HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-15, Page 3.Bend WiII Investigate::PS Plans Tuckersmith Tags Dogs Ifs Rovenge*
'Phone Improvement
Improve lent in telephone Library board, We11Weed OHL
vice was one of the main topics1 ;Reuel committee, John usxi.
discussed by Grand: Bend -coUn- 'ore,wiJJiaSturdevant,
.cil at its laa1411ral 1711"ting last Weed ins ector, Wellwond Gill
Celentil hopes- to Meet soon 4re iota. Lawrence iNiason.
.with nay inwnship. emelt, ope- Building and sanitary ins:pec-
ralors of the Hay' telephone sys- tor, Alwyn Dayman.
loin, to discuss :changes, ! SJJD}IS representative W:
Council aporeverl a policing R. AlacLartm; Forest District
agreement with -Ontario Previte- High Sehool, Mrs, Emery Des
sial Police sinilar Le last; :carejardins.
which provides the resort .160)1 Ausabie Authority lohn
six office' s during the stimmei. •
along with a paddy wagon and i
car. OPP •CorporeleNcil
berlain remains in charge of the
police dept.
Salary of the road foreman
Charles Rem cs, was •raised from
$1.5e0 to $1.790.
Rev. A. E. Holley, chairman
of the library board, requeeted
the board's grant to be increased
to $100. This was aoproved.
Clerk Murray. Des Jardins
presents a pronoeed budget for
1959 which !will be studied hy
council and considered at a later
Appointments included:
Usborne Plans
--Continued From Page 1
1,000 yards. •
Regular meetings will be held'
the second Monday afternoon of
each month.
Reeve Smith was Instructed to
enlist one -of the pound keepers
and arrange for disposal sale of
stray cattle under the Pounds
Current accounts included the
rebate of the provincial grant
and surplus on the Scott drain
received from the Township of
Hibbert in the amount of $580.21,
pro rata to the assessed ratepay-
Clerk Strang administered the
oath to the councillors during the
opening ceremonies in tvhich.
Rev, Hugh Wilson, Thames
Road, took. part.
The Chiropractic Office of
G. A. Webk will be closed
.January 10 to 17
Jo order t3 attend a post-
graduate course in Toronto.
G. A. Webb
Aledical Officer of Health, Dr.
Fred Boyes.
Road committee, William
Cocbrane and Wellwood GiIL
• Fire .cmoniittee, William Coch-
rane and John Alano.re.
Health committee, Dr. Fred
Boyes, William Sturdevant and
• Alwyn Darman.
Police committee, committee
of the whole.
Arnold Janke 35
Veteran Of RCAF
1 Arnold janee, of Exe.ter, aged ;
135, died afondav in Westminster
1Hospital, London.
1 Mr. Janke .is a native of Chee-
ley where his father and a
brother reside. He served in the
1 air force until 1952 and for
snme time was a civilianem-
ployee at the RCAF Station e'en -
traria, For 'eeveral years he has
not enjoyed good health and has
; been in hospital several times.
Surviving Are his widow and
three children.
Mr. Janke • was a member of
the Exeter branch of the Can
adiaze Legion and a service by
the Legion was held Wednesday
1 evening at the R. C. Dinney
• funeral homewhere funeral
service tvill he held Thursday at
1 •
two .p.m. conducted by Rev.
Harold Snell, Interment will be
On the Exeter cemetery.
The Exeter Kinettes held a
short business meeting at the
home of Mrs. Floyd Ford on
Monday night. President Mrs.
Ray Frayne was in the chair.
Mrs. Frayne and Mrs. John
Burke. assisted theShoetess.
Mrs. Jim Potter, Anne Se
won the linen draw on which
members sold tickets, John Hen-
drick made the draw.
Official Objects
—Continued From Page
Mr. :Henderson said that on
election day, the clerk, who was
acting as returning, officer, told
on.e :prominent citizen, in answer
question:to a "The t • corn-
ing in fairly Well considering the
calibre of the: candidates." At
the inaugural ileeeting, when his
resignation was requested, the
clerk did not deny making the
remark nor did he apologize for
it. .
Mr. Henderson felt it was the
cleric's domineering attitude and
the Manner in which he spoke to
people which created animosity.
Get our
0 interest per annum
0 on trocle-in ... on cosh:
The earlier you trade,
. the bigger the beaus
V. L. Becker fa. Stant
Phone 60-W Dethwood
Shoe SAL
Skates for all the family slashed
LOW AS 25%.
Dock Shoes
PtE, $17.;5 94.95
All becks in Stock
Skates Reduced
from $10.95 to $9.45.
A'a" LOW AZ $4.75
Skates Sharpened est the Spat
ties Wuerth's for Anti t 'Hite •
With Rash Pah' of Ruhlmkt. 86arti
1 P.gir Sock Savers (Reg. 600) ter 390
4 •
Operetta To Aid Rah
Pupils at Exeter Public School -
will present another colorful
operetta this year -
This was revealed at the In
augural meeting of the board
when Principal A. IL Idle said
he hoped it, would be staged dur-
Mg Education Week in March.
The production is entitled "The
Cobbler or Fairyland",
The board approved the pro-
jP.Ilde.v. R., Van Farowe, on be-
half of the. Exeter Ministerial
Association, reported -that the re-
ligious instruction program in
grades seven and eight had
proven successful and the in.
structors, Rev. Kerr and him-
self, were gratified with the re-
Rel'. Van Farowe, who is
minister of Bethel Reforeled
church, said the instruction was
appreciated he immigrants from
Holland who felt that religious
education has been conducted in
a satisfactory manner in this
Wallace Gi Seldon was elect-
ed chairman of the hoard for his
seventh term, 'Vice-chairman is
:Robert Southcott,
CoMmittees include:
s •
Teachers — Southend, Ray
Frayne, Andrew Johnston.
. Fuel and supplies—IL L. Bea-
vers, Frayne,
Property —Ross Tuckey, Bea-
vers, Frayne.
Police Chief C. H. McKenzie
was appointed attendance of-
ficer and Howard Ince was
named the board's ' rePreeenta-
tive to Exeter Library Board,
Principal Idle reported enrol-
ment at 465 with an average at-
tendance of 408.
:Board members Arranged to
entertain the staff at a social
evening" no Monday, January 19.
Purchase of a lawn mower
from Exeter Cemetery Board is
being investigated,'
Visits In .Russia
— Continued.. From Page 1
color, trimming and style. "More
men attend fashion shows in
• Russia than women" said Mrs.
As a step toward control of
doge during the rabies threat,'
Tuckersmith council will supply
tags for all dogs in the township
for identification purposes,
Council is also considering a
bylaw providing for confinement
of dogs during such periods as
may be Prescribed be proclama-
It is expected the tags will he
mailed to all dog owners or
harborers and .the' dogs must
%year them, Otherwise, the ani-
mals will be suspected as strays.
Dr. James SOITIPIC, F4111011(1"
conducted a .short devo-
tional after Reeve. Foi•syth and
his councillors subscribed
• oaths of office administered hy
Clerk E. P, Chesney at the in-
augural •meeting MondaY-
1 Grants were made to the
Brucefield Fire Den't, tV,00:- Scott
Memorial Hospital, $25; Salva
tion Army, $25; St. John's
Ambulance, $i0.
The clerk was instructed to
notify owners in the Egmonrl
vilte water area that all accounts
must be paid on nr before due
!date and water will he discnn
!fleeted from property in arrears.
Munroe Sets
Ladies Pace
Dot Munroe is setting the pace
sin the high average division of
the ladies' league at 1.98. D. Mat-!
tson is second with 194 while N.
1Caldwell and J. Lovell share
third place with 187 each.
1 Bowling, results, standings and
!averages are as follows.
1 Happy Gala continue to set a
red-hot pace in the Exeter
Ladies' Bowling League as they
stretched their lead by five
points over their closest rivals
last week by sweeping seven
points from the Alley Cats.
Hi -Lights, who are .nestled in
second place. took a 5-2 beating
front the Buttercups to lose
ground in their quest for first
place supremacy.
Pin Poppettes charged to with-
in two points of the Hi -Lights
for second place when they took
them all from the Wee Hopes to
boost their point total' to 75.
Alley Cats splace fourth with 67
while the •• Be -Bops are hot on
their heels with 66.
Free Bowling Awards of the
week, event to Mary Holtzman and •
Marion Rader. who each tied for
high triple with 636. C.• Sweitzer
was the winner of the hidden ,
Pills (I. Page 4771
Who Cares (E. Pinder 510) 11
Merry Mains G. Farquhar 577) 7
Roliettes (B. Harrison 546) ___ 0
jolly Six (1. Simmons 473)
Busy Bees (A. Cutting 6201 _... 7
"We were treated with •incre-
dible, genuine friendliness but I
decidedly would not like to live.
there although you can't help
hut admire their pro,gress,"
commented Mrs. Hall. She felt
that exchange visits between
'Canadians and • Russians have
been most helpful and asked
her listeners to assess carefully
all they read about Russia,.
Mrs. Hall illustrated her talk .
with colored pictures she had
taken, establishing the -fact there
are more -maple trees ie. Russia
than in Canada. and their colors
, are just as vivid. • 1
She .was introduced .by
ray Greene and thanked -by Glenn
• Fisher.
It .was men's night and. Ger-
ald Godbolt chaired the meeting
and 'William. Huntley was secre-
tary. Miss Maxine Godbolt. Mit-
chell, was accompanist for a
singsong led by Miss Betty
Sugar And Spice
tion v
— Continued From Page 2
:people, who have just, stuffed
themselves with be•key, in a
warm hall, he simply can't get
through. He . might as well be
talking to a couple af hundred
seals who have just cleaned up
a ton of fish.
* •
. And the coward who knows
this however poor a speaker he
is, is always welcome as a speak-
er, because he has a• collection
of. hoary jokes. AR he has to do
tp Make a wonderful impression
is: tell the audience how delight-
ed he is to be there, and tell
a joke; mention vaguely the
purpose of the gathering, if he
knows it, and relate an anec-
dote; thank the ladies- at some
length for the splendid dinner,
and regale his listeners with a
funny story; tell those present
they are the salt of the earth
and it is an honour to be among
theni, and wind Up with a final
joke. They'll go home claiming
that he was the best speaker
they'd heard in a coot's, age,
As 1 am a coward, it produced
a special terror in me when I
realized that I t know a
single funny story. When I was
e young em -of a bachelor, I had
quite a fund of them. But when
,1 got married, 1 discovered that
women, at Meat the one I got,
have no sense of humour.
When we were first married,
I'd come haste with some real
rib -splitters, and try to share
them with her, but by the tame
was finished trying te explain
there, I'd be roaring and- she'd
be crying, so 1 gave up.
• * * 5
The very last time tried it
was a couple of years ago. ,I
heard this story and thmight it
would knock even the Old Gild
but, You all know it. The Iwo
keen golfers On the ninth tee,
ready to drive, when the funeral
cortege 'came along the road
bordering the: gll club. One
golfer took off his cap and stood
with bowed Head the pre-
ceseion had passed. Itis friend
asked the reason kr the rever-
ent gesture. "Least I 'mid do",
Ise sAid, when he had tinted the
ball. "T was te her for
over thirty years."
* * *
The tears Weee. Miming down
niy cheeks as I told this one to
ley She looked eat the as
though needed A. sheet, then
keked, tether crossly: "Why
ivAtift he at the fuileraP:" Since
then, I hal'en't Been bothered te
listen jekee.
Sete to tilt a long Wry short,
.1 had ity ended with-
oUi jokes. And bey, Wit it
deed, lit fad 11 w5 As dead as
the wife of UM Ettglislinten. bU
knOW the one. Tete Etiglishineri
Met their alb. "Sorty VS hear
yeti buried year Wife, Old Chap",
said Otte. RePlied the ether: "Red
id, Old boy. l+d, sitin IWO."
. • se •
PP Gala
case. (11, ',Skinner 5.611 ... 7. 0
Nit e Hawke ID. Mattson 512) 21
Cue & DO WIIS (31. Rader 636) _5
:Buttercups K. Stapleton 676) - 51
HI -Lights (54. Holtzinan 626) _ 2 •
Wha r Note A. e'roesn 322 —
5lighty Mica (13. Wilson 6231
wee -Hopes (N. 'Brintnell 542) . 01
'Sputn)ks B. kiodge 513) . n
Lollipops (L. Brock 353 7
Be -Bops W., tnell 6831. __
• Handicappers (I . Stagg .)32')
Frisky S,x (13. Herw ood 4t1) _2
Jolly Jilis (P. Simmons 3701 in
slot Doge (A. McDonald 474)
Blowettes (M. Vl'alters 437) 5
Happy Gals 4
Hi -Lights
MA Poppettes ___ ... -..............77
Ailey Cats 67
Be-Bopi 64
tolly J ills 65
Cps & Downs , 65
Blow•ettes ____ .. —_____ 6.1.;
Busy Bees
1 Rollettes Al
1 Hot Dogs'
Wee. Hopes 56
'Merry Maids 56
i Mighty Mice 55
1 pan leg? era 55
1 Nite Hawks 51
I What :Nots 31
Lollipops 46
Pills 45
Frisky Six 41
Buttercups 17
Who Cares :‘,1,
Sputniks _ ____ ..1.
D Munroe 113
D Mattson 134
IC, Caldwell 177
J. Lee11 137
B. 'Wilson 124
0. Essery 1;5
K. Stapleton 183
N. Coleman 1;4
M. Rader 171
1). Fuller 182
A. Lawson 172
M. Oro nyn. 131
L. Elliott 181
P. 'Haugh 181
L. Break 171
A. Brock 173
17. Durand ' 173
M. Enw arcls 177
I. Sinimons 177
I. Haugh 174
P. Simmons 174
G. Farquhar 17;
B. Cherie 175
114:0-11.A GROUP 1
Last Week,e teoreat
Exeter 11, LLICan 5
11derton 7, Mitchell
Clinton R. Lucan 5 (0/T)
Mitchell 6, Clinton ,6
Exeter 11 9 2 0 32 51 121
Mitchell 11 7 4 0 74 55 14
Ilderton 11 6 5 54 p,2, 12
Clinton 12 7 0 00 ;2 11
Lucan 11 1 10 0 46 76 ,
"P'uture Gatneet
16—MitChalI L1.10fai
17-11derion Ts, titter
30-*Alitehell vs. eicierton
28-11itehell Eteter
Lucon 56. Clinton
:01G TEN Tior.N2, PARADE
*tketi Doig, C 16 26 43 46
Bill Cherie, E 22 22 44 12
:Nary phanto, 27 15 42 4
*Jack C IS 42 14
*Red" Loader, 3 ...... 17 24 41 17
"Belem" Gravett. - 17 23 46 4
Gera waitera, en 11 31 6
Charlie We6t11411.1%, 111 1G 17 27 4
Steve Storey, — 16 10 26 2
13111,'Pew ell, 111 13 13 55
*Denotes 10-eitiitite ineseenatiet
mere:ices genie mietoetwei
ftjuik glictintS6
6 A P Piet
hille5beele ee 4412
"Red" Loader- 17 34 17
Bodin ' OrliAett 17 23 11 4
.eini Russ:sit 5 A 11 2
Bob White. .__ 11 11 11 21
LartY, Heideman- 6 5 16 2
Bori Bayilhain 4 4 It 6
hill Piriednili6 4 4 3 n
Ci16h "IItt 4 3 24
Betirritle 2 2 4 2
Gib ,t:i.1100r1A. 1 2 3 14
11(515 1 1 2 0
.11151 2.5fat, Donald- 1 G 1
Al Periele 1 6 1 'A
Beftee 6 1 1 n
Bee ciatithrei. *sees, 0 0, 0 a
For Zurich
tes Control
The clerk was also instrected 1 yenge for a previens 0-3 beat
- - 1 Zurieli Midgets got sweet re
to notify all ratepayers in ar- ling banded to them by gxeter
rears of taxes that eligible pro- midgets last week when they
perties will be listed for taX I pounded out a 0-3 lopsided de
sale unless Seeh Arrears are elsion over the locals in Zurich
paid. 1 Monday .night... In the first game
A meeting of interested rale- i of a doubleheader, Exeter ban.
Payers on the Elgie Drain will
tams continued their supremacy
be. arranged for the purpose of .over the Zurich six by whipping
assessing repair costs.
Roy Bell was appointed mem,r,
- thexbrQtnelre'ssersseoltrnIg feats were
her from 'fiteliersmith to the well spread out lir the bantam
Ausahle Conservation. Authority -W fixture as F7 ci Ils, Al k,'
Clerk Chesney was employed Boyle and • Mike Cushman. each
to keep the road superintendent's potted two pais, Single mark -
hooks. for 1939 at a salary of ers came oft the sticks of Don
Council adjourned[Cann, Fred Lamb and Don
10 meet :Cooper.
'exuale 3 at 1 p.m.
. . 1 Hard working Earl Wagner
i fired the only Zurich goal of
GB Sewerage 1 the game in the third period. It
:marked the fourth time in two
— Continued From Page 1 !games that he has been able to
lation of Grand Bend presents a ' beatssthe Exeter 'defensive set -
problem in sewage treatment !"s"
and one which cannot easily be Sweep Doubleheecler
Met by the normally aeecpted 1 Exeter minor hockey teams
methods or sewage disposal.
Mechanical equipment is nermale eich in the local arena last Fri
IY manufactured in sizes that day
; ewntigaiittl.oubleheader from Zur-
are efficient only in a relatively 1 In the bantam contest, Exeter
narrow range of sewage flows.
"Sewage 14goons or oefflation I cleouutsrlevdhiletilein vtihsietornsiglbitycaapn t8h3e
ponds have gained wide accept-clubchaikeocluria the ante in Europe, Western Canada I lic'mcpalge
eeinsativae6t.3decision over
and in sections of the United !highly rated Zurich six,
States and our experience -with I Jack Stephan was the big gun
,somewhat similar conditions at in the
another location in south-western i midget victory as be pump -
Ontario leads us to recent mend 1 edup - home three goals and picked
Iwo assists. Frank Boyle
an 'oXidation pond' system for 1 dented the twine twice and Bob
Grand Bend." 1 Jones added a single ' third per -
Breakdown of estimated ex..
penditures of the proposed sys:inioedesgosaclortionground out the win -
tem includes: collector sewers,; Centre Bc43 Johnson engineered
$192,860: trunk main., $19,488; i two of the three Zurich goals
lift station, $51,750; farce main,
$32,775; oxidation ponds, $61 034, past Ted Sanders in the Exeter
net, while Paul Weido found the
and land purchase costs. •
i range for the third.
I Exeter bantams wiped out a
2-0 Zurich lead in the second
Reorganize YPU
period with five unanswered
1gosls and carried on through -
At James St. UC pressive 8-3 decision.
— out the third to rack up an Bill Batten Batten was elected peesi- Lester, Heywood and Mike
dent of the newly' organized
' 'Union of James • g 1
Cushman sparked the attack
Young.while .
St. church on Thursday et ening. Smith, Fred Wells, Bob Schroed-
Vice-president is Pam MacMil- er and Ricky Boyle added sing -
tan; secretary, Judy Mason and las.
treasurer, Robert Down.
The group voted to meet
Centre Earl Wagner fired all
Thursday evenings after choir three Zurich counters.
Exeter S, Zurich. 3
tenren Goal, Bedard, defence
Klopp, Willem centre. Wagner.
wings, Consttt. 'Hoffman. alter.
nates. Prang. Bedard, 715(11 Erb,
Dinnin Mack, Merner. Lawrence
EXETEiR — Goal. Howard. de-
fence. Cann. L. Heywood. centre
11.• Boyle, wings. Lamb, Wells al-
ternates. Sushman, Wright. Le,;-
nick. :COWL Smith. Cdonp.r. Me -
falls, Schroeder, Broerick.
r'irtit Period
• •
Photo Contest
—Continued from page 1
Entries 'should include the
name and 'address of the pho-
tographer, f u 11 • identifica-
tion of the' subject And the
date and place of exposure.
If you're one of the hun-
dreds of • "shutter . hugs" in
the &stria, look over your
recent snaps now and sub- .
mit the. best ones. Start
looking •fer new subjects
which may win you a prize.
Watch January 29 edition.
.Tke Tione$,Acfoc.ete, January 1$:,
Sell Bonds In 'District
McGillivray Objective
.51cGillivray township council meeting, minus $7.00 for each
may attempt to sell at least part meeting rrileeed. The eounmllorg
of its new public school deben. also receive remuneration for
tures to citizens in the district. extra lime spent on municipal
The 20 -year debentures, total- bUsinese.
ling $160,000, will be dated Rev. R. 11. Anions conducted
asc 1 and will bear in- devotions for the 1959 council
terest. following the administration of
Township officials have re. oaths by the clerk. Reeve Earl
quested any citizens who would Dixon and Councillors Duncan
invest in the issue to contact Drummond, Themes Hall, Earl
Clerk Bill Amos, It R. 8 Park- Morley and Ben Thompson each
hill. immediately.
readines at the last c tenet
spoke briefly.
The by-law authorizing Appointments included:
loan was given first and second t Treasurer. 'W S Pederson
meeting. The approval of the;
t North Middlesex District Nigh
Ontario Municipal Board is be-' School Board, Harvey Ovens, •
ing sought before the final read- Fence viewers, Jack Rook,
mg is made, John Bullock, Calvert Niche!,
Council will probably request Andrew Thompson, Geprge Mere
hond houses to submittenders cer and Ted Hotson.
. an the issue: however, if re- I Board of health. A n der e w
sponse as sufficient, the deben- I Thompson, G e o r g e Mitchell,
tures may be sold locally. 1 Clerk Amos and Reeve Dixon.
Saailsariweesreofintchrreeaesetdostamtsltihipe moil- F, Boyes, Parkhill, I
Medical officer of health, Dir,
augural meeting Monday I Sheep valuators, William Lee,
first raise since he was appoint-'
Clerk W J. Amos, ettmg his William Northgraves, A r n 0 1 d
asm ge, Bari Steeper, Bruce
. W. g, .
' Ile d
ed in 1955. was boosted from I Dixon and Harold Lee.
simon to 81,200; Assessor Wesley Auditors, F. 0. Kine and Co.,
d Road SuperintendentWeed ispector, Ken
! London
of $400, an
nneth awl -
Watson will receive $500 instead i
Dean White's salary was raised; chce
from $200 to 5150 a month with , Truant officer, Murray Hamil-
mileage at 1 0e, minimum of 1051,
8,000 miles. 1 Sanitary inspector, B r y d e n
Council members set their fees ' Taylor
at the same rate as last year, t Ausa.ble Authority, Freeman,
• $125 plus $7 00 for each extra i Hrldgins-
McGillivray Memorial Park
I 'Roar& Ben Thompson, Earl
District Te.achers i'Morley
2—Zurich. Wagner 13113
Penalties — None..
- Second Period. •
3—Exeter, ' Smith 212
45.____Exx:re:;,.. -wc'tiesilisn(aLnanibl 4 53
6 4;
A—Exeter, Heywood 1'2.201
7 --Exeter, Schroeder
(Cushman) 1455
„ Penalties — 'Wagner 10.15.
Third Period'
—Zurich, 1HVeafwneoto*d.„ ..__.7 ^^
Town Topics4kT 10—Exeter, Boyle (*Wells) _ 192 -'21'
E. E. Myers of High River,' 11—Fir7.L,.er.h.rushman
Penalties — None, 14.4;
Alberta, who has been visiting
with his aunt, Mrs. F. 'Brierley
Exeter 6, Zurich 3
and other relatives. left last
a ccle•tenrt I. edefence.
claughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1 ston; wingS. ON erhol I, Wagner,
week for Brampton to •vlslt his i fnectital:Wirl. nsVineVril.
Ford and family, before leaving Inalotre.rnpa.tejs6.hIntsatsa,
for his•home in the Vi'est. j :Denomme,
Mrs. Lorne Johnston is a pa- ' eXelliseitle-Goal. Sanders: defence.
tient in South Huron Hospital.. ,, McBride, B. Heyw joonil.,lice:sntre 'R
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchell I :loi•Vrsn'at,7!1g;ieTe ,
had a surprise visit over, the derick, Turvey, Strang, ',3 ni
weekend from their eon -in-law, 1 R. Boyle, Dri.exCtenrne.rind
Sgt. E. 11. Denroche, of Saska- I -
ii—zorich. D. Johnston
toon, Sask. ! (B. Wagner)
Mrs. R. L. Beavers and famile —
Beavers entertained Mr. and '
On Sunday, Mrs. B. W.
F. l' .12.-11.,tteTeeir,.7)sZlhhaannJohnson
to a turkey dinner in honor of 3—Exeter. Stephan
her husband's birthday. Later 8_,,ZetBreqe-.) Boyle
they drove to St. Marys to see i (B. Jones, stephapi -. .._ 15 35
Mr. Beavers' brother-in-law, Mr.! Penalties — B. Heywood ( hold -
J. A. Kirkby. who is in his i mg-) 5.15
ateond Period
ninety-eighth year and is well I
j 7—Zurich Weido
and active. ID johnstont .. 3.40
Airs. el. J. re ckman and Mrs. 3—Exeter, F. BoyJs
5 G. Ryckman and boys, Flint, ISlePhs-h)
5 71
15 13
Mich., visited over the week-
end with relatives Mrs B S
Cass returned with them for a
Edgar Cudmore ani Morley
Hall of South Huron Gideon
Camp distributed New Testa-
ments to 74 pupils of grade 5,
Exeter Public School, on Tues-
day afternoon. This is a yearle
event. The monthly meeting Of
the Camp was held al the home
1 of Morley Hall on Monday eve-
1 Margaret Sanders, daughter of
• Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sanders,
1Waterloo street. received her
;nursing cap during a ceremony
at St. Joseph's Hospital, Loildon.
on Tuesday. She was successful
ltn passing first year tests at the
'I'he first Girl Guide meeting
after the holidays was held on
Thursday night. Et try Guide
was preaent. Roll call 11`66 tot.
lowed by inspeetion The oriole
Patrol were the Wingers of the
SeVekal tette Were, named by
girls last week While others
worked quietly in the Patrol Cer-
hers. Margaret Misen and Safe
dra Hunter passed a test on the
Guide tawL MArlene Harnees,
1,tnda 5dWarc1e aid Shaken Sail -
dors passed stalking positiOns,
and Jeanne De Vries whistle
and hand signals.
All nest girig are votking
heed at the tentlarkiot
Keep it tip, girlatcaptain Mix-
on leek the g66d tight tflute
after tent,
_ Expenses included a $40 grant
to the Salvation Army, $10 to St.
Discuss Reading
Remedial reading and super-
annuation plans were topics ds.
cussed by Huron branch of the
Ontario Public School Men's
Teachers' Federation at Blyth,
on Thursday.
President A. B. Idle, Exeter!
principal, conducted the meet-
ing. Discussion on reading was
led by Wilmer Errington, Dun-
gannon, and superannuation plans!
were outlined by Harry Shackle
ton. Goderich principal
Next meeting will be held in
Exeter Public School on Thurs-1
day, February 5.
1:tolin's Ambulance Corps; relief,
Fox bounties were paid to Ir.
!win Thompson, $12; Breen Dix-
• nn, $36, Otto Darling and Frank
Hicks. $8 each; Morley Feltz
aerl Bruce Dixon, $4 each.
Ontario Hydro was granted
permission to erect wires over
the cemetery at the intersec-
on of No 4 highway and e
Brinsley road.
Penalties—Heywood 11.01; Masse j
Third Period 1
9—Exeter B Jones 9:501
Penalties — None.
4 Sbre...:Fleouni..-. elective
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Pioneer. the '1'4 regrets the ihtohvenience And mistthderstahtling tamed by the
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