HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-22, Page 8Page I The TimesAclvocate, January 2,'t, 1959 Grand Bend Boy Scouts Observe First Birff.dav On Wednesday :evening Grand I day evening, with iter A . Bend Scout Troop celebrated its Elolley chairman, presiding. first birthday with a Scout ,and. It was reported that the cir- Guide social, with the 1st Park•, culation :for 1958 was 3301 as hill Guide Company, under their against 2782 for 1957. Captain,. Mrs, W. Houston. as Mr. Wellwood Gill was •ap- guests, Other guests included pointed by the Village Council to Rev. and Mrs. Moore of Park- he the Council's representative hill, Akela I-Iamilton, of the 1st on the Library Board. Grand Bend Wolf Cub Pack, Al- Mrs. E. Keown was re-ap- len Miller and Kenneth Young. pointed librarian for 1959. and chairman of the Group Commit- Mrs. H. Pfile as assistant libra- tee. rian, and any further appoinl- After several game,a bad been nients necessary to be elected by _played refreshments were served the Board at meetings as .called y Airs. Clayton Alathers, Mrs. by the chairman. Alec. Hamilton and Mrs. Leslie Instals Legion Ayx Bary Officers Peate. The highlight of the eve- n ing was the cutting of the birth- The Ladies Auxiliary field their day .cake by Troop, Leader John regular monthly meeting on Mon - Hood. The cake, which was voted day evening when a new memberto be "excellent" was baked by was initiated into membership. Patrol Leader Gerald Stoddard, It was decided to dispense with who proved that not all the best lunch at the business meetings, cooks are female. Arrangements were made to The evening concluded with a cater to the Dashwood Men's campfire and singing, meeting in the Legion Hall on Future events planned for Jan- Friday evening, Jan. 16, It was uary include an ice party, the voted to bold a Robber's Bingp w eather permitting, and an elec- on the next social evening, Mon - tie light bulb day, to be held on day. Jan. 26. the 31st of Januardetail ys , of The financial report was read which will be announced later. showing over 81,100 raised during Orpha Club Aids L.C,A, the year and the president, Mrs. The Orpha Club met on Tues. Wilfred 'lavelle, gave a report day evening at the home of Mrs. of how the monies handled were Wallace Desjardine with a good •used during the year 1958. attendance. Several pieces of Comrade Delight Rath installed ,material were handed out for the new officers for the year 'sewing clothing, and it was de- 1939, cided to purchase more flanne personal Items Tette for nighties and pyjamas. , The financial report was read by fhe T.W.S. group of the united Mrs. Wallace Desjardine, tress- Church will hold their .meeting urer, on Friday evening, • Jan. 23 at The members spent the eve- 8:30 p.m. when a panel discus - ring in sewing and knitting. after shin will be held, with questions which lunch was served by Mrs. asked by the executive. .Desjardine and Mrs. Wni. Coch- Mr. and Mrs. J. Riddock and rane, fancily of Sarnia 'visited with It was decided the next meet- Mrs. R.iddoch's aunt and uncle, Ing ?would be held at the honi.e Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence John - of Mrs, W. F. B, :McLaren, son and daughters, and• Mrs. L. when the members are asked to Geromette and Mrs, Mae Holt, bring in any sewing or knitting over the weekend. which they have completed. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Charlton Anyone wishing to donate cls- of London spent the weekend thing toward this worthy cause, with Mrs. Charlton's mother, or materials, wool, or money, Mrs. John GilI. same would be gratefully appre- Mr" and Mrs. Sven Neilson en. elated, as there is such a great tertained on Saturday evening, need for these kiddies in the having as guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lambton Children's Aid Care. Arthur Aiathers of Sylvan,' and It was decided to -hold a euchre Air. and Mrs, Lawrence John• party in the town hall an Friday. son. evening, February 6 at 8:30 p.m. Misses Frances Green. and Library Board Names Officers Joan Rarelle of London, spent The Grand Bend Library Board, the weekend at their parental suet in the town hall on Thurs- homes, with Mr, and Mrs. Les. ftp,nmin,n,u„n,nu,„,un„nm„nn„un,nnnn„nuuu,nuuumu,mmimun,u,„,mnuuuun„mu,, I Succession Duties Threaten Even a Small Estate... Money for succession duties will have to be raised promptly when you die and may mean Haat your wife will have to sacrifice, part of the estate you want her to lune. The proper Sun Life policy will help meet these payments "and other taxes and last expenses, so that your estate can he preserved for your family. For full particulars, mail the coupon below. SUN t,IFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • JOHN NEGRIJN, Unit Supervisor, Huron County 512 Main Street, Exeter, Phone 545, and ANDREW DiJKSTRA, Agent,, 117'Huron Street, Exeter Phone 637 Please send information on life insurance and succession duties. Name 1 ha h fl UC Sets Record The congregational meeting was held Friday evening of the l,'aited Church in the S.S. rooms with a good attendance. Rev. J. T. Clarke opened the meeting and •Gordon Johnson acted as. the secretary. 1,958 was the most successful year iii the rlrurcli's histar . Mr. .Milne Pullen, treasurer, re - •ported givings all time High. Whalen church held its gol- den anniversary services on June 1 1958. The collections for the• day aniotinted to 8300 which was given to the trustee fund. The ladies of the congregation decorated the Sunday School rooms in 195s doing the work themselves. Reports were given for the W.M.S. by Airs. Bert Duffield, the W,A. by Airs. Win, Morley Jr„ the Sunday School by Gary Parkinson and the sunshine com- mittee by Mrs. Ronald Squire. All the officers for 1958 were re -appointed for 1959. Personal Items Mr. Ray Parkinson is recover- ing from his resent illness, Sue Ann Squire spent a few days this week in St. Marys with Carol Langford. The Massey families of St. Marys were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire, Mrs. Ray Parkinson and Airs, Ronald Squire attended the fun. era' of the late Norman Hart- wick in St. Marys 'Monday. Mr, and Mrs, John Whelihan, Lucan, visited. on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Tom Simpson. Air. and Mrs. Alex Baillie was in London Monday and also called on Mr. Geo, Squire, a pa- tient at St. Joseph Hospital. Air. and Airs, Cleve Pullman was in Exeter Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chapman, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Squire left Monday accompanying AIF. and Mrs, Jack Bryan of Gran- ton for a holiday in Florida. News Budget From Baseline By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR • Personal Items Mrs. A. Rundle, Mrs, W. Wil- son, Airs. Geo. Wilson, Mrs, A. Dewar and Marion McNaughton were among the guests who were entertained to a dinner by the Woodham Evening Auxiliary in the Woodham United Church on Tuesday evening. Mr, John Rinn, William, How- ard, and Miss Noreen Walkom were guests with Air. and Mrs. Clarence Knight, Woodham, on Monday evening. Mr. Howard Rinn and Miss Noreen Walkom were guests an Sunday with Mr, and firs. Robert McGregor of Kippen, Mrs, Eric 'Nestman and David of London spent Monday, Tues- day and Wednesday with her I parents, Mr. and . Mrs. David Holland and family. Mrs. Austin Timnis who' has been a patient in St. Marys Me- morial Hospital has returned home much improved in health. Mr. Harold O'Brine, Base Line has been appointed agent for the Wawanese Insurance Co. Mr. David Spence .has again been appointed foreman of the Board of Works for the town of St. Marys with Mr. Wm. Elston as his assistant, Address Date of birth Gums,unrnnnunnnuu,unu,mnnnnnuunnunun,unnnuunnununnnnnunn,numnuuuununnm„ ria nuununnnnunnnunnunnunnoun,wnnuu„n,uunmm1/nnunnau,(u,nnunn.nuunn,nnuu,n,nn. tMAfNi1MMM iti1M.:! LSMF Larry Snider Means Fine Trades FORDS— MONARCHS -- EDSELS '58 EDSEL SEDAN --power brakes, radio ............... $2,695 '58 FORD SEDAN -=- deluxe model $2,295 '56 MONARCH SEDAN — radio, automatic, new car condition $2,195 '55 FORD FAiRLANE SEDAN — radio $1,495 '55 •FORD COACH — she's good! - $1,395 BUICKS -- '56 BUiCK 4 DOOR HARD. TOP—automatic, radio, low mileage $1,995 '55 BUICiK COACH -- blue paint $1,395 '52 BUICK SEDAN--- radio, motor overhauled $ 895 '53 MONARCH SEDAN—oiie of the better ones . . $ 995 '51 FORD COACH '51 METEOR SEDAN '51 FORD SEDAN Your choice for only $ 500 '51 METEOR RANCH WAGON $ 450 '51 FORD SEDAN ... '$ 150 PONTIACS '53 PONTIAC SEDAN—runs like a top! _ $ 695 '51 PONTIAC good! ....... '47 PONTiAC it away for CHEVROLETS '55 CHEVROLET SEbAN— radio, automatic, nice tu- tone $1,595 '54 CHEVROLET COACH'.— radio, sharp! . .... .. $ 895 'S1 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN $ 895 SEDAN—she's $ 500 COACH—take $ 75 '52 CHEVROLET SEDAN — driven by a. meehaniealiy- , minded mail $ 695 '51 CHEVROLET SEDAN — Brought up in the news- paper business . $ 500 DODOES 'SS DODGE SEDAN „$1,295 '50 DODGE SEDAN .. $ 295 '32 DODGE SEDAN ,. $ 595 TRUCKS. '54 VOLKSWAGEN '52 DODGE 2 TON PANEL . .... $ 995 STAKE ... $ 600 '53 MERCi,IRY We eke have bigger fruek PICKUP ,.. $ 750 to choose froni. '51 CHEVROLET PICKUP $ 495 Larry Snider Motors PHONE 624 Fords Edsel' DNrsier Sal s.artd Seivice EW`E'`rER �Yitrrtwirriiinnirt,'iiririr'rrrrirrrqrtm�urruinrr+rrnarirrrrriraii,n�r�,wrrinwnr�rrnuiruirKrrrrrrirrurr�,r�t�ruirihrie Ifiutchison and. Mr, and Mrs. Wil- fred Ravelle, respectively. Mr. Denis Finan of Sarnia , spent the weekend at his paren- tal home, Air. and Mrs. Erle Finan. Mr. and Alrs. Henry Menard I and Miss Carol left on Monday l , to spend some of the winter sea- son in Florida. Mrs, Myrtle Bos- • senberry accompanied them and, will, be remaining for the rest of the winter months. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Coul- son, Penny, Patsy and John of i London spent Sunday with. Mrs. Coulson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle. Mrs. Harold Waiper and Mrs. Garnet Patterson of the Grand Bend W,I. appeared on 'the "At Home" Show emceed by Hope Garber over CFPL-TV on Mon- day afternoon. They discussed the Tweedsmuir History book prepared by the Institute, Grand Bend WI Theme Education Members of Crediton Women's Institute were guests of the Grand. Bend Institute for the January meeting for which the program was arranged by the education convener, Mrs. Emery DesJardins. Mr, Murray bes3ardins, clerk of the village of Grand Bend was emcee for a question and answer period by which the duties of the Warden, clerk and councillors were explained; al$o hoW a vo- ter's name is placed on the list And what happens if a voter's name is not on the list when he comes to the polls to cast his vote, The motto "He who owns books find loves them, is Wise" Was discussed by Mrs. DesJardihs. She urged all to do more read- ing, A contestdealing with ques- tions on government and Bounty. Affairs was won by Mrs. Hugo Schenk, Crediton. Mrs, Walter Weber, Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, Mrs. Ed Hendrick and Mrs. William Smith of Crediton W.I. favored with a quartet slumber and Mrs. bes,lardins, Mrs. Mae Holt and Mrs, Mansell Mason sang a tottple of numbers. Mrs. William Love Conducted the business period, A Committee Of three was hatted to livid lead- ers and members for the 441 girls garden flub. The attend• ante at and the display of ar• titles made at the Sew and Save project was discussed, the Meet- ing to be held At Clinton Janu- ary 28. Hostesses were Mrs. A. lt'ittk• heiner, Mrs,V illi�i lfil1, Mfg, ljrgitr Ttmitifick and Mrs, Max Toritbult, • Several readers have rushed to the rescue. of Bat Mastersen, the drum -major of Trs West - eras. Evidently this hero, whom 1 called insipid, does have fans. One laical) reader writes, "I 'would, just hke to point out that think if -a vete was being ilVid 'should Bat Masterson be taken _off the air' think it would be kept on. My family and think sa anyway." This reader then goes on to suggest, "why not wave farewell to the following 'All-Star Jazz' and 'Juliette' and that is just a few", I must agree NVitn this read- er's views of ALL-sTAR JAZZ. caterwauling to lily natrained ears and I hope the CBC does a better job with its upcoming Canadian jazz Show (they could not do worse), However, I really .oking in With Family Likes. Sat Masterson •douht if many readers. would go sp far as to remove all the other programs our Lem miter suggests. would you? Getting. ,bacic. to Bat Masterson, concede to bia many fans and .admit that his show must have something (although .1 haven t been able to discover what). For those who asked 'Why don't you turn it oft if you :don't like can't. You see it's one •of husband's favourite programs! Ob well, c'est T•vie Just when "Here'5 Duffy' was. beginning to rise above the mediocrity of poor scripts and low talent and come up with some good ple.in-the4aee rem- edy and broad satire, it gets the chop. Sponsors have aaid "ao thanks" to a renewal and in a few weeks the show reverts to an unsponsored bi-weekly and in a new time slot: 'Thursdays at ten thirty. 'Since that time la allotted 10 the Rifleman (now like) it seems dotibtful that well see puffy here. Taking over that show's time and sponsor will be a new - talent program. 'Talent caravan' will he produced bY -ROW .;rfs" 4094 a great believer In Nipper - aging newcomers. The show Will come from a different station RaCil week and will feature George Murray as emcee. Margo 1,4ne, the male! who does supers (walk-ons) on many TV shows, is the cever on Jamary's Chatelaine. Margo is married to Duffy's scripter Alan Mainlines, the bearded member Another uncoming cover girl is Juliette who will grace the front el Liberty's TV edition, Chuck Connors, who stars in "Riflemaa", is married to a Montreal girl, 'Elizabeth Jape Bidden, and they have four youeg sons, Another Americo star who has a slight Canadian connection is Jim frenciscus win) plays Halloran on "Naked City". Jim's father was killed while serving with the Canadian Air Ferry Command during the war, Jim, by the Way, is a 24.year.old bachelor, and graduate of Yale, —Please Turn To Page 10 Do Your Kids Keep You Awake By Coughing? Don't lose any more sleep , # get a HANKSCRAfT AUTO. ---. ' to stop their coughs, care their colds. Doctors, recommend stem for colds. — it gets rid of them quickly. The Hankscraft Vaporizer rnns all night .(0 to 10 'hours) on ..one filling. Ws worth every gent of the price $9.95 ANDREW JOHNSTON DRUGS PRESCRiPTIONS JENNY LIND CANDIES EXETER ‹Pkoni- 447 STARS Did You Guess It? IT'S HERE I Here's the big event STARS stands for ! Snelgrove's Terrific Annual RECORD Prices Slashed On 2500 Records The biggest collection of records ever offered in Western Ontario at such 41 POPULAR 41 WESTERN 41 ROCK 'N ROLL * CLASSICAL LOOK FOR THESE FAVORITE ARTISTS! Pat Boone, Elvis Presley, Perry Como, Red Foley, Johnny Cash, Don Messner, Guy Lombardo, Bing Crosby, Glenn Miller. Many Collector's items no longer available. 2 HUGE TABLES OF RECORDED MUSIC BARGAINS! SALE Or 1500 78 RPM RECORDS •I" 35c Each 3 89c You'll find your favorite music here! FREE! Portrait of Elvis Presley while they 600 45 RPM RECORDS 50c Each 2 89c 0. Selected Group at 5 FOR 89c Frigidaire Clearance! Save $40.00 on this '58 FRIGIDAIRE DRYER Deluxe Model, REG. $239 95 NOW 99995 Sorry, .Q.u.antify Limited S ELGROVE YOUR AUTHORIZED PRIOIDAIRE DEALER 1 'Frigidaire beLtuto Automatic Dryer ihtiltiost "Metric Oryor, with most of the Away" feature dried many of yeur washables without a Wrinkle, 'feu SAO hew's el ironing lime I tASy,10.eleelfi Ltrit tretirnuth.butfoft boor opener, Haight Se" Width 21E Depth HA' . Phone 18 ,Exefer