Huron Signal, 1852-03-11, Page 20662==.00gec._" Oat @flint YR seal me what"' goal age Obly bi islet, id do as 1 tea be Iteek before you get coteeey.' ?lie two beaters separated • Ellie, es kok tai arterial bee, and the other la th- ewlittUrrna,t0:1 or the etieitsJ est - tie. Ilse former 'eternised the prionieg of h. gm, tad 'stabbed himself that every -•• WorePosaa-Se garaleas et eemmestuellinee. yas116 huiti * 4,4 rid bin "illeolaiiAltetwataillelf Wok sod at wafer. '114 plied his lifirbm with almost superhemati eareagab. A rhea webbed es the 'bore, hut bneeenerehr beer& Eat ne-easeirle -mew hal° atr tkoll ken She frightful death winch the was threatend. kor thi4 was is proper order for servu-e, • a. Le lisePLr6d,albterer Itme had hooeim.raefo"ii wpee seated himself saes the grossed aatil kept eits emellesq. (beadually, hones er, it bee e rernerliatAy quiet—breiyiag his miad, Mos aaturatied with the element, and in into ex - irk the toot, iu fancying the "'entices of Rost erti"ed °PPoolto hillueure• t!'he Saartinite tie wab ready to conclude that oereitairer!i exhausTe ottiedoswbheorttilliot came to .ber Abe lad fallen a victim of Savage cruelty, pia to see eer°41 owe. dt nbee e 711` °anmpos"lulli: trat 6r eadeai orel to dispel meth gloomy tion adapted to restore aniniallon to tier ideas from his mind, sad ceutemplate only the brattier side of the picture. fe eau 40Berefeire EllyTivint Ihavdetellia .fh• ar front tier ly happy, however, in spite of Ms efforts to swiss. peculiar 10 kileze.eit71,41 test re Ws s, hit, to their waited buoy- rifle, and , ateaklisly placed liimaelf at the miry. la the midst of his rneditatioas, he edge of the precipice, nearly over the two felt something 'tike lain upon tbe shouhier !its who yet remained ea the beach. from hehiud. sarang Upon his feet tad Theeadc°17. e °f°1;1,,,Chr7:- hrledhlloa1171-1Yt di:ea.:crel Lew is NVetzel standing near Elliot, wheel tTnetzel ginned bis new positiou '1 he rapid' motiou of youth, however, '10 well 1 aint a Indian.' said the lat- Plouelang Ms way through the water, twine - ter. what baffled the eavage; surd before he had lime to draw • satisfactory sight upon the Elliot was mortified to thiuk that lw had swimmer, a ball from Leen aVetzel's rifle • armed himself to be surprised so easily. pierced the Mirages beart. At ibis mcuteut Lewis, you halo learned nie another OW Cress.Fire seas "lauding near his cum - levee said be, ,and 1 Aim profit by it.' panion; his keen black eyer were directed towards the spot from which the two first Ste that you do, Ellit,' replied Wetzel, th were fired. Ilis ample chest heaved in a low voice. • You mast be quiet now,' from the working of the forint within; his he added, in a low whisper. nostrils were relaxed and distended altet- • Did you see anything?' asked Elliot. Rate'''. arid Ids giant frame was braced up in ita full height. Ilia ponderous rife was Yes; they are coming !' held by bis right hand, across the front of Wber his body, ready to be placed to bis left' Cross -Fire, and three others.' shoulder, at a inoment's notice. And Beset' As soon as Wetzel Led bis last shot, *abe's safe enongh, riding the little white and before the Alin° chief had time to poey, and Ohl Cross -Fire leading it make a motion towards retreatine he drop- ped his gun, and leaped over he bank. with aloag.' the fary of a tiger, upon Isis long -sought Leeisell shoot the impoileat seemed- e„m7. The force with which he sprang rel if die for a!' muttered the youth; upon Old Crotty -Fire laid the savage at Tull acnclie 1 Ls teeth vials rage. length upon the beach, with one arin and a Ikea, 1:1:it, bush!—Do as I. tell you porIttrioseofirhsuii bnkodtyobhuii:eliiliii,nhtshienmtirhee. \ mVuedt sail all will be will. Crouch down as low found it impossible to extricate hiniself. as } ou can, and be quiet.' • '1 he Old TI-ekinned wretch!' growled the young hunter. • Be emy, , boy!' said Wetzel; he is sot to be shot, I tell you. I'll attend to him. Ellit, you are gitling feveifeba Levitates youriready. Keep coole-keep enelmeor .tou can never shoot to Lill.' The eye of 1Veteel win quick to per- ' rei‘e that Lis youthful comrade-1Na labor- ing ander some nervous excifilliiient, oc- casioned by the novelly and probity dan- ger of the situation in which be ;mil plac- ed. be cool presently; he ripia. • Only cl..) as I tell yeti, EIbt. Lay low, and low your breath easy; and don't whis- pc: r:oOlier word, as you value your life, .r. , .... . • c '1Vkliirily1FION SITO AL, iii.opii.rt ICI -1, Irilt,C11 11, 1852. „ • salvor Clergy Illeservive .f Re01•11011. eir DataliDatall Is, the inallaire elf tam etty es eat emit anyZ,se, Is dila Irian, tbis."pesatbe .ces °ail C°411scil 1°I. 4 Is TV- itiwPia:411.14.4104.1Noolesida, ow/ 1:64:otautit1111bir4ty1,111•••44,,t regonasegIsty sesmie,11,041044 et illwellier,...Itas.4 ite..111108.1.1sat ofTtivea 4 de a die ii_stera.he_ _, tmar pespietvhjhawreeitgrathmosetweegteini_ht. Lk, eerreat par—the following were an alliance of •ucli iticis.1 It is esttar• we met the sera mere of (lopes Canute 144 ill liberal wessmase es the part cif Collf/111111•11,1 . Illiebbell " the Earl of Derby Pat IPPaillt . NtelOded'illirwielle,ailigJOhnl—McDottald, Jacob ezhaeuou of Democratic ducoatent, tail curved ifelVl the forme, and ars sot distarb- •oetvitietisie i.sto tam emit% of tbe moths. ad ia rho enpy meat a the laimr. Woahl mid Ito proper elastio be she roves see Wane Troserviy, might to entitle es to the anent look bit the whole aair as • mere casual tie lffseeet• it • . pat i1 itows as solnettnag mitirely esworthy S"Ar.sadfrikeria"ey, rclerts.or. 4, epaWffeasie,16beeleileat,ce.echt ek(ettibre.as'ailtneege.ing Ow From th• state of Treasury, ad •nhibited or notice. In this case, the people, or- the Geo. allow'', Treamarer. et Canada earn °paned ie tee trunk Rail shall certinue at ita elreest rate per &undo, taiallY a PilY Ibia4 aaeh Inell es the El° of ":1:41.1:Bras..1.•\°Vil''Cliams'unn7C) h'iriwisallef Constah/Nicekh:113„. Derby should, for mere party purposes, owed* of tL• tury ana fearer prow te the ha eke. Persiblest'• 'message, et se apperees will, or ib. wish. Of the meals of the pee- . fire t that the Iles. 11r. Vous., "duetted that the oubi.e doote., .• 1141 req'tired as a pie has no weight whatever. lt is cer- at llalitart &list a lege wajoirty uf the popis smartie of manure. '.*d it ibis/rodeo. of gold w•y! No mai retiork appears PC his pet el wb.ch Owe cannot be • dash*, she as least their ialluence and talents to promul- the woe of .thtemsen, or what is the differ- G A. Di seug„ Inspector of Stone, liiiied epeoch, nor du t e Mimeo 11 silo made. mount received from customs &anis wilt be Ntithe Ur. Yourg Of any ea • else e mild •utple ___bweeafter for all tia• mama, vi gate such tenacious Dunmire. What is Earl of Derby mad a amino° wooden -bead- I3aik, Wood, 4-c., 4-c. settled opinion has vet beee limed •ven by 'tare! t‘rit, to eras'. m• to go into am cies A letter read by the Clerk, Thome undertake for i he Opiiilc411 .4 a majority oI clivernffient. the people ol (*.nada on the Qies.tion. Nu I ha,. ooh the aiithoritsle before woe am toes between a great state -man like the shsre of attcotior to it, much lees by tha hum been prodisced on thts commerce and ed M. P., if they are just to sit still till the ed to him, nosed John Strachan, Council- Kydd, Esq., which had been that day hand - these who bate directed a contiJorattle homes roatement 1.• show the etTect• wnich rest ma*. of the people who have not revenues of tbe country and all the produe act strictlir as the people bid them. HMOs People bid them rise, mid thou to rile acid lor of St. Ceorge's Ward; James We- ren't% yet 1 is wilt(.( to betard lbe this is all we have to expect from our re- son, Councillor QE St. George's Ward ; eve isiereets of the States east of the Rocky rivaled the matt. r at 411.—x•ya .laisers- mountain., by the poi:mines of gold iii Cali- is all the duty belong,tog to statesmen, or if . opine,. th•t thn revenue of the .cat Jager presentativesaa is quite poseible that ere j5.1'lantetlies wCsmIlPlacbettil', Cisaoaunecillotarstteotifb‘15111. Aanod- ram. 'rim BITEltel Illf —FOitGERY AND ending on dm 50th 1.1114 last, was bugnmsets long, legislation will be dune by machinery! what 'won't liav• bees received tete the bit of hewing and shaping out the measure dime's Wald ; acknowledging the receipt SANCTITY. ed at limit Artesia inilltoas of dollars, beyond If the people are really to hare all the trou- A person named Matthews, who had for Treasury, if grad had not beer discovered that is, of giviag a sort of rough form, we of certain notices calling a meeting of the — shaving shop in t•iis city, e'en, sinners mid the matter be correct, our tiiiite has already . see no difficulty whatever in rubbing down TEownsq., Cmoauneyoril. '.1115.iinesttt:nrceasofitlraapLp:arewisd, s, me time condoeled ',fp, affairs of a pious and collected in California. If this view ef "•vnialmie," et korranine, Le., in want et contributed, •'.l is contributing, taa.reetly, the asperities and giving a tolerable polish draws' up by the legal wisdom of the Tory net t•ff, as is sappesed, from L11,000 to £13, by the exports of either of the two great chine ! Staudt], this wont do. The dread- minority oldie Town (-loaned, wan certain - to tee oatmeal finances. an animist alarm'. W the thing, by merely pushing it through ..i 1•11 1,.31.8, could be accotr.modated at from , 50 to 73 per cent. h a Jiro decamped, carry- if Got quite espial to that which e produced something like 13abliage's calculating tea - nee* under the tame of Mathews ant az. There cannot be a q vertion therefore, lybc,inogf itsecolufsiadevree7 tsuluciuddh beydocitsumeanutt,laonirl, i 00. Ile weir engaged in meicat iae bow- ._ divisions of the urion on the Atlantic ode. ed democratic principle is progressing -will , termite of the *bole country will he beat was requested to be placed amongst the progress --and tbe fewer obetacles that are ard has •• let in" a number of our mei- that the time has arrived Wien the true in. thrown in the way, the more sagacious will promoted by relinquishing the public lends records of the Coeporatioo, (and with it Omni, as well as money lender.. W e are na. . ure •litt it is known who is puthracee it ,be in its disposition and condtec a aod the ences.• we would suggest the aufu/ Proclamation by the •• Co." un the eign•board, but Itt. for the purpose of amen settlement and rut- more genial and salutary will be its influ- Wile' of thm City hie been his" Co." in the 115n ruler and IVEU1111004 established by the Ou the 9th ult, bard John Russell intro- of the self -elected Mayor, of the 1911 said that a certain Mack coaled philanthre tivation, and conarnting /eat: of Congress. ' .1th the ii treasure" ma to be '' laid up in meters themselves, defining the rights of duced his new Reform Bill, or, at 'teat. understand, was to the effect that they ile January.) The kttcr, as far aa we could sMaring opera rum. Ile suiipl...d Ilatihow• flutter," but in a mot* profi!able infirm - ion of g.-ld. or *hi may lave t violist in of Commons in explanation of his reasons not consider that there is a Mayor legally these who may be employed in the collect- made one of his best speeches in the 'louse say, 75 per cent diiiClatlfil. Other. followeo vete 1•11300. for brinoing tbrward the measure at this ckcted for this Town. And further,. that trent dime here le notes and mentors.. ai, , machinery furdhe purpose of working the Tbe great distance from the Atlantic they do not recognize the appointment of the pious example carried their apart' cash time, an"il in giving a brief outline of the States to California. and the expense of the Mr. Kydd as Town Clerk, but in his doubt - to the slum niarket. Everything went r 0 principal features of the bill; and whether tamously fur a II has. The greedy usurers yummy, give to the occupants of the rublic the people have aiked for it or not—whether fu/ position be, Mr. Kydd, would be pleas- luandreds under the admit minagement ef 'lads In ttua Ht "4 pecaliar claims to the they require it or not, or whether they are favorable conaideration or Congress, and I prepared for it or not—it is certainly a great ed to communicate to thine members oldie et•re in haate to get !ibis. Titer Davi their going to chore li, int:teas:no in one hundred Council who are leg,ally elected: that they the exemplary tiara hews, whd never fillesetti cannotinsiertam a doebt, that d (twee claims bill—another very gigantic stride in the and fifty and one kiesaced and seresarfiee are willing to meet them, and proceed with rhall be cle arty presenued, the policy or march of mender freedorn. hiessrs. Ilume at the end et 41/0 ye4r.-4hey rsiLbed their making liberal Van" to actual tattl" "'II and Bright, as a matter of course, thought the business of the Town after basing elect - hands sill. glen. Thrjoeirol ermlomed be adopted_ it does not go far enough, but it is a great ed Mayor, and the other officers of the Ibsen the tenor to be with great respect, notes'. beating names of persons of iindoulJt• step nevertheless. The Earl of Derby and ed solvency mere ceserully stowed aeay Your ob't servan. his perty will oppose it with a vengeance. Corporation, upon being notified that the and tank Item and received—not the mosey, To J. 11. McKee*, E-q.,•Preeident ot the withdrawal of Ira Lewis and James until they metured. Tho FIllerICIet then T. BUTLER KINti• ludian; for the latter was lying prostrate, r , , ormons 'shaves for three morns ninre that would be entail btenneem,—but oths notes, w.e.11 endo,r,sed, and increame.1 by en- Miners' and Settler.' Consentioo at Sacra- meoto. temporary Clerk of the Council. Now, McMahon, had been filed with him, as the Ile had, however, the advantage et the t. somewhat lammed by kis fall' nail dslir've" retire. 1. ell, the thing weei on beautifully moreover or the use of one of his arms. i., a cren„, „preached in .1 he money 02a„, The hunter, whose side was now placed kat. Toe nsoreis began to want a little o against the breast of the old cLief, findine, their treasure for other purposes, and the that hissintagoeist was reviving, seized his Financier believing he would not get a knife, and was about to plunge it to his Leart when the latter, hy a sweep tif his long, arm encircled Wetzel's body, dad nearly crush- ed him to dealt). The ‚.cont made several attempts to use his knife, but the excruc iat- Mg pain he experienced from the iron Leg of the Aliugooparalyaed his powers of ac- tion. At !torah, Old Cross -Eire made a copy of the Collector's Rell, which same Objecteda migid he brought agaiso the elec- tvie of JAB :Arse 'on wid agaiset the shrew:ea af every COILOC1110f in the 'Pewn, bad the apposite pally imbed to have .hewn tbe same evil spirit, and se • tious opposition. In fact, we Where thst every Aluatcipal electioe ita Upper Casa - da, might lave been upset 011 tbe same • growth,. But thy objec t of ties 'loom was to fill the odkes with tbeir owa crea- tures, fancying 11" they managed the., their accessioa to power would be sore auother year. Failing in this, they attempt to throw every obstacle in die way of those who are laboring for the best interests the Town. It is tune that the Wesel& of the Town should be proceeded with, Taverns require to be licensed Immediately, or their proprietors are liable to be Wed. The Asieseors should be made aware of their duty, the first of Apra is tbe day eli- minated by Statute for the completion of their Rolls. The t.oulicil certainly have the power to extend the tune if deemed aecesnary, but if they do not commence be- fore the day they should be completed, W e doubt if they have that power. We sin- cerely oope that the voters of the Town at the nett Municipal eleetious, will see the necessity of bringiug forward suitable met) to fill the office of Councillor'., men wits have the real interest of the l'ovin at heart, who are willing to unite together for thu publie good and act Lounitly, independent of all party feeling. The Council met last eveuirig the Huron liotel—we will give further parti- culars in our next issue. L.se's too.' dome time elapsed before either made tba slightest motioto-At'length, the tramp- ' leg of Inc pony, approaching the creek, was diatinctly Leard; pad Elliot made a motion towards rasing his head to obtain a sight eflto.e. but his porpase was promptly. thwoied by bfaway arm of his coin - _panne, who breathed; %tither than whispe. - • .cd, in his ear, Lib favorite inunction, "Be Weuel's head was placed beliiod a chis - ter of green leaves, through the interstices of which he was enaLled to obtain a view 7, of the -shore of the ereek, opposite the place at nil:eh the ranoe was sunk. Ile observed 0f1 C'resi-Fire conduct the pony to the isiargia of the bank, at ,whieh he lifted hie capuye to the ground. The solaiing of ,• Kan. at this tiie, was quite audible. . As the anunds fuli upon Elliot's ear, he trembled aith emotion; and might More in- . fanged Weisel's order, had not the latter. .asecipating **seething of the kind, t.une.d face •toxards and frowned him into silence. (1111 Cross -Fire. setting rin store upon • .Kese's addle, utterly atnpped the pony of its bridle, which be slapped across the ani - 1 mars bark, and with a second swing, threw it urn' the beach below him. 'I' be potty • teetered into the bushes, where it n000 com- menced feeding Oil the wial grass at its Eget . la mother ao.ibera, the Indies, bad lifted Woe down the declivity, mad :heir whole pa.•ty appeared on the hftch. Two of them waded late the creek as far as the twig which had hien nbserved Wetrel. where they plunked their arm+ into the watir, and tarn drew forth wooden kale. '1 helr canoe irl,TletilalPly rose to the surface. Dextrously thronins. nut the water it eon - Weed, they pushed it to the shore, where (ltd Cross -Fire and the other warrior had remained to stand euaed over Bose. The fair caelite was then ',heed in the hew of , one. er to, 4, „c„tre ben,eir esrstal examonstien by every Gorr thers, Stoat its renter; whilst *nether drew forth ' Prnire","'",* T!lo t•dviehey of ever.ta lirepeddie, stood erect iti the stern. and •.,,"t C.14C1111611.11 to inspire a very 'Wog comatience the prrieblieney of oiir (10 - plebe/ ci:T. The old chief and one lo_ par, y c, Tl oto are ole• rentainen the beach, probably to a art ,eret• at work whirl] widdee filihr..1 and the ridern of the canoe. 1 patriotic wen of both ;ut4tirill parties to •t•iii polo.e..1 pretence these motions were rfistinctly oh- Conk I° "W - 'erre by W etre!, whn qnicklv amturiel 4e mei" ""! Peale4 re- . hi own 'I tie moirseat the canoe t,.."'.. i*t.1 el"; .°11.117 k ant perrneoceey via pmeee (Nei be unie *twos so our iiist,iutto••• ..oturee• in readiness. 10 "'"'" "' r an i Lower Canada hat dosie much • Aim '2 sail he,. in a wart -elf stubble whew, at the fellow in thy middle of the awe% Pint directly at his body, mid don't till I gire the word.' wiffilhot directed the 111111111* of hie gun to- tn., important ia 'ends water. and jest Hier had Ms first rice aril progress of timer l'snada, have of the enemy. 'nw si xto. of Rosie b.„.„, all ribeted in s 1,,wer Caeada 1111014 disconcerteil hint; but gammon* mem Whether the Dame comma wit ke Iron 6,-rino„ csr.n-ked ',mod soli te .%/111:1.‘linitgli.4111r1Tlei peo alba/an i vaieri4e. and took preemie aim at lie desig- 4 't'6 "'cr." WrItarl,iseanwlide, gradual- 11..I.r.*. '1118 ala"tt " hear a rea" I I dem n.4 Ihroitet.iut Upper Canada ales pie,' in nearly the sense line or itig!st r a ilivsolto of the prevail Oren" and amt, at the instant the canoe reached the ra„ er • Verne sof' ail er"1.111 WW1 1160 creek. he gave the word, in a *no whisper_. reu Rath rifles firing 11 peer-iII t)'• '4"11. . Mewled ;heir reports en mInsirablv lfir eoul.4 sot hire detregoisiw3 wparaw elisehereee. /loth Taermee the sae the centre of the cent drop- , its leeriest pet the other, orbe beid tholfflog etwight le the gwn, eirisifeed Mese ie falba; Pell% Thiri 1011111 SI DOI- 1141,141Ch Wetzel he& reins/re set lte war prompt, lieri .• ever, me, 7adit r whispered In as..1 lwr hooter haul, drew' in his nets and struck ou foi parts unLnown. Th. stockholder. e. British Parlioinent. The explanations of the ec,,err, on bearing of ni, eight . cam-. Lord Palnierateit's resignation reached us halm examined their securities. The notes too late for insertion in our issue on Tuve were there, and tbe mimes those of •• feed day, but we have given thein in full to -day. men .aed true," 'fhey breathed freely. are important mid entitled to Wine Pot what a blank did their couatemance ex- hibit on reaentiog some of those epics tu the suppo•ed makers for payment; to hear tremendous effort to turn himself; and in do- them .ay 'Ek1Pait (ram int..-." 1 "vet ing so related his Arm in none inra.Urg, .^Diff re'!" The "M.. WN‘ Argeritg— wbich enabled Wetzel to iuflict a deep stab il fingerles 2 Mauls°. had heal 1b° money to termer and forged the Dames of tu the clieftaias's aide, from 'which the red tar pretended borrowers current of,life spouted freely. The savage io'ett orree rtgect. -senPibi uttered a yell of angui-h.„ and bin arm fell clic. Shalt pristesrlaaofsTncitit: powerless by hie. side. Wetzel continued ere aow.asilays frequently .ortde to demon to use his knife until the vital spark n'a ger animated the breast of his rictus. 'Ile dead body of the Mingo chief served the purpose of aiding the victorious hunter. 10 eIttiOntia", his legs from' ilt mire. Ile secured the asaip. of Old Cross -Fire - and his comrade—the bodice of the two Initial's first killed having sunk to the bottomnf the river. It was now night. but the moon was wp, and the stars *hone brie -fitly• - NV etre! went in search of Ebiot and lithe. He found the latter much revived, th and the youwas leuderly !Rippe -Hine' be' weakened 'frame, From the Cana rise. TIIE IMPERIAL PARLIAN1ENT. A large portion of oir cedumns to -day are occupied with proeeedinga of tbe 1-111d6NT-T-SIG14 A L. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1832. Te “ Caitildralt " of the Zed restage contains a very able article on " The Globe con.ideration. It appears that the separa- and the Cameren Dinner." Tbe would-be tion of the late Secretary for Foreaga Af- political Jupiter of Canada is handled au a fairs from the Cabinet was a dismissal rather than a resigrration. And ontwith- style to which he has not been accustomed, standing the character that his lordship has and we hope some of our cotemporaries obtained for enlightened liberality, the may take a lesson upon the spirit and tem - statements of the premier represent him per of the Cancufiart. There is altogeth- as being coosidorably huhu -d with the doe- er to much pe nal abuse 14 tbe newspa- trines of tie old sebool. leiked, from cer- tain regal instructions communicated to per Polities °I. the daY• This arises, we 11,'Ple'"" sod "11/1°•"9". bath lay and1 Lord Patmerston in August laal, it would presume, from the false ideas of what is C.1111014 10 WESEL% 'Rpm time vretrein Wait seem, that although bis kr iu31i ,"i_, ha° .1 acted 1 honorable end right, under which men are more fame and greater cir taixty of atICCell. Rojjgjen to Iva pety (1,0 c'„ak *1„ a, tyrant, as Foreign -Minister 'for someyear'., je' and k trcined. The ” dry lig,ht of reason," as pet op when a'iont to strike dowa the trber- had given general satisfaction, there were ,_ Loel Bacon tyles it, has very little to do tem or their count*, but is eoeveniently as. atilt some suspicious of his whig principies, ✓ uined by deei,zaira mm in ‚.1* Talks of life. elee why the necessity for these fresh in- witl the cogitatious of our political philo- who are to 1 .odotent and too mend to earn structions? * In short, Lord Palmerston is SOphCrS. Low animal interest is the pro- • living by honest industry. Ma! lets'i Dot not exactly a believer in the rational doc- pelting power, while the MORALE nf their be understood to criestion tht ex.stenee-ut he true metal. If there were no genuine tripe of mon-intereention. 11 15 probable creed seems to be nothing but a quibbling c on there would be be counterfeit. It isa that he would not advise the immediate aid expediency as blind, as to its natural con - f the Pritish troo in behalf of Louis froward, trick of counterfeiters to Trete,- ° ' P' eat taweenho exp.,at, them, aa enemies ,st Napoleon', usurpation—but he thinks it sequences, as it is unworthy of intelligent sit religien! We see this retrortel *eine,. were better "*141 the power cf the Presi- meth By such articlesas that of tbe Ifrailirciroand l'g,bleetrll asaaatIon; howevor, of ••he dent should prevail"—lie thinks it were 'Canadian we hope to see the Globe ili. and makins• her, sensible of the leadingI , Previ"u• I:" of those Who better tlrat Louis Napoleon should, in the Coq brought bac- k to their ici;ilanat events we Crre related. Che Impressed a rime Cie cry ot ••Iet'ellere." "rocislisle," ....I -of arbitrary duspotism, dissolve the with to proceed home unniediately. Lewis. "enemisei of rellion," iis ettficient ,to Asserehly, blot out the tonstitutroa and pat OrLits- after a short search, found both the pony I "hnw. tbat At,' 8' al'yenta' ata "it 6" an end to Parliamentary Government in We think, however, that the Canadian U5 r 1. • Thee dem * in its first issue, somewhat in recognizing the Biker.' appointnsent as " a jue,gle," a job, or a "mere Cabinet shuttle." Amian- ple statement of tbe case 41.•priveii it of any. such character in our opinion. The liberals of Upper Canada strongly desired Mr. Cameron in the Cabinet, to secure tbe success of their favorite mea - !urea. Theist members of the Coven - meat in which the liberal, had most eon& e mad its b. -idle. Lose was placed mike • may genoralty b tikes as evi1e-ee, that saddle, and the party returned in safety to we are no the r;eht track, an 1 fee our Sim, the fort. we **old much rather have their oppesitioe • • than their praise. tiecondly,. the existence of** noteiha srEnctiEs ittF:ssmq. IIINCICS. were," in every rart of the country, sod tie T Y0(140ON ' THE p„Idey,,,eat or 6 large ameaut et capital— RAILWAY QUESTION. moth urger thy. 1. generally supposed—is this tilsgitimate kind a banking, which (be. As the Great trunk Railwny is one of die ing attenslcd' with great risks • to the eapis meat important questions se • finencial, Lima as the preeent cane lamet'compete ro!ittevi commercial, semi and national ezactiona of e(*ormotie and to the borrower, pain, of view, that is hke'y to ensile pub- ruinous...halm-) shoold ind.ee our legis - t e 5,10nti0D' for rotee time to come, We !store to irseep tbe Usury Liwe from the .1u-*' no 033010 (0? fretl"ottY °"640°C tup Statute Bonk at once. Tiley are no pe- lt, and prablisieg ouch triturate/le" teciun, beta helve COM, 10 the harrower, tend to throw light upon its dither Revd,. an I produce a demoralis neeffect upon the The speech of the Ilun. Inopectur General e.ran„,,„rty.; criminal rme,ebe the taw, at the public mooing at fields:, which will soceillse exactions froni' the tinfortanate, be found.in soother eniumn, places the queer. gigaatin frauds, like tha shore.. are drorder (ion in a Mere ealisfactoce 151t then an, of the dee, and way all be traced directly in eat, h 11has yet appeared. If we the te these erieerira aid injerioes Ines. vi a relit to I Wires by a roots which as Ur. Sherwood is got- in the House to 4r. Young saber., will pity, and &repot bring up his anneal melon for the repeal of only called upon to crorribute 437,133 a op Usury Law*, (and it is about *beep!, vitir to meet the Interests epos Our share cau.,e we keow to regret his Avrence.) est of the eanital to build it, but we do not Fee w• !rustle:sine influential member wilt 1101imich . sus I b.r alarm the vasin,ms" 0: the tree riikieg. Apart eemic foie edestion, there aro poliiicel consideration. ail, eve France, than that the holders of property should be aanoyed and alarmed with the probahle divisions and cavilling of the As- sembly. This is a fair statement of the substance of what be seems to think and he thinks farther, that there is no harm mlett- ing this opinion be known in France, as tbe opinion of the Foreign Secretary of Britain 'f hese thinks and opinions are not in har- mony with tbe non-intervention doctrine. They are not ezactly as hostile as hitting a man in the face, hut they do remind us of the school -boys' mode of getting tip a fight they do look like " scratching the briff one —and if prensted in would very speedily had to real intervention, and subsequently, as in hundreds of byg,olie inatances, to war and desolation. The wort-ietereention is one of the most salutary principles that has been adnpted by nations, and if generally adopted and maintained, would soon lead to the desirable consunlinatioe of a world without war! In tire House of Lords on the 3r4 ult., rood, bet it 115 q 11100 10 the minds of inaey whether o las not /Ions all the ot is capable uf. Or whether he 111110.1,11 of which minit accompany milers. 'demi will not eiroettrally muter se Gesys sod obetsuctions le the askew. 1 she qiitotion up sad maku a vigorous effert tbe former Lord Stanly. now. Earl of Derby to oloitie a mnaie•iltion, .fnot a eel.% repeal mane a very long speech as &sort of run- nins commentary oo the Speech from the Theene; and after indulging,as usual, to s • From the Aka Caldera*. LET TT.1 FRO• Til110N. '1'ssme ettent On the iniquity of repealing the 31 a . Corn-laws—after some humorous. remarks about the iocrease of one penn on the 41b 13U 1 Ltot Mate. la:tenni a little of the lack -a aylsos about _ In com.i!.,nee with the proalise made to . tchnericy"Papal Ag,gression," be hurls forth Mine a and Sdttlers' Gonrention, 1111e# Cie m201. 0°nigwatedn',:vot-lini-ttimierreedn'tio5reindliocbtlerinCe, and duties win pisenvi. i regret 111%1 1 . 1:e7d10"ettheoftaateporrutipontureo,f atnild. htboilr7iunrpot0r aritiPqmt:estior.,Ynnsue!::be%trcu•dlin41,kth, 0110s d•lito rations as i he preiraidg nature ot me itiirtsisaiiMbirieifelure‘ those defier have Isere aril re its i at very the present aspect of thing% in -France. IIis inoch to deity and limit 1 c 515'., which -. sag seech, as a whole, is tolerable, and tinier more favoraeteeirea stifles' 1 sauuid i rentains less bitterness& and less of the spirit eat tut to prevent. of faction than might hare been .eepecte. cl.. As the mining aid agricultural lemmata tut commeatary on Lord John Russell s Almost the only real tory portion ofit n or Catifdrima are the g eat foundatme oti new Reform BM. which by the hYe, ltd ,s, wb,ch th*Pr°•Peritl °I the 81.111'10.1 mil. not made its apFearence at t be time of the the undevistieg iwiliey of our 1411141n de .r.ar f -rl of Derby s speech. But the rigut holt Sire Nrionid, eh eil 1 bs to give the 'relitible eneloragetnentrioo wortiy L, 1 1 entice .,ate% t con en 4 he t t o( the velo;remen thoin ve teres'.. inn ovating document. &-i certainly make.. ' .• defficelly has be to decide what no effort to eosees1 his determined oPlama- me et • be done to ersenote dm. Ape's. tiea to all or any extemitoo of the "Demo- T'.Gave!ameet .1 .15. Uistviektatt• ti .id critic power." ledeed, he es opposed .th ir If e 'ntrol of the Polre d'onsiiir wit th'191 the iatrodurtios of any measure for the me- iiniii l'' di* inffnl""111" 01Cuelf••• if oath cre,'., or fir slain of Dm Parliamentary. re- preweitatioa. 'Dais is converratiant, ea, like a tete conservative, he bases his op- position nn the old ‚.'e -se argeinciit that the ronettry does not want it—the people do and derailed Parliamentary Reform or the eateasion .1 115. franchise! What'. relmrkahle automat of respect these conser- vatives do pay to the pies of the people ot these laws. Ever, ;lay that luny con. weir le form, eamtal 14 kept oat uf the cou..try Pl. North Ast„,rtss0 pcsmisocas on a lotorsi ba ussaarnse as .ter e .a.litrun rea finite lel the e, II «'.15h 0, perste p or,nee 1. re- int•ro.t• tbe whom eceseire will j miry villa* me isiturnal sewn se COCtillIf to me O 06 wp•',, gr.d 10 Ato•r•t red J ,.t infi enc• i• tne general gorermnent ot the whets. Poeta aereire to saii he moth rood Mere OD the chows board. A Terra Rail w•y •0111110 • nrecirily prie.rea ire e, and we bay@ all t • 11,..i• •ve•varlpai eeppers the pej eta chid!, weit • view ID de hollesol'et I *be first element ig • are e ed *tome political si re ef British 'testat- e'. 'Itellesaserve here rie eweemem1.11.15 e pee roma s meth itherrstria. ljbS.sl ideas eleven (0 the Lawler piammere. Tree, are a le abl ef es es sift th eV' We hie' "- a t.f ..ten . The first great iteset.dn to he &reeler' is, elm 1 the public ittunin anywhere, and elan, @Wort's, be beresitirr rtfarded as remelt el reverie* t • the ewes"! treasury 10, rayed , 1 un'irertatey give it as ray eainius that the sjvieolinral portions of the publes lent" 0001 to tea levee le octet welt lore far maltivatine end impressment, wav- e .1 tool or cheese, • sept 11,1141.111 and sod test the nen*. 15.hot tree in be Welted Seale; the retie end regrassieee se- tablretied by the •11•41111 L•91•110111.,. Tbs p-minct of geld, for th• lasi year, ia we cannot conjecture upon '.bat grounds these opinions were formed. Mr. Strachan states in his loyal Proclamation of the f 9th January, that he is the duly elected May- or. Hence, in the event of Ira Lewis, the legally appointed Mayor, getting frighten- ed and bolting the course, where would be the aeces,ity of o new election of that offi- cer. We should suppose that two living Mayors were enough in all conscience for the 'fowls of Goderieh in one year. But how cle these gentlemen reconcile that part of their letter which refers to the election of a Mayor with the I'rochumttion of John Strachan wherein he admartiset himself as the duly elected Mayor, we might eery reasonably suppose. from hie own chewing that he could till the Civic Chair without again subjecting hinoelf to the uncertainty of a new election. We would, however, urge upon John Strachan and his friends, theeuecessity of acknowledging hloKyduh position as Clerk of the Council ite filled that office for, the previous year, and tieing reappointed for. the present year.— We 413 (501 consider Ids position by any means tbnittful, and we thiak Mr. Stracban will have to serve him with at least tiro ei.to -.• he suc- ceeds in removing him from hie ilostitful puition. We dare not suppose 'that Jan To CORRESPONDENTS. --Our esteemed Freend Kirsty l'oreith," will appear in our next, Le has himself again to blame for the delay, hisletter having only arrived by this mornings mail, and other metter being in type. We sincerely sympathize with him in his trouble, domestic and othersac, but doubt not that by patience and fortitude he will surmount them all. THE WEATHLR.--On Monday evening and 'Tuesday inosning we had rain—the !mow disappeared at a rapid rate. Since then we had frost at night. INFORMATION WANTED. A 0011 - Elector Annexationist wants to fuel the hole -sad -corner itemilsitioa, se; he wishes to ails it !! 1Ve trust some Lind hearted toffiwitgive the anziosts maa the seem - gory informaboa. aims. - o mmunit alio n a. '0•77113,•'! GODERICII. 9th Mira], 1852. TOMS EIN'0401 TIER I8011011 120515. - DEA R Stn. --You will greatly oblige many of your readere in nreiaborhood, if you trill inform thee' Aiwa or not it is consonant with the Statute that the Clerk of the Peace should *Iso be Clerk of the Division Court, or whether you think the Legislature could ever hare contemplated such an anomalous appointment. The Act: 13th & 1 tth Vic : Chap: 53 and section tl'2, enacts tliat'Division Court Clerks and Bailiff.; shall enter into bonds or covenants with.such number of sureties and in suchamottat as the Judge may deem Strachan is ignorant of that. part of the proper—m Proirided always, that such Municipal Act, which constitutes the covenants shall not be accepted, until the Clerk chairman mad the Mayor is elected. sureties therein mentioned shall have , been So that even supposing tbe first meeting of ai:..oved of under the hand of such Judge, the Gouncil. '832, to •he illegal (which and ilec tared sufficient for the sums for which we do not.) Mr. Kyddwould still be Clerk: they shall have respectively become bound The Tories of Goderich MOM to have fully to such covenants, and which .aid covenants, cone to tho conclusion to either rule or together with such approval, shall, before ruin. Protest'.have been entered ageinst any such Clerk or Bailiff shall cater upon eerta'n parties taking their seat'. "'CU tilt Untie.; of the Office under this Act, be year since the To on lum been incorporated. filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, deuce, were also most anxious that he Every sort of bug -bear has been used to in the County in Which the Division Court should accept office. Through some mis- frighten their opponents, but so far, have ip respect of which such covenants were understanding consequence of his not be- resulted in nothing. The Radicals have given is situate, for which filing and grant; ing present at the final arrangement—he made up their minds to die game, and if ing a certificate thereof the said Clerk of was appointed to an office which he could not cousistently accept. Why ? Because he did not consider tbe duties of said office sufficiently numerous to occupy him for the salary he should receive. Does be not deserve credit for that? Oh, but his mo- tives. Who ever saw a motive? The fact of nig refusine, office for the reason assigned, is patent to the country, and we are much mistaken if the men of Iluron will not give him full credit for an act of integrity, worthy of his high standing among the progressive Reformers of hie native country. Well ! la order to re- move his objections and secure his services the Government assigns certain very im- portset duties to him in addition to tbe office of President, and be accepts the ap- panttnent. 'Ile thing is very snple—aud we cannot see the slightest reason for calling the affair either " a sham," "a job," or " a shuffle." Let any honest man ask himself 1( 11*. circumstances are the tame when Mr. Cameros 'tempts niter, al they were when he refused 11, 05 the ground of its awl.'.'.rants. No! Must she his conviction, therefore, it is a mere sham and a Ault% for tbe Globe with its mnall acronine Jobs Galt, to throw off such dust tate political atmosphere at present. TOWN COUNCIL. This board met at tbe Harem Hotel, on Saturday ev•nieg last, the 6th east., D01- - t°16' 4u"1"nd tb" Pop*. "re", witheaseidieg the rimy deeeoeietteee when they deemed wrath, 1 11 the Itreed spinet them, lay a few rabid Torie,. ple do ant ash - not agitate, do met T nor for anything, then every seamervatiee wo Ihro lusliti W. flit (hs %map"' or sad every momiereatiee whastake t 15-1 the Tievre'is aot to be aegietted• Et. knoll ell peed volitive that the people do eieet primes Wye been appraised to fill they do not posses the same amount of edit- eatioa, talent, andslegal quibbling, they can at leaat boast of being quite as Nothing appears to be legal in Municipal trotters in the Town of with the Tories, when they figure. as we hope.they always may, in the minority. In 1550, when the first Municipal election took place, the proceedings were all itkgal,there was DO Mayor, because they did,not suc- ceed in electing their nominee (0 1152* office, and Couneillers James Watson, Rich, llainilton and Dixie Watson, refined to act because they were beaten, and allowed the interests cil their constituents to go un- represented. as far as they were concerned, for the whole year. People were advised not to perform their Statute Labor nor pay and tines as the officers of the Corpo- ration, were not acting under any proper authority or according to law, merely be- came they failed is eleetiag a Mayor on the day filed by Steele. The :Ate amount of humbug is abort to be perpetra- ted.. 1852. Arid we would ask what is the came of all this foam and fury, on the part of Joint Strachan and his frieeds— is it that they do sot thialt that the sets of the Conseil will be legal this year? Or is it their great antiety for the progress and improvement of the Town, and believe that the Town will miller by its present arraagement We say so. It ia because Joke Straghan failed is being elected Mayer, therefore, the Conneillors of St. Patrieit's Ward, are not legally elerted. Why are they sot legally eleeted 7They re.rtainly had the majority of Teta*. Bat Jobs litre/Mae has ascertathed that the Retuning Oliver salmi without a rarified the Peace shall be entitled to demand and receive from such Clerk or the sum of fire shillings, and no more." 'fere then, Our First Division Court Clerk pays unto himself " the said Clerk of the Peace" the sum of fire shillings for a certificate of the filing of the o said covenants" and " such approval" in order that he" the said Clerk" may be able by the production of such Cer- tificate to satisfy all suepicious litigants that every thing is—as it should be. In other words, he is to hold all e'vidence of own or his euretits responsibility ti his own hands. But again, we find in the same sec- tion " Provided also, " that a copy of such covenant certified by tbe Clerk of the Peace !shall be received in all Courts as mifficient evidence of the dos etecutione and of the contents thereof without any proof whatever. And provided, that swat sureties still be freeholders and resident within the County m which the Court is held." It most indeed he truly gratifying to erery upright Clerk of the Peace who may be fertimate enough to here 0 boaor thrust upon him" in the. Aar of Division Court Clerkship, to think that 110 001* certificate bits'orenand his sureties be sufficient evideace agaisat biet!Ind dictate any Court should he accidental he- roine a defaulter, and to know dist the suf- ferer le such case will hare eo farther trou- ble is obtaining ladgesiest &garnet them. There is however in my °Theron nese doubt as to whether thie virw °Me subject will be equally tassiaag te the pan gee.. ally. I am Dear Sir, t• Y.* sot °beat. serest. Qt• eetwr. •