HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-05, Page 114,,,,,,,,„„„aii.....„„,„.......v....,„,........„„„„,..............,,,.,. Announcements,.... :...Don't Go RATES Dirths No Charge Marriages And Deaths 750 Marriages anti deaths. are reported without charge in news columns, This chorge applies only to listinti under Anneuncements.1 •Cards of Thanks, g113a9VITIOn4 • • .. . 7$# in Momeriams (4 -line versa) . . $1.00 Exley verses, each 2-10 EIRTHS- IN MEMORIANI- 1.M. a. Wallets • Tho 'TimeifAtiVogots, foitrgory 1959 •Ng. 11 CLASSIFIED RATES- i.FOR 25 words or less 70c Moro Than 25 Words 20 Per Word 200 OFF i if Ad par l with order 9r by .13A XV1.(1, Joiin and Janire Dal- rr A ftAl 1.1'.4., ill In Inv in rneninrY $aturclay following the last ' 1110 hamilinn 4, heir 4 II, a r:..1 of nur ilcup ,1i1ttthri ,iiill , 1 and.I insertion to ann,iiinco i he arrival rif a root II( r 0 110 parsed am a o one i rei ail 1NG I gni], ttra 41 1p 4- .1a111 4 4,4. 111 ilin I tin t ed., a 140, 41.*P11 l'1141 l'N 14. 11'. Pullin, hospital, .1a..1(41143.2,. A (3H3. 41' i4 inririlli mice, sad to SVcc EEPINS 400 C.114 I n At ; tropnlita ti hospal. ‘k 'thaw Lit cm ,•1.1 v ifro all. ' .1 ndror, itm nit Joannin.ardits 4,,,,r, More than 25 Words - 1 . . ... . a" '411°' 4 nlin 1 .iiii l' rnrinIN' ITC 11111,1)Y 4:4Ag %%NM, NNP ""C t"" 4 Ciassifled ads accepted up till N. trim tiattweartrii. a son a gel tier. bred her Cor ichar t 41 11114 Jane. 1,04 il4...4i,,. tyi„,..1„1,,,rpti .,,,,,,i ,i.„1.. Wednesday noon, Auction sale Is mis,.:„! to tic,- soli. i:ooll, copy should be in Tuesday et LI 1" Y 14 ru'ilt Air. all Airs. 31(4 Heys, ond, ,pt pr. an noun, A the ilaught er- in . 1a it. Amelia and her arrit al of a 41am:tiller At SI. An. gra intiliingliti is Margaret. al with's flinipital, LOndoll. Janti- Slici!.i. or art :I. A 1 tAl 11..4(1E, In in ing rucinniA• or itilatt:fix .Ni vi,•iorm hitspitai. a drat0 it, tont tier and ....land - London. .1a Imo rt ;:ii. in Aly :41 ltd another. 1,11 he 1 NIA; Ai to flag,. Mrs. IA ill lam filtrien .1 r., a snii. 4,I ho 3t(44'4 11 An a A ,Fehritar) 3.,.1 antes 1",H1 IA In a ars iiilliort for , ' '`i .i.M.r. a nil Airs, 1,er4*3.' riii140.11, '1, Itc 1144* e; rs 1.4 c plave upon her Zurich. g ra '.4. ;Wit a il her it toi ilr ra 4 r/oN Eft INC, In SI 4 riseples hut llic hit c for ber, tt ho SleePs linsnital. 44,ndrin. Jarmo tit. mi, lel iir al li to Air and Airs. l' Piel.ering. Shall no, or tale 140 143. frirraer I,I, PI:0.1 Shaul., 11.11. :1 I - Et er remembered lit husband. Dash a nnil, a daughter, Nani-,, Fred, ilalig lit el's, 111it41. Kt 413.11. a sister for Sianlet, , .5t1chitel and Lai, Rill* . 14 i lila , sona-in-lait Susan, a11) grandelt 13)1(11. Z44 priiniii,i, ... Cpl. and Ali F. .1. I,. .4 IIAISTItt IN 11. lit Int ing tnemnrY 1'0110+11, 15S roliiinlita Ori* c. 01 a dear wife .tiiiil Mother. 11C NI.' 17Pnt r:ilia, nrinonnup the Alt s. I 1 lady s Al. Arinsf tiring. 4,4 lin 14113 3* of a son, fin rill Sot ma it, passed a a ay I a o t earn ago, at Smith Huron Hospital, Janti. Frlirittir• I, 1917. art' 2A.- This day tt ii On retnem her. SI TI Ill A to, lug 111014)4h( *44' 1.1 1‘.6 T NV a nil Al rs. Ilan -dr! T„ imp ei, longer. a it II tia 81 irp, pa .*Iitt mid. a 11/1011 111444 the IN3 m (u(1. heads pi ill lis,,, pIrth nf 4.1 snit. Larry Y;i,•1.„ a t Foulli Huron flo•mita 1. JAnna 1 \ Co. er remembered by her hits- lia itt harry and daughter Jon. a brother rot. het Piney .1 ria rilft • Al r 11.1 Airs Teel w Atutip:TrIliNtl.. In Int Mg timmeirY ho 01 it end, a 0 non 01.4, 1 104, b 1 1 11 oiatlys Aritmtpon.,4,7,, whry Personal Items of s ‘‘ cud !• Elea not*. 4,1 away Peltruar, 7, 444 F""Ili Urn" nu' She would not o ish rut' sorrow art 2.i. She, would tint 44 talt fru* tears. :just to lip rempliered ENGAGEMENTS- Thru oghwi( 4)14'pa g Y . ssiuears. Always 1 emembered by Cnele 1111 and i' 'oily. ;,`.11% Us'e n0,111111 n. 11 ill, 11 inbes In a nniiil nee 1h' ATINIF'rnt iNt 1- • 1 roemorvi meat of 1410111'.. 11 I or. Nlargarrt 4of Gladys A rmstrring, who pass. rtnln , n in !II I Ini11011 nal:Pr, I c4,1 4*. Ky. IIIO ...papn, agn, Fein nr Al r. 11,1 yi 1.1 lin bell Raker Fr., llerti,all the marriage to take Von 1ak411 „y 14111.3,14, Place Frilirila rti 1, 1 a511, lie no no fq. 44(3 I:, npri . 0. !nill ((*1' 1110(144311 44 arc 443.41(44' with 40Mi.PISplay Classifieds (Restricted to one column) Firsi insertion $1.40 Per Inch Subsequent .Insertions $1,25 Per Inch Minimum. 1" FOR SALE - oleic ICE EQUI PAI ENT - heart - tiart era for Rol, al typewriters, Victor adding machines, We can Save Snit money: ENeter Tirnea • Adtaeate, plume 7744. 27 t fc Report On Shipka ANNOUNCEMENTS- Ns rrith thm tin high. mr. ;led tip. II pm.d. .3,041(111 13.' remembered lit 11,-11 t, Whg.1. ! 1.11C1'. 11.41, 11111'111d ainl 1110. their golden wedding 44141(14(144443.' by hold ripen house at their 1.; In Int Mg to...minty of 110nI4' f", hr"" 7' 1 a dear husband and f ether. The:, m ill be plimsoll to .14.4001• 1411n Albert clarl,P, lin pa es- re!a 1 P•4, frit....n(1R 1141 amnia pit 44 e ..4,4r,ars ago. 13). 11'0111 '41 :"4 11,111. s nil 7 in fl 11 3.441 134 4( 44' please, 51'We lopt ;4;4,00(1041 with a heart nf [. CARDS OF THANKS- I1110 as more to LIR 11141 11 wealth rinall It 1311' 1443" Alfred Without farewr II ho fell asleep 1 ne 11.1.1 in vitt end their Wit only memories fnr us li,. situ., re a ppreciat inn and thanks keep. for 44.4 4' of kindness. messages 01 14'0 vp'(''44 11n.1 hap ;,i,a ed 441111)14411(3., and beantifill firma I One nf the best lads the mnrid '1111(1 444 revel,. ed from friends slid con t .4411(11. re'a ires /luring their (poem sad Ever remembered and sad IY he,, einem. Sop4410 I l Ilan!, a 40 1111544411 0 CP and family. Ar; ril, nurses or clown! \4',1 r', Lad ifsg .,i, - InInt mg 111P11101'3." a dmip 4444(441', Elsie Link. w of ht. NI er's Litt he rti Ch arch ! I ripentubN. I ir,n. and 111) and 331.' 444444(31(3,' ;Funeral home- I • ; a apar brother -in -la de- , • 14art0.1 t hin life, February 7, I (4431In 4): a 11 Is In 4' 11 Plg 11 nnurm, q7, anl "la' 14444 " ht'Irhose rla WP do re tne rememr beed mte e lt It Inving (hour -rift we 441144 IPt I PI -S. On 44 c'4'4"‘ "nd " 11") ),','r with us. pal lent in 14I 410a0Pll'a 110811 it ri 14 1101 III nur hearts still llve, .Tentn Pepper, fiasha emit. 5, ! 7,; v r remembered by sist.pr. Air. and Mrs, Harry .Sheripard, Dave and Mrs, E. Lamport ed on Sunday with Air. and Airs. Ed. Duncan and Peter in Strat- ford. Mrs, Hugh • Morenz is a pa. tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Mrs. M. C. SweitzOr is visit. ing wilh her daughter, Airs. N, McCallum, in London, this week. Mrs. Ross Pickering and baby Nancy returned from St. Jo- seph's Hospital. on Tuesday. Fire destroyed thr workshop on the farm of Gordon Raiz on Saturday .morning. The fire en- gine and men from Dashwood were called and kept the blaze from spreading to the other buildings, The Story In Zion By MRS. JIM DYKEMAN Personal Items Air. and Mrs, L]oyd Cushman, Michael and Steven, Exeter, were Su.nday. visitors with Air. **II c•NprnSg niA- sincere, 3 Ambel Desiardine, and familY, and Mrs. Juct Dykeman and thanks. and appreciation in all l0 all Who 4 1S1 1 Pd 11114 d 11 rurg my . ''' '''-- ' " •01 11"- TIL--:*: -' - Alt and Mrs. fain i,l.,), . who sent cards And t tea ts and , .,,, t.,,, ,,,„, i ,, , ...„, .,..,,,,,,, ,,o, n .,,,,,,,pro. it hip,„, 8 1 riptopia Hil,„. dear husband and father, 'W. J. . Lorne johns and num.-John Reeder. 7,. Pyos, m ho passed RM.:1y 2 years family visited on Alonclay eve - 'rho faintly of the tate rIonrgP There is a home nnt. made by ' ,cling with Mr. arid Mrs. Cliff ago, Frbillary "4, 10:47. SrIll i l'o A 1St' In oxprPsa ainpPre i bands, 1 aqUeS• mato a i ts of kindness, messages , for tbr' I „ri,;pisiinsntith,ttso Ig1 on 1 ell.tflilln ,sitotritro ts anriy. faAmliriy awl Airs. Cliff Jaques and thanks s nd aprocint ion nf sympat hy a nd 11(44(44 Ifni fintal Not de,,,,,I,. just 441)111. b,frirp. visited on Sunday with lt•ibittes during his lengthy IP- i And in that 314114144 1-101 made by Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of Science hens 411441 in our roeent Fail bP. i ha nds, Hifi. drIvl^rF• (14414(14 and al a f f 0.1. 141...4 nisei, for us, and m hen HP Pana Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques ;Ion, cnl1P,arIl.s lInsri,oit a I. Re:. sir. \ arfly.4 \\•,,•11 (114144 0114 Io* ,j 0„, lh,rp visited on Sunday wth Air, and rai brithe and I 3101,44 Mtn helped 1 1 amity. Mrs.. William Moores of Ran- nalPrs. linne.r-lievkr-Y (liar • t - -siu sadly missed by svite 44(141 7* 11061, in anti other 41(43.'. :04 1 l'Pa 0111P11 I. SnPeial thanks in thp Th"last,,t, w 111 TA 11 1,1,i POTATOES, No. 2. hag. $1 041. Nn, 1 'table pnlatOer, 1(314) No 1 large potatoes (4" restaurants and (rein It frier. T 1.. tioudant, 1.1.ft. 33 3111111)1 fiend- 1, - nu_ PI 1,11.113.1,4 3., ballerina leng 111, size- 14, $1 4110.1nz tonal Suite. Ant anp 0 101 1 11W i.301 14 111111 ailPIP11, plume 14.44 (44' 73:1. 1* AIa iilliormigh ht. , 1'152 1,0NTIAl' etbkri I, 114(31.4 !,11431t'. Phimp .40 s-t,reitt. 41 FrinstAL tirtEsiixs. 44114044 14. 1 and 1 11"11. rat) Ala v le in -_ Di 1 1 1.4,s,flos ers 14114 vim In freshen soon Apply' ,4144.1144 11let alnrs plinnp ()frier. ri-AId AIWA 334,, 3,11(4:1 11 REAL ESTATE-. I EMPLOYMENT WANTED,r,KTICES- !HELP WANTED, , , • * 1411 011101 r,, neafiej(n(11411,tl4,111r/1) ,lthth. ,antipeanr 41.1 4'4144 .16rr,tar:i11,a4hnile,,etrtu: po,.aref,1:11ii I It rf. .%1)1fly Tenn 4433.33,41. la , • fo,11 1.11401.Pr. piton*, 14. 1)1114' experienced, 14 11 II • 41-.4111 1,4 4(0441 1) hilt', lIPall'ea hnusem awl to liVe in if possible. 11(01144 11- iiic loom. dinette and 1, itch( it. •• 1,At h. oil fuva. Plionn .".'1131131)e4ner1Pn' I it 41 ':•4 1; 14, Fre.,.... it; hrdr„„mtl, (1, rt Oil 7isi-ft 12 1... ; V., . ,-. At enable. Apt il 1 . ei,perienrcil .11,4;41111one ope tat nr, armip glop! 4,4 1 140.4 1 Ilurnn Lumber rompan‘ ' •,L- 4, 411 , , • gfs„ 11 A. . 1. , 1 1 -0 ipa, a I,i.0 , J.phI:NImlp an 1mm1 tProl`eL,oIenoet t bChe;a.h1rr1ai. 1rp111C,C4t,10e,4 1wr , \, Va3oaPiel'.lnhfpil ,ypPt . I 1l1''aL1f%iilmlP. DPPAt.,.-a ii14-l,4,, , 1;1 :4 1,i 14", 1 .Pt.H 4 I , 11 inI grgNo (lona„ tClerl§a PERSONA- itierlpaI fiv1A% tpint Liunder 3.34 4,,pilelignmdnmanufact tring ennipany / i in fbp ERsi on,. COMtS 1mid representative aei 44III 11310, OLP" .,4'14i tcats . , .eeriific•ate f 1.1 ail nf 00 1f.SIPrllfl'1`C4K (*4411111 Exceptionalmny •" .i.e 1imii-ands Nsla"''“,. , , -all of Li fi'444441. and ev. morblIalaP41Auloinhilpssenat ., :1.1.11wvri.ii1,,,,,,. „aIoil. part nr 3,01 3411, being1114. 8,,1111 1A1 IN PAl 1 :11,1 e :nftie ard h0n r Plionri A.3,. .iestpt i'mintt of llurin HELP WANTED FEMALE -m Il 1..ster 4144-14 after I pfr. • NOTIg is HELP WANTEC, MALE'-., 3. oun.;., I /PA TocTabletsLOST- i, ,irni10n1o f Ld 1 1 011*ANIFT for raven Pre". IN TliE SUPTillAIE coma' , Ian 4 'hurch. Exeter. Apply to OF ONTARIO 1 AN Illiam Shier:, , II It, o gXtfiten ... 4'.. THE. 23.ii,TT10, /Ile a, ret 0 inn , and state salary expectiele,..a _... 10 Qatet the Tote nf Huron 1,101.. 1.4 r cionPari' 1Am14444 4.0 "1."'Ill 0,41111T.4NE11 for Trivitt lllernpro lands In the Tom n of lii.ael or and Jai Church and Parish Hall, ,f,".all County -t'd lilt I MI, s rAa,Pn S.eda lrde'p t ;4 n 4all druggists A 12 114,, ni. ., STRAYED- 1.,1•1:vilto sTiii:ri. 41(1 to was .1d 34 ,,,,ii 1101111444r3.,,. si- . .r ; ' 4. 1 .4 4 Ill% IIPI 11)114 lia 1 0 4444 1114' SA1ITU-CORONA 1,4 1.”1 mg pleat itt and paving iei it.ic1'11t114'$DIP(4/'11, 4114.4141. AS -" I: rInilitnn. l 12' CH WANTED-- REGI3TER WITH DETACHABLE . 431'' it appears to lie 43(44 01( 041.4 of . , • , 1.4 1 11ES a:rated for pa rt -i tine the altnte• turn( inner] lands fire a mil, ai hnine. )"let e 44nr444. 1:'4" from 4433 pii, iimbi.,mppg, ,a,„,,,,,,, celleni remuneration, Ile3114' Boii and ri:gbia-nr-Viat. "I" P.", Tilp .Eyeter '1'inios-.4,r1t o- f 44 hercfnr 4411'. fl(l4'4 pr 4,5014P h0,4 Ing• 04 pretending in hate ant tit le In or nite1'eQ1 to the (44 (41 Rift 14433)1(4 nr bnardel.S. 141ms -arm% trig' 1 ii, 01TIR Ihrallgb l'Pl'I lrIllg 1 Till il Pfl MI lit' before 1 ilP Se 1' eind • I4 ENet Pr. •'(' f a m i 1 1 044 141 YOur cniumun at.. ; da Y 01 3.344r..1, 1,11,1. not* n P ,4 t P II 4, 4P1...rm.M...f...P...o..f.!111...1}. 44 11*" pi a1 1nA 10(44311141340 number, i suing in file st a t em rift of 141 3.1n1;p: r.L.-t I' PI.LN J, .1'. 'lc -Jong, In fInx No. "A *, Times-.%dt /nisi ei. lila im verified by 44f1'10114 413 In in, 1 7,, :,- 121 rie office, At 31)0 erupt 3.3014444'e in the eif and erir li m *1(4' T: in.TATirsix n 1, n n d 0 Crow t , ADDING MACHINE - w .N 1' 'I P. 11 S F Apply nether's of, 1111400. and in default r t.(1'`' 1 $ rkNsPi i 11 a lik1 I 4.1 11 1 1, nee& ,t, daily. mc,,.„1,,,,.. Restaurant. in person, fir alleh (41a 1111 0 40 1 he barred and iris i 11.E.FINISHE1) '141..r..i..,,.. pa% mg rnstnrnPr. l'icas14 • • ' ! 1 It IP nf the as id Boron Lumber '(pt -In IIrrs -1V". '`ViMrs•A(11',.: AUCTION SALES snlui P and indefeasible at law Contrail,' Limed tt, 311 hen -nine al,. RECONDITION- ./ ,t4,--, a it ii corn plei P dol a IIS, 7 / and Point t. • fnt • 1an (Ist nr ail,.p a re tit 1 lienf 11"1 .4114101311 (141(1 or f arming back. gt mind most important (43141ra sit. on. Reply BriY.. 44. London 1 22-2 2(: ton) ' WANTED. net iahle man as dealer in 1314(011 vi, Expertence (101 itereSsort. 4 ('3)6' 4-1ppnrl unity TO stop into old pri1(i(al1l1. busineet, 1,. ticre Rae highs Pte rroitra hal• been Fold for Pars. 11114tg prof Its. ral.1.-tr: iit n ;ailed 011 4'('4441t,Odtt. )444.1411p nam F, DPW. B4(12. 1,i3.,ow, i3, Itteheliett, Montreal- . IN offers ft p p a r t 1.1 it i 1 it 64 TENDERS- REASONA13LY PRICED AUCTION SALE AT $125.00 See it In Our Window REMOVAL OF SWILL are CallPli for tir re - mot nr SV. brines itniinnked. Of Property and Household Effects rnitgh 10E4Sfil .1 A or (3144 late Alias Nettie ; ; THE TIMES -ADVOCATE (4(1(11irIf*AF 1411414(113 ('4414. Corner nf AnnP and ham Ft.. I 121 10, In lapin, for Me pennel lot F Ex-ETE ion& 1•444 arP In 11P Add l'044p441( In SAT'. II 1)11 , Aft f t;ir i'r,mmailthiv, Of fiver. RCAF O'Clock A0014 11°1-4sTPIN 1-r111 `1"P in n :41 a, inn cent Ontario. And to filst AlAroh Vln. AII '4,1•4 1 .„. DA I Eh this 34.', V- Irs 444 farina r). A 34, 147.4. F. FINr1 Loral Ile feree n f 'rrops. Cniart 1-10114444, 0011.E1110H, A 1 2 VI, - BABY CHICKS- Przomr"P SHIPMENT dayolds. a Wk started, dual purpose pullets CREDIT UNION '59 Will Be Fine • . If You Save Your Money Regularly At EXETeR COMMUNITY t'"1 r r pd r101:81-3 - Large tramp. ell- A Ilarry hir len, 11.14. 2 Crettiirm ' - „. had). 2 -storey, gond tricatinw 4 • 144 lla roll. •,'•(i', Dhoti" 4 A- 11-21. .4NOTFIE,11 LO'r of r•Inse sprint:el holstein heifers 44)1(1 ws arrit ing Pricly. Phone Luca aro.", I WI; res. II (1. 1 fOrsEjtol.14 nel cockerels. heavy breed enrke- •els, and Amos rnr high prndue. ti n 111 a riln4-44-1 1 lag l'00171, 1. , I; itchpri IN 11 31 hll 13 1 •••11 vitramard%: CONSTRUCTION OF ba I hrnom, large caner. For par- i -ROOM SCHOOL ! Iiipornlinali:.Fi, of property contact Frank grind comfit inn. Phone, 322-W-12 Hag A 41 y, 8" ler! 1 "'IP" ,'ill he r"els."1 ' Chesterfield and 2 chairs; coffee 197, 1 Font i piricrp, 3, inn. in Ir thp Arebit ems, Blackwell and • tabi,,., lamp 44 3131. a.ak ; laral, ... 1,1„,„„,„.1. 0111'11a; 1 10.1".rineriss .4,1' 44111114, : . - ntirrnr: end table: 44( 14(14 lamp: st inlet inn nr on 4.-rorrintin xi,. 111Pn li. In ; . 11,111,,,a01 1(.0 411,14, , rn;;;I'it.r., 3/1 n,rarlits. (r.(1.81111,.,4,' IIINT;171.1;;;;.'TIET-11',..E. fl.g., gnnrI vnr11.11. 1 110 MA111 1 1 1Yray Till.VIISh ip Schein! 1 111.0,41 1 , 1 in 11. for 1111 iln Bert Pask. Ai! - 41•Pa. 11 11 1 i I 1.2 n'etnek ..Saf.11. PPb. tamp IRmp's'11;811114inhnisS; rii-riltrel.; d1:111311:sg. field., 4344' '14314411114, 4 .m111'011. 4, : ::1,rfia,...;4442,y7,.4.:. I 4 11, 1 e7.9. 3'18115 an 1 iinerificat 'MIS Ma I,* 11; 41-1) t a 4 -.11Pjfi : ,,f '3)7111 0 a IS, d","..,14, 1 nan ,a. Ali h j ndettn. 137,1 '';; %14. 1!aA11.2)111.'1. 1 r0411 the Architects upon doposh , rhairs; arm chair. upright desk; ..,,,,, - healer: imatine TIA111 lain)) globe 4 5 • ' •-' i 2 baske)s; Assorted glass and SERVICES . lnws of lace rattle Ins: picthres: . ' china. ware: Wall 1111 rror ; 2 vi; in - 1 • kitchen table: 4 metal I; itchen : hairs; rocker; stool: k WATERLOO CATTLE At Pps; crumb: small table and ra rl in. sewing machine ttru•adip i , magazine, rack : floor waver; kit- `. ellen dishes, glasses; hyped 'box: 111.4. $31I'1114414.' 1'1 111)PYI alIngdlitnridirrPr's7Pr(;:.V1171; imrtains; beelreinm smite. beilSI earl, !SIM, t spool legs): Waal Phaalieta. spring•s and matt ress; 2 dressing tables and bench; cedar chest 1 • (1( 0031 cloth -covered chest; Wall lamps: 2 single beds. metal: i springs: Mat I reSSOS: bed ta hip; i warrIrnhes; m mid bed (34 -size): radio: bath room si-ales: brinShes; 1, mirror: shower curtains amil Win- On w otirt 411»'.: sealers, jars pi e.: ; nil burner oven: s blg erneks: 1 many small crocks in wooden auphoard; wash tub'. assort PC1 keit lea and basins; snertv shovel: I sprinkling can; cOal scuttle: 41 black pans; step ladder: On II: I rocker ash sifter: ninnies rack.: 1 . dish pans; wnrk bench: rub 1 Lacombe Pigs 1 LACOA1BE & YORK SOWS Bred Lacombe close to farrowing. • LACOMBE & YORK 130ARS YOUNG SOWS • Top Quality - Large Litters EMERSON P ENHALE Phone, 92 -It -7 Kirkton Third farm north of "Winchelsea. F.A.TrAfERS stand ; 4 wash to ha; washing' Ma- , so rayed (or "71 gl..11111;7:11,,nieh r'„1 r„ , V,..i.,,,I?: , e 11 MP , k i 1 e h p n 1 a 111. : ht. nob : . 13111 44143 weighing: scale; 2 hand saws; t,e, .. WOOD OR. COA 1. P. 4 NO1,1. Prin. 80n. na'shwrind 37-I-. I 9. ' " hole SAW: 2 moat sa ws . h.'.' cess Pal, in gond cnudit ion. An. m iscel Is 11 Prins tools: chest erliple1- 1.: Irlann 1 11-11-21. :i„ WE CAN ro,.kp,.; .41..; mats. day 'bed : medium cooker; small i ' ply to rilarlwyn 1-feinper, phone TI-1•11NIFi Pennerty 1 01. (1own. Phone 37-r-7,' Dasliwnorl. A ; 1 2e your (biol., 011 nr fowl. and pre- . CUSTOM KILL balance 30 days, FRAN F.' TA l' IA 11., A ii e t mune r 14 A LE r) 11 .1.17-hither1 T. 3.1 iller, parn fnr your hnme freezer nr BREEDING ASSOCIATION "14310(44 'Fetter Bulls Are; l'sed" Supply art theta 1 breeding lee fur All breeds of 1.141 1114, If phoning long distance, simply aak 101' - CILIN'rON ZENITH 44.44444111 If 11 is 14. Inca 1 call, use our regular numher•--- CLINTON 11•17 2-41111 Fe,r $01.04.P 01' meirp in forma. inn. hP10•0P11:- 7.nn and 1o:440 .4.44 m eel< days (1:1111 and SAO Saturday evenings 'For (4014 4' waived In heat nit Sunday morning. do not call until Monday rrintrilng. The quality is high and the octet 1014. 12.n -trio jno, tow Ina Int enance ri rder Ala reit-April now. FrFo Hatoboe.. Eric Oarscadden, Exeter, phone. 201-W. Zen 6 Tni-so sows. 111144 in :1 '141,0148. locker. PlifiriP frir pricPs and AP- linusehold r'urnishings: (.7ash, .1 (Mil Arts, Crerliton, phone *41. 13 - 110111111(44311, StlYererest fi n 11 14 r Y redit on, - " learnt, phone 17 1 -1'.1 4 Exeter. D. E. NED 11 Y. 'Executor fl 1 C . . 1 :1 5 1 fn. CLAM,: '1SH"F;R, Clerk rit'll HA NI 11 ir,11,01,:11, dark math 2 'l . 2 II 5 vaccinated, due FehrilarY 144. VI"- tor Jeffery, 11.11. 3 114et er. AA 011111111111111,111111111111111111111111,1u11111111 -111111111111111111111111111) ....... 11111/11111111111111111111111111111111111/11111114, ti.a� a a+.3 nena,�eexn. J. R. Campbell Chartered Accountant LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR Office - 454 Exmouth Street, Sarnia, Ontario, Telephone -Digby 4-0733 Wishes to announce that he will be at his Thedford office on the following dates for, the purpose of preparing in. come tax returns, consultation, etc, January 26 • 30 February 23 • 27 March 23 • 27 inclusive inclusive inclu,sive Personal Appearance in the Exeter Area on Request • IN MEMORIAM - P ASSAIO 11E -1n 'riving memory 01 a /1 Par 311144111 0,1 and fat het . PART Passmnre, who ,passed A I 'AT:TAIT...1NT. steam heated. cur - a way -six )(ars agn, Fr3bruary Molted, right in tie -nil -44 of Inn 11. EXETER FROZEN FOODS 14', I 41:4:1,EllInt Apartments, 112 Alain St., Like falling lea, es, the years slip • Exeter. - 41,411(1' Phone 70 113. 129-3:5 Rol 10431144memnriris no, er Alp. Tio,t'sm. In 111' vtilaeP a( 11(11- 4444 III PS Willi lla in memory still. sa Pi. I, a rf 1.,. Kalfielsoll. 741e ,,,F11111i111311111111,11111,1111111111,1111011111111110111111111111111111IIMMI1111411/1140111111111 iiiii lifIFIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlifill11114 FOR RENT - CUSTOM PROCESSING Curing and Smoking Service For Lockers & Home Freezers Pal *MIRY but al s 44111. -Always remembered by his wife a rid familY. 41' 4LK.14111- -• 1» loving metuory of my dear 44144)4' 1'. .13 1 10,, w11 I pasgeti away 144, run ry a, 3sss, Grine from us bu t teat ing memor- IPS opaih can never take 11 :110111rIri4'44 that will always linger While upon this earth we tutu:. -Ever remembered and 1411 11 ly 11)314110(1 by' sister 1-;thel 1<err. s. '3\',4t.144 33.14- In loving utemnry of g dear aunt. 3.13.'J'1 )1 Walker, whn pn.ssed away l"(' 311 11141'3.' 14, 141411, peamtiful -memories are treasured 44*. '3' Of happy days m hen 11 44 were all together. -.4,01-1 11 A'14" rPMPITIV1PrPd '114' 11144'4'4', Lulu 4', • id, omit and (11 11111'4', 3.4 Men who are loud and 110183. seldom are a howling success. * * * Most people pay too 1111.1Ch for the things they get for nothing. mennialloomemetistssallimasenessiesseiesiels. it 0. An Opportunity To Invest In Your Community TOWNSHIP OF McGILLIVRAY 51/2/0 Debentures $160,000 Issue Terni 1 to 20 Years FOR THE PURPOSE OF BUILDING A PUBLIC SCHOOL Contact W. J. "Bill" Amos Phone 602r11 Parkhill or Write R4R4 fl Parkhill Agent for BELL, GOUINLOCI( AND COMPANY; LIMITED 371 Rithinend Street Phone GE 2-6745 LONDON, ONTARIO 25 King Street West Pbenito EM 42236 TORONTO, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE Of Dairy Cattle 3,04 s. '4111c44S44IOn STANLET TOW -SST -TIT' .117 Mites North and 1144 ma" West of T.:Innen '11•ESD41, relent ARV ID, 11( iton FHA! DEVELOPED nn 3 brand 311 1-11131144. 31* heifers., ranging .krAnTsiENT, ground (lnor, fur- 11PW "SI 11% finial," rain) papor (1,11112 to 3 years old. a numbPr !Malted, heated, hni and entrl :only 4A hours. 11 vests nn 14114(4'. (posh 4,i tat ('4434448 at font, re- : wa.ter, 1114111 -3(4 cupboards, use of Russell Electric, Exeter. Ina rod Al' duo 10 P'pbruary and laundry for -washing. 31r14 al*" 14:13. '1 440 March, all l'aPPinat 4441. entrance. Dial (Ilford Apartments. NOTICES TO CREDITORS T' c-ENTn.vra.s village, lame 1- r0n411 apartment. ('0 441 11( 041(144' spare, 111.1( 144(3. lint a nr1 IN EFTA'1141 CIF` enld wafer. a *41 1144111(4 1 A nl•-•"1•1 -•- Sla./24411 V FILMS lle.tTI1'UI 13.. . . .kll pnrsnIts InIvIng. Maims ,ge•ainst twn-sITTisr, ronm, heated, ))i' ite Estate of Sydney )131l .\I 2-plece bath and pantry, lint Arthur, late; of thP Village, of I 'Wall, 1111 trip in both, all utilities liensall, in the County nf rluron. Paid, a Iso private entrance, son. hied Farmer. who (3 ,03 nti or able fnr 41 11-nrkin44' 01144 abnut the 14111, day of November. 1%143.- Part 1 .1" furnished; rent tina. 14141*., l'P h4'1'4'113' notified to send tionanle; available a nro•e Write part lculara of sante t0 31" 11 rider- nr phone Mrs. \\*Minot, root os at signed at 7n Richmond St root Centre lie. 14.14. I, phone Kill:ton West, Toronto. of or before the -11 -2. 71 41e 2.2414d day rif 'Fehrilary, Pro. After which flak. the 13.4444411. will hp 2144 - REAL ESTATE- 11=0314‘14441 with regard. mil:, in 14141 (If Which 13144 undersigned Rho It then ha v not ice, and the undersigned Alta I I 1101 I144 1 IR 111P 30 any PP1.81111 •A1411.0t1. ('1)1111 1111.4 01;411 nnt then ha ye lint tee. Dal at Tornote,, this 22134 daY of January, I 3.19, GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA 417 11. (WIMANI?; I IS Solicit 1-Tere1n W. C. Pearce 1414,4, LT 0 rt. tm.kb issl:rtANitri 36 .Anne St. 113111.1 er Phone4113 2.13E0 brick cottage, 4431.44,1 for range, 3-plec4' 31,1(114 nil (urnace', garage: liberal terms. 3-141,11) 1.4431)41444 venom ed. oil fur - Imre. hnt wafer brat, (1114 bath, lovely kitchen, drilled well; Cen- t ral Ia. -HE D nig brick, oil bottling 4, r. 4144 1444. Int Centralia. 111 thp Eslata of ce. 1nater presau re, garage. 41'S'1'OR113Y 1-3341-1431;, 111444311 sinia1- 041, with furnace and bath. 1110. 41'10'1'T('13. 144 11.1..1-,:c gm en that*31 1 0 1:4; Credit ors n n.1 Others hay int Nettie I. K'eddy r;ry.,t tron'r 13 14111%I'44' t 41.1,1.1. claims against e este te Not fi1'((14i11 limise, part ial lia,•etnent. tie 1. Neatly. intthe hr itio Town of tp,atocely l)itt!ilit.,(1.gond garden. ninth. Exeter, the rem nt y or 11 11 rem . 11•1411(44 Spinster, whn died nn or a beirit WC have sty el al farm .; s 1 he 1 I Iv thiv 11A 1"14131)1"14131)mono P14-11 aro roan trod 44, tont holt. claims pro', en In the linaer• 1 fe Stetted nu nr befetre t hr edit day HOT:FES--Nrw linitara l(eat44,1 if, 01ANr4Ill'"Nint')4,*114.1p,".91's 31111 11441' .tiven ES:01.01.4 3. 3 31(11010)114', that after the said date 111., soaped, mortgage Arranger) 41144) ell 10344 XV 11 1 '1111VA44AII 1.1 1.1114trib11i0 InNV cost 'mines ftir II 1 kalP, the est al e having retard onlY (41 After small dow n p.ty me ut (441 the claims nt theti then Smut. rent be merit tour 44h8 1 1 brivp 14.1„1 11.0 own homer. .brily rt 't1 '3.\'1'3'31'1ni that( 244th day ongtragt.nr, 141101444, phone nr. Janne tit, 1 41'0. 10,:11 G, Cele rano, 1.3403141.. (Ill )lel !thy 'ft 5 fIr C. V. Pickard 1!: ETiat Vve have ciienia chatLNeter homes 1) 144033 10 4144)), WI US 61 44.1441 0 taheetr noftfotelrlti 11,1 e .h ollow Int 0111•TrLA1.tA-W'e1 1 located home sSronkdoerittirukittitit:heNzto II a 1;1)/114 33,('1411' Now equipment. 11xtra Ints 441 (31311,10. Price $ 1,500 mt. Terine. Quik 1101" 4' have- ((11.31 I'M% Pr tot ri 44. 4444444441331, medittrit-urtred awn linos P. .‘,14n rnr 44 Invi.,,,pt.pq 4 -. . iitil• 1110111 1111.1444. 111'04(1010% 44,111 ft largb 101. 13.xt.ter Z.1 Itft.t buy tit 58) 3,. tra c V. PrchAfiri. 1184430,,!' 334).). rIPTII`I'd I DI fihtInlrea 621,1n ht., Ti',fttof e Of - Robert McDougall, doe= (44 54411 .3.11 1)14 1444" 11 a 1,14 mg' maims 114444111143 the ('11 (1(44 of 11ohe0t late of the 41)1141444 or Itertsall. in the councv 1-fni nn sometthice nf the *row ri df 117, ere,- ctoralemart, lir, flied 4511 nr about 5151 ,Irtnplur are 1'44430111'Pd In rup particulars er 144al4i44'0 l'1* 41P1 I f:1•111r,116111 MNPter Ontario. hr the "1st day of rY. 134413.. 44(104 yv flat (1144 estate 4IN 1 *1 11P 141,141 1'1 11 111P.1 1144411)44 et0 rd rutty In i 11,1A f i 111ft Of 44 1111 it 140( 1,44 has breit 1.0te Iv ed. PeU LaUghtOttr Sotiranre 3',* 311441..se.i.ntar, Moter, ()Ma rtrr, 6,111.11e Sale It ill. be held under cover. TP.1 rims: rash. A Ati.P.RATH. I1.4.11OLD JAC11SO8. ..tuctioneer Open 1." & Wed. Nights Office 3. site Pot Office ‘1;11;7;11,1,71'77777.;‘,457:,411•;1•7":;741:7'147,1174'-4.74 • ' .... 44, • HOW "HIGH OFF THE HOG" WILL YOUR FAMILY LIVE? Whether your family lives on tenderloin or kidneys may depend on how well your estate is handled. Experienced Estate Officers, like those at Sterling Trusts, can help 'you plan your estate properly, so that 'ultimately there will be a, minimum of delay, confusion and tax loss. Why not talk to a Sterling Trust Estate Officer soon ... or write for our free booklet "Blueprint For Your Family". THE STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O R AT.I0 N Head Office: Branch Office: 372 Bay St., Toronto 3S Dunlop St., Barrie * :COME IN' and COMPAREthenew station wagon with the most room for the least money TEE KBY STUDEBAKER Vaeliest wagon of An. Full 05 tu. ft. carp spate on 115 inch wheelbase, yet shorter outside for tasiet hatd1it1g3 turtling, parking, ->Optional rear -facing hideaway seat brings passenger apathy up to tight. ::>1,Ctilltaint 'SIX DT super V.'S delivers top mileage, peak performance, on regular low-rost gas. ,:,>Costs is to buy, far less to operate. Smart .,,,Spiritcd, WS Your New Dirnetision in Station Wawa COIlle` ill and Compare at. ' ' Graham Arthur Motors 44