HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-04-01, Page 3' ^ e "Mereetre. sreaseree ?sir - tsee it is sem Ile hi My 6. •Ites Imam noi..-Th• Poolosial N• ino. It it wiemileisil tiod lar year is PesemeMer anent sieuree seed* lee meta - Obis the MS 1110P00,000 of dames ia ego 16111011 Imo 01 16100 bolo" 114.4di" " Boa, mom **that thas dreadful scourge petiseelltly ocatireedlireemr•lst"...664 11"*"?".1.1. ed the broiler is Most equally jejonoin Pletititei, rebore ,tsareowisitebef.•••66. Sottib owl WootS.it is Eutud North.- 41111f°414.11.6 da livn eand • blecheenside The 1/4aslas Fly and the potatoe rot ere ed; but us de ate loath thist there emsading to the same way, but sot from all appearance at their height, matters may still be worse, and if bo, they will be hardly as thle to bear the attack, as is Canada, for they live higher, sad seldom make use of oat bread as we do, eyes in :411" 1"" 1"t . WS'S y ha".ahose este Goderick, oatmeal is dearer, than fiour, thscoed inPsirloaolog the seise 11 jSSfUSSI' which is the case in different parts of We have la eeleteedbfW !b°1"1"1 perty whit would thus emit web r 'forth whist have hese made te:alloviste the etiedities of ser agricellerel repellents. by begging the lea/ Monsd 'demitasse el pedal aceommotaties to their Mere. lbw affording thine an opportveity abehlieg ao- isterrupted correspoodoece with Ores de- test freed', and obtettniel. 101°44h tbS Paneceseartieforassues regarding the atocM mod political cooditio• ef doe (toiletry. Is tebieb they feel es deep an Mowed, 1e1 regarding "Mose good gremeremeet. tbi are as well quslified to form a co rreetpairge- meet, as the favoured cleats ot the Spectator. upon whom he desires tbat ell tee attars- tioa of the Executive shall be lavished. is a couutry like this, wheel) Is OM 4 a progreasi re sod ea ward coon* of esellemest, makinge- cleareocie," setting up smithies. end °peeing eater's for the accommoddiee of the traveller and the hanly rotes:. Wo• " pioneers of the foreet"-bilying tbe fee0. dation. of villages" in eleort-which serious busintes of the couotry *mite" ooly cue - tea* in the aristocratic Hued of the Hamil- ton Spectator, the comforts aed utopias*i of a poet office can barly beset/mated 51 1.0 high a figure. But, in the opioton of oar contemporary, so the loose are cared for, tiro country may perialito the pampered and wealthy cit, surrounded with MI the luxuries that money can purchase, 11.. and lightet and more suitable soil for fall oewspeper brought promptly to 1.1. deer, hie distant correspoodence brought by NA and his lettere laid regularly on bee break- fast table for the exercise at his discretion of hie soverrige pleasure of perusal, all deal need. be done io the premises to done -the sturdy farmers, and settlers in 111. wilder - mew who make climaxes seri fouled T1111 Switteme has peid mesh woe .object*. whisk the whoa .1 111. moor Primes is atelly istenoteds we itthak 1. teethetrusesiesma.of the Eaglet' sesa„.... (11441M6141 Spectator.) Tb. MON w • lair spittoon it the 044b- eiderattee which the ream/ el Coes& 4161Velit711 Canada. In Missouri very little wheat is raised, it b rather too warm, Indian corn is their staple production, and in Iowa they raise wheat with great difficulty by rust, and the snow being rather scarce to cover the ground uy leagth of time In wiater, it winter kills (as it is mid), much to the loss and &appointment of the settlers. Thee have • method of keeping the ground covered len or more by sowing the fan grain early among the Indian Coro, and no harrowing in is docie to it but that which is done by thie last dreseing to the core. - Others sow oats along with the wheat to g -row up large and fast, aod so keep the snow os the grain, then the oats wither and die by the winters frost, and the wheat lives. Now all these inventions are un- necessary in this place having plenty of 'sow to Corer the ground. Many of the settlers in Illinois move North to 'Wisconsin for a colder climate, grain, and more especially for more timber. llowever there it IS Dot easy to get govern - meet lends worth bavisg, nearer water than j00 miles, settlers are pouring out to the Wiscoosia and the Vox River, but the soil is reported to be rather sandy and light, gem, the class which i• the trove and sinew aad the toestry about u cold as this, with of our couptry, may be left in their seelu- • ethels warmer summer. Of late a tOmber sotiotnt:ou n world,Bsog iii,oedsou nakr:siwbee sbuyrathale urea t tract of land has been purchweed from the the seleeb aud unfeeling traits of the polite. 'tidied, and people ere pouring in to it cal party to which tbe Spectator belongs, with regard to whom, judgieg from timer antecedeste, we ebould err were wit to - cribs to them the virtue of disinterestedness. Give them the power, and claim legislated), favour:them aed rule u.ftb. minority &gamin the wishes and interests of the majority, would again be triumphant; but with the multiplication of post offiees mid ibis cos- tequerit diffusion of intetligeoce, are the- eentinatios of correct information among the people, they begin to feel that to them the day of power may never return,and, therm - tore, they cermet even deceotly control their chagrin at the growing totelligesee of oor petite..., a progress which they correctly *view as fatal to their fondly cherished hopes.-Tbe setabitehmede ef two bemired onel fifty new past offices denim/ the brief period that the Canadian Government hes showo more ears then our government, by bad the control of the Departineet, and the having a String of hgbt houses from poiat smiting increase of the mail deliveries to point, along which the Lake craft make he rmotu gwheoeut ythine d P Mew e-cyfroilinsdarfeentkatl :to their way as by a Ligh way by night ad by weekly to daily -shows clearly what the day. They generally take 3 days making destitution of tbe country woe. sod it also the 700 miles to Chicago. The wily place cirsiettehisethsamtd the a.aIP0ousettrarassatisetrantnenheartisel as0:11 on Lake Huron we called at was Meek- been idle. Still the Spectztor ensersot all -Low, at the bead of the Lake, and corn- this, because lbm advantages hire been erg mending the inlet to Lake Michigan, where rutayly tidrstritticeate tizsttio by %thitfa uinhrrotterateI tmogtatt there art fire fisheries, en Indian station , that the more speedy trenemismons a the and a governerent Fort on a very high and emuted 7:1.1gatt0teglItii7:r tfantahdes bPaede Dot rtas - romantic rock. When the boat touched General. Tee leiter el Mr. Will -eon, whichr there was a rush to the village, being the Spectator publisheso is creditable to confined to the crowded boat for 2 days tt hh tg t, seitebtosiorwagbo, aebsateaulitheihrtcomg itnade toins and short of provisions, every' where very country he seeks for an opportunity to high, particularly the reface whiskey, more her. Mr.. Willsoe'e communicatioe r will not be without its influence, as hi in demand than anythiog else, ond you mews are in unison with those of the Post! would smite at the burry of tbe buyer and master General, who, as intimated in our seller, for 'bar of the last bell, a04 14.. paper of Friday last, had entered into coo respendence with the Poet Offee Depart- ment in Clothed on the subject, loog before the intelligeoce of Mr. Willson's peoceed• inge reached this country.- Ta. Quebec Gazette. O EM - even from the prairies, preferring after au Eastern fashion to live under shelter, bev- ies their firewood, fencewood and lumber around them, than go for theta perhaps to the next county. The route round tbe Lake is ottly $3 from Buffalo to Chicago, or any town wtst of Lthe Michigan. The route is very long 700 Miles from Detroit, and often. very rough in certaia sensons of the year but rather lively and pleasing meeting anti overtakieg steamers eel schooners without end on the cou. se. The Americans bare cimmand to above off. I could not but fcei for a poor man on board with a young family who was. minute too late and left behind on the wharf in that outlandish place, and his weepiag wife and children taken hong sotnethibg like death taking the obe and leering the otber to weep and take the rest of the thorny journey of life, behind. A person paya the same from Detrott,Sarnil or Port Ilerne,as from Buf- falo the competition being greater below, although 300 miles shorter, since the most couvenimit places WV occepied is the West, the boats are nearly as full returning as going West. But the excitemeot pays the carrier well, and so they manage to keep it up u well a* they can. After this journey I travelled through a good deal of the HUM tract, otherwise tailed the Compsey's lande, on which there ale how about 201/00 souls settled, abd all tbe best places taken ap, only the tulle of is hoadred choice are left, eicept in places fhat tire setme bow or other untiudy or rather isconvesient for settlement. How- ever those who have got hold of property here aloog the public road are settling dowa quite comfortable, sad is many parts being free of stoats, will soon be wealthy. They my much againet settlere going further North, as if the difference in winter should be very rest which is a Isere 'lotting, as we &hall nee again, se taking boat at Gode- rich we tended in Kiseardine, County of Broth, on July 18th, last year, went 01 harts, 5 o'clock, afternoon, sad readied Idnellleilike at 11 o'clock at sight. WILLIAM FIRA111111. 011111117, Feb. 1448, 1861. A 'My Mireseful 'cue theured is tle Amadeu Coignes. Mr -Wilcock gave Mr. Brews, a Mies., the llo, aod pretence they 51.01 16 Wiwi and fought lilts molar sharpies. el tki. rem, "to the V"' amesemet el the imietstore." Name el the efIrsdere was arreeted, metered, ic IS 66111$612, let the roem outrage, whieb theme lw a 11loffile paper asps was so deo. PLS*.5 to be homend the power of pea Tigiltaiii sofa. lo its dempties t• me weeps thas a deg *IM- O Re it a "teer art," ARRIVAL OF THE EUROPA. tit 41 1rearmost. ali mettleat Lore Julia Riusell's es Tithrisloy shows a Mee smog the Mist- ed esetiou a the hhend party which the acer Premier teapot disegard. Th* Parliament opened on the 12th and en414 Reform 13111 coming isp for the "rod posaig, Lord Jobe Kimbell withdrew it, esynig that he could not thiak of proceeliog with Illas measure as a private member, which ba istraiticed as a Minister of Crows. Lidrd Lysillierat anuanced th• attempt whinb bad bees made by the AutoCure- LOW Leaps to obtain the depootion of the precast Partiantest. Tb. Lord Chancellor stated at couaider. able leogth the various lthform he was de- sirous of effecting in the administration of juatil:ethe. Howse of Commons • number of the Dew ministers re-elected, took their seats. Already rumours abound of &edi- tion in the Cabinet. It is thought that some of the Ministry are willing to abandon Protectroo, whde others baring a higher I tease of prisciple are booestly and zealous-- ly aazious to carry it out. IRELAND. Ile Excellency the Earl of Egliotoe, the new Lord Lieutenant, publicly entered ! Dublin os tbe 10th. Ile inaugeration to t. office was a brilliant affair. I Lord Noes, the Cbief Secretary for ; Ireland, had given up the contest for the I re presentatioo of Kildare. FRANCE. 1 A degree in the Mowiteur declare, that any public functionary refusing to take the oath to the constitution and Louis Nepole- on will be regarded as having given in his resignation. The beet of Louis napoleon is to be placed is each of the 136 cumisunes of France. The impreesion gains ground that the occasibn of the opening Of the Chambers of the 2618 will be seized upon to declare Louis Napoleon as Emperor. -Henceforth the right of Education is to be exclusively enjoyed by the State and by the Clnireh. Tbe chairs of the Professors are to be sup- pressed. M. Guinard has received ad un- conditional release from bd imprisonment at Toulon. • M. Thourenal, minister plenipotentiary at Munieh has appointed Director of poli- tical matters irithe Department of Foreign Affairs. M. M. Armand Marrast who distingu- ished himself o much in tbe February Re- volution is dead. THREE Din LATER P1tO1)1 EUROPE,. Goschisices of tbe Kaffir - War.-Uncoodi- lions' Surrender of the Kahn l-Par- liarnentary oews.-Defeat dile Secre- tary for Ireland.-Ferther fa in Wheat. Switzerlaad gen way to Fleece, &e., Sic., aie New YORK, 9 A.M. Mardi 25th, The Cunard steamer, Europa arrivalat ber dock at 12 o'clock to -day with three days later new. from Edrope. MARKETS. Cotton declined Is. 84. on lower and middling qualities. Sales of the week 85,000 bales. Trade in Manchester teas buoyaat. Grain market dull and more disposition to realize. Flour Gd. or Is. lower, being the same decline reported by the Pacific. First quality Philadelphia sold at 21s. Cora &Hand 'meal, seized 28., to 211a. Athes bring poet prieee. Lard dull at 48.. to 50s. Tallow unchanged. Beef and Pdrk varee, and holders firth. • Lotoloo mosey neseket vary easy. Americad stocks drat ENGLAND. The Tines aneeemees flee failure aRit- dory ft Brothers 0( 181 Wt India trade. Liabilities beer/nee 50,000 and ff 100,000. A Telegragh despatch from P1701 the 12t4. announcer' the arrival of the Mass- er Reepherus, at 1Pesiesee, with thie sews 01 (4.. bermeatioe of the ler et the Cdpe of Good Haps sad a the useoutitimml ear - reader of the Kaffirs. 1*11 mideretnod Lewd wither f. in his place 10 (11. Theee LOA • mpecey met, the attempt of **Lem Boom to compel inee he spook oot by THIS 11101111INGli NAIL Rumetas of a change in the Cabieet are still rife. The arming of the fortifications in Paris praceedireg rapidly. Paris Bourse heavy. It is coaceded at Paris that the opposi- tion in the Assembly will number 80 mem- bers who will be led by M. Montalembert aod M. Demond. The new decree for the rniversity has been published and caused great commotion in the literary world. All the members of the sarerior Commit, Inspectors, Generals, Rectors, and Professors arc to be appoint- ed by the Presideet, and a new course of biddies is to be arranged. SWITZERLAND. The report of the settlement of the trou- bles between France & Switzerland is con- firmed, and it is understood that :Switzer- land substantially agrees to all France de- mand,s, viz:the exptiesioo 01 014 refugees. RUSSIA. The Ramie. government has ordered se importation of 6000 chests of tea by lie Russian American Cot/Many at Shan -Hai into Comte& paying so higher they than when received by Diets, the object being to cattail the adrentage of a maritime cor- rupt:toddle, with Chime. GERMANY. Accordiag to a letter from Vitae, a Her - ha journal gates that the dementeses which arose between Almeria sad the l'sited States, reepectisg the recepOos of Emeth may be eoenelered to be areaaged. Nave Yetis, Marsh IT, We leen that oely two live. went loot at the a/plosive tit lleligatie protean. arse, it appearo, teeteed et remate- Il •1 the bottom of it,. water es the ruck rose to the lop whim the explosion took place, which rent tee ivondo• charge that to atone, instaatly killing ewe mee, asel Wilhite' and se mooted In a boat codaro. tbe battery, were both thrown into Oro air to a coosiderable bush,, ead fell ist• ('Si w ater, bet bete laid had el a freeness el 1111 boat, Iamb buyed them op toll rehire ed. At balf.pist 19 s'eleet tun • bre broke Wit .4 11. corset of Broadway am& Day Streets, the loos of whech **Wasted e t $400,000. The precede setems being Merritt, Ci164 k Coo -Whet', brenelrott k Co., full insured -464 Mock, Weaver Om Co. Iii. sot knows how the fire tattiest ed, but it Is supposed to hare caugbt from the furnace in the barrooms:. The bulldogs Irmo erected the pee season, and were .117 valuable, and stored full of the highest goods in the eu arket.-Celeeht. B•LT111411E, Marcie 10. Tb. 1Va5hingto0 Istelligeacer and the Republic of this forenoon, deny that there is soy shadow of truth in the lee/reptile despatch from Wadangtonven Wednesday inemag, relative to a mounderstamen tis• mesa the President and Secretary Corowin. The Intelt fencer ems Ott infermatien has thee rec3111-1 et the Department el Mate, from our amoster In Austria, that no passport, of Atneriess traveller. aIl be re- ceived • they are voucbed by the Au., trials mituster at ‘Vashington. The Baltimore City Democratic Coleco - tion last night adopted reeelutoms, instruct. leg the city member. of the Legueleteze to vete fer Casa delegates for the Beate at large. °HEAT FIanmipT •T Burratol-The cthek has neon, and the lee is runtime rapidly out into the late. Ti. 'temper Globe ha. bro• ken lose, with I vessels, and the prospect is fair that they go out into the lake. Prop.. Milo, nixes, and schr. Hope, allot which lair nearly a mile from tiro lake, were carried down to a bar ole, about lot of a mile horn tLe mouth, near Biegbeetia elevator. 1% hen this goes sway, will go out into the Lake• Weather warm -prow, poet of creek beteg clear 10 3 Of 4 dsys. We learn from the Spectator that the Mail was robbed at Grimbev, oo Friday last of 1.100, by the stage driver, a your man by the name el Freeklin Raker. On Sun- day he was arrested, and upon searciong lea perrion and effects, $383 is bills was found carefully concealed in a pair of troweera, acd deposited in a trunk. He wee remand- ed to lova] t a requiaitton from Liocoln, the robbery kisviog been committed within thee! hiliticipality.Cauada Chi -eters ./deocale Our new Printing Pres. which we alluded to in onr lest deafened to print 15,000 copies per heur of our large double .beet Daily or Weekly Telltale. Web.!,.. po pre.. with 1;4e capacity has ever pefore beeo need either te this couutry or else- where. -X. Y. Tribune. Otlf contemporaries in all quarters are 1 dailv •Iliultror to extraordioary Aur ors Boroalt and other wane wonder:. seen in I%he19"::neheYfgu:fr":th:' 1401=gret roda aro1 aet h::. Th• Brockville Recorder gay. that on the ! 1 lis inst•, the inhabitaota of Brockrille ! were alarmed by observing several large blazing bale hovering over their I town for a considerate° time, and an old 1 Ballad sa ye:- " When such thine. appear, Troubled times must be near." fkiEW YORK MARKET New Vona, March 1852. Ftoua.-Marlret for low grades, State, aod Western opened firmer, with better de - maid for ezport and home trade. Holden maorfeet tem desire to it bet little mid be luid under $4 50 urichanged, and sew receipt of the Romps' s advices there wee len buoyancy apparent. Few sellers at inside figures. Private stem:tate by the steamer are stry codlietmag, %..t.i the whole we think the Loadon aud Literpsel euitkeiti firmer at the elem. The advice/ from the cemented were a t40 same tenet Is the advice' by the reeijile.- Ganadias dell; tf.4 50 * 4011) 66i, in hood- Doom - tie $4 44. State. Gras48 SO for cameos to straight for chest ermettled. "eelirrag. The atesteer's ady ices depute the meM1111tc-8ales went, Soothers •i.. Ceemoallunt epee • ADM better with less ofieeiog. Pasvidemes--Leesboortmey to reerket for Pbeit sod prices steady with more «Wag- te sell at current prices, temecially Salos at $12 few view mesa .03 60 for OM Otte, $16 fie twine. Iasi Mire looker dime so good tioniaild 52 44e* Ode. Meter 6ria wed le fair or - mod. 111lootern Kew York We a 2. Cheese is moderate domed lije • Se • on Tuesday the 3014. ultimo, Mrs. Cum- inbame, of • eon. Ditb, On Thursday lOth March, Ann Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr. Michael Twomey, Jr., of this town, mac It regretted by all who knew her. G031ERICH M Ail RE TB. Geteteren. Mere\ 31, 1851, Fues--floper6.• per 900 ibe • • • • FI . per barrel. .... WSW -Fell per bee ... • • • • • • • • easure-Srer Itheliel sill .... PaaJa-Peee /Pr 111118.14 ref Oevo-for bo.lit I 34 rho .. lovro• re • fee.e se m Aa -Pr 3.18 .1 M ..... . 0 • -ret ewe r••• II Oriel ...... • S oto-too=sel • 15 0 e0 0 22 • 0 3. 10 9. 3 • 3 II . 3 I4 44 .4 • • _____ • ••AL • $ W.1-W01oor • 1 1 42.1011=1••• ▪ AMILTroll 111Alk2.ETIL 23 I rt....Ai-Esti. Wee." eel lb. go fle One•v-hre o. • pet GO tee • • . • 3 0.eateee.--Omewe1 pert hal OK the 6 ie Looi.• Coe •4 -Pet :•16 11e .. 2 Pees -Per eerie. ei 1111 Ii. 0 3 1 Sam sr -fee Wet. 4P lee II 1 loam -Pm bosh • ei 34 ...... Re -Per boleti. .0'54 lbo....•••• 0 095 a 17 0 22 00 Axe -Pets. per elm ' Seer -Wool rr MIL , 200 4. • dess, Ifolts-190111r f.t•d, p.r Dry eaord. per lb ..... 0 It 1•11413.osss-S as r cured per. lb.- 0 A Dry Batted, per lb ..... 9 I.ino-Per lb 9 0 Ikerve-Per ..... ..... 0 n Beer rt -e.. 111 0 V WOOL--Fef lb. ..•....... ........ 0 I 4VOSICUM11711•Alo 1100:111111". At a mieselethelll Mg 110t1 64 166 Illebeei Moues M thei linage rit Pea - isetabgeries Towsaltip 01kieraidino tsr estithed areas Coutes, Mosell of the Hares eyboimpeeposiesmwiref :woe: jwitase caA Envie u112 luso) tioseety ior the Nut, of Ilnee, to be theorist Agroulterne tiocady. Om chair tred Jobs Cabipbell. Koq., spriest - al Seereeery velem. elm•me :toot ova ber had spraded thou 'Mee to the list es menibers, Obey pesseradled teitli the busroesa of deetame tam 011etere ler the Fermi yes,. 'The %Mem( ore the 6041140 ta the gestlesses Owed lesso.-Arebabald th eclair, Peamiest; Maori green, Meq, Vico- Prieedeee: Mr. Wm. McCrea, Treasour; mil Jobe Coloperaft. Secretary; alter 'Muth a emeratrtire et lee Dereelione wee. elected sad tettediel with tbe prtviledge of ediftstg emar to their nosiber, eccord.og to laer. TIM comentlee emuiposed five me: - Thomas Harric William Wither*, sow. Barloir. John McCrea, Jobs McCulloch aod ote.osidenliinse.cBers who *ere elected by the The tonewiag mis ibe isles and regula- tes@ Wooed. I. Tb.. Seedy Isbell be ealled "Tb. Bi•lyee."• Gamey Brooch ligteculteleal Bee,: tikS. Tal• prism est/object of the Floc obeli be th• imprereteent Agricelture In its seems! depertinelete, by importing im- proved more mid Seeds, sod offerieglpre. node* for the beet specimen ef Live Stuck, Grata, Root", Lies Produce of elm lhary, lianufsetures, linprovrmenoin 1171pitoed mekee,wi..te iatlliteboodry, and the beat cul - 11.1101 3. A secosilary °hied of this Society shall be to ostablieh and eucuurage Petro or Marks's, at axle place se Of examittere shall deem moot coevootent. 4. livery versos paying five Melling. ea - Dually @hall be • member bf thus Society, with power to vote at general rasettage: any perecia panic five pommels at one toot. lend be a member for life, or so lore as he shall comply witb the roles of the leocrety. 6. By the requiresmat of the Ade of Parliament 14 and IC Vie., sep• -. .44 amethers 01 Teereship Agricultural Socie- ties will be required to esheertbs their ileineo, and pay le the mamma of their sub. step°, to the Treasurer of the tart! Seem - ties os the ODA X AKIO oteerwies tloy will not be allowed to compete for any pee - 0111101. be The Dwindle of this Society shall he cooducted by &committee, coestatiog of • President, one Vice- Preeident, a Tressieret, a Secretary, and nise;othor' ineasbereis be chose" annually et the ereemel meetings. I. Tbie committee obeli meet as elle* ab flee ?resident or any two members .1 14.. committee shall require tbe earns, at such time and place as they ratty appointFive aball form • quorum, ef which 06Fri/sided or Vice -President shall be Doe. Amy Iberia - Ler of this Society may intend the cemen- tite meeting. but shalt bank no Voice there- to. 8. The Paseident or Vies -President eyes siding at the femoral merettegs, or at the committee markers. shall haves vote. mid also, to cue 0( 15 equality of votes, a caste log vote. 9. The Axon! (immoral Mistime dealt be held oei the first Thursday to Jaauary, at two o'clock, p. as., sad the committee meet two boors previous to Aedit tbe Treasurer's Account* %Medi together with the report of the committee, shall be laid before the So- ciety, and the office bearers for the ensuing year be appototed. 10. Every 0111110011/f Of 1110 COMMittAlle 14611 exert himself to further the interests of tbee Society by (Anemia( subscribers and other - 11 Mont aumber or goat lien .8 of ackseer- . The committee shell epeeist Ili ledged skill sad experience to act as ;edges at the soceety's erhileitions, but Ito web judge shall compete for say prime . 12. If a candidate for any prise, er any - person applying for the sense, be detected In the attempt to loops* on the socesty,,he Moll forfeit mach piece and be sepelled the society.. . 15. The society reserves' 1.0 nee' If the power to withhold the prisms eotirely 111here appears sot suffletent !terns in tbe and %fogies in all cases such part only of any prize as the caudidate shell deserve. 14. No premium to be awarded where there is no competition, unless there ap pears outfitted merit. 15. No Stallion, Bull, Boer Of Liam, 'hail be entitled to compels for or receive prises unlero kept up, and have served the public within tbe limits of this eociety, • the pro- ceeding 000000., or the peoprietor shall bind himself that such animal shall be kept up, sod serve the public withi• said limns the socceedieg sexism and no reels prise shell be paid add • certificate of ouch wervece 'hall he produced, signed by at least two of ibaltt.c.aaHaNs IperiotaalasifeTalliabrill ihentatitha to • irst puss for the ease amend in three eirecessi we years, except fee t• unloose Hull., Soars sad Rase, kept up for pulite service. 17. Every competitor shall state 1. 111. Beereirry what lie iseirodo th teapot* fee, before the day oftrebibttiom Stet shall be mitered by mimeses es a bet ke that POT - peas, sed .lhell eisketere a Mabel with the corespesilmg member of sub bet, to be out mi me amesehs eel etudes to be Mere, sad the Seentsry Matt tee a het draft com- petitor@ Woes shoProsidest issmiediatoty e pos hie %akin 1115dose. 18. The Amami 10.184Mee shell be lead whir mil Mere tbm easesittai shal/ ap- • The dosemittee Modell forts nix to be 10. Nnalatiht:rolillibegeas ord. ad• Jaime in th•114 Retell den be Made exempt at the General Newtons. If 11. th. Almeida) of Pasties. Ralettove, 4 Church or entierol inaMero to be eatrra., ea at ail grown' ere minim' ore meetings •pee pllia of s*'04.'.,. 01 107 wiesslier e1- 4 "1.1"." 5. 1.7"1""o1IN,CIPM"PTELle, !Soh . Paistitangore Merl*, 20th Taft. _ NOTICE 54 i • brae r3.0111 thee the fsaremssrship IL •sieting bolireilie 1144106 11,1in &ad 44 ' rut R. Dose. Ta111110f0, Ill the Toweettip fec 0 6 6 9 - TORONTO MAE & Tesoro*, Muesli. 74_109. oo.T--rs;,1..r.,,,ho...,..h..:i...000.ib..... o o ' o 0 1 ! wf5 Per Mel 114 lbe• • • • ••.. .• • On ; Clerea•a-r.“ bal 196 1 'I : Pete -Per beshol -Bee., rer Moroi.- ... 0 9 4 11.0 e re ,..--Per Weibel ..... ..... 0 2 5 INA:a-limn Med. lare 111 .•..... 4 b i Homo metro de ... .. . 0 0 3 n 1 Dimes tomb. per lb 0 &loll Boum de 0 0 4 Lore -Per...... 0 5 VoTICE --The le le fhebld sap pito n Iv nerchtsmi this ..11AW MILL sit Lot No 7, etli Cunceeinom Fowlers Dielleren AnaOalo, ottlerot compuoing me ea !bold a ear Voss it. ILIA kb, li'CARRON. Oodericti, April 1, 1154, TOS12 Ueborn, Letteloe Rook is las day leirontres; do by melee! eteneent. eledle D... is en 'mettle sad collect all melee sat sorrow' re •f Ove earo Arm ADLE, rx)A teitItIN 6. DOAN, Ueleore Legere. tense, N ook rook itso. vistOta EDUCATION. 1 B Y - wm writ remises her Clue free 1.11.2 Children ea Ile let April ext. TIN seers* of nestrueues we preparatory ti that el Hee grammar (School TIMM erode hoe.. epos applecaison. Giusterteh Nth liaieb, 1551. E. H. MARLTON, PORWARDF.R. inid Ceremonies bier 1e chant. litor. house Itactior, eireorel Agent, ler the eels a Wild Leeds Cheerti4 Household Perseus a04 Preduei offeror, deecriptioe. Rtseardiee A•f1011,130‘0140h. Vetch 24,11 1832. v8.411 NOTICE. ALi. permed haying dales stalest G. F. Ly stet, late Clerk of the 1.1. Dirt mon Coen, mili plesee hand the Game 10 Ur. ibm Oat. is owes to be impected aol mu els led • THOMAS BOURBY. Gmberich, 1818. March, 1151. 0348. NOTICE. ALL peruse •re requ- eeted to 'steadies that bp. William Cheater Tippet, of the Village of Bsvtield, In the County ol Hume. Merchant, has made an Aiwa/ammo of Ote property debts and effect. 10 500 1',,. under• griod for the benrfit of tits (Toluene med that all debro due to the sod Wilton, heeler Teepee niuot be paid le Moiler'. Strarban and Brother, Attornies, GoJericti. (Atha, oth. mid all pewee eho have claim., mooed the bled William Chester TroPot must moire and forward the same to the said Si ***** . /Wichita and Booties. within oae inotith frorn this dater, t• order to their getiing the benefit of the did A...teemed, otherwise they will be precluded from any beoefit of tho sail Aeuenineni. JOHN OTRACHAN. Assigner. Goderich, 18th, March, 185e. HAMILTON BOOT AND SHOE STORE. THE Subscriber begs to inform the 10 - habitue of Goderich, and the our - receding Country, that be has just opined a New Boot and Shoe Store, nem door to Mr. Donough`e Sone, Wed Street, Goderich. Where he will constantly keep en baod a large and well assorted stock of Ladies and Gentlemen's Boots and. Shoes. Whet' be will sell at low prices, fur costa only. The Public are Reepectfully requested to call trod mimes for themselves, borers put. chasing elsewhere. Nn second print,. ALSO-Lash...and pets fer rale. JAMES THOMPSON. Goderich, March 18, 1E52. v5 -118-8m A Antlierleurg 5 Lees a 0011.101111084 for 04 eredioe ef lie iirBulduiroge,K,f,esr tbeisC:e.toYamet Pil ilry b the tersiseLle".7 imuf 116•640‘10;11 1"7 1110 for the Comity et Pelle. as new, toe 154 elect of Oe Aet 11 iflo. Ch. And 'berets the amotheit el Marl* WIllo perry ta the emd Corset, er/ Pierre 11,0•0101 by '11. anis seemet.ret u rise few OM 1141111.-0014 lob. re'74,358 4.11. Asill ii64111106 • ONO ' masa 3 yerm.01 ibresalep, •ito‘wlas ailleass O Ityfseithki* 1114 redcoat's.* .1 140 perecipel el I 1 ter provided. Atid %hems a seer= after aecordise to the thyme a parsed X three eights of a pearly is the pootedealr, all missile Real sod Pereeseal properly the Couhty of Pertb, weals( to tie are•'' crooned ritionle for the year 1881,0111 111 ;401, zue,dtarthspeyeeft.ots; errd, 14f11-11" eee lorweiton of s onkel/ eed, or thle pto,ot"wdebtorLoos 4.1. Mt it iherefure enacted, by the Pro - 'tetanal Municipal Combed, of the C011•10' of Perth, That the Previewed Warder, of Oh* said County. be, and lie le hereby au thereed on behalf of the aaid Provimossf Council, to contract • Loan for tbe mos of .15,000, bear ng lowest •t the rate mi oer cent., per annum, which interest eh•It be Wattle half yearle, at the odic* of the Pro.. materiel Treasurer of the County of Perth: and .CALO of which principal men shell be on the first day of Pete 1054, did ti000 00 the first dsy of February 1950. ond .C1190 on the firet day of February 5858, and £1030 on the first Jay of rob. ruesryealrs:01,8.6nit £1000 on the fires deer of rhr MA. And be it further enacted, ?lot for aff•rdiug, evidence of the said Lode and for securing the payment thereof with inter• est, Debentures on behalf of the ea d' viconal Municipal Council, Shall he heeded tor the value, in mime of not lose rhea twenty-five pounds, which Debentures .hall be sealed, with tLe seal of the arold Pro - 'atonal Ceased, signed by the Provisional Warden, and countersigned by Hie Pro• amoral Clerk and Provisional Treasurer respectively, and shall bear dale es the day the money fa advancdd to the Provisional Treasurer, and be made payable with Inter- est according to the terma anal ecoolitioas of the mid Loan ep beretabefore menrioned. Ord. Anil be Art further erected that a epeeist late of three eights of a Pinny per - pouud pet snouts, over sad .above, and 10 'Idiom. to all other retie whatiro• ever, shall be raised and levied in each year for ibm painted of the iniereel itud prism- . pal of the said debt, to be created' he the IMO Loan until the earns shall lell hilly paid, upon all the rateable Real sod Poreux' property within tbe said Coudy, ind .s*. pence and throe tweltibi of a penny per , pound per annum, dieter Cie ratio of the annual to the real value) ubon the l velure of all the rateable real •nd mamma property, in soy Town ur Villag• • heels shall be iscorporated within said Couaty diving the communes of said rate. NOTICIL-The above 10 • true copy a i • proposed By Law to be taken into consider. aeon by the Provisional Municipality 61 thsi County of Pertb, one of the Hatted Colon- els* of Huron Perth, aad Brute, at thrs Union Hotel, Stratford, on Monday the 7t11 day of June next. at Oro hex of 11 o'clock, foiennon, at which Lute and place the mein - bets of the said Municipality, are hereby too gutted to attend for the purpose aforessid. - STEWART CAMPBELL, • e" Pre. County Clerk.. Stratford, 17th Feb., 1352. v5 -all -7I' • • ' • lt1CRARD MOMS, nAVING tiering taipset tire 0e 01 Is Om eepanty «g6teleititt, AGENT for the cello, tree of &too 4001,01, 11 10 110 10/1101111.7 esdersimes that hei sores the Mese; Inv the Oraisetise ef gees is lay part at Hee Upper Premise., bee iue.. I'.bom, utIs run abd Labe Herne wept.In Malin the 0•10101611111. MOM, loll 1011111U Wit to imam la lush. Is hie fries& kw peat fteoers, ea/ sew re, "woe*, @Watts s teetisessee el the mew. Alt mernamaiestlaie ^0 of (poet paid) es A io P. Merle heollteve Ittz. tree., C. W. will be promptly •tioaded to. April 1, Iellt. yllele NOTICE TQ COLLECTORS. THE Subscriber begs te call thwattontion of the Collectors of Goderich, Hued, Tucheratnith, Stanley end .1lay, 10 14.. 1318 and 1414. Vic:. map. 53, sec. 35, Imre leis enacted, That it shaldbe tee duty of the Collector foe mob place, wholly or within any Divieren, to furnish the Clerk of the Diverse* Court thereof with correct Lista of the sawn tef a11 persons Imble to aerie ati Jurors at such Courts, to the Miler In whicb thoo tand upon the Rolls. Sod List. are therefore requested lobe furnished Of about delay. JAMES ddmioN, Clerk, 15t4. Diemen Coma of H. P. k B. Clmrk'.0615e Clinton, 1 1318 WW1, 1852. v5 -n8 3. - NOTICE. 7711E Subscriber begs - to reqitest all ▪ ed to him by Note or Boele account, to make immedmie payment, se all OCCounte &leen the 31s1 December, 1851, if not im- mediately settled, will be put in the hands of Dieuiron Court Clerkm for collection with- out reserve. JAMES GORDON. Clinton, 15th March, 1251. v5 -n8 W. & R. SIMPSON, (biATEllOPE, BIRRELL 3m Co.,) GROCERS, Wine Merehaneo Fruiterers "1-6 mad Oilmen, No. 17 Deeds. Street, London, C. W. February eSth 1852. NOTICE. THE accounts of trooree Miller k Co. in -6. Mr. L•iwie' hand', •ed all debts due to the GODLRICII FoUNDRY, are Boa transferred to Win. J. Keeps E.g.,. who will codect, grail{ receipts anti pay all debt., due ti.r imid Foundry. MALCOLM CAMERON. February 918, 4652. 15e3 THOMAS sic:Hot:Ls p BROK ER, House, Laid Insurance, Ship ping and General AGENT. Produce and Comaniseioa Herded', Ace counted, Sic. Produce bonght and sold on Comnainfon geode carefully stored, mid forwarded. Books balanced, Partnerehip settlement adjumed. tiorierieb Feb. U. 111156t• v5 -o5 CIIJUNTY AGR.1CULTURAL 8C1- C1ETY OF HURON, PERTIL AND BRUCE. S T,A I..1:10 NS. . rillue shove linearity will sword the mini 0- iif lirr!rt portedi rre 'Adhere current) 10 14..' le -el wr A L.LioN .1,..,,.n on the mar ken lepers at GeJerieh, Ull W edoceday the !let jay of Apel ritii. , The Heroes to Hon the ground by 12 o'clock !mei.. Thu Directors may wit hho'd the Prerni•ain e hotild tee 'tutees Omen peril utwecee, thereof. The dorm roe.i.mo the Protv.,ton will roquire lo be is 1; ,Ateree4 vied remain there very ninth Joy- - ,)In TIIF. COUNTY *...11C1 'f, will elan Iii••• Preteltlfe of le i V El Po 1,1 NDS, to any ied.vidual, a h0 .111 tiring a01 keep wibui e tglit miles ',.1 the 'Nee of GollCb• UM` beet Tho'. ugh Brod Durham Bull p-digree st will' . reel oriel) Th• Bull to roseate Ur ithio th". dist.., tit the 'folio during the sea IMO. R. G. CHNNINGHAME. See. G oilier re!.. $34 ',coma . .5-03 - - - , TARS NOTICE. ATTACHMENT. CANADA 1 flV Virtue of r..ty of Norma, 0111 1 a writ of of the United .Countiee Attaehreeet 5' - of Burma, PertA and 1 sued out of the Bruce. I Cooney Court, 7'0 WIT : ) for tbe United Counties of Huron, Perth end B um mod to me directed vomit the Estate, Real as Well as Personal of Joie SNAIL, an abecondine or concealed debtor, at the suit et limiters Notelets, for the soon of eighteen ponied* fifteen shallots. I have seised and takes e ll the &tate Real a. well as Peptone! a the said Joem Sm•ii:, and that, unless the said Jebn Small, return within the Jurtedies tion of the said Court. and put in bed to the action, or cause the eome to be dm. charged within throe celendar months ; all th• E•trite Real and Peened of the said 'cam or yo much teereof as way bet necessary, veil be held liable for the pay- ment, beoefit or setiefection of the Pallf claim or claim. "of mob tither Mimed' rati Plaiotiffe, muesli to may t.ke proceeding* against the property sad 'Zeta of 1144 slid Juni SMALL w101111 WI Menthe Of till isouio; of the shove Writ. JOHN McDONA Sheriff. II. P. 3m H. ensairie Omen, Goal/nom 1818, February, IOC 118 -al -80 A Lt, te the Hives Sig 41a• dace, either by Noes ot hese or it, Book ecotone, ot this dole, will ohjige Ns mb-rrt4., Ay seknowledgieg *leo ethetities, mid *Meisel a mitslestost of the •••••• with Mr. Hence ?aeries orGodeoch, at tlietr safliest efteemmiet-•. THOMAS MCQUEEN, Go.leriele. Jae, la. 1832- rose 1 ON PRIX1iNiilirl 'mine ilesoroposes. newly J enamel le • reeuteell tees Jive Ilesodeser -1 GODERICH, PgitT SARNIA, MYRON AND DETROIT. filbe new .54 Mitsui Lowpreesure &saes 13 •et 10.11Y, will rue during the mimeo leg season as followc-Leato Go1.tich4 (weather perm nen, every Sunday minenref st 10 o'clock, sad Sams, lionday at 1111 o'clock. Leave Detreit, for Goderich, everetietitr: day, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and Sarnia, at o'c:ock p. m. First trip, the first of Apri', 1052. WAN1'8D, hnedred rode reel Mer-hentabfil 8"4"1 Bnat well rpm; (tier fool 1°11. Delt‘ereal on the tioderiele, Peer. A port.^.1 01 18. above Weed must be bete teseescd **eel he preferred - ELI W A tei:0,' fed. - Detroit, 4.11. 20111 1851. v4 -al TiNtimy WARNING. 1 T sante tio 'roll for all those Isiebtel I. a the Go.lerich Febeder, either by 110'• Of OCCOUal, 10 fad aid tootle ommolidely. We 1. &WM Gederich, Uih P.o., SW. th-44. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TOW YOUNG MEN. . - A WNTED at G oderietz Terseapps - r 'mosaics., to:e• bolt. 7,, InetLoo.ii, rob. &Sib, Mt. t MON Ilitt.PH, TIN .IND IXRFER sNITH, men Mei 1.. Our Vittorio 11.60,. r...oroo,••• ••••,••bi, .• book • b.., eteek of Tommie Cowles, sad lbws liblevi&t ke whcb be ottl eidt all oososamikto rot ei Th. whe. pa45*4.044 Xiiir valley. Mete. motos, iltmemInsie. mitt see beed bailee. hotbeds aed mos. aliboodiol • Metrbeetebi• rodeos Lams ao ozoo.ocroal moo vox& Glearieti. lab Ilk 1280. , , • 5' •e, t •