HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-03-18, Page 3AttoLkirr '1'11• Statute says that such awake sadslif sad find themselves, Mad is the cable they be f .dsdWers. 1t has been staled ague pay a fl)tl.t Stan, but they In found, 1st •.d again u the Signal of late, that Mr. they are shoot 3 days gong throYb from Galt is iia n frreAolder, if such is the Detroit. The trade by both lines le un- ease, although he were worth tbousateds he Modal and (ant mere sag• ()se .f three Is not "Mph* to be such surety' Lake Stesmen is more like a seas-of-wsr teas aythaeg else, Nail still one leaves Do- omed belooguig to the Ira., besides a End the public, that, as Mr. Galt said! great many 14opetlers, aid other ,week about Mr. Cameron, so many ofkti "must I which go unregular. The Rad -road Depot be shovelled upon,' and as Act of Puha- I is a most extr•tordasary aid splendid work, in which u eiupioyed 500 men daily keeping the line going, which was built at the coot - mous expense of 115,000,000• '1'be coun- try through which it runs, is almost new and a great deal of it looking very barren and sandy but the lands very high, sometimes 1430 an acre. 'Ile villages along the lice are truly beautiful and by all appearance m a highly prosperous stale. But cheap lands cannot be got convenient to the road, and the general character of the country is very sickly, but through title it may rather improve u tbe land is drained and brought ender cultivation. We had as half hour to dinner at a village called Mitchell, half way and before we dropped the spoon we bad to draw the purse for '25 cents, and then in a few minutes were plying towards the setting sue. New Buffalo is singularly sick- ly, more perhaps than any place West, owing perhaps to a small dead creek be- hind the town. The place is but small, and will continue so. Yours, Dee., F What especial service Lu Mr. Liam, with his fire or at IwndrrdL 4 year, res - meat, (to say the least of it) abominably stretched to accomplish the same. If the Statute is so tampered with in this Mature, what gauraotee bare Um pub- & that it will not be so In olheem. Chari- ty herself could not suppose either Mr. Aeland, Mr. Linn or Mr. halt to be ignorant of the requirements of the Act. Anal, is this the way iu which Mr. (;alt, who as lately raine out like a cltunpion in defence of the laws of the land, can, not oily wink at, but actually participate in, a breach of the Statute, when by so doing he can serve a friend. It is merely because, Sir, " it is a duty that every one owes his fellows to explain the truth in order that chicanery may be exposed, that I now address you," and for no other reason. I am, Sir, Your obed't serv't, A FaetitoLoto. Km Tea avow Yee SL. LETTER 100. u. My Dear Sir :—By my last I kit you at Buffalo, and this I left on the '2lith May, in a small Steamboat for the Canadian Wore, touched at tbe mouth of the Welland Caim1, a poor lookin: country, low and marshy, and then rouuded Long Point, and landed at Port Stanler,a fine look iog place, but not large, aril it may be called the sea port tows of London, a daily stage runs between this place and London, by St. Thomas, a line little 'village -co Talbot `greet. The country, along this hue is making ver, blow progresa,for the improve- ments are h0 great thine in the Inst 14 years. 'raking any leave again for Detroit by war of Chatham, a .oute co which a stage rune twice a week, but the road is tory rough. I reached Chatham very late that night, a line loukiog place, at the head of the navigation of the river 7 lames, and the low -seat of the Western District, but the very weather hem emits a bad smell, a nest of fever and ague perhaps the wont o Canada. Laud, in the hands of the Cana- da Company, and other speculators can be had by going back some trifles into the boob, but they are the culls of a hurl:ed ch ,ice, and generally rery F, v• .4111 almost univer- sally sickly which is the grcatcst objection that can be brought against any place. I' 'farted nest morning for Detroit by estaall Steamer, bad. 30 miles of river navigation through e a beautiful country, full of fine Orchards, of about 30 years old, inhabited by the children of old soldiers tke Ent set- tlers of the couutry. The prearaes and marshes onthe Iake St. Chir,, a very extensive, i.habited by Trench who lire by raising cattle and horse', they have them in great nurben. This Lake is about 24 miles each way and reaches alinost down to Detroit, steamboats and heavy ,vessels are rery often detauied aground here, but seldom are Burt. The river Sydenham enters the Lake at the North-west corner, and navigable as far up as Dresden, a great deal of the country along the Sydcnbam is uaoeeupied and settlers are going in fast but the great objeftion to the country is itsaitkly character, the lands arc about *3 an acre. The people carry on a brisk trade in oak staves for which they get $ 1'_ 10. a thousand on the bank. By this means poor people have some chance of paying for their lands, but their little snow for riei„ Bing sake it hard for their horses healing them often partly en bear ground. some lands art still to be had south of the Thames in the interior between the river and Lake Erie, which may be Fad for three or four dollars, hut very Leavy to clear being generally heavy Oak and the stumps will take a good deal of time in coming out. however the high lands be- tween the Lake sed the river being on (be whole rather healthy, are as desirable for emigrants as any part of this section of cowrtry the Lind about the same price, as on the Sydeebam. The people are en- gaged a good deal 5s the steam lumber trade bot not convenient, haring to haul them tot. far, either to the Biter or the Iake. But ie • few years a single sere will not be got here, all will be occupied. 1 reached Detroit in the evening, a large beautiful and populous city, a great trade both by tbe Land and Lake. A F eat cnthpetitioo is carried on between the Rad Rad running across the stale to New U (afro and these of Steamboat rose by way of the Lakes. The one 700 stn , and the other 218 miles by lead, and 5D miles "crow the end of Lake Michigan to Chicago. The fan by the rail hoe is $7 M Chicago by the first rate tan, and 155 dollars in the second, one train is des- patched erpatched in the morning and mother is the afternoon. Yoo leave Detroit at 7 o'clock in the morning and deep in Chicago Hat sight, ane wtirees running at the rate of 30 miles es hoer. A steamer is waitiag aI Atm Buffalo to earry the psseesgvra rigid of be Mirhigsn City Chicago and Md- waek.er tree of eharge, may they hart W show tine ear dekeh. Tie fare by the lake b kola $ seamy, from iiettfeM, (N. York) WILLIstt !ansa. Kincardine, Jan. 28th, 1851. THE NEW BRITISIH MINISTRY. Tbe following is a complete list of the new Conservative Ministry, formed by the Earl of Derby, the leading members of which were announced in our last inane First Lord of the Treasury and Prime Minister --The Earl of Derby. Chancellor of the Exchequer and Leader of the House of Governors—Mr. Disraeli. Lord Chancellor—Sir E. S.dgea. Lord President—The Earl of I.os..dale. Lord l'rivy Seal—The Marquis of Sailabury, (with • seat in tie Cabinet.) Secretaries of State.—For tie Home Department—Mr. Wampole. For the Foreign Department—Lord Malmesbury. For the Colonial Department—Sir Jno. Paking,oa. First Lord of the Adasuality—The Duke of Northumberland. President of the Board of Control—Mr. 1lemes. President of the Board of Trade—Mr. Ilenley. Postmaster General — The Earl of IHardwicke. Ssecdptary of War—Mr. Beresford. Vice Premiest order Board of Trade— Mr. G. F. Young. Woods and Forests—Lord Jobs Mas- ser'. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (.ot.is the Cabinet)—Sir Joins Y. Beller. Master General of the Ordnance—Lord Combenisere. - Attorney General—Sir F. Tbesiger. solicitor General—Sir Fitsroy Kelly. Lord Lieeteaaat of Ireland --The Earl of Eglinton. Secretary for Ireland—Lord Naas. The Chancellorship of Ireland has been offered to Lord Chief Justice Blackberne. Attornej General for Ireland—Mr. Napier. solicitor General for Ireland—Mr. \Whitside. Lord of the Treasury—Marquis of Chandos. • Lord of the Treasury—Mr. Bateson. Under Secretary of the Home Depart- ment—Sir W. Jolliffe. i Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs— Lord Stanley. Judge Adrocate—Mr. Banks. Secretary te the Admiralty—Mr Staf- ford. Chief Commishioner of the Poor Law Board—Sir John Trollope. Joint Secretaries of the India Board— Lord Jocelyn and Mr Henry Bailie. Under Secretary of the Colonies --Lord Desert. Joint Secretaries of the Treasury— Messrs. George A Hamilton, 'Mad Forbes Mc Kenzie. Clerk of tbe Ordnance—Col. Forester. 7H• HOIoIHOLD. Lord Steward—Duke of Montrose. Lord Chamberlain --Lord Ezeter. Marler of the Horse—Lord Jersey. Controller of the Household—Hee Cecil Forester. Vice Chamberlain—Lord Worcester. Captain of Yeomen of the Guards—Lord De Ros. The Lords in Waiting will probably be Lords Morton, Byron, Munster, '1'emrle- more, Gkngal, Galway, Center bary, µ ye- ford.—Hamilton Spectator. ARRIVAL OF1'AR t" ASiA." 1` tic Teem Mash 12, lett. The Asia Mired at t o'cl.ek thin Woes- ing. she lonog. Liverpool dates to the 25th ult. Cottes at i adeno... salsa of the week 54,060. Floor le good req est et forcer pops.; Wbeat de. Cern adraoeed 04. Tbit quotations for Fleet are Weems, 29s a 22s 64- Philadelphia ad Bit timers, las a 294 91- Cern, yellow, no. 84 t( Mi Wiite oils a tan Mixed bee. offset sae 0d. Weight. Geodes k Ce's Weider says,-. Then is se sew restore Is polities' Ofts likely to the markets. Amine sapport the late edva.se. Clem Bpd committed. *etre rime. teat were* aid 4drneimg. Bear wasted: caw seeress► indult et high tate. Baste flat Stels.sa etedy.—Teat. firmer. Caret ewes tW saute. Imne a..heaged. ENGLAND. Daae w Taws. Ife.ecesolka Rtwt THE HURON SIGNAL, GODEBIH, MARCH '18, 85 Foothill e. tM $fkb. In lbe Howse .t Ledo, ea the 97th, tbe Evl of Derby roes to .:pial• the sashes* whieb Wooed him s accept odes, sad paid a /restful ln►.te N dm,ru.a to the psblss mimeos displayed by the Mar aun el Lssdowes, deers bin less term Miasma —pose•df.g to say that althesgb the re- Msaatnw of the law Mteatry ked takes him cioloPloowty 61 •Vefi•t•e, be bed deteotaised sot t• shriek trots the possibility of fermis • G•veesmest. 1e eoatiesstlos, he said that they 50614 all agree in ssmWtm•s usn.rsal peace, which sordid be beet elected by acing tee wards ferny' ewers a calm sod temperate policy, and by nspecueg to ail sattww the right t• Waage thew allure. That stetsons should act towards cash others with dignity and oo etat•, any mon tlas • pinwale iudt- ridual, should be awkward to maim moon - lion for injury gives. He ..k.4 so addition to the Nary, but it should be elFeeiest for all purposes. The •!nary force he thought was sufficient is repel memory, and he felt so alarm. He t►ougkt'the pre- sent memos( favorable for so org•atarsg the • edteclpbaed valet of the eeui, , that they might rosier to the greatest •dvaaty' die trusted armies et issaders. He them passed es to ware polities! rotaries shat the goversassst could aN lideray, a /bb part, uy attempt against Amiga Mice.. Ile approved of de priseiple of taaatiee a- dopted by the United State*, of (Wag dl those imports which coma is* comentitisa with predate* of (heir owe reit; but tltoag► this was only as sonnies, he shingle the Turtles weld u1y be solved by the dearly expressed opiates' If the e•tsmeMly. Is eoselseioar East Derby s1a1.d that It was mot his tateuti•a Upwind with the Puha. artery Ream WL He could solemaly aver, in the press's of that !condense width aleM•s• of the dais d mss, that se personal Haiti.o bad led hr to week that hareem .mf.eaee that the fives .4 the sovereign HA iapoe.d apes him. With that ewv(e$s•, be Is •Msietnties lose es deet, he world set aely have •l- iaised hie heart's Wens, bet (,filled the higSent sm►tti.awhich mortaleool4 aspire to mere the great object of pesos a earth and good will towards nes, of edgewise the social and moral improvement of the country, mad the safety' of t M Savreigs. FRANCE. Tbe Prsneb amid Amstn.. (wormiest' are len friendly waw dispatches have 18... received from Bt. Pet rdurgb, u witch the Emperor Nicholas declares that d Aeons moves we step to au** Freese is di.tarb- tsg the treaties of Vies*, he will monk an army to the aid of Pnwta. ITALY. Advices from Rome report many arrests of persons who celebrated ibe Anniversary of the Republic. Of the Pope It is said he has *till the dread of Madai before him. He has gives orders to have me more ehildr.s baptixad with the same of Jowpb. A ssabsr of political priapism have ewe sot at liberty at Moab.". Feer th a.sd peewee were proem at a grand Bell fight et t►. Tattlers" es rho lard. I* NOTICE. AmeowLmeowhams claims armlet G. F. Lyeter, late Clerk of the 1.1. Divi- sion Coon, will please head the same to lir. John Galt, is order to be mspectd mad Iiqu dated • THOMAS SOURBY. Godeeieh, 18th. March, 1142. 55.o8. NO TICE. ALL meow are requested to take soft a that Mr. William Chester Tippet, d the Village of Bayi.ld, m tbo Couoty of Hares, Merehast, hoe made as AuNssasat of his property debts and .Beets to me the underelgsod for the beseit of his eveditere: and that .11 debts due te the raid Willis. Chester Tippet most be paid to Messes. Stntcb's *d Bntbar, Alter*sas, Goderieh, forthwith, sod all peewee who have eleime against the mid William Chester Tippet .estppees+w sad forward the sense to the seed Mems. Stretches sad Broths, witbis ow .oath bum this date, is order to their getting the Meade .4 the said Aseiromeet, otherwise they will be preeledsd from esy h.oit .f the said Aseigemest. JOHN BTRATCHAN. Assignee. Gariel). 111118. March, 11151.de*5-5* HAMILTON BOOT AND SHOE STORE. THE Subscriber hess to inform the le- habitants of God.nch, ad the sur - roundest Ceatry, that be has just opened • New Boot sod She Stns, meat doer to Mr. I./enough', h', Ston, West Street Godertek. Where will eoastantly keep on lied a large and well assorted stock of Leath. s std d.etlers•m'. Buds and S►oa.. Which he will.0ll at low prices, for cosi My. The Fe►Ile are Respectfully mewed to call and examine for themselves, Were pers ahesing sI..wboM. No ..toed price. ALSO—L..ts and page for sale. JAMES THOMPSON. liiedereh, March 18, 1052• 55 -a8 -8m FARM FOR SALE, ft 118. Toiwoobip of Wonky,a moot de- thehle hra es the Ba,9eRoad era• Yetis/ of 1113 assay about 50 seven oleared, well watered. The toed in of the beet geallty,asd do Wasted t miles (rots BsyI.td, 14 mile (real ('iederseh, tad b• fn. Lee - dee. Far perimeters apply ea the pra.5ees to Jaen Rowan t1. Frowstier. Marsh 10th, 1831 55-n9 NOTICE TO COLLECTORS. THE SsMeribr beg* te call the enemies .f the Collector* of Gndtneb. Hello, Teammate/4 haeley sed Hay, to the 131h sad 110 Viet. cap, 13, ere. 38. whew* ossatad. net it .hall be the duty .f tits Colisssw tw.esb plot., wholly or pertly sides u D.i, se fervid t Clerk of the D MwCourt thereof 'vita merest Lisle of the Hamm of aft pore.s liable to Neto es fere* el garb C..rte, i. Ihs Peder is "Arab they stead epee the Rolle. Haid Lint• ars resewe requested to be hummed midmost JAPES GORDON C. .iw* Sob Seo Owns d IRhet . F. 15 R OMrlin Ohre* IIIM *oast la( NOTICIL THE Ihtbsenber ligs te veleset all WIWI- ed to biro by Note sr Beek mews, to read Immediate wymemt, se all emulo s d.e a the 31.s Dteembss, 1881, if not its awdtstsly settled, will be put in the bosh of Derisive Lean Clarke ler doll.cuos web- ers* reeerle. JA WPM IORDON. Curate., 111th March, 1 Wt. shod W. & R. SIMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIR1ELL k Co.,) (1 BOCER8, Wm. Merab.4, liremenere aid Oleme, No. 17 Dundee Strs.t, Londe., C. W. F,►resry SbUs 1851. v6-4,6 N0'I'ICE. THE'eewete of Gorge Miller Ik Co. In Mr. Leon' hes*, sed x11 debts dos to the GODERICH FOUNDRY era ■ow trash.,. to W. J. Keays, Req., who will oolleet, rest rumple and pay lid Neta dw by said Foamdryy. MALCOLM CAMERON. Fehr.ary Stb, 185•. 551,9 TAKE NOTICE. LL peewee claims aaggsslIest the Atlrtete.1 10va ALEXANDER M'DONALD lase 0 Sures, .. the Ceesty el Breen, ▪ requsMed 1e bead the rime n to 11. , es, s, bfun the lath April seat. Ae ales, all pause indebted te tbe said estate, are requested to pay Ibm some :o the subscriber, on or before the send Ibth April. Ws. J. KEAY$, Admfs.trater to tits Estate of the Late ALI:anoea M'Doaaw. Gateme , Marsh 4, 1859. vb-os LIST OF LETTERS, REMAINING is the Codsric5 Posts0f• See to lot Marek, 1859. Annetros Jolts Miller William Biwt George 2 Mymre Robert Beaman Miss Mattie oa Welham Beaus William Miller Jobs Boyd Jobs 9 Mattheeoa ilugh Butes Ricbaej Murray Robert Butler Jobe Matthews Alias Bogie Jamie Moetgoewry A F Cls.dssela Irks Jr Moaned Mies Abetted Carey Loeta. Mortar Feasts" Cook Peter Moore William H 2 Crabb Capt Matthews Jobeeab Campbell Mary Mandald William Curvy Patrick Muer. William Cosner Mrs Joke Miller Elle. Campbell Robert Merpk) Jobe Cowerford Mr Naha:Thome Cob James A Moors John Clarke Dueeea Miller Jacob Carry 8aaael Madwayosb M B Calder Aadrew M'Cordy James Cameos Alex M'Leaa Allem N Collins B M'Clellad Wm T 9 Dan Adrsw ' M'Cbllaed Job 9 Donk. Gas Maguire Patrick Doss 7*...s M'Dnsald Donald Dew Jobs M'Millaa Louie" Mie Denims James M'Carrom Witham Dewey Elias M'Nee Dues Duston A Esq M'Doald Aoges Dos Capt • M'Doesld A Elliott Roht M'Domald Hugh Elliot Jamar M'Colt Jobs Emelim Mrs M'Keens James Fox Smith 2 M'Dos.ld Ale: Farrier David M'Keeme Keesetb Flys" Jeremiah M'Do.ald Jobs Co:- Fee/an William borne 9 Pews James M'Phe Araby F•loagber lobo M'Leas Jamul Fusee Me►a.l M'Naughtes Patnek Grille Jobe Nowise. Hoary Gaut Edwin Ordway Nathaniel H Ganey Thomas Poot James tsourley William Per•ingtoe Oliver Gallagher Jobe Porta Rouen Garver Andrew Quigley James Glen William Richardson Robert Gorden Miss Elea Rugs Mie Mary Heels? Patrick Robinson Wm 2 Hoskin Jobs Rathw.11 Joh. Must Miss Amelia Roe* William Hortoe George Richenaa William Hays Capt D Reid 'Rise Margret listener Mus. Eliza Ranee, Ju Higginbotham Thos. Haul Richard Hanley flannel Smith John 2 . Horton 8 Smith Geier" Hudson John Jr Sullivan Mrs Hyslop William 8troeg Jobe Hasty Will Spirits/ George Harries lames Thereto Manta Hoasessy John Thoahseen St.pM Irwin Richard Urgabart John Kelly Thomas Yeses" Michael Kneen Edward Worthy William 2 Kist Patrick M Workman Richard Kitty Jobs Woods Thema* Lystsr Sieben' N 2 Wilton II Lyons Heavy Yetis( Joseph Limn David Ysaman EAwerd THOMAS KYDD. P. M. THOMAS NICHOLLS BROKER, Howe, Lasd inwonsc., Ship - piss and General AGENT. Produce and Co.miweaos Marchese, Ac. c•untasQkc. Produce bought and told on Cem.ietee Bootle carefully stored, and forwarded Book. balanced Part.erehup seitlemwt adjusted. (i.d.rieh Feb. O. 1066• v5 -s1 COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SO- CIETY OF IIUItON, PERTII AND BRUCE. STALLIONS. TM above Society will award the nam of hedge parade Ira skiffings currency to the best STALLION .hews on the mar het square at Goderich, or W edseday tbe 11.5 day of April sett. The Horses is bees the (feud by it o'clock soon. The Director, may withhold the Premium W ould the Horses 'hewn prove stworthy thereon. The H.t1s receives lb. Premiums will require to be is Godeneb sod remain there, every sloth day - THE COUNTY SOCIETY, will slim give • Prosaism of FIVF. POUNDS, t 01 m ioddesl, who (all Mag and keep sable elg►t salon of ,h. rows of Gn4rseb, the beat Tbor'ssh Bred Durban, Bull (pedigree will be regsird) The Bull Ie roman within that distance et ti. Toe. daring the see - we. R. G. CUN' INGHAMF See. Godeneh,91r4 Feb. I(62. vS-eS TAKE NOTICE. ALI. throe indebted to the Hunts Sig wet Odes, other by Nolo •f heed ee by Book .ernes', at tis. data, .ill oblige the Selioer1ber by ek.swleeigtag Asa IleMliti.e, sod Damao/ a eottl.e..nt of the seine with Mr. Hones Hertos of Gederich, at (heir earliest osaewieweo. THOMAS MCQUEEN. G.dN1.h,Jan Se, 1121. viol WANTED. A SCHOOL. TEACHER fav wheel Sestld fee. 1, W..asosb. be meet modems a Moved Clew ('4ru6eate. ROSERT TAYLOR. Twits* WILLIAM MA1.WUOIl, UMW? Melt ItAG. Wawssesb, . 6, let 1. .4.11 BY -LACI Awtlierisftlt a Lase et he thsesesd pews' 1.r the a tastM. of the esessoaty Coast Budgie% for dm County of ?sub. WHEREAS It is secoesesy to borrow the gum of tae. thwssad pantie for the ereetiw of the a.e.•sary Co.etyB.dd- tee for the Cowie of Perth,.: required by the 15th Sees. of the Aet It Vic. Ch. 78. Aad whereas the :mesal of rouble pro. perty le she staid Canny a Perth, appears by the sioesement ,eterss few the year 1831, to he t.74,1511 411. And whereas site ..m el 1741 9 0i, will requue to be raised minalla Is. 'the pyss.et of ►stereat, sea the seheepbee ef the pri.cipl .( real Loos, eceardies as the terser of pymeot herein. after provided. And rebores" s .penal rate of those M AB d s Feeney to the pound, on all rates** Real sad Pesoa.l property ❑,. tbe Coaly of Forth, accord'sg to the es uesemesl Muse fee the year 1851, will be required fair the payment or' merest, and the (armslioeof a asking fusel, for the re desepWS.4 said debt, or Loss. let. Mit therefore enacted, by the Pro. vtstooal Municipal Council, of the County of Penh, That the Provisional Wadso u1 the sad County, be, and he is hereby au themed ea behalf of the eau/ Provieionsl Ce..ed, te estreat n loam for ib. MID of £6,e00, bear o1 Meseta at the rate sin per emit., pee seems, which interest Well be payable half yearly, at 1be Dice of the Pro- vi.iensl Tre...nr oil the Comely of Perth; ad 11161 of what► pnseipal ewe shall be payable es (be Gres day of Feb. 1654. ad £1010 or the first day of February 1856, sad 51191 .n the trot day of February 1868, and 4Io30 .s the first day e1 Feb. rusty lade, and £1000 os the gra day of February 11161. lad. Ad Mit further .sorted, That for adordieg'Yiauo of the ..td Loss, and i0,.eeonsg the monist tbereof with inter- est, Debb•tarse ea behalf of the .. d Pro- visional Mualaipel Council, *boll he miasma for the same, is semi of not Iwo than twini -veposeda, which Debentures shall be reeled, wills the sal .( lb* .aid :Pro• "Wesel Ceseeil, netted by the Provisinsat Warde., anal tweeter -signed by she Pro• ,isa.esl Clerk sed Provmios•t Treasurer reapsstivsly,.nsad Wall bear date ea the day t1. moray te ,4vs6s.d toIb Provi.aonal Tras..e.r, mod M mei. Mvhl. with eter- ..t awarders so the terms .d sesdttlo.e of the said Less se kersisbelore mentioned. 3rd. And be it further esaetd that a epeeist rat. of three eights of s penny par pound per unum, over sad above, end tag addition ee all ether fetes whew. aver, .18.11 be raised sad levied is each year for the payment of tb* interest end princi- pal of thi said tele, to he created by the said Loss esti) tbe same obeli be fully paid, upon all the rateable Real •d Pomona' propasy within the said Comity,. ..d Ye - penes and three twelfths of • pny per penal per ansae, (beteg the ratio of the anneal to the rel value) onee the annual value of all the rateable weal tied personal property, is any Town or Village which shell be i.eorpented withi. said Couoty during else eo.tisuenee of said rate. Nonce.—The.hre is a true copy of a prepoed By Law to be takes into contactor - sties by tbe Provisio.al Municipality of H. Courtly of Perth, o.. of the United Coun- ties of Herts Perth, and Bruce, at the Unto" Hotel, Stratford, on Monday the 74 day of Jose meet, at the hour of 11 o'clock, foreseen. et which time sed place the mem- bers of the said Municipality, are hereby re- quired to attend for the purpose aforesaid. BTEWART CAMPBELL, Pro. Comity Clerk.. Ststlerd, 174 Feb., 1162. v5-oA-7J • ATTACHMENT. CANADA ) BY Virtue of County of Theron, ase 1 a writ of of as United Comities Attachment is - of Huron, Perth ani sued out of the Braes. County Court, TO IYIT : fur the United Counties of Heron, Perth and Brace, and to min directed .gaiset the Estate, Real as well as Persosal of Joan Brat.., tis •besedimg Of eoseeled debtor, at the Boit of Mascos !louses, for the nam of Vlgbtew pounds fifteen shillings. 1 have seised Ind taken e ll the hereto Real as well as Personal of the paid Joao Smut., said that, value the said John Small, return with. the Jundie• Iios of the said Cesn, sad pat In hail to the action, or came the fame to he dis- charged within three calendar monsb. ; all the Estate Real abd Personal of the said Jos. Elms Lc, or ee meets 11ereef as may be necessary, will be bold table for the pay - meet, beaeit or satiefactiom of the said claim or claim'of fuck other Playsuit or Plaintiffs, aesball or may take proceedings agaiut the property aid elects of the said Jose B.aLL within six months of the moots: of the above Writ. JOHN 11cDONALD, 8heriC H. P. k B. Samtri a Orrrca, Cotnalc. 1816, Febr.ary, 1081. 58-04-80 tatiga GODERiCH, PORT SARNIA, HURON AND DETROIT. The sew ed elegant Lowproseure Steam Boat RUBY, will res daring the ensu. leg 4esoar ea follows: —Lissy* Gadericb, (weather permittee , Sunday moraine ■ t 10 o'clock, aid Sarnia, Monday at t o'clock. Leave Detroit, for Gedeneb, every 8atur• dry, at 9 o'clock, a. m. and Hama, at 4 o'c.ock p. m. First trip, the first of April, 1152. WANTED. Three huhdred edrde good Merrhanlable Steam Boat Wood, well .pllt, fo-ir foot long. Delivered os rho (,od.rlch, Pea. A portion of the ahoy* Wood most be hard ed.eawoocd would be prorated. ELI WARD, toil, l)s reit, 5.18. 20th 1852. TIMILLY %YARNING:. IT wnsld be Well Idr - all shoe* Indebted to the Godevieh Foundry, ether by solo or ' ,emme, to call aid utile tmmedutely. W. J. /MAYS. Oodsneb, 114 Feb., 1851 v5 -s5. A GOOD OPPORTi'NiTY von YOUNG MEN. WANTED at lbs - Osrynch Foundry .b apprestreay tire. active 'resat twee, Odevi.h, Feb. 964, 1269. v5 -e5 JOHN RA Lim. TIN AND COPrPR AtArtti, peat dear Med Yukon: !Intel, Wee. Street. hoe tNMta.Uy es hon.: • ab,.e sigma aTi...,., Cookiwg sad H.,,, rr;n,e.• 0h., which be .41 sail at s.eeyerably re• dead pewee. The *Owl priserp. le tree* foe old (temper, betty., pawtar, tlwld}ebis., salt wed bed hides, feet Hee sed rages. Ail hews of More►eteM. Freakier sakee is websego et "ash Weed. F.S. 11, 1112. TOWlfetllF TREASURER'SABSTRACT, a►wN1E,T0l1at DECEIIB 1., 1881 MONIEB RECEIVED. le' Jaas'y. 1, To sash b.testa hors lase year, To case ain't ..f U...at e K .n, N, To ('ash der Ono. Brown, t;.4 . January car, (taste., F.b'y 15, To Cash per Cosa. W.i..•, Collector 1,.r Doer." a• follow", ell fur Coatroom tkhoo's, f6(110011: 0 0 Amoco' collected of bestial Taa, school Become No. 14 0 rah, Council orders ea eternal of Too msh'pTea. {3 10 Ill 117 10 0 22, Tu Cash Iron Ju. Wil.w no sreoust of Boer lnu•nce, 9 las 0 Meeh 1, Te Ca.18 from .1. P. Si,..•;u. accooat .,1 du 9 10 ll July 1, To Cash from William Bator do do • 10 o To Casb from Cbas. Vei!w• Colied,, ler Downs •a account, Toweahrp Rae, Aug. 23, Tu Cad hem Goo. Brown, Jen., E'q.,'awuuot of Tavern 1. • teats fund received h, GL, Dec. 20, To Cash, batlanc• of Tuw••h:p Tai for 1831, To Cast, Tarcre Licence, Jas. McCauley, t e log 9 e. S l 13 L i a O ,861• MONIES 1'.11!1. Jan. 93, By cash per 3. 3. E Linton, ''dune I o.Jer No. 99, being bal. limes ut Township Clerk. Sider! 1*5I, 21, B: amount of A'•wntee Lot County Holl, By amount of Collectore per contain on Conn', Roll at 3 per rent.. By pandas follows beteg for taking ('sono, to W. Wateoe 7r. ' 3J., Thos. Maim,'" 9.. 42., Jas. Rea' red 13..5.1., By paid Township Trra.nrer per tentage a de per cent.. By rash pard Geo. Brow•, Lao., a per Ict. le cub debenture. aid Trimmers orders, Thee. Melon)* lur Setrcting Jurors 10a., J. J. E. Linton 15,., 11'. Smith 10xs}} W. Watson !Oohs. Redford 10r. Fab. 3, By cash pfd Ceased orders, Nu. 23, to A. McGregor, C. 8. Supsrtsteedest, sad T..wo.hip Treasurer. 6, By eacb paid Coesetl .•den Ne. 8, to J. .1. E. Linton, bog not of C.Onril Room, Am sed Candles, 13, By cub paid CuuSell ordeal Nu. 5, to David Morrie, returning officer, 1851, 15, By cosh paid Thos. Webster, lin ease for C ,lleet:t s Roll. 24, 10. Coit' -cd order No. 3, Jas. Redford }Wog.. ff;.r ,16.51, Do. Council order No. 11, Ater -sacra fees, Do. Dn, No. 11, Wm Byers Couoallors fees, 1)o. Ito. No. 11, W. Ile.lop du. 1)o. Do. Nu. 19, Thee. Malonte Mimeo. foes 1.1g. Do. No. 1t, A. Monteith, Coon. lea, 1)o. Do. No. 7, notifying Councillors first sit - ire, by William 'Parson, Do Du No. 2. W. F. Byers Ret'ag Officer Do Do No. 6,Cba...Wilron do list, Dr 1)o No. 4, tt'. Clyne Returning (Miser, 1)o Do No. 9, 11'. Smith, Towosbip Councils desk, Six , Du Do Nn. 14, W. Close Couseillo., fns, Do Do No. 16, .1. J. E. Lint to Tows. C!e:ts Salary, Do Do No. 20, W. Watson Aceeeor'. fee. Do 1)o No. 61, do Returaung Officer, Do Do No. (0, W. Staab Coueodlor. fee. De T. McMaster Teacher School Sec. b, by Douala Do I)oe'Ld McLeod de. do to, do 28 1)o 8.m. Hasson do do 4, do Do Riehd Coulton do do 3, Caton Ellice, Downie, 0 !9 Alex McGregor, 1 Dowse, iI March t Paid Council order No 2E,. Vai: Morel) k Co., fur Stationary! k.. 1 8 Du do No 24, 3,• Bedford, Auditors salary, 0 '7 0 I0) 8 0 0 8 8 It 1 17 1. f 466 13 9 £ s. d. O Iii n !0 4 1 9 0 it 1 In n 7 10 0 !'t 11 4 9 13 u 4 10 0 1 0 O 7 el O 2 6 O 7 '1 O 0 1 9 10 u 1 r 3 9 11 2 16 5 O 10 0 O 7 K 1 0 0 O 7 ti I '7 1 3 2 e 4 8 0 ! 14 b O 7 0 2 10 0 7 1 10e 10 7 018 10 1 9 13 5h 2 4t 7 0 10 0 Do do No !8, special Tax, School See No 7, Dowo1e, 14 Do do No 15, W Dawson Inspector of Licence, Do de No 17, John D0o*e1:b Road s'ork, Do Cyrne Losses, Twiner, School No 19 Dowse, Do W Byers for Geo Pu'y, Scheel Sec No 8, Dow.l4, 21, Do Couoell order No 91, W Juhnstori and wife. paupers, Aug. 23, 1)o do No 211, C 1V, loon. b'.i percent os (' 0v Rats Do do No 27, 3 C W Daly, Esq., (omitted 41 Anguet,) Do Agency to.J C W Daly, Esq., en Treasurers Check foe Tavern Licence, Sept. 23, Do Hugh Scobie, Tomtits, aceoont as per tees. Oet. 7. Do W Watson Council order No 55, Auditor. Salsy, Nov. 19, 1)o Council order No 21, R Boyd, Iaesaoeg.rs fee., 20, Do Absentee Lot Township 1(41, Do Collectors per comae* on fees of Township Roll, Do Council order. No. Rath, Mitchell 1)o do No. 28, Thor M.Q•rees, Dee. 31 By balance on band, 13 13 0 1 0 0 O 8 4 0 8 t 10 7j 5 0 0 1 10 0 O 5 0 0 4 n 8 4 4 1 2 24 O 10 3 e ,0 0 e n 7 '& 11 101 O 0 4 8 2 5 £460 It' 2 We the Auditors for the Township of Downie hereby eint'fy that 5e have .zoaised the above accousi, and found the same correct. ARCH. SHIELDS. 1 ,9tdit*►s. THOMAS MELLANY, No. 1, BY-LAW To euthorze the Treasurer of the U.ited Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, to contract a loan of Thirty Thousand Pounds, for the parpo.e of constructing certain Gravel Roads within the said United Caustiee, and for building a Bridge &cree" the River Maitland, at (iodbncb. WHEREAS it is expedient to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand Pounds foe the purpose of grading, gravelling aid othirties impro,rag the Road knows es the (lures Road, from the Harbour at Gedeneb, to the Towebip of Wilmot : sad the Road known as the London Road; from the Village of Clntos to the Towneblp of Loodoo, sed huddler the seeessary Bridgsa aid Toll Gates thereon, and also for build, mg a Bridge "erose the River Maitland at Goderieb, with the seesesary approach** thereto. And whereas the amount of in- terest of the above .estiosed sum of Thir- ty Thousand pounds at six per cent, will be one tb d eight hundred pounds per an- num, and the sum sufficient to form a 'Mk log fund for the purpose of repaying this said debt within twenty rears from the contract- int of the same, will be use thousand eve handled pounds per annum. amounting so all to Three Thousand Three huedred Pounds Ily. And whereas the *mount of rate- able properly in this United Codnuos of IIu- rne, Perth and Bruce, appears by the last yeah assessment return* to 1a One Millin• (les Hooded aid One Thousand, One Hundred sod One Pounds, Nineteen Shil- lings and E'cht Penes, excloeire of the lecorpor.ted Tows ofGoderieb, soil where- as the annual value of property in the sad incorporate,) Tows of Oodertch e.ouats to 45,840 10e 41. And whereas the special rats of three fourths of a penny per pound, hero. iilafter imputed upon ell the rateable, real and pertoaal phoperty within the Mid United Counties. end the epeeist rats of one ahil hag and 18 penny per pound per annum here, iaafter nerved upn i the anneal value of all the rateable real and perianal property within the said incorporated Tow n of Gi.de- r.eh, the only iseorporated Town now oto ietiaq in the said United Comities, will be sufficient 10 satisfy and discharge the lose horse aahona•d to be wends, with the to - tweet thereof ; within tl.o time limited hereby, and by the Laws of this Province. 1st. Be it therefore esse'ed by the 111.41- elm' asaeipe' Commit of the United Cour Ise of Ilu_ moa, Perth and roee, that., the Trer.ere o' the oaid MintedBGoateehe, aid ba . herebb .nthor,td on b.hart of the said Mluaeipal ('nnecil,to contract a lose of tbir. y thousand pounds in sums al lees thee tweety ere pounds beating altwreet at tae.. este not tresOdi•g six per nat. per a.wa. as may be agreed vireo 18.4.ee, 18.m and the party or port** .f a nog to soak. welt lean. which istertet .hall he pe►.yabio half yearly iw sterile; mm., at 1.••oder, h Pieglaed Asch tea •18..oeasd weed. of whishp.i.clp.l snit shall w payable s to years two the data at th• sow of the fwd D.b.eaore., the Airlher sear of tee theorised pouffes fn 61 teen wears from the date of the war of the said lbsbeatur.e, .d the holster* e( res thousand pounds se sweaty evert fn.m Ib 4.t• of uhf ret• of 'h..aid V-hetwre i,' aHIsyaeleat i.nadoa afor.e"td. 9nd. A^d M •1 fvrber reaet..l. Tia heal afltwtiag ..'4-.e. re..he .sed I.,. .1.4118,1 e.esrieg the (.ayowwt therm( .ab'.' l Dnheettrst row b.l..lf of •. seed Meatei i Ce.,ril .lull 1. heed 1.,, is- ..S is inn.• .n c•N 1... et,.w 'le. alt Or* psastb .18 -h D^beator.. 'ha!' he .waled rrlM shd1 .awl of 1h. es•4 M..es. p.l (•. nasi'. ,' 'j rt5 W4,lea, a.,4 emoterags.i by Ilio • county Clerk and Treasurer reepeetttelr,.*M shell beef date on the day the mousy is ad- vanced to the Treasurer, and be made pay- able with iatereet according to the toms and conditions of the said Lose as evere before me5tieaed. 3rd. Asch be it emitted, That • epeeist rate of Three Farthings in the Pound per annum over sad abose,aad in a8ditioo to all other rate. whatsoever shell be raised sed levied in each year for th• payment of the cad debt to be created by toe said Loam until the rine shall be fully paid, upon ail the ratable real and personal property with- in the said United Counties, and • special video( on stilling and/ penny is the posed per annum (being the ratio of the .mesal tic the real Of tapirs! value) upon the dowsini value of all the rateable real and personal property within the said incorporated Town of Goderich, sed within Leery Iseorpontod Town or Village which shall bere•iter be locorporatd wub.a the end United Coes. tree during the eoaliai.ascs of the sate rite. NoTica.—The abo.e is • true espy of a propo.d By•l.sw to he taker tae e.s• . ider.tiom by the M.ricipal Couecfl of the Veiled Corinne* of 'toren, Perth and Bruce, nn Te day the f mull day of 'ley 1561. at the the nitro. Hotel, Gud.rich, ((seen• ties') at len of the cluck 5e the fnnne"a• at which time and place the member or tae said Municipality are hereby r. mitred to a. 'old for the purpus* aforesaid. D. II K ITC111 Y. Cousiy Clerk. Cnnn•y Clerk' (MBre, Guder1ch, 91 et Jan. 185*. 'bat 9m 14TRAYED frees the 8ub.enber. es se about the first of Deee.her leo, Let 61, North hse Kincardine; a Ked Cow with a whits (are, end o'er the 1..,. .hen'Aer • whits spot with a hell oe, also a Red Stems with a white face and hollow back : oleo e Bieck Hirer, with Ilse back, and white "pet n• his hind gnarror ; sl.o a Blece sa41.14• ,iter wee A. 8. os its booms, nom ria years o'J. NATHANI.11. BRA131.1•. //twenties. Jae. *1118 *132. ,4.49 WANTED, rttWr) gond Ill)OT sod NSW 1sle•e, who will 8nd eam.tsnt ewipioyttaons sed good ware', by srrljng et she Khoo of the e.b.crlher, Woot.elr..t. (Ghee o.5, BVWYl'ARI► Gamo. Sept. 2:k, 1831. WANTED. Ne. 3 PCRO(H.. Owl.rl*1. Tt.e.blp, • Teacher he •Ily • i-irsl Cts. (;g.utisssw to 4ary will be vas. n.M.. A. NAPMVTI1. L"A71111O10ARIA TAILON. nee ,/ere Wow .f W. F. O,•ese stern Woes 41 ..., 0.4erftrh F.18. (1, 5655. whom • 1.h.rs1 Aa.l.,a-,►» 1112.,6 • DOEDRicf VOV!ODRT Wi1.1. M b00000se .ssd.neid ky 1- Keyes a hie www wew•tt, .ell swpMr awry desortlalao teelowseagd levee /stows Wee they .e. s.. T1.+ wens '• 11URR STOVE' w ttisit* vowed lis lied we b. 14 Iltt, $4 lew.w see beM'.fw., a rdwghe en ell anter •rrisom Geller aq Mb Turk. 1w. '((1Iw17�are..i'a..e,a • tmet Rt.erumw wwe ss.daire i1 r