HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-26, Page 6191:, Thy Times -Advocate, :February 26, 195? P.resent Troop Charter Tc !-Iensall Boy couts An impressive ceremony was I.nclge of Goderieh presented, the :held in the :Hensall Arena when charter to Harold Knight, Kest - the Hensall Seoul troop was pre- tient nr :licilsa11 Kinsmen. the .s,ented with its charter. District :Commissioner Glenn sponsoring,. group. District Scouter lien (rook of laersan+l .teems RCAF Centrilia presented patrol Airs. (leo, Sawyer, who is re- leaders. Doug Shirray. Jack •('hip - gelling treatment in Clinton Hos- chase. Dennis Mock and Bruce pital is improving. Horton with the bronze arrow- . Jerry Slincb t. who under- head, thhh they -qualified for 1.14.ensaii And District New. s5 CPRRESPQNPENTS Mrs. Mauch Redden, Phone Ars. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 • Went: attaJor operation in Chit- in Exeter at a camping -out e�Guides Enrol Puck Fra ctu resWI Plans ton Hospital is now out of dan edition. ��/ ger and was able to be up ill a ale alio presented Pill kink, Pee Wes .$ Arm wheel chair at the hospital on ,John Raker and Ronnie Bernie' Seven Girls 'OACTrip 1lionday- tick with certificates showing, Ab'. Thos. Lavender .1r. of they had passed their pt'elimi- , Waterloo, and Mr. Wn1. Lavender nary course in Scouting and of London visited recently with these three leaders Were also their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. presented with the Gilwell Wog - La vender. Vog•Lavender. gle. ettIt1,t/1ti1,1ttttnt,ttrittftil1,rnftlr1,lt/r IIMIllN,,"t,af1,"tIMMMUMIIIIIMM1111,Iti11("ril1111lnrinn4 4 Ce`NtY igb, ev/{ APPLICATION FOR POSITION OF Assistant County Weed Inspector Desired Qualifications: 1. Some practical experience with herbicides texper- ience as a custom weed -sprayer an advantage). 2. Prepared to spend at least 100 days a year at this work. 3. Ability to work with the public and act as advisor to spray operators in the County. 4. Age approximately 50 years of age or younger. 5. 90c an hour, plus mileage .08e. 6, Available for interview Thursday, March 19, 1959. 7, Phone number of applicant. 8. Applications to be submitted to the undersigned in sealed envelope clearly marked "APPLICA- TION" before Noon Monday, March 16, 1959. JOHN G. BERRY Clerk•Treasurer / 1ltrllttlailtltt1111 nil 1,111Ittl111nt11 itt111111111111111,111,,",1l 1110,111,111111,11 nn„1,1,,,",,,11 1,1.1,1,11111,,,,,,, l 111 Miss L. Stegner, :Exeter, 'Di visional Commissioner. present ed pins to Guides: Ruth Smile Dianne Reid. Susanne Rennie Nancy Kyle, Helen Wasson. Bon nie Foster, Marcia Little. win were enrolled in an impressive ceremony at H e n s a l l 1..'nited Chureh .last Tuesday evening.Service stars were presented to the girls who had been in Guides up to four years. Pat Rowe was presented with her homemakers badge and ]net first class guiding, and \1ary Scene, her cook's badge. . and All's, SS. J. Cameron, and a grade a student at Hensall Pub- - lir School suffered .a fractured • right arm in the second period of a hockey game Ai the Meal • arena between Hensall and Zur- `) id) Pee SVees when he was ac- cidentally hit by a flying puck. X-rays were taken at South Hurons Hospital, Exeter, and his arm placed in a cast. t Club Day At Hensall Mrs. I. Lavender showed tn. teresting films on trees and teen- age teeth. Mrs. E. Rowe favored with a reading. The mothers were special guests. Name. Winners At Wi Euchre • Kippen East W. 1. sponsored a successful euchre and dance in the town hall on Friday eve- ning and were pleased with the proceeds. Twenty -.two tables of euchre were in play and winners were: ladies, Mrs. John Sinclair; Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse; Mrs. Carl :SicClinchey; gents, Bob McGreg or, .John Tremeer, Bruce Mc- Gregor; lucky htch, Mrs. Doug- las ~Nilson of near Selforth, Cool Quin orchestra of Cen- tralia provided music for the dance, ( The group will sponsor another • euchre and dance March 13 with • the sane orchestra. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. George Jackson and Bill Helm, all of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, l Clarence Reid and family. Mfrs. G. T. Wren, who has been a patient at St, ,Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, came• home last jTuesday, Homemaking Club Achieve- ment Day will be held in the 13ensall arena on Saturday, Feb- j ruary 28. 1 Record books and samples of !graham muffins will be on dis- ! play. During the morning pr At Nippon East Women's in' stitule February meeting held at the honkie of :It's. William Bell Wednesday plans were outlined :for a bus trip to the QA(' Guelph, March 4. On the retell] home the group will attend the Ice Capades at Kitchener in the eve- ning, The bus will leave Kippen at 8 a.m. and will pick up the .mem- bers from the north at the Monte of Mrs. Charles Eyre. Articles of sewing including two crib quilts, three pair of pyjamas •and three infant's night-' les made by the members were on display and will be forwarded to the War Memorial Children's Hospital, London, Invitations have been sent to Crediton, haimville, Hensall and Glen Gowrie Women's Institutes to be their guests at the Aiareh 15 meeting to be held at St. o- Andrew's United Church, Kippen, n ' when Dr. •E. A. McMaster of Seaforth will shote !notion pie- s tures of his recent trip to Japa a A donation of money was voted Y i to a burned out district family s. and Mrs. Charles Eyre and Mrs. Robert Gemmell were appointed a purchasing committee. Mrs. Ross Chapman displayed work done at the "Sew to Save" proj- ect at Clinton. Members answered the roll call with "A way to help a new citizen become a good Canadian." Mrs. Arthur Varley conducted a geography match, 'Mrs. James Drummond gave a poen!, Mrs. SS'iiliant. Caldwell directed a con- test. Mrs. Ken McKay provided music. Mrs. Stewart Pepper ex- tended courtesy remarks, I sirs. William 'Kyle was co - hostess. President Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre presided for the busi- ness and Mrs. Russell Brock for the program. gram the girls will take part i judging muffins, judging menu for farm families as well answering a quiz on what the hawse been tearing about cereal n. The afternoon program which commences al 1;30 p.m. will eon-, sist of exhibits, skits and dem- • onstrations and certificates of achievement will be presented. This session is open to the pub -1 lie and all parents and interested !friends are welcome. Personae Items • :Messrs. K. Christian, Ron :Mock and Walter Spencer companied by their sons mot- ored to Detroit on Saturday and attended the hockey game, 1 The many friends of Jerry :tic Clinchey are pleased to hear he is improving following a recent appendix operation- in Clinton' Public Hospital. t,it.t d Planning ahead is the mark of a good chess player , .. and a good father. As the head of the household, a father plans the future: provides for his family whatever might happen to him personally in the years to come. This is why every father needs the protection of good life insurance. The Mutual Life of Canada cart give you that protection with alow-cost life insurance nce programme tailored tb your famllyt s needs and budget. The fvlutttal Life of Canada is the company with the outstanding dividend record. 1589 ninety years of *leadership in mutual life insurances - 1951 / i 9 y iii Represi'entefive; GR. GODBOLT, Corner Senders St Edwerci tc,„ Exide Mr, Cecil. Van Horne, of Lu-; can, was a recent visitor with his daughter and. son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Flynn. Rebekah Lodge Hears Reports Noble Grand Mrs. Inez Me. Ewen presided for the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge on Wednesday evening. Mrs. R. E. Shaddick reported for the C.P.T. fund, Mrs. Laird ,Jacobi, treasurer, gave the fi- nancial report. The vice -grand Mrs. Glenn. Bell reported for the marathon euchre. Following the business twenty tables of progressive euchre were in play. Prize winners were: ladies. Mrs. Hugh Hendrick and Mrs. Archie MacGregor; ladies' consolation, firs. Ed. Corbett; gents, Alex MacBeath and Chas. Robertson; consolation, Clarence Volland- Proceeds of the evening were voted to the Home in Barrie. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. KEN McKELLAR Mr. and Mrs. E. Woods and family, of Greenwood, Nova Scotia, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adapts and family, Blyth, and Mrs. Ed Brooks and son, George, of Staf- fa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkin, Belmore, visited with her moth- er, Mfrs, Will Hamilton, on Stn. s day. They also visited Mr. Ham Elton in St, Joseph's Hospital, .1 London, 'S Mr. and Mrs, Laverne Wal-; lace returned home from their a honeymoon on Sunday. • E Mrs. Robert Builey, Bobbie : and Sandra, of Winthrop, are ' E spending a few days with hart parents, Mr. and Mrs, Otto Walker. Mars. John Wallace -and 'Sirs, 'Gerald Carey attended a ladies' bonspiel in Seaforth on Wedhes- 1 day. , tropic en Canadiah Indian Provide Beans For Convention At the meeting of llensall Kin- ettes at the hone of Mrs. Ross Jinks, Tuesday evening, mem- hers decided to send samples of beans as favors for the May con- vention in Detroit sponsored by Chatham Kinsmen and Ginettes, It was also decided to hold the rummage sale in the fall instead of the spring as previously, Any- one who does not wish to hold over these articles for the sale may contact one of the Kinettes and they crit be stored till fall. The raffle was won by Mrs, William Clement, The next meeting will he held at them home of Mrs. William :fickle. Doctor Describes Trip To Japan February meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall was held in the church schoolroom. The presi- dent, 'Mrs. E. Fink. welcomed visitors from United Church Eve- ning Auxiliary, Anglican. Ladies and the Senior W.M.S. of Carmel Church and Home Helpers. Dr. A. E. McMaster was guest speaker and gave an interesting talk, illustrated by pictures of his trip to Japan, China and Thai• land. While on his trip he at- tended a medical meeting of the heart foundation. Mrs. Mac Dougall favoured wish several selections an the piano and Mrs. Harry Hoy and Mrs. Beverly Beaton were in charge of the worship service. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dining pent the weekend with Miss Bernice .Dilting and Mr. and lrs, Clarence Dilling an son in arnia. Mlr. and Mrs. Ed Schroeder nd Mr. and Mrs. Bert McBride Yoe in Preston Friday attend - rig the banquet of the Hackney reeders Association Comments About TJie Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary held their February j meeting on 'Tuesday afternoon in the basement of the church o with Mrs. Mervin Dow presid- ing. Mrs. Carter Kerslake lets in devotions.• Mrs, Robert Laing had charge Of the study book with Mrs. Car- h ter Xerslake assisting, using the 1 first of two )carts on Canadian a Kippers I3y mks. NORMAN LONG Miss Sharon Alerricle, a pupil f Miss Greta Laminie, of Hen - all, received the results of C• rade 2 Theory examination wfl hich she tried recently in Lon - on, She has taken first class onors. Atr, and Mrs, Norman Dicker[ econtpanied by their daughter nd.r Mrs, Lorne Elliott gave a iepie on "`,Che Stewardship of. Pray- er', Name Area Men To Orange Posts Borten Brown, Seaforth, was elececl county master of the ' 1turon Orange, Lodge a1 the aA- ntral meeting held' in Varna on 1 February 20. 1 Other officers are: Deputy A Master, Oliver Jaques of Hen- a salt; Chaplain, Jim Morris or t Cloderieh; retarding steretary, 1 FredMcClyrnont of 'Varna; fl• naliciat secretary, Harry Crich T' of Clinton, . treasurers, Prank Tr"al t toner of Mitten; Marshall, arshall, Wil- A 11A111 McItwaId of 1 atfietcf: first leetnrer, F'rel ,Isfljesnit, wood. It half!; seeottd lecturer, C'lsy'ten A llodiiin.a e1 Clinfen; soeral' eon -11 vetter~, hart Copper 6f Gocli'isieh, d and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLellan and ;fill, visited Sunday afternoon With relatives .in Clifford. 11r. and Mrs, Terry Taylor, Of Kitchener, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. R. Dins - dale and illiss M. Whiteman, Mr. and !Airs, Stewart Beattie, of Wingham, visited reeently with Mrs. Robot McBride at the Queensway Nursing Berne, eii all. lift. and Mrs, William T';yIo, and Mrs. limit Ancdersoe rid "Sir. Lloyd Venrier attended he registered shoot Sunday at fae 1`miltli,gfhti , Sgt. and Mrs. Robert erkins and Jtiltlttih, Elf Cltti- on, PCA1', visited Sunday With Y and Mrs. Norman Long, Several of the iadies their rfsbaitds and rnanagtsrs of St. lidrews 'trolled r:hureli. l{ipliett. Ave doteaansld:hrabin work in deotati.ilg the ehureh. • Lets You DRI1..E when the ternrature takes a NOSE-DIVE ig? plus INSURANCE MOR -POWER BATTERIES Ate Guaranteed far 18Months tq 43 Months pending on t type ... Plus Insurance against oblast any norm- al driving failure, t Customer p a y oat)' For serv;c. k+ rendered, , law "Power -Seated" Dry Charge MOR- POWER NIGH CAPACITY ARMOR GLASS Packed with the most usable power ever built into a battery! New "powerized-process" vacuum fill "looks - in" all the power until the instant you need it, No "stale stock" because Battery Acid is added only when you ibuy your new MOR - POWER RIL E CAPACITY DRY CHARGE. 51 plates, 165 amp. capacity - up to 70",, more power to start with, up to 20% longer power spin. Your best buyl Reg. List $27.50 Sone $12.55 0 .95 and your old battery 6 -VOLT DRY CHARGE' -- Fils Chevrolet 1930.54, Dodge most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile 6-cyl 1949.50, Ply month 1939.55, Pontiac, lmostl 1940.51, Volkswagen - and mans others--43-Month Insurance Guarantee, FACTORY -FILLED WET TYPE - 6 -Volt;' ('S with old battery 12 -VOLT MOR -POWER HI -CAPACITY DRY CHARGE Pits Chevrolet 1955.58, Chrysler 1956.58, Dodge 1056.58, Plymouth 1956-58. Pontiac 1955.58 and Studebaker 1956.58, 54 Plates. Reg, list 29,92. 36•Month In. surance Guarantee. With trade -In FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -12 -Volt; 15.95 with old battery .95 There's a Mor -Power fully guaranteed Pottery for everycar■ d truck f n r ek at BIG s AV! NG A t 30 Months Guarantee plus Insurance "POWER -SEALED" Y ARSUPER SERVICE The freshest power money can buy; 45 -power packed plates, huge 120 -amp, capacity -for action tarts in any weather. It's vacuum -filled Power -Sealed for your protection, 6 -Volt DRY CHARGE -- Fits Chevrolet 1940-54, Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile (6-cyl.) 1949-50, Plymouth 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54, Volkswagen and many others. Reg, 21.25. With old battery FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -6 -volt. With old battery 12 -Volt DRY CHARGE -Fits most popu- lar late model cars. 54 powerized plates. Reg, 27.95. With old battery 10.95 9.95 14'145 FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE--12-volt. 13.45 With old battery 117 N 0 T E; Add 5O@ to bat- tery prices far Installa- tion. 36-VOLTSKEYSTONE BATTERY "Wet type" - Guaranteed and Road Hazard Insured for 12 months, Fits Chev,, 1940-54, Dodge (most) 1933-55, Olds (6-cyl.) 1949-50, Plym„ 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949.54, Volkswagen, and many more. .95. and your old battery Universal Heseline Type !Y'..:. Low As ' t •' 4.6 sl Originct Equipment Quality Moto- duster $LOW -OUT PROOF MUFFLES Heavier gauge, acid and cor- rasion resistant; double -locked leakproof seams, Save up to C.T.C. Sere Price CHEVROLET, 5.18 1p '4(6-cyl,% 14.57 6.70 CHRYSLER & DESO'ro 16-0l4, 6.86 DODGE, 1949.57, 6.86 .. o 86 i 6-cy1.) FORD, 5.60 '49.34 55.36•a�BiJ PLYMOUTH, 1949-57 tfi•cri,i 6.ov STUDEBAKER CHAMP,, 1047.56 4.65 CLAMPS, Eh INSacTALLATioN Imnat ' •4..t to ph /rha81,d rarsr ld MUFFLERS E X H A U S T PIPES and TAIL PIPES -- For every 06r and truck.. -:'.:::*s � "3y r • s: tROUBL LAf MMt* L 2•49 foot :3.79 ENGINE HEATER • .79 Byputtingheat into the cool- ant around the motor block, your car will start with sum- mer -quick ease, With cord and plug. Others to 7.89 Spray ENAMEL So handy for • those odd jobs - and it's easi-. er and mor e fun than using a paint brush. Wide range of beautiful d e - corator colors. 1.59 16 -oz. Dress up your LICENSE PLATES 1 -DIAMOND CREST DESIGN LICENSE PLATE FRAME • Triple chrome, Each .., 1 .� 0 2--LiCENSE PLATE FRAME - Luxury chrofne with plastic r>t.Ae window. Each //,, 8 3 -FRONT LICENSE PLATE BRACKET --Sturdy steel, black enamelled. Fits gravel skirt or bumper brace, Each CARRURETOR .,..72 4 -BUMPER LICENSE PLATE !MAC- TUNE-UP RAC- TIuEUe plated. Each snugly', Cadmium •q5 3 -REAR LICENSE PLATE AND LAMP Activates BRACKET -Black enamelled, heavy lazy steel. For two -bolt mount stop earl carbttretors. tall lamp„ Banishes Each 56 56 water from 6 --LICENSE PLATE FASTENERS - gas tank. c'aclntlum plated nett, arming anal Prevents wing nut. T A fuel -line 4 for 9 freeze up. T. -JEWELLED FASTENERS -With Red. Green, or Archer refleetors. .n7 e9 g TENER -, With Red or Green REFLECTOR TYPE FAS - Each Jewel. Pair .................... •25 7 ELECTRIC SAWS IN 1 Portable JIG SAW Cuts! curves and shapes(makes its awn starting hole for inside cuts) -- cuts 2x4's in seconds, Does the work of crosscut, scroll, keyhole; hack, rip, band and coping, saws. 7mooth, steady cutting no load ' 'peed 2,650 strokes per minute. With lux'iliary handle, rip guide, circle guide, air jet and work light HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMECRAFTERS Canadian Tire Is by far Canada's largest supplier et Pawer Tools and Horst. Shalt Equi - Save S a 1 m treat o e of I . P 9 P f Y 1 ,,pfltlttlt it, tutu rmilliitti nmiti1tttutit tint ,litr1111,11nt111,1tit itittutiunittlinittuittniimultlimutlitourianuntit llltltlfnnitionitt tantrufttfintalintu 1111 tmtsi, Cgrilill Intlfltllln1,ttilntlialrititlInrnnitttU4,IniMIttrttrnTrtRktttuli7rtOYrltfrtatfrrnaitnffnflimftrtl"Itami Ili tut tit 1111uIomum unInnto ti ti renIt mitIt11tH', Licenced Mechanic At Your Service 436 main St. Exeter � fllfl •iM Neon Ra Bobbi s