HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-22, Page 11WA Elects
At Sh pka:
Mr, and Airs. Rayburn Stee-
lier and Ronnie of Aliso. Craig
were 'Sunday visitors hill. Mr.
and Mrs, 'Harry Sheppard and
Mr. and Mrs. ad, Gill. Ma-
rion a.nc Brian visitefl Saturday
,evening with .Mr. and Mrs, Ross
:Love .and. Kathryn.
Mr. and Ml's. Norman Vincent
were pleasantly surprised - on
Monday evening by their family
and friends on the occasion of
their 49tH wedding anniversary.
W.A. Elects Officers
Mr's. 'Stuart Sweitzer .was host-
es's for the W.A. *'Meeting on Wed-
1Tesday. Mrs, Verne Sharpe and
Mrs. Cliff ".ussell conducted the
til evoti ons.
The ilew president, .Mes. Wray
Sweitzer took charge of the hu•
siness. A full report of 1958re-
vealed a successful Year with
Mrs. Milton Raiz as president,
Officers for the new year are,
President, il'll's. Wray Sweitzer,
vice-presidents, Mrs. Ross Pic-
kering, Mrs. Karl Guenther; see-
z•etary, Mrs, Verne Sharpe, as-
sistant, Mrs. Art Finkbeincr,
treasurer, Mrs. Harry Sheppard,
assistant, Mrs. Harald .1' inkbei-
Jier, pianist, Mrs. Ross Love,
assistant, Mrs, harry Sheppard.
flower committee, Mrs. lack
Ratz, Mrs, Harry Clarke, Mrs.
Colin Lovc', corresponding sec -
ii etary, Mrs. Milton Raft.
Living today is a game of..
robbing Peter to pay Patti in
order to make it possible to
stand pat.
A good many people drop all'
their money trying to pick up
'59 Will
Be Fine
. , . If You Save
Your Money
Regularly At r
Open Mon, & Wed. Nights
Office Opposite Post Office
Applicants Now
Being Accepted
for n enreer In the
e S -day Reek — gond salary
., 1 ncatln, 14'11I1 liar
* Pelllin,l Plan
1 Age 21 to under. 30 Tears
* '.11InAnnal height 5' 10"
a Muni hove high school entrance
certillea te
• )lust he lA and tender 11
P Typing preferred
All other gndllflentlnns and work-
ing' condition. apply withr'aerp-
tlon of pension plan.
Apply in per.'nn to
Chief Constable
London l"11y .Pnllrc i)cpt,
London, Ontario
12-1 • • ' '+ 7 L
1..-- tl� 10511, AInRrealure, S,ndrMle,•
Inc., pr*rld riehtx rea*n• ,t -" C
°Give him something more expensive — he has a
weak alibi,"
Births ................. .......... ........ , .. No Charge
Marriages and Deaths
(Marriages and deaths are reported without charge
in news columns. This charge applies only to listing.
under Announcements.)
Cards of Thanks, Engagements
In Memoriams (4 -line verse) ,
Xtra verses, each..
The Timtss-Aci ocater January 22< 195.9 P,a,We
2.S words or iess. 70c
More Than 25:Words
21t' Per Word
29p OFF
if ad paid with order er by
Saturday following the last
1 PP1:11APAT';1'MENT ,n duitlD Fort '131: Cd.1i • markets, Broiler
Purl' o hath. nr •, bed- f ole ks, Ames. and dual ptupose
l'"•.11“.• , ,„t titmice. Apply at # t crick orris awl pullets. Prompt
1l 'n sr r,r phone. 17* -i\ -I k:xiter Mil -intent nn rlaynlds and a few''
16,wattle February 1. Ks+: started, I1'r,1P for or/cells! , ,L las'
11'ttrhrr>, Eric t'arseadden 1'x-
etr:1•, phone 4,i -W. 221'
Hilt ''1;, In hr•rirnnmr, unfur- HELP WANTED•---
T1rrt'�,' twit l Mists. Apply at 1'rm '� TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN
411 pet scout ha 'taluta against ncl1,
ASSESSOR I t' t 1 I'll 11 I+njgliing aisle ' hand saws' 1'Pv
:MIMI% late of Hoy 1 iliac*' of . s'tw meet sa0ta. brace,
REAL ESTATE-- Applrraetnns Inr the pnsltmll of Iiensltll, ,n IhP r'nurty Auto tli.nll ?nns,'rllaurnita tnnlfi. chectPrYleld�
SUCCEEDING INSERTION •f+ T' '*sar•snr fol• the .1O,tnship of xiptirPri 1••armrr, +Olin A(i:1„111
.n or Id:
hrd rP4inm rnr•)cer; ;Inlet
IP )hen for the 'ear trill will be r
More than 25 Words — 1 about rhe lith (11, nt Not rn•br1 ltochrt: rurtnnla:
springs: mattresseo: bed tablet
ttarrlrohes: wood bed (a.-slze)i
radio: katltrnorn scales: bruslteIR
WILY FEEL tit lis I rel ~ears minor: shower curtaine and win.
}�ri Iger, rl41treX Tanto 1'al>,lets rP- 4Inti
curtains. sealers, Oars. etc.,,
,italize thntisanl8 past 41. rihlly,nil burner oven pig crarkai.
11 .\t all druggists. 13.22.«'r
inane :small cr•nci,s in wnode.tt
r tiphnarrl. Stash inh; afisOrted'
IIOTICES TO CREDITORS sit rt,;,allAgid can;
eclat senate: S
i black ),alis. step !adder. pail;
l \ Ill [: ISL # 1'1•: fel^ I rot kr r ash sifter: clothes rack;
H4'1)11. 1. l'ii•I.i5 \iesltl'1t1 R- i 1 « 11(1, pans: work aahinbench. tub
sralui; 4. na,.lr tubs. washing• ma.
, 4d.lrr. k1t,'1*.en tahl,. be
MP '.at ate O tr,\f11P•y i!; , r'•: .. Lev*
1, 'rcrel% d up nnt:I 1: n'elack noon- 'tilt. are betel),- notified to stud'
irk¢ Per Word I W C Pearce 1 7'f P\lam property 10°'o down,
W. C. of th, Lip ria) nC,lanuary at the pal llr'ilars of aanv to 11,64 lnrdw•,
P.alancr "0
da, Itlrtk s riff we to credit
signed 7•' R,rlunnud d' s'
FOR SALE— rt E::#1.r0rt. 1 J.4\I»i M1ASvi{fxNi':Y, Cleric
NN, ',Ft, T�rnntn, nn nr l*'n 1 rt�r•• Fin,zsrhnl4 Flunlshtngs, Cas11,
K 1 r, ""nil (Id •• of Foto it aro. 1 '•'' aft,'
+11:1I,8.SL 1151.'rtANCF: „h,ri, etatc t11r I':rta•r x1El be al's-
,rn, y„K Ts,yhrin, Auctioneer
Ol•'1r1t.iI HQLi1Alj \T Head- f, Anne :;t. Exeter Phone 4•5'frl1r1.111ST for e'ate'n 7'roshyter- tribute:I urtlr 1r:a1(1 *'Lott to )•t. fS hEr1lvT, E;xerutor
quarters for Enyal typewriters, 11E1i hi 1, k cnttags, wired fnr iri1 t htn•'h. ,P:XPIPr. :1pilc In ,•la'ins of wit:: h the malt r4i+rued ,
1'1.'I01• adding machines. \1'e ran , r•ani"r, 2.nrr,•P barb oil furnace: ' "'ifllain Seller?-. 1 1. 11 % F 1P1Pr, ' :titbit! filen 11:, , 64 link, P. and IhP (LA T11' F'1SJ{F, F;, Clerk
'22.2.T 5
( suit salary 1P(•ICr. r' 1 n 1
saga you In'+,ney. Exeter 9:1 91-'; Alpersl terms. tail n ease, cal 1 !Indio not bp ,able .n
A1lvnrate, phone 770. "alto;” 1.11'* i•51mrr 4rnPPred. nil fnr-i 1t'"" 2t'
Get The Post
For Only4.79
Saturday I.1% ening Pnst
60 issues --• $4.79
Slmtlar aat 102s on Ladies' 110411*'
.1 Marnal. holiday, Ante:riean 1.lnnte,
Jack and ,1 111,
fitter gone. until J•'oi,ruary 203.
*''hone 770 1':Neter
i 11,4 *, line ttamet. heat, full hath,
1't rty ktti.hen, drilled well; Gen -
11 a
en-11t -a.
•" EEL) rug: brick, nil Mining ft I-
11.1cr. stater pressure, garage. i
large lot; Centralia,
2•*'1'tlrtlSP 11'''15[., ruuelt• sitnat-'
ed. 1. it f'u'n: ce ancl• bath. mo -
,1 rr a 1 (Ay. pr a•Prl. 10:2':x,
1 lI\lE'(1141 1U1 1•;. enol Parr 41-14011•
,r.rit8 bon*3,, partial basement, ••-
111 1 " bath, gaud garden. n,nd0
14tely pt'ived, 11:1:470
11 0 Gate several farms.
h;iia, 1"Ar.soNs. Phone 501
k'1tISD COLE., ('hone 544-1:
,ll'S'1' 1.1irj rl tuft acres on high -
S:15:'2".::':1 way hri0,pen J':xotPr and iiirl:ton,
: -room 1r141ltat r,I 'muse. fnrnrl,•r
-1 tot batl,, large 1.-ahaperl barn nn
SrQl1'1Nt; MACHINE, aurnnlatl , !`.'''11. siert ctanrhlnns: silo; 0*1;..
%i.t; '/.It,;, SPIIs r0gular•lA• fnr * * r lu *1* l w ill c;171', mortgage,
11,4, 0
E a:'f*,21*, Sens au hutlntrs. nlakc,"'Inr farms ataihihlr•. 1 . 1,.
hullnfihnlac: rents P 111 b r n 1 r1 r r $'"
•'Arnold. 1:rnker, [ 1:. J K*npr•rl,
HANKS— ttnrk. noel*''*' gnx,autrr: tape oyrl hi"""" Ilan .t 11 •:7 t :, t:. __«
paynu•nts; haL•un•P lint 7 dta}- xt�\\' ldfrttiE; nrarin;a cnmpl't.inn.
#ril;n'I"I' •-• Mr. and \trfi. Arlhnr) \1'r•
%% mild. like to tlranl nur moots of $'L40 nr $,,l.t11 ca4111. reel rug brick, fnrrrrl air nil hear-
11'rite 1.0 1, ax, -11,". '11111041-A,I3n
Alabnit, n. it 1 1'rntrali:r, aro many friends who remembered rate, 17'2,,2* in_, *'poise ln,+attnn, reaannihla
proud to tn(;nunce the birth of I,nis w•ilh flnw07'S, r"a,'I{a, 1(0(11a •t,ricn. Apply l'nnl 3'* lhri. 15
a sun, .1anu8ry 17 a brother stn,. 1 icils while a p:+11Pat in Nelson St., Exeter, phone ;.
fnr Mortal. ,,nnlh Ilurnn Flnspilal nu,l since 51{Cirt'1'1l(1 . 11t'I,i, regis1or0rl• 10:lntPc
yet llrn aiming home, I'hanlin yon. (lark red, half brother of the trip
polls [toIS Mr. and 'Airs. \Ins*'• Htrr„y and 'Lida llorlgius, ,•,t hills *n the Huron 640(111 41814'.
1tfisbnis. *'Grand Elend, ann0h1l1, , 1pply .lack ("nares, P. Tt. ' t 011 C. V. Pickard
! phone tt. - •- r, V
the birth of a 4a 01 h'.Lr, Sharn,l Mrs. :.enol*'. ,lank*' and family .earls, 1 t 1S 1{beth n.
Elizabeth, at South lfurntt Iin41- wish 111 Fxprosa ,l 11•11- sltwe'P aI - 1..'-'2
pita.. January 17, , previa tinn to th,0 friends andXSTS It.
woghbnrs fnr the kindness any X1'5IPIE l't tip" sol\'s, 1'rn•Ic and
11itr1('K Tom and \neon' Rrnc1., sympathy rvtenrlyd during their
Exeter firm requires cap-
able, experienced bookkeeper
and stenographer; typing a
Jn u s t; shorthand 01100110.
Permanent position, benefits.
Start at $50 a week. Apply in
own handwriting, s t a t i n g
qualifications, experience. Ap-
plications kept in confidence.
The Tow nship nt Hay tc Ili not
,nr, Lynn ) are hapl'r In an- 1 recent .taresvenlent. Wit It ape*.ial ("0111•uary, Apply Harold I':rb. chase Exeter homes. if you wish damag0 rintiP by snow plow Ir, .
winner the arrival of 11 ann. ! Ihanl:a to the members or the p11nn0 70-r-1 Zurich. 1:,:-- : to sell, see us. milk ,:ans. placed on the 1441Y'
Afnil nn Thnnas ;it ficin.,, t':+narlian Legion, the Leg Inn .fur- Tan nship roads.
I,audrace cross. dile January and 'It',' hat,' 0110015 w•rsbin to put assnmP am rrppnna,hlfltt fnr
arty 1)Pr•8n71 r.f o* hose r la tin t 110
chap not lhr'11 ila•:e nntt.e
Paled at 'meront*), this 2.n(1 da;
of Januar}, I95i,
Of Cattle & Pigs
n r
t he hell at the farrn,
Ent :1. Coneess*nt7
111 Mites West of Prnrefi,ld. o11
11r 11 G. I'Or')ift4.'\k. 111:1)\14:511.41, :111T ABT :$
its Solicitor Herein 111 1 0'f lock pan.
- ._Pe it rnn4t ,rig of:
t'ATT1,I':.-- head nt Registers
erj a 114 ••rarin Iintstoin raw s and
heifers. 12 , ,w•s anti heifers re.
gently fresh, 1a:an•'P springing
and *'11164 ,n February: 2 Jersey
'nus 1 registered and due 41nn11.
1 (.064 in 1"'hrnar, : Hereford
hilts of sero icrahlp age' 1: ynung
«alt -os 1nr!Uding t registered 1:3o1.
stein heifer.
P1112 -iinw with litter 3 weeks
Plan to attend this sale of
rhnice dairy rattle.
TEEMS. rash.
11'AP.r'l: rtATHT4 ELL & SONS.
HAROLD JAC'KSr*> , Auctioneer
Estate Clearing
Consistins of Farm,
Household Goods,
Machinery, Livestock
and Feed
For the Est. a of 1r,P late
31r. \e titian) .1,1 kern
Part of Lot n 1'011 g
1 -. mons f Noiii i 0 a
. r s C 4
1' Mtil' Nnt•th and 1 Miles
\\'Oat of Arya.
SA'f't ft1)4%, .14\1 .4;R1t 1, 1 P.M.
c' Usborne &.
• 'jrrks
HT'f4h I'II.SON X• TOM Rf)r•,SON
.111.•1 • (1(1Per4
2: 11.111 itriPttnn 14' r 14
Hibbert Mutual
AUCTION SALE Fire Insurance
Hospital. Lnn,lnn, January 10.- *Ilary, owl to rip,. it, J. Soot! 11 SPI't.1114ns, trio tiding polite (A, 1\'e are offering the following Of Property and
a brother fr,r Karst, ; and. Iter. Ile, ft, S. Hiltz, '1„' \Iey01s) single cylinder. '*o ith and other properties: \\C/ Company nr0csure gnugr, a gun and ;S ft. CE:\Tr.IIa—Well lncaterl hone. All rat's and hnrkt left nn the, Household Effects
Thr family of Ihr late 'Airs, of high prawn*', hos,, wilt pumt, 3
C'Dat:rs, Air. ant Jig's. Eldon Art hitr Al itched] wish to Ihanl: ,1p to nn nc; at. a trey fair ..orlon kitchen and bathroom,lroar' \I1t,T be parker. as Hell In:
IIalors,• Bash wood R.1,, 1, stn- the malty friends for their acla of )tire, :a101 If) 11)01.1111;11 e2,(In, 'Phis nntf*t xnw• (1111 1E41 ,cell and pumping' !140 sole of the marl a• pn1*, htr •
nnurue Ihr birth of a son, 1"ti 113, kindness and messages of syn- I equipment. Extra lots ay a*lahte, to :luny fnr snow plowing In he.
at Snut11 Huron hospital, Jana ' *'art he hard for spraying. gran. Price $4,500,00. Terms, Quick: pos-.carried nut effect throughout
Ory Ili, .p%uhy. 5prr;al rhenha In nr• with the addition of a. hnnln. IL. s'
Fletcher, Miss flagpole and the V. Hogarth, Exeter, Jllhone ;'dit, session, 11:tic: the winter months.
start of South Huron Hospital. 1:,:22v
fl.lrh1.11"1"---Aft., aur1. Mrs. James1\e have a rash buy er for a V. J.. Rf:r'Klsn, not'
Hack 011, formerly E" I n r P i r• 0 -t , ^' .tirdta t•priced :1-berlrnnn, house,
Steinbach, nnnnuncr• the birth T w'iah .tn 11)ank my friends anti Olt, E't'1t1:1*' used, Mintiun, .Also Inr n i',1'1' seed or a•hed- JAMES 21.1SS.1•:, Road Super.
of a son, 11n02laa ,Janes, at 5t. neighbors who remembered anti size, 110111P111 1P frith burner and room hnuar't terferahly with a
rnnet•nls, Li mien fields 1,Irl., F.r- 15:2.*'
rathrrinr•a Hospital - a hrathr•r helped in any tea>' 0.'hitP a tea- PIPs• t large lot. :Exeter ]ocauon• l";11.tfc
for Linda and grandson for Mr. -
Tn buy or sell, see C. V. TTI'Rn1; r'lll'NTS' 1/r;n1-F
PTt,KARD, Realtor, and General
Insuraro ,,, ^o # Alain St„ Exeter, ; ON AP.PRODUCERS
phone 1d5 and 825. 6:3tfc CO.OPERATIVE
r"at•nitnr, of south Huron Mos- hind friends tthn have sent me
pita I, January 1S -•a sister for nxprest M�1.a of sympathy at the•
Nor mRn ilei passing cif ,my father, William TET NAMELESS OINTMENT
33 bite, of Campbellfm•rl, nn Jana- for hoar. colds. a1nns, hay fever,
12.3.3*' Mr. and Airs. Gerald ary 3. --Mr's, Frank (.shorn*'. -_r
iaaar, ~R. R. t r'1an40bnyP, an- 7, w•tsh In express my sinrrre sneuralgia, line(srnrsa, sneezi.nrs.
noun•' the birth of a ann at' thanks and alpreviaLion 1n all 'off neck and muscularone pains.
t 1''11 days triol -- money hack
South ..neon Hospital, January Rad sent flowers.v tarda and gifts guarantee, The Purity Mfg, On.,
11ii -- a brother for ..'silly and and to all w•hn t•iailerl me *'luring 11:, ('hariotte St., Windsor. Ont.,
Gary, my rer'nt Illness al South Huron or 3frs, J. \1'. r'owell, EXet.er, O 1t.
'Hospital. Special thanks to Ter, •Inr
and Airs, Tort Steinbach,
Ln1SI 1 1 1:• 'Ah•, and Airs N. 'Lois -
I \ $1 •e
0 le. lain I., Exeter.
the tort h of a clangh,er, Alar,- '1' tcnuld 11l:e to thank all rhe
tient in Soul 11 Huron hospital.
Special thanks to Ilr, (Mens,
Parry Hoffman, Miss r'laypnle
,, ,
f 1'Ars, •�•.aC nl! C; 141 E' • r.1
and nu n 1 a 1.
F:41l ate of 111e late :tics Nettle
KP44y• The Annual Meeting of
Corner nt .Anne and 1\ 01 lam St.• I the Usborne & Hibbert Mu-
'r(l\\'N OF E:3 PTT1n
s.4'rr R D } v, E'1:t111 t +.rte 7 tual Fire Insurance Company
12 b'Cloek, .50011 1 will he held at Farquhar
T1nt'SI; ..arae train*'. ,cell- Hall, Farquhar, on Monday,
huff,. sinr"y: g•nnd l•,ratinn: 4
b P r1 r n n m s. linin -lit ing room, February 2nd, 1959, at 2
krtrh0u with built-in cupboards:'
halllrnnm. large ('ellar. For par- p.m., for the purpose of re -
',Wars nt property contact Frank I ceivillg the reports of the
1ir)t Sr•:1.1171.r1 'F'rrt\1SHINGS Directors and Auditors for
C'hrs7Prfielrl and chairs cnffrn the past year, for the elee-
c 3a
rahln, lamp tab1:2P: dr. k. la,,,
T'TUI-.ES--New houses located In"TAKE: N**'I'I''h. dear the Anntal nur•rnr; end table: stand lamp: tion of two Directors for a
Exeter, 2 nr 3 bedrooms. land -I Meet inc. of the prnrincer members nlatfnrnl rnrk'r•: Ai orris ('hair.
s.:aped, mortgage arranger.. .also I of the ()Marin ling Producers +'n- floor ,'Itg. 0%1 3 pair drapes three-year tern., election Of
10tl' COs1 110111'S for rent or sale., operative in the h1lrnrt Count N' (line1r: cushions; (•A 1'4 Zahi,
After small rin,vn payment let' Onion he convened al al 1 3111. , table lamps: table runner: d}ntng; Auditors. and any other busi=
your rent be payment on ynur E.S.T. nu 'ruesday, .1 anuary 27, at' 1nntn suite, nal; dining. -table, ncss that 111ay be in the 111*
own borne, .apple Art \Chjlsmith, the Legion Hall in the 'town of sideboard. *'pins (shin0l. 5 clta12111
contractor, Exeter, phone 312-M1. t 1'ltnlnn, fnr the purpose of liar chairs; arm chair: upright desk; terests of the Com an .
10:0tfc.rn)1(nctA of *'*14' '.nope*' hnsi'nrssiheater: heating pad: lama glop':; p y
of IhP annual ,nPrttn)r, the nlrc o baskets: assorted glass and i The Directors whose, 'term
115111 \fr. and 1La Robert Tana and nurses. -- Airs. Larne •t *'lore of rleleg:Tl es arch alternate';hlna warn wall mirrnl w'rn•
narlrr, T:xrtrr.birth or a - aanon n('P the .1011 1151011.
am 14. Warner. S•crelarY
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES deer alae, inns of la(P curtains: put'1rrs: Ol office expires are F Clay
ton. ('ol uhntul and
Joseph's Ins!) it al, family wish ,n ri ,,•i,-ip hank i phono Ti ll'k 1011 7 nl' li ll'1.• I WANTED' .
rinn, January I S .... a sister for all who have remembered Joint in inn 927, « _-. ,among n u s u m 0 rs in llurn° ' 11, fC. hnP,h, Chairman i steps; emu h; small table and Rohde, both of 1vhol11
James, .101)11 and Jane. sn many trays *'luring his (' n n n 13, Permanent r•nnn'vtirnt
present "n,, � *'Odin: sr,. ine machine • i r'adi' 1:
f' magazine rack. floor waver•• kit- eligible far re-election,
ro is n His rr'' considered, i i r ,•hen :I;sties, ;~'lassos: hrr art hnr,
sons, 19rnsall RLR. I. annnnnrP to Ihank ail those who sn kindly 1, * '.1itnn, pltonP :1 c.P.-21. "" HI'itr4\ t'tlT'NTi f;TC)T`f hr(1, ape**1 4 and natrr'ss(.srz°, Colquhoun, birth of a daughter. *';ail remembered its at the CI"istnlfle I(1n5 Ttirlu•Itwl, Alnnlreal, .:r r ' wood.: tied light: dressers. side 1'lr. Clayton
k»ellen la1:IP; 4 natal krh'hPn qAlex J.
"hal 11a, 1•nrk or; sone: I. I1 e e n
illness. It has all been very nrnrla *3 1''tOl,S'1•ISI\ N21r'P:TI:+• 4nrtlle.- rt,th nnat sr tint.
P.111SONS- *'tort and 1.enrire 'Par- appreola1erl 1t'e w•onId also like. •• , I hl 1 tl WHO.
Francis, al South Huron tins- season. 220 1 ONTARIO HOG PRODUCERS II t i wastebaskets,
pita., January 15--a sister for
ruff; PIANO, plain rear, table
,*.eon 0415!: was1P,as eas" President
nIth henr•h, as 'is $lion, W. WANTED— MARKETING BOARD .•art:+ins. tlydrnnm 411111*': hrdatra'L'
_ springs and maitt•nsa 2 drrss0n9
Martin, 771 Alain S1. Son 111. 'I'.4K1; NCt'l'1('6 that 1110 .4unual tables and heneh: calla r ,'hest, Arthur Fraser,
FAT f'l'l"I'pai cntvs and hill..*'; 11rc1ntg of Ihr prndnlrr mrinhr•ra ,ann': *'•loth -maitre oltr-at. nail
564;\If O'fiP\GALS••-1 pill!. nylon top prices pair.. J. M. rhnOnlPf of Tlurnll rnnnty i;rnnt, of the ]antis: single beds, metal..
. eeretary-Treasurer
chiffon, size Ii, 523.00: I blur ur•t Co_LtrL, Kit.hener, phone 1. Ea- Ctnlarin ling t'rnrlur'ra' Alarkrinlg,
river la (feta, size 1,1, $ 11.nn. P11nnP t Ria rd lir rnn,rn,d at p. m.
« eler. 1::4-1:2tc 2
44 6-31.
214.'1'. ,in 'ri•'•s4a1, ,lalutat•y 27 at .wnuouunw,rnunuuurnu,ua,unnunnnu,lnmunnnumunn,nurnun'uminunmtnaunwnulnr
\'I':R,11b'N9' mi.. and Airs. \sarin-
us Vermin)t. R. Zurich, an- floral offerings r""1"11 fnm
ounce the hirl*1 of a (taught Pr, nor kind lydenda, rrlatd,rs and
Mary .Ann, at Sntth I{urnn lifori Ilrig•hboora during rlerb'a lengthy
petal. ,lanutn y l.'+ a sinter for 1 .
b' 1'll 1 tl Joanna air. Illness and also *'luring nur r' -
11"p wish to extend our lieart-
fel 1 thanks and appreciation for
the nla.ny' acts of kindness, mes-
sages of sylnpa.thy and beautiful
ra nota, r sale 1,
Walt or,
11'1^;FIRE:Tt--'A1 r. and Mrs, Charles
1\ ebbe •, of 1 -lay, annnnnce the
birth of a *'laughter, at South
Huron Tlospilal, ,laniary 2u_;)
sister fit' fnirmarie and .1ny041,
••p,11111111111111,11111111111tumulunolaunnnuunlh,ununuitn i ul IIIIIIIIa111111nnIn111n,nn111"1lllll lllllltn
J. R. Carnpbell.
Chartered Accountant
Office -- 454 Exmouth Street, '•
Sarnia, Ontario,
Telephone—Digby' 4.0733
Wishes to announce that he will be at his Tliedford office
en the following dates for the purpose of preparing in-
torno tax returns, consultation, etc.
January 26 - 30
February 23 - 27
March 23 - 27
Personal Appearance in the Exeter Area
On Request
mll*'',.00too 1111 oomimn111n moot 11111111111IIn111111,111m1,111'1111n1111nntlnrr1ino,,11,I11111rd
Financial Statement 1958
The following is the statement of receipts and
expenditures as approved by the Township Auditor.
Year 1958
Provincial Grant's
Township Grants ..... ..
Section levy ., . ..
Receipts from other sources
rent sad bereavement. 11'e especial-
ly thank Rev. Krntz lin rhe ab-
sence of Rev. Stronge), the pall-
bearers, Miss ('laypal0 and staff
of Smith Huron. Hospital fnr their
ktndnss, Ile, (lana and 1 h
nny fullers home,—Shirley Atnr-
10cl: and Etta Voting. 22c
I wish to thank i••attles. Prolix,
Harry Sof fman. organist. pall-
hea.rers, and all w•hn helped v1
nut' recent sttrl, .bereavement.
Elizabeth Miller,
Tire • family of Ihr late Jsah011a
:Sims) Edwards wish to etxend
thou' heartfelt thanks • and an.
Pr'eviatlnn fit' the many acts n*
kindliest, 11104141aget of s3111pa"3'
and all 1114' beantdful floral Iri-
htttes received from their many
Ilion friends, relatives and nr,4h-
bnln'41 in the loss of their clear
Mother; also In II1OSP win) eat led,
sent cards, flowers nr treats dur-
ing her dllue41s, Special thanks In
not llillz, ,Ilov, Sn'11, Or, R. tl',
Read, the f'an0r1 Society, the
Pride of 140*'on T1ihpl,ah Lndg'e,
the L.O.L. and the pallbearers and
those w•hn loaned ears and helped
in '1111' 11'9y, 22*
T wish to thaul, the 11.A. of
Alain Street Church and the
friends and neighbors int• the
• trimly thnug111fu1 arts of kindness
and sympathy* during Ihr Tong
Illness and death of my husband,
Perry ('hapna11.--EatMoen Chap -
n:111. 22*
'r.a.121 l'OTA•rf)$s, x11. '_. 7'.•111.
ilag, 51.00; No. 1 labie polaInes,
also Nn, 1 largo' poi atne. fnr
restaurants and french fries '1'.
I.. Snurlanl. P.P.. 2 Ora 011 (10 (4,
phone I1 -T1-4 m• 14-R-:.
AT $125.00
See It In Our Window
22 2(•''"-12'
TENDERS— Ill' ',r inn 11:+11 in 111P town of 7
flintr,n, for Ilir pitr•pn410 of (11P
orin iter of Ilia proper hitsmecc
Sealed lenders w ill be t•,,ret"4
by the Smarr! of r'ireclnrs Inc 11.,
supple' of furnace furl nil for
South 110ton Hn41p11tf and Snulh
li,n'on Nurses' fl,sidon,•0 'fender$
to hr in the handy of 1110 Secre-
tary by Ft -brim! y 4, ISI.''.
Rafuse Pard 454. KeasC
the annual Involing and the FIF.0-'` 1
l inn of rrpresen tat 1, es ideleg'a tea, i AUDITORS AND ACCOUNTANTS
in the I'risirit•t. Hog rrndurora
commit t00, ..L, E. Refuse R. L. Ford K. C. Keast
13, rt. Lnhh, chairman
A. 11, Warner, Sovretary
2 •••''' z
348 TALBOT ST. Phone GE 2-7452 LONDON
B. It'. '1'I"r K T:Y, President Ir11n1"'r""010"1'111'111'11111,11„ur'11111n11111100a11n1r1,11111111"111,'1'"r111'11'n1r1"11n I1n,l,rmn1,11111r,ry:
T.II' 6 xtlTI('l3 that the .1nnna1
Meeting of the prndur41' 11111111bore
t'OhT..S.P$.1M:,: 141'nOLT.1;R, bine of Ilnrnn *•moil I1n9 Prndncrt1;'
plaid. Thursday. bet", 0P11 Hu/T111 lssnriatinn trill ha cnnVPned at'
Park and Exeter, Phone ('entt'ali+ the lion I' of r p n,. T:.S.'1', nit
.1C" 5.43612, 220 Tuesday, „Ian:I:try 27 at the 1,o-
9tnn Ilan in the Inw11 of l'ld,ltrfn
for lira pm'pnse of the rnnrlurt of
the Droner 1111 111PS% or the anneal
meeting. the elect inn of offlc'rs
0111) iQRS, earpentPr•*ng. naint tng *tut the Plectron of voting' drle-
Plc. Phnnp Contralto Ar' '-'2.12. ;Tatra and alt erns e rteiegates.
X:11 to Guest Speaker: 1'harlos \Ir1110is.
\C, rt. Lnhh. Presidr'nt.
.1. If, \\'at•ner, Secretary'
\L FtEN1.*141t, Secretary
(lr)n aOrti- [item 11,1o. minding
and repair rt( ['11010 Kirl;ton t7-
1.-1 , 1,• 22•
JPNInr. '1'\TEST. age' one y,ar
F10'11011'0, also 41nntn shorthand SERVICES
511(1 rlictnphnlu" etper•lrnce. With
'l'nrnntn titan. 1'811 I•:Neter 111c9.
SI'1'I', slr,P 3c, hlnP per anrj pile. BREEDING ASSOCIATION
1\•r wish In thank tllr many glc.On. Pan hP. are» at R,'edt HELP WANTED FEMALE— '•..hole noun*' In.11la ,11'64 l'sP4"
s•ionds, n0lghnuis a�rf *'Plati�'s
who es tended their symorn hy:('InBn^ra, -- Supply artlf'dal breeding ser-
!lir•nugh AO malty at of kindness. � 33 ('031.3>. fol' 04n0r4l hnns4n m•*, vire for all hrn,ds of ,at ter.
' i'IInK *:*11Th, s000nl 0r1.•r, T'hM1, :1r• ..s..2 lc': r'rn,ratl:r 2'• If phoning long distance,
di" maIinns, floral trlblues Atirllhtr
sarl Lanrtrarn, due .lunna„ sllnpl} ash fni
messages of ayltnuiihc in the Toss
of 'a' loving husband ant father. j 11 pigs, 7 weeks "IL 'n frit P"11-•
3lr. Police Koehler. 1\'e especialit { less r'1. * 11°11, ".1,11"1u1 111
than.. 114'0.. t1, \Vinton anti tit,ii man,'I 13)mm, phone
penileat'0rs, -•- Airs. Pearl Finelller
and family. 22*' 1933 ('I.LE:I', 1'2, automat trans -
1' wish to express 1n3' sinter*' omission, Windshield washes, turn refill]red by Elmo er .art nffiep In
]ellaabl• i;
Legal Secretary
thanks In 111y f•i0nrl41 fnr cards, signals. pric•rri to snit *'nnrart replace, rine of senior secretaries
hula and visits while a pat lent 1 1t' J1 Tt'nnrtf "4ai 1lgnnquin who ig 1ra0mg March 1011, .1c.
h, 1'Irtnria. J[05311la1, -.-• Mel Keat- lrt•it'r, rani rola. ..!.2.29. rented applicant' will be r•enntrerl
in.�. --t r .. _stn w•nrl: with Girl iratm„ fnr
11'' wish 1.0(xpra41a,ntu• sincere FOR REN
thanks and appreciation tor the
arts of kind:VOSS, Messages of
aynlpathy i*lrl` beautiful floral
IributP5 reeP11Pit front rri(11da
and nelg'1)hnn•s In the loss of int•
beloved 81111], MIAs SP** lir T.
1:eddy. '\3'e especially Giant,
Rev, 7•i.1, Snell andT)I Gans. --
The T4.erlt(A' 'fnintly. 22c
1' would like to express my 41*u-
r•'1•r thanks to my frie*da anti
$21475(131 ailynrlP 11.11n 81411 Tarda, flowers
and Iron is while 1 was a )'8l INT(
a•atitJ,51i In 51, :inaep'h's 'Insp(l:ll. S00,1Id
13,423,67 thanks fn 1)r, Ilona. I1,•r. Van
1.853 I`'arrtlne and 1lgp)1e* 31o,•ko,r, 1 '1
Brand, 11,'71. I Exeter, :2*
Total Receipts
13alance on hand—December 31, 1957
Cost of Lnstrutttioit ...
Cost of supplies
Cost of Administration
Cost of Plant. Operation „ ,.. ,
(."lost, of Maintenance
(.'os(, of Auxiliary Agencies
t'ost of Capital Outlays
Cost of Extraneous Payments ...................
'total Expenditures
',Salaned 0119 hand—beeen*ht•r 31, 1058
A. (Ai Ni P DicE ,4
1,:ka etary-Tr oasurer
8.14,454.83 IN MEMORIAM
16,898.96' til N'I'1.111 in Tmritg t11'mnry of a
dear husband a)1"t father, *fnr•
$61,753.78 *111 'nun ter, 10110 passed nway
*410 yoara aan.
•..\1ways r*nlenhnlrrl by pia 0'114',
At, elle, rlanghter an[ s•,n•m-
3(i,C)A9,68 la It, 310, Anil 3lrs. Tomala1
. . 3,335.110 tlrintliait anti. family, 1 .., ,
1,;124.95 3C71T\S .... In In\11*q 111"1" nr
5,722.37 ,lnshit1 .1*llu'8, t1 hit ' ptr41ar(1 away
}12 r I11n 22.
2, . ,,21 A'ea':rs agr1,. Jan)rary
.275.62 13,7.
2,647,39 3 lnal A TIRO wIdll a hoar) of cold.
13.IT0 1\'170/ wao move to Iter' Chart wealth
T have TMST, pita tinct 11.rs pained
$42,051.81 1311ee of Tito lies.' T7a1TA OP wood
1001.97 . \t ) :sadt•t.rnnl0*n4tl.
ly ltri41aed by hi:a ddaughrer
$91,753.18 :tiel9 t 711:[,1. In int Mg 'Mentor 't of
a *'Tear father .1 Overt 1iftrhell,
.t, lin passed a may rrn0 $ ear Agri,
or, January 03, 1'471*
'7ht4 slat' 130 do rotor tuber
a Teo Ina tlrnur,ltt Ate, ens
'1'0 *Ito na longer (1 trlr *141
Anuli In r111 1' 'hra1'141 am111 Tt.00,
:EA 01' t`4nTt+Tnh(Pe(1 173: son a'nrl'
daughter. 0S'"
Audtto(d JJaintai'y 15, 1950.
,11-'.1.11TM 1lf•:N'I', w - t'nnm, boated.
self.,nnlltin44, downstairs, partly
finished: (notional): pritatr• Pitt -
ra1I'•*' 4111111141: :1\11 IN Iti1•'cbnr,,ry
1. .'Apply 147 Victoria, St. \t. :c
\T'.\Tli \1T"N'r$, in 74oeter 1 -
bedroom $21.4'u; 2-b,rlrnonl S1'• oil;
1 -bedroom 32;,0*,, Ap1111 ,.nano
Armin a, nom 1-141(1114' ,\ P•us•v'•as
Ii1•nl<rr, * 77 17nrtnn 21.. Lon.Lm.
orlon' (174 S-C4Nil. 1' .'J*
1T'.STil3rENT, 411 ram Il eatrd new-
ly de,nta1Pl1, frt11sa11011, 1190* 111
1110 111111111r 111' TO 11. E:1111t \p*s.
p1111110 471i E:5'Tal. 1 .1 ,d
srr1.\vt nti iru•htdinc 1,nu111 thin
will fir *'nor ]tactor. frrl or
111411 pr r 5aln•r linos, and a nun 1'.
be 1141rr1 Y,l 010(1113• yon• 1,(I11" roe
Iter*'. :141 lila w oath"r 41Lty41 too
cold for a cu41tnrrr sprayer rn ,ono',
111 $nor place, and *15 1iPP are 1
rutsing a loss,'T art ante low x:111
Manage your on n c*11•:13t*' 111
30113' 1110 11 1911'11 a11111111,1. :in% tone. I , .....
\tart hat" 1"(1'1"1.n1 ,h' tree*' l HELP WANTED MALE......r.. t. IUnearth, phone 266 E: '
•h.\LT•,53[\N to ('m(1' 1:,etet. 1t'1t-
\ t'.\TT'l'.11E:NT, t ur 11 r a Ir ° rt .+114 !sate null 8urro11ndToo; r•ntntnunlilea.
[seated, adeps, Int„P.fr„re 31,, r 11 rite at' 0141111Pt'3l*0**'o1US. *3':1*Ia•
a041atnn._ *Meow :7r, Exeter. Ata 1,1 3,, O046r1r1, pllune 11.:; 1.
TT(lf'hE:, warm. ” h,'dr•nr'ttl, 111,c1).0.11,:11.?:
r*0,01-,1301. ta7 \tart at., 1rinlur .T.\NT'1'nfl ,C r':\TtT:'1'3141'4t to isle
1\' T';5 h°r 1 ,n and .ter fen ESllltrt .SUaI'tmnt'la. Itrntfa 1. . \fru*dav 111
Phone 4 h T;xpjr•r. I d.'rlfr
n�nd 1,.
.\T \ r r 1lt:N�', an1aH, r , 1 – --- -�
4164 p n t u 1 P rnttatc', era+:•,n tb1P 7, 1T,r.PT T N1 I'I'.r) sT,\'1'T':1
Tent. A3pl}- ''ittmr,*3- 3,1trt. tit ':. nndiat llrat111farRrrnlg' rnn1041*' tr-
qnir,v ftn111 trnrt,p, marl rr ,n
n 117.111f r3r lel t't1, ..Alit 13tn1�`nk'rm1ll1 Stephen foil na11111T:Sr'p*(0*, a913
j p • high Pat•tt*112'. rlial:lltte°,' , repeal
101. oral e, bualn45a. Autmmnb*le ra4Pbtlaj.
... .... lttri,rr*[11ra1 nr fanning back.
2Tnlit+ri most important. 1a l"9
the The' GletsiflecXtl Il antlnit Atsei1, 0:o SO lie faisl ied3
t'T.IN9'CONAENiTd1 n -,';:,n
Tf rl is ;1 bora] *'all, use (Ur
regular number
CLINTON 131.' 2-2i 1I
For sP1',ice or more infOrllla-
tine, call between -
i 111 awl la on .1.31. I, eel, d'r)r,
ram and 5:11') P.M. Saturday
ex ruin=.
trnining fnr at least one nt011l11 C•"nr 1(110. linll, ('d In heat nn
1p111t in wetting In 1 \ t,attih- Sit nt11*' morning. do tint van
ton, 0,0 :hell & Laughton, I.xetel,. tuttil At nallal morning.
,, The quality is 11,g11 and tilt
cast tow'.
'lite Tintes-Advrlcate requires
e1Perienecd bookkeeper; full-
ii-11ic position; typing esscn-
SiIP:[ IC 'I'.1\TCS pumped, 1010101-
tai0 410,•111.*' Putter Bros, T,rl1•a1,
ttltnlie 15,1-1\' ('1' 1 ,1', 12:T.1 :22.
I'P' \'111' '1'111N14 all msec loop
Hle same, I t1T1 ) nit 11a0 Pn't arca
"silt. (1111 li'• *3l141,5 11'41 rPrrrin-
itn110r3 les In X,l Pinta' It 1•001A
11,') more. .Mussell Electric. F:yPler.
5.13 2.:2y,,
11`.\nstt 1$ w•r5111n41 their rattle
sprayed for lice, phone T1111 \1'at.
anti, 11achw rind 27-r-1:1 12']tft.
11':\5111NG 3T,\n'f1I' * `, Ionai•°d
*1013 and old Phone ,.,1-\3 1•,50(01'
or a1pt7 Patti sass, 11(1 \t :Iiia +
Si. Nnrt h, "''•
s•nur ohlckon or fou 1, and pr'-
par' for 3013*' *tomo (1'P0ri nr
Inds er Phone for priers and ap-
fli1111tt4n1. 1411yer1'rest I" n u 1 t r y
Farm, photo 'I71 -r•-14 Exeter,
1:17 3111
T"1"1" ft 713TH'-sr'r'rTrt'4 .-- Talw
*.1t 0.41 (11111}, rt r0ic13, tllnnt1110.
7.11. t,Trt
'• 1 - S a (1 11 1 0 a
t trd,1, undnt, ani Tr Lda
r5clurlrrl '1'IIAw IaP•
tn''t al° 00 -
10 nd0(1 10, twit lie a in 1 ho 't:1rt",',
1'rlitrnl*rt anti Hilton T'nrk areas.
Children f 11rn ono r oar In fit.,
t0ar5 nt11t. r'al1 13'* *or tic.5.1t
fit- )•urns awl immediate at ten 111111,.
"Sot 111 n Ft Ptprl•lenn'.•” 2.11
tutolie, radio, V8 engine. push-button
transmission—a beautiful car for only
'57 DODGE "REGENT" SEDAN,--tutone. V8
engine, whitewall tires, push-button trans-
11,iSSi011, like new •
tone. with push-button tram mission, like
ton9, new tires, V8 engine. again it's like
TOP •---- radio, automatic transmission,
whitewall tires, power vv'indovv's, another
like -new car
'54 DODGE "ROYAL" SEDAN -•-- automatic
transmission, radio, \'S engine $1,250
153 DODGE SEDANS ----3 to chose from, first
class clean cars $795 10 $ 805
'53 1 UJ('K SEDAN. ---jet black. power brakes,
radio $1,19'5
'50 D(')'1)GE r REGF,N'r" SED.IN---.-radio, spot-
light, sullwiso1', new tires, a beautiful car $ 595•
'53 DODGY*'; 12 TON EXPRESS --clean as new,
completely overhauled .. $ 893
1511 G.M,('. 1•2 TON EXPRESS—runs good . $ 295
xeter Motor ales.
PHONt 240 NIGHTS 162-W OR 7694
Fi',`3EIIDIaISQy ht''til.
tai 118.14I4GISUMIc.
niu+rasaOr tttS14401u
yrtrmur1111rnlourn11unnlnruunmaluuru11rrinn rrnnr*rtorr*'*'nnrntnnnrnhnrrn(rwrnannunumnrrrnr 11ri