HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-03-25, Page 3srpfilhdl��s-r--'-==--15,r-!�� a.. .. ...!r�s..re<.�.�� jki i aeaar. ".r.i:.i'' .-�-+.e►i - - �^��^+'' a(bt t1Trw , we Akio ons ve, as A Wwdw they Teff" 1/eMey'itasnal. ooh '•Aller tr laskiog forwards a tja resod Note petMN M% swilaerlasd kis bow" pares a AmLe,ttm ld V1Ig11 w f►atw " a of the &a dabuft br • artilag al rsectd. tk an food so reit Kiirgt tiro u the b*eh � Howner. Me- Coo afee a a &%Age, ;�� b night, w board hassle are new gel rather rasa M the cwatly. We ►*pt L will In • tll� Int W kTtpg 23ir CAPE OP GOOD HOPE. faahio¢ahle, as 11! Illmk .pieces of Votes pews a•oriby of aid pr erns. - K= : 'I 1 I 7i .1 i f , Adriees linos the Cape t o the Mk teener), t Sal the hat %tooted That d the ata is Mr. ars:te 1424 13,%2 bead o(t,altle had fees c are'rw) ouch ezbJllMMd, 0rtsf rill harQl) Hlneke, Tad them w Tot ase of the wbels THE �> j>r, ijl�ICCELLOiL aapturd by lbs British, Tad that Colonel M . keep them in fire wood, still the Impbet ars •1110 dr "its e, large a •lure •f the see- Ei: l�lr�atl,�� r "I� fit' R)„r aaJ Y.J+►' \1',awo► woo 2kut while e soccssary to 1R)ty1 YM hundred Teres oil: �0e of I�9 Kerorarere arbo►h Upper sad is lie Ilona 0f Lei, as Baron St. jean• Lower Canad%as Was same bNodaae,l Pram, sttackio , the Enemy. The troops wten coat u (:IucagvrAAW Currency, sad to sin Hiscket Nutwitbstaadat( the pgi2o¢od a" out ring front cold another and coa+taat bring it from theirs 36 wa;grras 4�0 or 80 vaoa of Lye G104", 'be spasmodic grunts of RIC1T AT 13RI9T'OI.. Rams. 1 - the Jmw4Alt 4 QW64c. oma indat ul IDsi'VA. A, very serious nits is d taken place at BELGIUM. Miles thruuph soft and bad ro::.t, is nM a fieaoco , ,bs"lrwr I ts; 2tsd tbo blue. very cat) tank. Alae) til file farmer% cosadly t410rwwo of" whale %City Foods; Biirtd, i+ 4owy-ace of die F'aetory The treaty o(Cosomeree says it will be have been taking w their gn'u from Iteck Fr.ocis a 0Fiw Minister of &Lo settle Pro- hands at the (;cat Westars Cotton Works, so petition that the fiAttertng pewpren held nuc*, and aw bomadinhoer Its twig►q ref to throra„t, a eoutracted dew- ea► w 1pe (,0uyb int 184! will b reaAsad, lover SU mile►, and taking out lumber, ad 9"an, to weer Ea land, w a angles ttwag g° eare getting only !a. 64. a bound for their hutgkt nub the sou Impatuat Intertest sur way, which had been made by onto of the and that Ilia Council ren for reetrschoa, mt Par - wheat at Chien ager 211. When awe I' cw0uy,4inJ whtoh molls bot►s- their yl�% h order lit pltvcul the females sed that Amrrka derives the greeter per. In Chicago g' 1%careats ind4ol orererythiag vile-e4kiW uuo of Lor rcreoue from import dunes. gue Ad employed tLat distance the a is moccoffully accowpflsh. Away to yourkeb Operatives Carrying off the Coffee waste, cJWg y t revel Met.b end mar, for the one of destroying it. Fire en. AWOsm o Hadley vas o d r the repro • Is. lid. par bamhel few rating 11- gnei. a m:a ,Pec e(s �[ PI'rP ) g y market, w the farmer gnu la. 8d. a bui hal liing a year a•t•reeand p o hal perio0tot the odical ea' gins were sent for, which becoming ex- %notsuua of the City of Luai•o m Perha- ted returned the attack with stones meet. for his wheal in the bare, still 5s. a babel ml Aor ° 1 DK erdt Glurl". was abtwd- a"PRa wit d for wheat when 1 was diKre.aad sed otherasaanks,andafterwardvdemolish- BTILL LATER - was sits and rou0dly too. \Voll Mr. itiehards ed all this windows of he Factor tie v. very poor otter tau, and '2a. 6d- a bttslod /Tay fol proud o! all 4• locstrad. W0 ra- y New Yoga, fit o'clock. P_ M. th for can, ewintg to the wheat faikang over m..be, a copy often "eel us by ant ■•sleet oral petates were severely injured. The H echoglmsater. "file only at fruit trees r}Iyvistratesinvestigated the case,and fined THE 11EW MINISTRY. of the We.teris Elates lel year, and is ltho- boy& throw ,tunes." The Atloroey• The London C.-rrersoadeas of the New or, ole, fall grain has failed for the last three General for Upper Caosda can well afford the mana;er T5 for his illegal conduct on York Conratreiaf, soya there to bet little an years, so in all m) lra►cla there very little to receive a steady round of small @hot, the occasion. doubt that they a 111 be ezpodeJ to as ad, C The victor or Leede, the conqueror of the Among the failures of the week at wares vote on A' a Free Trate gao.hoa, they 8 fall wheat was to be seen at all, and the renowned Oyle! alas! renowned no more; Liver 1 w G.1 eotmlr) u rather loo warm for spring grain, rosy senile with proud disdain at all the at- foo , as Cwt of William sharps, sp also reiterate Choir koat.hty to Free Trade • but i1-• corn tempts of pohtieal •osmics and jealous extensive merebaut and shipowner. se well as Ilio Navigation Act, They Io- m particularly stn¢e',vbys Hoot►, frisads. tie own hu high position to hit Messrs. Carmichael and Brett have con- tend to avoid an immediate coatrst on these 461 u rich and abundant. however, farmers legal talents, to his tact, and to Ilia shrewd quraaoua for tlr reseee that bavf■ ant Int• n1- Irate a ouch tli6ealtJ its leaking cash as in ttal*ofraulalie *biUtiDe• We Ilaro sees Iltr. touted with the Belgian l:orernmeut for I d o Richard+ for two reuions in the Haute, sod the building of a submarine telegraph Ile- Co lima Micy wul nit De prepared to mot of Canada, more especially since their fail we aro ons %were of one mistake twist he the lessee. It is asserted the hllautry will be wboat law failed Abeam. mads. fig will not briad dawr*drt oR R•ubt.' tweed Jru�land and liesgium. 'i Ley are I i1 allowed q „et:y g:ts up protection, the Yours, &A-., B+IJw1o's seal, sod be wbo d• io nut thl. to lave the mnnoply for ten years, and ill-: ( protectors ds:.y ;bid and say that Lad Derby can be nn orJtoary mss. Gove,umeut will have a priority over all muss what be say and he does out got* up 1l a jATAx FItASI:R. The remamin mombor o(tbs Upper Can. rr other messages. the battle but only %bks far the truce to Kiocart1it11allt1a. A 1851. AdsItu portion le t6o Mier. R (• the (lose J• t IRELAND. rr Rwv, of Belleville. Mr. Rase bas not been I xh.c4 they will sot usant. 'Tile rumour is ele�tic•e ' without a dee sham of hots animonty, too. The Earl of Clareudoa had taken leave i going on oft all aides that the Presidect of Fran she Kingston HwrsW. H* too, car afford to be aboard. The Soh- TiIE PRESENT MINISTRY. citor-General for Canada West and A twgte- oC Ireland. Lord Nus, the new minis- Franca a to be JOclar*J }:rnperor on the 610 . • lative Councillor, of aeeomity should be a ter, is to be opposed io his election for I And Eag'.es are to be d,rtributed to the arpty A steasg" Coming lata this Province at Uda e. - to Uw•prLwexo of 1 ka senate, the &:;Utica moo til ab! Jud sot, ash sound legal to + of the of the advent of the press Mis- knowledge. We lin Tot seem any dental , CUh- .ad srrioou of Para, sod that by tuoir on. of the dasaswa o{ (hew i•sgoisned by Mr. 'i''ac obsequies of the late Lomas [ �Q vie tett P° serration •4061, LOuu Na oleos will bo do - is" N power, rod witnsai11g the pretty Riles Probably a.rmi,mbat Of tris by olio Archbishop of 1►ublin, were crleLra/ed' P G Senegal opposition which It received, isu'v,d- hag reason to be Prouder Lf bIs station than I elated F. ,femur, a new appeal wilt be made o sift MW collectively, by the press of the this geotlemaa. IN h yet, It any be said, with hereat pore, on the .udin.t. to rawly tL1e daiatstioue which wiLl no I send ,would nolo at ante of two eoaelu• a young men; but bio abil:tia attr*ct'sg the FRANCE. I doubt be earr:ed. \ ry notice of lta lets gonralmmL' be was rare- The reorganization of the '.National 0n sioii*--t►at a was one of the ant or one of ed to the dignity of Councillor, sad daring DEATH OF SIR JOIIN 11ARVE'l. the firer which could be formed; for it could the last session, to our knoaIcJge was the (:Card was going o¢ in France. A nun- _ ea be only the tztremes that would generate !Ministerial .:loader in that eapaciy. He btr of companies gad several baltallio¢s HAYFAa. 93rd., March. cb the Baso sod unprincipled attacks levelled was the latruducer of the Bill for toe iispeat bare been fc-fired. ,-General Cavignac had Ilia Faeellesey eu Jona HAavev, Lion - against it. The good equally with the bad of the Orange Procedglen Act, which (or u teaaat Goveraesofibu province mets 18ail nen lay a dead letter on ills statute book. been elected for the tLird, the most imlwr- la ttus world, fall in for vituperation and Trhe repeal cf that Act will be productive of rant district in 1'rance. For Lainartine,. expired at the Govenoes house is this City alasddr, the last ►re geoeratly mallrDcd by much harmony bP(ween Irishmen in this I at half -past 11 o'clock, to -day. wonachuaetenthao thsinee:vete, elide the country. At the forma"' of the Prasent tbounh he had declined tostand,711 totes I ars cslumidated by either jealous Ministry Mr. Ruse could not be over sok^d. have been recorded against 1a0S for the GODERICH tet.\RYE fS. i Mr. H:nck$ towelled to secure the services d Government candidate. Greg%ecu, 5luch,25 1859, 1 fruada or bass enemies. to politics as in ills best men; and must Certain!) he did but � FLocie-1spre ice per 46u Ilia .... ;t;u I5 0 P justice in this iostaan. ]tis reported by private cemmuaicalions Fine si every day transactions of hie, does Chir s j per bawds, ......., 0 tU 0 tt ply. indeed, it hequent!y happens that Such briefly is the personsef of put of to New York, that of the; result of 130 W3L5&T-Fall per bus ........... 0 2 9 PPe q' pony personal resentment against it,, maw the existing Misutry, We shall •mous a „ S hiss ...tl:. ............ 0 0 0 electio¢s its .aril, ens) lire have been 1 is patty adopted n l pound for an nsrist.fiable little further o% thta subject seat week. I BARL[T— rr Bushel of id Ib'. .. 0 2 0 d The following honest ex President of gained by the opposition. The elections Paas --Peas per bo•hel d 681te.... 0 `9 0 oppositica to the minister; and frequently opinion concerning the present Ministry we were snarl all is favour of the Goterw OiTs-Per b*rbe) 34 Ihs............ 0 9 0 t 7 _ l.oiAr (;ucP-Per Lath 56 thine... 0 9 6 the dislike to the minister leads to 64 open cut from the Quebec Carnal. ale an mme- ati• Ryr,-Par (tush of N IW.......... 0 2 3 dislike to the mt0utry. It really, therefore al % owerwtin journal. IVs eummPmd it me¢f. Isere and sleeve only an oppoaitioo ULK: Per rvii :............. :. 0 0 0 requires nems uaocd, some Informal -00 to the careful perusal of grumbling Resor- member was returned. U&nw--Per Ib dried :..,,yl....... 0 0 5 q W mars:- Boneher's trial Lad terminated in a con- if... salted .............. 0 0 4 gad much study of @-s, met ives and actions, •• If any Miaistry over deserved public SmovLoL is -Dried per Ili.......... 0 0 4+ to arrive at g just eoselumou. confidence and support, tbo preheat Nini@- viction, and lie was fined 50 francs. The Greco per Ib ........... 0 A 4 Now if a wwaiust from some undiscovered it deserves it. The attention which they peesofLs who assisted in the circulation, Bt►rraa—Ba(trr per Ib..-....... 0 0 9 T p y sad have paid, to all matters calculated I.aam-1 •rd per !►...... .......... 0 0 5 a parties of tie great universe has dropped to i11creue the commercialprosperity of the were each fined 130 francs. Paravoas- Pointers =ase........ 0 9 6 0 bimsalC down int our IitL'e Canada, ■oma Province, and a a consequence rho Provis- Itis reported !fiat the Ibpe, at the re- Wes@ -Wool per 1h ..i:..........0 l .1 C time in the month of December last, for the cial revenues fully entitle them toil. That quest of Louis Napoleon, is going to raise w object of reeonsoitering d-iring the political confidence, without deserving it, they HAMILTON HARICF,TS. I pmpaigv, Ted repoKisg our eosdrtlos to Der would, nor ,ttecmingly obtain. the Bishop of Bordeau:, to the dignity of Naftrtox, N.reh, 112, 1853. Every scheme, appearing t° be for tis Come- Cardinal, FLeoa-Sttn S„ -.r. per 500 Ili*. £0 20 ii , theAborigt*es of his own country, what a ral beceftt, every measure proeiteral, in tile Wsur-H'hite Fee per ll 11+The U 3 4 The President is indite cased will a scale OnvTaaL--Oatmcal per I,bl t?G 1M u i8 9 i chaos of excitement and agitation would he most rwote degree, to N fes the public 1 l•0us Cosa -Per 56 Ili@... ...... 0 9 9 1 God himself %eider, -From Gaspe to e� they lay bold*!. if then, they are now rbeumaliem its his legs. pus -Per huh., of 60 lbs........ 0 3 6 raised, they are praised not beeaats we The Charter of the Bank,'irhieh (rad :BARLI T -Per Babb, of 48 Ilia........ 0 2 0 Sandwich" rolled fi*mdly the thunders of to • Pave ever been favou-ably dl.poaed towards , Oen-Pcr both.. -if 34 !be........ 6 1 3 veetivo; ms's characters were reckleeuly them lot Naso their dead@ would eon- only four years to tun, has been extended 1 Rra-Per bushel, of 56 ,be........ 0 0 0 Detailed; tote buried traseactiont of years vitt us of libel were ate hue enough to to 15 yeas The Bank has reduced its I A•isn-Penh per el•t............. 025 0 were exhumed from tneir temporary •epul- wit4L01.t that which is w evidently their I Br-v-fleye. per bbl, 200 IM...... 0 17 6 olives sod psrded before the vision$ of can- due. The Provincial credit stand+ high discount from to 3 per cent. poria -Mous, do.... ....... i... 0 22 0 I* dilates; Btll'ngetrata's voe•,bulary of fi!th through rho tact of Mr. IMiockr; the grand The Government was ezjrgted to apply Haus-Sutter eurcd, per Ili........ 0 0 bi was reseaekd for expressions of political railway project t@ arranged; a k-nd of Foci- for a loan ehortl RS- Shcte:l, per Ib........ 0 6 5 deaaseuuoe-int (tit, Pandemonium woes proelty It obtained, the fres navigation of )' 3nwoLDeD'yStyr treed Mr lb.... 0 6 S lag ,*a". Oar visitant ,,erring all this, SPAIN Ury Salted, per N....,... 0 6 4t e coD the St. Lawrence it to b ••veld: los- Lean -Por Ib............ .. 0 0 S epuW not but feel disgust and contempt for nage dues have been abolished;' the inland The dissclution of tl:c Cortci was talked Bovrru-Pro Ili ............ ..... 0 0 9 To. But the elections over, he might cot.- posts haws boos tnnsterred to pro I "'IT -Iter 119 Ibt............., 0 22 6 duds that the Fargo or discord would vermin manaz mens g P of. Sbou!d it be determined on, it is not t r. (and that mans ewn & has 41'aL-Pct 1► ................... 0 I 6 ase. Wall, they are evert but instead of bees most able and satisfactory,) provision likely to take Mace bef6re July or Au.-Ust, general hostility w• have A particular war. had been, or will be made, fur a prnviscial and would in that case be convened in r!,T�� T('t r The apeliLe for •lander can cover be facts- coinage: the redemption of the seignonal 1:A 1/V Vt3 FION.- ffed-its cravloge aro coutinuous. Ere the nghts tied the Conversion of lands char o• August or September. 1�, ISI, Ilatel,s, will resume her Clash for political acetic could present a waveless able with sash r'.gbts into franc afen The Duke and Duchess de 'Montpensier lv:I Children on the .lot April next. ,terrace, it w@* upheaved by a fresh tornado. ,.dais has been entortaimed; and now, to The college of isat sitio0 is preparatory to Po?taut viroleoea, irdfndual jealousy end are to tilt I:netand and return %Dela is political ollinconcentrated,it-di their strength sad crown all, tb• gor*romnt kers dotermised lhu of thte Grstruuar School. Perms iec., sod levelled Fleenor, azwabng Ministry upon esLabliabinr a line of screw steamshius Judy- made koewn open application. to ply between the St. Lawreflce and the TN DTA. Godurich 18tH Match. 1831. v5 -4s9 -tar, Tach of its members were as-siled. their Hersey. The CommisooDere of Public The Burmese vrar had commenced in ehar•tietsr, were sundered, their political Works advertises that they " will receive ,NOTICE TO SCHOOL TEACHERS. priseipiao :%poached. sod their abilities do- tenders until ilia first of Jury next, stating earnest, and (lie mould of the Sa awadDy - alod. Thea a* • ;bole, w a Mautry, as a C, terms on which periost will be to Coo- was blockaded. The barucrics of the TAE neat meeting of the Board of Pubhe CaNaob they ion "tacked. Attacked tract for the estsbL*hi•g of as rfSeiest Les Iwlractloa for these Counties will be prosp•etively for ecu it was feared they of screw steamers to ply between The ports IIs had bees destroyed, aq1 500 per- bold at Rattesibury's Hotel, in the Market sit{gAt do, and aboeed for sets they did set nem Guderich, on Mun l -y the 31st toga. 0f Liverpool, 4wbe.: tint Mantnal, •ACs i sons killed. t'\tt do. W'uy all May fortnight from each port, daring the &muss !«� ��� at 11 a olock, A. M. TMUpporCauada portion e(tbe Mioistry for L11TIEapng tLe St. Lawrence; and is the -- AaTlIUR ACLAND, eoesiou of Name. Hteeks, Richards, .tater betty* -a the ports of Liverp.iol. ► NG 1 Chairtasn of the Board. ttol , Rees, soil Cameros. New, while THIS MORNINGS JIIAII. Qaderich March. 23rd 1851. 15-u9 pilo Ilahfir, Portland, or aueb other ../a4atie _ ora admit 16" the elevation of then man to ports as maw be agreed epee, secs a o"ll -- -- - -- tbe•rerpecti•e psaitioes which tb*y occupy menlh-swr4 steowrrstoCarry await if re. ARRIVAL 0? THE PACIPiC. E. if. MARLTON, btefoh the Court try may have cSmted strong paired." The official organ says this ter- - _ CORWARDE$ wild CO•uvusoion Ilfer• fetemirs of only Ted }nloaoy amoag•t eoae suisouos aria affxi " i»afl*ywl plsawn" New Yoac. Muth 9!. ` chant. Storrhoo•0 K-tipt q reneral d4beu own fneodo, pit we ua%ot justify to big owlets -that tend owns, to lbs I krone, f,r the wa;e of Wi'd L-404:01 C:evrod a vjs,acuuw abuse of them- All we awn, Tb* Par�lc arrived herd At 1, thio P. M„ Fa;,rr, it ,usehol i Furniture dad Produce unquestionably of abthty; the have the �Oh province. He is right. It will y sore;, result its 10aklag the St. I,awr"eo after a pasoagq of l l days. Slit brags 10 of every deseriptn,n. e•sadeecd d the Reform party' they %rte the bighway to the fur lVest,-it xdI m• passengers, saw large gaanutles 0: Iw to I iCrorsrtme .1-•m-, GuJencb, I Much 2411, Ir'52, v5 -n9 the and they a d that putt' a Upper Candy; store tt,l.oboets sed prosperity to Ymtnal ill* North and West. -=- and t0ey ase Abe sell owe if soon rkI --it will feed to the great benefit of Quehoe I — - tetrg dsairad, Dow %enable. Ueor thea• -It will mks the Richmond railway doL►ly TAs Cu sMria arrived ort on bloody.- ABSTRACT eiraamdtsneu oppo*iaoo to all or any •f val0able-tied It will put the Provincial sea'. Cotton was mors f I oBarod, 410 etre F l4• A trip,o'te B•Ilwury Nt,e•t of the them u enmisal said wicked. P y 'forru.htp of BlaAebard, for the year n be rn iM ports, oo n pe@Ly with, tso.1 w porot of for t1- week ars wrthout cbasud. T►• 1 We ease*& admit other the 1 distann gift these the dvaotare over Post 1351, up to March 1204 I,SJ. Policy dattsekisg net g, A►srdthe Mlnis- land, Boston, New York, or Philadolptim. Om riaatkN tfeaitiid, 13,C9J bar of Buur tt0\IES RECEIVED. ay Died leading the hot. Each member is It will make our canals pay. It will, lo- war ml as the 9M at 318 at a decltne of Bgllaeee duo to the Towrabip £2J 14 81 responsible for his c4A:esgtri 0 act@• b 0 d*AW be She realization of Mr. Moritt's oat:` 6d pow Mrrel. Wheat doefroo-1 2.1 to 3J 1 for 1ts:.0. ;�aM noticed several times 16 a a►re"I's-Ihs- sisawt Cone%"". Surely such a osiers- oa the bushel. Corn 1 ower. The Col°mal I Cash fr m C only Trcasuru, tense paper is this elty-the11•4[-profess- try is an ods ass for Englishmen to killl" tet fur l::een-r. .7 0 a; ft to anpr%rt the Kiawu,. each rxprswm- _`--- -- - -- - —4` markets were doing bolter at Manchester 1 Cash from Jairire 4,10K.y. 2 lit U jp's N 'that ►edea. N iholpa.• N,w this - 6441 Bbe16ald, ILA weather was Gee hod dry rty ad grttsa JMa,•stntea finer vp to eau• 3 8 8 swunces both ezesevve stupid ,s o ,•ember11 Tad faovabts for ncedlag. Try 1032, political igeonwo. Dr. Rsl►b Cast received from i a.pecte, of of the Catgdi" Yiertry, ad wb'le he 1`11 The accounts from India ate raroural!e, 1.:ODee, I I l 3 testing is It be Dual be ddfwded rfu illy trade was improving. 1 par .,,.Axe an Cen",y with the rot. We cost@- to have been The French Ainbass@Jor Ou I0R London I n+,es C„r the suer vi i191 i; 8 0 cautious ie bilN►te givf%g b1■ ser foil sup- -- sod. Ild.. varlt hilt ser that tbs Cdieo4 r dsmplete diadddnly far Pars. By Tetvask,p azar, 237 S a t furl, at ARRIVAL OF THENIAGARA. and the anholtist► ter Goveram.. I'RANCF work, We c=f1y lo%daP . we 0•ver, -` Wa tears free. Pans that a Grand Re I f3u8 18 4 however, ► rdad Dr. R01p1 ol►er skis a Elf►(3LA,1D. )w1d, ' eetateI Reforsw And ad *I0- _. oleo would tales place "IAA 6th iar,dl. To cash pend by Travir.j ce tlnssa wide,(% r,uehvn yru.:viceJ ' fl ids legislator. ' The Anti -Com Law League agdatw,% Wbu it in eoetsmplaled that • sirurg dos- by hu.., t3,J b 1, ]02 b I to. 140_„a Oil ti YrPir. Ceesersr yd ►sea revived with gnat spirit; lame raosstr%uo% is fern of ;4s sanbitdhox%t r�rr ss}eyefs target a/ w�Iek potirin*ltgs (mMtiaiy;s it» Ib! roTlveen of egilatitre bd cf the lompmM than wouM be VJ”. Th• 30ine• in the Treasurers heel R 11 3 Ad _'boli ars• to b obsor•rd so th, o"a,vPrasry \\'o It, 'a C.ru'y t .. ,h,co to be •true nee. been held at Us"baster and LeedA co of the T.61"!7^.s N"' kP. s ion �j, N sot @ lear•sd of At of mho "try of it;apuleoo into Parrs. r'1 tiatnL.v RooPa I Is nal "Cottage bre('-ase \MaaebaA- oabscr( Ug" to Abe aaoet of 40s Pnteomrs were doopatehed to Marra t Auditors. 1 N0�/01�1aa: ►bMed• Marty .44411IN had heea raised. The WM. I'. li 1 rx. eb nq The Comped tall be upasod in the day pts 31. Iiicnp, Sldreh ll 1SSi. .et -41- I Wllgt..ratalT read, r�YMd" te-afeeties of the aevr A glisten obese 1rYwr leairt[1leMarraanMdhMr' vtost red an P.nnfnucn of the pro)rct of 11VR'J,Y gtJl),DfYC 3l1'cIETT wmdrd goats haw been transited w flat lieges of t� lice, It...I . to the,, coming bereft Y t M a �jsgp GMsaoM, ars, ge,j4ta inrwtird. filo Itba aro As" Use. Floe 1sl•atas% rwtovw ere` Tllr %est Nwrung'Ithe x%a"%'I&"ollbi0 =600{ ems j Lit wiNMnew n1M betrltll tit tftleeef Psrbssgtw, tie Cokord Secretary, Lek - Mormble to the t}evertles" BRITIgM r4(;IiA�I.E HOTF,1„ M e !s OMtlb� , atee- ^'•q W�Oa«'�Ioa. teNw' ed ;ON 5iansrre Chief Coeasaa�oslsr SPAIN. Mnd•y r•triry, 'bsl;ta Isnsat, for ebd n- " 0�a bile~� �o � asja d �Mdg and IrttseQs, and LOfa, *�,� ' A Isvgin ase%bw of Pereen tithed repsto; `0 rf soncryaivose •ted are sf "a • mem I►' , tg�r ergo! lobe i�f end nos rest means of outteaa%e0, have 8►ane NN• BENNETT RICH, To : s00Nw tgaR lb110 a gave aM a rtatb I smoio tin of the Lloyds of ties raj, PPe 7 4 ?'y. IN. S. We. esu •+ f�Ir4S0eewiaek We OSMMgie- laev gdrsteted •t Yadr d hod �-'11 � hard 11/40/ teCsrtMa '(�g' tlpeebM of all Aedrrieb. Meeh !4. I!•a i+d. toslsOttAd .."". t»ulbes ITALY. __ .- _ -- - w,ra, ,*lit */ pf•148s1 ffhtr gesWrtle IMfB � the Par;iseaeatsry Saastoed nem speetei ►) i Oil rllllr77H(I r4 &"Werlwm r pna*, J efd0 gw�+ �� �.�pi-4, ir�ff , r`g flw l con- � ,Kag so Abe itch ,rot. The Raw J ,ed prsmp•ly 0seteWl a then eAtea. • . aw fill sN.lm fie, c.. - %ir M "pro "y tbpt tb[ IlMeulty ",*%tog ►s- I Devices"' 10 -I" A wilt .ort %eft ,.- /ole .►alit di! . ti; • . ,d, t , .. .rrrtl - M ewtaibing Log •Heol r. G.dorich, ALL • Yree, heeler tretchers gains& oat THF I's Vhich 1alitv,and 4 oa. s TIf ad hs Lute In or 1'FIr1F due of Q 6Y -LAW N tIPZ 1�aia hr•[ L09 Ne. 0, 'r T(Nt k• Shore, Aelr Aatberi.fag a Ire of line t1•a••W��a�s fur tit 1 t�era4b ' ,r,� M a►Irtt acres elesr*ii, ae4 in ►I.e yipatbal el taaeta _ I cereei Ba':41agge (a the cesely of Pert►. beet •uM.rd cul hall"•, and 64 orebarif ,� HEKEAR it M sessessry to borrow N fruit trees. There u a good the due .•f ave thessaad pomade I. r 11 %J11, tedne"f (robber aprmirs of weter the Hoene, M 6 fill, sad a Bare 9u ►y •rerun• of the aece•s•ry Cuoui v&114• fry 160 A U"ty of Psctl.. %•gored by las• 'ron0e.�at1>Mttoshs er t100, by WT- 11 sr a 161► but. 04 the Act It Vie, C►. 76. fpgi.. Tad Ib ba!aace a threat ;lad whereas 160 emuent 01 ratable pw- 1 tsssiloetes w•A 104ete.t. party la the *&A Comely of Parti., app.ar. P. W. MORRIS. by tlltbeehewtnot1stu40afurtbs)car 1.,31, (, Aelasld, (larch, 15th, 1881- v5-sb-6w lit be £474,3:•0 4(11. Anil wt.•reas t►• s _ _ awn NOTICE. of 2."/41 0 8J. will r4ifwre w ba •a�.r. Ii 'the . Ll, porems bowing tlefine *gaiaet O' Ilia annually fur yayeuent of uitdte.t, ae., {; ►rdempliva of toe; pr,asa1bl of 804 L°aa, 0 F. Ly•tar, into Clerk of the 1st. Dirt• aeewu/sg to lb trait• of payment hotels tl o Coro", will please head the 00100 to offer pruvided. And whereas a special rah 14 Jobs Galt, 10 order to be teepee" had of th,co crglnr of a t.,iliq in the p, um', oa . midated' THOMAS SOURBY. %Ia all rata►lo Rsa! Rnd Personal t roperry to tr Coualy of Koh. be**,dive to the as l: lath. March, 1052. 406-n0. .ersment returns ftir the y(or 11461. will be t require) for the payrornt cf ,alrreet, nor' , NOTICE. the fo►uutiva of a oinking food, for the so t _ Jemptioe of nil Jebt, of t. an. „ mrsoas are requested to WtO actieP I.l. w it diclefwe oaaeted, by the Pro- e th*t A . William Cheater Tippet, of rtateael AluOre,psl Cnu"c", .d rho County I Villa,f of Mayfield, in the Cnuoty of '.f Pvith, That the P,uvir,onal wrildou of d MorehsN, bas Tide an Assignment the debt* and effecto to me the thorh,ed sad Cutlnly, be, anJ be a Ileteby to , an behalf of rte raid Prov,*r•tsel y his property dery fined fur the benefit of bis ercditors: (7010114711, to contract a L•,*• for The n m of I d that all debts due to t►* earl Willing" be to Mewfo. L5,000, bear rig mlureot at the rate ars 4 per cr ut., per anLum, which mt,.est *heli be , 1,1PIW4 wu•t paid suit Mro/her, AttmnDlCd, Goderich, phi "his haft yearly, et the (.1r,ce of ih,• Pre- , thwtth, and all per,ons Oho I are claim. ,istonal Ttea.orer of the county of Prrtu; , the said 1Villloln Chester Tippet and £tl.50 of winch principal suss• oh%11 b, ; on alis first nay of Feb- Iasi. Aad prove Arid furwArd that Pattie to the d Slsrare. Straebae and Brother. 'A 'thin nevable L II100 an the first day of February 111:,6. I • mouth lrcce thio date, int order to their and £11:,0 nn the first dry tit February I i058, had £1030 on lite fir,t day d Feb- I ,,tog the benefit of the sad Atsigpuieut, harw'ee they will be precluded flow ant) rnary 1860, and !;1000 on 0.0 first day of I nefit of too paid A•elricuent. JOHN ,1;TRATCIIAN. February 1861, fled. And be it further enrrte.l. That , Assigner. for afyordnir evidence of the said Lion, and i Goderich, 18th. March, 1852. Ab -08 sur securing the payment Lhrreuf with tater• I .at, Debynturet on Debate of Ilia and Pro-- D II A M I L Zt O N vitint:al Municipal Council, °bail be loosed I for the some, in nose of fruit 10" than 1 BOOT AND SHOE STOKE. twenty-fiv(, poumlw, which Wirentnresoball , be sealed. it lilt tLe seal of the Paid :Pro- , Subecri►er begs to inform the in- wetonal Couurl, signed by the Pru,isionl i \Vardeo, and lcouoterdlgned by the Pro J babitarts of GuJorich, slid the our_ nailing Country, that to bas just visional C,vrk and 11r.rv-rwuA Treasurer , reed a New Boot and Shoe Store- great feepectivelit and shall best date on wile day the m.wney se adv*need to the Proet•luosl or to Mr. Drinough'* Stars, West Street, ouerieh. Where he will Constantly keep Treaatirer, and be made payable with water - hand a large and well saaortrd stork of eat accor.ltug to the term. and e"nduioss tl,e said I.nnn ant herotdbefore mrouooed. and Geetlomee'o Beets and Shoes. be will sell at low prices, Jar cask of 3rd. ALd be it htrther enacted that • IV special rate of three mghtd of a ponoy per 7'he Public are Respectfully regyfatod to pnuod per %Oahe, Dior and above, and 11 addition to ail whose rater whsibu- 11 Tad examine for tbemvelver, before pur- ever, shall be raised and levied is each year a•teg elsewhere. N0 serocd price. . for the payment of the interest and pnset- ALSO-Lasis and peas for Pale. Pal of the said debt, to be treated by the Loan until the same shall be fully paid, JAMCY TIIUSiPSON. Godencb, March 111, 1851• v5 -u8 -6m •a:d upon all the rateable Real and Personal property within the sail County, and six- .........................---- -_ FARM FOR SALE pitmen 64d three ivy of a ponoy per puuod per •noum, Iben.g the ratio of the N tho Township of Stanley, a most de- annual to the teal %slue) upon the annual .arable Farm on the MAytiefd Road, con- value of Ail the rateable real and Norsoosl *tug of 193 @crop, about LO acre* clear", property, in ao► Tuwn or VJiare which all watered. The liked i0 of the beet *h%II be ineorporstPJ witi,m said County I i. situated 2 miles from Mayfield, dor;u9 Ilia c0nr'nuarce of Cud late, o,ilee from Gudeneb, and 50 from Lon- Norich.-The shove to a true copy of a For particulnn apply on the lremtsra proposed By Lew to be IsLen into consider- Jos:{ Rowex•the proprietor. ytwu by the Proviator,91-Munieip%lity of the hlatith 18tb, 1859 T5 -n0 County of Perth, one of the United Coun- ties of Iluroo Perth, and Druce, at the NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. Union Ifotel, Stralf.rd, on Monday the Ttb day of JUDO next, all the hourof I1 0'ci, ck, _ F. Subscriber begs to fatl the attention to °noon, at which time •11d place the mem- hen of the said blonic:pahty, are hereby re- of tbo Collectors of Godench, Ilullet, quire) to attend for shy pnAM uckeremitb, Stanley and Ha,, to the 13th BELI,,aforesaiJ. BTEIVART CAUPBELI., 14th Viet. cap. 63, ice, 36, where It is o. County aact" That at shall be the duty of the 0-05Clerk.. Stratford, 17th FCD., lS5'J. rfi-nS-iJ b., olleetor for each place, wholly or refily ithissay )Division, to furnish the Clerk of -.�..-...�,... - Division Court thereof with correct of the names of all persons liab!a to ArrrrtiCH.�iEfiT. etve as Jurors at such Courts, in the 10lder which they stand upon the Ratio. Said CAN ADA 1 gY -Virt" N rate are therefure requested to be furnished !'aunty of llnron, otts • watt of delay, oJ, the Unit47d Curx(kt Attsehae0t if JA113E.3 CORDON, Clerk, f "or FrrlA sad nod out cifthis 6th Division Court of H. P. Ms Il Browse. County Cour", Clerk's Of5ca Clinton,' TO H'IT : ) for the United loth blarcb, 1852. S v5 -De sw f',ounties of Ilurus, Perth andBioee, rod to - me .uected ega'ost the E+tate, Real as well NOTICE. An Pera, ual of Juan SCALL, an thseosd•rr or eoneralyd debt,):, at line sail of MAItrV8 Subecriher beg@ to regnipt all iodebt- i ed to him by Note or Doob account, to I ifp"Ls, Ener this aim of eighteen puusidr fifteen shillings. I have netted avid taken make lees flare Payment, .64 all accounts all the E+tate Red as well as Pereonsd of on the 31st December, 1851, if not Im- It's •aid JcI1X $414LU. and that, minus the I' s' the a nr. tstdv mottled, will b tit in a band P r within lite Jnrltdfc- caid ulh Slc%II return , J D,v:siun Court Clerks for collection with-' ti,o of ilia said Catlett sod put in Nil to reserve. JANIRSGORDON. the action, or cause the some to be dis- charged wrtUitthree rale,darOwn' be; all Clinton, 16th March, 1851. v5 -n8' the Estate Real and Pe:sol:al of the said JJ¢n : MALL, or w much Opreof a may be IV. S It. SIMPSO N, eeoeroary, will" held liable for the pay (LATE kIUPF, BiRRELL Ea Co.,) ment, benefit or satisfacti>n of the , id claim or clettmse;"f sucts other f laintiff"0r GROCERS, Wine Merchants, Fruiierors p:,int.ff•. aP,ha;l or may take Procouding" aud Oilmen, No. 17 Dsodea Street, again% the prupurty and eff cle of the @.!d Lon -Ion, C. W. JJII'r '.(MALL within six mDnthil of L,.a Febroary ibth (86'3. v3:^b lesion. of theghove Writ. _ �-- . � It IlY-LAW . Itlntbers• the Vmomvw of 'her 0016ed C,Amwo d 1140,,,&. Pe.t► bad Bruce, to r••stwact a lease of •rblrty Thuoresol l'ucua-, ler Ili* porpoae el co01trOellug r0rlaio G,sv%4 Kasde wiUie the POW Umtd t'sutlire. sad fur buitd.ht a p' f4s' Actions the River Laatyadr at Uodurlcb. sTIIEREilb 0 tq isms MI hurwnte 1 the ane 01MAHy ,d k••aada ribs, porp.•*r, of padug. ptstilluse 484 brwise 'netlaeieff 41im, its" - boob*n •, ,a 11.,oa Had, Hem'4440•-M00btiw IL •.d• -rich, to It.0 .Cion. 81 AVd.eet i do 1 - .e K.•a lit, -S n at /b Lo' -da u lowest. is-, r V.liag•ua 1'i Stan W MoT4.VWnlp sf onrfoa, sad towl•hntr N,r "Casualty 1 egalitre ,J Toll Gales law'"P...nu alae ,"a bp.ld- g A Sr of scr.••a rho il.c.+r 5:41slADA at d.for.rZk11h the adcca►ary "llauoclaas "•rete. AMI .rbefcse lae•*aa-ut..fto- .1"t of t►c ab.,.a om"t.u"d ram at Th r. r Thousand p"aril. at sea per test, will be no ts,nn.srd •orhl beod,od W unJe per 40. Uri,, *tit the svto 6, rlteteet to I'm y a sluk.•g n d for the rerp.we of urpAl.ng lbs o41d ebt withis tweet•,eve Loei t ie r"Dlfoe" ,Ro( ilia dome, 0Gt be cite t:.J40saed 1410 und,ed p -ado i.er tions". anouutu.r In 111 1 'I'4,ce 7'hro"Cand'I lire• hundic,l V,aim!s lineally, And whesrwe the aulonvit sl tea. - big property to the ULthd G-0-1'1`00 Of Ilu - in, forth and Il.ace,app.sre by the last ear. nv-rd•emnt returns u, 1.0 One ,uuuou )tie fhoulred and • Ona •t hous64J, tin„ lue� and 4[140 polestar, Nww".*n HIM.- nrd .' 'E•fbt Irs"'r, ezeT,isive Of 0tu ncnrporAled rl ova% nt uorlef,ols, azul a has*-, r the annual rein%d 109-4-4I Io siw'Alm•d ncur;ror.:cJTvwa-.Pl:rnaert4b a ittintf4 to ,. ;5.640 too *I. A4Jwher•ee►6o-,wwJ rate , ( three fourth►d a pones 1.tt i...une, Iwn.- uafler ilnpn••el upu0 all tbo ralevblr. feel ml I.eraue.l pn,perly W14 his tke *art Cn.led ;uuuiteo. and lite vpreut rate of u,td %tato 'ng end I peony per parotid per aneuM,.L.•re• •after u„po.e.l span the aoeMai. •eh aJ Al Ih,t nteaaie 1041 and peca,.ael .►ropoKy vit4ni tbetaid Inc. •;eoraiee'Pa1L Is QWot:a' ,ch, the only Ir co,0re-:cd Tow& a.1w aa• runr In the w,E "wood, Go*at.er, will** ut3c,cat w oat1,14 sod dtrcharro eine (war ..' tu►ern aother,21-d to be andev *'ilk 4he {n- er*•t thereof ; withu Ila tale LUutwl ionhy, nail by the Lose •( this Pro•,nea let. Ba it thrWoro esac'eJ by the bli si•,f i Lipa' Council erthe United Counties ,if Hu - on, Perth and Bance, that the 1%0 wait„, nit he raid United Cunene°, be, Tad ” is Irrehy aothnrz,d on behalf of .the node.' SNnn,cipal Cun¢rl,tocontr•ct a lobe of tblr- ty C,nu,and pounds to votes not les.- (has , twetuty five p„utd• Letnor tot-trat at sue i ars rate n„t exceethor six a r Cent. per a1TUn, ad may be agreed epuD between him and t+* party or p,rued 1,f}itrl09 to awte assets loon, Which Interest d..)1 be p4yb;e halt yra-1y in ,terhsr m..ney rt Laodnn, in F,-g1sed And too• thneaanJ pousdoof which prmdr-I . rum shall be parable ten+enynrp(run, rhe date n1 the lean of the said DrMutur"o ; the further suns of ten throssud pounds is Li - teen ♦, are from the date of lire use of the t Pxui ll, hrnturn0, and the bslaoo* d M thousand pouad- rn twenty years (runt 040 date of the issue o1 also sold 1JebestWre, P, all pay&41� tet Loodvo aforeg0id. ;- 2nd. A.iJ be it further enacted. That teff! rff•rdmg evidence of the- said Loan, drift f r 0ecuring the payment thereof wvh toterest. I - Debentures on bshatf of the said MonieipaW: "ou"C'I-'hill[ be Issued for the Beane in su:n* of r.ut lead V,an twenty fire pound-. . which Debentures shall be realed toil► the will of the said Municipal Cuunci', sign -4 by the Warden, and eocoteraigood by the, n3 county Clerk asJ Treasurer reape,'iirely,4*4 ! bball bear dAW .:n the day the uiobry fa 404- i +anted to the 'I'u•csorer, Sud be tnadelpay- able wrli inlere-t according to the to-rin• and cuod,tions of the •ad II°ao as hotels - bef•,ro mentioned• 3rd. And be it enacted, That A special rate of Thrte FartiongP in the 1`0111141 per •ovum over and sh-%e,and in addfllnn to sit othrn rates w hatooever shall be r.ised and levied In each year for the pay dint uf,� the said debt to bio crealed by rise said Loan until the Panic, *hall W fully paid, upon all ts.e ratably real slid personal Prop,vt) with - rn the said United Cuuntica, and a special fill* of one sbilbni: and J pe"oy is the pound pe;anauut toeing the ratio of the .4m4bot two else reel e" capn..l vaiue) upna the usnso! value •1f all the r%teahle re -1 and personal Iirnperty within tee said 14,aurporwed Toww of godenely and within every laeurporeterl Toes er lidla;e which shall hereafter his faeariwaired uItdie the said United Can&%. treat daring the coatiouao:e d the asfd fit*- Nortca.-The 6604i ii a t►,io cc7y of a proposed By -Lar to be ttskea Into cont s,deratwn by the Musicipel Council of the' Uoit.•d Cuaitiee-tllnres, Perth nod&net, „u Tuesday. toe fourth day of clay IoA at t'os Ills llnrnn Ilotd, dSderich, (den- t!".,) at ten of ave Clock is trip fore000p, at wtach time and place the member of 142 Ar JOAN �1cDON ALD. - Mton, It my are h,rebv r gored W •t. N O T I U E' . ahar,ff, H. P. &. D. ttuJ for tar purpu40• af,re.atd. Ssasirr P Orrteii, GQ09KICll D. U 1(iTC111F.. THE aceountt of •,eorge Miller fit Co, in 18th, Fobruary, 1852. y 16-04-6 u, Cnuoty Clark, Mr. Law': hand,, and all debt% dw to County Clerk' Offi,•r. itis GODERICif Fi)USDRY are now Gwktw►,il.lJra.IS5J v3ol3r0 transferred to Wm. J. Kenya, Esq., woo will culiect, grant receipts and pay all' 1� � STRAYED from the Sub-trIVwr, on ns debit due by ■std Font -dry. i abort the First d Orcomhrr last, loot MAWULSM CAMERI IN. GODERICIIo PORT 8ARNIA,'HURON 03, \utoh lane Kincardferr, a ReJ Cow• with February 0th, 1853. %5u3 AND UETItU1T. a while L•ce, and tree the f.te Ph,dfider 4 --- - , '-------- -- r the new and rl,gaol Lotoyn,aanr0 Steam white spot with • bell on, a1Po a Red We I i10:►IAS NICHOhrI.� B -at UU 61-, wi'l run during the encu% with i white tare ad holl,•w bnek : o ,I BROKER, House, Land Insurance, Ship -ng .,*sen ate fullvw%:-Lave Gmterteb, Black Steer, with line bac:, And whir,. Ph•,t pay and General AGENT. t w•rathtr p^rnntling, every tiuU,lay n.orning on his h -a I gnarter; teles a Blork anti ,whit to Produce and Commieswu 3lerchast, Ac- %t lit o'clock, and Sarno, Monday at t Hteer with A.$. os his Imnros, rierug tit cuunisat, bac. o'clock. years o1J. Illvt;uc• bought and sold as Commue'ot. L, a,r rlietroit, for Goderch,ewary Satlt►, NATHANiAI. i1BATL1 goodo carorully at.,red, and forwarded. 1.1 -As i day, At 9 'Alit, k, a. in. and Saruta, at 4 K'rcar him, Jan. 13th 1039. v4,-4 ualacced. Partnership settlement adjusted. o'c.nck p. m. Y Goderfeh F.h. 25. 1852• vJ-u5 F,nt trip, the first of Apn', 1931. \\••{jttTl;7, COUNTY AAtijLlfdTJLTUILAL �O- WANTED. rwWti grant Bliu'C .n, IlUClNeksh. CLUTYOF' Ill: mo N PE .r f g w::u IT 'I find cuata euupl,t)�^t a r' Tht•e hundred Cordd nod 31eR4lantati?r tend good wa_ea, bv-prlvisir at lite r p ANI*D BRUCE., attested Root \ . 04 we 1 •pill, fate font 1 of the subscnbor, Wr 1l *1rr0t. G.1, rich. v latg, Ua'yrursd''ea tM (in.Rneh, Perr. BUtIJ'AIW till 1-.N;, S T L L I O N ,9.: A uthlrs of tflb loon WuuJ mast ka hard r�vl,* above LlOtiet will award `t1lai ken P SsrL 9th. (SSI. _- y 64J 1t4a>tl'a:d r0ultl la pproferred. - -- - o( varied ppoornes ren shil(iap correaey Bid \\'AItD, 2 •d. `' to the beat STALLION sh•welos tiro a4, awfull, iMb. t1Yth 11139. v6.A5 W A N T t D. -, , ,, -r k.t square a, O.Id•weh, oil Wednesday the MR N. 1 s(;ifuol , Gak,ich T*-o*%4, a dl,t day ,4 April next. -.-- -_ Tiseir, hrhll.t • First CIA.* Crrtlaarb,r, lot Thu Ilurwe to be on the sad b it • w abbe•alsi,hay wiM,y(,ives. o'clock noon. y 'Iimp-'�LY WARNING may,„tit„Tr*,,*r4, The Director* may whhbold the Premium ! , Dec. 4th, IQI- 41 4 rhoala tike flare” shows prow* u tworth) I T wnsld be well for all th mos IN&Ifted to _� — - _ . .7 1 ttlersuf. I ib• G.,jrr h Is. undrve either by asap of A. N.%S11V I'll1 a.' - I The Hone rocnrvuig tb• Premium will sec10uat, to sal said settle Inianjim lit. ej .111111(1\,UII.F TAIiAtls. ♦00 Inv require int be i�ftts� Goderch and rea.a,o there WE. J. IL Wpm Wow of W. I.. GI acv'* N>jasre. was every, s 180111 g} _ GoderiDA. 23tb t,t►, 18" v+-03. Slrtiet 0•whtu h. .t 1M. 1% 1031 va-N TAI/ CNI" W)Cip.'rY, w II .1.., A GOOD OIrI'ORTUAi Y FOIL -- _.- ..i♦. -e give a Pretmul�Ojl.ofFIVE WJUNDri,to any - YOUNG X".. y ladl•rd11a1, wk*will bring and keep wik,u GOEI1IIIl,If "}bU D" �.~ e tight mile• of 'M Town of U.-der,cb, the {NT . at /1M 4ieilerth Fnnn.+r♦ W 11.1, he hereafter evotifew +i n• �� et. Cwt TbOr ugh B.rd Derham Buil (pedrgr*e W' J. b.daya, ea lar 008 ate�ofwg-who hs a atitert tbrM wove )oun� vtJf N rrgqniroA l The Dull to n n.a+s s.th.o P t will euno:r sever► Jv0npw4 tet ew4t-r at 1h.Idothl!eteoflhsTomadu►in the sea- men. 10w,rpsi" -4644IMva*%be.,y.,rad. w%. [ G,-.:Cliely Fol-. 9S:►, 1869. tb-ab The new " BURR MiTOVE- Is *nano- i -, R• CJ. CtINNINGHAME, Bee. mored ('..nada. esJ ..n hr a W far (',o.his*' (tedov4*b. turd 1tb. iOL v • - - -- Ihs I*w,v twists hers►• -rare, 4 nouloMradivit JOiI� RAl1F1, Air irpTlM� r�lN AN11 r'U.'1'1:'c H111T'l, asst Jour rurl-Ctoia at sh nines wrt ial y ,..�jL T.�'!- to tem VI,:/•r/a lancet, Wert olio". Guderulk. Dill rob., 10 epee C.n•i. vie►. ',as r0au4Mly tie ha,vf, a rhe^. `s _ter stn : �-, I ALL the" INMted la }r threw 3is- stock n( Tiwwarn Ca kuyf tied flows '"we•, %VAN:TF.U. ,a a `4 MAI 083•*. twtb.ray pike N haaad or Vr ., wr..b to will mull at suarriura0ly ts• pouf, r)r.1►'11+i� by B+nk •••net's N t►ts dal% wt'I ubhTa dur•d prt*ea. the ►talsterfaor kit bek"411044giog Ike,r Tl:a hlr:e•l p'fete poli( in trade for -44 weeilnp 1• 1. Wste•hrbeb. la►Ilttiq and *►Wet s*etsl.e. 0 *1 The pral0. a IIrN r'e+fid•.M. e Ur. (Met fad •wnpwr, her. prwtwr, ►4sup.k.w, c,lf 64d It ' 7AY( t Tana wtab tee rlortM of C�rak, Iwo( ba(e•,fnath0r. suit owns. Ali kimb of j1., p at their serlitet ew0rteat•sae. MsrrhaN%W prrs4uW u1c.:'o ua.L.agO st Ttmaldsev i tillyl3�I 6% .�, I'�"'�Ig fAU•ae�t NAS "C140tt1v. s*.b prole+. !v tball Gedeo,tli, Feb. 13, ling. v,i.U4 �i. .eine , NON . ' . , . 'Y. e t tf 'v"i,I,h'a%te'i r • .0r ,r ea1:." j*lf a , %.y. a e . . , - -. '. - - h.1. I I x li . . . ..•. -k v, , ..i.v . err .; , - ' Y� t _,+;., ti' . . ;ra, ...-- , ..., ps, r.. :.. ^a.....-,._ t.,S,'.... �lrr; ',e% 'W.— ,d--mItelari �