HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-05, Page 13r 1 Jit COMING EVENTS -,r. 'THE ERETER home and Scheel Association will hold its regular meeting Tuesday, February at 8:15 p.m. Mr. John (Ionian, Tubflic School lnspwetoi', will con- duct the inter-selmooi spelling ornPetition with prizes awarded. by The Exeter Times -Advocate. Special musical numbers' will be provided, 1 veryene welcome, The. Story :in Saintsbu ry By MRS. HEB.ER PAyiS. Personal Items Quite a number from this com- munity Fitt,- ded the presenta- tion and Glance for Air. and Mrs. 5e: Jack Atkinson in Lucan arena .i''i'icl.ay night, BARENTS, ATTENTiONI---'1'lie Lazry and Leslie •Greenlee .I.xeter District Band are form- : spent the weekend with their ing a new class on Thursday, gramlparents, Mr,• and MWs, Ray- F'ebreary S, in the town hall. .mond Greenlee - Any boy or girl interested please,: Mr. and Airs. darty Carroll, .attend, For further particulars Air. and Airs. Veber Davis: were phone 749. se Friday evening guests with Mr. land Mrs, Alaurice McDonald, PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday, Luean. February 10, in SL Marys' Mr. Wayne Carroll and Mike Church, Brinsley, skipper served Davin visited with Airs, Fred 6 to 8 pan.,. progritin to follow, Davis. Mr. Frank. Smyth, Can - 5c tralia, called to see ber on Wed- nesday afternoon. LADIES AUXILIARY to South Ale, and Mrs, Jack Dickins Huron Hospital meeting, 'Tues- were Saturday evening guests day, February 10, at 2:30 p.m, • with Air. and Mrs, Earl 'Green - Miss. Sally Goertzen, public lee. stealth nurse, guest speaker — Air. Cliff Ings, London, visited social meeting. 5e 'with Ali. and Airs. starry Carroll and Air, laugh Carroll over the CAS. MEETING — The annual weekend, Mr. J-iugh Carroll, this meeting of the Children's Aid community's oldest resident, is Society of Huron County will be under the doctor's care, steld at Court blouse, Goderich, Ontario, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 11, at 2:30 p,nm, Public cor- dially invited. 5c Arena Activities FRIDAY, FEB. 6 4:00—Exeter Pee 'Wee " 111-$lnr I'rnetIse R:30-111teloelt V. Exeter Iinnlruna — )'layoff* 6:30-10 :30-1'01111e Skating SATURDAY, FEB. 7 6:011-.13:00—Mtlnor .Hockey 1 ;30-3 00—Pu foie skating. III00-5:30—Figure Sknlinn• 0130-5:30—(Tinton vH, Fseter )IItIael,1 ( pin yofrr.) 11;00—f,derlon 11 1oho rika (Pin yoffa) MON,. TUES. & WED. Booked For The Season THURSDAY, FEB. 12 0:30-1111ehclt TN. 1•13:cicr nnnlnnrlr Ipiayoffa) 11:00-11derron 11'titian lu�•M, :Exeter 3lohawk11 Air. and Airs. Jim Young and Jeffery, Luean, spent Friday with Mr. and Alrs, l eberDavis. Airs, Arthur Abbott, Muriel and baby Wesley Arthur spent the past week with Mr, and MI's, Clifford Abbott, This community was Well rep- resented at the progressive euchre held in the lodge room, Liman on Wednesday evening sponsored by L,O,L, 493, 111r, and Airs. Robert Tindall were Friday evening guests with Mr. and lairs, Charles Tindall, London and Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Ross McFails. Air, and llrs, Dean Gibson were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. :Heber Davis. EASY LESSON IN ECONOMICS—Obviously enjoying their, Along with their pass books, the children received free first lesson in practical finance are these 50 children drinks and treats. Adults at rear are Bruce Biggart, officer from J. A, D. McCurdy School, Duron Park, who opened in charge of the agency; Henderson King, school principal, bank accounts at the 13 of M sub -agency on the station, and Wayne Sylvester, of the bank staff. —RCAF Photo The Story In Grand Bend By MRS, E. KEOWN Orpha Club Plans Euchre The Orpha Club met on Tues- day evening at the home of firs, W. F. 13. MacLaren with a good attendance. Several. .articles of .clothing which had been made up by the members were brought Mr. and Mrs. Hugh. Davis, in, 'leather and Michael were Sat- Final arrangements were made this column, will soon he ap- in the show and is said to be Mr, Jos. Carruthers and Mr. erday evening guests with Mr. for the euchre party on Friday gearing at the Grand Theatre in 'tailor-made' for the part, He'll Lonzo Romph.f were able to re. and Mrs. Allan Elston. Mr, Pat evening, Feb, 6, London in the new revue "Purely; probably be appearing on local turn to their homes last week Cronyn and, Miss Mildred Dun- The next meeting will he held for Pleasure", i T' and radio to ballyhoo the pro- after being patients in St, Jo- seph's were guests with Mr. and at the home of Mrs, Clarke Ken- Stuart McKay, one of the duction so watch for him, Hospital, Mrs, Hugh Davis Sunday night. nedy on Feb, 10, Mrs. MacLaren show's producer, is a CBC cos'I Good news for the fans of the A presentation was held at • :Miss Betty Morley of Brinsley and Airs. harry Hamilton served tome designer• and does the, series "Guiding Light", Susan the West School last Friday eve - Looking In With Liz Doug Crossley in Grand Revue By ELIZABETH TOUCHETTE Doug Crossley, a young singer whom I've. often mentioned in Message From Greenway Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Brophey and family of Hanover and Aiiss Karen Brophey of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.. Arthur Brophey, Air, and Mrs, Lloyd Waun of Sarnia spent the weekend with Alexandra theatre, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Laver- Dcug has ane of the male leads enee Curts. is visiting with AIr. and M s. lunch to close the meeting. Earl Greenlee. ' Heather Davis spent the past Scout and Cub News week with her grandparents, Mi'. The Cub meeting on Tuesday: hoes to send it on tour across' on CB(' -TV dramas in the near United Church will hold their and. Mrs. George AIcFalls and at- was well attended. The leaders the. country. "We'll even take 1I future. Susan asked to be written meeting on Friday evening at. tended a birthday party on Sat -present included Akela Hama- Stateside if all goes hell" he out of the series heeause she the manse at Grand Bend. wardrobe for. Billy O'Connor's; Douglas, who portrayed Kathy ning for Mr, and Mrs, Fie( show, among others. The revue; until that character's death, Rinker (nee Frances Brophey). is a `big tune effort and Stuart, probably will be seen fairly often The Harmony Class of the: ton, W. Renate, John Hood and! " t the Scouts "Skippe" Leslie Peale, ; The show should go over well. After the opening ceremony a i It has an almost all -Canadian game was played followed by a i cast but the star is Richard yarn from Akela and badge' work, during which a number of Cubs made good progress to- ward their first and second stars. ui'clay for Linda Heckman, old me a few weeks ago wanted to spend more time with her husband, singer Jan Rubes, who works out of Toronto. NowTwo friends went duck hunt-; ing one cold morning. One took; she has joined him there and along a thermos bottle full of: taken up permanent residence. coffee while the other had a! Don Francks has become en- bottle full of Old Typesetter (one' gaged to Barb Bricker, this slug and you're through for the; year's Miss Toronto Argonaut in day). A straight tip on a sure thing usually demonstrates the uncer- tainties of life, •Ulunuumnunmmummununlnuuw luini lnmu uuulnluuln laml1111I1minsImllll111111111 I111111I11111 ANNUAL MEETING Middlesex County Wheat Producers Monday, Feb. 9 8:30 p.rn. ILDE%TON COMMUNITY HALL This meeting is called to duly elect the county representatives to the Ontario Wheat Marketing Board. }f1111,ulaial 11111I1111111loolialalll iaiat1m IIIll1alalota 11111111 I IIIIIIIIu11111111“11111111"11111mi1“11“11', ”pllllllllll“Il11Illaia1111111111111mumllmmua“IIIII“W 11f1111111111111111111111alol1111110000l111111oula111f oto F. RETURNING FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY Evangelist Arthur Durnan After extensive study and experience with our modern youth crime Wave, Mr. Durnan has - the answer to this national problem. Be sure to'hear him! Clinton Legion Hall 'SATURDAY, FEB. 8:00 p.m. TRI -COUNTY YOUTH FOR CHRIST 1111111111111111111111111111111111II IIIII11111111111111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111u11111111111111111111111I111"“1111111f • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f11111,11111111111111111111111111111110111111111/1I111I111111111111,11114 Hay & Stanley Townships Brucellosis Information Meeting An information meeting concerning all cattle owners in the township of Hay and Stanley regarding the the Brucellosis Control Program (on a test and slaugh- ter basis) will be held in Township Hall, Zurich FRIDAY, FEB: 1.3 2:00 pan, t6 acquaint termer% with the MIMIC), of !1 canvass. v�• ,^�riywP�,layn��;;,,ttto�y offend this important'�yt ioottingg,,t�yy, y� Gl'aORGt ABM, CLtFPO1tb 1' , ?1:,X-1: " 117 Stanley Ped. d. Secretary tray red, Secretary .. ...... .. ...... .. .... .. ... ..-. ...........11.1.. YI .. 1 .11111 tl I71r11 unrunlrnt.narrurnrlarrpin11“nlnruunnann11u“nnrumrunlrnur1111ulnuln Il 1r rur our 1 Hearne, the lir, Pastry of Eng lish music halls and Ed Sulli- van's show, "Purely for Pleasure" opens Charles Doyle won the "Col- in London on February 26 and the Grey Cup contest, Tonight Bothimbibed freely of their! lector' and Artist badges, and from there goes to St. Cathar- Don wilt act and sing in a CBC chosen beverages through the John Hartnett attained his Six• Ines, Kitchener and Hamilton be- radio production of the verse early hours and finally a lone er's Stripes. fore pulling in to Torontp's Royal play "The Age of Anxiety". Roy duck appeared overhead. The • Fifteen boys attended the .. . Roberts who used to appear with coffee drinker raised his gun Scout meeting on Wednesday, Juliette is also in the cast as a :first, took aim and fired. The when, after the opening and a Comments About singer, duck kept on going. His friend i game, followed by Patrol Corn -t` George Murray fans will be : then pointed his gun at the duck; Cromarty of "Talent Caravan" tomorrow watching for the first edition I and brought it down with the first shot. I night, It will come from Van-! "That's pretty good shooting,"' couver. said the first.• Wally Koster was a big hit in j "Nothin' to it," shrugged the Ottawa recently when he starred I other. "When a flock like that at the annual Press Club ball I comes over, you're bound to hit one of them." ers, a highlight of the evening in the form of a model aeroplane contest was held. The paper planes competed for distance and By MRS. KEN McKELLAR endurance trophies. . • The remainder of the evening was devoted to preparing for the Gordon Speare electric light bulb drive on Satur• Miss Olive Speare received day while the Patrol Leaders Correction: Bill van `vera and Seconds held a Court of Ilon- word of the death of her nephew, was a former member of the our, Gordon C. Speare, of Sparten-1 clefunet `hour Grads', not bf the Plans were `made for Seoul South Carolina, son of the burg,t high Tiding 'Four Lads' as was late lir. and Mrs. Harry Sneare., week, Feb. 16 to 22, to include a ile is survived by his wife anti misprinted last week. Parent's Night, a window display two daughters. My thanks to `TV Fans' in and a Scouts own service. Burial took place in Sparten-Ailsa Craig for taking time to The group decided they would burg Cemetery on Saturday. like to see a Ladies' Auxiliary of the group formed, and any inter- Personal Items estecl mothers are asked to pass jr,land Mrs. Donald Wallace,their names to the Scout or CuKenneth and Keith, Carlingford, Masters through their sons at visited on Sunday with Mr. and the next meetings of .the groups. Airs, John Wallace.The electric bulb drive held on Saturday proved quite success- ful, over 80 packages being sold. Plan World Day of Prayer The Ladies' Guild and Wom- en's Auxiliary of St. John's -By - The -Lake Anglican Church held their February meeting on Mon- day evening with a good attend- ance. The Day of Prayer was the first order of business which is being held in St. John's-By-The- Lake ohn's-By-The- a -e on Friday, February 13, in write in favour of Bat Master- son and with comments about other shows. They mentioned in particular some of the excellent local programming and I am in full. agreement. Personally, I'm a Ward Cornell fan—I even like Airs. J. C. Cornish, Seaforth, the commercials he does. visited on Sunday with her par- Wlio is YOUR favourite Cana- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ilam- dian TV star? What is YOUR Ilton. Mr. Andrew Hamilton, of favourite program' I'd really Exeter, visited at the same home like to know so that next time on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Eggert, Rostock, Imo :Toronto I can linelup in - visited last week with her laugh- want to with the people YOU visited want to read about. So won't you drop a note and tell me? That way I;11 be able to give cover- age to your favourites. ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mrs. William Hulley and baby, of West Milton, spent a few days L k 7' 'd b vvitlt her ents, Mr. and Mrs. affiliation with the UnitedAle Ramsepary. Church, the Church of God, andAlt's. W N. Binning and Bobby, Stratford Festival Evangelical United Brethren Mitchell visited on Sunday with �e®r Church in. Dashwood. lir. and Mrs. X. McKellar. Announces Plays • • . The members made arrange- The Y.P.S. met in the church nments to hold a pancake supper on Sunday evening with Alex ;Michael Langham, artistic di-; REV. AND MRS. in the Parish Hall on Monday R:Ieilcic presiding. The Scripture rector for the Ontario Stratford t S. MOORS GORDON evening, Feb. 9 from 5 to 7 p.m, lesson was,i'ead responsively and Festival has namccl Irene worth' Donations were received for Atai•garel Wallace led in prayer, the Mother's bags for the bale, Rev S. Kerr led the' Bible study, and Douglas Campbell as lead Missionaryern furlough from and sewing and wool distributed AIr. Eldon Allen has been con- members of the 1959 Festival former minister of , the Dorcas Society, fizicd to his home s�f esulg with company, ! Cavell Formosa: 1934-35. Atter the formal closing of the broken ribs as the result of a ,The production features will he Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello” Mon., Feb. 9 served sandwiches and tea, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Flear arrived incl his comedy "As You Like 8:00 p.m Personal Items home on Friday after spending IL” with Miss Worth appearingp the past few weeks in Florida. j as Rosiland in the comedy and Mr. Lawrence Johnson and Mr.. lir. Campbell playing the. title Sven Neilson spent Saturday eve- ' role. in the tragedy and Teouch- nut� with Mr. and firs. Arthur stone in "As You Like IL” Militias at Sylvan. Air. Chas. Beeves, who has adtiaT•is actress, Francs Ily- been laid up far the past tw la weeks with an injured back, re- o AIr, >Clnipbell in C1Otheilq posiih suited duties at the town hall Toronto actor, Douglas Rain, ap- this week, pcariiig as lags. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Veinier and The twelve -week season opens Mr. Delbert Mason of London with "Othello" June 29 and runs spent the weekend with Mr. and until September 19. Mrs, Thos. Baird. Air. and. Mrs. Lloyd Baker spent Friday with Mr, and Mrs, Wltat a `Pati gets 001 of the George Wilson of Thedford dis• world today cicpends largely on lz tet, what he puts info it. The Robber's Mingo held by ' the Ladies' Auxiliary of Grand Bend Legion on Monday evening INFORMATION MEETINGS proved a great success. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Odbert of Stratford, and Miss Joan Itavelle of London spent the vveekend at the parental home with Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ravelle. Mrs. Lennea Statton left no Monday to spend a few weeks with her son, Fred, his wife and little infant in Columbus, Ca. Mt, Denis I"inati and friend of Sarnia spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Erle ORANGE HALL, LUCAN X'rMiss Beta Dalton of Brantford Spent the vveekend with her par- ents, 'fr. and Mrs. dos. Dalton. The Lambton County Library made their quarterly visit to tate local school on Tuesday. Alr°. and Mrs. Dale. ')file, of Sarnia, client the weekend with Mr. 1fit 'a parents, ar.a nd Mrs, ... eHerbe,t Yfa and brother Malt, World Day Of Prayer Service, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Fri., Feb. 13 3:00 p.m. Girls Service 7:30 p.m. meeting, Mrs, William Cochrane fall, and Ales. Harry Bossenberty Mr, Lawrence Johnson and daughter .Neva, Mrs. Mae Hoit and Mr, and Afrs. Jack Holt and fancily vsited with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Riddoch in Sarnia on Sun- day. Air, anis Mrs, William Love visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lawson in Crediton on Saturday, Mr, and Alt's. Bruce Stanlake and and Mrs c 1 Ir. Robert Jen- nison arrived home on Tues- day after spending the past month Ili Florida. Mr. and Mrs, 1?nicr'son Desjardinc arrived home last week after spending time past month in Mexico and PROGRESSIVE Euchre Party Wed., Feb. 11 8:30 p.m. Auspices of LO.L. -40; ADMISSION S0 141110h lice Brucellosis Control Program Huron County USBORNE & STEPHEN TOWNSHI PS Exeter Town Hall Thugs., Feb, 12 — 2 'pan. HAY & STANLEY TOWNSH:PS Zurich Town Halt Fri„ Feb, 13 — 2 p.m. Ontario bepartiienl', of A?rricultur•e b. H. Miles, Agricultural Representative CAVEN CHURCH Under Auspices of Cavell WMS Everyone Welcome ALL YOU CAN EAT Salmon -- Glazed Macaroni Olives Roast Turkey \feGetable Salads HAm Scalloped Potatoes Beef — Roast Onions Rolls Dessert SUPPER CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Friday, Feb. 6 6:00 'p.m, Advance Sale Of Tickets duty, From Members of Cavett Circle Adults $1,50 School Public Children50. t, I 'The `i.mes,Advocete, February 5, 1959 NO, .13 The lumberjack was looking People who lisle to be: watit i4 the haberdasher's window on are the hardest ones, t Iilll' when the pwner came •ottt , cured of their ailioents,. Pointing to a stack of gaily ,volared pyjamas he asked: "What's them?" `"Pyjamas." "What ,are they for?" '"Why you wear them nights. Want to bay a Pair?" `.deck no. 1 don't go rlow.here. D ICE nights except to bed." ine And Pancake Supper SHROVE TUESDAY February 10 Beginning at 5:30 p.m. TRIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL, EXETER Admission: Adults 750 Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Old Forge - Bayfield 10 p,m. to 1;30 Pm, Music By GRANT EDIGHOFFER and his MELODY MASTERS Vocals by JoAnn Modern, Rock 111 Roll and. Old -Time Music Admission 75¢ p "“1“111111111111111111111111111$111111111111111n-1/11111111111111/11111110111111“111I1n/111111,11111111111111I111111“11t1111111pa Saturday Night DANCING 9 to 12 p.m. Community' Centre, Zurich MUSIC BY GRANT EDIGHOFFER AND HIS MELODY MASTERS featuring vocals by Jo -Ann ADMISSION 750 Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club 1 h III IIIA IIIlIm11lu111$11111111Iuuu1111“I I11IIIf 1$111“11111111111I1111“111111f 1111111111111111111rrllllm11111Ir1tlmlnlnt,l'! nus1111111011111ull11111111111m111111m111111111111111111“m$1nInlll11011111101111111111111111“11111111111111111111111 W1ra ANNUAL MEETING Kirkton-Woodham .1 Farmers' Club ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON Wed., Feb. 11, 1959 2 o'clock p.m. For the •purpose of receiving a financial report, auditor's report, election of officers and any other .: . business which may come before the meeting. I ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND Fred Switzer, Pres. T. Alvin Crago, Sec.-Treas. ±i 4111111.11111111111111111111111111111111$11111111111111 ll1111111“1l1l111IIrl I 111111111111ll1"lll111l 11111111l ll 11,11111111111I11111111A IIIIIIIIIIIIIf1111111111111111111111,“111,1,1111“Allo111111111111ll$1I“ll“llll❑,,$1II 1111IllI11111l I lll1,lll1,llllll I111111,111,� 1 Its Playoff Time WOAA GROUP 1 SEMI-FINALS (Three -Out -Of -Five Series) EXETER ARENA Sat. Feb. 7 9:00 p.m. llderton Wildcats VS. Exeter Mohawks' a This Ad is Sponsored Through The Courtesy Of • RUSSELL ELECTRIC • SCOTT'S BILLIARDS I • MID -TOWN CLEANERS 411111111f 111111111111IIII II IIIIIIIII Il lrl1111I141r1$1Il$1Hg11$1““nunlllllllmllf Illl111111aU111n111111 Munnlllm1I1111O1 rIlllullllull11111111,111111n11111I11I1I111111IlIllllm111111111111n111111111111111111m111111II,11"Iurllu Furl ,rll,llrrlllu • LYRIC THEATRE NOW PLAYING 3 BIG SHOWS S * Donald O'Connor "Francis Covers The Big Town” — PLUS '-- * Bud Abbott * Lou Costello "Meet The keystone Cops.. .— PLUS * Rory Calhoun "Ain't Misbehavin” MON., TUES, & 'WED. '"COLOSSUS OF NEW YORK„ * John Baragrey * Mala 'Powers Out .. . "SPACE CHILDREN" (Cinemascnpe and Color) • Michaet Rae • Peggy Wlrbbar NEXT THURSI, FR1.1 SAT, "SPANISH AFFAIR" * Ritlrarll Kiley 1F Carmen siwvllIe -- plus "COUNTRY MUSIC HOLIDAY" - s ;E redelthie6tor) * Merlin 'Hoiky • I5I nunrnrl7rrrrrrnYgnnrrnrinlnf%hnrrnn7i:lrrrrlrnn1mn11nlfr,rlrlrYYimd11n111rrrilnOrnrrinYl("lrlh • •