HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-12, Page 71 Plan Benevolent Fund Prayer Service In Trivitt Church For .HosOita! Nurses for all women ,of Exeter And dis- The 190 World DaY of Prayer The talk by Miss $0,4 Geed. bpspitat is more patients since triet will be held in Triyitt Me. zone public health nnrsoi sciind. the Ontario Ropital insnranee modal church on, Friday, Feb - tiled for the .meeting 0 the Pr°gram•"1" 1114) 1°1'°e more ruraY13 'at 3 P'111. leadieS Atlxillare of $91.1111 ItitrOn -sAutiPxPillUaesry w?:•tieldmbbeers neNes,deielild ''''"'A."11;"-: frne FssegesviVeewhgeareineas ctishilissrsaYtetae e ,ta, Imerni on Tuesday afternoon busier keeping up the stipply. Of nine women representing the Anglican, Evangelical, Presby- iloval ‘Pv°1).settiP°nreodiulsa 41AnIsra1;eTteliceti: repAirle.ss'epie. siQ'ec.: 10-)V0,1,1,, Ariexstipiarv,. terlan and Orthoclox churchea cent:Miens Are nitre favorable. Board, reported that the Board ,iw,ho,,riceshcipmone lit, together in Cairo. nopunrepseiddeasitt tebtersinEee,tipng, elthe41st ,p4: vtootseedl, toup egingootnveelr,oltchnet AFutixtli(Iiiaf ors; a". Itd Re ""Vors—hip;/:eQdvdtli 1111 ,11,1e114 V° Auxihsty members were invitee ntirSes from donations given hy 4 eervice for girls will be held This wiii be in (he evening at 7.30 in the to a capping ceremopy for seven grateful patients. girls to be held in the Auxiliary, administered as the Auxiliary sal" 11141:e1l. nurses committee sees file rooms en Wednesday evening. We. Allan Fraser, convener of 1t was announced that the the nurses' committee,. will pre- spring i•egional meeting vsill he 41PIII!!VC— S St. WA sent gifts from the Auxiliary .and held in Tilleoliborg on April 15,• .her committee will serve lunch, and Mrs, B. W. Tuckey noted Flans Birthday It 'was decided to continue the that there was sewing for the bursary ler a Grade la or )3 hospital ready to be done by„ At -the Februery meeting of student who plans to train for any the members. tne Womans Association of a nurse and who Meets the re -James Street • United church -riuirments. Airs, Bell in keeping \vial which was preceded by a pot Health Week said "People have ,Mrs. Bell indicated that, as the been: so occupied 'with the -int- luck Omer at 1,30 tentative plans were made for the W. A, eeeemesiseesesesseisesessmeessses, Perlacce cf lecklars after people anniversary And BlossomN ,. ',A when they are sick that they may. CANADIAN have forgotten that it would be much better to keep people well PROPANE and vigorous.” Mrs, C. S, M Ofa ughton, eon - GAS venor of the public relation -corn- mit*, mentioned that a lona, tive plan had been discussed. to issue a :quarterly bulletin to nie. praise members of the Activities of the Auxiliary, APPLIANCES GRATTON & 'HOTSON Phene 156 Grand Bend 'N111/1t1Mhttt11,f1flitlit ttttt IIIIIIIMMIMII1111111111110 -," '5, AY 5 TER TH TER In the past 10 years inflation has reduced the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar by 22'1 cents, an average of about 21/4 per cent a year. The flavour and colour of butter is Nature's secret mo, No. SSS ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARKETING BOARD IttptUSIVING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS 911$1111111111111111111111111111 ttttt I t 111/AMI111 tttt I ttttttttt tttttt MIt$141 tttt Al ttt tttttt ttttt Milt tttttt tlf,7 4 MORE ant' MORE the swing is to the Fresh Frozen Food way of preparing meals. And why not when you can obtain your meats, fruits and vegetables in bulk quantities at low, money -saving prices at Exeter Frozen Foods? - • Ask for a icopyof our new BUYING GUIDE to show you the Variety of foods and how much you can save. Why not drop in to see us about' filling up that Locker or Horne Freezer now. PS—We still have a good supply of delicious fish on hand for lenten meals. Exeter Frozen Foods Phone .70 Main St., Exeter A brief memorial service was held for a former member, Miss Nettie R.ecidy: President Mrs, Remick conducted the business. Mrs. 11, If. Cowen presided .for the program and was assist- ed in the devotional by Airs. Laura Harvey, Mrs. R. E. Pooley gave a reading on St. Valentine. Kinettes Aid Scout House The Exeter Kinettes at their business meeting on Monday evening voted S100 to the Exeter Lions Club building fund toward the Guide and Scout House ex - pension. President Mrs, Ray Frayne was in the chair, Winner of the draw was Mrs, .Don Robertson. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Ralph Genitner and assistant hostesses were Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Cal Wein. RESEKAHS AID SAILORS The Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge at the meeting on Wed. nesday evening decided to cater to the past presidents' banquet for the Legion Auxiliary on Fri- day, February 27. . A donation was voted for ditty bees for sailors. The second round of the euchre marathon was held followed by a social hour. PENTECOSTAL W.M.C. Miss Della Peart was hostess for the January meeting of the W. M. C. of Exeter Pentecostal church. • The message entitled "Chosen" "was given by Mrs, K. ,McLaren and Mrs. T. Jolly opened the de- votional with prayer, Mrs. C. Blanchard presided for ..the meeting. eite,Sess sss see esiess"'Sisseeeei.:SeeliSSeateiSeneil • Topics From Woodham Main St. croups Hear Minister junior Atthe meeting. .or. .the •Illstitute, and W.M.S. .of Main Street yolts 40w:eller United ..Chureh Thursday After - The Thelea-Mvocats, February 12, 195 Page 7 noon, Mrs. Brea DeVries was. Mernhere of :SouthHuron Jun, guest speaker, telling of the or Institute visited the store ,01 family's experience when they jeek .Sznith for information on seeeeineessiseeeseeteemeweemesessemeesseememseeeseeilessesseeessesessesses, first came to Canada. .silverware and chine as part o it President Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer the prograsts for the February :conducted the business when meeting. Mr. Smith howed plans were made for (be eon- filen on the Making fsilver- gregetional meeting on Wednes- ware and answered questions, tlay evening. lie was thanked by 4rs. Hugh By mots. tA s Owing to weather and rogl conditions on Tuesday, Miss Marie liOdgson did not Annear on 1111,ady program TV and the ladiee of klurondale Women's Institute, who, have been her sonsOring organiZatieni did not make the trip. * At this time of year most homemakers find their supply of jams and jellies almost gone, It seems a long time before fruit will be ripe again. Take a package of frozen strawberries — thaw them and your fruit is ready or open a tin of anned crushed pineePPle or use a tin of frozen orange juice, thaw it and your juice is ready. Pineapple Jam 4 cups prepared fruit 7 cups (3 lbs, sugar) 1 bottle fruit, pectin Squeeze the juice from 2 med- itnnesized elemons, Add' 2 (20 - ounce cans) ensiled pineapple. Measure 4 cups in a large sauce- pan, Add sugar to fruit and mix well, Place over high heat. Bring to a full rolling boil and 1 pound package white cream hail hard ane mintue, stirring cheese constantly. Remove from heat; 11 cups diced cooked chicken stir in fruit pectin. Then stir and or turkey skim by turns for 5 minutes. .3 cup finely chopped celery Pour into glasses. Makes 11 six- salt and pepper ounce glasses. Mayonnaise 2 Strawberry Jam cup minced cooked ham or canned luncheon meat 3 tbl. draihed mixed mustard pickle 2 ttil, whole cranberry sauce 1 unsliced sandwich loaf SI Mrs. ,Glen McKnight led. in the Rundle. devotional .part of the meeting Afterreturning to SHPHS for ! Assisted by Mrs. W11114111 Ar- the remainderof the meeting. Thur. Mrs. Cecil Skinner look Marilyn Tuckey discussed .the the study and Mrs. S. O. IOW motto "What weMake ef our sang two solosi .. home is more mportant than what our home, is made (4." :Cur- rent ,events were given by Joan Westeott. The roll' eall was an- swered 'by ,each bringing a home. specie valentine. During the business it was. de- eided the mother And daughter banquet would, be held in 'Thames Reed church on Friday, 'March - rolling boil and boll hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and at (mese stir in liquid pectin. Stir ane skim by turns for 5 minutes to Cool slightly to prevent fruit floating to the top. Pour into glasses and cover with paraffin, Orange Juice Jelly 34 cups sugar 1 cup %eater cup (6-ounee cant frozen con- centrated orange juice (thawed) 3 the lemon juice 1 bottle liquid pectin Measure sugar and water into a large saucepan and mix well. Place over a high heat, bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute, Remove from heat. Stir in fruit juices. Add pectin and mix well. Skim if necessary. Pour into glasses. Cover with paraffin. * * 'You will he "in the pink" with your preparations for Valentine day if you make up this pink - frosted sandwich loaf. Valentine Party Special 4 cups frozen strawberries (thawed) 2 tbl, lemon juice 5 cups sugar bottle fruit pectin Crush strawberries. Measure 4 cups of fruit and juice into a large saucepan, Add lemon juice and sugar and mix well. Place over high beat, bring to a full Mixed Up 'Galatin'? Combine cooked turkey or chicken and celery; season to taste. Moisten with mayonnaise or other thick dressing and re- frigerate. Combine minced ham, must- ard pickle and sufficient sauce from pickle to moisten. Refrig- erate. Place cream cheese in a bowl and heat until smooth. Blend in .sufficient cranberry sauce to make a mixture of spreading St. Valentine's Day has long consistency. challenged historians to explain how a Christian saint became identified with a pagan custom of exchanging tokens of love. The answer may be simply that somebody got his ABC's mixed up. The research department of The World Book Encyclopedia points out that at one time the letters "v" and "g" frequently were interchangeable in popular speech. Among the Normans, the word "galantin" 'referred to a lover of a fair sex — probably a wolf, according to present -clay By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE terminology. But the word often was written and pronounced ses„.s•ssiie•D:".0.1::'inl'aMizaRt.M112,121MFEI tv ale nti World Day Of Prayer Service, By a natural contusion of - Modern. The World Day of Prayer Serv- names, the Christian martyr was ice will be held in the Woodham was established as the patron United Church basement on Fri- saint of sweethearts, and his Beauty Salon day, February 13 at 2.30 p.m. name was given to the Roman The ladies of Cooper's Mission- festival at which young men and ary Society will join with the women chose partners for the Woodham ladies and have charge coming year. of the service assisted by the Some historians argue, how- eeseemieseeseeeseseemmemeesesessweeeemeseeseiseeseseeses'seeseeSesssse Woodham W.M.S. and the Eve- ever, that there is another ex- ning Auxiliary, • planation for giving the name W.M.S. And W.A. Meeting St. Valentine's Day to the Ro- The February meeting of the man holiday. Woman's Missionary Society wasShirley Coe The early Christian fathers held on Thursday afternoon in often had difficulty wiping out the church basement with 12 pagan festivals. Someti,.--ls they members present. The ?resident, simply appropriated the festi- Mrs. F. ,Doupe, was ln charge vats — and gave them a Chris - and presided for the worship tian meaeing. service. A moment of silent The church fatheis may have prayer for the prayer partner (a ken over the Roman holiday, was observed. Scripture was which was celebrated on Feb' read by Mrs. G. Wilson with 15,and named it after three In the absence of Mrs. Ware - comments by the president. saints named Valentine, whose day fell on Feb. 14. ham through illness, Airs. M. feast Copeland had charge of program and study book. She was assist- ed by Mrs. V. Chatten and Mrs. The Story In. A. Butters. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Wilson and Mrs. A. Zion DewAr. A short W. A. meeting was held with the president, Mrs. A. Dewar, in the chair. It was de- cided to hold a supper on March 17 and committeewere ao- poihted. Hostesses for the meet- ing were Mrs. Copeland, Mrs, A. Butters and Mrs. V. Chat- ten Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, George, Webber of Detroit were Saturday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber. Mr, and Mrs. Murray May and baby Richard, of Byron were Wednesday evening guests with Sunshine Mission Band held Mrs. M. Copeland and jeae. their February meeting in the Dianne and Douglas Smith Sunday Scheel Nfonclay At 4 visited over the weekend with p.m. their kranclparente, Mr. arid Elsie Miller and Shiela Hern Mrs. Clayton Stnitte Rirkton, had charge of the meeting. Bar - Linda Knight of Winchelsea bate Perri and Nellie Bilstra visited Over the weekend with gave readings. Yvonne aatates her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. and Margaret Cornish sang a Ilarry Webber. , duet, Mr. and Mrs. E. Webb, Grand Mrs. Tom Herh took the wor- Bend, visited With Mr. and Mre, shit), service and Mrs, Clifton Norris 'Webb On Sunday. , Jaques gave the study. Mrs. Lloyd Smith attended a schenl for hairdressing on Fri. day last in Detroit. and also spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rey 13rock. Lloyd motored Own to London on Sun - The salesnaan stared doubt- fully at the formidable looking animal lying on the doorstep. "What breed is your dog?" he asked the lady of the house. "Don't rightly know," she an- swered. "My brother sent it from Africa." "Well." said tile salesman, hesitantly, "it's the queerest dog I've ever seen." The lady nodded. "You should .mane off." have seen It before we cut its .tet us .give you.r hair new beauty PHONE „522 1 YiGO.BY BEAUTY BAR Jose .5trevatti. Exeter Remove all crusts from an un - sliced sandwich loaf; cut the loaf into 4 lengthwise slices. Spread one side of top and hot - tom slices with soft butter and centre slices on both sides. Put the four slices together again, sandwich fashion, making top and bottom fillings of turkey salad and centre filling of ham salad. Frost top and sides with the cranberry cream cheese 'mix- ture. Chill until serving time, Decorate the loaf with radish , roses or with hearts outlined with cranberries. FINAL WINTER eV% Rack Of DRESSES, & SKIRTS Reduced 50c' a day until sold THURSDAY'S PRICE 5.00 Oridayl Price t tt „ $4.50 Saturday's Price t t ,„ $4.00 Monday's Price „,„, $3.50 HURRYI HURRY, HURRY! THEY'LL GO PAST AT THESE PRICES! We Still Have A Few Left Choate Now Blouses teEtelltEte $Fro 1 .,, . , , ' LADIES' VVEAR rherie 474 Exeter 429 'Main St, Rhone 349 LATEST STYLING PERMANENTS HAIR TREATMENTS Vita MI 31 t t,R1 103 KM 1 11 t By MRS. JUD DYKEMAN . *. • '! W.M.S. And W.A. Zion West W.M.S. and W.A. held their annual family night Friday night in the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan showed their pictures on Florida. The Woodham quartet favoured With -several numbers and a varied program was put on by members of the community. Mission Rand Perionai Items Bilt Brock spent the weekend with Mr, and Mts. Bert Morgan, St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs, Warren 'Brock day. spent Sunday With Mr, AO Ales. Iteg Wlls and sob. Hap, clwin Miller And fatriily, T',Ames Of I:Oilskin' visited with his Road, fathee, Me. Edger Mills and Mr, and Mt'sIteY Hektnalt, Mises Blanche atid Rhea Mills. London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .1ack Roundel( Mr. and Mrs, Jud Dykeman and nf Kirkton were Sunday evening Mr, and Mrs, rt issett, visitors with Mr, and Mrs, 1,10;94 tx_etet, Th ,oues and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mr. 0600 EArI 15 Spending Rodinaii of London visited with this month with Mr. and MrS. M. and MPS. Jaques Sunday Norman Brodk. AfteiMotel, Lynda And fitted bykoman Mt, And Mrs, Wm, Itodd And visited SattirdAY evening with Mt..Precf louts 61' Oftritein vuere Misses Built Aline and Jane Suhctay viettere with Aft, And Dykeman lt Witigham, Mrs. Jim miner, Mr, and Mrs. Clifton Jaques rton Ciiittftft 6t 'reAelitire- C61. and ehilAr& Atif.litOd with MC. kge, totiatiti, Is id P111(t/Wit as And MI' Yerard 'Mince Oft Oatti6 tale t1iiwok, .StitidAyw Pearl' Hendersoti, Prop. HI -LINE Beauty Salon in Cook's Hotel, Centralia Air Conditioned Dryers PHONb AC 8.6661 Marg COward, Prop. SAVE AT A&H! Yellow Quick — 1 pound package Margarine Blue Bonnet SAVE AT A&Hi Fancy Assorted — 75 -ounce tins Aylmer Peas SAVE AT A&H! Aylmer Brand — 15 -ounce tins Fruit Cocktail SAVE AT A&H! Cooked — 15 -ounce tins 33c 33c 49c Heinz Spaghetti 2 31c SAVE AT A&H! Breakfast Club 2 -Fruit armalade LARGE 24 OZ JAR 3 7C Swift's — 12.oz. tin Prem Red Rose — -10' off 60's 434 Tea Bags 69' White Swan Toilet Tissue 4 ROLLS 49C Swift's Prem, Pasteurized Process Cheese Save 15e Giant Fab 99' 66` FROZEN FOODS Maddock Fillets Lenten Treat 12 -ounce poly bag York Peas LE. Kernels, 2-11a. poly bag York torn York 1/2•Ga lions Ice Cream 47` 21` 59` 89` MEAT VALUES Head Cheese 33 Swift's Breakfast — 1-113, box Sausage 35C Sweet Pickled — ave, Cottage Rolls es. 53' 3 -LB TIN Only 89c' L. Fancy Quality No. 1 ApplesSPY u. $'1 29 Tender Pascal California 30's 9C Celery LG. STALKS Fresh From Texas Broccoli BUNCH 25 Sweet, Juicy Florida 125's Oranges DDZ 39' FANCY MAC APPLES 3 LBS, 190 H MARKET Phone 532 EXETER. Free Delivery ••=as MOW NIMNI 1 - .1•1=m1 amler ammo. o.4••• doming •ftwilf 'mid 0=0 =moo imium1 'nom* mime omml• ammo, iimEn• mime. Mom" 4111111 I PA 113A001-1 • 6C61 )IM N3A0OH • 65'61 :433M NAA0OH • 661 )Ngivk liaA0OH 4 6561. N33/A 113A001-1 4 6961 N32/A it%Eggtt.lgVikEMEA:tttEVAEKRR4 Special for. 'HOOVER WIEIEIC Fe.brudry 14 to 21 Bring. in this valuable .certificate oriel E $25.11.2 e=. on the HOOVER graiee.a.,f6Y • Actually walks on air...fiords along behind you ae you clean. • piiptsgobte dirt bolt is changed in a moment — ittHsS or Ass. • Convenient tool rock tight on the Tirane).— setts time and steps. • 3,whiret Nozzle glide* snienthlyoret rugs and bare Pore. Su irel neck lets .you dean under kw furniture, The Hoover ConstellAtion Is (Andalt fteaten Cleaner value at on,v time—bul it's a once-in-a- lifetime bargain during Hoover Week! Take advantage of this amazing opportunity. The hoover Constellation has the smooth, efficient power to make short work dr every cleaning job. Complete set of cleaning tools included, Beautifully styloid in Antigne Gold And Pearl White. RUSSELL ELECTRIC PItittie. ReS.S5vtif WEEK leee s 1460V. tk WEEK 1031, 1, 1-106VE, WK 1959 HOOVt* 1.0.19' aloft owl* lift, NOM MON alma tor* 0111.011 *MN .01M111 WIXOM WWII SIMI* MOM *Mil* 1040•11 'NOM 1•11110111 VJIMilWO