HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-02-05, Page 8I .:* 1?t *man Abseryer, February 5, 1959
iKjrkton Uses
Kuppen crigre..tion Ilts Library
f s The annual meeting of liirl;ton
..5 Officers
Ith Librarywith Airs. AI Eve
"The aantial meeting of tit. An L'ink's apartments. I!vigil in the chair. The rea-
•.drew's United Church was heli! Mr. • ndl Mrs. Norman - • surer'; report showed a good.
last Tuesday evening.aIyi with
;year. The secretary, gave a sunt
precedent visited Sunday afternoon with wary of they ears work•
by a pot luck supper. Air. and Airs. Jack Witten of i 'l'he librarian's report showed
Rev. MacMillan, unable to at- li,trriston. ° 3886 members with a circulation
tend :owing to Illness, :Ret-. Cook Mrs. Darry Caldwell has been { of 14,ot There were 119 nese
of Liman, was chairman and con 'nett to het: home with a: books put on the shelves. The
l inerson Kyle was appointed; 'throat infection, i library gets three units, 300
• e;e r et a r y for the meeting.: Mr. and Ur.. Toni Pnurtce of hooks from Huron r. County with
lion tr
k'avorable reports were given by 1i•roxeter visit". Thursday with! four exchanges a year.
ail organizations. the latter's sister and brother Mr. 11•ib Kirkby was elected
John. R. Cooper, Verne Alder- ' zn•1am+, Air, and Airs. 'Wilfred; president for the conning year.
.dice, Orville Workman and Allan Mali.., =t)ther offi"ers are: first vice -
Johnston were appointed to the The congregation of St. Att- president, Mrs. Moss i'tctfts; sec -
Beard of Stewards for a three• drew's 1' n r t e d t h u r c h was rotary -treasurer. Mrs. Wes Neil;
year term. pleased to have Be.sAlacAiillan t book eocnm.ittee. Mrs. harry
e� , r back in the pulpit Sunday strive! Webber,Mrs.;JackRobert 111x, C,rt of aednd Archie , 1 p1 Robinson,Rob
zd Archre ,int, • 1
being absent several Sundays Mrs. Ross •'
n H ,a Tufts, 5 l I•'•
were narzt�cmiberaCow-
1 throu;h illness dreg property committee Sir
of the Board of Trustees.
Steal Woodham Music I1rivitt Picks
•BefQr€-•SkatrrigCa�rn va/
The '1i'oodhatn Community As -1 Smith and Lloyd.
sgciatioin was ltafoz'tulzate when I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 13,oss o
early friday° mmorning seineotie ; London were Sunday overdo
broke into the rink and stole visitors with Mr. and Airs. Lloy
I the record player and am=plifier. r Jaques,
When at 11:30 Thursday' night f Mrs, john Wareham has re
.t.Kenneth Langford locked up. ,F turned hone from. Memoria
everything was all right :b:ut : hospital, St. Marys on Sunda
ashen he arrived Friday after."much improved after•• spenditt
noun to open up for the carni -.ren day's tit hospital.
val that evening the record play- • Miss Norma Dern. nurse -ii
e.r and amplifier were mussing; training at St. Joseph's liospita
making it impossible to have. spent the -weekend with licr` par
=music for the skaters. cuts, *lr. and Alrs. Arnold flan
Mr. Harvey Wright :of Birk- Mrs. M. Copeland and Miss
ton loaned his equipment to • Jean Copeland, Woodham seen
;Mg it .possible to have anisic for Sunday .evening with Mrs. Roy
;that evening. Kirk and Lorna.
The Woodham Community As -:11r. John 'Tomlinso.n has` pur
sudation would appreciate it very chased the store on the south -
much ifthe party
t qr parties east corner of the village be
who removed the record player longing to the Department of
and amplifier would. return it llighways and purposes demol-
as soon as possible as the rink ishing it which will be a great
is used every night and the benefit to the people owing to
young people enjoy the music. the Heavy .traffic and danger of
CThe annual earnival of Wood- accidents.
hani Community Assoeiation was Car Is Smashed
•held on Friday night and a good 111, Jerry Lawson on Wednes-
day attended altltouglI the d la afternoon while returning
roads were icy.
Prizes for king of the carnival from Londe!, had his ear smash
went to line Rundle queen ed an 1lighway 23 at the Separate
At the annual .congregational
of r ,'
t m •
l r l t Memorial
k r al
1' Church of England, on Wednes-
g day evening, the rector, Rev.
d Brea I)eVries, presided and
Barra' Page acted as secretary.
Officers were named for 18aa.
1 Rector's warden is Harry Page;
y people's warden, Andrew Dior -
ling; vestry clerk, Miss Mary
Wells; secretary•treasurer, Bob.
err Luxton,
t. Delegates to Synod are Mur-
- ray Greene and Oen (.ase; sub-
, stitutes, k3ob Cameron and Harry
t ':l'he Board of Management
comprises the .officers mentioned
and Mrs. II, .0. Hooke, Miss
Marion Bissett, Alis, L. Hodgins,
Ilaipb Oenttner, Met Keating,
Fred Dobbs, C, L. Snmith, Bruce
'Tuckey, Mrs, R. Dickins, Mrs.
Murray Greene and Mrs. Ii,
Auditors are C. L. Smith and
Bruce Biggar;.
{ Ray McLean. 12, son of Mr, Carl Mills, Airs. Ern Cowdrey,
World Day .Of Prayer Service ands'Mrs. lien *McLean, who has: Air. Laverne Stone; K.C.A. rep -
The World Day of Prayer! been hospitalized a week in',' rescntative. Mrs. Ross Marshall;
servie.e will be held in Kippen South Huron Hospital, Exeter, librarian, Airs. Russell Morrison.
'United Church Friday, February n=
returned hoe on Saturday, , The board made plans for a
•13• at 3 pan. The ladies of�Bruce- Mr. and Mrs. I)on Kyle. of i euchre, Monday, Februar; 9,
field United Church will join Zurich, /isited on Sunday with, Personal items
with the Kippen women in the their parents, Mr. and Airs. M. and Mrs, Russell M!lis and
prayer service. All the ladies of Emerson Kyle and Jim. • family, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
the congregation are, invited to ; rhe •ladies of the 1''.:11.5, of . Mills of Woodham visited Sun-
ettend. , daa with Mrs. IL Copeland and
:St, Andrew's rated Church held . Mli. E, Copeland.
Personal. Items !a brief meeting on Wednesday. Mr. and Airs. tlarold Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dupont and, of this week. The meeting was and. Alis, Amerlicc'urdy were
children, who have resided a:followed by a quilting bee. Two Tuesday guests with :lir, and
few months in Mr. Robert Coop - i quilts were finished. 'Mrs. Lloyd Hern and family of
er's house, moved Monday to! Mrs. Stewart Beattie of Wing- Exeter,
Hensall into one of AIr, Ed; ham was a guest of her mother,
t Airs. Robert McBride and Lorne,
over the weekend, This Week in
Surprised On Anniversary
I Mr, and Mrs. Ross Faber were Winchelsea
ph;asantly surprised Wednesday
1 evening when 18 members of the By :MRS. 'F. HORNE
young people of Bayfield Bap- •
tist Church met at their hone. .:.
An enjoyable tune was spent tPersonal o- P Items
The following night, the oc-
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe
rasion being their first wedding ad Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle
' anniversary, another group of 25 a'i
older members and relatives of Alr. and :firs, William Walters,
•,1,111»Irtlll11l l/111111111111111111»111II111611» 11»11111111.
Sunday And
Evening Service
Open this Sunday. 'Wednes-
day afternoon and "luring
the evening Throughout the
Rum el's
sited Saturday evening with
bo Mr. and Airs. Faber drove
Mr. and Airs. Leonard Cowen
in, surprising thenen a second of London spent the weekend
time, with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Walters.
They were presented with a Miss Brenda Ball of Clinton is
book. entitled "Through Gates of spending a few days with Mr,
Splendor", with the presentation and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake.
being made by Rev. L Boden -4 Misses Anne and Laura Johns'
ham of Bayfield church. Con- of Elimvill.e north spent Satur•
,wn.l»»111IIIIII»»,»1111111»»aa,lll,ll,ll,ll», I tests were enjoyed, day with their grandmother, •
ainilu111116l»u in»11,16111111111111116111 uul»»uul l llli» uq i lli uu1111»»111/»I uuun»ulln,n» I»1111n1n1»I�
One Year's
Radio ill. TV Service
With every service call or repair job, receive a free
coupon for the big draw on March 7. Don't Miss It:
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Air Conditioning
New Installations and Alterations
Lindenfields Ltd.
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1R1l1ltt1111111111111111111/1U111»tlJlll„11111»nln, „111111111m,»I111111/11/,1»»»»1117„
*Irs. Garnet AItners.
Mr. and Mrs. l:loward Day -
man and family of Kippen visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Walters.
Mr, and Mrs. William Gilfilla.n
and family of Exeter spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Colin
Mr,. and Mrs. Newton. Clarke
visited on Sunday with Mr. and •
Mrs. Beverley Morgan, Thames,
Mrs. Harvey •Skinner of St.
Pauls is spending a :few weeks
at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Elson Lynn.
This Week in
Thames Road
Personal Items •
Mrs. Almer Passmore appear-
ed on the Hope Garber TV show
on Monday afternoon. She iced
and decorated a birthday cake,
and also ,demonstrated on how
to make roses from gumdrops as
Mrs. Barney Bjarnason of In-
nsfail, Alberta, visited with Rev,
and Mrs. H. C. Wilson over the
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns and
family of Elimville, Mr. and
Airs, Melvin Gardner and Mari-
lyn, Mr. and Mrs., Robert Cann
were Saturday evening guests of
2. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Passmore,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and
family of Centralia, Mr. and
Mrs. 1•Iarry Dougall and family
of Exeter were Friday evening
guests with fir. and Mrs. Edwin
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rowe
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle
spent Saturday evening with Mr.
/»»11111,1»nnll(Inl»111111n1•' and Mrs. William Walters of
Sunday callers at the manse
were: Mr. and Mrs, H. . Deas
of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Vincent and son Ivlark of Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hughill,
Mr: and Mrs. Mat Nediger and
Mrs, Reginald, Shipley, all of
Clinton. 1 •
Dr. and: Mrs. It. E. Roelofson
and Bradley of Exeter were Sun-
day evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin Miller,
Mr. Donald Ballantyne of To-
ronto spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bal-
Mr, and Airs. Toby Shulman,
Marcia, Mark and Beverley of
Einbro visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery
visited on Sunday evening with
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Willett of
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wanner of
Sarnia visited on Sunday with
IVXr, and Mrs, Ernest Pym,
Miss Rosemary P'assmore and
Mr. Ken Brazier of Brantford
spent the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs, Alvin Passmore-.
Phone From Florida
Mrs. nelson Clarke received
a welcome phone call from her
sister, Mrs. Blanche Patterson
of Florida, on Friday evening,
"Che reception was very clear, a
distance of 1600 miles.
She stated that it was 85
-degrees and that she was en-
joving her flower's which were
blooming nicely. She also had a
big bunch of bananas hanging on
her banana tree in her yard.
'Ms is one time the telephone
is a Comfort to our everyday
* Shiaparelli
* 4711
* Seven Winds
* Chanel No. 5
jenny Lind Heart
/' , Fi�.lntwl,tat
?/delu.iwiraru.. $' e.4._
.'/tour. 447
Community Night
On Thursdayevening the see-
btdd community night was held
lb _ the schoolhouse with six tables
of,..euehre in play,
Prizes were awarded to; ladies
high, Mrs, leg liodgert; ladies
low Mrs, Aimee PassmoreY lone-
onehands, Alvin Cottle; Meth high,
Bill Rowe; inn's low,, )3=11
S Mr.r And Mts. ilarolil kite r
arid Mt, and Mrs. flay Cottle
wore in charge for the evening,
'Sharon Squire; comic eustume, Scheel corner,
boy, Don Langford; girl, Betty Mrs, Robert Arthur of Au
Jean A:lilier; original representa burn was the r of the ca
hive over 15,, Mrs. Fred Parkin- that crashed Jerry's car.
son, Mrs, Victor Cbatten; utmc!er No one was hurt but Jerry's
15, Joanne and Jule Webb; best cat was 'damaged. beyond re-
dressed couple under 15, Don pau•,
Knight and Linda Thacker; .over
15, Mrs. Reg. Morrison, Airs. Note Good Year
Roy McCurdy; 'q
Oldest skater was Mrs, Victor ' 1
Cbatten; youngest skater, ;John
For Brinsle UC
Gartenburg; best skating couple y
over 15, Orrle Thacker, Avis A pot luck supper was held in
Hodgins; best skating couple, the 17nited Church on Monday
Mrs, Fred Parkinson, Mrs. Vic evening when the congregation
Chatten; best clown, Gordon held their annual meeting. Al-
R-obinson; best .comic, James though the chureh has been with-
Gartenburg; best comic couple, out a minister until a short time
Gary Hern and William Brock; ago a very good report was
largest family on skates, The given,Rev, Brooks, new minister,
Webb family, was in charge.
Races, boys 10 and under,
Dennis Webb, Peter Gartenburg;
girls, Linda Thacker and Kathy
Dern; boys, 1.1-13, Wayne Prance
Mrs, W. White
e �
�I Kr
The death of Mrs. 13iuiam
White, the former Vera Sanders
r of Exeter, occurred. in Lexing-
ton, Kentucky on Sunday Feb-
ruary 1.
She was the youngest daugh-
ter of the late Williann H. and
Mrs. Sanders of Stephen Town-
ship and is -a sister of Robert,
Sidney and George Sanders, all
of Exeter; Dan Sanders, Car-
man, Manitoba; Mrs. George
Jewell (Mary) of Orillia and
Mrs. Will Willert (Nora), Dash-
The body rested at the Mill-
ward funeral home, Lexington,
Kentucky when funeral services
were held Tuesday, February 3
at 10.30
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Bill Mercer of
Exeter spent' Sunday with Mr.
and Brian Bern; girls, Jackie and Mrs. George Mercer.
Tucky and Elizabeth Thacker; Mr, and :Mrs. Jack Keogh of
boys 14-16, Ralph Vern and Grant Lucan spent Sunday with Mr.
Hodgins; girls, Janice Webb and and Mrs. Andy Keogh, '
Ruth Miller; women over 16,
Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Mrs.
Vic Chatten.
The judges were Mrs. Fink-
beiner and Mr. and Mrs.• Milne
Pullen, Whalen,
Visitors on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs, Cecil Ellwood were
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and
Carolyn of London and Mr, and
Mrs. George Prest and Billy,
Bride•Elect Showered
U.C. Has Good Year Miss Elaine Hamilton, bride-
1.'he annual meeting of Wood• . elect of this month, was tendered
ham United Church was held in
a shower at West McGillivray
the church basement last Tues- ( hall on Tuesday evening.
day. The pastor, Rev. J. Ware- After a short progra=m the
ham was in charge and Leonard bride was escorted to the front
Thacker acted as secretary. and presented with several gifts.
Good reports were read by After a seitable reply and every -
the treasurers of the various so- one viewed the gifts ice cream
cieties and the church treasurer, and cake was served:
John Tomlinson. Miss Florence
Jamieson reported a successful
year for Cooper's Woman's
Missionary Society.
Two minutes silence was ob-
served for two members of the
congregation' who had passed on
in the past year.
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Payne and
Donna of London were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Rob-
ert Rundle,
Mr. Carman Switzer of St.
Marys spent Saturday evening
with his mother, Mrs. W. L.
The February meeting will be
family night commencing with a
pot luck supper in Caven Presby-
terian church at 7.p.m.
Mr. and ?errs. Garnet Johns of
Sarnia were weekend visitors
with their niece, Mrs. Lloyd
News Budget From
M. Band Plan Skating Party
The January meeting of the
Mission Band was held in the
United Church and was attended
by over 40 children with their
leaders, Mrs. Fred Parkinson
and Mrs. R. Robinson, presid-
The meeting opened with time
service of installation of Mis-
sion Band officers and the pres-
entation of seven honor pins for
perfect 'attendance for 1958 to
Douglas and Dennis Webb, Sharon
Thompson, Barry and Susan
Tomlinson, Betty Jean and Bob,-
by Miller.
The worship service was in
charge of the new president,
Walter Langmaid, The scripture
was read by Douglas Webb.
The study book was in charge
of the leader, Mrs, Fred Parkin-
During the business it was de-
cided to have a skating party
Wednesday, February 4,
Personal Items
Miss Marion McNaughton and
Marilyn Brine spent the weekend
holidaying in Port Huron.
Mrs. A. Rundle spent Wednes•
day with Mr, W, Switzer in
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson
and Brench, Mr, and Mrs.
Reiner were guests with a Mr.
Fred, Kate and Florence Jamie-
Mrr. and Mrs. Russell McAl-
pine, Ailsa Craig, were guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Me -
Naughton on Sunday.
Mr, Stewart Marriott, Ronald
and Maryanne visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. A, Dewar.
Mr, and Mrs Fred Parkinson
and .Brenda, Mr, Fred Jamieson,
Kate and Florence attended the
Federation of Agriculture ban-
quet held in the United Chureh,
St. Marys, on TI'riday;
Mr. John 7ttnn. 13=11 and Ilow=
and and Miss Noreen Walkonm
were, guests with Mr, ancT Mrs.
L,loytl Thompson and family,
8th Line, on Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Parkinson was the
winner of several prizes at the
Carnival hell! lti the rink at
Woodham 11�rlday evening. She
wen the first prize Mrr the ladles'
ace and` time hest representative
arid first .tor best +couple along
with Mrs. Vie Chattear Wood -
Plea To Youth
(A recent headline in a Tor..
onto paper).
Sub -title, "Jean Needs No Li-
quor to Live.”
In spite of the reporter's rather
facetious treatment of Controller
Jean Newman's talk to a youth
group, her plea was very force-
ful and arresting. She was ad-
dressing young people who had
gathered during the Christmas
holidays to study the alcohol
"As far as I am concerned,"
she declared, Y11 have chosen to
be a total abstainer for the sim-
ple reason that to me life is in-
teresting and exciting and I
want to enjoy it to the full with-
out having any of my perceptive
abilities slightly dulled.
"I have never been ridiculed
for my stand, for after all it is
a personal matter, If you young
people remake the personal deci-
Sion' to remain .total:, abstainers,
you will never regret it and you
will never succumb to an illness.
which, is very much on the in-
crease in Canada anct the United
States — that is alcoholism."
P-s -s-t .. .
If you're a really serious
cupid this year, you'll choose
1#ridal t=ell diamond ring.
Or she's bound to love a
Longines o1' 11c o watch, or
our lovely costume jewelry,
We have card'sand candy,
too, fOr valentines.
Jack Smith
Phons 510 Exeter
In the :first half of 1958 the
rate of labor income and the rate
of spending on consumer goods
and services was web ahead of
the sante period in 1957.
*1 Illlll ltllU1111»In»I, 1, 111141111II I, 11»�»u»I»I»»»»,,
Phone 156 Grand Bend
40 ll»lll»Inl»»1»11111/11111IIII UU111111»1,111111111111 ».
Because our orchestra rias discontinued playing
for the Friday night dances in, Zurich Comnlunity
Centre, we are fIOW at liberty to accept dance
engagements .eisewherel For appointment, phone
311, Zurich,
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Pre -Lenten Specials For
A Superior Special! Pillsbury 16 -oz. pkgs.
Buttermilk Pancake Mix 2
A Superior Special! Gold Seal 73/4 oz. tins
Fancy Sockeye Salmon
A' Superior Special! Mother Parker's • 60's with FREE Wm.
Orange Pekoe Tea Bags
A Superior Special! The kids love it . .. 2 -lb. tin
Rogers Salad Fork
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Bee Hive Golden Corn Syrup
A Superior Special! Pound package
Golden Dew Margarine
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Hillcrest Toilet Tissue _ 4
A Superior Speciall CFiipice Whole kernel --- 14•ounce tins
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Kam Luncheon Meat
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Post's Minute Rice
New Cabbage
20 -Dune* packages
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