earl is spending a month with ;Mfr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman visited Friday evening with .lir. and Mrs. Roy Dykeman, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Bern spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen 11 'estcott and family, Exe- ter. It was Mr. Bern's birth- day. Mr. and lairs, Clifton Jaques' and children visited. with Mrs. Joseph Dickey in St. Marys on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock rrisited Sunday with Mrs. Lloyd. Lynn, who is a patient in Victo- ria Hospital, London. Mrs. Tom Dickinson, London Twp„ spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman. Michael and Steven, visited Sun - FAST RELIEF FOR COMM SOR THRO Youth s1.es of fracture A private fenoral service was held Saturday afternoon for WO - Item Frederick Luther k:llering ton, 15, wile died Thursday from,. injuries received when he fell' h(raomme, the loft of a barn at his Three ministers - Rev. H, J. :Snell and Rev. H. de Vries. Ex- •eter, and Rev, M. A. Hunt, London - assisted with the ser- vice in Hopper -Hockey funeral .home. William street, Pall bearers were friends of the youth --;Bill PJncombe, Paul Coates, Jack Taylor, Keith Coates, Fred Hunter and Charles !de Vooght-and members of the SHDHS f o o t b a 11 team bore 5 flowers. A grade 11 students at South Huron District high Scheel, he was the only son of IIr. and 11frs, William Ellerington. Vs- • borne township. Surviving in ad- dition to his parents are one ` sister, Mrs. John Tanner (Joan), Guelph: and two grandparents, :airs, Fred Ellerington, and Lu- ther J. Penhale, both of Exeter. An above average student, he excelled in agricultural studies • and received last June a high school award for a calf project. He was a defensive line hacker on the SHDHS Panther football team. His intermediate gradua- tion certificate was presented at commencement in December. A dance scheduled to he held at the high school Friday night was cancelled in respect to him. A member of Exeter 4-H Calf Club for several years, he served as president in 1958 and placed second in total paints on the year's standing. He had also been a patrol second in Exeter Boy Scout troop. He received his public school education at S.S. 4 Us'borne and was a member of James Street ' United Church. Exeter. He would have celebrated his sixteenth birthday on March 18. The youth died shortly after being admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. on Thursday following four days in South Huron Hospital, He suffered a fractured verte- bra, which paralyzed him from the waist down, when he fell to the floor after a rope snapped as he was swinging from the loft of the barn. Several friends were present at the time. Thursday, escorted by police, he was rushedby ambulance to London hospital when his condi- tion worsened. ' day with Mr, and Mrs. Jud Dykeman and family, ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and children were Saturday eve- ningtltel� guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Dobson, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Skinner and Noel. Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Hern, 3;'r. and Mrs. Eldon DeKay, London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johns and family. r Mrs. Elson and her pupils, en - 1 joyed skating at Exeter Arena !Monday afternoon. 1 Mrs. Amelia Jaques, St. Ma- rys, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Jaques. !e inIn1,11“1.111111,111„11,1,1,111111111111111111„11111b11111,11illulul11t11111r1111111.1111111111111111r1111111t111111111111ll to SHIP YOUR CATTLE TO ONTARIO STOCK YARDS, Toronto, so that all Buyers, i.e. Traders, Exporters, Packers and Wholesale Butchers, may compete for your Livestock. Phone Kirkton 441'9 S▪ IIIIItt:llttlnt,1111111111:11111111111111111111111111111 it,miffs11Y11111111111111i1t11111t111111t II,I1t11111n1111,1111111111,111111t,t VIIttutiulnni111 r 111111t 11111111111111111111111111111 t1t11111111111 r11II111,1111111II1111111,IIIII It1111111,11I11u1111111111111111 ri R. B. WILLIAMS R.R. 3 Exeter 1Y14.M111.11.11N1NIN1ON111N1NiN1111i4R.IMffY1N/1N4•44 411 i1Nfi(11NNi411114 VI a I irY CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS We have a complete stock of ALFALFA, FLED CLOVER, ALSIKE, YELLOW & WHITE BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, WHITE DUTCH AND LADINO CLOVERS, BROME GRASS, ETC. Permanent Pasture Mixtures .. . ... Place Orders While Stock Is Available We are quoting eery attractive prices and replacement orders would require higher retail prices. SEED GRAINS All varieties available in Registered No. 1; Certified No. 1 and Commercial No. 1. Treated and Packed in New Jute OAT VARIETIES: Garry, Rodney, Registered and Commercial Brant and Herta Barley High duality seeds will be in short supply this spring. To be sure of your requirements, ORDER NOW! FERTILIZER Diecounf Pow Early Delivery Still Available Order Now - We'll beaver To Your Farm AMMONIUM NITRATE IN STOCK 1. We are :±ontracting for telling barley. (ltiontcal *rid kindred varieties are available.) 2, Registered seed 'oats, HAVE `.'OUR SEtDS CLEANED AND TREATED AT OUR MODERN CLEANING PLANT Your seed can be delivered and cleaned without being bag. gen. Mime us and arrange Sr slatt to iter and treat your rer)uiremcrltS, W. fir. Thompson *Si SONS. pl'eno 82 LIMITED Hensel! somit imano n ootifimliMMO:mnrilnl0111 t1000'MuOMOIUurntrtroil OtOillOSnttrrinYYMInfon "MISCHIEF AFOOT" -John C. Van Goozen, RCAF Station Centralia, became the second district contestant to win two weekly prizes in The Times -Advocate's snapshot contest. This picture of his sons, Paul and Bruce -was taken in August, 1958, in, the rose garden within sight of Niagara Falls. In order to give more "shutter bugs" an opportunity to win, a 'new regulation has been added limiting any one person to two weekly winners. This week at SHDHS Urges two athletic groups By JANE HORTON President, Athletic Society At this time. we are presenting the students a plan which, we think, would improve the Athletic Society of SI-IDHS; this is a plan by which athletics may be made more effective in our school pro- gram. The rapid growth of our school in the past years has increased until, at the present time, our enrolment is well over the 600 mark. This year, as in former years, there are five members of the athletic society; but these five are representing the ath- letics, an important part in the school curriculum, of 600 stu- dents. Students of the junior grades have no representation. or contact with the society at all. The work of the athletic so- ciety, which is especially heavy during the first term, falls on these five representatives, some of whom cannot be counted on to help with numerous minor tasks because they are members of a participating team. Each of the other student organization has a representative belonging to it from each form in the school. While I am not suggest. ing this manner of representa- tion for the athletic society, I do feel that a separate society for boys and girls would help the athletics in our school tre- mendously. Pupils to pick posture queen Now that the task of choosing a school queen has been com- pleted, another queen must be chosen. This time, the lucky girl will bear the title "Posture Queen." This is the second year that a posture queen has been chosen. Last year's, winner was Robin Smith of Exeter. This year each of the classes Ilan ehosext one girt to represent that class, The 19 candidates area Grade 13, Ruth Zimmer; grade 12A. Paula Boulianne; 12B, Mere Knohlaek; 72C, Marcia Smith; grade 1.1A, Martha Cod, rane; 11E, Sandra Reid; 11C, Jane Manal'e. Grade ]0A, Margaret Oke; 1013, Bonnie Doerr; 10C, Brenda Clark; 10D, Heather McLeod; 10E, Marion Mullin; grade 9A, Dianne Willert; 9B. Carolyn Smillie; 9C, Linda Glover, OD, Susan Kelly; '91, Mary Parsons, 9]', Jacqueline Brintnell: special commercial, Pauline Desjardinc. Tea Dance Cancelled Because of the sudden death of dill Ellerington, the Athletic Society eaneelied the "Tea Dance" 'which was scheduled to, be held last Friday afternoon, 1 A "GAA", Girls' Athletic As-' sociation and a "BAA", . Boys' j Athletic Association, have help -1 ed in the more efficient organiza- tion of athletics in ether schools. There are ni•any different ways in which prospective members could be selected for these two student organizations. But, I do believe that a "GAA" and "BAA" in our school could bel- 1ter represent a student body of 1600, and play a more influential 'role in the athletics of the school, • JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrenc. Wein, A.W.C.M. Fourth Supday in Lent 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship The sermon will be preached • by the Rev. Dr. Leonard. ,Schnell of Saskatoon, secretary of Saskatchewan for the Brit- ish and. Foreign Bible Society. The men's choir will sing the anthem. Male Quartette: Alf Wuerth, Ray Mills, Walter Cutbush and Ed Lindenfield, 7:00 p.m. -Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "The Build- ers" A Warm Welcome Is Extended To All CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. 0. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.-Morning Worship ( English.) Bev. A. 0, Van Eek, Exeter. 2:15 p.m. -Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Tiev. A. G. Van telt, Exeter, 3:30 p,m.-Sunday School THE ANGLICAN „CHURCH OF CANADA Triv.itt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Carneron, Organist Sunday, March 8, 1959 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.--Morning Prayer Nursery, Sunday School 7:00 p.m. -Evensong Wednesday, Starch 11, 1950 10:00 a.m.-Holy Communions 8:00 p.m. -Bible Study Early Morning Devotions During Lent at 8:30 a.m. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m,-Sunday School 11:30 a.m, yW.irship Pastor: Stanley Saucier, Exeter' �y PENTECOSTAL SHigh Smile . TABERNACLE ;3 High Scheel. Eroverbs Laugh and tit class laughs with you, but stay alone after school. The only place you're sure to [hid a helping hand is at the end ofoilrm J ur iAclf FROM tHE SoUT*{ Il`ive area youths have settled dos n her again after a three- woek visit to l ll rida. Making the trip were..bill Pinco)17be. gill telling, Jack Taylor,. Wayne Welsh and Ross Dobson. 9;43 a.m.-Sunday School 111:00 A.111, ---Communion Service 7:3o p.m. -Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.*t'rayer Service Fri,, $ p.m, - Christ Anlbassa dor's NOTE: Wed., March 1I, at 8 p.m., nue Northland Ni ssenger, IRev, John :Spillenaar, will con- duct a special serviee, also showing . slides of his work among the Eskimo. Hearty Welcome To Ali ',Tray without teasing," 1 `f Mess. J:17 Pastor: Ev�iltg, L. \slut iufllir' 14 {:......... CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev, W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, March 8 10:00 a.m.-"The Marks of Discipleship" 11:05 a,m,-Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -"I Ain the Way" Friday, March - L.A. and W.S. annual meeting." MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Robert 5. Hiltz, B.A., Th,D. Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.-Church School Masses for all ages. 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon: "Pilate's Dilemma" (St. John 18:28-40. 19:1-15) Nursery class for 4 and 5 years during the sermon. Colne and worship with us. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. G. R. Strome, Pasfor 10:00 a.m.-Worship "R.S.V.P. Religion" 11:15 a.m.-Church School Wednesday - Service of Prayer and 13ible Study -8 p,m, THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Parowe, Minister 2:00 p.m Worship and. Sermon Jt is expected that Rev. Henry Rikf Grand Rapids will p d5 W 11 calf- duct the services. 3;30 p.m.-Suntlay School All. Welcome CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B,D, Minister Organist: Mrs, Bob Pryde 10:00 a.nt,--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Face of ,'fesus"-third in Lenten series. Nursery for children up to six Yeats. 2IOH LUTHERAN CHURCH bASHW000 L . Zorn Pastor Phone 65 K,h 6 10:00 a.m,-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service There , .: - . Sermon:Were °You - 71 ere When Ile tore 'rhe, Cross?" Wed,, S p,n1,-Lenten Service :Sermon: "Wort You '1'Itere. When 111) Was Crucified?" • Pern:1154On Was *iven ta. Tartlet Tuc ej'" Wallace to .apply to Seaferth PLiC sin 1h approves to. supply water to his property ' Federation grant A grant of $700 was made to tenders ranged up to $6.60. Council set a rate of 15 .cents per head per spray and 75e A Pound. or 45 cents a half pound for powder delivered to farmers who wish to apply their own by brush, Daylight saving time in the. township will start the last Mon- day in April and end the last Saturday in September. This confoims to the uniform period. requested by Huron county coun- cil. Council went on record as ap- proving the eonstrgetion -of a ca- feteria in the proposed addition to Minton high school provided that a grant is made available by the .department of education. Tuckersnaith Federation of Agri- culture by the township council this week..' Bequest for the amount was made by a delegation .consisting of William Rogerson, president, John lirasdfoot, Alex McQregor and Alex :Boyes, lilt directors. Contracts far gravel and war- ble :fly spray were Jet, Tender of Lavis Construction Co., Clinton, at 64 cents a yard for a rushing approximately 12,000 cubic yards was accepted, 1t Was the lowest of three bids, ranging to 410 cents, liuber.t Cooper, Exeter, will continue to spray cattle. Council aceeptedhis tender of 12 cents pcener ts head over another bid from L. V'. Hogarth, Exeter at 8ta COMING EVENTS Contract for supply of 600 REGULAR MEETING of the Ex- pounds of warble fly powder was Peter Rome and School Associa- awarc!cd to Leonard Sararas, tion will be held Tuesday, March Dashwood, at his price 4f 86,1.8 10, at 8:15 p.m, Grade 5 and 6 for 3.5-1b. bag. 'Thirteen . other verse speaking contest will be held, Special music provided. Everyone welcome, 5c Senior Citizens NOTICE to members of 1.0.0,F, Lodge No. 67, Tuesday March 10, social evening, first degree practise, Lunch provided. Gerald Campbell, N.G. 5c LADIES AUXILIARY to South from Lucan, Cromarty and Ailsa Huron 1•Iospital meeting Tuesday, Craig. March 10, 2:30 p.nl, Mise Sally George Fray.ne was =chairman Goertzen, public health nurse,. for a program of Jnusie, sena will be guest speaker, A shower and a reacting, It opened with a of cups and saucers would be singsong lett by Walter Cutbush appreciated. 5c Numbers included vocal duets aC with Mrs. A. Dougall at the CROKINOLE PARTY, 'Alain 81. piano. Church, Wednesday, March 11, 8 p,m, Adults 50f, children by Sandra Walper and Marlene 250. en McBride; Marlene and Darlene Frayne with their sister ill.ar- garet as accompanist; vocal solos by Mrs, Howard Ferguson to her own accompaniment; clarinet duets by Douglas Hunt- ley and Paul Van Goozen; violin Entertain Guests At the Senior Citizens club meeting Tuesday evening 'an attendance of 125 included guests Arena and piano duet by Jack and ltctiv,ties Erle Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Dundas and Wayne and Ross Bowe. Saxaphone solo, Philip Hunt- FRIDAY, MARCH 6 ley; violin solo, William Hyde, accompanied by Ross Rowe at the piano; quartet from Wood - ,ham composed of Ken Blackley, SATURDAY, MARCH 7 4,110-5:30-Kseier Tee tilers 11:00 Mitchell Moh,tske Harold }fern, Glenn Copeland and Norris Webb; piano duet by Lynn and Cheryl Miskey of RCAF' Centralia and a reading by Mrs, Len Dilkes. Members of Beta Sigma Phi MON., TUES., served the lunch. Mr. \v. Mar- WED. 8, THURS. shall, Mrs. S. G. Klatt and Thomas Walker provided music nookcd For sini4on for the dance. Committee for April's program. includes lair. and Mrs. Ray Mills, ialr .and Mrs. William Wareing, Mr, and Mrs, Ed Westcott and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Miller, Salo-12010=:Ring lloeher. I :30 -3:I10 -Pahl le Skisting 3e39-5s30-FiX•ure FkutIne 8:OI1-1O:O0--L'ulllic Skating IDEAS GALORE! at the MARCH 23 TO 28 WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS --LONDON Daily From 1.30 p.m. to 10,30 p.m. it`s the biggest yet! "HOME '59" . built inside the Manufne. •urers Building by The London Home BUilders' Association. ft's the Show for Home Makers * New BU:iding !cleat * `lemodefting and Fix•Up * Gardening and Landscaping * Furniture and Furnishings * Exhibits of Future Living * Decorating Hints * Latest Appliances * Housework Aids Adults only J Admission rroo Children accom- panied by Adult FREE, PLAN NOW TO ATTEND '-- Western Onfo,io's 61h Annual MODERN LIVING SHOW! termsze ii on Gt•orge strut In 1V,gmoncl- viti.e. A bylaw appropriating $40,000 for road expenditures cluri.ng. 1959 .WAS approved. Reeve Ivan Forsyth presided and all members were present, Neat meeting will be held April in .the afternoon,. ST. PATRICK'S Euchre And Dance FOR ALL ODDFELLOWS AND RijBEKAHS EXETER ,EGION HALL. Fri., March 13 8;00 p.m. COME AND BRING A FRIEND Ladies Please Bring Lunch LYRIC THEATRE NOW FLAVIN' itMatchmaker A fun -fest of hilarious coanedj. * Shirley oeoth * Anthony Perkins MON„ TUES, a& WED. "Battle Hymn (Cinemascope and Color) * Rock Hudson * Martha Hyar f► NEXT THURS., FRi. & SAT. "Rock A Bye Baby" * Jerry Lewis * Marilyn Maxwell (Color and Vistlavisiod) 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7:30 and MS ,11111111111111111111111111111111 fluff 1111t111111t11:111111)1r111111111111111i11111111111111111111i111111t111111r111r111I1111t111111111 Outstanding Christian Film of the Year Reaching Frani Heaven Challenging and highly dramatic story that shows what can he done when an entire comrilunity takes seriously its obligation to God. Don't miss seeing this film. Clinton Legion Hall SAT., MARCH 7,, 8 P.M. TRI -COUNTY YOUTH FOR CHRIST • h11Yt1111t 11ni11Y1111111fllu1t11111111111111111tIu lu u,11111mitittin11tmnutwor mm ittslut et tiitlun1111111ovlulr o 1111111111111 i11111u1I11111111u1i111111 i11111111111I1u1111I II,IIIt111111q lru,11111,111111111Y11„111 11111111111111111,11111111111rs Exeter Lions Club PAPER • DRIVE Wed., March 11 1:00 p.m. Please have paper out and tied in bundlet by 1:00 p.m. 51111111111Ilrllllti ll111111111 tI11111I1111111111111i 11 tti1iltlllit1111 t11111(Itlllllllll lll/11111i1111111111111111111111t111111111111illi' ori.... _ ... _ DANCE Tuesday, March 13 to to 00` old F .Q�. . �oy e d g, ME:L ORCHID COitSA.GiJS --- First 150 laili.eS will nail receive one of 'these corsages flown direct from IlawaiL AbM3SION 01100 EV'ERYON'E 1N'EL OME Dine And DANCE EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Old Forge Bayfield 10 parr, to 1:30 a.m: Music 13y GRANA EDIGHOtyER. and his MELODY MASTERS Vocals by tfoAnit Modern, 1 yt:l< Iii Rell and Old TKite Musk Adt'tiasiiitii 76# •