HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-19, Page 4P It 4 Tho, Timo$,Aftwa‘ato, .FOruA.ry. 1 RI RST0NW5HRP: 190 Groups Bible ..School VP ',CUD n OgRESPONMIT,, MI15. HESTER L. SMITH Stage 'Program .... Elect Slates 'rile Blake Mentionite Chureh .,. , - ; .,e, :.,, held a .program, in their church A :combined meeting -of the presented by the young People „ • Of the Wellesiee, Bible School tiethany Sisters and the Doreae last Slinclay even:ig, te Inch vs as Sunday School classes, of Well attended, Emmanuel .E.V.B. Church waN Re. Herbert Schultz was their held last Wednesday,. with Mrs. guea e'peaker. Menno Steckle in charge of the Seteral ear loads from the program. Mrs. Jack McClinchee Wellgsley district were present. read the Scripture. and Mrs. Da letlr._•Keith Bachert and Glen bert Geiger led in prayer. Swartzentruber had attended this Mrs. 1,11roy Desjardine played Bible Schwel fin' several weeks a piano accordion solo. Mrs. with Rev. Elaine= Clingerich Newen Geiger read a poem. awl being sone of the instructors. Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Ainacker Brotherhood Hoke Meeting sang a duet. The meeting of the Brnther- Mrs. L. \\*- Itolituan gave a hood- of Emmanuel Elet,-.B. talk on Mrs. Elroy Faust's ex- Chucch was held last Tuesday, periences as a missionary to -With,. •Milton . Desch in charge. .Formosa. There are over elety After the singing of a few pupils at Morrison Academy. She hynne. and a respensive Serin- goes every Saturday morning to ture reading, the pastor led in a neighboring village with a pra'Ver. flannel board to give Bible Miss Olive O'Brien gave 1110 stories. She also teaches them topic on "Christian Brntherlinoti." to slog. She taid that praee" is the least Rev. A. M. Aniachee hal used. but the mightiest force in charge of the elections. Officers the world. for the coming year for the After a geography match. lunch Bethany Sisters Class are: Presi- Wa§,,served. dent, Mrs. ClWra jacobe: vice- preeirient, Mrs. L. W. Hoffman: Mo,ved From London secretary. Airs. Herbert Desiare Mrs. Minnie Weide has mined dine; assistant secretary, Mrs with Miss Helen Grainger. her household effects from Lon- J. W. Alerner; treasurer. Alis Air. Joe Cunningham spent the .1,eattirtt (ionic's: dm info the home she bought Jane Lamont; assistant Uwe- weekend al the home of Mr, and ;eve 1'414. 21 - fr01:11 the Foster estate. liver, Mrs. Nancy Koehler: chair- Airs. Russell Grainger. ;i.e. ee,s \ e. Goe'ims . - iti,i1q4•111 VS. Willa VAS Attended Funeral Mrs. P. Alelick. Air, and Mrs. Reginald Meek 1 0.1 1 II Inttils t S. S 114,,v113 and Lynn Coglihn followed with man of good cheer committee. 'Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Mrs, Gee made - a business trip to Galt 111.1::1311-1.*'2" l'anthers A S. 401110.5* S0.01) and six respectively. Hese and Aries Ethel Hees of ' ouner•a's .1•11." :14:1-4:•;e1 151c-:',5 • •5 -• '.4 Senior Girls Vict3rious !'ie Dorcas Class elected ae last ueek. officers: President. Mrs. .1^cli Mrs. Wiltiam 'Armstrong and (1.M ''. i A. l'oliwilii ;i S1 1 ,..,. . , 5 Zurihch attended the funeral nf . liroNers IN. A. se 1 , . • Air. Gorden Bissett at Goderich K. M. Break': secretary, Mrs. the Bronson Line Irom Clinton Zurich, Hensall i.:.d..7,.',.:''''itT 1111;.0111111.17'"Ili g'.99;) - - 1'1' giilesachliLIMIlisttsleLtr'SoucliTeleviPs psoettiiiiiedr• AleClinchey: viee•president, Mrs. baby relurned to their home on e. Left For Mexico Charlee Minshall; chairman of hiss Glorii. Gingerich R.N. of Divide Playoffs wil,i,.A. r,,,,,,,b.c. 4!11 IhtnImonis i11. Salmio'in 5R51 11 . . ..1 .r ray on ,Thursday. Clarence Seharle: treasurer, Mr. Hoepital. 7, mg u ei t , to a convincing .2t,6 ) 12), 36-,1,90x talocoteorIeoatN*cerrsin rLailftteoctivelior lIr. and Airs, ward e•nte, of gond cheer committee, Mrs. Kitchener spent a few days at 111.."1547,,,,rrt!.. ,94.A.'11',.4 Ili i. l‘ne'lleir,e7'1.Vi; h! Zurich and Dr. and Mrs H ti, Oscar Greb. the home of her parents, elr. Alidget and bantam hockey .. ,,,„ , , Cowan, Of Exeter. left on Sunday After seine enntests, in charge and Aire.. Jacob Gingerich, clubs from Hensall and Zurich t'-e"e',,,,:te lit: te'aieonnisT,-;1 '''' 4.1 171 seilligghte ffoleulld shgoals paanccel tshaenkm:ina, for a motor trip to Mexico and of Mrs Elroy Desjardine, lunch Mr. and Airs. Charles Scotch- have squared off in their first Tip Terriers in. .Inry 553.) ....._ 5 tiers with 17 points, Alirdza other places of interest. i was served. little grandson, David .11enner. mer and daught,er. Ruthanne. and round of \VOAA playoffs. Zurich midgets downed Hen- standing -4 \GollilieensmaWnanse gnoaondnieloarncli.2canr10011\• more, Total l'ins So;:57,o4111's i,..`•; Oke rounded out the scoring with eu.B Ladies Topic were sisitors at the home of Mrs. Seotchmers parents, and Airs. John .e.lbrecht. mr. sail in a best -of -five series by I winnmg the first three games. i Hensel]. bantams . bombarded • iN-en.15('''..1•5`; _ ._ 72 7: '11Aisi five and two respectively. 55354 Toni Tamen and 14elen Mal - Mrs. Ted Steinbach motored to Zurich 12-2 in the firel game or I "I , leaeoleires . , el ::nii,,,,,,,,.:1;:iis, . „ 59 FR \ ;, fOr Listowel with seven each. 70 1 4: colm shared the scoring spotlight : ear Down Barriers .. Catharines over the weekend and was accompaeled home by sao szethoeicleuhlectowlatersdte-tot;.-ititee'ensott the . playoff l co.. III . .1.. StIPPI'l0St ... 57 . 52 55 • 5.7: SR 1i7'' while Joyce AlcCourt found the ,'„';,,',;-?,,?2 range for the other five.: .. her datighter Norma who had 5 Al° rtri f Brotherhood . .• speed: a week at the home of her sister, Air. and Airs, james Hackett and family. Air. Archie Armstrong who has Club officials feel that 1111dillay ' for their next routici oimmietits. I series by default. Hensel' is now (newel: "lei ers .. ti'• waiting for word from the WOAA • e . . Tip Toppers ,1),colen,ser: Po itli 'mull s ••209 A % Knee; V. I' 1, I .t.t" 43 ' 5731-2 4'1 43 .2n, aalgnaiionssti the , Liins tit:tow:1 sstcolunaeci. tails! 54335 been riding along in fine style. The junior etirls, who have tfyill provide their next opposi- • Christian Brotherhood ssas tlsc food for it and distributed used been a patient in Clinton Hospi- towet outscored them 5-2 in the irig of the W.S.W.S. and Ladies' the Bible Society is quite active. Broneon Line and is improved Hensel' and Zurich pee wees 1 esi,.. leity,,j‘eird„ro, ._ ' .. 221. i _ 214 O'Brien al the February meet- ed the respect of the people a:id to return to hs home on the Pee Wes Open Thursday . .... subject discussed by Aliss Olive clothing. Alissionaries have care- tal since December, was able "031. re xi...,1 gfiananle.session and almest won the AR1 of Emmanuel E.I.7 B. church. Mrs, Amacher and Denins in health. blow the lid off their series . . . 21 2 11:: 11:tni o$ !tip) Ills() n . -She said that the Christian is saw.; a duet accompanied by Mr. and Airs. Heinz Benedie- Thursday night in Hensel] when : !Ii:'. 5.151',,,;".!'ericr. . . . 21,1 ., •21 0 Hockey brother to all and although Mrs. Milton Desch. tus of Sarnia. Mr. and Airs. 7 ; 1 eeirtee Moves in for the first 25" . people are of different races and President Airs. Delbt:rt. Geiger Amos Gingerieh were visitors at ga.me of a best:of-five playoff ; .i Fii irtni int it, Van 1 lorselaar . 209 904 nationalities Christian brother- took charge of the business. Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seth slated to start at 7:00 pen.; rt. Wr1411111Irr .1.7 Statistics hood cuts away all artificial bar- Newell Geiger urged support for Amanns. sharp. ie. Filmic. • . . ... _ - 2rut I %leers and makes the human race the, World Service Day on San- Mr. and Mrs. Rny Seotchmer, -:e. iteeninn one big family. The Christian's , day. Mrs. Milton McAdams re- Mr. and Mrs, William Steckle i. 1101,1enian .. ..... . . . .. 20:i 1i. Brim nel 1 . , 04 ll. Holtzman _ - . — 244 II OAA I 'AT, ••111" C41.01. r 1 aMbitlan is to build a social. ported that EYF had raised 816 and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginge- Ups And DoWns,. D. . .... . 2A4 Series "11." t conomic and religious order for the Espanalo Hospital in ',Tithe were visitors at. the home le Hough . _ . . . . _ 204 Series Scores Tft. Date; where all men will recognize New Mexico. Mrs, Oscar Greb. eof the latter's chileren, Mr. and 17, Ed 044415 , 204 FA:km.1, 11, Odell on 5 that brotherhood which lies at Airs, Urban Pfile and Miss Ethel Mrs. Kenneth Gingerich and Strikers Lead , .(,,,,., (4;,,i,f;fliiiiii,;•a„;,,,i3.,_,,,,.. • vi.2 ! u.. sta,..„. ..... ..._ 293 t•Initter R, flderion 4.. inlor ton 5, Fixeter 4 the base of our democrace. Bahel were appointed a nomi• tit s. e. rierene• .. _ 20;., F,Neter 7, Ilderton 3 "What are the characteristics patine committee to bring a slate Mr.s. Valerie Cantin has re-' Ups & Downs in the 'Ladies': 202 cretelee wins bes1-6ftfiyi series Tif Christian democrace r she ° of officers for'the next meeting. turned to her Imme in St. Jo- Grand Bend Bowling 'Leaeue and i le l'sti. _ 211.2. playoff 3-1.) Series "II" the first is co -operation -no man O'Brien Mrs, Chris Heist, Mrs. in Detroit. are leading the leagues in the '2 oe asked and in answer said the Airs. M. Brotvn, Hiss 0, seph after spending some time Strikers in 11)0 malt department r. 1•74n1111 livet.h unto himself but relies Charles Minshali, Mrs. LinYd • Air. and Airs. Anthony Alasee ' vacation. resort with 5)2 and 80 Teenagers Start Merles Seoreo To nolo: .5tiehell R, rilininn 2 i'llinon 9, mIteheit 4 i/11 the individual as well as group O'Brien and Mrs. 'Herb Desjar- of Goderich called on relatives Points respectively. emotion e, Clinton 5 CO -Operation even for the gar- dine arranged the program. , and friends in Drysdale neigh- In the ladies groupin, Legion- Ments he wears and the fond he -e naires are the Downs' , , elasteest Bowling Loop • rut Are Games: • r rsonal Items , borhood last Sunday. . 5 Feb, 20 -Al Rebell at Clinton :eats. "The Christian," she stated. 1 Mr Simon Thiel of Kitchener competitors with 47 podhs, waue `works with all who work with - Mrs. 'Melissa Geiger. of Bay- e• 2 CI .M1 Andrew Thiele- of Te. Dawn Tavern stands four back The Metro Bowling League was "him and he works for the good field, spent several days over the, ell rt, , funeral- , baptized at the Eeeter Alleys last . ,of all." weekend at the home of her onto a.eepoe the ni of the pace-seffing Strikers. In the third league going at the- Saturday morning, when four Miss O'Brien said the second daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jaee . * - 5Mrs, e their sister Peter Deiehert, last Week. ,. --' - Bend alleys. eAlibis•hold a throe- 1..e,,a_giteos‘ertort under way•for teen - :characteristic is responsibility MatirteheY. • - . . . 'eh. - and Mrs. William Yung- point margin over the second ..' ' :Pony Tails lead the junior girls' te s. -which the Christian gladly as-; 5 Miss Helen Horner. of Londrotl place Lucky Liz six in the Park.. sumer and the third is truth. spent the weekend at the home blu,t •ef London were weekend hill Women s League. • • Hilla loon with three points, while the Daisieshold the sante advantage 'This is an essential of Christian of her parents, Mr, and Airs. ‘2,81thres at t,h,e ho,ene of :fr..aori 1100P015 and nullifires ' follow in the intermediate class. ebrotherhood. Falsehood should Harold Horner. , et re. Ivan ic ungoiut, and sister • with 34 and 33 points•respeetively, Dynamiters ON ploded their wav ehae-e no part in the Christian's Air. and 'Mrs. Harvey Nautager Marion. Complete standings in the three e; . III 41 CoL..,rst. w,t.1 a 111100 1)01111 victory 411fe. "justice is another attri- and fainily, from Bruaner, Airs. • Mr, and Airs. Kenneth Scotch - over the te-Bops in the junior • Ybute." said the speaker" we can- Ralph Brannen, Air..Nelson eutzi... tiler of Bayfield entertained Aii. leagues are as follows: not conceive of Christian Inothei- Mie. ..I re a . I • • ' . , f and Mrs. Prof Scotelimer. Mr. (Intuit Denii 1•11(1101,1 Busters took three from- the boys. classification, while the Pin :hood without justice. Goodwill. Milverton, Mr. and ;Sirs. .John and Airs. John Watson and Alr. 1-„, 1 1 Inv, fis 44 , 4. Alleyeats in the intermediate love and prayer are also eharac-• Erb, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Erb. alla 'Mrs. •Wiiliani Steckle to a Leeenneires . :-..,. section to lead the pack. eteresties that should be name ." . r . T ee, ' i F • Erb fowl dinner one day last Yveek. T1,1117,4,1 1-„Yel''s , -Nineteen leads are involved in e: Mrs. Herb • Desjardine a.nd Wellesley. were Sunday guests Mrs. Theresa Hartman and some : .eennts, . e. -.Tato., . ._ .. . „ ___ .. the four leagues presently under 12 :Mrs. Charles Aiinshall assisted at the home of Air. and Mrs. Bert and grandson were Sunday vie' .ce-.,.,,,,,,,neee . ... . .. ..:5 way. 11. is hciped that at least • in the opening devotions and a Bachert and family. - tors at the home of the formers On Timers .. _ is 011C 111 oi• team can be picked up trio coMpoeed of Rev. and Airs. Air. Remi Denomtne of the parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Du- for the junior girls and inter. (-: en na Heisd Tien !-A. A.L Ainacher and Dennis sang. Biupwater Highway north is in charme, to wish their father a •:..„-deei.e • ... • • - le mediate hoys leagues to balance ' eMes. Lloyd •0"Brien read a Val- 'South 1•Itwori. Hospital. undergo- "Happy Birthday." Mr. (AI. Fred T'""*" Tay"' - •-• ---• - ,114 ihe gromeings. There is still room ". entine poete. ing treatment for a- dislocated Ducharrne. Who celebrated his 5,,oat,e,e_leats. se for three teams in the (Mer- e, A paper on the study of the bone in his hack. . 81.sl, birthday 'is in good health. r;er'elee'74151.,',./; e Middle Bag, was read by Airs. ,1•111;,51,1.es re re remelt . . . : 1441A Mediate girls' class. • - Teams entered in the respec- e,Melvin Brown which had been spent the weekend At the home Miss Stella Rose nf London Mr. and Mre. Earl Thiel and 'Mrs. Earl Weiclo motored to Vic- - - five leagues are as folia 54 1 ; :have been repeated conquests of --prepared by Aliss O'Bden. There of her :mother, Mrs. L. ROse. toeia Hospital. on Thursday to Aliss Laureen Oesch has re- visit wall tile latter's daughter.. \I • Parkhill. ii OM 1' R . MiTili0 JIMA t,t'A G 1.., MA GI r, STAN rtINGS Prices (,''' the Middle East but today the turned home after spendinee a Ruth. a patient in the hospital ,r,e1,1.'el•;, -Lie .., In IR . Junior Girl* .; United States and Great Britain . week with her sister, Mrs, Lloyd 1rom a car accident she was in. mon Hooper:4 . ... . . . et Pony TailA .• . ... .......... * are trying to will the confidence Guenther in Dashweod. She is progressing favorably. rlenntelee ... •Rine et tett * - ...- 12 1111(ei•meilinfe Carts -- A• 0 tit . ; Vineland were weekend visitors • nor and Mr. and Mts. Samuel : with reletives and friends in the -1.tohner accompanied her on her , 13Icalke ... ,,,,,,,, T.,.,„ .... Of This of the people there. The United Mr. and Ali's. Thomas Brock . Alt's Tonic Bristow returned seiontes . i nereoielabies , . . -who otroA , .. _ , 0 Nations has spent $23,000,000 in : of London were visitors with to her home in Egmondville on ; r•ric'king. noek 'n noll - • - -- KnoeltennlownS ‘.. .. _ A ,11r. and Mrs, A. Duel-mm.11e. The "Friday after being with her sis5.; , • (looters Honor Two irerert. Mrs, Sans. Bohner since Christ- t::•:,:::::•:',:', .,::.:.:•,:;:-.:•.'::;,,,-i',Y?•',-;,:,,...."..., Ifl'elo1A . - _: - TWOCkS have a cottage in the ter and brothel -in-law, . 1. an ..,.. - 'Message 'From Bobby Sax .1 nit itti• Heys ` ; Mr, and Mts. John Steckle of nias. Mr. and Mrs. ;Harvey Holt-, Zerich dietrict. . 1 to t urn home. i 1 IlYnanitters . ____ 3 111-11M1PS . , ifilerla151'"fIntinits . •., . ..: . 11 ......... .. . : A At Goshen ciety of Goshen United Church • , . • • .- , • ,. . . • * ; 1 By ELIZABETH FINLAY . HAttl,:s . . . ... A Worid:! : • The Woman's Missionary 50- • Met oil Thursdae- evening at the . . "id"ti•emet1 hitt . Further Investigation . .- home of Airs. Bruce Keys. with , - 19 piesene• , 10,, Knee b.41. ▪ conducted hy Mrs. Melvin Elliott • ; • P mrs, Im'fr,', .8cv sor:nt A ftw ierltitritibtimirtri.riartila Sic r, kasisteri by Mrs. Keith McBride - Incorporation 145 (I Ry.R WWI "AI'S. Ditlt 111'11W11 Of S(..1,Poit'orlp8e.ri.n.'Iss Were awn Merl 6,Io . , ..... 0 e, and Airs, Walter Eekel. / Zurieh. •:. Airs. D. Keys conducted 1110teems wee. che hieheet 11111(411 toe \1r. Harold Finlay. nod remilt, the first "e'h. '1111° to 5 " ""' '. business in the absence of Mrs.; Further investigatioe intb 'two "The ,hambee is working for ... re- majorImre industry and we feeCtliat visited tvith Atr, end Aire. ll "11 Ail" 0f 1" IIIIIIII"t tlt It'll!'" 7.: ceived from Air. and Mrs.' 'Zurich and -the establishment of IP: Geerge Stephensee. Mrs. Jobe' ,5. Elmer }Teeter. A card was a high school there -was- eri. euetrye, projects -incorporation of 'e better chance of seettring in- rtidgy, on incorporated Ilitituelpality 1a2 bell 'eleXinley Arid Roberti eloPi; • . , AgTRONOIV;ICAL , le retort. .., It was deeided In eerid a dam. Comnierce at its meeting last bee will work toward the estab- On .leeirley, iFobruere, Be at the m . . ' Robinson gave the treasurer's courage( by Zurich Clienther of The president said the Cham- Valentine Party U , Honors , , :-.e. ' ''' v dek.' Lug S. ,.. .ember . iI• Will to CKX-TV lot "Story' week- lishment of a new high sehooi 13Ialte Public School, a Valentine , Ti! - a (7.11ilen s p ., The Chamber endoised the clisAinA is &Hell before an-eparty was hold. . beard every eieeday Afternoon At work of the police village trus- other addition is made to SH011S. The committee. in eliarge was 5 Mi' 14, w, 1%, Beavers Was • ,. : 5.3e p.m. ' tees, who have been looking into "We feel NVO. are leo tale 10 Judy Oeseh. „Tamex holm litolitd On henerary member of It `Mrs. W. tekel steed 'that the the benefits of lecorpoeation. stop the present proposed oath- Charles Erb and sugan oosell, the Sessibn of Maie street Unit- - bple sent Co Rainy River weighed TrUstees Leroy Thiel reported to lien to the school at Exeter but Thesell"1 Was dee°l'ated 1), the ed Church at the . eililuel tell- ', 5e pouride, Another bale is to be the, Chamber on their ,findings. we hope when further accom- pitons. • gregatioaat ineetinet• On Wechlee- : tent to Alberta. 1 The village, Ise indicated. would =dation 15 required, eve will Paul Erb. Emma Finlay and e An invitation waq received and, have to vote on the queeffon and be able to get a school in this 'Sla'y Ilianlaret Oeseli distributed dalYteee`,,VeRn.ieSg.' iiillz. ryas ehainliall the Valenti -ilea. : Itteepted from Ontetin Street; it Would come ()gore Hutton -eree. 4 Y ' for the metting, which was tire-. ; United Chureb, rlintee. to be, enmity eounell and the Ontario "We beet talked with people ceded by a pot -luck supper, and their guests on the afterneort of - Municipal Beard. The community in the west end of Stanley and Zurich Personals Reiss TpcItty was -eppointed see- - April 7, I:Might have tO be re-stIrveyecl. to they -are definitely interested. rotary for the evening hi the :: t 611 mercifiloy.. wore vaned for. •.Mitton t)esch, Chamber presi• children come here • than have 'Airs. Solonmn Zimmermen, a .: abseelleel °I. Mr- Ceeil W115". ..ppo.nted to the session were Mrs. John 'Robinson and Mrs.I;eslablish ite boundaries.' They would far sOoner have their ▪ Ward' bet Aire. ttilseell EMIL wile ItItili, anal it appeared that in. them ride 30 miles to (Neon, patient et Clinton HoSpital, is t. Iii. Hopper end Glee Md - asked thorn to aceept• their life etirpOration would benefit the A. survey will be made to de belling Along -Itieele. , Knight.: Board of. SIDwards, Br I, Mr. anti Aire. Thies Goven-1, men Dettmert trustes, Gerdell se beetethereltite rertifieates vilieli community but the Chatriber (Menthe how many stedents there • Were presented 11,v Mrs, Richard 5 wettld net 1 eke § Stand 1111111 it will be in flit future from llay Inek and children of Sea:forth saynham and B. W. Ttiekey. . O• R 111118611. latiie-ci 11 .f II factsend Slanlev 'ffievitshille for a 'were visiters At the home of Mr.. PAW WIJOB ,gavt. an eedetint • The ((Vie frOtil "KeletV Veer ; "We ha Ve our Otell Waterworks school in Zurieli. Right tow we and Mrs. Thontae Westlektt. . of the °hitt b),.e Pat iAill ,.1 t ,'.• Neighl•our4." was Preeetiteri by eyellsin arid our hydeo system. eelimale there are About 230, Mr- and MrS, PPM Htldie iq,'tvliieli lie attended In the Chriet• Atte. At Nitrite. with the enteleet.' 1 can't 00 Why It should he tost- studerite. ,C11141011 railed On their aunt,' Mae Veeatiee, Ilis talk Was en- ; "Ceillerlien Intlione '' Mrs. We ly lo operate on onr own. It "M son as UP gel tennethine ' Nliss ROSA SnOWdell, One-ditj: 'Welded by colored slides. ,T. tekoq Anti Mia X. Monti& read, would eertainly gn 0, US more definite. we '‘.111 :fan: it mer with recently.. 1 ft is planned to dO Settle ro• • Stories from "Iclissionaries Re- freedom. td centInct Our owl the Ontario 'Department or Edo- Alf. Ed .1clielloffee is al pa. deeorating, both bolsi& alid in - A 1st porting."' ibusinosg. . i cation." tient in the Clinton Hospital. 1 side the church, this year. ' #. . • .Around The; .Fairbairn :Bowls • -ARENA , Caers Best •Series Yet Top 871 Triple Exe:ter Alen's Bewling League'hree • . ins And A Tie , ll's much the same story in, the By tigIPEMAN. ,..after another Aceek of aS. the s • _ — _ - tierse • Rockets continue to lead :the loop 'Setall Huron eagere ma on one; Listowel took an early:6-1 first: aft 4•4144,s with 114 points. While the second of their best overell :disPlaee 'of etearter lead when 'South HuronSouth 414000 :00, 1,14tioit'e4 10 saAtkiiidnavyhocii0, at the arena last pieee position iS c-ccUPied 'by the the season Monde)* :afternoon' really had their :troubles 41•01,111d rlemtnne morning showed the Windmills with 10.5. The wind- A$ three of the loeal teams pro -4 the' heeled.. HoweVer. in the .60e- vers. ri; mirdza, tluiens-,, 12; pt. N Rennie. 3; Caentit ottit 2• Wingts edging the Rackets 2. to; 1. milts did gain a slight - edge on (Need victories over Listowel,' owl, the locals came chergine 4.1.4,11;1.11ne (lodging. Pat Maviliall.. Luth,eran. Pastor P v C• k 11and Bob 'Storey theto e 1 lees 1 t • va. lac rte. . . ; .-• , .tegu-e--ent•--- -A her 'woes Meek, ehe other contest wound up back to outscore Listowel 9-3 and :Nene Itot;ten. Mane ,s'almon. Ger- ° seored for the Wangs. whIle Melte" activity, however. as they swept Wee a slim one -point lead. Al.• 4."1;"•!' I T"l'• Lout" •ttoelletre, en elnienthe .: .inles •.\ et‘ourt Rev. Ono Winter. Mrs. Winter Itongers vtlittewashed the 111v -ties , Iteekete 1.0 four, • ' eisien, while the seniors out thloicoyl'esurged back with three more 71diNnitthlte:;tr}torinit.%Itztvpcaatrt'lifticit.hom,:, awe family have moved to their to the tune of 4-0, Jim cars„i Reds Billiards hoeped, iiie.Big seored the visiting Listowel points than SOUtit Huron in the gain ,a hard. ii:oianiiita ritirl..)0,t titis, . Mario Londt ay, nett home M Toronto where Rev. cadaen l'e4istered the hat tile): Six with a 7-0 while sun to . school, 40-24. South Heron's high flying earned sttire°.tch to Wight Added the: hang onto their third place stand.1 Seor,o by quortero4 Winter has taken eharge of a and Denny 1 ing with 91 leeints. in fourthi,jenioe aids, who haven't lost a South Huron's Kris Gulens w ktS i,if111111 1 i llr'f/11 ' . 12 4 6 j45 fourth. "1St" el BM il findlaCid. 9 mission field. In the third game. the powerful i Milkmen nee five haek• with 89, gaine all Seabee, Were given a high with 11. Ann Dickson, from Aleinhers of the family, popu ,lets humbled the Alohawks 7-1. tvhile in fifth. the Spares rest on reel scare in Listowel as they leistowel, followed closely with 10, eereree: lar in the community, were feted men for the Jets were a four -mint margin over the Big were held to a 19-19 deadlock.- lize Guleits and Barb Hodgson, i seneee. Edith seolt• Andre Kenyon. Billy:, Allen and Six and pepsies, who each have The senior game went to the with three eaeh, and Pat Rowe,, tinime; 4"11P l'ItIlrl• by numerous groups of St. Peter's Two•goal Lutheran congregation before i with two, wound up the local's 5 with a deeeline 871, Herm Dell- 'Oath Glen eiteele s ooys swept best producer 1U1 Lietowei with •lates Fiver, • scoring. Marilyn Knight Was the second 1,1sTO 11 El. - im Hollinger 13; ,it ',ion. poem smith. 4.,‘ Jun , locals to the/tune of .36-10. their departure last Tuesday. Dennis Hockey. triple a single go. 1 StIllth litlrell 4...7, 1.14totTel 24 I Jim Feirbairn. of the Snares. Boys Sweep Set , . n8:5 elittl'elia%sorfort V (S'it'lee eg rO Ili iCli e(till(sbil: " cin'ntn,P, to 'eno,..rti0gr SftnartilLlikee. Mob WkS ff")"0(1 1110 1110 trinIP Ward c , .1 . ... ..„ , Wag 1 art. A:areons. 1.e rtuce ratnger. Now In Toronto _ . , Cushman tallied for the Rockets-. all. seven from the 'Butchers,' At heme. the junior boys came though Listowel came out on the la the eccond 4enle the while the Pepsies held the out -en toP of a cloee 27-24 de- short end of a 7-5 third nUarter, 1.1,1"S":11'. Lotit Talen• 7; mane Zurich friends., • At nOV. Will1Or'S final .service , eeins -et 1101SI.; in ea. teter's: he confirmed the Toe Ten Seoring iteetter. 305 ramp was inns in the htgh • i• first doubleheader of the • • • T • • 5- •eon P5111 Zurbrlgr Pearson, 2; Gill F4015 tiler, of the Millmell, tvae gond season. - • . Tile ne t -scheduled Pertnex 51e11 le .\ 111P9. for the hidden score, C. Foeters D A r • • . • - . call' tie \-elght wall 13 Points. Conference games for South sot 'mu iii no \ - :00411 'McKnight, class which. he -had prepared for ,. !!.:1. ',' r:, was the °acting niarksnian for Huron take place on February 1,.; led 1-41miers, • 6, SI IA 5.. i Ahe local junior squad. Ted Don Killeen, .1: NMI, Deei4r- 1.-!!„..,711;1.," ...";i:Ii!„!.`,:1:::11;14:1:151. - - - . • f! - 5S l" '3"s' Wind ni tile i n, (etenoo etei _ . points, while B 1 Sanders chipped in Ivith six o;t9' \59t1e0 Mitchell Pr°vicies tile U line Henning', Date Tun ey, Fred At 01 e.emirar . , 4.. stogie department. tuemberellip, in the ehurch: ' et," LP: 140 1:1 resenting the .ti' ch Distric5 .1 he McA.riams a51,1 elillon teesch. rep- Lore, two :Nlei.srs. Charles Thiel, William, kr1,,,..,1,..7.,;51:::11:,.:14.isn , ''1; e: !!,, ..‘ft:141:11::er,,gin4.1, 1,1,1:tae..N.1,inii,1:::.,:::!:;" s - --- • - 0 -` peed . .1 ; o A-9 • . Don leilleee each,scored four, 5 1. 4remelt 51.. t emleno 11_, ,„4 . , , , y .1f Hollinger s 13 pomts WAS li i tile losers, ‘veile .eaek • e(t. ell 11 1 go N n. - , Iris Gu!en't. South .1 turon . . . 5 .“5 * A-27 Bili Jim\ (-1 fiat - pposi ion, Smith .11tirito 19, Lisiowel 111 SPore try eteartelet; , elene „, 1 ,rit Hodeni 1,161on el 31 • Wit 51111,S ': s'anders, Doh "Soltrnerler, Deur ' tipsolie, Paul Arnseher, Fri.nk Boyle, Jails tfteplute. ' • - Chamber of Commerce. attended leeeee ie,..iree .n, I rf 1.0•11, 0 /1. I. . :4; 11.., :n91. Bctolt-'18 I 1.. Thownson 74:0 ..1.. : tops eer . e to is • re toilierae tn. Van 1)•4.1,,r 67 i 1 7 • .),•,)e-„, a .. , se ,,l 5 ei. oitt 'tette, 2 5 :wire eitile, , .. - elt i r pl eed cond point-wse • !7; 1.'''' • . • • -mr,s11-05; -,-3 .5041:: 7: 5-24 ini2.,„ held in vicinrian Inn Ait tatrtt 55 eelt's SeoreS: 4". 1451(44 i.1. 109 ie1.o leo R7,1 nit, see ''41. now non Z91) . II W11.11 ewe. Listowet Matte a roils. • eine, (-fray yr, :Ann .1 leNanflor, 7 nig comeback in the final frame- 501441, .11 iron 40,LI to el ae (141 seminar on e•;VelitiN 0 trafft- tieeleN eieelielinet Stratferd, last week. • tx epee e. iteeeets 1 1' nril !ors ire ennies :ten . 4 . 11 but fell three points short of ty- K"Y 1 `'"I li'l'ullt>-*. 1 ' s n-- - iieM }(,fl( (0‘;111;o1.:11sillinulgo(rItitill.'"Is* i idisT4)51 1•11, -- Stk ...i. 11:110, w, (.1. rn N. na l'i I 11. liamilt Jim Porterfield. 13; 411(a,t111;s7r: s...‘14,:liftirthisesi n ' 1.1"4"11.1/' * A Ini 11'‘'hs"' 111: l'`;4(;11"q(l'irit:Iti);;11,".11:111r)lo'in"1:111,111clie. Personal Items Pinuonners 111. 111"41Inell A 7:, ) . ., Mg 111) the game. Air. and Airs. Donald (Yee anti sInnalege et 1, 1, r. 1 i a '2 24 11 3 4 22 " , • •11. 1111.1.11 1311 I Crafty Fred Hunter was the marl' le 5 'Lehi. 15 mere 1;5114l'itt elt, men wag nor. Soh °nese 1 main point producing machine in q Mn4.11e'llt I ; Karen 81111 • , w• • • • family 15015' Nisilors in London Hitirley t. 1:1thnhetl) .1n,•1*. • Houghl. Bruce Grey. Standings at the home of Mr. and Mrs. •NtNeinsi.„. Total ions. the senior contest as he itickec, f?„„11„,, Thompson. Kira nor 1:11- • 501 TIII 11(15 - Krell Bunter, 1 .1 inn "'"" awaY seven field goals and one note moll Mary martin. 13. Pete rtat elle, 4: t). AV), I see re Ity Qmoriers: Arthur Alt:Lean. ee,,,e , foul shot for 15 points, He edged e: 4:• ortli. 2: Me- • Itsin4ers . ' Horlr;ins, Wee, T. novelle. Alies Sharon feeder of Cede- •. no,rs nitharas et 59 -'i ss out teammate Pete Ravelle who seniih. Huron rich township spent the weekend telleire . .19t (1 Aintia,\K's g iq 84'14y0 Citntrterns • '4514.4 snsr,"t , 44 • 02164 I ltad 14 , to his erecht on seven -i• 5 e 'Ole Six co " 1 t:" ; 51.1'flintt.11'01(1' ooals LOthe • S I ti, 441ore1 Judy Tennant. I 1,1stott e1 ._ 7 5 2 14-34 rrpc s tut Clilnitil i - - --,, - - - - ',- -- ' -1 0 1 ' "' tleteree. Jane llenr. I south Huron ..' . 7 17 10 6-40 rr-0,1mtiono 75 60511 Ilurnn marksmen were 13tische 5, ; • Gin. licR. . 74 5'1174 AlleY 4. and Illineswortlt 2. 1 , ... e ttt HminswitilisliiiiniatiiiiiiiiiniumMilimptimiiiiiiitilltlilliiiiiltimmtromipitillimislitiliiillillibi Tr"im,pttnt'S , RI3119 .. . - • ,1 1 m • Porterfield's 13 was tops Sii‘ Fr. Gs.. 1.,s . R.2 O. !loners 59 511(161 . for the visitors. while Joe Girodat, 1. Jack .11. Pearson ZURICH, ONTARIC Announces the Formation of Pearson Auto Leasing Ltd. and the appointment of Jack Turkheim As Manager The objects of the company are to provide complete automobile leasing facilities for professional, com- mercial, and executive personnel throughout Western Ontario. For Further Information. Writs or Filmes PARSON AUTO LEASING LTD. Phones: Days 182 Zurich, Ontario VW. Nights 174-W Enjoy easy living appliances . . , at BIGGEST SAVINGS EVER! 4,/ Drivt.a: little further • • save a .whole lel more . Gerald Gin SALES AND .SeRvict Phone 34 erich