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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-03-05, Page 4
P e 4 The Tiine ►•Adlf ate Mardi 1'959' ESTAOLIS ED 1901 E CORRESPONDENT, MRS.. CHE TlrR l SMIT:K Moved Tp Terooto Leaving For France ;lir. Willi441 Q'>lrien Jr . st)1a r; Y ll1llY ass Sergeant and Airs. Locke, the Of Alr. alai Mrs. :Leroy C) Brien fuiierBeatrice S t 11Uand has recently been transferred !fresident have been at the . at alt RCAF Station, Clinton, for the and goinrated to accountant Airs. \1"tlilant t7. !less. Zurich. the Bank -of Alontreal, 1cun; and past number of years, hese left died Alonday at 1114 glome of !ler • "ran„, Streei Tornntit, lie bac for l ratite. where they will be been tationed at .the Uarl.et (Tre eiet Ili anti Mrs• Thomas ;pending the neat four years. :['reethicic. •B1.11rsley, an Ilei ,Sguai',o branch in Loudon.eighty eighth year. Personal Jtems Fiis a\ife •and son are spenning The former Katherine Brea- Aliss Ruth :Weida is progress - some time with her parents 1n Iger• ¶trs lte:s ,peat her life. mg 1u' drably after her reeent Niagara Falls. Ont. bethto re °iir the Zurich cnuintunit\ ear accident. After being in the ing ftp• residence in 'Toronto.and was well-known here, She liospllal, she returned to the Hames From Jamaica; has not enjoyed good health for mime of her parents, AIT. and Mr. .Si t t returned some time. Airs. Earl \l'eido. Mr, Smi ii re rli iii. .ancl 'Ills. Jack 1'url.Iaeinl home - from a trip in Jamaica Surviving besides her daualiter and Earn spent 'kTSunday with where 'be t',ployed too Beeks va• are one arm. Albert ti, Meas, irtrn;la at' !Wellesley. Cation He Made the trip by Zurich. and one . rosier. Airs. AIT•, and Mrs. Ed. Corri\eau plane and had an interesting Louis Weber, also of Zurich.. s .,5•. time..1- e sass the folk there are funeral service was and lir, and Mrs Peter Ja !flet A public fat e a ,notured to London on a business litre "''one happy family” v Cu held at the \t'estlake funeral rig) and while there the visited friendla', and 1114. scenery differ- home Zurich Wednesday, at l with Air. and Airs, Alorlea Four rant to •other countries. p.m, with Rev. 1 ..1. Fischer. of Wier Personal Itoms Brodhagen. officiating. Interment Miss 1' cart \\'ur•tz received Fa§tor and Air=. Albert haters . was in St. Peter's Lutheran word from her brother and sis• of 1"a\ ist�lek and Mrs. 'Victoria Cemetery ' Goshen Line. ' ter. AJr. and. Airs. Ward Fritz Dedles of Kitchener were Sun• Returned Mame and Iii. ani! MrsJI. 1I. Cowen day visitors at the home of their Messrs. Kenneth Mittleholtr. oho motored about 650 miles sister and brother. Hiss .inn Edgar titeinbaeh and Bob Ater.. 10 elle day-, going on their• way Daters and Mr. and Mrs, Ed• nee returned home after spending,The temperature was 9 degrees word Daters. a racatroli in Florida. They re- iii 'Tennessee. Texas and New Mr. and Mrs. 1'uriis t;rn;ericll ported having a good time in the' Ale\ie0. and family spent Sandi* withcanny South. - Mr. and :firs. Leroy O'Brien !lir, and Mrs. Wallace Gmge aceoucpanied by Ur. and Mrs. mils and falntiy • Personal Items Lee Hoffman, motored to Kit \Ir, and :Irs, ilny tiingcr,t•h Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heide- Owner one clay last week to accompanied hs Mr. and Mrs. man and family-, of Orangeville. visit' with friends. Edmund f)esch and Mr. and Mrs. were weekend visitors at the • Mrs. A. Rousseau is spending Arnips Gill ('rieh ulotnrcd in home of their parents, Mr. 'and several days at the home 'of her Tas'ittnck and c' Hamburg and Mrs. Eghert Heideman. son, Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Mous- a1so attended a frith wedding an- Mrs. Theresa Hartman and seal. and granddaughter, Mr, snit t(saly of relatives at Tavi- son Richard, and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. James Parkins and stork on Sunday. Raymond Hartman and ;laugh- family. 6klilting bees aro the high- ter were Sunday visitors with Miss Ann Deters was a visitor lig'its of the day at Bake at the \lr. and Airs. Jack Hartman in in London one day last week. present time. Hamilton. Mrs. 4iartman is re Mrs. Pearl Alellrk is spending Airs. Rnbert 'McKinley of the envering from strokes she suf- several days at the home with Goshen Line Is spending a few • feted in January. her sister, Mrs. Melissa Geiger. days. at the home of her rlau.h- • M.essrs. Jack Pearson and Jack ‘Alla is in residence at the home ter .and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. 'Purkbeint .motored to Toronto' on of Miss Lucy Wood. at Bayfield. Jelin. Sentehmcr awl family • T'ue'sday on business. Returned From Hospital Miss Rase Snowden is a Pa- Mr. and 31rs. Carl Hnuslon of Mr. John Gascho returned tient 10 Clinton Hospital where Gorlerich were Wednesday nisi. froth 'St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- she is receiving treatments for ;ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. don, to his home and is progress - an infected font, Thomas Westlake. , ; ing favourably. Mrs. Neel; I,al nice has return, 1 goodly number from T3a;�field' Mr. George 17eichert, of Zur- ed home from South Huron Hos- attended the Youth for Christ kb, accompanied by Mr. and pita!, Exeter and is getting along • skaling, party held in the Hensall llrs. R. 13. Kalhfleisch, of 'Ge - nicely. arena last Friday night. (reit, have returned home after Mr Andrea Captln. of tw)etrnit,' Mr. Remi Denamne who has a pleasant trip to California. Is spending several days at the been a patient in South lluron. borne Of his nlrlther at St. Jno Hospital. Exeter, has returned 1 ! >aeph. home much improved. r. n V r e F tl ©�'! Mr and Mrs. Charles Laporte, • Mr. G. Knight of - London was Of London. ale visiting with rela- unahle to reach his cottage at Loves in the Drysdale district. the lake by car last Sunday. He Mfr. and Mrs. Edmund Swart- had to complete the trip on snow- sontruber and family, of Blake. shoes. The freezing of water silent Sunday at the home of systems is causing some alarm Air. and Mrs. Harold Zehr. ; during this very cold weather. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sararas of the Blue Water Highway. south .Moss se From ;were Sunday visitors with Mrs. ;Josephine Ducharme . and son, ;,Lsadgre. IMr. and Mrs. William Hess. of Woodstock. and Miss Mabel By ELIZABETH FINLAY • !less R.N. of London spent the : weekend at the home of their . parents, Mr, ad Mrs. Albert a Mrs. Archie Mustard \ isited ,Hess. with Mrs. Klanshen and family- . • Mr. and. Mrs. Cecil.: Dodg do of Zurich. and son Paul of London were :Sunday guests with Mr. Harold visitors at the home of Mr. and ginlay and family were Mr: and Mrs. Leroy Thiel. 7 4.s. Lyle Stokes. of Ailsa Crais , Miss, Mary 'Geiger. of London. Miss Rebecca Steckle is spend- was a weekend visitor at the flag a few weeks with her sister home of her parents, Mr. and !rear Gowanstown Mrs. Delbert Geig • and family. Mrs. Rudy Desch spent Sunday Mr. Michael Hartman of To - faith her daughter and son -in- ronto scent the weekend at the law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber. holne of his mother; Mr.s,.Theresa 4nd family tiartnian'•and lire kea: ' lake with Buttons Belly Buttons and Fire Crack- ers share first place in the Metro Junior Boys Bowling League as a result of this week's activity. The Buttons and Crackers have 10 points to .their credit. and hold a two point bulge over the third place Dynanliters... Don Wright. for the second week in a row, topped the high singe and triple divisions with scores of 261 and 458. .Ted Sanders' 263 and 472 double was tops.. in aha. Intermediate Boys LeaguesPin Busters lead the loop with eight points with Red Billiard's •Jrs. second. Intermediate girls action was sparked by Connie 'Bumpel's high single and triple perform- ances of 191 and 321. Daisies and Starlets share first place with six points apiece while the Bob- by Sox are third with three. Pony . ta11s have a one_ point Exeter I.eads 1four teams tie rc set 'district �inals 191' titch pl, ce A tight four•\tay ,ale for fifth , Exeter ss 111 carry a 64 lead in i p1aee prevails in the Exeter games and 236 in dotal ,pinfall) ten s- 6o)cttng League this week hack to Fergus nest Saturday es I as the ;Big Six, Spares, i<�opsi:s result of a t0 -game levo.. and Butchers, all share the posi. a it .r � p ff sedum 14,neuen.411thintie llmtiammlitala ini uulnnn ultl11aumesout ileitentilltantlieteetnes with Hansa • .After piling up a comfortable 5-0 first period lead. JiC'A'1'' Ven_ tralia went on, to lie up their 1bola ultla 8/ .poi( s ' best -of -five WOA„A ,Intermediate in Exeter last Saturday after-. , series with t rilsall at one game noon for the Men's Inter -Town! Leading thA league, 1t s Much apiece by registering a 9.1 vie - Bowling Championship t the same story. as the .pockets tory itt licnsalt ,Wednesday Windt. • Playing Coach floe Gobeil 'Ind ,13T11'licLaughlin paced Centralia with three, goals each.' (ail (leek - le, Dick' Fabbro and Effie Br•int- nell ,cashed in for singletons, 'Spearheading the Hensall at- tack was right winger ;inn laxeter, who are presently hilt i are on: top with 128 virile the gaged with , Fergus • Black, ancl: Windmills hold second' with 117 a o s . BiI i' t is are third' !Whites in a '20 �a1u.e',play'uff •for :Paint°. Rod's. t l a .t „ . the league championship, took : with 106 and the llil}lilicn stand the lead in the first 10 games oat fourth whit 96, the local alters. The playoff leas ` Reg Stag's single of 303 was a toughie all the way as several l .good enough for the free bowling of the games were won and lost , award while .Dint Crocker tool: O'Brien with a ".hat•trick", Sin• by less than 20 pans. ' the high triple honours with 802. gte markers carie off the stieks Exeter's J3oh Osgood topped Ted Sanders of Larry's Super- of. lien Parker. Alurray Baker both clubs with an excellent ex- test was the bidden score wire- and Doug O'Brien. hib.ition by racking up a 10- iter. game total of 2526 for an av'er'a o,f �„ 7 ,srl f, • of 253 per game. Cop Foster was t , second high for the wiianer:a lwlt[.t' isiip, p:11p1B•s 4,tlf1718,4uttte.l stt01.. ' III•! S 11,1.. - 1;00,\IrL8I' II ale. Fomes ruin. 4) t,rirn, Doug ('1lrten; (0At1'r licsse, '.41l'1s, 51. Sahel', f;, ', it 0 r . alternate, ,1. 'raiser. I5". ('at'l. sr, 11, Parker, er, Rnnnle, ?-81). .1,\.1ill.mea (B. Sinai) 771:11 ,. i415110, 14,14149), AL hell, Finale. (leading the Fergus group \\'as ' rlig Sis 14, ,li?raJ'11e 6831 2 flit\.'x1181,11 float. sr»erllal; anlcel•-ntan B. Dabble wish a fan4l,eta 11., Thompson ;1194 ...,... 7 defence, ()nh4il, Sic,iAna4; (•1•nl)•e'. fttt•r flanks 4dera 4 14 . n 1,'ai,brc, Winos, 4;,+(1.14, 9lel.anriJ- _3t2 afternoon. Bob lloft'lnan's'. \\'tnrtntlns 4 1 ()s 'ood fire ) ... 4 Ilii: aiter,;47.,,,..., \S'nn1L0n, .Flurkr, 2'263 was good for second higlr Spares ( A. J' argnl,,u 6:1S) . 1a4iut heli, t' ail b e r r , for l.' •,,' S. T;ut4bers rti, \Cells 713l . 6 .1tonicrsnn, 1Jw11Phro,. ,'rrarlrslnr» +�. 'lailnr 3991 1 14 514'1'1114 - 11. \1 ,•Ittt, nffr, "411, -bed's Billiards 41.1, ('1•ocliri• 802) 7 2111. 271. 2142 11111, 214. 154. 235, e', hollers tB. Laing 01S) 0 19; 242 _4 ;i; .\t. Ih•i)ttnelt. 217.1 177. Ial5 13, ', 2117, 244,1 cfnllllln}'a 1,, oe.,g,n. ,, 2114, TSnrlceis ..2__.,,.12.5 _:1, 212, 1 :4, 217. i�6. '1)81 \1'iudn)ills ..--- 117 ' 1 rruiler, _u, 176 43. '.•;red's k'riUlards . 100 ">v "Ilr n'li 1 173. < at g. \tlllin,e» m._.,...,, illi 1,...,.1..1,: I (1.1 nor 11,'1, ' '••1•l 1' ( 1)'llsr :1o, a4) 21151, 223,1 Ilia. six. 197.' 157. 274 1511 244 '_2SC, 2.50; t snares - 1: U:Cnod, 2118 247.214. 178. 2541 i J'eilsis 277, -' 24 7, 111 '9. , 272(1. Total ` ilttll•tiars 11711. • 4 'Trails -men 4 I?,11t 1 S 11 „mall, lac, 226, pin 'mime ,'s . .. 1 - 2..1, 222, 11;3., 215 149. r', hollers ._ .... .. . fig -8 ; _iii. Marl.; arKemits, 267, 229, 1 $fl' sr 1-taw1Ss _ __ __ 62 1111, 211;, 141, 1 ergs 05, 55, , 57 '77 • 69 1'42 2116 N. Ne1v4,11, 2144, 14,7 211, i 11" 1,1 :ICI I :219, 184 222,2_77, 222,9, 149,' wildcats (it. Higgins 615) 4 2(448; 0. Harman, 224. 154. 269. t'a-op 111. Dobson 61111 .. 3 114 _•14;, 1 +, 291, .6m, 191, !Pm opi 4.s in. •Tory 58.) e 2.211:;; S..- .1\ (dn,r�,•', 211, 1:16. 199. 41,\l.'s 1122. Carroll 5441 n 21,, 2448. 2 Ic, 22416, :, 206. 106, : 1?dselaires 4 1.1. .,Donal) 60,1) _ 5 4,:i„,42, 42 0. ',stoup, 1 6, 211:1, 918, 177.1 'n „1, o, nn n ' Ra.sl arts l:3 • GIT,. Put 55” ] 261,'' 12, 14;8, 216,. 264, .blit, 2342.; r•pstarts (B. Aleintosh 01,91 i Total 11415, 14ippen 'Tigers 111, rintve 0141 ,. it Kingpins 11'. Radford 6154. l rishP .'wees lead Zurich Mals 2 11-4 \h'Clonald, B. Smith 11571 i'.. Sllpertest 11'. Sanders 745) . Dodgers (N. Stanlake -1,11) ..._ 2 • Stnndings Luean arena was 'the scene of minor league playoff action last weekend as six teams partici" pater( along the trail for group honours. - Lucan pee wees captured the first game of the weekend action on Friday night by blanking Ailsa Craig 2.0. Roger Black sank Ward. Hodgins' pass for the first goal of the game while Paul Young capitalized on a set- up from Black for the second. Only one penalty was called in the game and it went to Ailsa Craig. ' ' - Lambeth scored a .44 victory over Exeter pee wees Saturday afternoon to force their best -of. - three series to the fourth game. Each team holds a tie and a win in the three games played. Scor- ing for Lambeth were Bill Top- ping, 13. Raymond, R. Johnston and' Hugh. Smibert. I4tean took a 1-0 lead in the best -of -three semi-finals with Zu- rich when they won 3-0. Paul. Young scored the first Lucan goat with Roger Black and Larry .Lewis assisting. ,Roger Black sank the' other two goals for the winners with Larry Lewis as- sisting on both and. ,Bryan„ Smith.' • helping on Black's second mark -1 er. Ken Westlake of Zurich drew the only penalty of the game. The winner of the Lucan and Zurich series will play the win- ner of the Lambeth -Exeter play- off for the Shamrock. League championship. edge on' thoa Knosi.ciildowns for !11.1311(111112111111114111U111n11111111ttllill,ImiiitilItlllniln1111Anl affii,n111n1,00"ligiiii idin111111rnnumun; .• fiKst l�'la CB. 'in t, $ rI•tt�tl):Ol. •• Glrl 5 i • Were ,�, s t 44 -Sale, e Are Avert ided MUST SELL AT OCE LUTELY NO P' FE `S REFUSED . Here Are Solite Eye -Opening Simples; '57 I ONTIAC SEDAN only $1,795 '57 DELUXE CHEV SEDAN only $1,795 '55 BUiCK 2 -DOOR HARDTOP . ..$1,195 4.5: 'CHEV HARDTOP ' 695 '53 DODGE SEDAN .... $ 695 '49 CUSTOM DODGES (3), radio, each only $ 295 Watch For Our Complete Listing Next Weak League. 13'1o\vetiti, .Coefcrs and Linda Hunter-Duvar had the high double for the week with 279 while Yvonne Fisher topped the high single class with a 160 game. Standings of the leagues are as follows. .11l MeotGIRLS 'PAW' Ta ,4s 7 knnl•„m edrinn „ 6 Biowettes ..... 2 timofers Who ;'ars. _ 0 1..R:2E I\TE112.1.TB GI 1.5 DS '?;4.r 6 Starlete ..... ._ ... .. 6 Bobby Sox 3 Wihlc'ats....52 11patal','5 . ,... _ 82 imperials 76 11.51.'s -- _. ..... .,.,-. _ 71 Ldselaites -. - . 70 1., 4opertest .- 69 • Ib—Op •67 Kingpins _.-_. -. . 66 'Dodgers-44 52 1<1ppen Tigers, _ . - _ 49 '1`ip 'Toppers - - 46 Iiankmonls :. _ . -_ 47 1"lr,r1. 4 4'4'rmit 1 - Centralia. 24141,auyhlin lrpekrr) 1 —1'4111ralla, 1'Ietooreslin+ ' nl'c41) ..__ 1(4.2,417 ' ItI•alta, (;oelcro 1 F'ahhrn, \r1'Lartghlin) ... 1::1:1 4-• centralis, h"al,h('o 4tl4M,iel .._»,..,_., 16:;:1 5--: 1'trat. Unboltlt 411ran1114119)1]llt19.37 Trna(41os (;nheil '4rlppin:5l l 4:13: H. Parker Opp Mg)5:411; .1. Laker (tripping) 9:29. 14.044441 'Period 6.--(1prim] 1, i,nug f7'Rrirn ('1 ion (l'1lrlon 1 . . 3:10 7- t'rnt•alla, 001)011 4 1+'ahhrn 1 5:141 5--L1ensa11, Tion O'I.rien (Hesse, Doug ()•Ilrion) _ 6:12 0- ('pntnlili, 41i,hwil (Jes hhmo, Beek lei '1606 • Pruett les \141.augh] in ( inter - •ference1 3:nil: Henderson fslash- Ut:;) 111:27; 2. .raker 1 hoarding) 174r4d .1"4. rind 10--ilrnsall, lion O'Brien (..191(1 _ 1:02 11—(1110:11m1)4111. 15. Parker » (,11 Jlal.erI 12-11eusa1l, \I Faker 4i Parker, 18, Parker) _ 4:40 13 ---Mensal], non O'Brien r Doug fl 111-10111 6:044 14-- 'rat 1(1lla, Rrinttell 4Wootton, Humphrey) -_ 15:11 155 - -Vent l:ilia, McLaughlin 19:177 Pena 11los --- ('alhrrry (slashing) 0:111: kahbl'n (Jbolding) 5:39: Se - vigils(' ;slashing) 1.1:80; Rennie (slashing t 111:40. Zurich personals I Happy G a I s Rev. W. Krotz, of Dashwood clinch lead Evangelical 'United • Brethren Church, was guest speaker on Sunday evening at tate local U.B. 11 was .a battle .right to . the Evangelical Church. Mr, T., Wire but the Happv Gals 'finally clinched first place in the: Rae--; ter Ladies' Bowling League: The. 't :Larry Hoffman was guest solo-, st. • • Dr, and Airs, Howard Hosted-'• ler, 'of. London, and family, were Sunday visitors at the home of heir parents, Mr. and'Mrs. John Brown. top position was In doubt right up until the final week of the regular schedule. The Gals came up with seven. big points .from the Hot Dogs to win the group title by .four points over the Hi -.Lights' who collected five from the Handicappers. Previous to the final: night's action, Happy Gals held a, two-point •edge on ' fust place. • ' Pin Poppettes wound up the season in third place with 99 points, just two" ahead of the 'fourth place Blowettes. ' Taking fifth position were Ups & Downs while the Jolly Jilts came in sixth. Groupings for the Odds and Evens have been drawn up from the regular league standings to start into playoffs. All Even number finishers will battle it out for the trophies in the "B" section while the Odd numbers will. do the : same in ,an " A, tr• i ers .na ;grouping. Who Cares round 'bet the stand- . ' • 11185. 1 -point lead Aliblas, Strikers and Ups & Downs are setting the pace at 11)4 Grand Bend Alleys as the three leagues sweep into March activity. • On the Grand Bend Ladies loop.' Ups & Dooms hold a three point edge on the. seeond place Legion-, naires who have' 51 points. 1' lr. e- , crackers place third with '41 ' while the Harmony Girls 'hold down fourth With 39. Strikers are leading the field ' in the glen's section by a full .10 points. Dawn Tavern. with 86,' Could Bees, 83 and Merchants 79 round out the top four posi-; tions. Alibias continue to set the pace for the Parkhill Ladies' League with 54 pints. Lucky Liz's six are eight points hack 'of, the pace- setters while Hula .Hnopers place third with 44, Drutiories. take up fourth place with 40. League standings are as fol- lows. 4 J11 \'l011. 11015 Bel'.- Simons. _..__ 10 Fire 1'rarhei•g . in fly. ,1armters ---._-.... - 5 It ;Meats 118 ;s 5 Titrates Tie-linp4 2 Rei1ilcels ' 0 1\T1:n)1r•11)I1'rf: 11018 Y,t,•Tr.rtrrs - 9 fen's Billiards Jr. •_ . 9 418,4' Ilatvl,s - 2 Avey Bats 2 Bombers _.. _ . _ .,•-_ 0 Final stone wins trophy S L G. L. Robertson's rink vvill represent RCAF Station Cen- tralia at the Sixth Annual Air Force Association International Bonspiel in Lethbridge, Alberta, March 20.21, Robertsons quartet of F•'L A. J. Austdal. F - L W. E. Lowry . and le L R. F. Slade won the Dutch Bos' trophy and the right for the Western trip when they up set I L E. 1Ia liwell's rink at Seal'orth last weekend in the. last end on some superlative' engineering by skip Robertson, I With his rink _two down tom-. ing heist, Mr. Robertson's guar-' tet had one stone in the house with three of Mr. Halliwell"s. Robertsons first 511ot tools nal R one oft 1ia11i\veli's and left his, 9� � �61fs K INSTOCKwine nWlghthrow, to the skip Unleashed enrol:inalion shot into the house which caromed off one stone and into the other to knock out two Ilallitvedl markers and Ifave' his own in. "1V1th all of Haiti - well's stones out of the house and bis in, Robertson won the hensnkd 3-2. The Robertson quartet and The Hidliwgnlf rink, which 111611d Pd 1"%S T,. M. Nark. ?.1J A. E Carpenter and Sgt. B. G. Noweli, eae11 wort three galtlee fin Sat- urday and played tate final L)tlebuntf!r on Sunday, 'Ct\o draws of eight rinks Made 1115 t11e 11011511101. from 1/2 fon to 4 ton 'with hoist, otc, R MOTORS LTD., - HURON A n_ r - l' HURON COUNTY'S LARGJ $T CAR DEALER 4 i"l.tlll»f1 l';tot st 713 llrx tail'Phone 608 1 a ,,,,mm,n . 141 1 1 l 4. 1 1 , 4. 1, 1 1, /t III IIII I, IItI „ rnrnnln,nnng wuuuunt nrnmuununrn.n4 1 1 4.n n nt u„ urn I, t nl l u n , s I':1.It 1( 1111,14 1.5111.05 Alibis Lurk} 1'.1z TTrt'a lfonpera . Dimpr ire l'npredlel ahlps Sputniks Bird Dogs ... Rock '11 Poll (i ft,�\u 111•:\1) '111x: Pt til, ers 11m1111 '4.,l -rim . Could Flroh . - .ltr,eliauts T�asbrnlitds 1"t•e,tohmen ,.. 4..l r: . _..... 0'1A ors 1;11:4' • i) It hl % l) 1(:51)11554 7`ps & Donna 12-2.innairfs _. 10119.4994 0141.1.51 14)14)44', 15 1114.13 .._. _. \lnn,s .. . 114915 -, Westerners , 011 Timers .....,..,..... Around The REt J;' 1...10, 11..11;;; ' oast '11-e+Pk'n Search 'vt )ngrt 3, itangoril' 2 Jets 2 Eagles 1 lnekeis 6, 5(oltliss 140 •I o Stamm;* ,roil • '15a i r . T16114441( 4 . f ueliot;4 ifnL0ttkS 14761414,5 Plante f,lninesi \(anti 7 9-14( . Ttnrkrls 2'0. tapas in -11 'Melba tt lid ill. '551110J1 114'1nn—rt novLIO 10 11 1418115 41,3012 r'pn(hol-a 16 l',,,,44,0 tNn gams for :T"tani✓'1•a 1 -4 46 44 to en 24 14 9R r, tI 611 411 74 St 1 1', 21' 1c 2 24 •i IA 5 1E1 2.1:1 2 111 1 9 Munroe Tops In Average Dot Munroe was the top .roller in the loop over the winter months as she climaxed the lengthy schedule with an even 200 average. Second was D. Matt- son with 196 and third placed J. Lovell at 191. Handicappers IS. Wright 765) 2 Hi -128111s (T. Thompson 756) _ 12011 eroup4• 11 (Illlott 11114 . •..4 F t isl y Six 4 U. ('oug111n) .. 3 Re hops (1T Wells 4061 n 'fully Six (1. Simmons •1155) _ n Merry Maids (H., Beaver,', 1311 "i _ 3, Wee i -Topes. (\. Rrint1e11 311!1) _ 2 Nile Hawke (1). Mattson 1;64) 3 Pilis (P. Hunter-1)trvar 436) Mley Cats (G. \\-urm 337, folly Gills (P. 5immoiiO 604) _._ 5 Frappy Gals (i. Munroe 693) - Hot rings (1.. Snell 653)0 Rlntvettes' (54. Walters 7.331 -_- Busy 00:5 (11. Edwards 514) ..2 Sputniks 4.R, 1ltfield 41121 2 \\-!rat Not4 (i4., 'tremble ens) -_ 5 R011011es (G. Shrrth 9614)- n l'vs ,4• Downs' (11, nadir!' 832) �,.. Lollipops 11' Storna 5701 2 1S•ho.Carns (11'. AH11111.6." ) o Mighty Mine (1'. AA -urn) (124) Pin PopPettes"CT.; F+u ner 6(p7) __ 2 7`innl Standings !'Sappy rats ... -113 111-Lioht's 112 Pin Tnppettes -. - 91 F:Inwettes rim 97 is & Downs (n115. Tills .._ _.., .... 91 'Wee 'Hopes _-.. . _ 59 :Hot Togs -. _.._ ______-.._ 67 'Pm reps- __ x6 BollettPs 16 Ailey Cats 91 Tlancifoappers .._ 63 lite 1-lawits _:- .... . - 82 • Kerry zanies 90 :Mighty Alice . '4 Tf11s _ 16 Ftusy 11095 Lollipops _____ 69 0 I15 60 '3n fi 36 What Cots __. 1,rlsl¢F Six P.M err•Ilps _ - . - Sputniks _ i'In�nf[ (Mds f4t)pp(" Gals Plu Poppetl.ea 1. pO .5 r)nw(18 Wee 'topes • Ailey Para 7Ite Oattt(g 'Mighty trice J:n15- errs IN' hat X(1 1041814y Six Buttercups 'reams 11.•enh 111-1,1 641118 Most eta es ,lolly .gills 4nt flogs Boilel495 1Jafrilcap0sl•s Merry Maids T'll10 I.,ollipeps Jolly Six Who ('area Sput4ilks lltjlk A1'ernitert t). Munroe D. Mat igen .. .. . T,aan\ell Xi'(•nirltvel n, lyno.na P. 'Haugh ._. T 111lioO. ...» 11. :StaWet en�..._._. 21, ('o1enla1l' . \I, ('ronyn 11, Durand P. 4lnlnln)1si . _ , ,..- \ Itrnc I` r T . 'flror k T). T+'tllle, M. 11(sllstrottY W \, Law boil .. _ t i"54lrhdirn Tt, 138;' c era 1l. (',58(tri f. Sittinientl T. Haugh 250 11n 19'1 157 194 199 1.92 192 152 151 1`81 50 774 1 4 T76 177 77 171 77 114 f 1:5 173 175 Phonel for oz HARVEY'S TAXI 24-HOUR SERVICE R01ECT' YOUR BUSINESS Jsal. Isolild happen ,to your business if your , �, What . partner died.? .A. special Sun' Life bueinese insurance plan esti .help solve .this pressing problem by enabling you to buy a deceased partner's interest in the business at arranged, price. i'or .full particulars, :111x,1 the, coupon below. the .prey SON LIFT ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA -r.,-- -! JOHN .NEGRIJN, Volt Supervisor, Hyre!! Chanty' 512 Mein Street, Exeter, Phone 545, Ili+d ANDREW DiJKSTRA, Agent, 117 Huron Street, Exeter Phone 527 Please send information :Rn Sun Life's business inetlr!inet glee. 1 Nanle Address • Moe of birth ................... 1411111111111111111 lint!llnll nil11111 1111111111.1n11mti tltl l lnm1111{t. 1 nnli 1111 n� innUI.1 -... 11 1 ! 1 imu14unnuulullu»num14mmuunmlmnn14m1m11n,u11n1un1lnlmpernlmmmeumltulnnilnlumn1au11u110 it Will Soon Be Spring! Now, is the time to remodel your Bathroom Kitchen of room or See Our Complete Lines Of e PLASTIC TILE e I3ARCLAY TILE e MASONITE e PLANK BARD e AREORITE e FLOOR TILE See Us Today! Huron Lumber Co. Limited PHONE 48 EXETER n„llll l,lln llnl,„lnnl n1111l11n1hung, e1111111111n t1111111111"1111111111111111 Inl,Irinll nlllllillNUillln111111m111111, Need an Extra Bathroom? i here are so litany improvements and repairs you can make with a lowaost 11 of M ;Lome Improvement Loan — front adding a bathroom or even an extra bedroom now to giving the 1101)542 a new coat of paint in the spring. And by keeping your house in tiptop shape, you protect the'best investment you have. B of At Home I,nprosement Loans are inexpensive o1111' 65, interest per annum: — and you can repay -thein in easy monthly instalments, 1I you base Home improvements nnY our mind .. a ilayroom, new plumbing or electric \tiring,..\why not talk to your 11 of M manager today about an Q.I.L. — available for aitnost any ltorthuhile purpose about the house. BANK or MONTREAL 60.44 4,4, 91144 j4 Exeter branch: (,IIA1t1 1 S SMITH, Manager Centralia (5rlh•Agencs), Open Tuesday, and Thursday Grand Bend (Sub'Agcncv): Oltrcn Aldi#., Wed, as tri, Ctcditnn Branch: 'CLARE IRWIN, 'l-tana.ecr ((pert Tuesday, Thursday and -orf lrrtdav 4.30 - assam) h ._ashi-n)( 1 x # (Suh•ilXrncl ): • Olsen Mon., Wed, eel, R 4.r#. 11e15all ffr0nclit 1<I:NNI 1'tl C:111US'r!AN, Manager Lucan 14rantir: ' MO< STEACI', Mnnn911r Zurich itranthl• JOHN 13. -2NIS'i'FR. Monster • • • • �• • • • • • • • c Wtil; utter Pit}f cANAb1Al4' Ri 19vt.IY Wat- Wintertime is the best time for indoor home improvements: Workmen are . more readily available and prises are often lower. (t Ir 1lr> g I at 'CA tit If 1