HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-15, Page 13�l11.�Mfti iE.1g0 Pictures ��Base .14y MRS* .!tR4H14 "WAR Shown W. M. S. ',the Janu 1ry meeting ng ofCoop tar's W,M.S,! :Rase Line, Wee held -.and members !of Venal Fellow- -. ship were present, Mrs. E. Wen - At the time of Mrs. Tom Cow Ard with is inentbersi? resent,. Worship service was led by Airs. Bobt, Elston assisted by Mrs, Fed Parkinson. Steward. slap reading was. given by Mrs, D, i-lolland. • The chapter of the study book ,entitled re "Health and Welfare- . e.a.. of Canada„ was taken by Mrs. David Spence .assisted by Mrs, Alfred Baker, Airs, R. Elston, Mrs, D. AleNetighton and Airs, Ellis Btrachan, A poem was read by .Mrs. Oliver Baker, Plant were made to snake an- otiter quilt :this year, A social half hour was enjoyed. Personal Diems Barr Tho n y i. psora. spent• the weekend at :the home of his ra ]t Kndfa ter, Mr. Joltn. Rinn and fancily, Mr, r, :and Mrs. Otto Ideiri►et• were guests with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parkinson on Saturday eve - ;Meg. Mrs, Austin Timms is at pres- ent a patient at Memorial Hos- pital, St, Marys. Guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, David Holland were Air, and Airs. Cal. Lucas and. Charles, St, Marys and Mrs, Ferguson, St. Marys. With Eddie Holland was Leon Coward, Mrs. A. Dewar spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs, S. Marriott, St. Marys, By MRS. 'WOQR 1-4,i Church on "hersday, anew/ meeting of Evan—eh . n-eli• Study book was rev.tetved by cal L.A. and W.S.W,S. was held Mrs. Atelier) ,Ding and president, Thursday evening, Two visitors Mr's, E. Lamport, presided for li if You're TIRED E ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tired+out” feeling, and may be bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dedd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling, Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodd'a Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red bend at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's.ito zes presided. for the devotional p eriod, 1 Trombone solo wasplayed by' '.Janet Morlock and a paper on Spirtual Life was given by Atrs, M, 'foist, business period :Encouraging an- nual reporta were given by the several conveners, Meeting decided to serve a pot luck supper the evening of the congregational meeting and to, plan for a bazaar in the fall. World Day of Prayer is being Miss June Bierlin of Exeter held February 13. Airs. L. Hill g and Mrs S King et t are tions• showed slides on .a recent trip Crediton .in wi r;in p ep r drton United Church i �• to Lippe, are n pre' Rev. G. Strome was in charge Next meeting to be held Feb-. of business when splendid re- ports were given. Mrs, E. lien - .consented to set as first vice-president and Airs, Lorne Finkbeiner to help with mission- ary education for ehiidren, 1 Mrs. A.. -Geiser, president, look charge of the meeting with Airs, ruary 10. Donation was voted to U.W.O. building fund and Ilona tion to Aidssion Hospital. Rev. Hiltz was present an installed new officer's, d' Personal items Teachers and officers of the United L. Lamport as secretary. World n ted Church School met at the Service Day is to be held Sun home of Mr. ancl Mrs, Garfield Hill day morning, February 1 Many H Il and elected officers for 1959, items were discussed and left: Edward Lamport was appointed su persntendent, over for lie t meeting, 1-lalf hour Air • \1!ellington I-iist is .of .fellowship was .enjoyed, W,A. Qfficers. 'nstalled fined to his lied with phlebitis. Mrs. Russell Schroeder fell 7evotions were conducted by and. broke her wrist while caro- r assisted y Mrs, , tee in Ztvicker when the b ter Auxiliary met in the United evening Mr, Gerald Zwicker spent sev- eral HURONDALE era' days last week in Montreal on business, Mr. Allan Randle and Robert Airs. G. rwicl.er and her Down left by motor on Satur- mother, Mrs, W. Martin, of Exe•,t day for a, three week's vacation ter spent the weekend in De - in gMexico, troit. Several from this community Mr. Lewis Foist, engineer of attended the funeral.of the.late Nettie Keddy, on Tuesday after- noon. Mrs A Bake t d b M ceeding up the steps of the I:xe-' G' Soman s Legion Hall last Tuesday 11❑tlllttNJn ItIIIIIq,Ultlq,11111111IIt111g11111111111 U1111, CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend 1111, 111111111111111.,.,1,11.1.1,11,11, 1111111111,t111111t11111P Bell Telephone Ca., St, Thomas, who has been transferred to Sud- bury and who has taken over duties there since September 1 has disposed of his home in St. Thoittas wlth intentions to move, with Mrs. Foist and fancily, to Sudbury. Alrs. Feist accompanied him to Sudbury on Sunday where she spent a few days. Mrs. M. Foist of Crediton spent several days this week with the family in St. Thomas. Danny Haugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross -Haugh spent Friday in South Huron Hospital where he underwent surgery for the re- moval of tonsils and adenoids. Mr. Lloyd Hcy has been con- fined to St. .Joseph's Hospital, London, and underwent surgery on Friday, New T sA Contest Win Cash.Prizes for Vour Snapshots SEND YOURS NOW... Have you a pretty pic- ture of the kids , . . an interesting one of the pets ... a humorous shot of a party? Enter it in The T -A's Photo Contest now. A winner will be picked each week for the next 13 weeks YOURS might win one of the cash prizes and appear in The T.A. WEEK'S WINNER . MONTH'S WINNER BEST OF CONTEST. . • r $2OO $5.00 to $1O,00 Importan f tend BOTH the negative and print, along with a self-addressed return envelope, to: PHOTOGRAPHY CONTS'r, THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, Ontario. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED: 1, Name and address of photographer, 2, ante and address of people in picture 3. bate and place of picture. The picture must be submitted by ,a reader iii youth Huron North Middlesex district, and adjacent municipalities and the subject or subjects must tome from this area. First Winner Appears January 24 Contest Ends April 80, 19,50 e refeAintesawAtivocafe PHONE 7'4 EXETER Tho Story in - Zion By MRS. 4VP QYKEMAN W.M,S. And W,A. Zion West W.M.S. and W.A held their January tneeti.ng las • Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Aiorris Herts. Mrs. Tom :Bern and Mrs. Warren. Brock bad charge of the meeting. The theme 'teas "Th. New Year". The roll call was answered with the paying of fees, Mrs. Tom )fern favored with a solo .and Mrs. Warren Brock took the study book on "Cana- da". The l'br'uary meeting will ice a family night. Senshine .Missipn Band Zion Mission Band held fhei.r first meeting of the New 'rear Monday at 4 o'clock in the Sun- day &hoof room. Barbara Here and Ann )Ic'rdman had charge rate. f It ne . 1 etiSheila g lscrn a reading. gave A Tis. Torn, Hera took n o 1. the study � ,cid look on "A Dutch Boy Caped Dirk". lw Mrs. .fn Ito Ja« e the worship service, A eerea. tion period was enjoyed, ,. Personal Items Mr. and AIr•s, Clifton •Jaques and children were friday eve- ning visitors with Mr. and Airs. Norman Hazelwood, Woodham. Mr. and• Mrs. Bert Morgan, of St, Marys, were weekend visit- ors with Air, and Mrs. Norman Brock and fancily. Mr. and Mrs. Ross )fern left Saturday by train for. Florida, where they are spending the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Tud T)ykeinan and family visited Sunday with? Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dykcman, of' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and children were Sunday visit- ors with AJr, and Mrs, Bill Wag - horn, Kirkton, Lucan District Nems Mrs. Levi Darling, who is a patient in Craigholine Nursing 'some, suffering from a strolte, is much improved, Mr. Darling is stain , with Y � his daughter, Airs. Cecil Armitage, of Lucan, 1 while Mrs, Darling is in the nursing biome. Misses Joyce Mcflonald, 01 Lucan, and Margaret Coward, of Centralia, are taking a two- day course on hair dressing � j,,' a t e the College of Beauty Knowledge at Hamilton, Airs, Sherddan ltevington last Wednesday attended the execu- tive meeting of the Middlesex I''rosbytery at First -St, Andrew's Church, London. Among those from a distance' 1 who attended the funeral of the. [funeral of the late Mr. Clarence' Chown, were Mrs. Viola H.odg- i i ins and Bob, of Bradford, Miss: Miriam Martin, of Detroit, Air.' ,' and Mrs. C. R. Blough and !family, of St. Thomas, Mr. and :Mrs. Rae t Dawson, of Toronto, Mr and Mrs. LvJe1Vateher, and' i' 1r.n ad Ars. Erle Ga eld ng, of t Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. r. Ail,Ev• an msnod I ns and Helen, spent last Sunday Fsos, 0f Thorndale. Mr. Ivan Hearn is tekfpg I:three•month eourse in butters ;.making ,at Ottelph, getting #teme every weekend. wee end. Furnace trouble in the Lur Pubisc Beho47. gave the cktildren' in Mrs. Black's .and Mrs, Allis son' rooms .a holiday Thursday and ,Friday mornings. Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson, who underwent sJLospital lasan oper.attton Moinnda St. !is making satisfactory recover Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hodgin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Little a.. Air. and Mrs. George 1)'IVei attended the funeral of M William Sims at Exeter la Saturday. In the height of last Sunday's storm, Mrs. Warner ?McRoberts returned to her duties as French teacher in the Dresden High School. Air, and Mrs. Roy Stan# spent last Sunday W ro p in t aael. the guests of Air. and Mrs. R. Densmore. Mr. James Little is makin satisfactory recovery after hi recent operation in Westminste Hospital, and is recuperating a the home of his daughter, Mrs Bob Gardiner, of London, Frieman .Reunion Tho TIM41$400$014 nusry IL 11 3 Minister installs Auxiliary +off kers Rev. Charles rl es D. a i D n 1 e von - an ducted the installation of offiiwers for the Evening Auxiliary :of the Stetted Church Monday evenin ., la Mrs. Ken. it':lder, the new ,presi- ent took oak the chair and pr;e- s.ented. e. life memhershi pin p y, and certificate to past president, Y. Airs. William Mickle, s. Mrs..3..ftannle submitted the AA treasurer's re ort, and reports. p xp r! of secretaries of various c:.om- st inittees were given. Mrs, Walter Spencer and Mrs. Ron Mock volunteered to buy scarves for the Cross Late parcel. Mrs. Jack •Corbett conducted• the devotional, and gave a read. ey Ing on the value of time. She ws a asci ted s b s F: Aft,. Corbett b , A, and Mrs. Lorne Chapman. A motion was passed to .have g a pot luck lunch instead ,of sup- s per in September, to be held r after the .evening meeting, t.Local Items Mrs. Jack Traquair is quite ;Lillondonin. St. Joseph's Hospital. Miss N, i. Keddy �, ActiveI n Church Funeral services for Miss Net- tie Keddy who died unexpected- ly at her hone, Anne Se, Exeter on Sunday, January 11 were held at the R. C Dinney fune- ral home, Exeter, on Tuesday conducted by Rey. If. J. Snell, interment was in Exeter ceme- tery. Miss Kedciy spent all her life on the farm at Hurondale until retiring g and moving to Exeter with her brother, Walter, in Oc- tober 1945. Her brother died in April 1947, The deceasedwas an aetive nientber of James Street United Club Urges Rededication It was rededication night for Exeter Lions Club at its supper meeting at Armstrong's Restaur- ant Thursday evening with the past presidents of the club in charge of the meeting. Larry Snider presided, C. V. Pickard conducted the roll call, W. G. Cochrane acted as ]ion tamer and B. W. Tuckey as tail twister. Dr. H. )1. Cowen gave a short address reviewing the pledges the members had taken in cairy- inr out service lo the community and to the underprivileged and urged a rededication to the aims a church. She was a member of the Woman's Missionary Society and the Woman's Association and a faithful attendant at Sunday School, While at Hurondale she was a zealous member of Hu- rondale Women's Institute hav- ing served as president and as district president. She is survived by a number of neices and nephews, Attending the funeral were Mr. and Airs. Douglas Keddy, Sarnia, Robert Keddy, Ottawa; Miss Lois Keddy, Buffalo; Miss Beulah Keddy and her mother, Mrs, 'Keddy; Fenton, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Down, Shedden and relatives from St. Thomas. Pall bearers were Clarence Down, Harry Strang, Harry Jet. fery, Robert Jeffery, Lorne Oke nd Rufus :Trestle. and objects of Lionism. "Social activities go hand in hand with service to make up a well-rounded organi td " 1 saF/nd, O 'Robert Perry, of RCAF Centralia. delighted the gather- ing with his display of magic. He also presided at the piano for a sing -song. Mr. Perry donated his The annual Freeman reunio was held this year at the tom of Mr, and Mrs, .lames Free man, Princess St., Lucan, 'Tb n e e 38 members present included Mr, and Mrs. Al Freeman andfamily, of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs.Albert Freeman and fam- ily, and Mr, and Mrs. Stan Nighton and family, all of Bar. gessviUa, Mr. and Mrs. Bev Cattet and family, of Norwich, and Mr. Oswald Freeman, of Chatham. Holiday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nagle and family and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Neil and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Basil Nagle, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hardy and family, with Mr, and Mrs, Nor- man Hardy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carling, of Sudbury, with Mrs. Ira Carling andfamily. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Chambers and family, with Mr. Chambers' mother, Mrs. Agnes Chambers, and sister, : !rs. Bill Otis and family, of Woodstock. Mr, and Mrs, 'van Hearn and family, with Mr. J. E. Brown, of Motherwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon AfeEwan, of St. Marys. Craftsman and Mrs. Charles Frost and family, of Petawawa, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Furness and Mrs, Charles Sewell, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Frost and family. Mr. and ?sirs. Bert Galpin, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Galpin and family, f Sarnia, and Mr. J. Orme, of (mete, with Mrs. T. D. Orme. 0 T usual charge as an entertainer to the fund for the Boy Scouts house, lie was introduced by W. G, Cochrane and thanked by A. .1, Sweitzer, An invitation was accepted to attend a joint meeting with Exe- ter Kinsmen. Club on February 19. THAMES ROAD ME.4NONITE CHURCH • EXETER "Teach Me Thy Truth 0 Lord" 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Worship Pastor: Stanley Sauder, Exeter BAYF1ELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Church Is Purchased Possession" 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Sermon Subject: "Deteriora- tion Unnoticed" Wednesday, 8 p.m. --Bible Study and Prayer Service, CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sundae, January 18, 1959 10:00 a.m.—"Our Debt to Christ" 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Rev. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 9:45 a.m.---Morning Warship (English) Rev. A, G. Van Eck 2.15 p,ny.—Afternoon Worship (Dutch) Rev. A, Cr. Van t ek Serving of the Lord's Supper in both services, 3:30 p,tn,—Sunday School. ZiON LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 am, --Service 2;15 p.m.—Annual Voters' Meet- ing Af Congregation ZION CHURCH' vatiOclica# United 13refhrdn CR.. DI E T bN Roe, G, R. Sfrotne, Paster 10:00 a,nt,•—Worship "Life In Service„ 11:15 a.m.—Church School THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH in MAIN S1rREET cl4URdl4 Rey. R/ Van Fardwe, Minister 2:(Iti p.m.—Afternoon 'lWorship The Lord's Seppcir 3;30 p.m. Surf d,ay School CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rey. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.O. Minister Organist: Mrs. Bob Pryde 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m —Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "Choosing A I Good Seat" Nursery for children up to six years. Annual Meeting on Wednesday! evening, January 21. t Mrs, J. Edwards Stephen Native Mrs, John Edwards, formerly of Stephen, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas : Smith, Exeter, on Sunday, Jan- uary 11 in her 75th year. Airs. Edwards was the former Isabella Sims of Crediton and following her marriage to John J. Edwards they farmed near Crediton. until Mr. Edwards died 13 years ago, Since that time she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Smith. She is survived by three daughters: Mrs. Garnet Wilson (Melinda); Mrs. Clayton Flynn (Lillian) of Stephen Township; Mrs. Thomas Smith (Cora) and three sons, Melvin and Wilbert of Exeter and Harold (Jim) of Walkerton; four brothers, Sa- muel, John and Wilbert all el Crediton; Isaac Sims, London; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Lewis. Crediton and Mrs. Emma Ed- wards, Ingersoll. The body rested at the Hop- per -Hockey funeral home, Exe- er, where funeral service took place on Wednesday, January 14 conducted by Rev, J. H. Snell and Rev. R. 5. Hiltz, with inter- ment: in Exeter cemetery. Pall bearers were Don Hate ris, Fred Cornish, Cecil Skin- ner, Frank Taylor, George Hep• burn and Norman Beaman. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. 10:00 a.rn,—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon Subject: 'Be Not Afraid" Anthem by the choir. Duet by Kathryn and Marilyn Hicks. 7:00 p.m—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: 'The Leaven' A Warm Welcome is Extended To All MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. Robert S. Hilts, B.A., Th.b. Organist: Mitis, A. Willard 10:00 8.111.—Church School 11:15 a.m.--Worship Sermon: 'The Prayer of Nehemiah" Nursery provided for children 4 to 5 years during sermon. Come And Worship With Us PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m. --Evangelistic Selviee Friday, 8 p,ni, Christ Ambos $odors "0 taste and set'' that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trtis .tet.h iii. 'tint, —Psalms 34:8 Pastor: Evang. L. Winn.Butlhr . THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TriviaMemorial, Exeter Rev. Breit de Vries, Rector keberf deMer'ell, t$ra'ai,i3t :Sunday, January 18, 1950 8:30 A.,i..•-1-dele t'.otiii ulliott II:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer Nursery, Sunday School 7:00 ,p.1'ti.a1;v'ensol1g In the year ending 'March 31, 1058, the ten provincial govern- ments spent en estimated total of 82,226.000,000, an increase of $180 million over the previous year, COMING EVENTS— STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Federa- tion of Agriculture annual meet - Mg and turkey banquet, Crediton Community Centre, Wednesday, February 4. Admission $7,50. Don Middleton, guest speaker. iSc HEAR YE, ALL Thursday, Jan. 15 At 8:30 p.m. Sharp The Cancer, Polio and Tuberculosis committees of Rebekah and Odd Fellows Lodge of Exeter will hold for your pleasure a Progressive EUCHRE ODD FELLOW'S HALL EXETER ADMISSION 50¢ EA, Ladies Bring Lunch. Loft of Fur, - Good Prizes EVERYLODY WE.LCOMt'; ti. 14tINTI1;It;.. Chairman 0, S. A KINSON, SeeeTreas. Enjoy Dancing to the mush of DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA in the Community Centre, Zurich Every Y Friday Night ht 10 to 1:3G Modern, Rock 'n Roll - Square Dancing Admission 75¢ Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club JOIN THE CROWDS Arena Activities FRIDAY, .,#AN, 1.6.. •. • sr t9-hrt(?- 7Hrtr�rtltl )rt1.. ;?clasp* •IPI Wicks sloQ.:1111fo—wtarF aehoot 014ffel. p r 4'nrly SATURDAY JAN-, I. 8:o0 -Y 2 soo--Anglo, novehf y t 3n -S Ql -. iit,tte Skelton* ;lap -4 :30-•—fellioure. ekitips, ' - diraQ-$$ o--Rv4lir t'iiKt4t► err. ,1lxvi a ►aa"*awte Oillo—ilerrtan y ; 1} stllslilr.+ MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY tNnnke4 Fes The ai ales Lyric TIpeatre' NOW .Pl,AYINet * Irian Keith • * Rita Gam • "SIERRA BARONr" .plus -.- * Anthony Steal it Donald 'linden "BLAK TENT" (Both in Cinemaseope As •Cele') MON., TUES.'af WED, January 19, 20 and U * Glenn Ford * Red Buttons.. "IMITATION GENERAL" plus * James Stayers ' it Joanne Dru "THUNDER BAY"' (Technicolor) . THURS., FR1. JI SAT, January 22, 23 and •24:- ilk Don Murray * Diane Varsi "FROM HELL TO TEXAS"- (Cinemascope and Color) MATINEE .SATURDAYS • 2 - P.M. Olt luuHluUqu1gm11U1u1111111tlullnUlullnunlltul" H2O ltlnenAUUrullllll IUNntilt nle,pitilttl lll11, • • Usborne Federation Ofri - � culture � ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET I Friday, January 16 - Y 7 p.m. Sharp Thames Road United Church Guest Speaker: REV. BREN•DE VRIES Tickets: SO¢ to Federation Members $1.50 to Non -Members, Available from Directors ,1,,,1111111, 1111, Irl 11111, 1111011f111,l lllllllllllt11111111l111II1111111,111111111111111/l11111111IIIttlrllllll lll11111111t11t1 tlltltl.+ llllll1Ot❑1,f111 r11" 111n01 r; lnnu ull lllll I ttlm 11011111H nmuutn tuuun 11,11n1 II1111t11,nut11u1nt/404/;Iii t Middlesex County Hog Producers ANNUAL MEETING Ilderton Community Hall WED, JAN, 21 — 8:30 1 to hear reports of officers, to elect directors fir 1959, to I elect delegates and alternate delegates to attend all Meet- ings of the Ontario Hog Producers' Association, Ontario Hog s Producers' Marketing Board, and Ontario Hog Producers' ' Co-operative and to transact any other business that may I. come before the meeting. GUEST SPEAKER: CHARLES W. McINNIS President: Ontario Hog Producers' Association' .. MAC GRAY GEORGE CUDDY r President - Secritery w t01,tt1tgtl11tn1t1/111111111110111111111111111,11011111111111111 n1i111111ru.1111,11n 1111110111t0Ir1/1011111111111111r,t 1 utnlnt .,11111111111111n11n111g,n1"t,tlrbtttutl1011t1n111,tltttttt11111nt101tttttt 111nnntt111111n1111tnn1ntit1n1,1,11tZ11iii 1t1iv' ANNUAL MEETING Exeter Agricultural Society I FRIDAY, JAN. 16 . 2;00 p,m. >i (Board of Directors Meet of 'tt10 p.m. Exeter Town ball ALL MEMBERS' UR4ED TO ATTEND Lunch Will Be Servitd 1 VICTOR ,TEI*"PEtiY CLAIM "ISt'Il l President ,St tlletttry,'Ci'eaturer a• 'HPrlrri7lYPir�iriYr�jYrr"ielrtn7rfaru1,111�tfwtltllrrFrlr,illYeyi11;P1nrPTFriiF1'1,rY1YeY11YriTeln rinljntftriiiiiYeh)leiVitiViiii .•