HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-12, Page 5(
BB Champs
Still Tops • ARENA
Around The
Dashwood's broomball team, By LARRY HEIP.E.MAN
Winner of the Lake Huron Zone
broomball championship 1a s t • • ' •
year, is roiling at a fast and fu.
miss clip again, chalking siP two
more -xhibition victories over
the past weel•.
In Ridgetown Sunday, the io
eats took a 2,1 decision from
Doug Omithis Ridgetown Ramb,
les, Mervin Webb and Charlie
Tindali scored ftr the winners
while the RidgetoWn marker was
a fluke vaunter. A. Dashwood
player, in an attempt to clear the
all out of his end, had his shot
deflect off ttidgetown PlaYer
right into the Dashwood net.
Earlier in the week, Dash,
wood whipped a Zurich entry
6-0 in a wide open contest,
Players on the Dashwood team
are Russell Hoperoft, Boh Hay-
ter, Roy Webb, Gerald Martene,
George Tiernan, Mervin '\Yebb,
Ted Webb, Hubert Miller, John
Teevins and Bill Becker.
Stan Frayne
Bowls 412
Stan Frayne was the big noise
in the Exeter Men's Bowling
League this week as he topped
both the high single and triple
records for the season.
.Frayne, who rolls for the Big
Six, came- up with the biggest
game seen in years on the Exe,
ter lanes when he trundled a
sparkling 412 single -He also
wound up his night's performance
with a high triple of 893 to hold
the lead in both departments for
the season,
High average holder in the
loop is Bob Osgood with 236.
With Frayne's 412 single, he
easily looked after the free bowl -
Mg award for that department Exeter Men's intertown howl -
while Garth Anderson took. the ing team eliminated the power
high triple with 730. Bob Elle- rut Walkerton six in a total pm
playoff last weekend to advance
into the playoffs next week
against Fergus Browns, The wor-
ship goes, the Rockets are still ner of '4 -his semi-final match will
top dogs with 110 points. Wind- meet either Listowel or Fergus
mills rest in second with 99 Black 1.ic Whites for the chain,
while the Milkmen and Red's ploaship,
Billiardare each tied for third
With 87 apiece. Exeter outscored Walkerton
9-2 in the first five game play -
In total pinfall for league play,
the second place Mills lead the off at. Exeter and 5748 to 5281 in
pinfall to gain the lead in the
category with 62,336 with the
first round.
Rackets at second with 60'9' At Walkerton, the locals reg -
The "B" grouping continues to
have the Wildcats and Imperials istered another 9-2 decision and
In a nip and tuck 'battle. Wild- copped the pinfall 5593 to 5306,
cats jumped into the leadership Total pinfall for the 10 -game
playoff was taken by Exeter
spot by taking five from the Im- 10,874 to 11,054. I Boyle Nets Two
perials in the battle of the week Results of individual bowling
ale as f0110ws.
cerned. However, despite their
five point sweep, Wildcats only u'r'n -- B. Wet Han ter. 113,
hold the first place edge by one 229, t2, 297, 316, 1117; Al. 'Brim.
The first pee v,ce .gaine at the
arena last Saturday morning
showed the Jets trouncing the
Wings by score ..ef 4-1, Andre
Kenyon led the Jets with a three
goal effort while the fourth was
seared by Larry Bripthell. The victory to keep five -game ,wm- areentan. 5, Heather McKenzie, 2
lone tally for the Wings went to oing streak in tact. Senior girls "3" St ration, 1; Ann oarros.
, Norma Shacfcr, Joan Armstrong.
Ray Cockwitt and the two boys: .clubs won merlon mo•a% ish. Janet Inteltan•
In the second game, the Eag- down. to defeat. - thomps, Louise Buchanan.
Ies nipped the :Mohawks 2 to 1. win in Half sol -•- Barb Itoagaon.
Larry Rile and John Harnesst 16: Marilyn Hamilton. tit Kris
tallied far the Eagles. For the :Seta Huron Junior girls. Pulled rth"", ". 114e • “"1"8, 3; 1:1"
• Rowe. 2; Ma ry Ausma. Cm-
11101111WkS it was Cary Parsons.
The Rangers upset the Rac-
kets by the close margin of 4 to
3. Mike Cushman and. Jaeltie
Glover „scored two goals ,aplece
for the Rangers while the Roc-
ket goal -getters were Donny
Wright, Peter De Vries and Tre-
vor whitoiord.
Exeter P'ee Wee Stars that
will travel to kiensall gre: NeiI
liamilton, Jim Carseadden, Jac-
kie Glover, Danny Lenaghan,
Larry %fleet, Jeff Pearson, Bill
Alen, Mike Cushman, Gary Par -
Sons, Peter De Vries, .Bob Mac-
Donald, Larry Stires, Ray Cock.
well, Larry Brintnell and Andre
All players are asked to be at
the arena with their equipment
at 12 o'clock sharp on Saturday,
February 14,
Three Out Of Four
rijoy.The. TimepAcIvewe, felnu4ry 12, MI NO91:
aers Lose.. To :Straffor Biddulph .Greenway Comment:$.7
MiniiS learns traVelled a mat ti • li th •1 4. st A successful ParlY ebArge
1, nee. ea ern en4 e, Nunn, : laron
.. '
bumpY road „against Stratford LW() and Diane Strain/1i with One 1,1unseltia, Juan Stewart, Judy eX Air. .and Airs, Jack :glair and 14.011.5. Plan faaaar With Mr. and Mt% MIRA/A WO*.
PiStriet High School Thursday rounded out, the waiter's sc°r.
when. they dropped three of their Inc.
four contests played. AjOlt (MILS
The only aurviver of the vie.- e„aia ssroiturd ,23
tory trail was South Huron iunior
• Charmain Was -
girls who chalked up a 35•23. man, 12: ti Shore, 1; IlaY,e
I,PEN WEE .t1ICIINni. 1.41
Saturday, Feb. 14
8-9- Wings vs, Piockets
9 -10 -Hangers .Eagles
in-11-alahawas vs. Jets *
11-1 1;90. -It Devils vs. .14 Devils
11:31.1.124 --Pant hers vs, Cotne14
Locals Oust
rington copped the hidden score
As far as the league leader -
in.th Anr.iintson. Air. and. Mrs. ;Write Weiberg The W.M.S. and W.A. o -f the
am...of Ili 11,0 - • tiosanne Dos- wheel house of s s No .0 Pry meeting :at the home ,of Mrs,
VA.I'S, I i; lt n i 0, St 'At i - - " '" Wm. Ina$with Mrs La Wl'Ont'e
Was held Friday eveni»g in the United Church, held their Febru-
burn, '
The World Day of Prayer fetw.
vice for the ladies of this C014;*
""I' iI9. '1, rat (411 Mt* ,::l 11141 first port of the evening c .t • )4 f i . . PlauttenalutY chwulliltembeidridialty th 4.14.,:.:
Viit'i''.1sli;:isitotrZitt-..sTii8ho'isnanif;nailii.lt?:11 t . A "7. ' Ul s In c large° Ile "IshIP p.m,
WaS e,Peil. ,111,_, c,arv„s„.• 1,.,1„0,nels and study book, "The OreWth of ,4"1-.
isi:.,1,:r,ets, la,: ii4r1i,:iiirnii.i:ex,Pariser. Louise sivorme; iiaaudi ieess, niiogyrn; gli.::: ortrivmlie ler
th'..,111C.s1.1111.cGileirlionslie.iSte.A;ve a read• word or the death of his bro.,
Mr. Irwin Luther received
so,„1, ithron : 1 10 li 9_24 114saahagel:;°rgde.nt'sgelro)tWs, Dhaivgihd Elston; ing olniognaola cttnleunacaillvaertclinuracfbetislebNeiad- btheerrta, , l\iars.t Epirmide4ry.Luther in Ai,
.81ratim It
Boys Lose Two 7 ti-ao lone hands, Wayne Carroll, in Denver Colorado Mrs Ar: •
i.itmeit was served by the ladies tiler 43re h'ev . '' • • Air. and 111rs Fred Steeper elf
d f • " '
The Porthex, Conference deuble,l Tailored by dance with muste,Chri t' 6 • I,- Sarnia visited on Su d
*, provided by Heber Di vis, violin, s Ian Wens A letter rei the n aY WI .
of the fire in the last batf or las".Pr -4-un Alexan• header svas swept by Stratford
or, at Hoag 111$,. Carol Aic. • fromand Mrs. Irwin in IQ- a
the ball game by surging fOr 2? ( 111'113', Betty Dixon, carol° 110- in both boy's classes. Mrs, Ross McFalls, piano, and T1 Be 11.111 1 f
Ken Reidy and Bob James
peints in a 35,23 game. After a garti"
10.point first ()starter and a three seore- bY Verteres paced the unbeaten Stratford
Point second, Stratford rallied 81" it.° I'll • - . 4 9 8 2_22 Jtbletrs24S-Ivoithriecilgohrty,p0Tinedts
for nine big points in -the second se"t1"thma - la 8 13-11 Seaancdherins
to go with four in the first to Seniors Prop Cies. 9ne e $
while Bob Schroeder and 13111 I held. At the home of Ars. A. E. ' • .t
lie the score. roma. spent the weekend In It
Stratford senior girls edged the Harvey each scored two. Weekend visitors 'th Mr, d 'If 11
wi - I-- an o ey at the manse, Grand •
Barb Hodgson's 19 point effort ideals 34.30 on the strength of Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr.. Bend,
Mr. Ross ataalis, guitar.
The next party is in charge ef zaar on November 14. alle mem-
I it WAS decided to have a ba- United Church will held their
• .
Mr. and Airs' Bob ir And ATI." ber visited the birthday box, 41114 Mrs. Orland Squire. n• the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
meeting on Friday evening it
Was tops for the loaals with six Persona Iten's " e Mr Dawson WoodbUrn of TO-
topped. South Huron candidates Linda Greb s and Joyce Voigt's
while Marilyn Hamilton register- shooting of 15 and 14 points re -
NI eight. Kris Culens .and spectively. Carolyn GoWlett with
Gulens each had three and Pat four and Diane Wasman with
.34 Wit fl
ra Neil 24, South Baran 10
.401 TO tit HON Srhrnodrr, 2:
Rowe one. one were the other Stratford Knight- nonaing. Desiardincs, N41 -
Charmaine Wasman was the sc°1'ecs.
big gun for Stratford with 12. Roxanne Beavers enjoyed a
Gloria shore, five, Gay,e Free_ 14 -point afternoon f o r South
Huron while Dianne Ronnie sank
four field goals for eight points.
Mirdza Gulens had six and Caro-
lyn Oke had two.
sriNioit wimp;
Sfrotr•)rd ;11, South Onros SO
Leftwinger John Cook fired a sTwa'rcono •---
hat-trick Exeter Bantams in •/".'"i'igt. 241 °a"Ir•rt "("vh'“,
Exeter Friday night to pace Mit-
chell to a 6 -2 - victory in the first
game of the WOAA Bantam
playoff series,
ners included Ken Osborne, Ken
Other goal -getters for the win- PLI Away
Appleby and Ron Bucknor. Happy Gals are gradually start -
Fred Lamb scored the Exe-
ing to pull away from the sec-
tor goals in the first period. ond place Ili -Lights in the Exeter
The two clubs were tied 2-2 Ladies' Bowling League as they
after the first twenty minutes copped seven last week to gain
of play but Mitchell poured
three more into the net in the xylie=p,point bulge over the =-
second without a reply, The win -
Gals swept all seven from the
ners added. a single tally in the
the Jolly Six while the Lights could
final frame to wrap up only get five from the Blowettes.
'Phe third place Pin .Poppettes
ImTvseam lineups were as fol.
Cook's Hat Trick
Downs Bantams
Happy Gals
11161(11 )01,1. - Goal, MeNanghl ;
ppleby; wings, Warren, cook
fillernntes, ob in so 11, Ellison,
'Warder, Morrison, Dietz, Buchnor,
Osborn, Push, Dieclia rt.
..F:Nerrno - Goal, HoWard;
fonee. Broderick, Heywood; een.
ro, Boyle; wings, AVellS. Lamb:
alt ornates, Cushman. Coopm•, 'Ale -
W r 1 K t, Nagel, Smith,
Schroeder, Lesniefr.
as far as the. "B" loop is con.
Rockets (A. Flynn 673)
Pia poPpers (B. Nicol 602)
Mg Six IS. Frayne, S98 (4)21 _ 5
Silver Hawks (8. Tleywood 5R5) 2
Butchers (8. 'Wells 575--...-
Afilkmon (11. Stagg"
Pepsis (B. Gilf Man 612)
„ Rollers (A. ROss 578) — 0 21„ 115.4; nertan, 197, 19",
R. Billiards (R. 'Van D'laar 651) 3 n.2 o' 211 299, 1,119; mortimo,
'Windmills (T4. Osgood 6501 2 2s7' 151, 27,1, s 164; Z.
Tradesmen (E. HeYwoed 687) - 43 r, 1 181, 016 n01 208,186
Spares (D, Gravett 857) inn PV „ „ ,
1022. Total pintail, 3503.
In Playoff Win
A two goal effort by Frank
non. Iv), lias, 158, 299, 196, 0,0; Boyle, paced the Exeter Midgets
J. Gibson, 124, 223, 213, 154, 132.1 to a 4-1 victory over Clinton
.1. Puller, 155, 2.17, 231, 149, Saturday night in Exeter as the
201 1155; C. Foster, 213, 206, 'I S•1,
"IP: 169, 1018; (isr,00a, 239, 211. locals took a 1-0 lead in the best -
227, 226, 230, 1133. Total Pintail of -three WOAA, playoffs,
55i)s, Bob Jones and Bill Heywood
ay.st.Nonia.ox - Peacock, 198, sebred once for the victors while
264v 1°61); 8' Charlie Bartliff countered for
nali, 272, 225, 213, 23T, 211, 1,158; •
.1, Steinmiller, 221, 216, 268, 212, Clinton. •
The game was excepti.onally
Tot, Pintail
Rock PIS 110 001121
Winiimilis 99 62336
'Milkmen 87 59160
Rerl's Billiards 67 60839
'Rig six 58615
Spares 77 50927
popsis 77 57136
'Butchers 74 5S":15
Tradesmen. 72 57467
Pin poppers 62 58321
Silver Hawks' 62 55159
C. hollers 55 56104
G-If.'s (A, 'Stickle 567) .5
Kingpins (L. 'Kipling 552) 2
'Wildcats (B, Higgins 632 i 5
Imperials (D. Harrison 697) - 2
Co -Op (S.. Debson 59(3) ____ 4
Iiippen Tigers (A, Darling 568) 3
Vpstarts (B. Hodgins 6(35) 7
Dodgers (N, Stanlake• 496) 0
Edselaires (H. McDonald 647) _ 7
L. Superiest (D, McK.night 551) 0
Tip Toppers (G. Anderson MD 7
'Bank monts CD. Itoberteon 604) 0
Shied Inge
Tat, Pliitall
WIldest A 6R 55608
I mporials 67 57487
'Upstarts 65 56496
mm,'s 63 52346
'Falselaires 61 56159
Cn-Op 55 55672
Kingpins ' 54 55723
I.,. Superiost 50 51766
1: ippen Tigers 47 54.166
Pankmonis 43 11700
Tip Toppers 43 54555
Dodgers 40 53309
Nell Redman 205
P. Trott Ian f er 207
1V, Davidson 213
C. Folpr 211
Is, Osgood 226
P. Nicol 21(3
S. Fray); e 208
1'), ("Rap 293
;V, :Brintnoll . 294
11, Heywood 210
G. Glendenning 200
,T. Fa i Hi a ir n 203
A, Farquhar 201)
T`i, (Ira vett 214
n. Sin if 0 200
E. stos:a. 208
c, Eawaraa _ __. 202
Ti, Van 'Dorsetaltr 208
L. C ti all ma n 202
.2. (rocker 210
P. Darling 203
N. Holtzman 205
T. Wella 204
L. )40110 294
.1', To ti il er 217
/4, 'Heideman -------------
L, Thompson212
-Continued Prom Page 4
registered in the first period
with Clinton netting four of them.
winners added three more
iti the second and two in the
third to climax the lopsided do-
CLINTON 0, Allitreumm 4
Fleet 'Peeled
1-Mitehtlif I'Veher (n1111) 1:35
2 -Clinton, 5;28
3—ClIni on, Waiters
(Nfertti.m) 5:22
4—Clinton, Iktorlstri 12:04
(salon, nofirritsoni . 1005
A -Clinton, Garoil CAlerlain) 18;28
Seeniiti Period
1.-411nt An, 'Mortara
11‹, Mfg, (IAron)
s—:kittenptt, Powell
((311(0 )341S, WegnIna 0) Usa4,4 10:90
tc, mita,
(n. maig, waitors) 12:06
10-Ottntiln, Ivesit
DOIK, Dela') ar..ur 19:50
otlittd Vetted
(trattoTS, Marty)
It -Clinton, M. COletulloon'
tilnonan4n1 16.32
Weber) LIM
Topics From
Personal Items
Mr. Kenneth Johns was in To-
ronto last week attending an ad-
vanced course in electric weld-
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper
visited on Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Clarke of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton ?agues,
Yvonne and Dalton of Zion
visited on Thursday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk-
land and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Pym of Exeter visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner
and Frances visited on Sunday
with Mrs. Vera Johns, a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London,
having undergone surgery last
Misses Grace Routly of London
and Anna Routly of Simcoe spent
the weekend with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly
spent Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Routly of Kirkton.
The ladies of the Elimville
W.M.S. and W.A. are invited to
attend the World's Day of
Prayer program with the Thames
Road societies on Friday after-
noon in the Thames Road 'United
Euchre Club
The Eihnviile Euchre Club
was held on Friday evening with
Mr. and Mts. Lloyd Johns as
hosts. There were five tables
playing and 'winners were: la-
dies high, Mrs. Harold T3 ell;
gents high, Mr, Rein Westdorp
and low Score, Mr, Hubert Hun -
Mr. and Mrs. Main Beiber
will be hosts for the party on
Friday night.
Y:P.U. Valentine Social
The Elimville Y.P,V. hold
their Valentine box social 041
'alonclay evening when they en'
tertained the members of the
Miss Carol .Tolms, Oresi.
dent conducted the business. Mo.
tions were carried tel go on a
toboggan party in M rys this
Friday, evening and Weed A
rally in Hensall on Sunday eve
fling, Mr, Ronald Elford led in
a sing song.
Mr. Kenneth Johns had eharge
of' the worship. Mrs. Harold Bell
road the seripture
violma gave the topic on
"nduoation. Several games Were
played and O'rot'yone enioyed th
bo X Itlitehes,
ihripPlitg in The
thiles-Advotato ads. 8ave tops,
Hite and Money by reading lo.
oal atit firttv
rough' as heavy body -checking
prevailed throughout the entire
three periods,
(IA vro coal, John Tin rris;
defence, ,Tnhn Jacobs, Bill Al u r.
!ley: centre, Ron Live rrno e;
wings, Buil BoYes, Roger -rnro-
mings: alternat e$, Charles Bart.
en Truseo t le, Paul Picket t,
Paul Draper, Bud Ye o, "nod"
Allen, Don Semi ton, Bob McCann,
Tom Sharpe.
Exio/rEn. Goal, :ferry CoOner:
defence, Bill Heywood, Gera
McBride: renf re. Frank Boyle:
winga, Jack Stephan, Bob :Hines:
:Morita t es, Clord Strang, Don Kil-
leen, Jerry Broderick, Bev Sims,
Bob 'Marriage, Dale Turvey, Les-
ter Heywood.
Rec Program
- Continued From Page 4
50 years • ago," declared Mr.
Secord. "Education is now re-
cognized as an important muni-
cipal function, anti the same will
be true of recreation in the next
50 years," the speaker declared.
lost an excellent opportunity to
gain ground when they took a
7-0 lacing from the Lollipops.
Bowlers entering the 600 or
better category included L. El-
liott (Buttercups) 627; M. Wells ,., . .„ . .... ,...,,...,,,,, .„. .:
(Be -Bops) 619; E. Datars (Ups
& Downs) 605; D. Mattson (Nite W.M.S. Meeting
Hawks) 659; A. Cronyn (What- T 11 e February meeting of
610; M. Flynn (Ili -Lights) 615; home of Mrs. James Brine on
nOtS) 601; E. Dietz (Happy Gala) Cooper's W.M.S. was held at the
M, Westlake (Alley Cats) 636 Thursday with 15 members pres-
and G. Webster (Busy Bees) 622. ent.
Free Bowling Awards went to Mrs. Oliver Baker opened the
Mary Westlake of the Alley Cats
for high triple at 636 and to Don- worship service by
meeting and was assisted in the
Miss Kate
na Wells of the Frisky Six for Jamieson anti Mrs. J. Brine.
hidden score. The chapter of the stddy book
Entioroops a,. Elliott (27) ......_ $ on "Indian Canadians" was giv-
STIVSTio(1111) Ite.1,15., 8; Doxey,
frnian, James, 8: Parker,
1;,41. conrn,r, linigbt, Wal-
in the senior contest, Pete
James dropped in 17 to pace the
winners to a 34-24 decision. Bill
Roth with 10 was second high
man in the game,
Brian Ailey was high for South
Huron with six. Fred. Hunter
scored five while Bob 'McNeil
and Pete Ravclle each had four,
Allan Busche and Tom Ravelle
rounded out the South Huron
scoring with two apiece.
SENIOR, 330)5:
Sf re ford 31, SMI Jturon 24
11 T 11 31! 11 0 • Ilunter,
6: McNeil, 4: T. Ravelle, 2;
P, Eavolle, 4; Hocigins, Winkbein.
tq., Al iller, 1; lilingwOrth, Busche,
and Mrs. Ray Fischer and fam- n The Imperial 011 eorriPlthr
ily, Ars. Joe Alordush and baby , rersgnal Items are drilling for oil on the farni
i'rank, Mr. and Airs, Lloyd Stan-, Mrs. Robert Dixon of Park- ot Mr. Jim Eagleson west of
ila,,keThaunrilyfsaonmilayn,dMfra.mainbd; Isiffirrs..hill spent a few days last week Greenway.
and ,alrs. Darold Fischer Audi tillf: -- - - I ll 1111410
affillY, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Fischer 1
all of Loedon; Mi', and Mrs, Xen-
on Fischer of Exeter and Mr,
and Ars, Lloyd .Fiseher, and
boys, Centralia,
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Lang-
ford and John accompanied by
Mrs. Edna Langford visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Art.
Hera and family of London and
also visited Mr, Percy Hodgins
of Granton who is a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital.
Visitors on Sunday with M.
and Mrs. Clarence Smith were
Mr, and Mrs, Ashley Smith of
Exeter and Miss Flossie Davey
of Centralia.
Mr. Orville Langford met with
an accident at his home when
he was hooked by- a heifer in
,1i Ines, 17: Roth, 19; 'toed, Mae- fill close
n .mem.y. 2: son,,,, theirefdace1,0 Eightstthietchlevsouwnder.e re -
1)0 Slterwood, (lorman, Elton,
News Budget From
Hot Dogs (1). Tlenian 189) --- 21 en by Miss Florence Jameson,
Ile -Bons (M, 'Wells 916) ......__ 9 mi.,
1401111;00), (8,, Brock 194) .._ 7 Baker and Mrs. N. Baker.
ria Ponnelies ID, FilliP1' 5§74 - 0 It was decided to hold a quilt -
IS\ -11,11 "111",.,spe(A6 i :s-7°RdiFinm 4,9131) 52' ti )--..: 1.,.5 ing bee next week and pot luck
!toilettes (0, Smith 91t6 i
'Who Cares (K. jory 182)
Alight y Mice (10. Morley 960) .- 2
Cps & Do wile (51. Datars 601) _ 1
Tra inlien liners (cl. KIsie 110) __ 5
Jolly 1111s (AT, TiTasn(3 421) -- 2
Nilo Hawke (D. 'Mattson 659) ...- 7
AN hat ...\ 0 ts (A. CronYtt 601 ) . -- 8 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me-
-Misr" Al" i'ls "r• Beavers 590)' - Gregor of Kippen visited at the
lrilaili.,sr,•;.1'16J„rt`ATeDr I,'( 810) ___ ;: home of Mr, John Rinn on Tues,
Jolty sus. ( G, Skinner 474) __:: 9 day.
.14.10 ,,e1,1P5 (A. 'Ford 52 i _---- 2 Mr. and Mrs; S. Marriott, Ron -
I41 -Ltirlas t11. Flynn 615) . -- 1 1 .
Alloy Cats (AT. 'Westlake 886) _ i; am and Maryanne. St. IVfarys,
Base Boos 01. 'Webster 622) __ 2 spent Simday with Mr. and Mrs.
A, Dewar.
s IA lid I ngs
103 Mrs. Annie liodgins, of Si.
Frat-Pi.tra.licils.als.... 88 Marys. spent Thursday with her
Olowattes .
83 aunt, Mrs. Ben Wilson.
Mr. Howard and Wm. Rinn and
Vpi & 'Downs 7!) Miss Noreen Walltoin visited
.A.I ley Cats 76
'Woe Dopes 7.7 with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomp-
,I1 lel illy(th.nlailas)e r• s 7+ son on Sunday evening.
. 7s Miss Ana Beer, Munro. spent
tint 'Dogs
75 Friday and Saturday with her
il9 sister, Mrs. Olive Baker,
..\1.1.1isoY /..FIlaPieVIS sc Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Arthur
Pills 67 3rd Line were guests at the
;51a-osi,s• mire 84
61 shuonmdeayo.f Mr, Robert Elston on
Merry Araids 63 ,
- .
Jolly Six
'Frisky Six -. F.
Who Cares 51
But terming
Sputniks . 34
Oliver Baker. Mrs. A,
'Frisky six (,T, Guilford 522) __
An invitation to loin Woodham
W.M.S. for the World. Day of
Prayer was accepted.
Personal Items
Buy the dependable brand
name products advertised in The
Times -Advocate.
Mrs. Jessie Lewis, accompa-
nied by Mr. Roy Harrison, spent
Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
Roy Harrison, who is a patient
in Victoria Hospital,
Mr, and Mrs. William Butson
and Eleanor of Statta spent Sat-
urday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Coates and Kenneth.
Mr, and Mrs. Ken Mason and
family of Belgrave spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs,. John Mc-
Visitors on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Blair were Mr.
and Mrs, Jerry Leach, David
and Debrah. of London,
Mr. and '..Mrs. Mervin Elston
visited on Sunday afternoon with
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs, Henry Hodgins, Lucan,
'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McPalls
who were celebrating their wed-
ding anniversary on Thursday,
and Mr. McFall's birthday were
entertained by their daughter,
Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Davis, also
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Aleralls and
David and Joyce were guests on
Thursday with Mr, 'and Mrs,
Most of us are beginning to
learn that the cost of experience
has gone up like everything else.
* * * *
Combining business and pleas-
ure often spoils the pleasure.
May be Warning
Backache is often caused by lazy
kidney action. When kidneys get out of
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turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy -
headed feeling may loon follow. That's
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better—work better. Get Dodd'a
Kidney Pills now. 59
Daffodils, Tulips
Iris and Hyacinths
Send her a spring flower arrangement en
Valentine's Day . . .
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