HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-26, Page 14• Park 14 The Tirnes•Advatete, FiLruary 16, 190 Lucati And District News A Phone. 1Ok.ucan correspenciontt Miss tine Abbott Lucan Captures NI Hears' Loai Musicians Playoff Series Receive Honors Last Wednesday night at Lu- ". - • iT A Writer- MisssBette Leeke, Lucan Pub - can, Lem defeated Kensal Park 0.11,00.1 music teeisher and 11-2 in the deciding game of the . sMte of near zero weather , , w Airs. C larence Hardy entered Shamrock Hockey League juvo- - t . • vocal aiul, Instrumental pupils at lir . . .. noon for the I. fitsens u s and ,.1•Sti,ehrusr.sday ey.ening many of the : same Lucanites were 'again win-, Last week's winners were: nile playoff. Lucan won the best- were out est , llsersdaiv. after - the Conservatory exams recent- sY b the Legion Auxiliary last ly held in the London Public Lihrarv. of -three series- 2-1 and another Education- meeting in the Cm. game tied. munity Memorial Centre. . Lloyd Moore scored four goals. i , ,.. Requite in vocal were: grade Laurie Illingsworth, Hugh Ken- i d ,h , SPea ing on the - ' 1, .first class honors. Carole "Tribulations • ' • P d Explorers Elect Barbara Ready The fourth 1959 ENPlorer EX- pedition was held the United March basement last ;Standar evening with 14 Isucatl*Clandes bore members present. • Counsellor Kae Ilaskett was tn. charge the devotions and Lab- rador story of David, the fisher boy. She was assisted in the de - cations hy Louise Cochrane. Patricia Cobleigh gave the pass word, "Brotherhood Week." Plans were. discktsseci for the! Bunny Tea. scheduled for Thurs., day. April Barbara heady was chosen Chief Explorer .at the election of officers. Other officers ineleded Patricia -Cohleigh, Keeper or the Loss: Barbara Park, treasurer, end. Helen Sigsworth, pianist, ; Legion .Iiinyo At the weekly bingo sponsored fiesta- and t y Blommart two each ' P • . . Davis; honors„lanet Kehl. and Miss Lula Abbott was the ' ler, Miss Rose Jackson, Mr Bud and Bev Irvine one goal for 1.1.1- : Mlle" tins Lorene Hodgms (Granton); . can. , guest. speaker. Enumera , ; „ Cooper, ...Miss Rose Jackson Mr, many changes of the hist few Grade 2, honors, Marsha Rin- Bud Cooper, Mrs. E. Reilly' . years she compared her youth son, NanoY Rion. ROsesnarY " Mrs. Pat Crudge, Mrs. Toni Wel- Anglican Men ,with that of the youth of today. Hall and Marjorie Donaldson ;She told many stories of her To- tthe last three. from Clande- ' Hear Librarian tronto experiences as a teacher. boyei; Carole Davis. who recently Grade 4. Julie Clatworthy and The Anglican Men's Club, .of won Holy Trinity Church, held its first class honors in music. Larry Lewis of Granton (tied). February meeting in the Parish entertained with twu numbers. Piano, grades 1, 2, 3. Marsha Hall last Monday evening with She was accompanied by Mrs. Ribson; grade 4, honors, ' the acting president. Mr : Erwm • Bert Jackson, &toll t Clandeboye i; grade 5. . Scott, in the chair, and Mr. Ken Lunch eonvener, Mrs. Alex Ward Hodgins; grade 6,Alarilvn Mrs. .Eaton (Clarideboye); grade .8 Clarke at the piano. ' Young was assisted by Harold stodgins, sirs, wes At. Helen Hardy., The guest speaker was Mr. kinson and :Irs, T. W. Smith. Dean Kent, assistant director en the London Public Library and rte motto of the meeting was . Church winner of a Canadian Council. "Vse the good deeds of the past - Fellowship. Mr! isent, has re.. as stepping, sto•nes and press on turned from a visit to Scandin-to greater achievements." e.vian countries where he was Roll roll was answered by checking on their libraries and naming what to do to develop United 'Church systems of operation, : a greater interest in the com- He gave a resume of his find..niunitY. • The Luean-Clandeboye Y.P.r. Ings at Denmark, Sweden, Nor - Mrs. C. H. George reported with an attendance of 23, met in way, Finland, West GermaitY • that Lucan's 1959 trade fair was. the Clandeboye Church last and a side trip to Leningrad. Hescheduled for June 3. 4 and 5. Sunday evening. The meeting compared their people, churches Owing to the shortness ot was chaired by vice-president and government to those of Can- • time it was decided not to enter Terry Culbert. day night at Lucan defeated Lu- . The Lucan Legion Auxiliary two, the owners, Mr, Wilmer AT, Whyte, who mnrip. the wishes, Ada. A 10 minute question period the baking contest at the Seed group e0n- can, 5-1, winning their two -game last. Friday night catered for the Scott, of Clandeboye, and Mr. -''' .---- Harold Frost, as :Fair next _Monday. followed his a.ddress. yeller, led in the worship period.. total goal series, 14-5. , turkey banquet of the South Roy Campbell. of Ailsa Craig, • mesentations conducted a short meeting. Ilv. Edgar Roulston Also on the program was Mr.!Alr. Earl Rodeers of London ' Nliddlesex Hockey League, held decided I It Mrs. .s ScottMrs. . e was assisted hy Nancy Kestie ' • Erwin and n • - • Activities HONOR .LUCAN SCOUTS — Four Lucan Scouts were presented with Governor - General's letters of commendation for rendering first aid 'which saved the life of a companion who was Injured in a .aeddont last simmer; Above, Scouter Harold Whyte presents the citations to, from left, Barrie Black, Paul, Jbn and Hugh Conlin. The ceremony took place during a service in the arena early .Sunday evening. Mrs. F. \S', tiovey (tied); share re the wealth, Alt's. F. W. Hovey , %,,,ommend • and Carole Davis; . Consecutive bingo, Mr. Win, Mathers, Mrs. Pal Crudge and Butler, Mrs. Tons Weller, Mrs., .„ 0 y Mr. Tom Weller, Mrs. Harold nos. Jackson. The $5 consolation jack -pot The open meeting last Sunday 1 ef faithful service in this dis- framed gralus by Mr, Clarence ford. winner was n.. Harvey Lang- evening m the Luean Community trict, Centre of 20 Cebs, 17 Scouts, Early last .lune these four by Jackson Dodds. Deputy Chief . Baskett, of Lueae) were 'signed ,.. „ . , , Four SCOUtri in Awards i leaders, parents and friends who Personal Items !met for the presentation of com- Misses :Margaret and Tem menclations to Barrie Black, Eizenga, now of Toronto, spent Paul, John, and Hugh Conlin, the weekend with their parents, ' was a :fitting climax fot• Scout Mr. and Mrs. Meine Eizenga. leader Harold Whyte's 12 years Both bank employees, Margaret .from London and Tena from Lu.' in January. ' Five Share $1 300 can, transferred to Toronto banks Miss Terry Walpole of Kin- cardine spent last Wednesday 1 . I with her grandmother, Mrs, Ira Carling. Belmont Bantams last Satur- boss were instrumental in saving, Scout, and read "His Excellency ,the life of their pal, Graham the Right Honorable Vincent Thompson, when he accidentally. Massey, C. IL Chief Scout, of cut. his wrist on a stone, while Canada, has asked inc to write s wi m m bss. and commend you for efficiency The commendations (nicely and presence of mind in admin- istering first aid to Graham Thompson when he badly in. jured his hand \stile out swim- ming with you in the 'Little Au. sable River, would like to take this Op- portunity of adding my own commendations and best Hockey Draw Loot Earl Walls, who entertained ;Jack Steacy were named a cons- and Shirley Ernerick. s, • , o sp and take S500 offered prayer and Mr, Glen was a' Alonday guest of his sis- in the Lucan Community Memo- each, Among the last 10 tickets with readings and vocal num. mittee to -meet with the men of During the business session it ter, Mrs. Ira Carling, and fans- rial Centre. were three local men, Mr. J. Rad- Lodge, who was accompanied hers. He was accompanied by . the arena board to discuss. the • was decided to visit the London sty. ! The highlight of the ceening.s cliffe, Mr. Richard, Gies/hill and by Messrs. T. Hyde, Ron Bush - Mr. Howard Kew, 'United Church. advisability of buying trees at nell and Clarke Chisholm, all of police station and court house lateen flowers pay no atten- organist. and introduced by Mr. Fanshawe for the beautifying of . during the Easter vacation. tion•to time or season, One Alice - entertainment was the draw for li',APaul Cronyn, Godcrich, spoke briefly, $1,000 and six $50 draws for the The first ticket drawn be - Don Ranting. Mr. Scott intro-, the arena greunds. ' Marilyn Eaton, Donna Blake and street resident has a Christmas duced the guest speaker. i It was decided to send Mrs. :Harold Frost were named a eactus in bloom and another has , first 50th, 100th, 150th, 200th and bulged to a London man, the session at which a report on the Cecil Robb tor a substitute) .as - cemmittee to make the neces- the seccind poinsettia coming in delegate to the Ws I, conventson sary arrangements. bloom. 250th draws. When the tickets were down to Lambeth; the 200th to Mr. Harry - Hardy, of RR 1, Lunn, and the I s. 1000 to Air. Dple Duffield, of There was a short business • Personal Items • Pe • and Mrs. E. C. Art recent successful oyster and in Guelph May 7 and 8 and it was alto decided to hold a Mr. and Mrs. William Drown-, authorized the secretary to send , CoMMunity teen -hop in the Le- lee attended the annual Super- l • • - y Granton Library Elects Officers 250111 to Mr. Lloyd Elgie. All the and family, of Gorrie, were ham supper was given. Sony, ofothers belonged to Struisere Thursday and Friday guests of the oysters .b•om. the supper were. the Mrs, Bert Jackson and Miss'The proceeds from this benefit necessary registration fee- ' gion Hall, Friday, March 6, and test dinner dance and cards at: Mrs. Robert Rainey was elect- ' ''' " Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins.. 'Sandra Williains„jeannette Hotel London and Mrs. Brown- ed president of the Granton. Pub - held orer for the meeting so the Lina _Abbott volunteered to rep- draw will go towards medical After an illness of two weeks, over 30 men present had the op -Blake, Terry Culbert and Barrie lee won the high score ladies' lic Library, at the annual meet- Miss Muriel Carlinr returned to portunity of enjoying anther resent the W. I. in the making were named .the committee to good feed. tot cancer dressings in the "United make arrangements for it. I Church Thursday, Feb. 26 and The next meeting will be held t also to provide copkies. the .s.,F,ietruaasrYni8aiisny the Luean Church Couple Honored it was voted to assist A Figure Skating Club by arrang- inthe Pias possible visit - g nes Haven Nursing t Presentation ;ing "hies and providing drinks • ilome prior to the meeting when lier children and parents, March Helen Kestle's group will lead Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte , 20, following their Figure Skat- in a panel discussion on "Find - were guests of honor at a social ing demonstration. with Mrs. ing out about Jews". This begins evening • held in the Community ' Maurice McDonald and Mrs. a series on various. religions of Memorial Centre last Tuesday 93enny $aulnier as conveners. 1the world. Two London Orthodox evening, when a large number! Mrs. ,Harold Ribson has com- ,Jews will he invited to share in of their friends met to congratu.! posed the lyrics and music for late Mr. Whyte on his promotion Lucan's W. I. entry in the $25 the discussion. One car passed safely but the to Bra•cebridge and to express • song contest., Copies were dis. Pentecostal Holiness Church presided and Mr. Howard Kew arranged for a leather craft one behind ran into -them. their regret at his leaving Lu- ' tributed among • the members for ' Young People's meeting is showed two films, one a comic course under the direction of • °-- and the•other depicting wild life. Airs. G. E. Nicholson to begin Other than a bad shaking up, CM ; • t a sing song. Friday:night was presided over Mr. Harold Whyte, who leaves at 8 p.mM , Thursday, arch 5. snelr•lohuesrls•hurt but litiheie sBr cna nr were Euchre and dancing were en - A copy of the new cover for by Mr. Jack Eizenga, Mr. Ed was for Bracebridge March 2, was ei • joyed by those present. i the Tweedsmuir Book. designed Butler ledin a discussion of the presented with a Lion's hat. ' - During the es -ening Mr. Whyte by Mrs. J. P. Prest, was on dis- first chapter of Acts. : was presented with a desk set play and also the Muscular Dys- ' The Thursday afternoon pray. Lenten Service • - end a purse of money, Reeve ' trophy Association's "Citation of ' er meeting was held at the home Last Wednesday's Lenten Cecil Lewis giving the address Merit" sent to the Lucan branch of Mrs. Fred Thompson with service was held at the home of and Frank Egan making thein,recognition of distinguished Mrs, J. A. Graham in charge of presentation. 1 service. the Bible study course, , 1 The guest soloist at the Sun- day l''''"'"''''"'''''''''''''' ' - - ' •'''''':'•:::-''''''''''''"'''''''''''''''-"•''''''''''''' ' '' '' • ' ''''''''''''''"''''''''''"'"'-''''''''''''''""'-"'"''''''"'"''''''' evening service was Miss : •' Clandeboye Comments' . . from Hamilton for the weekend. • Audrey Gaynor, who was home • Anglican Church prize. Lions Club Fetes Sons A father and son banquet was expenses of Injured members of ing of the library board, work at the Goodiear Tire Co., the league- , London, on Monday. Others elected included, vice - At present. Lucan and Bvron president, Mrs. George West - teams are playing off their best - man; secretary, Mrs. Gordon! :of -five series with a one -all tic. Dann; treasurer, Mrs. Witham Lambert; librarian, Mrs. Wil- Car Accident Liam Green; board members, Last Saturday evening Mr. Mrs, Austin Hobbs, Mrs. Wil- and Mrs. Joe Henn were in- liam Allan, mrs. }Janson. volved in a ear accident just cast of Lucan opposite their .own home on No, 4 highway. They were standing still wait- ing to turn in their gateway. the special feature of last Tues- the Rev. J. H. Vardy, andMiss day's Lion Club meeting in the Joyce Gerson. Anglican Church basement, catered to by the Ladies' Guild, Personal Items The president. Mr. Jim Young, The Recreation Council has By MRS. J. H. PATON Mr, and Mrs, Harold Hodgins, rather than in the church. The Rev. J. .F'. Prest discussed sev- eral daily reading programs. The advisability of changing from Wednesday to Thursday night was voted upon and result- ed in the continuance of Wed - The flowers in the chancel at nesday services. Mr. and Mrs. 1' e morning service were in tays F. W. Hovey offered their home : • memory of Mrs, M ...r f• W d d •' t' ; Baptism of Sarnia visited with the lat- L,)1'. J Following the meeling a. board . The ritesThe A.Y.P.A. executive meet. given for Cynthia tanks. (laugh- of baptism were ter's father anti sister. Mr. Roy of management meeting was McRann and Miss Beth McRann ing scheduled for Sunday eve - ping had to he postponed till former Jean Simpson, Sarnia, by held. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks, at the home here, also with Mrs. McRann in St. Joseph's Hospital Monday evening, owing to: the I Persona( items the RCN'. B. Farr. rector of St. • on Saturday and Sunday, . presentation at the Community, Mrs. M. Davidson. who has John's Anglican church. Sarnia,! Mrs. J. H. Paton visited with Centre' !been. staying with Mrs. Harold s with 1c "-'her. Mr. John Situp- ' her daughter Ina ) Mrs. Wilfred U.C. Men's Club 1 Ribson during her illness, has s on. us• and godmother, Mrs, !Logan in Victoria Hospital on The United Church Men's Club returned to her home in Hamil- ton Carers- ' 'rter, Clandehoye and Monday. Mrs. Logan has been held its Fm ebruarymeeting last , —* s Atm Ms:. Mott of Sarnia, both suffering from virus pneumonia W d d - , • , • It 1 „i ------ ele Law, of London, . e nes as: es ems in c c as a weeend guest of Mr. ancl • aunts of the baby, Air, and Mrs. Peter Banks and basement with the president Mr, Mrs. Murray 'Hodgins and fam• day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Got - Mrs. N. W, Wasnidge last badly damaged. Tuesday entertained a number of her neighbours, the occaston being the birthday of Mrs. Les Woodward who was presented with several gifts. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown- lee were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Middleton, of Lon- don, and all attended the Tech Revue at night; .Mr. K. J. Lampman, of Exe- ter, will he the temporary suc- cessor of Mr. Harold Whyte, as hydro area manager here. Mrs. James Taylor and Sus- anne, of London, were weekend guests of Mrs. Eva Henson., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Corbett have returned home from a hobs csses. it was Hodgins' night at day trip to Florida and probably the Coursey School's eight table 1 wish they had remained there as euchre last Friday night, the . weatherman sends new storms to Lucan. Sheldon Millham and friend of Saskatchewan, now stationed, at the RCAF Clinton were Satur- Presentation Good Until March 4 Nestle's Quik 89c Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Filson, of FAMILY SIZE Birr, were honored at a press ding anniversary. Maxwell House entation party on their 40th wed - They were married in 1919 near Kingston and after farming CH!PPITS in Saskatchewan returned to Ontario and took up farming Whyte's near BUT. Both are active in farm organizations and the Unit- BOLOGNA ett Church. McCormick's Coffee They have one sdn, Hugh Fil- son, and three granddaughters. SODAS Codrsey School Euchre King Size Other than Mrs, Tom. Coursey FAB and Mrs. Charles Grose as host- I Ladies' high score prize was won by Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins; second score prize, Mrs. George Hodgins; men's high score, Mr. Wilson Hocigins; second score prize, Mr, Eric Hodgins; lucky . Mrs. Rby McRann !Cynthia of Sarnia spent Sunday Gordon Banting in the chair and ey. chair prizes by Miss Loreen Mrs, Roy MeRann. the for- with ,Mrs. Bank's parents, Mr. Air, Ivan Staniey's group in dolsntr13, awnrbnog: Smith left on Sun- 'Hocigins and Mr. Larry tiodgins. and scrs. Maurice Simpson, charge of program and refresh- Leslie Cook, small daughter of - /her Leeta Mae O'Neil died in T .1 service was condected 0100(5, !Mr, and IMS.s. Robert Cook, en- day for a business trip to Syd-1 By another strange coinci. ' St. Joseph's Hospital after sev-' tertained a number of her little neY, Nva Scotia, and Airs idence the next hostesses for the eral months illness on Monday bY _ Speakingon the differences • • reethr, the Rev„s, p, . • snows 'at her sixth birthday Smith for Waterloo, where she i March 6 euchre will he two more be • evening. Feb. 23. Pres . on Friday evening at the -celebration last Friday, tween men and sheep, Rev. will. be the guest of her brother, Illodgins' - Mrs. Oscar Hodgins • The body Edgar Roulston was the guest ?jr,is resting at the Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Andy ! and Mrs, Henry Hodgins Mr, S. J. Leckie and family, for and Airs. Evan Hodgins, Aturdy funeral hove until Thurs. speaker. „ s were Thursday guests of Mr. a few days, Personal Items Catter. This (Thursday) evening day afternoon when the body the mid week service will be at Other numbers on the Pmsranl and Mrs. Harry Carroll and Vis- Mr, Howard Currie, who had - Will he taken to St. James church the home of Airs. E.Tomes, Howard Kew. solos by consisted of instrumental, hY Red Mrs, Feed Davis in the been working on the steel con- Mrs. Alvin McLean spent last • where the rector the Rev. ,T. P. Mr' Ernie ' afternoon. struclion of St, Joseph's Hospi- Wednesday in•Hxotor the guest : s'•• s'• - - s hi m•1 - , • rhos whicl ce in artier] m- Prest will conduct the funeral :- - . - ' ' : .; s l hea ° P 1 Lucan Public School IS hold- tal, Chatham, came home last Of her sister. Mrs. E. L, clibson . service et 2.30 p.m. ; Letter Prom ; self on his guitar and a reading ' ing open house on Tuesday next by the president. 1 from 3 pan. On and will inter- Persortel Items •• • 1•ir •t nipott, ncnn an Mrs. Russell Blake is improv- ed and was able to leave SC • Joseph's Hospital on Friday. She By MRS. cecti, ELLWOOD is staying with her son-in•law , `.; and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.' ' .••••sss : Peter Srigley on Wellington Road, :Confirniation London, for a few daYs. . Confirmation service was held Mr. and Mrs, Grant Latimer on Trinity Anglican church on Sunday conducted by Sulfragon Report On tistiop William Townshend of Shipka were confirmed. London. Thirteen candidates A reception was held in the ' • •church parlor after the service. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs.. Personal Items • thigh Morenz, Billie and Airs. ./. i Mr. and errs. Harvey picker Coleman during the week were,..ng 5011 and Miss Elda Bus. s Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Coleman and. Lee, Rippen, mi., and Airs.: teed of Blenheim visited with -Jack Corbett and Al, and Mr. • Mr. AIM Mrs. Don Sutherland Ross Corbett. of Hensel', and on Sunday and also attended the Miss Shirley Coleman of London. confirmation at. Trinity Anglican: Mr. John Lamport. of Toronto, „ Wtas a stleekerici visitor with his ellurcli, Ailsa Craig, mother, Mrs. B. Lamport, and Mr, and Mrs. Doug 'Lewis visit - Mr. Tom tamport. ed with Mr, and Mts. George Mr, end Mrs, Chris liallyngar- Prost on Sunday. ten visited Sttlidest with Mr. • tit, dad Mrs, Sam alercer spent A nil Mrs. Charles Brown, at Sunday with Mr, ant Mrs. Bothwell. George Mercer, Mr. and Airs. IL Finch. of Lon- ,the young people of the United den, Were Sunday visitors with church htid erokillota pm,ty Mr' M'rs' LP5 Adams. in inc basement the church In the 1Z months up to Dec. 1117d !Ng. Sheridan Reving- gin s. ' 1958, Canada's consumer price ton and family were Sunday index Vase by two and a half guests of Mr. and Mrs. John per cent, i Campbell, now of London, I Me. and Mtg. AL J. Gaiser..00 Thurgtio, e 01 vening with A were rand visitors lit Guetolt,: . d t , . gob ut flout. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy Ark , . • * Transvaal, spent Sun. A cOmmutillY .• dRy ivith mr, And grA, wrAy•i was held, the sebool at PtIft and 410/ on' Friday evening with s'.• Mr. and .Ntes..Claronto ttartly,';460d' Illehdette, ftlertiott and Julia, of LlitSet, Wi1t9 ' Mr. .and Mrs, Ceti! thwood ..Suntlav viAttors with Mr. Ind .rallod ,t_tn Mrs. Lin Craven' tit Mrs. -Ross fitIVe. tratkrillt Wet -in -Way. Tuesday when the company ran out of steel, On Wednesday he went to work on an apartment house nn Grand avenue, London. There he fell on the ice and bad- ly injured his hack. M present he is recuperating at his home here. and Mi. Gibson, Mr, Russell Thompson of Park- hill has purchased the home of Mr. Harold Whyte on, Francis Street. Mrs. Frank Stanley visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins last Friday. 75c 2 for 55g 3 lbs. $1.00 lb. 31g $1.03 Robin Hood FLOUR .. . 25 -Ib. bag $1.83 DATES ''' 3 lbs. 290 10cYo OFF all dry goods, ciardware, boots. Cash Only — No Refunds We thank all our customers for their past patronage and we trust we can continue to serve you even better. Black Diamond Stamps Farquhar GENERAL STORE Mrs. Rob' t Miller & Sons Newel. lieMS Last Monday Mrs. Murray; Hod, gips appeared 00 .the 15 minute. W.1. segment Of the "M .Homect show ,when she (leinonstrated copper tooling. Dial telephones are, nowbeing installed in Wean residences ready for the changeover on June NEW uL-.c.-)E C ECONOMICAL HI -THRIFT Chevrolet brings you the years most practical answer to today', driving costs. It's the all:new Hi -Thrift Six ... designed to pour out a tor- rent of eager, spirited power . . and to squeeze a full 105 more miles out of every gallon of gas. Put yourself behind the- wheel of a Chev- rolet today, its motoring's most enjoyable experience. 00 CHEVROLET - FOR EXTRA VALUE! Chevy's Got It! Snell Bros. LIMITED Phone 100 , Exeter BILLS AND PAYMENTS OVERDUE,,, WOE ME. • OH WHAT'S TO DO? 4000; /40 IT'S CASH YOU NEEO, 'TIS PLAIN TO SEE - „„SO OFF YOU GO TO T.C.C. A MOMENT'S ALL THE TIME IT TOOK AND LJF TAKES ON ' A BRAND-NEW LOOK THE MORAL' PLAIN FOR ALLTQ SEE .WHEN YOU NEED CASH 2EE 92 51 TRANS tANADA CREW, PIPP' 8,ww.0%4440.0$44 •:%! TRANS CANADA Why pot up with money probtemoY The Solution to those worrisome bilis 15 as easy as this: call Trans Canada, Credit! 4.• C 'RP05kATION LCMITEI) Loans fromeven ••••0 tqui arrangod for up to 20, 141 'THE SQUARE, PHONE 79 SO months. GOOERIC14, ONT shy riot snivd your Mane& prablenat Call us todayi Cita Mgr 0