HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-19, Page 7NURSES' AIDS RECEIVE CAPS—Caps and pins were pre- sented to these seven nurses' aids in training at South Huron Hospital during a ceremony last week attended by families of the girls and officials of the hospital, Rear, from left, Margaret Johns, Patricia Gilmour, Barbara Driscoll and Jane Somerville; front, Mary Dixon, Marie Gaiser and Marilyn Smith, The girls also received gifts from the ladies auxiliary of the, hospital and Bibles • i•7 4 'N FANCIES WMS Report Conditions 'Dept orcxbl e For Canadian Indians At the February meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of James Street WMS on Thursday after- noon Mrs, Lloyd Taylor discussed Indian affairs. She told of deplorable condi- tions up north among the In- dians, British Columbia, Mani- toba, Ontario Nova Scotia and Newfoundland give Indians the vote but they have no representa- t.on in Parliament or on church councils. The Indian population has increased 20% in the last five years. There are 2,200 reserves and about 600 separate Indian bands. Mrs. Taylor said "The Indians are Canada's moral responsibil- HI-LINE Beauty Salon Located in Cook's Hotel, Centralia Air Conditioned Dryers Full Line of Revlon Products PHONb AC 8-6661 Marg Coward, Prop, let us give your hair new beauty PHONE 522 Y -GO-BY BEAUTY BAR Jose Strevatt, Exeter ity yet the first bill for Indian affairs was passed in 1876 and the second in 1951." Mrs. Herman Powe explained the Declaration of Hunan Rights which is not a law or treaty but is a standard of behaviour for all. nations toward which to work. It is 10 years old -and is printed in 72 languages. Copies may be obtained from the United Nations in Ottawa. The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Jack Carr as- sisted by Mrs. S. Jory, Mrs. Bert Andrew and Mrs. Andrew Dougall, A. vocal solo by Mrs. G. Klatt and a piano duet by Mrs. Klatt and Mrs. Frank Wild- fong were appreciated. President Mrs. H. J. Snell was in the chair for the business session. A special collection was donated for relief for 10 families in Portage la Prairie and used clothing will be accepted also. Centralia CWL Plans Festival The Catholic Women's League, RCAF Station, Centralia, will hold their annual bazaar and tea, "Spring Festival," Saturday, April 18, in the 3, A. D. McCurdy School. At the February meeting of the league, Mrs. L. Howard, presi- dent, initiated arrangements for this major project. Conveners who volunteered for the various tables were: Mrs. M. Annanny, penny stall; Mrs. R. Freeman, country store; Mrs. E. Dempster, parcel post; Mrs. P. Kinch, sew- ing and hand -work; Mrs. J. Thompson, baking. Mrs, J. Me- Carrol will convene the tea, and Mrs. P. Kendrick will be in charge of advertising, Mrs. J. Thompson, press con- vener, reported letters written during the month, and briefly dis- cussed "The Legion bf Decency" pledge. "This pledge asks each one to support good, and moral, entertainment in the movie field." Mrs. R. Freeman reported the new families whom she had visit- ed, and the number of visits to the sick. Mrs. Freeman received a vote of thanks for her energy and Christian zeal in the field of Social Action. Mrs, P. Kendrick read an article from "The Canadian League," the CWL's official magazine, and read sections of the league bylaws. Mrs, E. Dempster, spiritual convener, announced that the fol. lowing Sunday wilt he the league's Communion Sunday, and urged the members to remember the messages of Lourdes and Fatima. Mrs. lig Freeman gave an in- spiring spiritual residing on the season M Lent, and on the life of St, Jude, At the conclusion of the busi• ness meeting, an enjoyable pro - THEY .41iw: 1 MARRED 50 YEARS AGO TUESDAY ... Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford, R.R. 1 Hensel', Celebrate Valeniine's Day Vows Yearly -Hamilton • Brinsley Anglican Church was the scene of the Valentine's Day wedding of Elaine Marleen Ham- ilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Erle Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, to William Orval Yearly, son of Mrs. Flora Yearly, Crediton, and the late Harry Yearly. Rev. R, H. Anions, Ailsa Craig, officiated, and Mrs, Roy Hamil- ton, Lucan organist, and Gordon Allison, Ailsa Craig, uncle of the good, as violinist, played tradi- tional wedding .music and accom- panied the soloist, Robert Hamil- ton, Lucan, Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor - length gown of nylon net over taffeta. The hoop skirt was trimmed with row on row of lace ruffles, and the waist was topped with a short jacket. Her finger- tip veil of double layers of nylon was held in place by a coronet of and carried red roses. Her attendants were her sister, — Please Turn To Page 13 Ladies Present Church Service Sunday in the Pentecostal church was W M C Day and the W M C and Challenger' groups took charge of the morning serv- ice. Mrs. C. Kipfer, president of the Challengers, directed the service. Those taking part were .Mrs. K. McLaren, president of the W M C, Mrs. D. 1! inkbeiner, who gave the W 142 C report, Mrs. M, Prouty who reported on the activities of the Challengers. Mrs, T. Jolly gave a reading and prayers were offered by Mrs. C. Blanchard, Mrs. G. Triehner and Mrs. M. Ball Mrs. S, Triehner and Wanda McLaren were usherettes. Joyce and Marilyn Hamilton sang a duet and Mrs, H. Butler gave. the morning message, Mrs, D. Jolly was pianist and Miss Marion Triebner, organist, gram of bingo was conducted by Mrs. R. Freeman and Mrs, W. Ross, and lunch was served by Mrs. Li Boan and her assistants, eXfna food unPue •••(''r- .00016" a DAIRY FARMERS DIN CANADA 409 Huron 9troot,Toronto Wallace -Spence Patricia Anne Spence, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George A., Spence, Mitchell, chose St. Valen- tine's day for her marriage to John Laverne Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace, Cro- marty, in Main Street United Church, Mitchell, decorated with white 'mums and ferns. Rev. H. M. Hunter performed the 2 p.m. ceremony. E. C. Har- ley, . Mitchell, provided the wedding, music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Ken McPherson, also of Mitchell, who sang "The Lord's Prayer," and "I'1l Walk Beside You." Given in marriage by her brother, William Spence, the bride wore a floor -length gown of faille taffeta with bodice of Chantilly lace. A white satin headdress held her floor -length embroidered veil. She wore a pearl necklace and matching earrings, a gift of the groom, pearls in floral design. She car- rier.( a cascade of red roses. Her attendant, Barbara Thomp- son, Parkhill, wore a ballerina- length gown of blue nylon with blue flower headdress and pink rose cascade. Nancy Traquair, —Please Turn To Page 13 Minister Details Council Session Guest speaker at the meeting of the James Street Mission Circle held at the parsonage Thursday evening was Rev. H. J. Snell who told about the Gen- eral Council of the United Church in Chalmers Church, Ottawa attended, • d, which he t C Members of Main Street Circle were guests and Airs. S. G. Klatt was guest soloist, The program was in charge of Miss Olive Parsons and Mrs. Clare Green, It was reported that a Valentine had,been sent to each of the children in the Protestant Orphan's Home, Lon- don. Chapter Director Sorority Speaker Chapter director, Mrs. Clara Wellington, was speaker at the Tuesday evening meeting of Al- thea homeCofaMrs, Melta Gaiser. Mrs. Wellington discussed the topic "rrose" tracing the gropth of Canadian. prose from its be- ginning to the present day. She was introduced by Mrs. Art Gai- ser and thanked by Mrs. 4t�il- liam Schlegel. President Mrs. John Gomel eonductecl the business portion of the meeting. Details of the Convention to be held in Wind- sor the. tvicekend of May 22-23.24 were discussed, To bolster the Chapter treas- ury a white elephant sale was bold with Mrs. ,Jack Ratx as auc- tioneer. Approximately $48 was raised. Mrs. Bob Dtnney's gift was won by Mrs. Herniae 2)ettnter. I os- Ttessesdylorwere Mrs. John Gontan, Mrs. Hal 1fooke and Miss Jean . Inniversary 14iebram ,rifer Mod Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford, R.IL 1 Hay, who celebrated (.heir.' fiftieth wending anniversary this week, don't think that the "good old days" were so good. In fact they're much happier with modern times than with conditions which existed when they were quarried. The couple celebrated the gold- enevent with .a family dinner on Monday evening and an open house for friends on Tuesday afternoon and evening. Roth Mr. and Mrs, Ford are in ,excellent gout) Hilton Ford and the former Jessie Green, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred Green, Sodom, were married February 17, 1909, by the Rev. Hobert Hicks of Crediton Methodist church. Following their ntariaage, they rented a house with garden for $2.50 a month in Crediton East. Mr, Ford worked for the late Fred Kerr in the brick and tile Birds Topic • For Institute At the February meeting of Elinwille Women's Institute ar- ranged by the historical re- search and current events com- mittee with Mrs, Theron Creery and. Mrs. Allen Johns as con- veners the guest speaker was Mrs. Bert Daynard, Staffa. She spoke on birds telling of the different species, their haunts and habits and presented a re- cording of many of their songs and calls, Mrs. Jackson Woods discussed the motto, The empire moves. forward on the feet of its chil- dren. The roll call was answered by tellin;, of an event of 25 years ago. Mrs, Harold Hunter gave the history of the farm on which she lives, Mrs, Kenneth Hern demon- strated the making anddecorat- ing of a doll birthday cake. Mrs. Howard Pym and Mrs. Harold Bell sang a duet and Mrs. Creery gave a poem -written by a grade 8 pupil of the Blind School at Brantford. President Mrs. Delmer Skin- ner conducted, the business. The Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary report was given by Mrs, Harold Hun- ter. Mrs. Hunter was named to attend the W.I. conference at Guelph in May. Each member was asked to bring something she had made during the winter for a display at the next meeting also an ar- ticle for silent auction. Hostesses were Airs. Howard Pym, Mrs, Ross Skinner, Mrs. Delmer Skinner and Mrs. Nor- man Jaques, Elizabeth Arden's Fainotis FIRMO-LIFT torfig„ 4. Special Package 500 7.00 ',glue Miss Arden's Firnio-Lift Treatment brings you a dear defined throatline, a firm up- lifted contour, a smooth sup- ple skin.! For with these remarkable preparations (and your own two hands) you can recapture and maintain the flawless line and contour of youth in its' flower. FIRMO-LIFT LOTION 3.50, 6,00 SALON TREATMENT OIL 4,00, 11.00 PERFECTION CREAM :..2,50, 1.50, $.25, 13.75 ULJNTLEY' ORUG STORE naUli .r' EXETER 1 D Phone 50 fit:,•—;: , ern Tim es. Yards for '$1.50 per day and boarded himself, Every ,other month he had to fire the kilns all night in. addition to his day's work, without extra pay - In November 1912, they moved to the farm on Lot 1.5, north boundary of Stephen, where they have lived ever since. "Times were pretty tough the .first years of farming," said l41r, Ford, "There was no money and not much equipment to work with. If it had not been for good neigh- bors from whom we could bor- row we would have :had to quit Among the neighbors he men- tions were William Pfaff, W. E, Sanders, Daniel Haugh, Louis Bader, John Bender .and John. Penhale. Please Turn To Page 13 Federation Hears Home Economist At the February meeting of the Woman's Federation of James Street United church on Monday night Mrs. Shirley McAllister, home economist for Huron Coun- ty, was guest speaker. She discussed Canada's Food Guide for Health and dealt specifically with cereals demon. strating the proper and improper methods of making muffins, rice desserts a n d macaroni and cheese, The finished products were sampled by the ladies. Mrs. McAllister was introduced by Mrs. Ken Ottewell and thank• ed by Mrs. Winston Shapton. Mrs. Ottewell led in the de- votional assisted by Mrs. Aub- rey Tennant and Mrs, John Schroeder, Mrs. Grace Elsie gave a reading and Mrs, Elmore McBride gave a story. Linda Waiper favored with a piano solo, Modern Beauty Salon 429 Main St. Phone 349 LATEST STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS Shirley Coe Pearl Henderson, Prop. Tho Timis Advocate` .February 19, 19 Lades Mark Prayer ,'Day ,:i Mrs Wen DeVries, of Trivlttt who was .at the organ throughot* Memorial Church, was guest the service, speaker at the couiniunity World ''he leaders: were Mra. W. , Day of Prayer service 'held this. Middleton, .of the boat chttreliM year in Trivttt Church .on Friday who opened and closed ,t.he iefiv.! afternoon, ice; Mra. Ross. Tuckey► of 1�;ill► Mrs. PeYries spoke on Street United. Mrs. William "Prayer " stressing its nmpor- KAele, of the ,Christian Reforms; (ince , in each, lite and urging Mrs. Gerald .Godbolt, of .,Ianei, each one to. listen for God's void' Street; Mrs. V.an Mneranxen o[: rather than asking Him to listen Bethel Reform; and Mrs Will.Ialn; to His servant, Sillery of Cavan Presizyterian, Mrs, Clare Green was soloist, Prayers of .intercession wersl; .accompanied by Robert,Cameron, Please 'Turn To Page 4 Now Your Dry Cleaning Will Look Better than Ever New SANITONE DISCOVERY Maintains Like -New Body and Texture of Fabrics l Almost Indefinitely Brady Cleaners & LAUNDETERIA LTD. Phone 106 for Pickup Mother Parker's Instant Coffee enE6OZ JA? 99 Van Camp's — 20 -Oz. Tins; Beans withPork 2 R 35c Family Favorite -- 10.9x. Tins Tomato Soup YLMER 2 R 23c Apple and Strawberry Old Towne Jam 24 OZ. JAP 39 Freshly Ground Che'ry M'rn Coffee La 67c SAVE i$E ON THIS COMBINATION DEAL One Each of St. Williams Cherry Pie•Ready Apple Pie Ready & Monarch Pie Crust Mix All 3 w 77° MEAT BUYS Maple Leaf -- Slice or Piece Bologna L.. 33c Maple Leaf Loaf. Mine Ham Le. 65c FROZEN FEATURES Aylmer Fancy Raspberries 37c York -» 8.Oz. Pkg. Fish Sticks 33c White Cross Toilet --- Larne Roils Tissue 3 Fc 39c. Kraft — 16•Oz. Jar Cheez Whiz 55 York, 40 Off Deal, 24 -Oz. Table Tin ''nut Butter 59c. Domestic -- Lb. Pkg. Shortening 31c Good Luck — 40 Off Lb, Pkg, Margarine 29 FRESH PRODUCE Firth, Crisp Head, 3O's Lettuce -2 California Jumbo Celery Fresh, Crisp Carrots Large Heads 35C Stalk 23C 3 -Ib, bag 19` FO R A & H MARKET Phone 532. Free Delivery .FOOD MARKETS.1 EXETER