HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-08, Page 4LEAD LEGION GRQUPS—Mr. and Mrs, William Brown, eeatecl, were installed as presidents of Hensari Legion Branch and its Auxiliary for second terms this week, Be- hind thein are the past presidents, Mrs. Irene Davis and Bain Rannie.. Legion Groups Install Officers A. joint installation of 2959, stalled the ladies. officers for Hensall branch of A period of bingo provided the the Canadian Legion 468 and the recreation, and the men. prepared Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, was and served lunch. dent Mrs. Broryas held MMr.onday evening, when r. pt•ePrsetiesited a gift frowmn and Mrs. William Brown' were Auxiliary. installed as presidents for a second term, As the zone commanders from Canada's northland, that is the Wmgham and Blyth who were to space north of the 55th parallel, j have officiated for the installs- comprises two thirds of the' tion ceremony, were unable to country, be present owing to weather. , conditions, Sam Dougall, a past resident, installed the men, and Dreaming is all right. as long }. ,..tr.. t...... .. resident William Brown in as you keep wide awake doing it. � I�tpn,ntnnnmumm,nm,urumtumuuumnmrunm,emnmum,utumnmmm,mnm,umnumunru,uutunmmr ;SHARES BINGO — Bonnie Kyle, 19, shared with six others the i.,nsoll And Distrikt News -CORRESPQNPENTS Mrs. Mauch Her;Isle•a, .Phone ,5 Mrs. Archie MticGropor, .Phone 36 Sonne Kyle Shares Pot Miss Bonnie Kyle of the local telephone office shared with six ether bingo winners in the $1,000 jackpot sponsored by the Kins- men of London. She purchased her card front the Kosy Kerne restaurant here. The Kinsmen .are devoting the bingo proceeds to the building fend for the school for retarded c•,., •, ". Stolen Jewellery 'SALE These watches and diamonds, stolen from our store early in December, have been thoroughly checked and are in first class condition. Some boxes are slightly soiled but all merchandise has been cleaned and contains original warranties. 25 Watches and 10 Diamond Rings 20 Costume & Better Jewellery ... .. 30 to 50%o Off 42.Pcs Service Por e, Stainless Steel . $18.95 Exceptional Values on all Other Merchandise In The Store --- Use Those Christmas Checks. LACK SMITH CREDIT JEWELLER Phone 510 Personal Items ,.,•Unnn..J..,.„,.„ Qln,„,.....6U1L.. .,,,,,,,. 4 4,,,,,,t = Q Mr. and Adrs. Harvey Keyes l . , ... L , tR S and faintly �a,id Air. .and Alrs. g Allan Keyes and fainly of Qt- ii --� Qtr Bl r'.nters -*- la were recent visitors with1.1 'Heetinf P'iumbt!n Shsr:t :Metal: Work Air. and Mrs. ,Gordon Keyes at' Sr S'.arnlachie.i403 ANDRE.W•:ST... EXETER MONA 71.3 • 1111 Ted N'ornijuton. returned In t allv'rsitJ' of .Western Ontario %,,,treteiimzutetateeeete,ntonttemttetm,trot,ut,.tt,uuumutrtu,wnmutu„uu, lliom,q,n,at,wi,u,A after. holidaying ls'itll his pfr-„atmmmtttmm„m,tt,ttamttm„ut„rrtm,trttrenttttslttituta�nttnttre:,tt.Mt,tttmru�t,tumtut4,mtmu,ttteuntunty+ cuts, Air. and Airs. F. Nonlife-} ton r. and Airs. frau Stephenson z 317 .and faintly, of St. Catharines, Mr. and !Urs. Ron Burt and 5 ..,:: lairicr,, London, Air. aur! Mrs,0. EEF. nalpdi Stephenson and fancily, of i Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. utas twith Mr and Mrs. Harvey Last week, received zi for Meer Calf, weighing about 900, also •' 1¢ for • a half Brahrna Cow, 't,�$1/a-i for steer, 'Steps en.oa i an...11, spent Christ Tractor VictimTreats •.Enda jFuneral eral services or the late !Card Club Bruce Koehler wlio was killed As. a tribute to some of the i when his tractor turned over on senior citizens in I�lensall,. the • liirn near Strathroy wet(' held t'hanibcr of Commerce served from St. Peters Lutheran church hot coffee and sandwiches and on Friday, January 2 conducted passed around candy and. cigars by the Rev. 0. Winter, .minister to them one afternoon before of the church. Interment was in Christmas, St. Peter's Lutheran cemetery. `These senior citizens meet to enjoy a friendly game of eards in the council chambers every afternoon and were indeed sur - Air.. and Mrs. Everett Fletcher, : prised and pleased that any Personal Items •Keyes and family. The Kippen Gun .Club. annual New t'ear's Day shoot scheduled to have been held at Kippen Su.nday,dantrary 4.has been post - polled until .Sunday, January 11 at 1 p.m. shying to weather sited . road conditons, Airs_ Reicl, of 1 ineatdine, spent tits. weekend with her son and claarghter•in•law, Air. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, AIr, and Airs. Robert Baker, Jr., were recent visitors with friends in Sarnia.'<mtetmuttteenam,ntntnentnenewnttm,ti ee ne,nnenmmmnu,nnmuwnemnutuUtnntt SHIP YOUR cATTLE WITH THE ;CQ -QP Willia.ms• Shipper of Moorefield, are spending the! thought was given to theist at ,►.. winter months with Mr. and Mr•s,1 Christmas. EhFink and Air. and Mrs. Barra' Hoy. Rev, Breis De Vries of Exeter will be guest speaker at the Hen-, salt Women's institute January meeting in the Legion Mall Wed- i nesdai, ,fan i4. Art Clarence Parke of the! Parr Line was admitted to St. i Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday, Airs, Robert Reid, of Linear - dine, is visiting with her son! and slaughter -in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Reid and family',' Bob Sangster has returned to I. Weston after spending Christmas and New Years with his wife and son, Michael, Janice Bonthron, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron, slipped on the frc shly waxed floor at Hensel' Public School on Monday morning causing in- jury to her chin which required stitches, She was treated at the office c. Dr. J. C, Goddard Mr. Robert Reaburn, prine.i- • 51,000 jackpot in the London pal of the Public School, was Kinsmen binge last week. Bon-confinedto his home the first WINS$200 — Big winner in the nie is employed at the. Hensall part of this week with the nu -Pot Of Golcl" Christmas drawl telephone office, New Year's Day visitors with sponsored by Hensall merchants AIA. and Airs. Louis Clarksr, was 12 -year-old Ruth Petty, R.R. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank For- 2 Hensall, who won the final Comments About rest and Clark, and Mr. William $200. She plans to use the 'prize' Buchanan, of Hensall. to help finance her education. :firs, Pearl Nichol' London, is visiting with her Sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Happenings In Louis Clark Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes Hurondai left -Tuesday of this week for ori anama where they will spend three months with their daugh- ter and son-in-law, lir. and Mrs. Leaton Siemon and Kristen. They will travel. by bus to Miami Mr. and Airs, Lorne Oke and and fly to Panama. fancily visited during holidays Mr. Alt Westgate, of Hamilton, with Mrs. Oke's parents, Mr, and spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D, .d, Detlmer, east other Mrs. Harry Adkins, relatives in Kitchener, Mr. and Airs. Leroy Peters re- Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Parsons, turned to Pembroke after boli- Murray and Margaret spent New slaying with the former's par- Year's with Air.. Roy Parsons. ents, Mr. and Mrs.FredPeters.Mr. and Mrs. Rhiney Heckman Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence, who and family, of Lucan, were New was receiving treatment in Clin- Year's Day guests with ,lir, and ton Public .Hospital, was able to Airs. Ross Oke and family, return to her home for Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Schrnet. utas. zer and John, of Kitchener, spent Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Weida days this past week at and son spent Christmas with the latter's home, owing to the death of Mrs. Sehmetzer's father„ tlieelate William Sines. Mrs, Matt Grimes, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arva Brokenshire, Mr. T. J. Foster and Mrs. George Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brokenshire, Mr. and Mrs. - Charles Little, of Ilderton, Mr. and Mrs. Oren Winer, of Hamil- ton, Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Hodg- ins, Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Mrs. Ann Hopkins left for her i O'Neil, of London Township, Mr. home at Chicago after spending and Mrs.. Whitney Brokenshire, the past weeks with her sister, of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. -Mark Mrs. H. McAlurtrde and brother, Brokensliire, of Dashwood were Air. Allan Cochrane, among the relatives who attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. William Sims from a distance. Air, and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore and Alvin, spent New Year's Mrs. Edna Corbell visited dirt Day with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon ing the past week with her Cudmore, of Mrs.setcr. daughter and son-in-law, Air. and er, earl Misses Johns,' Mrs. Harold Parker at Chisel- and :Helen Dianne, Sharon Furst, and ,Iielen Batten, merit Friday Mr, Gordon T. Munn and daugh- ivith Mr, rd end r.nMs1z Dime: Baillie, n tees of Stoney Creek visited last • with Mrs. Ida :Munn and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. 1)onGooding, Debbie and Donnie of Parkhill were recent visitors with Mrs. Gooding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG Personel items 111r. and Airs. Wm. Parsons and Bob, of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones and Miss Fink- beiner, of Crediton, spent New • Year's Day at the home of Mr, and Airs. Harold Jones. Miss Marie Jarrott, nurse -in - training at Stratford General Hospital, spent a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon .larrott, and for the past week- end, was a guest of friends in Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brock. Air. and Mrs. Alex McGregor, Kippen and Messrs. Wm. and • Tom Wilbee of Seaforth recent- ly attended the funeral of their stepfather, lir. Jim Edwards of relatives at Brantford. Sault Ste. Marie. Dr. W. R. Sproat and Janet Correction — Miss Pat Lovell visited with Mrs, E. Sproat dur- and Reith tnjoyed a few boli- ing the holidays. Mrs. E. Sproat days with friends at Chatham. spent Christmas with relatives Mrs. John Moore, David and in Toronto. .1•anice, of Mitchell, .visited Fri- Ale. and Mrs, E. Chipehase day with her sister and brother- and family spent New Years in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Verne with Mr, and Mrs, Morris of Alderdiee and family. Goderich. Air. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and sons spent New Year's day with Mr, and Airs. Art Ashworth of Denfield. Mrs. Barbelle 'Thompson of Brucefield visited with Mrs. Dins - dale and Miss M: Whitenian last Exeter week. Aiiss Tera Barnby and Miss Ruth Barnby of London, also ete,m,tneeu•,•,,•••• ,,•,,,wem,mt:ume,mu,mm,e„ttnuuu„nn:mmmmtmmmmmmmmmm,,,mmmm,mm,i Miss Margaret Walker of Toronto tnmmuueaememume leiele eunemm,num,mumnnmiemnenmieetel mmemnramnunuu„ called on friends in the village last week. Mrs, Percy Warner and daugh- ter, Mrs. Jean Wilson, of Gode rich called on Mrs. Bertha Brown- lee and Mr. Wm. Ivison during the holidays. Michael and Barbara Gridzak 'spent the holidays with their grandparents, Asir, and Mrs. Cliff Watson of Centralia. Communion service at St. Andrew's United church Sunday was largely attended. Rev. Cook of Lucan conducted the service, owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. McMillan not being well enough to take charge. By MRS. MERVIN DUNN Start The New Year Off Right Geto OnOneOf tThese South End Service Used Car Buys . '57 PLYMOUTH SEDAN—autornatic, radio. '56 FORD SEDAN tutone, automatic, radio, rear seat speaker, signal lights, seat covers, snow tires. '54 FORD COACI-X — automatic, tutorre, radio, snow tires. '53 FORD TJDOR—radio, snow tires, dark greei1. - '5t FORD S DA.N—tutone, radio, snow tires, '51 CHEVROLET COAACH—tutone, new tires, '51 CI-tR?SLI t SEDAN ---all power equipped! Owris radio and has automatic transmission, 151 AUSTIN SEDAN '50 14 ONA},CII SEDAN '31 MODEL "Air 'ORT Special Prices Cin Snowy Tires!' Soufli End Service Russ end tht✓tk Sndll PHONE ,318 Acer R �rrrt'UiriilliYli',Yltmiillttitlilyi tit:Y u l I,tmYY',Ifit,'irmY,YIY,'f ii, tllie'Yq if i Itfitl'tt0':f if I'tPY�i't �TIY�nYrtgil'iliill'YrITVn,titF,Y i� Mr. Marney Hildebrandt and friend, of London, were weekend visitors with the forrner's mother, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Dutot, Mr. Ronald McKay, of Cllntnn, visit- ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sims and family. Hensall Personals Edgar Munn, Airs. James W. tell left Tues - Air. Donald MacLarert is in day of this week to spend the Toronto this week where .he is winter months with relatives in attending the Bank of Montreal Oakland, California. training school. Miss Bernice Dilling returned Dr. and Mrs- M. A. I-lopkdn• t.o Sarnia .after spending the holi- Miss Bonnie Kyle was one of son, ,loan, Bruce and Mary Beth, days with her parents, Mr. and the bingo winners sponsored by returned to their home at Lion's Mrs, Wilbert Dining, the Kinsmen of London, Head after visiting with Mrs. Airs. Andrew Bell has return. parents, Mr. and Hopkinson's ed home after spending the holi• Mrs. N. E, Cook, clays with her dandier and son- Dr, Wm, Sproat, Mrs, Sproat in -late, Mr. and Ait•s. Stackhouse and family, of Windsor, visited. Mr, 1`ioss Brnacdfoot is home during the past week with the from the hospital, much int- former's Another, Mrs. E. Sproat, proved in health. Mr, and .Mrs, Earl Sararug Last Sunday at Mitchell united and family, of 'I.'Or•onto, visited Church, dire, Harry Calriwett ae• last. week with the farmer's • eornpanied hg Mr. and Mrs. Wm. mother, Mrs. S. Sararus, Bell attended the baptism of Mr. and Airs. rt. Y Maci.aren David Ernest; Moore, grandchild returned home last week after Of Mrs. Caldwell, and On of Mr. holidaying with their daughter and Mrs. John Moore. a a d family, Mrs, Margaret Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Hood Evans, Waterloo. and Joyce spent New t'sar's day Mrs, Louis Simpson returned with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Morton home after spending Christmas Of near Seaforth, with Mr. and Airs. Gus "froth and Michael and Joan Smith of Jimmy at Clawson, Mich. Grimsby spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Passmore, their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. of London, were recent visitors Gordon Wren. With the fornier's mother, Mrs, Visitora during the holidays Pearl Passmore and sister,. Nor - with Mra. Alice d)insrdele find uta and the latter's parents, Air, ;hiss Mabel Whiteman' were: and Mrs, Harold 'Bell”. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie 'Taylor~~ of Mr. and Airs. t'kt Barrett. and. Stratford Mr., and Mrs, Wirt. daughter' returned in their home Gerbrandt cif 'Brantford and Mr, in r eW York after apenc1ing and Mrs. Terry Taylor of Kit. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, chener, ,dant Faber and Joyce and Afr, • and Airs. N. LOtrg, choler, spent the week with Alt, and Mrs. Ed, Little and arid Mrs. Wm.Hyde. girlspent t`lew Years With Air. Miss Lia McLellan, flt Air. and Airs. Norman fiekert her parents, Air. and end 5vitlt , Airend Joe Opera Sunday afternoon with ride. McLellan. ate mfr's. Carl MCCdlrtchey of 1'/L George Sangster, of Ham - Clinton, Mon, visited last week with his Aft Gordom Wright Of ternebrother's Janes and David and Park k spefit the weekend with his sister-, Mrs, Len loake s. mother, Mrs, tiatoa Wright. and Mr. Lil aniphrll atl Mrs. A With Aft. And Air's frank Wright A, Campbell, of Guelph, tailed and family 61 ki ip .1i, ort Mends here last week. MADE -TO -MEASURE Suit Sale Free Pants Offered ..... n Some Lines .. . Others At Substantial Discounts rrwm $49,50 Men's and Boys' CAR. COATS 25% OFF Boys Flannel Shirts 25% Off SAVE 25% Sale Save i/a On Ladies', Children's & Mi!stas' Dresses & _ o Snowsuits CarCoats One Special Counter Of Those Popular Jeans & Slim J is Children's Wool Caps Snuggl ed awn Nitewear ON THESE QUALITY BARGAINS OFFERED NOW BY GOULD dt JORY' AND FOOD SAVINGS, TOO OGiLVIE OATS 5 Ib. 500 HEALTHO Large GRANULATED SUGAR GOLD SEAL SALMON 73/4 -oz. 479t DEEP BROWN BEANS Libby's, 20 -oz. 2 ,for 410 2 for 250 10 Ib, 890 KADANA TEA BAGS 100 bags 790 TIP TOP PEAS 20 -oz. tins 2 for 330 SHREDDED WHEAT ..,,2 for 37g GIANT TIDE 10,j off 69¢ TABLE POTATOES No. 1 10 Ib. 290 PHONE 974 EXETER