HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-05, Page 10Page 10
The Tirnes-4dvoc. t., March St 1959
Hay township council
appoints parks board
Formation: of .a parks board to
administer the new athletic field
:beside the arena at Zurich, was
proposed at Monday's meeting
of Hay Township. Council.
A bylaw is being prepared to.
establish the board under pro -
natal. .regulations.
Protect Your
t it will be responsible for the
i development of the parcel of
I land, approximately three acres.
which :has been purchased by
i service otganizatians in Zurich.
jIt is on the oast side of the area
t and will be made into a park
and sports field,
The. land was formerly owned
by Dennis Bedard, 'Witmer and
Geseho, and :firs. Edea Oswald.
It has .been deeded to the town-
Members of the proposed
board are Reeve V. L. Becker
Investment and Councillor Karl Haberer,
Leroy Thiel, police village repre-
sentative; Milton Oesch, Chain-
ber of Commerce; Ferd Haber-
er, Lions Club; Cliff Pepper,
Zurich Agricultural Society, and
Hoffman, Federation
Let Spray Contract
Council accepted the tender of
William Watson, Babylon line,
to spray cattle for warble fly .at
10 cents per head. Only one other
tender was submitted.
Ed Schroeder, R.R. 2. Mensal',
will remain warble fly inspector
at the rate of $1.00 per hour plus
mileage at six cents. Only one
other person applied, for the i
From quotations provided for
the supply of warble fly powder.
••council agreed to purchase it 1
Pay Dividends$ from Leonard Sararas at $6.18
per 15 -pound bag. !
by feeding Tenders for 1959 gravelling are'
CO.OP CHICK STARTER being called, Council plans to
spread 5,000 cubic yards of
You can keepyour chicks crushed stone epteng :4La> 1
6,000 yards in September. Gravel;
growing fast, making vigor- will be 'taken from the McLean
our 'healthy birds that really pit northeast of Hensall, and the
pay off by raising them on township will supply one truck. 1
And Make It
CO-OP CHICK STARTER. Ausable River Conservation ,
Authority' levy of $666 •
09 was ap- i
CO-OP CHICK STARTER is a proved for payment.
204"o Protein Feed With the Requested to give its opinion
r oral to establish an
Vitamins, Minerals and on a pop
earlier pheasant season for 1959
Growth Stimulants necessary council advised the Ontario De-
for fast, economical develop-. Pertinent of Lands and Forests
litchi. i that it felt the former season,
near the end of October, was
It is designed to be fed more satisfactory.' The »depart -
exclusively for the first six ment suggested the season be
advanced to the beginning of
to eight weeks. Then gradu- October.
ally switch to CO-OP GROW A Qrant of $20 waa approved
Also available in krumble
form to stimulate heavier
feeding and to reduce waste.
--Exeter District
for the Dashwood Public Library.
Approval was given for an
increase in the salary of W. H.
Brokenshire, clerk -treasurer and
tax collector, consisting of $100
for the township, and $100 for
roads. making the totals 52,500
for the township and $500 for
roads. •
A grant of $1.,600 was made
towards maintenance, redecora-
tion and fuel for the Community
Centres Board. In January, coun-
cil provided a grant of $500 to
pay the premium of a liability
and compensation insurance
policy on the arena.
Next meeting will be held in
the township hall on April 6, at
Phone 287 Collect 1.30
uuuunumun,umomtn,ulilt uum,unnrtuummnmriui umnmmn inn,. num uaiuim 1 mt umtonna
1 24 -Hour Wrecker Service
New! New! New!
"Direct Factory" Prices On
Heavy Duty Mufflers ;f
Advantages of the Glasslyner Mufflers:
1. Greatly reduced back pressure ,— better motor
2. Lower operating temperature — longer muffler
3. Less inner condensation .—°less inner -corrosion.
Ask for an Application Form for your
Graham Arthur
3nnuu,,nuuu,t nuntnnn„tuumnnrmmmnn„uiu„rltnntnuuurnu,uutnntmnmutuun,n,otunuur
2 Free Tickets
'Best News %
Of The Week'
When you learn of an incident which would make
a good news story or picture --a serious accident, a
spectacular feat, a human interest or humorous oc-
• curance.---phone us at 770 Exeter (Nights 11) lined
iately. You don't need to have all the details—just
give us the 'tip', we'll do the. rest,•' •.
Each week, The T -A will award the person who sends
us the best tip with 2 Free Tickets to the Lyric
Theatre which may be used for any regular perforin,.
'The Tres -Advocate•
PO afraid.
r of oi.. fir:rn.?.
it articles From recent news s t icles I
have .learned that the post office
departments -needs, to etijarge its
Office in (Minton, Apparently; this
could b.e• most'.e•conomieally and
conveniently done by adding an
addition to the back.
This property is owned and oc•
copied by a service stationbe-
longing to a large oil company.
tt has been stated that this 1 d
is • not for sate and that seems
to end the discussion,
Has the post ,office, not heard
of the right of "eminent do-
tuain?" if they haven't they are
a long way behind hydro and
highway departments or gas pr
telephone companies.
When our forefathers wrested
this land from .the bush at the
rate of a few acres a year they
had visions of owning a property
They would be Prond
to hand
WINS GOLD BULLET—LAC A. J. Watson, ants for a time Tong to lineconicof descend•
. Fina
Centralia, is presented with a gold bullet award Py,, Group they received their deed from
Captain A. G. Kenyon, CD, for outstanding marksmanship. the crown, giving them all rights
In 10 targets, LAC Watson averaged a score of 97 in small to the land subject to the right
bore shooting. —RCAF Photo of "'eminent dpmain,"
That is, the crown very gen-
erously, with one hand, gave a
La• chunk of ground covered with
bush and'with the other retained
►es of Bend Leg.:on the right to take it back, at any
future date, regardless of the
plan to enlarge kitchen otersfma ytlaeanu worked
By MRS. E. KEOWN l her son, Glendon where sheBy right of "eminent domain"
your property, , which you say
The executives of the Legion , made her home. you own, could for convenience
and Ladies' Auxiliary met to.; Mr. and Mrs. Brenner had and necessity be ex'prop riated
gether in the hall on Monday • operated the Brenner Hotel, by the government and be hand -
evening, when the executive oC Grand. Bend, for over 35 years. ed over to any public utility or
the Legion handed over the en- , Mr. Brenner died in 1933. private company or, perish the
tire responsibility of the second' She is survived by her son, thought, to any party "heeler"
floor of the hall to the Auxiliary.: Glen and one l s is e
1 r, Mrs. R, J. without obligation to compensate.
The first step the ladies are Smith, Grand Bend. Hydro and highways apparent -
taking in this respect is the en -1 The funeral service will :be ly have a blanket right to ex-
largement of the .kitche.n, which! held at the Hoffman funeral ' propriate, Notice need not be
will be undertaken by volunteer; home, Dashwood, today (Thurs.' given to the land owner, Tele -
work on the part of the Legion. day), at 2 p.m., with interment; phone and pipelines are required
Anyone wishing to rent the hall in Grand Bend cemetery, I to give two week's notice.
1 for any occasion will. contact
either Mrs. Wilfred ave
Airithes. Win, Rath
ilfrefor reRservationlleor.
H 8 S Aid Open House
The regular month 1Y meeting
of the Home and School Club
was held in the school on Thurs.
, day evening with firs. Thomas
;Semple presiding.
It was decided to have tickets
printed for the dance on April
123, the admission price to in-
clude entertainment and lunch.
1 Open house at the school will
be held on Friday evening. Mar,
16, 7-9 p.m,
A pop stand will be operated
• at the school on field day with
Mr. D. M. Jackson as overseer.
1 Mrs. N. Sharen's room won
the banner for the evening.
Mr. Stanton, -principal, intro-
duced the rest of the teaching
staff in a reading panel which
was enlightening to the parents
' with many questions answered
which were satisfactory to the
; parents' ideas.
I Personal Items
Miss Norma Sadler of Sylvan
and Mr. Roger Quick. of War-
wick Village spent Sunday with
Miss Sadler's,»,_uncle and aunt,
,`Mr.. and Mrs, Lawrence John-
Mr. Frank Allister of Hamilton
!silent the weekend with Air. and
Mrs. Willis • Gill and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald Odbert
of London spent the weekend
with Mrs. Oclbert's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Ravelle.
Miss Frances Green of London
spent the weekend at her home
•aid rlrs.. Phillip Present
and „Mrs•. Marys ..Smith arrived
home last weekafter spending
the past Mr. and eMrs. w oGlen Desjardinenths in o
and family visited with relatives
in Kitchener over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellison whiting,
Gordon, Esther, April and Lloyd
of Parkhill spent Sunday with
'Mrs. Whiting's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Love.
• Miss Shirley Mason of Paris
Spent last week visiting with her
:father, ' Mr•. Arnold Mason.
Little Marilynn Kennedy and
Ruth Ann Pearls() • were among
the sick in town last week.
\1..r. and Mrs. Donald Scott
and son of Sarnia spent the
weekend with Mr, Scott's grand-
mother, Mrs. Wm. Patterson.
Miss Pauline Mason of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason
and family of Exeter were guests
of Mr. and Mrs.» Mansell 'Mason
on the, weekened,
Mrs.•Netvton Shaven spent Sat-
urday in,. London visiting with
her son Robert, .returning to her
home in Parkhill in the evening.
The dance put on by the Le-
gion on Friday evening was not
as well attended as hoped for
on account of a celebration at
Ipperwash Camp, but all attend-
{ ing had a good time, and pro-
ceeds will go toward payment
;Of the hall.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Whiteford
spent a fete days last week visit-
; ing with friends and relatives
in London.
Orpha Club
The Orpbe Club held its meet-
; ing last week at the home of
!.Mrs, Roy near with a good at-
tendanee. The president, Mrs.
'Jas, Grigg opened the meeting
and conductcclthe business. A
repdrt `of all the' work finished
was given by Mrs. WL ;F, B, Me -
I It was decided to hold a euchre
I party in the Legion Hall on Fri-
; day, April 3 When a display of
the Easter bale wilt he present -
1 ed. Any good Clothing will he
gratefully received by the mem-
bers as this is very needful for
the children of the Children's
Aid as well as some of the de-
serving parents. These onbe
left with any of the members
1 of the Club or at MaeLaren's
;Drug Store or Flear's Bake
The next meeting of the Club
will he held on Tuesday, March
1 10 at the hotne of Mr5, E. Keown.
ri�Nlrsa 'E. Brenner
operator of hotel
I 'Mrs, Ezra Brenner, 80, died
In southlint"ort HOSpital bit -
Tuesday, March 3. She had been PHONE Al d•,f
:In hospital tor` lure weeks, halting
suffered falla at the home of
Stephen council form s
Centralia fire brigade
Establishment of a volunteer instructed to .call for tenders for
fire brigade for the police vii•, the hauling of .,gravel from the
tale of Centralia wad appravpd stockpile onto township roads.
l? ,..-Stephen Township t,0unc11; A bylaw .authorizing the spend-
Tu.esday afternoon. ling of $4,5,RQ0 pn road clurrng
Council :authorized the prepar-;1959: ryas .ap.proved.
ation of .a bylaw setting up ands Two regtlests Tor drain repairs
regulating the .department. l were sent to Janmes A. Howes,
The action followed a general C1+S, Listowel, for investigation.
discussion on fire protection with The r'epair's were sought for
Bob. Breen .and liarolcl Tripp, two Walker and Mud Creek .drains,
village representatives. I Drain petition from Harry
The township will embark on a . Uayter, paslrwood, and •others
roadside weed spraying program was forwarded to Mr. notes for
if purchase of a ,trailer -type survey .and report.
sprayer is approved by the On -i Tender of Philip Boulliane,
tario Department of highways. Crediton, .for the supply of warble
Council authorized the purchase, j fly powder was accepted at a
subject to approval of the de price of 45 cents a pound less
partment, from Chemical Spe-' three per cent discount.
ciattles, Sarnia. I Council agreed to install a
Clerk James Mawhinney was telephone in the township office
Farm Forums
— Continued Froin. Wage 9„
meeting place next Iionda.y
Aietnbers of liillerest Forum
felt that farmers sboulcl .be edtt-
eatecl to, unite and farm A bar,
gaining power such as labor does.
,even to clesc `shop and strike,.tf
n.e esgary, in order to get any.
.thing like parity prices instead
saying"What ,do 1 get today
"No other organization does.
that" they said "others set their
prices according to a coSt plus.
profit basis and until farmers.
unite they twill have: to take what
is offered Oen if they are work -
inn at a loss,"
The meeting was held at the
home of Air. and Mrs, Art •Sirep'
sen and next week Mr. and IiirS,
Don. Maguire will be hosts.
at Crediton.
Future meetings, starting April
7, -Will be held In the evening
commencing at 7 p.m,
i`t'{..yi:~fi..'K n•.''tk. �:: i:::....,. .. t... ... .[. ,'',v, •:.i.•i ! i :...} Y.. '�•}�i ••;.i,%.:: :•::1•: :: ?�
Outside, it's smart
and sensible.
Inside; it's large
and luxurious.
it's the L111/t.
by Studebaker
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somaLrarrosakimei Amoy,
Graham Arthur Motors
Studebaker Sales & Service
Qwest Price Ever
• Four Cylinder Diesel Engine
• Dual Fuel Filters
• Vertical Air Intake
• Dual Range Transmission (6 forward and 2 reverse)
• 12 Volt Electrical System
• Manual Steering
• Ferguson Hydraulic 3 -Point Hitch with Draft and
Position Control
• Single Clutch With Conventional Power Take Off
• Variable Drive P.T.O. With Ground Speed Or Engine •
• 11'x; 28 Rear And 600 x 16 Front Tires
• Regular Rear Wheels
• Removable Wet Sleeves
• Four Cylinder •Diesel Engine
s Dual Fuel Filters
• Vertical Air Intake
• Dual Range Transmission (6 forwards and 2 reverse
• Tractormeter
•e 12 Volt Electrical System
• Manual Steering
• Foam.Float 'Cushion Seat
• Ferguson Hydraulic 3 -Point Hitch With Draft And
Position Control
• Dual Clutch With Constant Running Live P.T.O. With
Hydraulic Pump
• Variable Drive P.T.O. With Ground Speed Or Engine
• Regular Rear Wheels •
• Removable Wet Sleeves
PLUS '100.00 AWARD
Here is a bargain that has got to be seen to be
believed! Clare Burt, your Massey -Ferguson farm reporter,
will send a cheque for ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00)
to anyone who purchases one of these tractors or a No. 35
Gas on or before MARCH 23, 1959. Demand for this 35.9
H.P. 3 -plow world famous Diesel Tractor has made this
price possible.
The Ferguson system was good enough that e
Canadian company with a world-wide organization by the
nam of Massey.Harris Ltd, changed its name to Massey.
Ferguson Ltd.
See this tractor and many other Massey -Ferguson
machines 'on display at
H. R. SI'ERW.00D