HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-26, Page 8Part 0: Thi ro t.s:•Advocate, February 26,. 19.39
i Instit t,e Dears
District Nurse
,Appoint New Officers
Airs. James Kueale R. N.
Grand Bead, Was guest speaker
For Crediton Church
Cpmmencing will; a pot luck
Aupper,. the .congregational *4 Was held in the United Church
On Tuesday evening.
;Musicalnumbers were given
by ,James Neil, Doreen Kenney
and Judy Lamport after which
Rev, R. S. Hiltz offered prayer
and •.called -meeting for business.
!its. Lorne Preszcator was ap-
pointed secretary. 'Trustees were
asked to look into the matter
pertaining tetheating system and
plans 'were made for annrver•
Members of Session were re-
elected, Added to Board of Stew-
ards were: Lorne Hodge, Arthur
Attfield and Sam King; added
to Board of Trustees, Nelson
Lamport and Lorne Preszcator.
It was agreed to have Sunday
!Service devoted to Temperance
and Bible Society..
Auditors named were Gerald
Zwicker and A. Attfield,
Women's Institute
"One reason I am glad to be
re Canadian" was the roll call
responded to by members of the
Women's Institute when they met
Crediton Community Hall.
President Mrs. E. Lamport was
fa charge of business and Mrs.
Sam King presided for program.
Topic on "Canada's Capital"
was given by Mrs, Earl Neil
and: the story of the Morrissey
fanilly was related by Mrs. J.
James Neil played an ac-
cordion solo and Marlene King
favored with a vocal solo, Read -
,legs were given by AIrs. Lam -
Tort and Airs, Melvin King.
An exhibit •of "Flower Emblems
of Canada" was disclosed by
Mrs. S. King. A contest "Qu:z
on. Canada proved interesting
and .date for family night was
set for Friday, February 27.
Hostesses were :firs. S.• King,
Mrs. E. Neil, .Sirs, AL King,
Mrs, J. Morrissey and Mrs. R.
Personal Items
Attending Road Convention in
Toronto this week are Lawrence
Hill, Eldon Smith, Steven Dun-
.das, Glenn Webb, Uward Gill
and Edmund Hendrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark of
Detroit visited a few days over
the weekend with the former's
father, Mr, Francis Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver
of Pittsburg, Pa. spent the week•
end with Vernon's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Beaver,
Mrs. Harvey Buckle, Mrs. B.
Baigent and Mr. Harold Lapier
of Woodstock visited on Sunday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Mrs. Russell Finkbeincr is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, having undergone sur-
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Faist and
family of St. Thomas visited on
Sunday with Mrs. M. Foist who
•accompanied them to St. Thomas
Sunday evening.
Mrs. Howard Renney of De-
troit spent a few days with her
mother, Mrs,. J, Hirtzel,
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lox the February meeting of the
W. omen's lestituie, the program
being arraned by health con.
vener, Mr, Carmen Levis.,
M1rs. Harold. Wolper discussed
the motto- "Good health and
good sense are two of lice's
'greatest blessings.'" Mrs. Charles
Reeves favored with a piano
I Plans e•ere made for a bus
1 trip to .attend the Ice Capades
fn Kitchener in early March.
Mrs. Wellwood G'ill's group are
I:to Bold a St. P'atriek's tea and
bazaar at the next meeting,
• March 19.
'i A committee composed of Mrs.
Alen: Hamilton, Mfrs. Earl Finan
and Mrs, Charles Recvee was
appointed to plan for the W I
! :District Annual which is to be
held in Grand Benet this spring.
I The members decided not to
• sponsor the Brownie Pack which
!is to be formed in Grand Bend
!in the near future. The group
'recently assisted the McLeod
i family with donations when they
lost their home and its contents
by fire.
•Hostesses were Mrs. Emery
Di= sJardin. s Mrs. Harmon armon Gilh
.Airs. Lloyd Baker and Mrs. El.
• gin Adams.
Servk.c• At Grand Bend
Marks Scout Birthday
Sy MRS. P. KEOWN Persanat Items
• The CO.meeting on Tuesday,. Airs. Horace Lake visited with
l 11 ,. ilei i, t .i 1
Feb 1 a o a n tl.
five "New Chumsp". Itedney Tre-
vor, .Ronald :Chapman, Robert
West„Andrew MacLean and Gori
don Dingle were invested ps
Tendcrpaus,and are now eligible
to take their place in the Pack
Cire:e. The meeting later in.
eluded games, signalling and
rope work, .and concluded with
' the Grand Howl. The Scout meet-
, ing on the filth included games
and bayork. sent,
1 Last Monday the ladies of the . AIrs. Mary Ravelie is this week
Women's s institute held the an- visiting her sister, Alrs. John
nual father and $on banquet. Gesello in Zurich..
' After an excellent dinner was Little Dale Horne is a patient
serval, Rev. A. E. Holley spoke in South Huron Hospital, having
a few words and toasts were suffered severe burns •arc Tues-
proposecl by •Cub Danny' Dalton day when frying potato chips,
to the parents and Patrol Leader the hot grease upset and burned
Ivay.ne Miller to scouting, A vole her legs. Little Dale is quite
; of thanks to the ladies was pro. cheerful and resting comfortably,
posed by Troop Leader John The ladles of the Women's
;flood. :Institute held a quilting bee in
The guest speaker was Dis- , the town hall on Monday and
trict Scoutmaster Ben Cooke, Tuesday of this week.
who gave an informative talk on , On Monday of next week,
the Scout. Laws, after vOich Mare)) 2, the W.A. of the United
'Bronze Arrowheads were pre-' Church are holding a quilting
seated to Fes Wayne Miller and bee in the basement of the
Gerald Stoddard. Mr. Kenneth church,
l�, Rose- l•i
e at Ailsa•
Craig for a few days last week.
Mrs. Wellington .Uake.r is a pa-
-tient in Victoria Hospital.
Mr. Gus Latta is a patient in
South Huron ilospi.al.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake
left last week for a motor trip
la Florida.
Lenten services are being held
in St. -John's -by -the -Lake Thurs-
day evening at 8 p.m. during
Young, Grcup Committee Prost- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott of
e.•• 'dent, was master of ceremonies. Sarnia spent, the weekend with
The Storyin I On Thursday the Scouters and Mrs, Wm, Patterson, Mrs. Scott's
their wives entertained the Cub mother,
, and Scout mothers to a coffee Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Baird visit-
S,a i nts u ry hour. After an informative dis• ed with their daughter and son -
i cussion, it was decided to form in-law, Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Van -
By MRS. H E B E R DAVIS ; Cub and Scout mothers. The first , Mr, Baird also visited with his
meeting will be held on Thurs. : mother, Mrs. Elizabeth. Baird in
i day, March 12 and all mothers the Dearness Home on Sunday
are cordially invited. Mrs. Kea ' afternoon.
neth 'Young, was elected secre•' Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Devine,
tary, Mrs. John Chapman, presi- Larry and Barbara visited with
dent and Mrs. Clayton Mathers, lir. and Mrs, Jay Whiteford on
• treasurer. Sunday.
The Scout meeting on Wednes-lir, and Mrs. E. Keown enter -
day was open to parents and . tained on Wednesday, their 14th
friends, and a number of guests wedding anniversary, with Mr,
attended. By a happy coincidence and .Airs, Wm. Rendle and Mr.
four Scouts had passed their and Mrs. Lloyd Baker. as guests.
Tenderfoot tests the previous' On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
week, and an investiture was man Mathets, Norman Jr, and
held in which Bradley Hamilton, • Carol Ann of Parkhill_ visited
' Brian Gill, Jerry Lacorse and ; with. Mr. and Mrs, Keown, also
Scott Duncan were admitted to Mr. and Mrs, Jay Whiteford in
the Troop of Tenderfeet, - 1 the evening,
I After a game, demonstrations I Mr. Wee. Rendle reports that
he collected the total sum of
. of signalling, use of knots, and ;
first aid were put on the Patrols, ! $251.00 toward the Crippled Chil-
dren'sA, camp fire concluded the eve -
Fund u•der the auspices
• ning, followed by coffee and of the Lions Club, in the Grand
cookies for the guests rend area, which dial not include
a Mother's Guild, open to all ger in London, on Sunday, and
PerseneI Items
Mrs. Clarence Davis was a
Tuesday guest with Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Abboit.
Mrs. E a r 1 Atkinson, Mrs.
Heber Davis and Mrs. Maurice
AlcDonald were Tuesday guests
with Mrs. W. J. Dickins, Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta
visited with Mrs. Garfield Latta
en Thursday and Sunday. She is
a patient in a London hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and Wayne were recent guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Ab-
Saturday evening guests with.
Mir. and. Mrs. Jack. Dickins were
Mr. and firs. Arthur Abbott and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car-
roll, AIr. and Mrs, Earl Green-
lee and. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs,
Ralph Milison and family, Lon-
don, were their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Peterson,
London, were Saturday guests
with Mr, and Mrs. James Bark-
Mr. and Mfrs, Earl Atkinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon-
ald and Mr. and Mrs. Lieber
Davis were Friday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll,
Mr. and Mrs. James Barker
and family were Thursday eve-
ning guests with Mr. and Mrs,
Don Firth, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Don Maguire and boys were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Atkinson, They were ob-
serving Leroy Maguire's birth-
Mrs. Janes Turner spent Wed-
nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindall
visited relatives in Atwood on
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice McDonald and Mr, and
Mrs, Heber Davis visited lir. and
Mrs. Frank Dickins, Ailsa Craig.
Messrs: ' Cliff Ings and Alvin
Carroll ;were Saturday guests
with Mr. Hugh Carroll, •
Mr., and Mrs. Hugh Davis and
family were Sunday. evening
guests with Mr, and Mrs. George
Mr, Murray Abbott observed
a birthday on Saturday are on
u••day he and Mrs. Abbott c :-
tertained his mother, Mrs. A.
Abbott and Mr. Sinclair, Mt.
Brydges, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mugsford, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Maguire and Jeffery, Scot.
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Abbott and girls.
;Mrs. M. Dobbs
;Dies At Langton
Mrs. Minor Dobbs, 71, e for -
tiler resident of Saintsbury com-
i munity, having come here as a
bride October 11, 1911, died at
the home of her daughter, Mrs,
Eveleen Stephen, Langton, on
Thursday, February 19.
She was the former Eunice
!Margaret Doupe, a daughter of
the late Mr, and Mrs. Joseph
Doupe, near Woodham, Follow -
;lag her marriage, they fanned
on the north boundary of Bid-
' dulph Township on what was
known at the Kelly farm. Later
I they moved to Glencairn where
they resided until Mr. Dobb's
death 10 years ago. Mrs. Dobbs
has lived with the family since
that time,
Surviving are six. sons and
three daughters: Harvey and
Glen, Vancouver, B.C.; Clyne of
Glencairn; William, Lloyd, Harry
and Mrs. Eveleen Stephen, all
of Langton; (Lorraine) Mrs.
Cliff Brock, Crediton; (Marie)
Mrs• Ivan Brock, Woodliain;
one sister, Mrs, Noble Parkin-
son, Birr;two brothers, Merman
Doupe, Sarnia, and Frank Doupc
of St, Marys; and 31 grandchil-
Rested at the Haskell funeral
home, Lucan where funeral
service was held Saturday. Feb.21 conducted by Rev, H. C Wil-
son, Thames Road, with inter•
nicht in St, James cemetery,
Pallbearers were Gerald Atkin.
Aim, Fred Dobbs, Harold CIark,
Harvey Spearin, Ivan and Junior
The forests provide a third of
all Canada's primary production,
*Nolo Yaw. Chiiilten'ta Health
Mier braves',
the Army Personnel who paid
1 The scouting window display .in : into the fund at Camp Ipper-
DesJardin's stores aroused con-' leash,
siderable interest. /�
i sary of the birth of the Scout Society Adopts
l movement Founder, Lord Baden
;Powell. the Grand Bencl group European Child
were hosts at a Scouts Own Serv- I
• ice held in St. John's -by -the -Lake . The T.W.S. held their regular
parish hall. Guests were present monthly' meeting on Friday eve -
from Thedford Scouts, Hensall ning in the United Church manse
and Parkhill Guides and Thed- with a record crowd present.
ford Cubs, totalling about 160 in Mrs. Clarke Kennedy was in
i all attending the service. The charge of the service, which .in-
! Scouts, Cubs and Guides paraded I eluded the Day of Prayer service,
' from the Colonial Hotel to the several members taking the dif-
' parish hall for the service con-ferent prayers,
ducted by Rev. Moore of Park -1 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Des -
hill United Church, a Scout chap. I jardine showed their pictures of
ilain, who spoke on the ScoutMexico and explained the scenes,
;Promise, Duty to God, and read I An apron shower was held for
•the Founder's last message, Re- i the bazaar during the roll call,
1 freshments were served by the I For the March roll • call the
Cub and Scout mothers, shower will he for the iniscel.
Accident laneous booth.
During the business part of
1 When driving to Parkhill on the meeting it was decided to
Saturday afternoon a car driven adopt a European child through
by Mrs. Lloyd Baker was crash- Use United Nations Agency.
ed into £tom the rear by a car Refreshments were served by
driven by Mr. Lloyd Baker of Mrs, Jack Eagleson, Mrs, Don
Greenway, The accident occurred Kendrick, Mrs. Neil Chamber -
at the curve ui the highwayat lain and Mrs. Kenneth Roberts
the Moray coiner when a snow- with Mrs. Lloyd Fahner as host
plow threw snow on Mrs, Baker's ess.
Mrs. Baker suffered a strain
in her neck while Mrs. James
Grigg and lits, Nettie Baker
suffered shock, all. requiring ,
medical attention. Mr. Lloyd
Baker escaped injury, as did 1
Mr. Thompson.
Mrs. Baker's car had the trunk
and fender all pushed up re-
quiring at least $400 damage!
while the Thompson car damaged!
from the front is beyond repair.'
OPP H. Miller investigated.
On Sunday the 102nd anniver• i
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock
of. Guelph visited on Sunday with
friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Wein
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Airs. Frederick Wuerth of Galt,
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