Huron Signal, 1852-03-11, Page 3.nnumm eel
. STIfl = UUVRO11:SIGNAL, GODJJ i IJ,,NIAK611li ,' e
y7ot..-We de net believe that it wag yew readers, tie a greet wan/ u the East
the tute5Uou of tic Legislature that (:larks I have "stay a thought spout taking dvwa
of the Peau %h0014,1 bold Di reeve Cast 1their teats, tied oilman wish W kouw "boat
ci„eidepa, or they would Lave cawed the Itheir friends, and la 'easy tttu'e •-..s
BOUJ) of the latter to be filed in some other; eat daughters. So let me c.Mmr•
a+ with
(eke Ours that of the former; nor do wl1• ley ova jeeruey \Vest.
We left Breadalhaoe ea the 'ad May
hat year, tad made oat Mutietewa thst
*lit- There was a grog deal of se ,w ui
the bo.b u we came along, and the road w
a very bad state ; however the weather
kept doe and dry, for we got no retie 4e.
we catered the town of Losien,C. • W•' --
We eutcred Cornwall about coon the se -
toad day, and took the stcaaiaboet Course,
thatereaing, and got up a good way,Lat
night, but found sura lies by morning light
agrouud in the \Vll:amsburgh Canal, owing
to the great quantities of mud falling in
Ieu from the bigh batiks outside, and which 1
1 fear will continue. But after a great deal
I of work we got oil, asd calico at Prescott
and Brockville, and taking in wood frons
expressing their contempt of !:Sorge one of the Carron Island( in (be Late, of
Brown, of the GLi , in his writings tie wet the 1000 !slant+, --we lade out Kingston
be[on Jerk' 4th may. We resiaioud a
the Government, for the following reasons:
1 George professes to he a Ref.rmcr abort time at Faro tce, and left a little
sada staunch advocate (if we are to be- after dark, that night we passed a steam-
tiece kis wrilitigs,) for the eccwlai "alit"' of boat aground above the tows, eat left her
tidings that another steamboat was coming
the Rrserres and the abolition of Recto- up for lacy relief, so geltiuy the Lake favor -
vita George was returned for Kent !igen able we made out Coburg next morning and
thane profcswons1 Toronto that to ;11t, where we had to re -
`3 The present Government have taken
maw over sal:uath, as nothing could 'be
their slaud that tLi y would carry out these landed here en the Lords Say, a law which
measu,ee. I Lupe will be general ere long over the
3 If i;eorge Brown wishes to see
, whole land, sad Lo highly helpful to thoee
these measures carried out be ought to who would bring the masses from the
support the Government, and the return of iwharf+du the Chapel and the Sabbath
M. f' Imero). Ile that is not i ius is 'c hoot. Ilere I need not say that Tcronto
against us." and tee think that George eorge
it tome to he a place of great importance,
must either be a right protlrr 1'.:01 or a wealth and commerce, of 23000 inhabit -
haste. ( ants. from this we left on '-Monday morn -
We will suppnrl ?Malcolm Cameron, for I jog sad readied Hamilton about `_ o'clock,
the following l in a ea :- 1 P. M. Here horses and wagons were
1 lieea•rse in a common sense Tie" oi waiting, and strove greatly about the pas -
the matter, we consider Le Lae acte'1 eon:.: setvren 'minor to the country. We err
doubt (bat if prol.erly represea-J iu the
proper quarter such a; poiatweeta wi8 tie
peruutteJ. At all elem.., if we may judge
from the Murmurs not loud but doe
welch we have heard durtng the las! t(I
days, we may decidedly declare thee labs
uaeopular.-E0. II. S.
T3 Tilt aDITea er TMI aloaon .e.AL.
but :-I send yea an extract from the
members of the Herons Committee round
this quarter, which you may insert in yoar
Bell's Corners, Mareb, 185'2.
This Committee cannot refrain fro.n
.ad.$i * ♦'oa rt be to u else, Pd (1.
Lake %hippies ler. ers*eetatlle and sun-
4u111idte4a$ ski sit •40 haat., prrtMs•
Earl/ lues, sad some ef.tb ru iu .b !endow
excee asy'tbhtg I e'er saws of Guru
1000 ti► 1500 toes bertheu. Farewell for
the present,
1 1611 yeas, flea,
1111.1.1.1)1 FR!1SER.
I inch( tine, Feb. 15th, 111SI.'
T ``MORN1NG'$ b1A1L
sisteudy, oa he state) to the ):lectors that I gagged a large spat' of horses and a waggon
be would not accept the office of Press= 1 to Loudon, about SO miles far L} currency,
dent of the Council. except it was pieced ''ti of a family, and 1G00 lbs weight. Our
on a Letter footing than it uxed to be, ;xi charge by the Comet from .Cornwall to
labor done for the pay received. . It has l tamiltou, for the same fair3i a0d luggage,
been plarrd on siuili a footing, and be has
was .Cl 10e. currency baring our owu bed
accept': d for ntlice-wbere is tbe iatoo- and heard. In k's than 2 days - we made
sistency in this. I
oat Londoet• l0 persons in the wagon, lid
2 Because(eventtspposug• (kat Mr. t•r op about a.tos of htyou ace
Cameron has laud himself in a faLa so
I' - 'what mast >K Ute ellar:eter of the horses
tion iu regard to the nice behas aeoept- ' and the roads.- T!ro roads are all the way
cd). We as honest and eon•isteet !vet -:Macadamized er planked, but the tolls are
formers, end looking to,tbe present Refers l i bevy t oo the trbrefinp .nibtic. Ham-
larNlalwa.gtgr a setll'e.Elt of the- s 1>1t>I< ` s. Ili-ef great trade, and dcatiaed
rclrgious questions of the diy, oiglft'ae Ito 1e a great eity. The Great Waatern
will support Malcolm Cataeroai. cetera Railroad will give it new impulse --its ems --
for the Cuited Coeuttics. 1tai position at the west end of Lake On -
3 Beeau'e he is tete nominee of the , tario, and at the East end of that large
Reform .1d-ninistralion, and specially called and i:nportaat tract of country called the
to the Council to assist ie carrying ort West end of Upper Canada, or tbe rich
these mcasores, which are Tooled to as the country between the Lakes will comae to
questions of most importance at present it a dee portio% of the trade of Canada
engaging the public mind." 'Vest. London is come to be a very im-
portant Iflace, a military station, ameening
roa Tea aeras, Sarah• .no small share of the western trade. A
STRATFORD AVO PERTH has latriy bene built at a
ISit; SOCIETY. great eepence as a Free School having p
({l ►IAININ4 in the S.ratfud P. V. to
March, 6th 101.
Bvotvs Ju. Mnnay Dan
Score Wm. Moore Wm $
Mar tett Chris. Muws,ing Mr.
1f.rd Jas. Montgomery Wm
Dyer. MI. Moor ()mild
Colt.' Mies Barth Mardis Joeb
Creamy 5Vm. Melia** RoM
('a rete, Rd McFadden Wm
('hee•eer Fredk Mcl'anlle, Jae
Ceagdee J uo or Jas SfeCardle Jae
Collins Wm Nel.on Matthew Joe
Cbaraeck !I N•bon Mu. Mathew
Crises Palk Widow !Vel Wm
Caele.el Jost. U Onlev Robt
Cambl. Jas. OIrea Samuel
Camden George. (1 Bev a !:has
i'beland Donnie
primers_' 1Va
Patrick Jae
Redto d Jae 3
Smith RJ
Stanton Jno
Sevth Hy
Hulttssn Curse hue
Siodor Ily
Tracey Jae
Towers "r4,se
Ir consequence of the line being down
the following is all the report we could get
up to the Lour of going to press. The only
thing of interest is the prospect of an im-
provement in the wheat and flour market.
NEW YoRa, March S.
The Arctic arrived here at noon today.
She brines fohr days later aews and 20 pas-
sengers. On the 7thult. she passed the
Rwroyet, bound east.
Cotton has slightly decli ned, though quo-
tations cannot be changed. , !'lour and
wheat more active. A sew ministry Las
been formed in Lngland, with the Lori of
Derby as Prime Minister.
France continues quiet. •Consols 97i. a
Wright, Gunrly & Co's circular staff* s
that Use Cotton market was slightly affect-
ed on tiaturday, in consequence of the resig-
nation of Clic English Cabinet, though hol-
der were not disposed to' accept lower
rates. The sales from Saturday to Tues-
day inclusive were 20,000 bales, 3000 of
which were ou epeenlatioa and export.-
Cet a tiiaa. •
The Stratford Building Society is now ' paaderous and headroomis t as the gift of
a reality -a meeting was held on the 286 the mayor.
felt., at which two shares were sold. bonus - Haring kR my family here, I made a
The lie- - to Toronto and was
and. !tali axoG sent at the
thirty -sic an tate + 1'I'e
eerteinty std delay which occurred in the opening of l'arliamcut. A great crowd
establi•hittent of this Society, together with of the wealth t nd fashion of the city and
the want of ratbcient notice of its actually the sw-: country were presort, I
going Tato operaYos. bas so doebt, been should think no less than 10,000 people,
the. raise Of the number of subscribers be- and all very peaceable, cheering his Elcel-
ing smaller than would otherwise bare !Secy Lord Elgin ;as if the old affejr of
been the can. your ()urea of the last Lad never takes
The advantages to he derived f:otn such place. From, this I crused over to Bel-
- an institution to the. (-mini mite. the ti.- , fain, and was present at the NortbentCoe-
spectability of the directors, eel the feet sention of the Baptist Denomination in
that the more numerals the subscribers,• that rich and splendid city, Governor
the greater will be the profits, night In be (Irisgs of Massachusetts took the chair,
eul1icient inducement to every one in the and cccui•ied it with peculiar grace and pro-
least interested, to come forward at once priety, and oiielivered the opening speech.
.aaJ Jora. And I understand that the direr- 1 The old missionary Mr. \Fade aid Lady,
tore exempt all who may spin previous to immortalized by the taking, of Bang000, and
Die ^_Ste of this month, from the payment the pen of the celebrated Mrs. Jwdsnn of
of Sets? 'mosey.. Burma. were there preparing to take
it is not at present my yttentiec to dis- another and a final farewell of their native
cuss the question of the advantages to be lend accompanied by sortie of his disciples
derived from Building ocicties-but I from the East, and a number of new mis-
will endeavor to point out briefly bow in- ; sioearics. The delegates from Maine to
diriduals differently eircumstasced Inay be '.Tioasota were there, about 610 or 700.
benefited by them. la the first place. to The rnreting.s were hreld in the largest zap..
enable the moneyed capitalist to obtain the list Chapel in the city, snf.cieet to seat
market salve of his motley without risking • about 2000 people, and even on week days
a yielatien of the law. .1nd to those underwas pretty well filled. Here 1 would say
the oece•n ty of burrowing, it affords a i tbat arncrrtest many things highly Jleasing,
farorahte mean of redeeming the lin Lyi 1 felt nota little disappointed at 1 rrer*r-
.rmail payments. And to those who may est and unbecoming cnstom Row got quite
i. est the sum borrowed, in iu:thliagf or fashimtaubr in the elates amongst various
ether profitable improvelaents, there is mot a , denomination, of sitting at prayer and
doubt the advantages will be doubled. Put i mute to the sound of the organ. 1n tui,
there is another class Sha 1 think are under (jocen city of the West as the Americans
the seeesaity of jotting such an institution I call it, 1. felt particularly pleased at the
as this. I meat; those who Bold Leases of . temperate habits of the people. the '1'en-
the Canada CompanyP. In a few Tears • I perance 'totter!it, I should think, better
great tour of these Leases will (spire, sustained than aay other Ilotel in the City,
aid tbgtq whn are ie any wafr provident , from R(1 to 100 sitting down to breakfast,
wig eedlidy see their advantage in plat- 4 the charge is fire shillings iIalifat Cnr-
tbeb iesse ams in web a profitable ' eney per day. On this ode, Temperance
j ereitinent, as
this Society proves to strnrd, !louses are got up in fie. nate stile at great
so shit tyey may be pr••iercd to PIT for cxpenee, and so they are well sustained.
much better than with ni. But Our new
law being highly favorable, I trust we Shall
see a bsppy eking'. in this ease, much in
faronr of all claves of the people io
Melee T felt mneh dissappoiat.d with the
climate it being very cold, and even frosty
at night Menet the 20th May. mid Fruit
Trees and grate verylitfM in adyaner of
the .tete in Glenttiry, bait the season wax
amid to lea sack behind the cosmos rate
ie other seasool. The canal enseeeting
this with Atkmpers a grand Mistaking
tbeir'land by borrowing their share
the Society.
W. C.
m raw twee NSW.
44" 1161' t LETTER
' • a NO. 1.
'My Deer Rrntlw' :-
.' 4G eg to prdn.'e I herr adwntin these
re a
*Woo of short letters (,boat linage
W.w1►re remome, and the state and pm -
Peels of iaiastef. emigrants. Ttiw will bo
0►k lest er mon reteres4'i to rsam7 of
Connell Jeffrey
Cobham, Thee
Conner leo 0
D'gnan Jno
1) inn Tito.
Phu Was
Finney Jno
Ghram Jno
Gorman Nr
Goetler, Anthony
Hoffmeyer Jae
Hamilton Jno Wilson Chas
Waugh David Willson Mote Mary
Ki, by Ito Ana
KPtterborn Rev AugWiln+n Mire Louisa
Lnhog bloc::! Wright Alex
S'rh aL 3,o 8 Zimmerman C
Mtlut Joo
The Bogle also cousins proclamations,
bdsrieg dries the 48th February, eatabluh-
ing the foliowipg County Tows., for the
Junior Counties, in Which they are respect-
ively Situated, tint- .
St. Themes, for the County of Elgin:
Port Sarnia, for.tba County of Laminas:
Sydenham, foe gee County of Grey;
Ilraatfotd, for the County of Orae(;
• The Ree,. a and Deputy Rums, in thew
Cossets., respectively, art erected into
Provincial %Tunic',sal Councihe for their te-
.pcctiv.•Crivatres, cath!. the diaeolet(000f
the enema, between early ot them; sad the
other Q.Oattiee with which they are several.
Iynnitel.Tbeflaet meeting of etch of there
Peoria clad Cquscils, is appointed to be bell
al she Coosef TNa as abuse named. oo
Tbwsdap, the Nth A nail alai. -Males' t.
ISTRY. • -
ALL persona hauth
ag claims aealare e
lee of Saugeen, to the Coaaty of Bruce,
ve requested to hand the same to to the, on, or * re rhe 1315 April next.
As oleo, all p•r•one mdebte.t to the raid
estate, are requested to pay the same ;o the
subscriber, on or hefoe the •s .l Om April.
Wm. J. F:1:al'S,
Admioetrator to the Estate of the
LAOIS ALI•:sasPKi II'Do.Ai.o.
Gode►ieb, March 4,3-ne
New Yeas. March 4, 1852.
The .4arrica sailed fres Liverpool 00
Saturday the 2141 alt., aid arrived hen last
n ight, at half -past 10 o'clock, via Henke.
She bring.. 32 pa•seagers, the Moet of whew
were far Halifax.
The priaeipal restos of News by the
America ie the Remgsation of the Russel I
Her Sfews is Oen impnrlaat eharscter, so
tar as E'tglal.l is eneceroed, otberwiee .t is
nut of much importance.
The Russel! Ministry have been defeated
on the Local Militia Biit, and ;ate seat in
their resigaatioq 'LW Palmerston glutted
-eat the word " Local" be takes sat *fine
Bill -and that the foree abe'ald be preambus
tatory, and not eonfised to Engined. Ireland.
or Scetlasd merely. belt to be sent to any
pan of the Kingdom '?here it might be n•
gs(red. -
Oa this proposition the Mioiatry joined
mew, and were defeated, b7 a rote of 13G
against 125, upon which Lord John Russell
intimated, that having lost the coafidenec
of the ilouse, he coul 1 en longer cootiauo
to hob off:ce. It was quite unexpected
inaamuca as on the presume evening the
Ministry had a large Majority. When the
n umber of settee for theta were 147 to 124
against them.
Rumors were afloat on the tailing of the
America, as to who would be the succeaeor
of the present Premier.
A coalition between S r J. Graham and
Lord Palmerston was con6 tent!! expected.
The proeeedings of Parliament was other-
wise unimportant.
The news from the continent was of no
peered tateroot.
Liverpool Cnttoe market was extremely
action, at • eight advance. The sales of
the week were upwsnis of 47,000 bales.
rsovraiois.-Markt was steady -Local
was Slightly advanced. in bread.tutTs no
meter lel chance erne. the sailing of the
F..wktie, of the 18th mit.
News is aid 10 bare been received dltat
Detroit to -day, by Telecnp
N.s4ena, Prsetd•et of France, has beoo
:nated.-Eater .IdroenIe.
11i !ties
At (iade►ith, I. the 7th inst., M.rth%
yemegeet danehtrr of Walscc
aged t years and five ,.oath•.
rryrF aeeoont► of ',eerie Miller k Co. is
Mt. Les 1s' boo, a^d all debts dn. is
the Gf►DERiC'I FOCN UR Y are now
transferred to Win. J. Keay.. E.q., w!ro
w ll collect. grant receipt• and pay all
debts doe by said Poen/try.
P.►reary Nb, 183t. v5a3
(LATRA101111 butarLL k Co.,)
GROCERS, tVinn Merchsntm,, Prnrter.Ti
est) O I s+oO, jre. 17 Dondee Attest,
LeMfe5, r. W t1 -b1
P hypery tut► 111*.
• •
REMAINING la the Godwin!'Post.0f
lice to tat Mardi, 1852.
Armstrong John 'Miller William
Dorset Groree 2 • 'ldsguire Robert.
Beaman Mims Mayhems William
Beane William Miller John
Boyd John 3 Mattbesee Hugh
Bvxton Richard Murray -Robert
Suter Jobe Matlhe,on Allan
11 g' Jamea M'.ntgomrry A P
Clendran•n 'oke Jr Mustard Mtss Abelard
Caere. L•tcia Morton Praneu
Cook Peter Moore William iI 2
(habb (',apt . Mtttthesna Jt•baoab
Campbell Vary Mansholt Witham
Curry Patrick Monro 1Vdham
Cnoner Mrs Jobs Miller Elle*
C.,.pbetl Robert Merpby Jobe
Coererferd Mr • ., Mabar Thomas
COG James A- Monte John ,
C.arke'Du'hean 'M ;''r Jacob .
Corry Sauce! NItolaayrom Mt(
Cattier And'ew • M'C•-ndv Jame.
Cameron Alex hi'L•an A:.en N
Collins 13 lrCtcltasd Wm T 2
Dart And -row M'Ckl:aed John 2
Dahbt•rGeo Ma, Patrick
Dere Thema
Deno Jahe
Darideon James
U sissy Elias
Duron A Eel
Dun Capt
Sri•ott Rvbt
Elliot Jame*
Eccln Mrs
Fox Smith 2
Ferrier David
Fly's Jeremiah
Feagan Will:ant
Faloelbr Jobn
F.'arao Michael
GrEts John
Gloat Edwin
Garvey Thomas Poet James
beurley Witham Perongtoe Oliver
Galinghr John Ports Railer(
throe Andrew Quigley Jatnee
Wen Wed am R'chard.nn Robert
Gorden Was !itis Range Mire. Mary .
Ileal••y Patrick Robinette Wm 2
Ilouk'n John • Rathwell Jobe
Hunt Mire Amelia Roes William
Berton George Richmm Wiliam
(lays Capt D Reid Mia Margret
Helmer Moo Eliza Ranory Jas
Higginbotham Thos. Sail R
is ar
Hanley Samuel Smith ith JGobe 9
Horton 8
iludsos Jnhn Jr Snihven Mrs
Ilyelop . Willem Strong John
;lute Wm Spalding George
Harrison fames Tbnman Marti)
Mennestyy John Thomlinson
Irwin Richard . Z eg.bsl Jobe
Kelly Thomas
Kellett Edward . Worthy William 2
Krog Patrick M i Workman Richard
Kitty John Wood Thomas -
I,yeter Richard N 2 Wilton H
Lyons Yoen Joseph
iad reamn
Kr ward
BROKER, !louse, Land ineerance, Ship.
ping and General AGENT.
Produce and Commiptoa Mereba.t, Ae.
easetaet, ke. Cnmmia!on
Produce bongl.t and 'ICJ on
goods carehtily at +red. ae1 f•,•w.rJed. Banks
'Mlafced, Parieer'hio seitkmeot adjuatad
Ondrteb Feb. 23, 0854• e3 -n5
CIIts'TY car lilcr.ON.1 1tTII
AND BrtUC1:.
rrl,e above Society will award the sem
1 of Weide ads tem .killings currency
to the best HTA a' i Wednesday mar n•
hot foliate at
fiat day of April next.
The Mises to be ea the ground by 1e
o'clock Doe*.
TI,ouhjld hie 11orces abet%a p o+a ur.aorthy
Therliln be in Goree ,,Lde rich add r.•m a n there,
ever; math day-
!O`Dnoaiel Dinah'
WIltltia.lnoilt* 1o•
IdTerroa Wditon --
hi' Nee Dose*.
M'Dooaid Aegis
M'Ilowtd A
M'Do•aId Hugh
M'Cull Jobs
• Kline, Jame.
21'D+aald Ala:
M'Kenne Kenneth
M'Donald Jobs Col-
borne 2
M'I Pao James
M'Naughtnn Patrick
Newman Henry
-Orderer Nathaniel H
.itY . L.A. W
lhailiteRA for the Comity of Peed'.
fl Mee t•MwoNr
the eaves 11ere 1 roma*
the wastage of tare aaeeae•r1 Co. ere 11.,114 -
lop ht the'l.►+sel or Perth' se'equated by
11.5 1., ► /Sot. sd se. Act I! Vrs• Cb• 78.
Aed wbereee le. eeseew4 •t rallabl. 040.
pori? ra ubo ee:d ('o"7 e/ Po''.
by the .•.* ease' r..ure.for l6.year 1651
to be L474,J5e 4,11. Arad whole.• the
sum of L741 $ al rill Piquet* to be maeo.'
✓ enue It toe'ti. payee"( el interest, sec
the redsptioe el the priectp.l of mei Leas.
trews:log to oho terse* of poyeeent boron,-
oronetre peoettied. Aed whereas a sperm! rate
of three eghte of • peel a the posed. m'
all rateable Rest and Fere•aa1 pbpCTty is
the Counts of Per h. aceerdie4 ru the ••
averment reUunr for t5 year p1851.. •bo
r'q.ured lotthe pry to for the .P
15. formation of a etakt.e edp
Jeroptroa of *aid debt, or lire. tbe Pro
hi. Be it therefore enacted. by
. since! Municipal Council, o1 the Counts
.,f Perils, That the Prev..iorra& Warden 0t
rhe red County. be, and he is hereby au
tbon.ed e■ behalf of rte •mrd Prosiatnnal
Council, to contract s Lean for ab. eco 01
1:6,000, bear ng uta. h ria this
h e ate*hasin
ser cast., per amour,
payable half yearly, at the office of the Pro-
vietoual Treasure, of the County of Perth;
and £8:i0 of which pelvcapal Sum .hail be
parable on the Bret day of Feb. 1654, and
CA 000 on the drat day of February 1816.
and 41120 on the first day of February
1868, and £1030 on the first day of Fabs
r wary 1560, sod £1000 on the, first day 0t
February 1861.
end. And be it farther enacted. That
fur affording evide.ce of the said loan, and
tar securing the payment thereof with inter•
est, Detractor*. on behalf of the as d 1'ro-
visional Municipal Council. shall lie issued
fur the same, in sums of not likes than
twenty-five pounds, *bleb Debentures shall
be sealed WWI the seal of the said :Pro -
vaunted Council, stewed by rho Provisional
%Vedeo, and tcdtutersigned by the Pro Clerk and Provisional Treasurer
respectively, and shall bear date on the day
the money is advanced to the Provisional
rreasurr, and be made parable with inter-
est according to the terms and eondrtione
of the stud Loan •s hereinbefore reettioned.
3rd. And be it further 'netted that a
special rate of three eights of a penny per
period per annum, over and abate, rod
In addition to all other rates wheteo•
ever, •halt be rained and levied in each year
for the payment of the interest and princi-
pal of the said debt, to be crested by the
Ptd Lorin until the eau" Anil be fully peed,
upon all the rateable Rea! end Perenhal
property within the said County, sod rix-
per.ce and three twelttbs of a penny per
pound per annum, (being the rano of the
annual to the real value) epos the annual
elite of all the rateable real end personal
i:roperiy, in any Town or V'Ilaa* ; wbieh
shall be fneerporeted witMn: said •Collsity
during the coo: [nuance of tale rarer ' -
Nonca.-The oboe" is a trueeopy- o, a
proposed By ao be taken rote ie'ielNr-
atien by /M Pro.btnsal Moeieip*Nty et the
Come" of Perth. one of the United Cutin.
tie. of Ilurea Perth, and (Price+, et 'tae
Caron Hotel, Stratford, on Monday the 7th
day of June ne. at.4otuta! owe
fr,e000e, at whstrcb 4mt5e a.4 plat.ll i'eetmr
bars of the said Momcip(tty, are be,eby re•
gored to attend for the purpose .fo,e.aid.
Stratford, 17th *Z
s r
CANADA ) 1V Virtue of
Comely of Heron, sat 1 a writ el
of Ile United Counties l_oAttachment ir-
e/ Heron, Perth and sued nut of the
Bruce. County Court,
TO WIT : ) for the United
Counties cf lluron, Perth sed Bruce, and to
me L're.'ted against the Eatete, Real as well
as Personal e1 Jowl SMALL. an Oho -ending
m ennceated debtor, at the sett of Meters
HoLwis, for the safe Of eighteen poem,.
fifteen ,hilh0! s. have
and taken
all the Etats Rest as well as Personal of
the ,aid Joe•' SMALL, and the, inhere the
said John Small, return within the Jun -die'
tiro of the said Court, and put an bail to
the action, or ewe the ensue to be di. -
charred within three raleodar months ; all
the Estate Real and Personal of the ,aid
Jona SatALL. or so much thereof as may be
necessary, writ be held 'labia for the pay•
ment, benefit or eatisfaetinn of the raid
claim or claime'of sash other Plaintiff or
Plainti6'r, aeehall or may take proceedings
against the property •rd eff:cts of the said
Jona SMALL within sox month. 01 lbs
testi); of the shove %Veit.
Sheriff. 11. P. k B.
Suinaari s Orr,ea, Gootatcs
18th, February, 1832. ) vent -Gm
Pt1, Te Sash balance freer last veer,
To emit am't of ('.eery Roll,
04, Tu Cash der tl.e. Bruw.n. E•q.. Jannary e-' heat..,
'ilj'y 10, TAu .uCotul•eow5t scpe
.ter CoWf mtSbnwoe,s uCdHl eThlsastt.8r foaoil hBwecaioe mu
460 0 0
No. 7, 14 S e
Cub, ('caused order. el serene of Toaeeh•pTia. 43 10 11) 117 le 0
ti, To 1'a., from 1.•. Wilson on..tonat of Mier I..cea.e, 2 10 0
March 1, To Cash Orme 1. P. V•rien on 'cement of d. 3 10 O
July 7, To ('rah Imm 1VGha)' li seer do do
t to 0
1'o Ca•h Inns (;tae. S%'t.aan Collect r sur 1)..... 00 account,
1 an.I p K,1•,
A.g• 23, Tu (..b ire.e 1, .. B'own, Jun., E.g., amount of Tavern Li-
cence fund receive,! ray tet ,
Dee. 20, T•. 1:+.h, b,'unce of T. waahip Taa for 1851, •
Tv Cash, Tavern l.tceuce, 1u. lt.Csuley,
£ r. I.
• IS 0
800 8 0
8 13 0
7 0 10}
8 6 0
O 8 101
1 17 6
4466 12 8
1651• MONIES PAID. t s. d.
Jan. 23, By es.h per J. J. E. Liston, Coos' 1 order No. 22, being bet.
Isne. cal Tow...h.p 1eik. Salary 1051. O 0
24, fl 'amomrt of A'••entee LodLod County 11011, - 10 410 4 B, areuaut of C.Le,:tore per ceoregv on Cattily RAI at 3 per
teat., 9 0 0
Btpastas full, wa being for taking Census, to W. Watson 7..
3.1., Thew. SIa.on.e 0.. el., Jay. 11r1534.51.,., 1 10 0
By paid Ten n•►lp't'rcaau'cr per reptile a a per cent., 10 O
By cooly pod Goo. &owe, Jan, as per ret. ill nisi Jebeoturea
sed Tr.a•arera ur.lrrn, - 2774 13 4
Tho. Malonie for ttelkeiing'.►ere (0... J. J. E. Linton 16r.,
W. Smith I0v., W. Watson (ostia+. k,Jtert II.. 2 15 0
Fah. 3, By cash paid Council orders, Nu. 23, to A. Mctiregn►, C. S.
Superiar,.nt ant, and Township Tre+s4r.•. 4 10 0
i, By c+►b peed Cout r., orders No. 9, to J. J. E. Listen, berg
rent ,.f Council Recto, Ire sad Candles, 1 0 0
13, By cart. pard Cooatal coders Nu. i, to DayiJ Morrie, re foreleg
utti: er, 1851. - 0 1 6
11, By etch paid Thos. Webster, tis eare for Goderich Roll, ' 0 4 6
92, Du. 0.. ell elder No. 8, Jas. Redford Ret'ag. racer
.1231, 0 7 6
Do. Coed I order No. 1r, A•ee.scrs fees, 5 0 2
1)0. 3)o, No. 11, N'n, Byers Course:Uon feet, 2 to 0
1)o. D,. N.. lie, W.11ealopde. 3 2
. Do. 1) •. No. 1:', Thos. Malonie Alper; fees 3 9 11
Da. Du. No. Id, A. Moore h, Cutin. key,2 1G 3
Do. Do.• N. 7,
leg, by William Wa!eaa, °01
10 0
Do Doo No. 2. W. E. Byers Rel'ag Omcer 0 7 3
Do 1)0 e e, Chas. W,:aoa ' do list, 1 0 0
1)e DO bra1.-1, W. Clyne Returning Officer. 0 7 b
D,toiee . - Do No. 9, W. Smith, Towssbip Conant!'
1 17 3
Do - Die Nes, 14, W. Overt Corse flora fore
1)3 9 6
Do 1)o No. lei, J. J. E. 1.latoo Tewo. Clerks
Salary, - 4 0 0
s '' Do iso No. i0, W. Wallas Atss.sala far, 1 11 6
Ito D. No. !I, 4. Returning Officer, 0 7 u
1)o Do No. 10, W. Smith Counetiler. fee. 2 10 0
Do T. McMaster Teacher School Hue: 5. by Downie 7 1 10}
1)o Dos'ld McLeod do. do 10, do s 10 7 C5
120 Do Sam. Hessen do do 4, do 10 I 3
Da _ Rlchdtamloa do do 3, Union F.:Iiee, Downie, 0 13 65
!9 Ab -x McGicgnr, 1 Duwn., Il 2 45
March 1 Pad Coutaetl order No 96, Vali Morell k Ce., fur btauoury, kr. 1 7 0
•8 Do •• du No 24, Jas Redford, Auliture eatery, 0 10 0
Do do Ne _s, 'serial Tux, School Sec NbT, Dewote, 13 15 ^n
. 14 I/o do No 15. W Dawson !t epeeeor of Licence, 1 0 0
- do No 17, John Duneei:b Road week, 0 6 u
DO ,'cdr.4 Lu bee; T . Bettor/1N
l . til Downie, 4 0 6
Ila W Byers for.Gee .Putt';. Seboett tee No 6, Dowel e, * 10 704
!I, Do Council onto" Na,21, W Jasmine rand wife, paupers, 6 0 0
Aog. *$," i' - • de 73.2a,(1 W.lwn, Whig 5 percent on .C'ty Rate 1 10 01
Do de - olio 117, J C.W Daly. E•n., (omitted 8 Angulo.) 0 6 0
Do Agin% to .14242 --Daly, , es Tiesemete Cum for
• Titer.1.ettere.1 . . 04 o3 IU
Sept. 93, Do hoe $eub:e, Ternito, sce'gnt as per see'.
Oat. 7. 'Do W 11'eteran C.aso?rgnfeer Pi. ii. A'drtnrd 8aleryr n
Now. '15.. 1)0 Couaeil order lin 2t5lt'Boyd, mss.ndl
.lrgedei _ a sue
0 u
s4, .1)a, Absentee List Township 11',11, 4 7 64
haC111.1etore fr-r tentage on fee. of Towaslip Roll. 4 11 105
ID. Cotalaeil orlon No. Itatl., Mutetiell 1 0 -0
Do do Nu. 20, Thos McQueen sap, . 2 4 1'.
Sy balance on hand, 64 3 `0
T11F. C4)(: XTY SOCIETY, Is ,t1 sten
give a Premium of FIVF: Pt)["iX1,A to ray
,odividusl, who tett briawe {a Cr,Aernd p w i,.
eight wimp „f,ho T r•l
best Toot1gh R, a urha1u R'tm remain (pedigree
ve:11 5. r q' I
that distance *Film Town during the see.
R. 0. crNNINOIIAME, See.
G,der,ch, 9301 Feb. 1459. -
LLL th•p.e i.•febt•d 1n the Herrn Sig
oat 0t*ew. sober he Note tM Asad or
by Item, vet, at OM doe, .lit nb''Ce
p. **toilet,
Ay arknnwledgrog their
hearten" an.1 nhterwina • re1tle11•sn1 of the
es aur with' Mr. Horse. Hort es MO.Nriah,
at !belt eerl.e+te.
T J 411,1113 ycQUNEN
riche aew avid el,gant iawpreentr. Steam
Boat RUBY, will rue during the eaen-
tsg season as ((!lows: -Leave Gotlencb,
(weather permitting, every Sumley morning
•t 10 o'clock, auii Sarnia, Monday at a
Leave Detroit, for Godericl , every Sava,
day, at 9 o'clock, a.° in. anJ Harms, at 4
o'clock p. m.
First trip, the first of April, 1652,
£466 le 2
We the Auditors for the Township Downie hereby, certify that we have examined
Ike. shove accouot, sad resod 1he same eatect.
ARCH. SHIELLS, Auditors.
No. 1, BY-LAW
To author as the Treasurer of the United
Counties of Huron, Perth and Brace, to
contract a loan of. Thirty• Teou.and
Pnords, Inc the purpose of cnnstnIctiog
eertaln Gravel Koala wtrhm the tun
United( aunties, sod for betiding a Bride..
across the Rivet Maitland, at Go!crirh.
Three hundred erode good Morehsetebt.
Steam Rost %Vont5 well se Ili fo ir fun1 Delivered no -• the (ooiericb, Pear.
.1 portion of the above %Yost tonal be bard
and sea.00cd wou'd 5o preferred.
E1,1 WARD, .nd.
Detroit, P05. 2715 1852. v5 -n5
ITwd b
nlo well Inc all Arse Indebted to
th,' G'•derfch F•,nedrv, ether by note or
recount, to rail and Nall limos e'•., ly.
Ws. J. KC5Ysl.'
Guderich, 2515 nth. 5652. v3 -n5.
A GOOD OP1'OR' 1iJNle[Y rot
YOUNG 111111Ne
1NTF.D at liar (in,lerieb Former,,
air apprentice., Coco actor* 70004
mess •
(iederi*h, Feb. 264, 1862.
t' to r•r
ie' ex
i tent
" ASi'r'e
i P
W n rat Po
• rho sum of Thirty 'Lao w
for the purpose of grad:np-. graverlorg and
other%Ise improving the rad k:ioyn tdr
the Baron Road, from the Ilarbegr •
Goderlch, to Iho Townh.p of Wilmot : and
the Road known as the London Road, item
the Village of Clinton to the Town.h!p of
London. and bottling the necessary Bridge,
and Toll Gales thereon, and also for builds
reg a Bn.'ge eernre the River Maitland at
Go:lee:eh, with the ncce.sary a; proaehee
thereto. And whereas the arneuot of in-
terest of the above matt need eon oPTbw-
ty Thousand pounds at ria per cent, will be
one tl.oneand eight bemired pot: oda per an
num. and the sum wt1arot to (num
fond for the purenr.e of reptytn4 the alai
debt within twenty year. from toe vontraet-
.ri: of the .aur, will be Mt! thoucan 1 five
honred pnundn per ensure.amnun'ir•l in et
to "/'hree-1'hnu• •rid 'I bre. hundred Pounds
annually. And wherrae the amount of rate -
.0!e rroper(o in the Un:teri Court a of Hu-
ron, fetch and Bruer, appears by the last
year. ar.r,,meDt returns to be One Million
the Hundred and One • 'Inoue:n(1, Ouo
IlundreJ and One i'.ome., Nineteen fshd
toles and Eight Prete.rxclnrtve of 14P
Ircnrp'rated Toon of Godcrich, and where
an the annual eerie of property In the said
ineorpsr.:c•:Town of G':el:eh autoante
a5.64O 10,41. Ardehoteiethe .pre:al nee
of three fourths of • peony per poured, herr
'natter mtp'•red upon all the rate.?:•', era'
an, per.nnal property within tire .ed United
Coo,.ren, and the ep- etai rate of one alu:
int ar'd } penny per pound per ern'.tn Lc:o•
matter in:pored ro,nt. 00 ann':al value of
all the rateable teal and perm'sl i•rnprnT
wilhtn the paid Incorporated Toe n of Gude-
rrch, the only lecoruorated Tows sow ex-
let•n2 in the seal if ni'•d Count:e•, will be
s'•6k'ent to erllrfy sed dieehsrgeOw her.
herein •uth'rna•d to be made, with the in-
serest the,eol ; within the thine limited
beret'', and by the (.awe of this Pmtstre.
tet. Bert therefore @Meed bye,* M •rat-
eit•a' C,.oneal of the Un ted Counties of Iltt-
r,.n, F us and Crnce, that the Trew's'et e
44..sid [felted CnwstrM, be, . I he is
hereby author a d on b•halt of the sa'r
Mewi• iral r'nneed,to centred s i •an e! thu
Iy thon•and pnna•te to euros not (005 than
tw.ay•fi•n round. Warier! iNrPat al 5,10
I" o•.t oxeetslIn,t r : r r.501. per eney.
es ony bo arced nese bet erre hew mulch(
party er s•ruea'erring'n w.akc a'•civ Lr O.
.btektuteers%else: La psy•b'e ►cal 7eerl)
.n ateritatf m.neT at L,. n net . Eoltsn.l-
1e l Irn'hius*ad p"tr.t•.4 as ichprwvpa
nun plash bergable .nren tea.. teelL'he
data el Cie la of ti a .s.) Drees/owlthe forth'' 5,1n rtes th'•^sen1 pnnmla ie%►.
'On ',aft(reps Ile dal.: of the runsoi AS.
-sial IP•b ah re ,• a^J the la'.,r Cr el les
th„a.pnesae :0 teen'y ,Ser, from 1►e
.'.its ra the 'eerie n• the r r.l 11. !retorts,
ill pat nolo at Iro,Joe a' -,Said.
Set. And be tl fierier owlet. Thal for
.Rtrd'ng p•,M•nee of .h. eat,' Lorin, nod far
•.rnrtor tris rl"5rM ihecri f w"h rterrri,
1)abe I,kee am (!Miall cal the said Macwip ^I
r '.,lint "elf be trotted int
.qs d rut Ire tris'creat? fw'le pr'lla•la,
rebirth Urb'•nt•iic• -halt be .ra1a4 with the
tyd ..i tbq Pod Mao ergs! ('wme % erg rat d
bs '`s period, ani t*wstersrgeedrep 14
JOti' IrtadeP;I.
rr1'4 AND l'1►1'4'ER ;t t1(TI1, r•Ilt dont
to thee Vrev nna lint. 1, 15'e.t gloPrt.
Gnd•-i-'eh. ha• e•-e•taorly oa 5.4.i, • rh,••e.
erred{ of Tinware. C•s•-'u*a a.d It •a A'ove..
ke., wh eh he wit: soil at c• n.eterably re-
grind p"rep.
The highest prime paid is trate for nil
ettpper, brae, pewter, shsepk'ne. caif and
beef h.Jes,Saathe•r and rages. A'1 kinJ,n(
igerehantah!d preduh. 000 to *Reheasg. •o
eget. pr+..e. •
144•r•ebeFab, If, 1511.
v3 -s•
trusty Clerk and Treasurer re.peetivsly,and
bail bear date on the day the .eeney is ad•
ivied to the Treasurer, and be made pay
blewith interest ace wiling to the term.
nd conditions rat the said Loan as herein
before meatinnrd.
3.d. AO be It enacted, That a apodal
roto of Forthiuga In tine Pound (ser
sonata over isd abote,aad in additioe to
1I otber rates whatsoever shall be rained
letlevied is each year roc err NTneat r1 debt to he created by teemed Loan
mid the saute shall be fmily pard, upon a 1
the ratable real and personal property
o the said Cooed Countte', and e 'peva!
tate of one sh,'line a..d 5 penny n the p...d
per 'aeons (acing the num of the .seas•! t.,
thereof or eapitaEvalue) L.pon the anneal
value of all the rateable real and personal
property witbIa the said lac Dryers ed Town -
.4 Onderwh, .04 within every Ineorpnrated
'faro or Village wbleb than hereafter b.
Incorporated sobm the sstd united Coes- ,l
ties dorms the cnatinuince of the fid rale.
Nn',ea-Tian eb-'e is atrua cep, of -.
a proposed Brsl,aw 10 he taken info- ergo,'
sideration by the 31umripel Conned of the
United Corn Ilex of Boron, Perth and Brnee,
in Tuesday tie kiwi, day of Islay If52,
et the the Hotel, Goderuch, (Goo-
dee/ at ten of the clock en the h,r.oterer
at which time and' else* the member of the
+aid Mun:ci olily are eereby regetred toe.
tend fir the purptme aforesaid.
I1. 11 II ITCHIg.
Coney Clark.
County C:ark' Office,
Gndcnch, 31,1 „Dn. 1831. 15al30
STRAYED frni(Ikthe Seleeribcr, nn or
" shoot alas First of Drermher het, l.r•l
83, North hpe (iinrateinp. a Red Cow with
a where (ter, and over the fors rhenlder a
white spot with a he11 on, els. a Red Steer
with • elite lace, and hollow hark t deo a
it ark Stier, w-:0. lice back, and coteepot
.a hu hp01'gautn t+,Ieq a Sloth astir hito
90ef WI h A. 8. on bis horn,, ruing -tat
'urs o'4.
Kfnear,'!•,e Jan. 1211' 133'. ide4V
T 151•O geed t5Y(J' an61 (S%taker.,
a "Owe wi'I ''nd coeennt emrtsyerena
and ere! wage.. by rip; lyia! at 16ia burp
of the seuseriber, W'ee'..e''.4. Qedrrwh.
Sere 9:5.1551. • •
- - W APTIGD. as
FOR it's 3 8CH001,. (3o'teeleh Towathlpas i
Teacher boleti.* • First Cl... Caetifiaa*►-r
(item • 'theret :litho, tell be le...
•Ar'ely to ta¢. Theism
Dae.'- - 43 4 a
A. N 1asrYrrt.
E'ASIIT(N5C1.): TA l'7,011, •w' dee,
WPM 01 11'. G. G•see 1 Unit, tli"•••A
Sl 'r Gade': "h. ib s- ii
I . 19, 1359.
f:Or,Dolc:1 rou.:"'Dli`'l•
j 114' 11.1, be here. ta• eostieeera av 11t w
Kosys, Mowete.wwe.
will su1.pply .veryne de-e•npaiunn el ee.1e%a a ai
ilod•er par.% Coon ,'este man h. •reprwt•d.
i The reef "BUKR 81'l1YC' w aeew•-
1 pe -,yd to l'4054a, rad will hoe ail for Cala.
64 lu.-r thea h•.ttuf rr. a corresponding
1 rednel-nn en •!(V Me a $4010x.
,. Qrderr0)b.A'''PaAw i sial.
I611,etst11'1 S *S 4ttr
•'A•aFwa •r•
411 ..
i .taw a . article ,