HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1959-01-08, Page 3Huron Hog Producers Church Fete
. ..,.,._. t ,,, „.,.
, pi . Success
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The New Yearle eeve party
111.1ron count)* hog prodOccrs.` MentarianS support fur higher held in James Street Vnited
a brief presented to .area I prices for :fowl. He :termed the ehurch, atteeded hy over 14111
InNliberS a 1110 legislature, havei present .price ot 15. •eents pet people, has been voted a. '' tinge
:adeed the Ontario. gov•eenreent Jolla:fund "ridiculous". .adding that : euecess" and already AOTS
,allow the marketing board !to. tit -was due te„ United States lin- 'members .are ,being contacted
earry On its plans. without in -i Ports. • for tickets for next Year.
"Integration is controlling pro, As New Wee e ei c hr :a n I s
The reque.st -wits made at a : •duction. The goverment meet , gathered. a sing song was led
Meeting er the political action:support an o_pen- market for our, by Ray Mills and Carfrei -Cann
eminmittee of Huron Federation i,products,' Air. Hemingway eeld.1 with :Michael Farrow at the
..tif Agriculture by Ross Love, .of i ,:tle made- particular reference lo, piano. Mr. and Mrs. Doug (leap
klensall, vice-president ,of the; :the present marketing of hogs, tee of RCAF Centralia led in a
-.producers. • 1 stating -that any farmer van Lperied .of musical games in
IthvioUslY referring to recent: produce hoes and tan find a -which everione -10,0,k Pita , . ,
talks and proposals suggested hy ; :market for .them. ' A humorous Mt In wnicti
Agriculture Minister Goodfellow, i "If this were the -ease with Hugh Love look the part of Dr.
Air. 'Love said hog producers , broilers, -we would still have Pled, William Batten. the part
should be .able to -exPeet govern- [broiler prodeeers," be saig, of Dr. Stretcher, and. .Carfror
merit support of the majority -Cann, the part of the patient,
eleeision gained in lest year's -1 31r. Meek, put everyone ie a
marketing vote, Ar a Witnesses hilarious :mood for the arrival of
,C. S. imaeNeughton, Huron - - --e------- --e.---- - - ---- ---- ----, ---- the New Year which -was greet
MLA, .and Marvin Howe, Wel- e ed with hats, horns, noise-
lingtoe.-Ituron MP, were present Join A$se.mbly makers, colored streamers and
at the 0 tine i 1 • • 1, -. -
District Results Poll f.y:
,COUNCII. ..r01.1 1 2 3 4 5.8, 513
Joseph liaskett ....... 91 47 37 41. 26 32
Lorne Barker 53 44. 28 41 aa 34
Harold Wallis 46 '4321 aa 43 35 44
James Ryan 59: 21 30: 40 27 31
Charles Rollings 35 30 29 45 21 19
Poll 1 2 3 4
TI1011416041 . 104 120 36 j.00
&Uwe Vadey ... 0:3 83 ;32.69 4522,
VICteir Lee ...... 96 83 24 39
Frank. Falconer .54 134
Louis Clarke 45 30 11 35
5 6
:36 46.
32 52
6 39.
14 25
46 aa
Percentage -42.50 (511 out of 1,193)
Ross Forrest
Robert Gemmel
Cleve Coombs
Chester Nell
42 ,64
52 31
68 87
38 41
27 14 41 35.
20 15 2.1 42
1.2 .6 4 17
31 1:43
i Entertain .
11:?,2 a24:21.*:
2 i741,1 semor tizens Met in
i Soevcrnmi. !.0-senro•Se.
:the !Legion Hall Tueeday eve To Consider Assessor
et :
luing for their hitilitbly :meeting.
Remembering the week ,of "-- - •-' ' - • •- '-- - ''' '' •"::''''`-"' ' - ' - .--'
For Stephen, Townsh ip
217 prayer. hymns Were sung under Stephen lownehip emincil bass AppOintinents ineitided:
188: the direction of Walter Culthish eatied for -aPPlieations 'ter as:*1 ;Read Dalcer. Glenn Webb*
with Airs. Frank King at ow segsor after hearing a request ' Atisable Authority represell*
piano. other !enernbers ineiedec for An *Tease in saieri from I tive, Edmund Hendrick.
Tot.' accordion solos by Judy Lam-, Its Pre,sent _aSsessor at the ,fe•I enceeeininithlyitenbitiy1 .ajned.11,:!1,1;pgli$0.414474...
port and Jimmy Neil smi •they augural Meeting eAlohdaY•
4243: also sang a -duet %rah Elaine' Donald clalser, Dashwood, who,:clas, one-year terms: 'Lawrence,
;338 Powe at the piano: solos by Mrs. was, aPPelnted last year. ,at ins Hill, Henri Heaver, Albert -Gals*
warred efunkin eeeompamed bee tenocr price .ief $650, asked coml. ce„ Mrs. Ross ;Krueger and Mre.
Mrs, fteg liodgert, and Gordo'n iel for 1.,000 en 1959. :John Wade, twe-year terms.
'Ford. accompanied by Mrs.; .Council decided it would give, SIIPHS representative, Bet
211. Freeman Dome; readings by other ratepayers . in the .town. Morera, two.year !term.
_Gwen ;Hendrick. and David sham, ship an...,opporturnty to bid on Truant offieers,. Otto Willertf
blaw; mouth organ duet by La.' the posthon before granUng the Wilmer Wein and W. H. Love, '
verne Redd and Wilbert Kirkby; !inemasee
piano solos by Elaine Powe. 1 A special meeting•Will he held i ricAlitt.dtter, A.
M. 'Harper' C4edef
223 : Trombone and eornet duet hv: '1.alillarY 17 to review ,applica,-! . Stock valuators. Murray V,.
211 Doug ATc•Beath- and Billy Faroe, ll°ns. i hott and W. H. ,Love, 62,00 a
194 hart vocal solos by Aire. S. ri.' A grant of 335 Ives given to trip and mileage at 8 rents.
- I
Klatt with violin .and. piano ar, the Dashwood Skating ,Club * Fence viewere, Murray Elliott
1.46 ,
q i 1 . . .
The TimelAtivocotti Amory 8, 1959. •
Twenty-eiebt residents of Exe feoriannpinliipitkcinfotrip*IIA.ullinspeatrilocce)trbsy,distrwt iseinipdisovsniclinnegar athieenikiutfhopr, tdtilCurhaFniinhker4.inAetrelv$14000Kpinegr tonbci.
„ thiellonns with which the reerea-
from various einnmodity groups'.
yurnn Federation President win. ter, Hensel', Ktppen, Zurich and
• on room was Iworusely decor- charies Kernick nernin )anirci ran church, aed council -donated! Road. superintendent and ope.
t f
f the church where a worship Omy itermati Powe Was chairman for , Increase 4)1 $1° °Yer iast year's' Man and team, $1.50 per /lour.
ee nad s Ec n by Mrs. 1Filliam Kernickl.
s'on Shapton chaired the ineet-iAlisa Craig
with the Exeter group of.lehovah's
who are associated a er.
All gathered in the auditorium 45
to the Salvation. Army, an raters, $1.00 per hoer.
A stibsirly of •five cents a pound ; Witnesses attended the three-day °
was led by De ft C ‘ve
• assisted bv Alervem Cinimore
ck Growth Track
, contribution. l Tractor baulieg light load.
: the evening.
Bto be paid processors as A means assembly in London held in the • ' - ' • ' n 11 ' '
of lowering the price cif butter: Wheahle lineatinnal 11180" with Rev. If. j. Snell delivering a • 00 17 shan anrt Tom \Valker provided. .
• Reeve Edward Gni and Council-, Trucks, $3.50 ner hoflr.
mended by the dairV en.nrdinat-1 The highlight of the assembly . s . • "rhere is aectimulatng evidence most entirely attributable to •
At the conclueion of this wee- The committee to arrange the wei,c, sworn into office by Clerk; !
ing committee whoect spokesman' was an address hy A' F. PailleT• ship all returned to the hall for 1,1,1t,awt; t!'eil„eesteeeahl,saicitei(atnoneeintns(nenoYurSlis>
ralistkidettpthprilhe:s,plut,e.icailia\uokiunldis)i • February nrOgram ineludes
was Lorne Hodges, "LH- 1 a Weteril Canadian missitmarY a smoreashord Provided bY Aril-
! and :1Irs. Frank Tavlor Mr and 'lames Alawhinnei at the 11
Goderich who is ehortly to no to Smith =
, ' Mr. and Mrs William 'Mar: Reeve (Henn Webb. DePuli- $1.50 per hour.
the consumer Is,as recom,jtute this past weekend. the music for dancing. , tors Stephan Dundas, James'. Road foremen were reapPointa
a inessane for the New Year Havter and Edmund Hendrick ed.
It would he disastrous for the, West Africa, ne s.
!butter industry to if the yam The address, entitied "The i,,The ehlwren were entertained
color ban on marnarine was Wetchlower Society in God's '" games and TV la their own
• •
.of long-term ermyth, aecording consumer purchases was .about Airq. Mittel Ford, Air. and Mrs a.m. 'Telling 01 the inaugural Ch M b
oir ern ers
to the recent Bank of 'Aiontreal's two per cent greater than in William Passmore and Ate. and sessimL
Business Review, which summa- '1057. , Mrs, Willie Arthur. Scripture and prayer were pro- e
neVII ministee of Crecliton and Enjoy Bowling
vicled by Rev. Dr. 'Robert Hiltz.
&duke United churches. . Members of the senior ehoir Of
neeve Webb treated enUriell. ja111" Street rutted Church*
ther's Restaurant. Exeter. and Parte' last Tuesday evening on
and officials to dinner at Re. numbering 30. held a bowling
the group posed for an offictisl, the Exeter Bowling Lanes.
attended the session to provide et'lc" "o enjoy inrkey'btirgell
Retiring reeve, John Morrissey, • ,,,, ,, ,
Later they returned to the
-Council meetings will he held. and coffee.
advice In the new council.
on the first Tuesday of tee dent of the choir. aud Miss Judy
' • *. '
Miss Maxine Reeder is pees'-
. Mason convened the lunch.
mos the nation's economic plc- "The consumer can thus be
, joiner le .
drooped, said Mr. nudges. I Purpnse," was heard by over e
, adults later in the evening. lure in 1058 and appraises pros- said to have played a sustaining ,
Briefs were also presented by ,550 people and M. Danley ex- Gerald Godbolt was master ni . -
. peets for 1959, , ,, . role." the review believes, al-*
russoi Brdion, et,R. 1 Dublin.lplained thoroughly the ceremonies and convened the "At this time last year, Ine !though "his attitude , . , appears '
1 Canadian economy had, for vir- to have been one of caution,"
ehairrnan of the wheat Pro. 'role this SoeletY is Playing in planning committee,
ducers, and Bob etecregos, of over 170 lands and islands ' .1 Wally 12 months, been steadily : Total personal income, after:
blown oft course , .. and there 'direct taxes, rose to $22.5 billion;
. were few signs of better wea• in the first six months, 81.5 bil,:
ther in the offing," tbe review lion more than a year earlier,'
-- says. "Today, looking hack over Yet, little more than half of the ,
the log -hook of 1953, it is appa• increase was used to purchase;
rent that a change in the general consumer goods and serviees,!
direetion of the wind early in with the balance going into sav-i
the year has permitted the CRO. ing or debt reduction, the B of
nomy to veer again on course,: M reports.
But the breezes have continued 1 Similarly, in capital expendi-
to be light, at times fitful and tures for new plant, equipment
often at cross-purposes." 1 and housing, caution appears to
For the future, the B of M ' have prevailed; and "a mid -ye •
says that despite rising unem- ehec‘k on the official forecast :
ployment (361,000 or 5.9 per cent public and private investmeut ,
of the tabor force, seeking work .10 1958 indicated that the total
in November), "there is acme-, would amount to $8.5 billion, two;
mulating evidence that demands , per cent less than in 1957," the;
for Canadian goods and services review says,
are tending to become stroriger Trade Deficit Cut
and more uniformly positive. '
In this respect, a eonsisient Lower capital investment and which certain point values ' are • • •
and broadly based revival of in- depleted inventories were re- TO US POST-Alajor J. A. John, I Will any points be deducted
assigned to each conviction rrg- from the record of the. driver
dustrial activity in the U.S. is r fleeted in ten per cent lower ston, CD, 37, Grand Bend, has istered for a moving traffic law, following reinstatement?
"particularly encouraging," the merchandise imports to the end been appointed Liaison Officer'
bank says. "It seems probable, . of October compared with the at the US Army's Combat Dev• convictions to the Ontario Det
violation. Tile courts report the; All points accumulated ill b
w.... es
therefore, that the Canadian eco- same period of 1957. On the , elopment Centre, Fort Ord, Cal. deducted from the record .upon
nomy will be borne forward in ! other hand, "although many of ; anent of Transport where ' reinstatement. The operating re -
the new year by steadier and Canada's major exports - news- = , ellTileratptioaitnetcsi againstareassetshseedopaenrda tianeg: cord IOU however be retained
more favorable winds, em elle.' print. pulp, petroleum and a As Times Go Byfor future f If
re re erence. the
. 1 record of the convicted driver.
ting partly from the south," the number of industrial raw mate- ' driver accurattiates another 12
Isippen, for the county beef pro.
Carl Hemingway, of Brussels, the outstanding world famous
secretary-fieldmen of the :fed- Bibie aids is the Watchtower
eration, who has been a WM- magazine, eirculated in 51 lan-
her of the Ontario Poultry pro. guages, amounting to 3.5 million
&Leers executive for the past copies monthly. 10 the past 40
two years, requested the paella- years the Watchtower Society
has printed over one billion
• • • - p.eces of Bible literature in over
This Week In 100 languages,
On Saturday a baptism service
was held and 26 newly dedicated
ministers were immersed and
will spend their time, energy and
Iy MRS. CLARE McBR1DE money in Witness 'work.
The return.; journey home was
• • made difficult bY the storm late
Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Johnston, Sunday night but eight carloads
Gorrie, called on Mr, and Mrs.. made it safely,
Bert McBride and family on
anne, Donna, Wayne, Cheryl CNIB Total
Mr, and Mrs, Bob Peck, M-
end Brian spent New Years
Day with Mr, and Ah•s. Frank S t
throughout the globe.
Mr. Dahley sAid. that one of
Elliott and .family in Myth.
Howard Armstrong, Orange-
ville, was at his home over the Althongh the Exeter district
holiday. made its largest contribution STILL UNOPPOSED - Austin
Elizabeth Faneen, Alitehell, en. ever to the Canadian Institute Hodgins, reeve of Bcklulph, won
for the Blind campaign this
joyed some holidaYs with her his eleventh acclamation Monday
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. El. year, it, still fell short °fits ol)• when he was returned to office
gin McKinley. jective.
without opposition. He has never
Mr. Clarence Parke has been S. B. Taylor, local chairman, faced an election in his six
confined to his bed since 'rues- reported a final total of $940:13. Years
as a councillor, four as
day with a pain in his chest. On Objective was $1,000.00.
reeve. - T -A Photo
Saturday he was taken to St. "Although we didn't meet the .,
Joseph Hospital, London, %for ob. objective, we , were encom•acied .
servation, by the record amount," said Mr. aes •
Ricky Hendrick, Grand Bend, Taylbr. "Perhaps %yell he able 1 iensall Council
holidayed with Mr, and Mrs.
Bob McKinley and family last
e s Record
Letter To Editor
-Continued From Page 2
Children's Aid Society Is ex-
tremely grateful.
We wish a happy and prospe-
rous New Year to all.
0 (Mrs.) Mary P. Chaffe,
Local Director.
The minutes of the last meet,. New Year's Visitors Aloines, lowe. They will be away
News Of Your Sixty-three descendants of the . ,
son and ado t d
to hit the target next Year." Conlinuecl from Page 1
Breakdown of contributions by
001TIMUITILICS: Monday, Januarv 5, at 11 a.m.
Exeter .
Ki rkt on
RCAF Centralia .....
Total .
new 1959 council was held on
86,31 : The new mem hers of Council,
Lorne Hay, Robert Baker, John
Henderson, Minnie Noakes and
31.0e Reeve Norman Jones took the
• tan oath of office before J. A. Pater.
172.3,1 son J.P.
.. ...... . 940.13 Rev. C. Daniel. gave a few
words of guidance to the new
council and led in prayer.
Here's How Point Plan
Will Work For Drivers
What is meant by the new A driver will be suspeeded
"Point System For Drivers" in when he accumulates 12 or more
points within a two-year period.
; Ontario? *Suspension will be for a period
It is a programme under: of three months.
review forecasts, . rials - were clown, Otese de- -Continued From Page 2 ointe within one year be will
. , ,
Little Change In G.N.P. !clines were more than offset by planing mill, Zurich and -their introduced in Ontario?
Why is the point system being, P •
i be suspended for six months.
1 sharp increases in shipments of :wives enIN,,•ed a holiday dinner Es there any additional penalty
Canada's gross national pro- uranium, aircraft, wheat„ cattle at the new Ritz Hotel, Bayfield. ! The purpose of the Point Sys- I
a driver is convicted or
tem is to provide a uniform ' when
duct showed little change in and farm machinery," the re -1 Mrs. Albert Penprase, Toronto method of segregating the per„! driving while under suspension?
terms of physical volume of the view says. !former resident of Exeter and sistent violators for special De- i Yes. Where there is a convic-
18 »iontlis to the end of junci "Thus, in total, merchandise ' organist of James St. United
and probably continued at about:exports attained new record Church died on Sunday, partmental action, and to secure , Lion registered for driving while
the co-operation of all drivers in under suspension an additional
the same level in the third guar- values. 0.6 per cent higher than i Mrs. Albert Mitchell, the for -1 the safe, courteous use of the six months will be added to the
ter, the revieW says. The; annual - last year in the first ten months'. mer Zeta Andrew of Elmville streets and highways. 1 previous period of suspension-.
rate of $32 billion. in the first , comparison, .and the net defier died in Exeter on Thursday i
hall of 1958 was up from $31,6 ' in merch.andise trade was cut 1 Miss Audrey Harlton of Ship-
-• I It is a means of correcting' the; Will drivers be warned before
.months, but the increase Was al,: million."
billion in the preceding six ! sharply -from $733 million to $242! ka, a studenP•at London Normal . driver h 1 . it beeoines -
driving habits of the dangerous.' -
110005 coming close to 12 points?
their records show they are
Schoo), taught at the Centralia , sary
Yes. When the point total of a
' .1"":"'""::' '' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Geromette Peltt.vtlesgetecoksstitsciPentidnpriolxi•se cd1rrii‘v•eil7s1
e.-e:.•.-feeeesere,-..e...:= ,, school.
driver reaches 6 he will. be sent
e:;,,eee.,!•:,,e•. .......................................................................... .-.
• ieteteotridnowtlicicehaidlevishiarif- alicinoitimol.
Town Topics left Monday morning on a motor i
and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Webb '
trip to the South. i safe, sensible drivers and will,
rather than punish them
It will serve to protect the Itailliaeli.1
reaches 9 he will be notified to
'errd. When .his point total
Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter tree. During the evening, Mr. attempt to correct thoseh.‘e‘.thoi
are reckless and irresponsi I attend before an official of the
Th. Exeter Times•AdVoCate is always pleased to publish these Items. Phyllis Cann, were
and Mrs' AMY Miler. Mrmerld When will the system be in-•
'Department for a personal inter -
Presented auaurated? ; view.
Holi▪ day Fete mAect.tin8a Poimeoutnhceil 1\11/rests Ilecfc11117nr We and our readers Are Interested In yo.0 and your friends. Phone no with• a gift to mark their recent .
Council. Chambers with all coun• emeeeeeeeeeeleemeetei--,.,e,:eeseeeeeeeeeee-----------.................. marriage.
Alr. anti Aire. Z. Maillet, ' ° '
it comes into effect February 1 t What ?will take place at the in.
t The purpose of the interview
. ,
At Crediton eaters pt•esent,
(Millie. Mr. and Mrs. Wil.: Will Paints be assessed for is to give the drivel. an oppor-
ine were read by Clfrie Pater- Mr. and. Mis. hail Perkins and until SatUrdaY,
licence should not be suspend.,
lert, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil' tonvictions that were registered tunity to show cause why his
peter patient in 'University Hospital.. and Air. and Airs. Russel King before the system comes into -
late Thomas and Percy Webb
led. The review officer will dise
Saskatoon, Sask. She is and families with M• and M•
gathered at the community, Cen-
. for the resignation of the clerk- and Gloria, Miss Wanda _Alec -
A motion was passed asking and Mrs. hen Cudmore,
quite fie Alelvin King. No. Points will only be assess- cuss the recoi•d with th d •
P e • carol, Mrs. Grace Butler, Mr. Airs. Saiil Schroeder is still a
51r. and Ails. G. 1,.. Evans, ef , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. plumeteel ed for convictions registered and endeavour to find the cause
. nual New Year's celebration,
100 10 LCQIL0fl LO c e all- treasurer. Mr. Paterson tender- Laren, all of Loedon, Mr. and
Clarkson, visited on Saturday ' end Eleanor, Clinton, with Rev, ' after February 1, 1959, of the. record aecumulate.d and
By MRS. J.M.S. which has been carried on for ed his resignation and the same Mrs. Grant. Cuchnore, Billie and
:how it can be improved, The
with the latter's sister,
A Canadian book and literature more than SO years. clerk will be given a month's
was accepted by council. The Janette, Nilestown, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Cudmore and .Alvin, Hen- - -• - , . * 8.
William Mair, and mother, 3Alirrs.. and Mrs* Snell and lainliY. . cower may be required to sub -
i Mr. and Airs Arnold Gack- I Howl ilod? will points be ac- • .•
Relatives were present from salary
exhibition is beibe• held in the •
! ' • and the books will be salt, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Per- w 1' r '1'
French capital, Paris, early in
March. II is designed to famil-
iarize the people of France with
the wealth of Canadian litera-
A selection or tom Canadian
books is being ehoeen to be
placed en display embodying all , , a N OC , . .
Bills were read and motion
typee of books written by conducted the election of offi- ,
, made covering the payinent of
Canadians and with a distinct cers, President it Lloyd Lam-
pert, Crediton; viee,presideni. i hills. It was agreed to enquire
Canadian setting and !laver. .into the correct procedure for
Mervyn. Webb, DaShWeed and
Would you like to hazard a , payment of bills without clerk-
gUess as to some of the books seeretarY-treaanrer' Dwayne Me' I treasurer and pay them as me
Lhichey, Petrolia.
in the selection? i possible.
* * * .. Program' committee includee i as .
• . was 1 x e i) m ne a)
These cold days and nighte Glen Webb, Jim Turner, Don I
f i and seconded by John Baker south Huron Hospital, and Mr.
one is tempted to stay in the Zavainey, Labelle. Webb, ant that ads be placed in papers for Don Smith Lucan with Mr. and
D i• en W 1)1 . I • • T
. . ma to a road test and a written
Mr. and Mrs, Wes Witmer test with respect to his ability
visited on Friday with Mr. and! Messrs, and Edward (lack- ocPerthnat's
stetter and family, of Guelph; '
te‘vvollealr)e peatedeoltdi.nuistaftteedr to drive or if some question
Mrs. Leo Witmer, Tillsonburg. ,. stetter, Dashwood; Mr. and Mrs. two years they will be deducted arises as a a physical or mental
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Graham 17lareld Jones, Grant and Ken- from the record i.e. 11 three. disability he may be required
neth Kinuen with Mr, and •
and Trudy returned Sunday to * . 1 ' ' ' points are assessed for a con.; to submit a certificate 'from his
Montreal after spending the past Mrs. William Homey. ' vietion registered on February 1, ' doctor. If the review officer
ten clays with Mrs. Graham's' Mr. and Airs. ;Murray Traquair 1959, such points will be de- feels that the driver realizes the
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Witmer, ,
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Web- i and family, Hensel', Mr. and , ducted from the accumulated : seriousness of his past record
Miss :lane Dykeman, Wingham, 'Ie„r; , , Atrs. Ron Wareing and belle,' total on February 1, 1961. i and will attempt to improve his
14 aage.y andandAlorsa.viCd., loz;f. llLiout•lidstoine::11,15oitincionw,,alrveitilnigMr,:marnd aAnldr,,s. :\IIi•rlx.t: i driving habits, he, will be placed
with Air. and Mrs. Preston Dear -POINT SCALE
• on probation on the understande
ins.. Mr. and Mrs. William Rey -M and At s It rick •1••• r:c - r • : ing that any addition to his ree
nolds came as far as Guelph but. • I) nn, London, visitea . offence
' 07 upenoibnOtsr i •
.aPtlacits7b.-o1;:o 1 N.S"r-s FI.
Sactur'lao‘: . ,ai net
i eoed during the probation period
owing to had roads, returned to . ! ' " P . C • them on Boxing Day.
, el mon, e rn la* audited before they ere turned kins, and R.ay, and Mr. and Mrs.
Parkhill, Grand Bend, Dash- . over Lo new clerk -treasurer, Mervin Cudmore, Bruce, Emil -
wood, Crediton and Thedford. toe and London with Me
It was moved by Minnie Nancy, * * •
At one o'clock everyone sat - move.d and Mrs, Gordon Cudmore.
Noakes and seconded by Lorne
down to A delicious Willey din- 1 Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith
to file all correspondence
nei• tvith all the trimmings. LAter • with their daughter and husband,
until a new clerk -treasurer is ap-
music and cards were enjoyed. I in Paris.
• r
with Mr, and Mrs. William , !will result hi suspension. If,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coward, Thomson. , Mr. and Mrs. George E. Re -1 itivolving use of a
1 Criminal negligence
!however, the attitude of the
Kirktoe, Miss Donna Cowart' • . •• • .
, mr, (lair catfas or Fillmore : (her are yisitine, with the latter's!' motor vehicle • 12 , driver is such that it appears
' Sask., Is visiting with relatives mother, Mrs, llazinett. etwnwall• I Care or control of a I that he does not intend to change.
in this community and attended Mr. John Goman has been ad., motor vehicle while 1 his habits, immediate suspension
the funeral of his aunt. Mrs.: vised by the Ontario College or intoxicated 12; will be recommended.
Milton Slcamon, on Tuesday. i Education that he sueessfullY i Care or eontrol or a I Whet will happen to a driver
Mrs. C, 2, MacNaughton and : completed t h e post - graduate i motor vehicle while !who fails to Attend fat' intervieW
.t. S, Fuleher have gone to ' courses which he took during i ability is impaired ... 12 When reouested to do so?
'Brandon, Manitoba, to attend the past summee.
I His driver's licence may be
the golden wedding anniversary; Mr. and Mrs. William Sillery 1 Obtaining driver's hence
suspended until he does come in
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, ! attended a family gathering on' 111)1‘i'sf"L•idenri If . .., 12 for the interview as required.
S. P'ttleher, rem Peen a Ihrl
Aliss Ruby Wood of Ridgetown:
*Sunday in Ilderton with Mr.! • . • e • If a person is tonvicted of -ONO
Reg Prebble and famil) to meek l'allin,'• In sl" al s"rle 9 or mote offences arising out of
is visiting for seine lime With ' SO years in the hardware busi• , of An accident,
the seme incident; will paints be
warthth of home and read an
interesting book. Here are a
couple just received at your li-
The Land God Gave To Cain
'.I'he unexplored wilderness of
Labrador is the setting for this
adventure novel giving the story
behind the mysterious disap-
the bush, the ono today arid the Greenway ii,,, ,„, Mrs. John Luxton. i nes s for Air. Prebble. R (deli\ es Careless driving - 5 assessed for each conviction?
penance of two expeditions into
other 50 years ago. . Mrs. Frank Rice of Brantford to the number of 33 from Toron Racing - 5 No. Points will only be assess-.
The writer, Hammond limes, t•`:..]....::..::,:e:e..:,. ee ..„- . .:,... ..„ . .e.,‘?
..., . .T., Iv n , yr. porn, , is. Milton Sleamon and is; othre points enjoyed a turkey 30 m.p.h. or more
Attended the funeral of the late, to, Belleville, Woodstock and Exceeding steed limit hy - ed for the convictinn carrying
(Wier viajted the immaPPed in" Mr, and Ales, Harold Dettloff that 13 hairs had been sPent on ,-,;.„1‘'7,;,,,„,-°Y.r'„'„e2)et,,',,,r' .ir,, ,,,,,`t visiting with Air. and Mrs, Rulttei banquet in Ilderton Hall. • Exeeecune
Wipe of the 1:Abrader
and if the remits are equal they
in seareh of the materiel for I .,Mr. .1. A. Tranuair is Rhie to M Or 0 than 10 M.p.h. and - 5 the greatest number Of points
' will be recorded for one offence
Plateau of Detroit visited last FridaY removal of snow and that all A' '.1', ''''''''' l'it,rile' 1 hna"1" ''',i ie. 01"0-n" Kestie. 1 g epeed limit by
this book, Travelling by aero- ineic,,
with their' aunt, Mrs. Albert Pol= poll tax except twe had beee '-',,*,,`.1L
ii 1 I';11tr.° - and 1gs., Archie. Tho deAth has been reported, be out around after his recent loss then 30 in,p,h, ,
plane, helicopter, jeep and on ty
air and Mrs, Fred Steeper nt be fixed before spring.
collected. The mower needed 1.0 itebber. 61 Florence rneer, of Stonewell, illness,
Yailine to yield right 5: t)111CYa'n o motorist clear bit tee
in° he etwerecl the '15° miles nt Sarnia visitct on Settiedaer with Adam Black attended the meet- mr. and 111, Elwyn xersiake, Mari., niece. of Mr. And Mrs. mr, and mrs. peter caa"rni ot ay
e toed of points by careful dehe,
the, railway being built t° link relatives. Wincheisea, A.I.;`, and Mrs. Ross Charles Miller, Hut." street son Peter, Toronto, are visiting • . • ' ire
Don west.
the iron ore deposits in the north my, Lonlo Amor is a patient ing and asked council for per,. Veal arid Ali•. and Air.s. . mi.. and mi.a. mienaei pat.! friends .and relatives in this ,, Yes. Points aro declutted tiva
Failing to obey a stop sign
1 -le destiebeS the country as "(he i of his shop, stieet committee Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Ilan anti row of Aylmer soent the bolidei; m , •t . /- • Failine to r 1
) , .
• • a new clerk -treasurer of village Mrs. Clarence Wurm and Linda,
. .
Webb, Ray Webb, Ron Corroi of nensau at a
thers and Kenneth AlcLinchey. salary of $1200 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns,
per year, all Applications to be Mi. and Mrs. John Minere, Elim -
The day WAS brought to a close in hands of reeve by January vine, and Airs. Garnet Miners,
by A smorgasbord supper. 10 at 6 p.m. A special meeting Winchelsha, with Mr. And Mrs,
Lee eeeeeeemereatmeeees•eseeeee of council will be held on Jan- Eric Cerseadden.
uary 10 at 8 p,in Ale. and Mrs. Albert Keys,
Message Front A motion was made by Lorne with Mr, and MTN. Robert Keys
Hay and secorided by John 13aker and lentil)", 'Burlington.
to notify auditors te audit booke Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Graham
iimediately for the village of And Trudy, of Montreal, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Carter..Lincla, janet
Constable- D d and Brenda. LOAdon, Mr. and
with the St. LaWrence :River, in et j h, fr • Loti' miseion to remove tree in front Penhele and their fArnitiee with • years from the date they were
or ei n It
• tecorded. A driver who has ace
... 3 reinitiated several points can
grimmest most desolate nun. cOg'' • . . was Asked to ievestigate. growth, Clieton,
tee 1 have evee been in.,' wing to tne storm on Sunciay, Tho following council nremit, m,r, and Airs v I Luxton / and Mrs. Claude Farrow.
with tee former•s parents. mr,, .. i. and , [vs. ken Beattie and ,,-- epoi an
, family. Prince ,•elbert, Sesk., and Aceldnnt
, Sunday Scheel and church Se17*i h or e to r 0. have same removed_
daughteee of 'st.r1rhoIA3uaqiitth thristonas Visitors I Mr, and Mrs. William Crawford
Hammond Mlles has not. only •
Vites were withcleaWit in the tees were appointed: ' and redute his total to 0 by
Exceedion eneed limit by
has given' a good Mauve of the . mr. and imrs, uoyd Brophey slay, Jobe Baker, 1‘11.• and :Mrs' MttrraY 1\larsil 1 's4triillth4illagligalltPfers"; (11441.111°‘!'111.1 :\01.1r'c: Air erlilele)111;10'0‘r•ititignt‘t•tinlatione -
written a moving story hut he united chureh. Street Committee - torise le,' Mrs. johe Luxton. Ales and Mee. 22 ereful driving,
Oran Winer, Hamilton, spent the and Nancy ,
blinding et one ;Of the last great spent the weekend with 'Ate. and Property Committee - john weekeed with Mrs, tuxtoft, and 'Mr, and Mrs.! Al Penhale and Grace.
R. 3. Kydd and Karen, Mr, and i mr, and mrs. William Street, ' \Aihy are mere paints assested.
railways aim ot A iand so for- Airs, T,r,.,,i Rink" in sarnia, Henderson umnie Noakes.
Town looict Mrs. E. A. 'Moffat, patricia Arid Norland, will spend New 'VOA PA for some convictions than for
white trieh haVe CVO,' seen the ing from pneumonia. LthrarY! n°aed Mr8-• 6.°6(1' Acelc Nt.. WillArd of 'Mount' Falls. Experience he shown that it,
Mrs p
, MeLa Air, an aper
grandmother, Mrs. J. Gardner, ;
bidding that*oely a handful of etr, Eldon Steeper is recover- •
•11 k w David of London And Air, and 1 with Mr. and Airs. Percy Me- others?
Welked On VVheels Jim aim Anne Gitrener Of era - teeesio, and aiso errs, Normin.
on sundae to attend the National- Hope with Air. And Aire. J. L.' Mr, and Aire. Frank Wilcifoes is reAsoilable to Asalline that ac -I,
reeeived phone ealis on Christ- eidents and violations are core"
ton sptet 1 st ‘v k with their • ' • • * • • Dee' Kidd.
This book is the author's OWit ' °.e • en, Mise Ellis, Mee. Ailed Joynt, Comention in .1
Mr. and :1/41rs• rr• A• M as DRY from their son, Bob, rela [et). Points; are therefore eq.)
Their Parents iqr, and 'ArrS, 'narl '1611"t 11°alft"*I' ' and familY \‘'illdanr and 'Mr. at Hazelton, B„C , and from their sessed the SeriollSnesa of the:,
Stoey. Elisabeth Slitopard-Seiles
wal .oht .‘,151;11,5 a the f, , w park 130nrd -Lorne nay, $1.75; lii. -----------:DAvlla I Mid Mrs, 01 Sheldon Powers of daughter uarwiret at, cafgery ;viol -Ilion as related in the ae.,I
rY 00 ;Min W e on t leer( s! vs with .!ttrs,
1 I '1 11 C itel ant ! Mn sne I a e join) takers Don ,Joyfit, (leered, St3t,58; E. H. Davia, an15. i Saenia and Mr„ 'it, Willard of Atia, !!` ' '
chapel.. tngland, in 1941, The °Tr ft WTI CI f
le _omen lie ass ti ie .
Walker Wilmer Ferguson, Clent Sloo; trensalt District C0.00. 011,1(foborfir With Air. and Ales. susan Grinion recently obtainitetteetilltelale'rele4ftird'ertheertIliTnitilictIs lelveti:1*
Irtjtielet teuetcl in her spine d ch ft ell I Trt Christie, Bill Mickie, Sg7• ileiisall PVC. hydre, $23.38. ,Mattrice Coates.
nieent that she would etver he 'In e - .!trc , .1' il • lel fleet cation Ceinillittee - nei. Wa(rr $5.37; County :of ititr011.1 Air and Mrs Harry DeVeieg e ', * ' ° .' . onf .- / • I r -
able to Walk Again. nit6ting °II rt'ItigY CVPIII"g at C. t)hiCi,, 1\11'8. Harry' nekton, balale.ee tr road aeCount, $2,676.- beee'eted seiiiie'y witli tqr and Grado tT Pitirqf exitivillIPtIntl ht t_,11„olciAraq„.(t, atl, ial)Priaids inarlae $
VOr WilS011, aohn Henderson Imd,Itteistit:Irtitlp,rii;tiv,i3fridroe ilderoo'81,, Stttr.al..t. tcriltro Eonittoeirrtaionts cavort rrtsby. mr, ar„irs. vortion rirrior :iii% r:( iT-:16tA. t\I!etthieteTel AAStiSIN:1:).!
Miiiille Noakes.
Accounts itteluded. StieWplOW- ' (Or, $4,30; Hilton Taylots indig., (mien emir& enjoyed A soehlt spent the weekend in Dorthe.ster, straws, -
I0 g streets, $63; jennit Taylor, ent patient, $83.10; office mill., evening together ',in, the 'church' 'Miss Helen Svveet, Allesee M.• !"tilf# A Al • , , A ,
relief, 320: Hensel:1 15:011ie Selinol plitS, t18.63: Association of As- Monday everting. 1 - nab% and N. Struthers, of Tn. '. Mitli vim womisieet 01 Itt6 II trieSetACIVOCCII le
Mc current es:pontos, 311,1017; , testing Officer, $10.60: ,Ctin's,! 'Howard Xerr ftirreirrl gamtsA ronto. arc somAing the holiday Note 'of fi driver he nitride, ;
itairleS Paterson' saltnT. 'IlIttAilt. Atarhirc ShIV, !P-52•1-31 Ed Fink,!lifid gifte, Were eXtheitgild And 'mule Hue former's mother, Mrs. iory and how loft will lbe lull
ittetiVer-geeeralo. ititOrfid tax,,,turnace, $5,00, Total $61.63, ttlistrtbuted front A Christnitta,Mdriel Sweet.
.. .
t pensIbb ramairt In° Meal
HOw the steuggled ever.
come thit. handicap is the sterY
of Ulla bolt. Slid has had a
bungalow built 'in suit. her fr.
tilirerneritS And there else eeekes,
rardens, writes end 'entertains
Visit your library for your West, was badly bruised, but
'reading ..tteglirdititifts. 'survived.
the home of Mr. and Mrs, tar.
Men Woodburn.
The first daredevil fet gd- Over
Niagara Palls in A bilerei Was
a Mts. Aline PAW TAY*, In
U10. She' carried an anvil for
ed Pim chse nnurq in her a study of accident causes tn.
hit TOW,: Jatie S:411)1'161% Tre. 66; Drysdale Hardware, st20.44; `Ali's. Martin Dykstra, London. ; thy the EhiVersity of North Caro -1
'" the Western Ontario t 0110114t. "$‘0":%' sea) n
'tory of %isle,