HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-12, Page 1541, PEN NEW AREA TURNIP PL, The Centralia plant of Exeter Turnip Sales, which was gutted by fire .cast October, has been eotnpletely rebuilt and is now Open for business, again,. The new $35,000 plant, which will employ seven to 10, inen during peak production,_ is be- lieved to be the most modern of its kind in the industry, It Will process over 1.,500 bushels of turnips a day iii an assembly -line plant which elim- inates allforking and handling, Conveyors take :the Vegetables from the unloading platform through to the bagger. Storage. bins in the building Will hold up to 8,000 bushels, The 60 x.60 ,plent is co -owned. by soh Winer, Mayor .R, E. Dooley, Exeter, .and H. •G. Cul- ver, Toronto. This is the second trine is Lias been rebuilt. Seth Winer, the manager, established the original plant .in Centralia but it was destroyed in 1955. The new building caught fire on October 7 last year, . 'The plant has handled up to MacDonald and William Lewis. 200,000. bushels. in :a year. it' provides a market .for abgtit 200. growers in the district Most of the sales. ,are in the United States, particularly the southern areas including Florida, The rutabagas. are bagged under several names, .among them "Exeter" and "Good. Neighbor".I Tie. firm also ,operates another' plant in ] eter, ,rim ('ronyn is i to charge of this operation,! 'which. is conducted in the Cana -I da P,aekers building. near the CNit station. Indication of the progressive- ness of the firm is shown by the interest it takes in developing Ai quality product. It provides a spray machine to, control cab- bage maggots. Mr. Winer was selected to ap- pear on a panel at the turnip committee's annual meeting in Toronto recently to describe the success of this program, Employees et the Centralia plant are Jack Price, Harold Lightfoot, Frank Zubal, Nelson ,1111111,t4Q1ii i.„. t111111111111111111011,11tR111114,11111111,11111111111111111111111,111111111111It44,44441„ 11114144„ Best Wishes to Exeter Turnip Sales Limited We were pleased to be of as - sista ice ,in the remodelling of Exeter 'Turnip Sales and wish them the•.best in success for then future,• 1 i ' C. A McDOWELL & CO. General Contractors PHONE AC;11.6961 CENTRALIA N.040404011014104 llll 0411011441,4414411411111,1,1111414) l l4l 0111014 4111114 4 4141411114 41111111111111141 41,1111114 Best Wishes For Success TO Exeter Turnip •j' c Sales Ltd. 1 r On Your Re -Opening Bert Borland Your Oliver Dealer AC 8.681'4 CENTRALIA :,404,111114111111111111111111414,14,1111114111 101114111141111ilii,iii,lI,ii,11411111114I1,i444i 141111. 1 4 111 4 111111111, Congratulations to Exeter Turnip Sales Limited On Your Grand Re -Opening FOR ALL Y { X- 4 alit, 1 ,1444 441 " 411 11111,4, l l 111 1 ll _.. 4 � 44444444441414444 1111 1 I , II )444 141141 , t , , 1 44111414 44,4441114144414141„ {.lnuni144ununnm1441lll0141tn4ium4n110014n4u4umun41n41i14u44u14nniw!lftl iuwill Sift ll!Mid 1 Best Of Luck i • a to • Exeter .Turnip Sales LTD. Industrial Welding And General Repair SEE W. A. Hodge CREDITON, ONTARIO l We were pleased to do the necessary wiring• In the re- modelled plant: FOR ALL WIRING NEEDS SERViI.E AND RELIABLE SEE I • e.r Wellington Skinner �PHONE AC 114139 CENTRALIA 1,4liYYi1'iw4lilY4'4u04tlnu1il11)541Yrunt14nY41rhufiYi4lYttntlii4Y1'iiiinU544lluu4n7i4441uiuY4141ia1441444 441. 44 31 The TimiPAiimpte, ,FsMruary 12, 1959.,Pare 14: !IAlII.,Ullllit AIts401!MttlgAdL14.11Ln1i1111p111.140411J.tIdA 10114.MIS11111Et11y11dIIJnIR11A111A1,l1I,1.IIIIIItUAL1{IttIJbL• 7 CONGRATULATION AND SUCCESS. to Exeter Turnip Sales. IT:Dr I was. pleased to do the carpentry work :and to kelp.` in the building of the 0 ern office Charles Stephen Phone Kirkton 25r22 R;R, 3 Exeter ,,1111141,014144111.111111111/1111111111111111111111111 10010010001110111111t11401011111114111414,11111141141410111 0 0 40 11111 0 0 11111 1 0 0 1111 0 111111111 0 0 01110 11110 111 01 11011 0 1110M 01110111.1010011111011111011001011 010101110074. Best Wishes .Ni.i, iA'i • }^ .. �� C :rit' ie .1 NEW PLANT FEATURES FAST PROCESSING—A. con- machine, shown above. Employees include Frank Zubal,' veyor system in the new Exeter Turnip Sales plant at' Nelson MacDonald, Harold Lightfoot, William Lewis and; Centralia carries rutabagas from the unloading platform, Price, through the washer, to the drying racks and waxing I —T -A Photo to Exeter Turnip Sales We're happy to supply SHELL "heat'n-a-hurry" FURNACE OIL to this Elect Slate At Brinsley Teachers and officers for Brins- ley 'United Church School were Two Formosa missionaries, i that they plan to return for un- elected recently. who once ministered here, have other term, Superintendents are Wes Wat- decided to postpone retirement! Rev, and Mrs. Gordon, who son, Gordon Morley and Douglas and return to their work on the ministered to (,avers church in Lewis; secretaries, Helen Lee, Nationalist Chinese island. 11934-35, served in China before Carol Sholdice Eddie Watson "The transformation we saw Thal time and were sent to Far and Gordon Morley; treasurers, in the lives of. those who ae. mosa after the Chinese occupa- Edith and Gordon Morley; pian- cepted the truth of the Gospel tion. ists, Mrs. ,Jack Trevethick, Doug. makes hs want to go back," 1 They practically made a round - las Lewis and junior girls; cradle said Rev. S. Moore Gordon, who,' the -world trip on their return to roll, Mrs. Ilarold Lee. with his wife, spoke in Caven ; Canada visiting with their Baugh. Teachers for beginners are Presbyterian Church Moriday I ter, Margaret and her family in Marjorie Fenton, Helen Amos evening under 'the auspices of South Africa and with their son, and Ruth Trevethick; primary, the \VMS, 'David, and his family in West Mrs. Jack Hodgson, Mrs. Karl They came hack to Canada II Germany. Here they visited the Pickering and Kathleen Morley; last year on furlough, expecting grave of their son, Richard, who juniors, Mrs. Earl Lewis, Mrs, to retire,but so urgent is the lost his life in World War II. Jack Trevithick; intermediates, need for trained church leaders their other daughter is a social Mrs. Kenneth Sholdice, Mrs. Wes worker in British Columbia. Watson and Bible • class, Mrs. • l`` k.x: They showed slides of their Earl Morley and Wes Watson, trip and also of Formosa and the people with whom they work. These people are the earliest settlers of Formosa and, like the Indians of North America, have been driven back into the mountains where they have maintained their identity. Un- der. the 50 years of Japanese do- rliination of Formosa no one was allowed to visit them but the Chinese have permitted mis- sionaries to work with them.- Mrs. hem-Mrs. Gordon said the people Vived in very primitive condi- tions and the women spent a life Postpone Retirement To Resume Missions Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Marwood Prest and children spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Elmo Morgan of Sarnia were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mrs, Jack Ryan and Mrs. Harold Schenk of London attend• ed• the shower for Miss Elaine The Story In Grand Bend By MRS, E. KEOWN llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll C G I.T. Plan Bake Sale The C.G.LT. held their regular meeting on Monday evening with Hamilton. a good attendance in spite of 1 the inclement weather. The girls Mr. and Mrs. George Prest; are studying- community affairs are the parents of a baby daugh-1 this year,. and are very interested ter born at Victoria Hospital on 'in becoming good citizens. Sunday, Feb. 8. I The main part of their busi- of drudgery with nothing to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Odd of ness was the final arrangements think about or look forward to. London spent the weekend with for a Valentine tea' and bake She, with..a helper, visited each their parents. sale being held in the church village for three days at a time, ; • basement on Saturday afternoon, holding health clinics, cooking classes and Bible study. Mr. .Gordon said little chur- ches had been established here and there in the island but they ss Marjory Fenton and two Feb. 14. girls friends spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orpha Euchre Party Howard Fenton. The euchre party held by the Mr. Steve Dundas of Crediton Orpha Club on Friday evening were without preachers and called on Mr. Tom Barlow on proved a success. Everyone without the Bible in their owu Sunday and also on Mr. and Mrs. seemed to enjoy a real friendly language. "The great urgency -Cecil Ellwood. time. today is to set up Bible schools The winners of the euchre to teach and train leaders." Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were Letter From thanked by Mr. H. H. G. Strang. President of the Woman's Mis- were: ladies' high, Mrs. E. Keown; gent's high, Mr, Kenneth Roberts; ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Helen Pender, gent's lone sionary society, Mrs. William hands, Mr. Clayton Mathers; Sillery was in the chair, ladies' low tie, Mrs. John Mac- A short skit "Long Remem- donald and Mrs, E. Bennewies; bered" was presented by Mrs. gent's low, Mr, L. Bariteau. Sillery, was in the chair, Proceeds are to go toward mak- Mrs. Anton Miller. It concluded ing up the Easter display for with a chorus sung by Mrs. the Children's Aid at Sarnia. Strang, Mrs. H. Simpson, Mrs.; Mr. Orville Wassman and Mrs. C. Cann, Mrs, Alvin Moir and Keown were delegates on Mrs, Sillery. Crediton By MRS. JOSEPH WOODALL .. ......... .......,.. ,...^2;;...24.01 Theme Was 'Prayer' 'Prayer' was the theme of the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. meet. E. ing held Thursday evening in Thursday to the area seminar of the Evangelical church. the Canadian Chamber of Com Mrs. E. Hendrick as in charge merce at Stratford. of devotional period and was as- Personal Items F. Foisat listed t Mrs. in reviewing topic fmn C.Sims and from The World Day of Prayer Viii • Winchelsea be held on Friday; Feb. 13 in study book on the Middle East. St. John's -by -the -Lake Anglican Carol Hendrick played a pia By MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS no solo and Miss Lillian Heist Church at 2.30 p.m. with St read the Scripture. John's, Grand Bend United . Mrs. Aaron. Wein gave a paper Church of God and the Evangeli cal United Brethren at Dash. Wins At Euchre wood affiliating. 14Ir. Norman Harris of London This Week In on 'Prayer' and Mrs. E. M. Fahr- ner and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner favored with a piano duel. A double duet was sung by Mrs. Hendrick, Mrs Foist, Mrs. Fink- beiner and Miss Heist. Mrs.• J. Rata gave a talk on "Spiritual esdent took charge of busi- left on Monday morning for a Fred Walters and consolation, Hess. Members decided to do month's motor trip to Florida. Mrs. Jack :'ern. quilting in the near future. An- Mr. and Mrs. Allison Whiting personal Items nouncement was stressed that and family of Parkhill visil.ed the World Day of Prayer is be- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sturde- ing held in United Church on vant and family on Sunday. The Winchelsea Euchre Club was held at the school Monday will conduct a Baptist prayer , evening with three tables play- Service layservice at the home of Mr. and , ing. Mrs. E. .Keown on Sunday after- noon, Feb. 14 at 2.30 p.m. Mr, and Mrs, Murray Douglas Winners were: ladies' high Mrs. Philip Hern; gent's high, Ward Hern; lone hands, Mrs. A number of ladies from Win- chelsea attended the euchre at Climville hall on. Tuesday after Friday, February 13 at 2:30 p.m, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson noon. and daughter Debbie visited with Personal Items Mr, Johnson's brother, Mr Mrs. M. Foist visited on Sun- Lawrence Johnson, Mrs. John - day with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis son, Neva and Nancy on Sunday. Foist and family in St. Thomas. ! Rev, A. E. Bowker, rector of Mr. and' Mrs, Fred Brown of St. John's -by -the -Lake Anglican home on Thtnsday from St. Jo Arkone were Sunday visitors church is confined to his home with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald ZWic• at Thedford through illness this sept s Hospital London. ker.. week. bits. Eric Garscadden of lar• ter v The condition of Mrs. harry Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Baird visit- visited on Tuesday with bins. Beaver, who was taken to South ed With Mr. and Mrs. Billie Garnet Miners. Huron Hospital last week after Baird in London on Sunday, the donli Spent stithe nweCkentl Horneonat rigger home. Mr. Fred Delbridge of Ridge• town spent the weekend with his 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. Iterate Delhriclge. Mr. and Mrs. Newman taker of Wellborn visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gor— don Ford, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde,' Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Knight, ilir. and Mrs, Lorne Y-'assmore of Thalities ,Road, Mr. and Mrs., Gerald McF alis of Exeter., ItIr. i and MrsAlvin Cooper of Flihi- ville visited on Saturday, eve. Hing with Mr, and Mrs. Flat°old Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Tiers• lake and family visited, nn Sal• nrday evening with Mt. and Mrs. Ross !yeah F;xeter, Mr. and Mrs. John Wicks and family of Stratford visited on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mrs, Elson Lynn returned suffering a stroke at her home 'occasion being their son's see - is, showing improvement. and wedding a nniversary. Miss Gertrude Beaver of De- Mr. and Mrs, Sam SWeitzer trait visited during the week • and Brian visited with Mr. Wm, end with her parehts, Mr, and Sweitzer on Sunday, Mrs. H, Beaver. I Mi'. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake Miss Agnes Lamport of De- visited with Mrs. Stanlake's sis- troit spent the weekend with her,ter, Mrs, P M. Daniels in Strath. mother, Mrs S. Lamport, roy Hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Rbbt. Wade, Mr. Wallets suffered a bad fall on Terry Wade and :friend of Lon• ice, recently, don were weekend visitors with' Stanley Lovie entertained his Mrs. J, Wade. { school chums of S.S. No. 10 "to Mrs, Harold Finkbeiner spent a skating party recently, a few days last weak with her I Mr, and Mrs, Dennis near sister, Mr, aed Mrs, I owarci and family of London spent a few Haist df Fenwick,,,, idays last. week with Mr.Fleai''S Mr. and Mrs. Wni Priestley parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roy 3+lear, Of 13vron visited during the Mr, and Mrs. Erie nicllroy re - weekend with Mr. And Mrs. turned on Tuesday atter spend - Lorne t'reszcator•, ing the, past fete weeks in nor. Mr. C. Irwin is spending song, ida MI•s. Mcl1roy i still suffer•• HMO iti Totted() ort aebank titan• int; with, arthritis. aging course Mrs. Helen B N will 141r, Melee McTavish r f. 'I'ees•l be .(meet speaket' at the I'ehruary wager is seeeiyriig for Mr. Ir. liieeting, of the ',S' t ti's InsU Wih gat the hank of Montreal. I tut oft Thursday of abeerir. When yoti buy, :gay you saw It advertised in 'he Tilnes-Advo1 eat& Pick Grit Candidate Iluron Liberal Association will elect its candidate for the forth- coming provincial election at a meeting in llensall Town Hall. Wednesday night, February 18. President Beecher Menzies, of Clinton, has announced that the guest speaker , will. be Blake Huffman, former Kent MP. It is not known at press time if Dr. J. A, Addison, Clinton, will contest the seat again, He was defeated in last year's by- electien by Charles MacNaugh-1 ton, Service Is Our Business! plant Art Clarke Exeter Dealer PHONE 80 EXETER 44444444r444,44441x4444444441,441441.,00000001010101010,01100/0014010104010/0410. 1 Our • Best Wishes To EXETER TURNIP SALES Limited CENTRALIA, ONTARIO On Their Opening Of Ontario's Most Modern Waxing Plaint H. G. Culver & Co. Ltd. 15 Cordova Ave., Toronto, Ontario "CANADA'S LARGEST RUTABAGA EXPORTER" Exeter Turnip Sales Ltd. 4n Your Re -Opening We Were Pleased To Supply The Lumber See Us For BUILDING SUPPLIES TopQualityLow Prices Centralia Farmer's Supply 1PHCNE AC 9,6942 CtNTIALiA •