The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-15, Page 4e ; .a1a �'! a heli AtIVDhat ,. atita r 13, 1757 CremartyComments Sy MRS. 10EN McKE1.i,AR 11r• and Mrs Donald Wallace. Carlingford, were Sunday wise tore- with Mr. and Mrs. George Wella,ce, Mie and Mrs. Otto Walker en- teined .a few guests on Frida,- eveting on the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary.. Mrs. Parent. who has spent eeeeeral weeks with her daughter and son•in•iaw, Sgt. M. F. and. )lira. J ettes. left on Saturday to vim relatives in Montreal an her. return trip to her home at Prince Albert, Sask. Mr. and Mrs., ,Toho V apace, Margaret Ann and Debbie- n l Woman's Missionary Snetety was held at the home of Airs " 'div Scott with the president. Aire T. Laing. presiding. Mrs. Grace Scott leri in devotions. The new stud: book. "Alissione Are ["hanging'', was introduced by Airs. ('alder lleleaig. Current events were gi\'en by Mrs• Moughton who react an article on the -t irk ,nf Denim 'Taylor. Theetepis, "The Roe rls \i.e Travel' , was. given by Mrs. Sadie Scott. r,ammente About e e a t ; .airs. Grace Scott visited in Lan t Kippen don on Sunday with Mr. and Airs. Frank Ca dtcl.. i . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Meliet • lar entertained a few friends •on By MKS NORMAN L OND Wednesday evening in honor of t . Ken's seventieth birthday. Mr Alex Gardiner is confined W,M,S, Meets to:his home with a severe cold. The 'January meeting of the W.M.S.- \1' ALS. and W.A. was held at the • church on Thursday afternoon The January meeting of the with 23 niemebers present• Airs. ,. V. Workman and Mrs, E. White- ens v II And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maknie Het�dleti, PIitms $ Mrs, Archie Macgrreger, Phone 36 ZoneConference ra .ToBe Held ere B. H i Here . 1 At. the Hensall :Kinsmen meet• ing '1'hursclae evening, prepara• tions were started for the zone eonfer•ertce to which the club will he host on Sunday, April 5, in an atl•day session. A Hive ussinn was held regard- ing the two, h.mkey teams, midg- ets and bantams. the club is sponsoring. Tleprwle were pre- sented on the sale of Christmas trees and 1tnt;n cards. Deputy Governor Bill Alirkle, Hensel), and Lloyd Stanlake, were cheats. Kiriettes Buy Chairs The Hensall Nineties, m.eetirrg at .the home of Airs. John Heal on Tuesday evening, voted to buy 25 chairs for the arena. Airs. N'jtlianx Miekle wan the raffle. Following the business period, cards were played. Personal .Items Mrs. George Wren returned home from Si. :loseplt s Hospital having undergone surgert• two weeks age, 111•x, \Vren, who is 83, stood the ordeal well. house were hostesses, 'The Story•In i Airs, John Sinclair ennclirrted a �.: suitable worship service with a - i�`1_ tt ry New Year theme assisted by ;-* , Airs. Finnendyk. Mrs, Pearl hove - By MRS. HEBERrDAVIS ix'itlt tics, }larold Jones favoured -ith a vocal clue(. The president, Mrs. R. Cnnsitt, Ws.,Hari• (;acro)) observed cltairecl the meetlttg, at the roll call was auswered by payment a birthday this past week and of fees. The treasurer, -Mrs. Mdr•- she and Mr. Carroll were enter, ley cooper, reporter) that the al tamed by Mr. and Mrs. Cliff : location for 19$ • had been met. Shipley, Lunn, Mr. and Mrs. It wee- decided to send used Ron Carroll and Mr. and Mrs."c'hristmas earns to war veterans ,Alvin Carroll. Londnn. in England. The ladies decided :elr. and Mrs. Clifford Abbott. the February meeting would lake Mr. and,;.,Nees, Clarence .Davis ,t lie. rotor of a pot :luck dinner, and and Mre G. \Veenestraum were 'quilting bee. Wednesday evening guests with • Mrs. Emmerson Kyle rear) a Hers, Jamea, . 'urner• I .chanter front the study book, ! Airs, -1T+. ''J. - Dickins. Luran• '•I'nited States. trend of the . Mr. and..Ai`rs, Albert Dickins, Church", • assisted by- Mrs. John'. Power Saw Cuts Hand ber Lodge .\lanley links, crnpinyee of •Am.- ..- General Coach 1Vnrks received painful injuries to his :right hand. on Tuesday when he came in contact with a power saw. 11creceived treatm -nt South treatment at Huron. Hospital -when many stit- ches were requh•erl to close the wounds. It is hoped to save his hand. Ho.ekey Inlury Larry tones, while praetising hockey at the arena Wednesday night, was acridelalty hit with a puck causing injury to his .lip requiring six stitehee. Plans Birth�da.. Birthday Noble Granit Airs. 'Inez Me- : e- s'n• n srat meeting. Ewen presided d the rte it f t 1.t 4 No. �r 1�•��,1 Rebekah lx ocl a ,,4 Anther Ie ka � 8 nn 1Vednesdday' evening. The .fin- ancial report was given by the treasurer, Airs, Laird Jacobi, IThe marathon •euchre plan was discussed. It was decided to hold the tenth birthday party of the lodge on February 4 and invite a lode from _the jurisdiction. Following the business meeting members entertained over 60 guests at a progressive euchre Minister Installs !party. The prize winners were: i ladies' high, Airs. Lorne Chap- man; second prize, Jars. Gra VVMS Officer ! ham; consolation, Airs. Walker Rev. ('has. J), I).aniel conduet•`Carlisle; gent's first. Glenn ed the installation of 1939 of- 'Pell; second, Joe McLellan; con- solation,ficers for the Woman's Mission- ary ingrain. Society of the United Church ` 'Pickets were sold on a lucky Thursday afternoon, and also ad- draw, the -winners being ;.fibs. dressed the group choosing for E. Shaddick and Mr, W. R. Ibis theme "Missionary Work," Dougall, Mrs. E. Rowe gave the de- votional message and Airs. Carl List Winners Payne rendered a solo. Annual reports Were presented: cnrre- At Legion Bingo sponcling secretary, Mrs. \\'il- 9 1 Ilam Helve ; supply serer etary , \I inners at the Legion bingo '.,; e,:t, .seee to et Airs, Norman Jones; Baby .Band, Saturday were Mrs. Swartzen- Messt�ge From Mrs. George Hess Missionary' truher (3); Norman Aiattson: I Monthly, llrs• L. elickle; tr•eas• Mrs. .Foster (3); Miss Pearl ' urer's report, Airs. W. B. Cross. 1-'ideswell, Clinton. tier) With Mrs. Daniel presided for the Airs, Swartzentruber on the Cixtli NEerbeth Mr. .and Mrs. Harry A. Cooper. Mrs. John Anderson ' meeting and Airs, George Arm• bingo; Mrs, .Dorian (2); Harold Noels and Mr. and \'Irv. Harry and Mrs. Allan Johnson. sy CARS. FRED •BOWOEN strong for the business. Swarteentruher; Clarence Tay - Carroll Weere Sunday guests with Personals 1nr (2); Airs, Wm. Smale and Mr- and 'ltics• Jack Dickins. - Harold Swartzentruber lied; Tont Mr. and -Mrs. Heber Davis these u H anal holidays with }�ithspent Mrs, Frank Osborne returner)1 Happenings In Kyle; share -the -wealth, Mrs. Bob were Sulida > guests -with .err. i 'i Centralia areola, ;�1'). and Mrs. Cont Slay home on Sunday' after emending: 3d J p were Stz guests with .lit. and where she rade: sebori . /wee.; nsi ar 11te By MRS, GLAI�WYN HOOPER Mr. ande Airs, Earl Atkinson in returned to Liver• not a few days in Campbellf0rd' � d 1 1 teaches s 11 T f (there she attender) the funeral: tttnate1 •, she met -with an acct• of her father on 1Vednesday, ,• Mr, and'l'irs. Ron Carroll \weP"dent in,it3ring herrknee. ' Ale, and Mrs. John Clark M. Doig 11fi'guire , t @ \lessrs. ,Tnhn Pepper, of Melee- (riewtytteds) were visitors with Friday €iee.:ats with Mr. and Alrs 40-1. solicit Cooler and Jnhn Mrs. (talk's )agents, :sew. J. Henry lodgins, Luran and visit,- 1 ed with,. Mrs. Hugh Carroll at Henderson. of Rueter, are having 1: and Mrs, Clarke :fora couple ed nursing home. is holiday in Florida. of days before leaving for. their Mr. and Mrs Harvey Latta i Mrs, \Viiliam Winder was lake home in .Bella Coola. The young and family were Sunday guests en Sunday to South Huron Hos- couple called on lir. and :Airs. l=ath lir.' and rIrs, Bob Latta, ' petal, Exeter, • \Vickwir•e on Thursday before Bally'mote- Mr, and etre. 'Eddie Taylor, of leaving on their trip, Stratford„ spent Settrrday with . 'Airs. Ras. Sdtroechlr, R.R. 2 Aires. R. .Dinsdale and hiss >A1, Centralia fractured her wrist Whiteman, • when she fell on some lee 0111• Miss P Lowell. of T.ondon. side her home on Tuesday eve - was a weekend guest of her par- min of last Week. 04d1L _ core Aire and Mrs.J.lo-r1 )Drell.. g ■ • � ,� ;jti Atm,' �lc�i ni vva sod Tepice From _ _ _ _ .- T,� rg s Mr. Reg. Schroeder has re - Ey MPS. AR'HUR RUNDLE dari1 A en ill' and m•nted to turner) ,home .Liom Victoria 1.los- Clinton Public Hospital where he pial. London where he had been r„. •.•. , was operated on for appendicitis hospitalized following' an acci- Fr iday night. " dent in. which he sustained a leg Jffice!a Installed •,1•• Kenneth,„J.ones is, •confined,•to•.�fracture.,, , At the morning service on Sun• ``his lining (s'ith influenza; y '.G'Jieannual 'United church con - day Rev. J. Wareham installed Mrs. Norman Long is recover• the officers of the Young Peo• inxx from a bad attack of bran- ple's Teenon. chitis, President is Jtm McNaughton; Mr. acid Mrs. Lorne. Schneider Mice- pres.. David wheeler; see• and family. of Stratford. ileitis(' ietary, Ruth :Miler; asst, Orrie Saturday afternoon with the lat. Thacker; treasurer, Marian Mc. ter's father, Mr. Robert Thorn. Naughton; pianist Marian Thom- son• • son: assis't. Jean Copeland, ' :Airs. Wilmer,Tnues wag edntit- Croups. Evangelism. Graep ter) to St. Joseph's Hospital. Lon. Donne. Shirley Rundle, Orrie .tion. where ;she underwent sur - Thacker; Citizenship. Ralph .-cry Saturday morning, . ; :- • Wareham, Janice Webb, Ruth . ..ee n ,r: � ; F ooper; stewardship and train ing. Don Brine. Jeanne Wehh , :Happenings In Marian Thomson;' missions and 1 ' world outreach. Ray MilletBddu i�` Jean Copeland. Marian AleNaugh . ton. By MRS M. H. ELSTON Herter )Newly Weds •eeeeeteeeeeeeee, Last Friday evening the YET . (held a crokinole party at the ;\1r. and Mrs. Murray. Abbott, church. At the close of the eve- Lueano • visited on Wednesday ning Mr -And Mrs. John Brook- with Mr. and ,Airs. M. H. Elston. share Time :Marie Levy) of St... Owing .to the illness of the Pauls and Mr. and Mrs. :Martin teacher of S.S. 9. Biridulph, Mrs. Arenthals ).nee Donna elitist of Rrure Isaac Mrs. .Alex AIcFalls Lucan.:.were each presented with is supplying as teacher. a gift from the, group, after Mr. and Mrs. John .Rolko, Jr•, 'which lunch was served, and Ross, Toronto, spent the i weekend With the former's par - Meet enls Mr. and Airs. John 'Rolko... The January meeting of the i .Sunday visitors with ' Mr. and t(ll,S. was held in the church Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr. and baseinetit on Thursday with 12 Airs. T. Thompson and family: mer-tnerg present. Lloyd 'Thompson and Lloyd :\Iry •F. Doupe. the new presi- Fischer, all of London. • dent, presided for the worship Mr, and Mrs. George McFalls eekri•ice. during which a rrtnment spent Thursday with ;\1r, and of si)•enta Was observed for the Mrs. Nelson Souire. Farquhar. prayer partners, Miss Madeline Mrs. M. H. Elston spent Aloti- Bock and :Miss Emily Maxwell, day afternoon with Mrs. John Mise- V. = ('hatten had charge Spacek, of the pragrant. Mrs. W. Wilson Visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. R. and Mrs. Ire Chatter gave scrip. Heckman were Mr and Mrs. ture,re a1glgs with comments by Tom Campbell and Helen, Win - Mrs. F. -Dpupe and poems by rhelsea. and Alike Kathryn Oka. 1drs. 'trodden and Atrs, v, Flurondale. Chattei3,.oti New Years, Mrs. G»- 'Wilson had charge of - the study;"book and gave a brief History. of'4he Christian begin- „inks tit Alaska and softie of their probielttsy Roll call was answer-' ed with a New Year's resolution and paying of fees. Reports of •.- the different secretaries were pa!:aenat !terns igen. i Miss Elda Brovvn spent a fel Personal Mama ' clays .last with Mr. ancf Mrs. Ross' ,Shirley Johns was a -weekend Brown and family. 1 visitor with her friend, Ruth Air, anti Mrs. ,Stan 'Riley of i43i11er, Zurich are visiting with Mr, and! and Mrs. Oscar Brine visite Mrs. George Gotten and Donna i ed with their couatn Mr. and Danny and Davey Scliilhe of Mrs. Jack Crosthwaite in St. Zurich leave been visiting with t 1lizrya on Saturday evening. • their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy i5 O. patient in grime Steeper, while their par - sit. Marys Memorial Hospital ents, lir. and Mrs. Louis Schilbe where he had an appendix opera- are in Florida. tion. A itumher in this 'ieittity have The- Young People's t'niott ,been ill, Mrs. Wnt. Eaglesrlu nxernhers, around 20, motored to , and Mrs, Dealt Brown are eon. Et. Marys on Saturday evening ' fined to their beds. and enjoyed tobogganing on the W.M.S. And W.A. ' )tills arnun • the golf coarse andThe January meeting of the or, their ret1,1 met at the Morrie W.M.S. and ,AV.A, of flip rotted df Jaxice and Joan Wehh' when Church was field at the home eif a vide ."tima was enjoyed. ) Site Ceti! Stnithtirs. Mrs, A. Z. Mr. n1 A:t s Llnyd ;Wines s 1P • vv a ee a r a e Holley s `n rha t a - H a, i . t >` or .he n 1 1 S. g dpent. .�aturrla; evening- with Mr.. ship and atlso took the third end MM;t Pete Reimer of Strath • ehapfpiy,of the still' hook. Cda', ° ` t, a i• "Clic w Miry a Prayer Sttrtrice ltfr. ami ;firs. The fllotnlnaert. will he February l3 itt the Angie• ►,tr ttt;t Ikira Jack ROM, AIr. and can (htit'eh. Mix Phil .Beitt1 n ctbam, ;'\tr'PM A. F;. IiolJet' ltistalle1 (tie and 'Mrs. Ven item, Zion West nffi:rfit's for 1059 for both the were Saturday teething visirnrs W M.S. and W A. ' ticute,Mt. and Mrs. John Tip Mr1,. i'oe J•Inrtier theW.,A pill -'r�e+derit, was in china of nitNr and Mils 11tg titan and W A. ,sleeting. ttrnily., Exeteraptiit S!rtTrdae 1116, rebtuat' 'triaetrns ti111 ba c►ri►lt 1< r. and gtrs. .roe Mani. nerd at Ott 1tot 7i~ a,C Vitra. :there and' faiTttly. j lllcl?a. 4 Message From re,enway r. Mrs. T. Waugh .or London spent Tuesday with 11r, and Mrs, Leon - aryl Thacker, Slr•, and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin• son and family spent Sunday afternoon with Air, and 2ilrs. Mitchell Willis, Woodham, Barry Thomson spent the week- end with his • grandfather, Mr, John Rinn, Base Line. Miss Ruth Hooper has been practice -teaching at P r i n e •e Charles public school, London the last two weeks, gregational meeting will be held in the church school room Fri- day evening, January 23. Baker. 1 Jackpot this Saturday will be worth $90.00 in 55 calls, Personal Items Mrs, S. Sararus has been eon - fined to her home owing to ill- ness. Mr. Cecil Van :Horne of .Lu - can was a recent' visitor with his slaughter and son-in-law, Mr. and. its, Gerald Flynn, -Airs, C. Wilkinson Won $30 at • the Goderich Lions bingo Wed- . nesday evening. , Air. and Airs. :Keith Lindsay' and Pamela, of Napanee, are • visiting with. the latter's par- ents. Mr. and iee. John Hen - (Jerson and family. lir, and Mrs. Don Avery of Sarnia were weekend visitors with the latter's parents, Mr• %nd Mrs. Joe .Flynn and Joyce, also with l.l.r, and Mrs. Gerald fFlynn. tt- o struction •of doge but has only' >ts- �cix�/ - p.� _ay quested all residents of, 11 to , �co-operate layeepld their lora I Dip (led up, Show ProsperQt..spl tf lndic:atinu .of the gond. year farmer's enjoyed during 10,18 Was .contained in the tax collection re- port presented by ('lerk Treasur- er 11. 11. 13rokenshire at the in- augural meeting; of Bay. Town- ship council Monday. Air. ;13r.okenshice reported ores' • 90 per cent of 1959 taxes had been paid. a record return for the township at the time of year. "I have never seen taxes come in so well,'" the clerk -treasurer' said. • entmeiltlrs but Deputy - Reeve Alegi Slousseau, who was ill, were sworn in by tete clerk • at 11 a.m. Be'.•Albert Martin, • Zurich Mennonite Church, led in devotions. • Reeve V. L. Becker entertainer) Ilse officials to a dinner at the Dominion JIotel, George Armstrong was r..e'ap• pointed assessor at. a salary of $600 and ear Allow'ane of hill. Plans were made ,for the (own - ship t0. be represented at the Good .Roads convention in Tam - lo in February. A. grant o.f' $15 Was made to the Salvation Army. Co-operation of township rate payers in regard to -snowplowing• rs being sought by council. it asks farmers to .keep cars parked as far off road as possible In al- low :for ,plowing. Council' indicat- ed. too, that it would not he re- sponsible for intik cans ,damaged by snow , plows, .. A pointments included: School etter,datle.e • ,o ie rr Bruce J. KInpp, Stock valuator. Bert :Klapp, Pound keepers, J.. '. Itie rem. ,f,aird. .iacnbe. James Masse, Al. v:lu Walper•, Leonard Aterner, d - win Regier, Claire Geiger, )far - old Finlay, .1larolct letctiert, Ai lea (rear, William- Watson, f' encevii'wers, :Percy Canlpbellr, Ted Steinhaeh, f,.laed Hendrick. flay township c.ontinultity CGil (re, fleeve \', J:., :Hecker, Deputy, Reeve Alex ,Nnusseau, ,.)elven)) Hoffman, k'erleratin; of Agritul- trrre; flay Fisher, seho(rl area; Donald Oke, Lions Club; Lloyd O'Brien, Zurich; Ito bhrt it, in. ley, hockey club; Arnold Alert er, b. agivcullr•a1' society; WOO*, v _ u• gill,, chamber n.f ennanteree•, i ' ,Ausable aulhor.ty, William , \ . ! ttt taut;ght. —Please Turn To regi in Clerk Jirokcnshire -vas in• l strueled to write to Boy Belan ger, game w•arrlen, to .notify him that the township has not paseed the byelaw authorizing the de - COME 1N and OM PARE the new station wagon with the most room for the least thney J BY STt11..UEBAKR Fasn'liest wagon of all. Full 93 cu. ft. cargo space on 113 inch Wheelbase, tet .shorter outside for easier handling, turning, parking. .57% -Optional rear -facing hideaway seat brings passenger capacity up to eight. />rcat+ 7' six or super V-8 delivers top mileage, peak perferrm>tnce, on retular 16w•eest gas. Ji Costs less to buy., far less to operate. Spirt . , . Sprisible ... Spiriter It's Your New Dimension in Station Wagons Conte in and Compare at.... GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS The true story of one small borrower. .. and 'MY BANif A. few weeks ago. Julian Janrrin. an Englishman by birth now living in Toronto, came upon Ihis headline in his daily newspaper: "Bank of :Montreal Deposits Top the Three Billion ,Mark". A depositor at the B of Mt since shortly alter hisarrival in Canada fire years ago. \Ir. Janvrin'tae prompted by the headline to write a letter to Gordon R. Ball, president of the 13 of 11, outlining his experiences as both a depositor and 'borrower at Canada's first bank. We thought Mr. Janrrin's story of his struggle against adversity rias north repeating, and with his permission, have made it the basis of this advertisement. 8 T '+ FIVE YEARS AGO, shortly after his arrival in Canada with his wife and three children, Mr. Janvrin had occasion to cash a cheque at his local B of M branch in Toronto. "Although 1 had told the manager that t was just an im- migrant," he recalls, "Ile invited me to open an account, and it was gratifying to me to feel that my confidence in the future of C'anada teas reciprocated by the 13ank of ;Montreal. Two or three weeks later I opened an account at that branch." - Like most newcomers to Canada, Mr. Jan'r•in had only enough capital when lie ar'rired to gel himself settled, and evcitlually he found himself short in meeting •the final pay- inent on his car, which was essential in his new job as ;t salesman, So he talked over his problem with his fi of M manager, who considered him a good enough risk to achence him the money he needed. But let Mr. Janerin continue the story in his own words:. "i mentionrthis because hankers are sometimes charged with being little more than moneylenders and usurers, but in this instance, I knew that the Hank of Montreal was acting as 11 were on behalf. of the people or. Canada in helping me (o get established m much the same way as in piondter days the Bank of Montreal must have ads meed funds to immigrants to purchase seed, a few implements ancf may he a teats' of horses. "Soon ;diem ards J gav'd up selling, disposed or the car and took a touter joh by night,•whiter .my -vire by day riui(e lit- ughnuts. One of us was able tveo of whom vete not then decided to' obtaui cheaper Toronto. A ear, lir, aevi:r, fre let•Oraxt C maw? lamtlr, :rtr, ,t Ver. Jan, pot lit i1 Jr, n rnutttat rinurta relax itt 1C r/r'Melt cofirsieisi*Ilibuto oy'a1UdH , (rally took the hides out of do a.htase to he with the ehddren, of school 'age. "l;ifteen to itths later u.r€ t ntal accomntreedetion ou(gide TMS Success Story of Julian JanvrirL. Julian Janvrin is the last person in the world. to say that his is a success story, We think it is. But you can judge for yourself. would then he essential. Again the hank went along with us. "Two years ago the landlord oldie house we were renting decided to sell the house. Again the Bank of Mont- real helped us and advanced the down payment that pre- ve+itcd our home being sold over our heads. "This summer my son, havieg passed through six grades in three years at public school, sat for the cornpetitiveentranceexan- ination to a school far which 1 would have to pay an annual fee , , . hoc this, too,1 alit in large .measure indebted to the Rank of Montreal, for in ,tune circumstances %'ere such that had 1 not beer' my hankers support, 1 might not base ever considered sending hint to this school. "\Ve have now again mntecl into Toronto to he nearer the school, but our circumstances hase improeed, inasmuch as our teenage (laugh, ter ha now left high school of her own wish and is now working; and as the tete younger children are now at school. my wife it the New Year will he ire a position to,to k.e an nflicc job, "1 his is not a success :story, for the s(rug- gle, believe lite, is stilt on, Ittrt our bank account is now rn bettcrshape than it has been I'or the past five years arid will now pe'rliaps bear scrutiny, "I Ant now, thcr•ei'ore, at test in a position to write to thank "vI,) Bank aid in artieular . 1 niy bank manager, for the confidence it placed in us and for the help, encouragement and courtesy it has always ex• tended to us. "To me it'is no surprise that the depot:its of the Rank of Montreal should haee topped the 3 -billion mark, for although from the short term point of view 1 myself am no( yet in a position to make large deposits, it may \sell he From the long term point or view, that my son, as a rep•' rescntative of the coming generation, may be. its a position to do as other sons of Canada are now +Joliig.” "Get 1), knms your hanker," .tats ,lir. Janrrin. "i'a,,r hest rollatrral it hit r»nlulrnre," .4 %part- time bre-fanrt uturr.he snow's' marc, e,,'nrugs at Mr trpeurh'r HMIs. the children miff t, niy financial 'eofflidettt of • • 'The 13 of M is, of course, proud to have played its part in. Julian Janvt•in's success sto'ry,, and is grateful to him for allowing us to publish it to indi'.ate some of the many ways in vehich Canada's first hank works with Canadians—new and old alike —in every walk of life from coast to coast Mr, Janvrin's story go-. vices a sincere and unsolicited testintonitt to the fact that "II 'hen Jou ask for 'a loan at the Malik of Moirtreal, •lou do fiat ask e favour". When money is a prob. )cite with you, why trot set 11 of M maneger^ //join' prop- DdtfpA is sound and reason- able there's wrath',) for ,tot at the 11 of;tl,,,atthe /oae.rt rates dart on the frilrest terms. Ault -leas -old !Wert Malta), %rtn lint bra ,otur'tr sister, Patrol?, it a %indent nt one hl' r dandier raj' etrearatory schools, thanks to a emelt 11 01,t1 Petunia! L ,,.u a a'igyaf; •low Iv.. MY BANK" In Nrrrldv 01/0/AA's A