HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-12, Page 12Page 12 The Timea.Advocate, February 12, 1959
Prominent Farmer,
Ward. ,Flodgins By • . . . . . . „. . . . . • , . . . . • . . . , . , , " . . • • , . . • • . • ..
By MRS, J. H. PATON I He Is survived by two dangls.
ters: Mrs. Ralph Ainslie (Jean)
Ward liodgins, 80, Well known St. Alays and Mrs. Murray
dairy farmer of the Clandeboye Hodgson (Alice) of Clandeboye;
district died SattirdaY. February five sone, Murray of Lucent
T at St. Joseph's liesPital after . EnterSen, London; Bruce of
1 Guelph; Arthur and Victor, at
is three week's illness. ' .
Bie wife, the former Laura Mrs, C. H. George Teachers' ?Mein! Four Families
Al a •
lie was the last surviving •
tiaskett. predeceased him in The Biddulph and IsTortFamiliesLon- •
member Of the family of the '
late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hod.0.937.
Teaehers' Assoeiation held]
The body rested at the C. Heads Library ijts February meeting in the Iste• ' aior inners
:earl Public School Tuesdar With la sprite nf another bad -Tilers-
He was horn on the fatniiy Haskett and Son funeral homeAt a meeting of the Library 23 members present.
McGillivray Township where he Board in the librarY last Satur-1 dav there Was another good
homestead on concession 1. of •
in Lucan where the service was
• held on Tuesday afternoOn with da • ' Erle Haskett
3 es ening r. , mseector H. G. Schlotzhauer
was the liest speaker. He spoke
Truck Loses Tire
But Cattle Unhurt
When Mr. George Lee Lucan.
last Friday was taking lei/ head meeting last Friday night. Miss
"ttle to -,a• Stratford ilvesteelt Velma. Birtch led chorus sing -
sale, a rear right wheel came
. mg and Paul Graham. sang. The
off his truck on N. 7 Highway, guest speaker was C l' 111 e n
about eight miles from Wilt. Ilarde of Thorndale, ;'hp OM
Church Activities
Pentecesjell Holiness htirch
Mr. jack Eizenga was ia
charge of the Young Pet:tale's
ford. The 10 cattle walked out
of the trek unscathed and con-
tinued on to the sale in another
.High winds were Creating con -
Leese snow, redueing yisihility to
siderehle ground driftieg of keidarethhehoPrnatilhegntshent on Tyg.ess.:
a, few feet so police had some da•Y*
dviefreltlelstY fropmrevoe4tisthiging oinnertiongo ranged flo'ceclanTohninsgoolisittiaes f jaurn-
htratlictkthsevhricol;ds.vas covering about to h"hewn at the church- on
Wednesday evening.
The men of the Pentecostal
Fox Hunt church, who built their church
by Volunteer labor, are now de,
as Ills topic, -"Getting Closer'To
The members .of the Thursday
afternoon prayer, meeting visit -
crowd out for the weeiSII bingo, Some a hunters from Lucan
farmed all his We. - the pastor the Bey. The Ziggiers„ the Coopers, Airs, and vicinity held another fax .
voting night a week to
Edgar 13.0e).8" • who had been chairman for the, Crudee and Me. maulers were hunt; last Saturday, going north ing off the basement into an
• on the eew aXt book. circular,
Immediately after World \Nal' ton officsating. Temporary in-, past. seven years, tendered his
study drawn up by Middlesex rarteigeeitehre bbinilosw:31sir colense/C117. 4. BilialCdattnIpli°,nat(allivearaeiasutatce2essafnil
I he became interested in the , tombinent was in St. James cern- resignation. ears. C. H. George and on the science coerse of
breeding of Holstein cattle and etery mausoleum. was voted the new 'chatiman. ; (..,,,,,.
was among the first to introduce A memorial service underfive and consolatiOn jackpot.
the breed to North Middlesex. masonic auspices was held in Other officers include: ch,,o.arsd; '''''" 2 fel- all grades 1 to 8. '
He was past president of the the funeral home on Monday membe,rs, Aire. .T. A. Ii0_14.11_1_, ing which was begun in January
The arithmetic lnserviee train- several bingos were soit.
The winners ,were; Mrs. Wade
Middlesex County Holstein Breed,- evening. Mrs. M. 0. Smith, ar. t . w. was continued. Ziggler; Mrs, Bud Cooper and
er's Assoeiation and some years , pallbearers were Ken Carter. Erle*Ii Haskett, Mr. Jack Steace The ladies on the Lucan staff Air. Wade Ziggler Mr.' William
' - '
Hovey, Mr. Charles Corbett, Mr.;
ago was appointed an honorary Maurice Simpson, Karl O'Neil. : Alathers, Mrs. Pat Cruclge, 11rs.
community activitiee. He was a — seers:- 1 served tea.
director for We. 1Ceeil Carter, George Simpson tary-treasurer and librarian, Airs.:
and Arra! J. H. COnteloe;
be held in the Granton school Les -1e. e . Mrs. , ate
The March meeting will again Li oh and I-1 • icl
and the Aprli back in Lucan as Butler, Mrs. WIlfred Stocks;
He maintained a steady in- . and Rae Hodgins. i Irene Courses', I •
West in church, fraternal and sirteelay Party 1 Owing to the high cost of fuer no other schools in the associa- , -S ' • - ' '
Mrs Rainr Rummell. Mr. Wade
member of Clandeboye United Mrs. Kurt Gebel entertained on and books. it was decided it' tion are big enough to permit Consecutive bingo, Mr. Wil -
Minh and served for some Saturdayin honor ef her daugh- would he necessary to raise the , of group activities. liam Mothers; Mrs. Pat Crucige;
ter, Marianne's eighth birthday. , 1960 fees to $2.00.
He was a Past Master ef l'r* Nancy Hill. Hazel Simpson, Helen
- Exp orer foes , Talk On Cancer
1 Co
last Monday evening with The Woman's Association of
porter of all forms of community Euchre :Counsellor Kae Haskett in charge , the Lucan United Church held
endeavor and particularly of The Clandeboye Women's Insti- of games, sing -song and story. its February meeting in the
Drganized sports. Lute held a progressive euchre She was assisted in the devotions ' church basement last Wednesday
, „ ... . .. ... , :. ,. party with eight tables at Neil's by Cheryl Thempsop and Elaine; afternoon with the president,
ILW'`1"1"'.1 ' '1' ' ''': . ' '' • : ' : ': : ' ' ' ' School on Friday night. , Ernerick. 1 Mrs. Murray Hodgins in the
The Story In Mr. Earl Dixon conducted a A new French-Canadian game !chair and Mrs. John Park's
dutch auction for a basket con- was taught called "Planting Cab- ' group in charge of program and
• refreshments, Mrs. Park. was as-
sisted in the devotions by Mrs,
.Howard Kew.
The guest speaker was Mrs.
Art Black, who spoke on cancer
e 1. ... and gave a resume of a lecture
Personal I tem s lone hand prizes were won by , Aids Fire v ICTIMS !given by Dr. IranS 11 of L
. mi 1 on -
Mrs. Howard Lightfoot and Mr.. 0., don. She said the annual drive
Mr. and Mrs. James Barker.' A d Thornpsofl.
n y ompson. The Woman's Auxiliary i
1 for cancer funds would again be
Joan and Gary. visited with Air. Holy Trinity church held its Feb- . held . April.
in ..She a ee comment -
and Airs. Don Firth, London. on , Farm Accidents Reported truary meeting at the home of •
; ed on this being National Health
Saturday and with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Clare Paton a t t e n d e d the ' Mrs. .Tack Muth, with Mrs, Er -
Heber Davis on Sunday. Revere Farm Forum meeting 011 ' ' -
. ; win Scott, Mrs. Roy Stanley and , week.
shaw as as- A shower of jams and jelly
Mr. and Mrs. George McFalls ; Monday night at the home of , Mrs. C. W. Hawk !will be held at the next meeting,
and Joyce and Air. and Mrs. Ross ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kennedy.1sistant hostesses. Mrs. T. A.
1 the same to be donated locally.
lieFalls and David were Thurs.,' As chairman for Biddulph Hodgins.read the scripture les -
clay guests with Mr. and Airs. ' township of the Farm Accident : son and Mrs. Roy Stanley led t The sum of five dollars was
Hugh Davis. Mr. G. McFalls 'Survey which starts on March 1 in the Litany. 1 voted to the John Milton Society
was observinsse a birthday and he ; and runs till Feb. 29, 1960, he Ten dollars was voted to the (Blind) and five dollars to the
and Mrs. McFalls were celebrat- ;spoke on the duties of an acct.' Rev. and Mrs. Bob Carson of : March of Dimes.
ing their wedding anniversary. 1 dent reporter. The purpose of Norway House, Alan. who not I Dana Culbert and Bonnie Dren
• tl survey is to find out the num- ' only lost their Mission House 'nail entertained with a duet.
rears on its official Board.
Guests v, ere Patsy Bradley,' I N
wing Lodge No. 154. A.F. and Simpson, Laura Hodgins, Patsy The Lucan-Clandeboye Explor-
A.M. of Lucan and was a mein- Hodgins and Erwin and Peter ers held their third 1959 Expedi-1Feature At VVA
ber of Lucan Lodge No. 70. Gebel, ,tion in the United Church base -1
LO.O.F. lie was a constant sup-
taming towels, which was won , bage" which the girls thorough.
by Mr. Rea Neil. Mrs. Earl .1.y enjoyed.
Dixon won the lucky chair prize. ,
lady won the high score and Mr.: Anglican Ladies
. sy MRS. HEBER DAVIS Mr. Wilfred Dixon ,payng
Gordon Eaton, the gents. The , ,•
Air. Bud Cooper; Mrs. Bob
in three. more foxes.
Weather permitting, another
hunt will be. held next Saturday,
Coursey School Euchre
Mrs. George Hodgins and Mrs.
jpe O'Neil were hostesses for the
seven -table euchre at the Cour-
sey School last Friday night.
High score prizes went to Mrs.
Wilson Hodgins and Mr. -Allan
Ryan. Lone hand prizes went to
Mrs. Oscar liodgin And Joe
Downey; $5 consolation jackpot, O'Neil, and consoi bon prizes to
Mr. u p .
The next bingo will be held
February 12.
Seven -Car Crash
During Friday's snow storm,
a seven -car crash injured two
people and caused an estitnated
$5,000 car damage just South of
Birr on No. 7 Highway.
The leading driver blinded by
snow slowed down on the curve
approaching the Birr bridge and
the other cars, unable to stop
on the icy roads, rammed into
each other. Fortunately no one Two new members were en -
was killed or seriously injured. rolled,. Mrs. Les Luephe and
Airs. Bud Cooper. They will be
Granton Church installed at the March meeting.
Elects Officers
Mr. and Mrs, H. B. Langford
St. Thomas Anglican Church,
have returned home from a few
Granton elected officers at. their days' visit in Toronto where
vestry ineeting: they were the guests of Mr. and
People's warden, Clarence Mrs. William Butler and family
Lewis; rector's warden, Harold Iactied Fwohlleile.es. they took in the 1959
Carter; lay delegates to the
Members of the Lucan Library
synod, Kenneth Hodgins, William
are pleased. with the two hand
Board of Management, William
German, Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins,
• Helen liedgin.s and Mr .- Harold
Airs. Tom Coursey .and Mrs.
Charles Grose will be hostesses
for the next euchre, the date
of which has not yet been set,
Legion Auxiliary News
The regular February meeting
of the Lucan Legion Auxiliary
was held in the Legion Hall last
Tuesday with the new president,
Airs. Roy Stanley, in the chair
and 20 members present.
The mystery prize was won by
Mrs. F. W. Hovey.
Personal Items
rails which the Masonic Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tindallhad installed on the sides of the •,old Mary Margaret and three
of accidents :which .occur to . but all their belongings by Isle,'year old Ann Elizabeth, are
were Sunday guests with Mr..
eer and his family. Dorcas.secretary Mrs. T. A. Hoe-
. 1 Plans were made for the W. A. Miss Joyce Carson,Percy Hod- stet's.
and Mrs. Harris West. Centralia.1tne I I to entertain the choir members • ' Nor- Rev, and Mrs, E. C. Attwell staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ben-
anrsieneting is to beheld at . gins read the requisites still : . gins, Ross Clatworthy and The World Day of Prayer sere.:
. : ! and Sun'day School teachers and man Hodgins; vestry clerk, Mrs. and family of Gerrie spent last ny Saulnier. , ,
Brvanston on Tuesdas , Feb. 17 : necessary for the hale. Arrange- officers in the church basement Norman Hodgins; budget secre- Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Witham Hodgins
• • Ashworth and Mr. and and brother George were re-
HM14001101 .End Sunday School
United Church Y.P.U.
There was a splendid attend-
ance of the Lucae-CiandebeYe
Y.P,U. at the Lucian United
Minh last Sunday eVelling..
Sandra Williams, the president,
had .charge of the devotion. ,and
Doug Thompson, -the progrern,.
which eensist,ed e),( an amusing
panel discussion'on "Preblem
Parents". Rev. Edgar liouiston
lcdone group and Slr. Howard
Kew the- other. The report from,
both groups was presented and
discussed. creating much fun.
.4114 .H1110S0111011L,
.Anyllean Owe's
The Bowers in the chancel on
Sunday were in loving lueJDOrY
of Mrs. Emma Downing, , who.
for many ycers was a faithful
Welber .of Italy Trinity Church.
An Ash Wednesday service will
be held in the church at 8 .p.m.
Wednesday evening, followed by
Junior Altar :Guild Meeting at
the home of Mr. end Mrs. M.
O. Smith,
The World Day of Prayer
meeting will be held this year
in the United Church, Friday,
February 13, with Holy •scrinity
providing the speaker,
Personal items
Mr, Harvey liaskett, London,
and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has-
kett of Laicals attended the fune-
ral of their cousin, Mr. George
Morgan, at Sandusky, Mic,h., on
Mrs. Ida 'Carroll celebrated:
her 80th birthday in the Green
Gables Nursing Horne; Parkhill,
last Sunday. '
The London Middlesex Histo-
rical Society is paying tribute
to Biddulph at a meeting, in
Room 208 in the London Pub -
tic Library at 8 p.m, Tuesday,
February 17. There will be two
guest speakers, Mr. C, W. Stan-
ley of London and Mrs, Clarence
Lewis of Elginfield. Mr. Stanley,
who is a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Stanley, formerly of
Granton, will speak of Biddulph
East and Mrs. Lewis on Bid-
dulob West including Luean.
Mr. and Mrs. Murton McLean
last Sunday visited the formers
aunt, Miss Hattie Hodgins at the
Green Gables Nursing Home,
Parkhill, and found her much
improved. Corning home two
foxes crossed the road in front
of them near Ailsa Craig. Un-
fortunately they had no gun.
Mrs. Lorne Mohr, who under-
went an operation in St. Josephs
Hospital, last Monday is making
satisfactory recovery, tier two
Little girls four and a half year
Ice will be held on FrIday, Feb. -
1 for the appointed reporters and , ments were made for the pur- . Feb.1.
13 at the home of Mrs. Earl At- :s 1 .
anyone interested in the survey. 1 chase of some and the making ,
kinson followed by a Guild meet -
Films will be shown and special ' of others. . i Personal Items
ing. speakers will attend. ?The president spoke of the 1 Guests on Sunday with Mr.
There are a number of chit.; (World Day oe Prayer Friday, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins induct-
dren in the community suffer-. Personal Items :Feb. 13,which this year will he ed Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston
in St Joseph's Hospital, also Roy Hamilton of Lucanur( 1Wi -
-1 Mrs. :' of Centralia and Mr. and Mrs.
will be ' Cliff Abbott of Saintsbury,
ing from measles and chicken 1. Mrs. Eslie Hodgson is bnproy- ' held inthe United Ch
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arenthal
formerly Donna Mills of Wood -1 Mr. Jack Whitmore Sr. is eon' iStanley, was given sufficient
ham and presently teaching at . fined to bed with illness. . 'leaflets. for the patients at the i, Mrs. Albert Carroll, Hanover.
S. S. No. 2 Biddulph was held1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downiling. i Pines Haven Nursing Home, se 1 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice AlcDon-
in Lucan arena on Friday night. ; Karen and Joan oi with
they can at least follow the serv-laKlodoyof Lucan and Mrs. Tom
This community was well repre- ' spent the weekend with _sirs. I ice. of Ailsa Craig attended
eented. i Downing's parents. Me. ewand Mrs. Harold Hodgins displayed: the funeral of the late Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet AleFalls1Mrs.. Almer 'Ilendrie. Mr. Heed- the new study hook. "He Cares" : Sarah Casterton of Detroit and
and Mr. and Airs. Verne Pin- i rie is improvedan . able ,
dto be written by the Rev. Leonard I visited friends for the weekend.
y • out again after ,hie illnees.w. d. Hatfield:and dealing with social. , Mrs, Garfield Needham. has
eveningwith Air. axil or Miss Jackie 'Williams of Ti 1 service, As -an introduction to returned home to Ballymote
cOmbe, Exeter, were Saturda
Mrs. Heber Davis. • 1 eor is visiting her parents, . r.: the book, Mrs. Hodgins gave a after a week's visit with Mr.
' and Mrs. Rupert Williams. I paper on Christian Social Serv-; and Mrs. Henry Hodgins.
Mrs. Tom Kooy accompanied 1 Airs. }toy McRann is improv, , ice in the church and what a ' Mrs. H a r o 1 d Ribsoonn, who
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDon- ing but is still a patient in St.. social worker really should be. i underwent an operati last.
aid, Lucan, to Detroit, to attend 1Joseph's Hospital. I Mrs. Irene Courses, offered week in St. Joseph's Hospital, is
. the funeral Of their aunt on Fri- m
A presentation and dance for ' Mrs. Russell Blake and Elias
the guest speaker. The social' Mrs. William Dickins spent
service secretary, Mrs. Roy last weekend with her sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Heiman Powe her home for the March meet- mak-II-
I e satiefactory recovery.
s of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ing with Mrs. T. C. McFarlane, I Mrs. John Smibert spent last
L • Myrna of Thorn- M T A. Hod gins and Mrs., weekend with her son, Gordon,
Sunday guests with. Mrs. Irene
The first Lenten service this . Coursey included Mr. and Mrs.
Presentation And Dance
W.A. Meeting
Th W. A. of St. Patrick's!,
church held the January ineet-1
ing at the home of Mrs. Heber :
Davis Mrs. Harry Carroll, vice -
President, was in charge of de-
votioes arid business. The after-
noon was spent in quilting.
Fred Logan and, TS. T. .• •
dale visited the Paton family on Harold Hodgins as assistants. 1 of London.
Saturday evening.
season will be held at St. James! Mr. and Mrs. Martin Aren.-' Ned Ford and Robert of Detroit,
church on Friday evening, Feb.' thals, formerly Donna Mills, Mrs and Mrs. Merrill Edwards of
113 at 8 p.m. : were guests of honor at a pre-; London, Mrs. Ada Jennings and
I -The ladies of the community : sentation and dance in the Lu- Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, Parkhill.
are to be reminded the World . can Community Centre last Fri -1 Mrs. Helen Smith of St. The -
Day of Prayer service will be day night when a number of mas spent a few days with Mr.
' met to extend eon- and Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins and
. ,
an Friday afternoon in the United theirfriends
Church, Lucan, I gratulations and best wishes to other Lucan friends.
Mrs. Emily Tomes has been the young couple. i Mr. Ed Norris of the bank of
ill with the flu but is improving., The evening was spent in danc-1Montreal was the lucky winner
Mrs.GordonMaines of Dor- : ing, during which the guests of of the camera at the Drug Store
cheater visited her sister, Mrs.' honor were presented with a last Saturday.
Tomes, on Monday evening. ! swivel chair and clothes hamper., Miss Kate Bowyer who has home here.
Mr. Bill Gilmour of Fort Erie: Miss T. Kouvaar read the ad- been on the sick list for a couple
visited over the weekend with: dress and Mr. G. Weinestraum ' of weeks is now a patient of St.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott. i made the presentation. I Joseph's Hospital.
tary, Witham German; sides- men, Gordon Leslie, Derwin Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins. cent guests of Mr. and .11s,
Beatson, Harry Herbert, Harvey 'Mrs. Sarah Thomas has re- James Hodgins.
Ken. turned home after a five-month 1 Mr. and Mrs. IL Ritchie and
Herbert, Ross ClatworthY, visit with her sons, Messrs. Carl family were Sunday guests of
meth Hedging, James Harding and Ray ilfeirthew and families,, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett
Joey Pecko. of Detroit. 1 and family.
Personal Items
Lucan Medway students had a
holiday on Monday when Mr.
Wall's bus got stuck OR Conces-
sion 10.
Mr. George Young has pur-
chased and taken possession of 1
the Culbert Dry Goods Store,
owned by Mrs. Mel Culbert.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Carpen-
ter of Ottawa are making an
extended stay with the former's
son, Mr. George Carpenter and
family of Elginfield. Mr. Car-
penter Sr. specializes as
black -smith and while • here, is!
in charge of Lucan's race hor-
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bradford
left last Tuesday for a month's
vacation at Davis, California,
where they will be the guest of
their son, Dr. G. E. Bradford
and Mrs. Bradford.
Mr. and Mrs. All Dickins of
London were Saturday guests of
the former's sister, Mrs. Bob
Coleman. In the afternoon ac-
companied by Mrs. Coleman
they visited Mrs. Frank Coates
of Exeter.
Mrs. Warner McRoberts, now
of the Dresden High School
staff, spent last weekend at her
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