Huron Signal, 1852-03-11, Page 1To THE ELECTORS OF utrRON,PERTH AND BRUCE. OittitTEEMIBM '.-- You are aware that when I arreared belt e you at the late cleElection I had not ac- cepted (flee, although I bad been gnashed as President of the Executive Council. My reasons for refusing that Office 1 stater) to you plainly and in full. I then explained to you, that although it is necessary to have a Chair - _man or President, the duties hitherto devolving upon the Pre- silent were not such as to wser-I rart the country m paying i hundred pout a year tor isl services. Since that time, how- ever, the office of President of the Council has been materially al- tered and other important duties, • till now neglected,a attached to it—so that it is now in reality no longer a sinecure and hence my principle objection 2 Robert Dog, dm• do. Stephen, to it is entirely removed. In- 3 Andres► \Volker, de' do. LLbbert, deed, it rosy be presumed that 4 'Thomas Md lacy, do. do. McGillivray, e�]do. do. Kincardine, the duties allotted to the Presi- 5 �� Corbett, (loderieb, dent of the Council, in future, do. do. 7 John itolmes,do. Downie, RTC equal in number, and almost) \\ illiam Smith, do.odo. Ellice lit equal in importance t0 the duties 8 Ale:ander Gourley, do. nmgton, Mor - performed by any other member do do Blan•hard, I 10 John Robinson, do. Biddrl i, of the Cabinet. Si.early as the year 1841, • TEN SHILLING./ is •,vases• S VOLUME V. n "THa GaaAlgwr P08511La GOOD TO THa GR8AT&BT p0111111 NDM1taa• - (}ODRRICH, COUNTY OF HURON, (C. W.) 'I'IIURSIIAY, MARCH l 1, 1852. MINUTES •or the United Cowgtiea of lluron • Of the Mstrsampd1 Cwstalasi `tet Room nJ the (.railer) Perth stye) Brave, reset Jin flat 26th slay 'f Jan_ Cwatres Gaol, on rent to Statute 12th Vary, 1852,Victoria r hnyter 81. PagSIMT: WILLIAM CHALK, Esq., Warden m the Chair. And the following gentlemen, who delivered in their certificates of having been duly elected Town orthe eevea Township of 1'sborne, 1 Thomas Lamb, Esquire, do. Hay, 3fi Letter from Provincial Secretary. 99 Letter from Mr. Nairn. The four following documents were referred to School Com- mittee. 40 Petition of Mrs. Nairn. 41 Letter and accounts from the Rev. John Logie. 42 Report of Mr. Neiru, actornpaated with accounts and vouchers. 43 Letter from Mr. 'Nairn. 44 Letter from the Messrs. Brown, Ilamiiton, ordered to be Med. 45 Petition of Lowel Alvord—referred to Fivance Commit- tee. 46 Letter and other documents from Local Superintendent of Stools, 1st Divisios—referred to School Committee. 47 Moved by Mr. Hamilton. seconded by Mr. Ryan, That a Committee of five be appointed for Finance. ( rh a ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Holmes, llill, Wallace, ``mitt and Itobiuson. 48 Moved by Mr. Hamilton, seconded by Mr. ( oiirlay, That a Committee of five he apeoiuted for Schnola—carried. On a ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Hays, Lamb, Ryan, Cole and Rath. The C'uneil adjourned till to -morrow at ten o'clock. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, lluron, Perth and Bruce. I 11 William H. Ryan, do. do. North Easthope, the 12 Alexander llamilton, do. do• South Easthope, M I w l l J urge;) in strong terms, upon attention of the then Govern - went, the justice and utility of establishing a Department of Agriculture. feeling then as I do; now, that if any one interest or department ,vas entitled to the C )tl iderali°tl and vigilanee of! Legislature, that one should be; the Agricultural. This is Cana - 13 Alexander its , • do. Deputy Downie w Montieth, t Reeve, , 14 Andre Townahi of Colborne, 15 John Armand, Jr., do. for the do p't1'Killnp &Grey, 16 Robert )lays, do. do.Ashfield, 17 Robert Davidson, do. do.A shfie , 18 John l'eutland, dosd. Wawan ab, 19 William Chalk, for the Town of Goderich, 20 William\\ apace, do. . mit electedd Who delivcd a certificate that be waswnre read, was masted by 21 After the above certificates Mr. ,1 be Warden for the UUnited Counties of Mr. Hays, That PerthmChalk, Esq,and arr.eel unanimously. aa- da's great interest—toy founda- tion of all our hopes notwith- standing and prosperity i and tl standing the comparative indif- ference with which it has hither- to been ren rdetl, it is the one which must furnish tlic " men will women and money, " that ultimately raise us in the scale of nations. The Government has t o of ow established a Department Agriculture the management oft tea o'clock tomorrow moraingb Mr. Ryas, seconded by Mr. which, together with several ` 26 Moved i■ s0eDdme t will meet at Mn, .eco Iedtlbyburyr. connected with emi-'l Hamilton, That this vas and 'se :sing taken 's other duties bestatistics at ten o'clock to -morrow. Os the } grat n proven, and the rutedof the ori of six. The motion was the amendment it was cost by Council ad ouraed accordingly. Chairman are entrusted to the i eousequenUy carried. The 1 Chairman of Committees or Pre- • WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, Huron, Perth and Bruce. intent of the Council. And His - Excellency having been pleased', to offer the this office in its alter- i oLRctL Room, GODERICH, tel and improved character, I felt • 27th Impanel, i ooE it • my dutyand esteemed it an TsudaC Council met. ))moor to ail in the deliberations 1 The se�T' The \Carden in the Chair. Bruce, for the year 1852--e seconded by Mr. Holmen, That a 22.Moved by Mr.aSmith, to examine the certificates,now Committee of five lie appointed the different Township Clerks, and to report toh rtho Council d.frO a ballot being taken, the Com- tttee w shercaredcarne of Messrs. Smith, flays, Holmes, Orttee was declared to consist Wallace and Annand. two following documents were submitted.to the above ,nittee• •Officer of Kincardine to the `;3 Letter Gains the Returning Warden, and Withers sant tea other imLaLitants of 24 Letter from Mr. Kincardine, to the Warden• seconded by Mr. Annaud, That 25 Moved by Mr. Says, -tie Coemcll adjourn to meet at the Heron Hotel, (Gentles) at • of an Administration in which I aE' - Mooers. IIOLMEB, M HAMILTON, had full confidence—\chick I had Rt AN assisted to form, and of which 1 expected to have becu, from the first, a member. • And although I still feel that. gentleman of superior literary aeefe• LAMB, I FRANCIS WALKER, CORBITT, ANDREW WALKER, DAVIDSON, attainments wool more proper-. ly discharge the duties of Chair- I Tbe minutes of yesterday were read over and approved of. man of Committees, yet- as His 27 The \\ arden's Oath of office was receiseel, read, and Excellency and' his Advisers I ordered to be filed. �,A'� t0 _consider me The three following documents were referred to the Commit - have been P`o the tee appointed to esamtue the certificates sent by the Township competent to the sews , ;t1 duties Clerks, relative to the election of Itceve!. now attached to the office, I have 28 Certificate of Township Clerk, Stanley, that Pr. Cole was it. And in doing 10, 1 elected Reeve, and had taken the necessary oaths. accepted of the 29 Do. do. Logan in favor of Mr. Rath. affirm in contradiction, 30 Do. do. Fullerton in favor of Mr. hill. statements of the opposition and I It was verbally moved thatsthe Council do adjourn for half Si discontented Press, that my ac-, Jnr—eatTied. ceptance of it, in its present Tlae Council adjourned accordingly. WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, form, will be R considerable say • Huron, Perth and Bruce. ing to the country. It has been 2 alleged by certain portions of; the Press that I am at liberty to I accept and hold this office without', . The Council met pursuant to adjournment, the same parties again appealing to my constitu- .present, with the addition of Mr. Pentland. p 31 Report of the Committee appointed to report on the ca- ents. But, Gentlemen, whatever lidity of elections of Town Reeves, was received, read, ani re - ' t the (aro inay say on the subject, , fen•ed 10 a Committee n( tbe \V}ak. The \\ seders Loirainated 1 ha\e L ro I.Itie respect for pub- Mr. Hamilton to the Chair. (►n the report being r rid 1vc `Ir. DOIG, RATH, MONTEITH, ROBINSON, HILL, GOU RLAY, ANNAN1), COLE, SMITIH, McGOEY, HAYS, MITCHELL. puetrm Prom the g:,rkcaNV Obse,wer. JOHN AND:: 180N, MY Juk. n, my Joe, Jolts, 1oI won. nder w o,. mean, 1 minden what )1 moron To drink ase impslate at e'en: And dear *ut our us, John, You'll blear out a 7 u du a,. And why should y,• Got up and s gn the temperance pledge, John Aodereos, my jos. Jobe Anderson, my jos, Jobs, Whim we were first acqueot, tbe raven, Y yr urek. eeneyrbrowe wan Mo But now yi r looking mold, Joba, No wonder itis so: The whisky [lace is all the armee, Judie AnJcr.00, my jos. John Anderson, my jos, Juba, When y• made me your bride, You pard 1 was the bonniest Imes E'er stood by b,idegro•si' side: But now ye ern free me, John, _ W, druckeo sots ye o; inoses, Ieft at hame to P John Anderson, my Joe. John Andersen, my jnei John, Council Room, Goocuicn, ! Wednesday, 28th January, 1852. The "Coined set. PRESENT: WILLIAM CHALK, Eaq., Warden, in the Chair. Mean. WALKER, •Mewes. HILL, ROBINSON, ANL ANDi GOURLAY, CSMITH, CORBITT, SMITH, RYAN, RATH, McGOEY, WALLACE, DOIG, HAYS; DAVIDSON, HAMILTON, MITCHELL, PENTLAND, MONTEITH. The minutes of yesterday were read over and approved of. 49 1'etitioe of certain inhabitants of Stephen, Usborne and Hay-tefevred to Road and Bridge Committee. 50 County Surveyor's Report—referred to P.oad and Bridge Committee. 51 Moved by Mr. Monteith, seconded by Mr. Rath, That a Committee of fuse be appointed oo Roads and Bridges --car- ried. On a ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to consist of Messrs. Kath, Lamb, Robinson, Hamilton and Wallace. 52 Notice of motion by Dr. Cole, I intend to move to -mor- row for the sum of £30 to be etpended m cross -laying the on the Little Gran -berry Mlarsb. and a !mall .edar Town -line between the Townships of Ilay sed Stanley. 53 Notice of motion by Mr. Mitchell, I intend to move to- morow for the sum of £50. to be exp ended on the 'Town -line be- tween South Easthope and tbe Gore of Downie. 54 Notice of motion by Mr. hath, I give noticc,Tbat on to -morrow I will move tor a grant of £15 on each of she Town - lines of Logan. 55 Notice of motion by Mr. (,outlay, That to -morrow I in- tend to mote for the sum or £20 to be expended on the Town - line between North F.astlsnpe and Ellice. •56 Notice of,motion . by Mr. Hamilton, That I intend to move.to-morrow for the sum of £ 10 for the erection of a Bridge on toe Town -lino of North I asthope. - • 57 Notice of motion by Mr. Lamb, That on to -morrow I will move for a sum of money to fioisb the crossways, not already finished, on the Thames Road, leading through the Township of Usborne. 58 Nonce of motion by Mr. Holmes. That I will on to -mor- row ask leave to introduce a motion for the sum of £30 to be expended on the Town -line between t;oderich and 1lulicit, and towards repairing the Bridge over the .South-east branch of the River Maitland. 59 Notice of motion by Mr. Smith, That to -morrow I will move fora grant of £'23 to be expended on the 'towu-thus be- tween/Downie and Fullerton. 60 Notice of mitten by Mr. Walker, I intend to mom to- morrow for £60 to eree6-s 13rulge on. the Big Division line between the Townships of Stephen That I d will moveto- morrow Notice of motion by y of repairing the for the sum of £20 for the purposeP g Bride over the- \laitland River between the Townships of McKillop and Ilullett, partially carried away by the Floods last June. • • 62 Notice of motion by Mr. Heil, That to -morrow I will move for the sum of. £3'J to he expended on the 'Town -line be- tween Fullartoo and Hibbert. 63 Notice of motion by Mr. Ryan, That I will to -morrow move for the sum of £10 for crosswayrng on the Town -line be - to seo e a dulph e, inhabitants ndon, on tleoeouth Boundary, of Lawdon agreeing totween assist lots one and three, io making the same. seconded byMr. Wallace. That 64 Moved by Dr. Cole, s this Conned do petition the Legislature. or the proper Post Offce authorities!, that the Loudon Mail pass through l ieytidehl,iia its route to and from Cadence, in' place of passing as at the present time through Clinton, the difference being but two le will effect a seeing of the ex - Whsle ye free drink did keep, We oei,her wanted meat nor clave, Nor peace, nor balmy sleep; But now our press is tam, John• There's 'teething left but woe• There's oo a bawbee in the boos*, John Anderse..my JOe• John Anderson, •ray jos, John, Our baring were neat and clean; Ye praised them aye baith ear' and late. Blythe .tick and bonoy Jean. But now they're neither fed nor clad, To the school they caeca go; Get up and sign the Temp'ranee pledge, Jobs Anderson, my jos, Jahn Anderson, my jee, John, If yell pit dnun your name, i promise and I vow to you, That I will do the same; Let us then mak' a firm resolve, And to the Hall -let's go; And there we'll join the Temp'ranee band, John Anderson, m7 JO.. • 'BMWs why may I out u well pall el Boma. it wontda't be of res ms, at ler it nae string is my bead that powder esd lead can't lull • hu Dry old waft* here lees tried so often to frost ins jeer, with- out do..g ,t, that I've made ap my mead t try bias ammo utter way. 11e's get • dao! ed Idc- that's a clear case" 1•sdge, Lewis! 1)o you believe is sack 3 TWELVE AND RIX PlioCE old woman's eturie.r AT ilia see u, xuasi aaa. Well, 1 d6ai't know that l de, as a Fese- �luag; but I must say that I've rtuJsed 1� U M III :R SII. mrrlf that (Nd Cross -lire b pion( again rifle halls, soy bow. But we must move Iluw man d, you think sill h! styli- Iah.ng quuLer,Elkt. We're may half way • j to Short creek, and we bas. o't a wanste'a cieat for the purpose 1" Inquired the tea- I time to spare.' jos 1 can (leek up with you—more "a"ft: •J\vo at the outside,' returned \Verset: i aaid the youth. or if the colonel's agreed, I'll go by my- ll', Lick time to quit talkang, now,' self.' obeen ed the elder huwter,in a softened IoM, flat wdl nesse du!' elelumed sever- after lacy hart Zeit the run some distance al.o I in their rear. • A body Las to be quiet ' 1 tett you, Lewis,' sat:! I'lliot; w 1 wbroLe gets about the lndians,or they'll be stepped boldly tie to the limiter, • that 1 I mighty apt to get :Lou/ shalt go at all hazards. It was through my Elliot promised to keep .ilrsee. The indiscretion lint Miss Mason fell into the I two hunters maw quicktmd tbt it pace, hands of the ludiaus, and uo power under thuuab care was taken to bring their feet to the sun s11a11 preteot ore (row ai.iino in her Il the ground as lightly asponible. Wetzel, resci,e !� tyke walked before his youthful companion, ' lloo t talk s� fat,' obsessed the imper- turable scout--' jest let eve lit the. thing. I eomtiaually glanced los well -practised ryes Ismail: lam, pens tinting the mazes of the Ellet: forest om every side. Hr mated with Bur- r \Verset,' said \I'Collocb, •inn much pr�tgetiMaess, and netcr uttered a sylla- may be risked by seuding out au iuettciest bihingsu1 a s, ae Lase been re castle Ia- force. Here comes the reamed: we wig eolarade from waking unuece>aary noise. hear what he has to say about it.' Wbra t►e bole reaclsr.I )lie in•,uth of The colonel, who now reappeared to aa- Short creek, lb:• sun was nearly really to had that the obbojection were for: , inal planjasi dlsaPpew behind the bold heights on the had ,\'etzcl'x objection to the original plain fl � shore of the (lido. The hauls of and his desire W take the matter into his creek at its ecsfluence with the ricer, oar halide, fully I tined to him titctaturc. a ria s' ° J rel wets abrapt,though not high, and covered � what eau you du by yourselfl'a>ked►k luxu- riant of Wetzel. eve''tn-tuus extteuae borders is ith a I r Why, colonel, I will do all that 1 CIO. emit growth o pawpaws. 'The outer edgy of the beach n either stream was dry tenet I'll get the poor child out of thiir'red pave sande; lint a wide strip of wet and unctu- if I have to follow the s'eulking dogs al tha way to the Sandusky towns.' ons earth nest to the waters s edge, had ' But you should have lefp,' remarked the been exposed to view by the recent 'whet - colonel. dence of a freshet. ' This is the tend of our jramp,' whisper- --- • Mores r. Trees the senttiera Literary OLD CROSS -FIRE. --A STORYOF THE NORTH-WESTERN BOR- DER. _ ' Colonel, you aint a gitting jubous of me I hope, at this late dayl Did you ever ed Wetzel to his companion. They were know Lewis \Wetzel to act the fool wbcn then standing at the lower angle of the junc- tion of the streams—screened, however, red -skins were shout! Now, if we want ' from observation bythe thick pawpaw to fetch back poor Rose, we must go about I grove which extended to the verge of the the business like true Indian hunters --not prineipice. ' What is to be dome now" asked Elliot in a like low whisper. .111 see,' said Wetzel. ' Yon stay where you are, and do not budge a peg. nor make a bit of noi-e, whale I go and look around a Mese'. Ile cateinusly drew the branches aside, and glided throge,h the Mashes with a quiet- ness peculiar to the skilful I.odi�sn • Imuter. After an absence of several minutes he- re- turned, and made a signal to 1:11iot to fol- low him. The latter stepped forward as cautiously as he could, and accompanied Lewis a few rods up the creek bank, wben the elder bunter called the attention of his companion to the stumps of two bushes, on which the recent" marks of the hatchet were visible. 'Thisone,' whispered Wetzel, stooping down tri the soarer stump,' 'was out by Old will do no harm. You wont he hehilstroag, Cross -Fire himself.' beease you're,a green hand, and will Irate ' Ifow do you know that 1' inquired El - like fox hunters.' i'Do you think you can bring the child back in safety, Lewis!' seriously asked colo- neI Zane. ' I can't promise sartinly, colonel; but I know full well that I can do more towards it by myself than I can with a pack of noisy fellows along with me.' i Wetzel is right,' said the colonel, after be lead revolved the question in bis mind. ' In an affair of this kind, I have n.vcr found lam krong• Major M'Coiloch, we will commit the business to him alone. • I amglad to bear you ay so, colonel? exclaimed Wetzel, whose eyes now sud- denly brightened with hope and joy—` I'U give a good account of myself.' ' I shall go with you,, Lewis,' said EPiot, impatieutly—s 1 will go at the risk of my life !' ' So you may,' replied the hunter, ' you DY GEO.-S. at'y/ERNAN• Concluded. Within five minutes after the arrival of Elliot, every living being in the settlement was collected within the stockade fort at Wheeling. The story of the youth was told in a few words. ' This is a distressing affair,' said colonel Zane, the commandant of the garrison. It is fortunate, however, that major M'Col- loch is with us to -day. Twelve mounted men under his cpmmand will capture the copper -colored rascals before sunset, and restore the dear child • to us unharmed. What say you, major M'Cnllochl' • I am always ready, sir, for anything in the shape of an Indian fight,' replied the intrepid hunter. • •Then select twelve men—myself among the number --mount as on the fleetest Lor- ses we can find, and—but I need not tell you more. Time is precious. You pick the men, and I go now to get the horses in readi- ness.— ' It shall be done,' answered M'Colloeb, 'aad quickly too! Lewis Wetzel!' 'Here !' replied Lewis, as he elbowed his way through the group of persons which had collected around the major. ' I put you at the bead of the list, and will espect much from you,' continued Al'Col- loch. ' Major Mac,' said Wetzel, "I don't like the colonel's plan, any way I can sift it through. 1'epose we all want to have the child fotch back safe and sound, but I know very well the thing can't be done 'cording to' Use colonel's plan.' • \VLy not 1' respectfully inquired WCo1- loch, who reposed almost unbounded coafi- denee in the judgment and skill of Lewis Wetzel• ' Becase the very minute Old Cross -Fire finds himself'— ' Old Cross -Fire!' exclaimed a dozen voices at once. ' Aye,Old Cross -Fire l' repeated Wet- zel. with rather a sneering, emphasis, ' lie's at the top and bottom of this business; and, the very minute he find, himself hunted down by horsemen, he will eculp poor ]lose, and then take goad rue to put himself and his cursed red -skin Haag out of barns way.' • Ent how do you know the Indian Gent to be 011 Cross -t'ire's t' asked 11'Col- loci► • Why. you *me major 'Mac,1 j •• t tuck the trouble, a -bit ago, to pick out the bul- let that was lodged is ))print's horse. Here it is. 1 know the size of the old rascal's balls too well to he mistaken.' Perhaps yon are right,' said M'Colloeh,I after he had examined the shapeless piece of lead. • Tlurdt nary doubt about it,' replied Wetzel. • l; poo r4neetina; remarked M'Collocli, • 1 agree with you that it is not prudent to go wirmated. W. win all go em font.' ' 1 dos't like that neither; sail \\-orae). 'Uwe mil ge, Hero mist be too nwany of tie to do may good.' lie opinion, and the principles of; No. 29, Mr. Rath explained, when It was move ` evade tswl, Mitchell, seconded by 1)r. Cole, That Mr. I's h exp'lai.aton of nee of the mail now running from Ilsyfieldto GtdencL—tamed. bkie not having taken the. oath of qualification beiug eatisfactory, 63 Notice of motion by Air. I'tobinso', That to-morowour Constitution,' to b availittg myself of a legal be allowed to take hie seat—carried. will move for a grant of £ 150 towards the erection of the St. Maris Bride over the Riva tillamemorrow at ten o'clock. Tae Council then adjourned 1111AI.K, W ardett, Huron, Perth sad Breve. quibble. 1 shall, therefore, 8°1 On the last clause of the report being read over, �lecers. soon as a writ can issue, that is, I Lamb, Corbitt, Gourley and Davidson explained, and Mr. David - soon as Parliament meets,re-1 moo certified that Mr. Peutlaad had taken the accessary °atlas SO before him. sign n,y seat and gIVC you, the 32 Moved by Mr. Mitebell, seconded by Dr. Cole, That Electors UI Huron, an Opportune- i the explanations with regard to the certificates of the following ty of expressing, at the Polls, , Reeves, viz : Messrs. Iamb, Corbitt. Gourlay, 1(an, Davidson your opinion of my conduct in; and Pentland, being satisfactory to this Council, they be allowed to their !eats—carried. thus concurring In the (lest at- ITtake he. Committee rose, and the Warden resumed the Chair, when t of any Canadian (=event- thereport was again submitted and adopted. tour merit to reeognihe and elevate thie agricultural interest.' by a distinct Governmental Depart went. 1 have the Honor W be, Gentlemen, Your obed t scrv'nt, MALCOt. I CAMERON. 0,.1, Woos!' -1( a whimsical or ridicul- ous oto: y as told of any on , it19 sere mae lake wit,o relate to an ofd weals or le many way eccantrto in hie ideas of g peewees and pDropnete, be is Called as old I TConant then &tlyeemed for onetime. wemae A hegemony of Seamen et The Comma pore timidity is toter• 33 Letter from the County Treasurer was referred to the Finance Committee. 34 Letter from the Directors of the Canada Company to 'County Treasurer was relened to a Special Committee. 95 Moved by Mr. Rath, seconded by Mr. Robinson that a Committee of fire be appointed to consider the best steps to be taken for raising mean. to construct the Grarel Roads, and also to take into consideratinu the letter of the 1)irectors of the Caoa- at Company to the Connty Trers,rer—tarried. On a ballot being taken, the Committee was declared to cnI- liat of Mews Mitchell, Robinson, Hill, llolmes and Lamb. 36 Moved by Air. Molmes, seconded by Dr. Cole, That the Warden do issue a Warrant forthwith for a mew election in Kin- cardine, in accordance with the report jest now confirmed, and that Mr. Francis Welker be Returnin (Nicer --carried. sura. with WILLIAM CHALK, Warden, were, or Caro', Perth td Erases. world, subjects..teto l ..0 jr e, toga and F y what does the world, subject, to Nim 1 tbie,tbat a nun h hke lis mother' Asti w►s, twit A Mang filled with real mo en?. is • ted love for her off- spring. and di yrs one r hear of s 'elfish an ons eve mother t --e( nae who wogld not emetics felileatal that 'be ought mate* to bur t which is io h, and the oat, Dae, is childreot Here, then,es a trsi »alley, old sees eltmrti,s Sae mind. neat di.1,uguiehee the pee of the venerable females from time o(se1W bombast's w go 1 )wap year W A weed la year ear, lir • ie. 'ante.' Beady year ebee oi, lad COMMIT. Rime. " n'elork, The Council rot, the gimme parties present that were in the foren000, with the addition of Mr. Wallace, who presented rerti- !teat' from Town Clerk of (;odeneh (Tows), that he had been elected Town Reeve for the Town of Gotland', which wen read• aid Mr. Wallas. alln'edtn take his seat. Tisa throe fellowiag documents were referred to Cosmtittee. 37 Letter free Jobs Nair', Esq., sesempaieed of arxsamta Vaud the Board of n+btie laetreehns• Council. Roos, GODllocf, Thursday, 29th January, 1862. TbeGaeeil set. iasis(r : WILLIAM (IIHALK, Eq., Warden in the their. HAM11.1'(»,G, Mmes. Messes. DO 11T( f1ECL, DAVIDSON.DA1'EN7'LAND, WA LLACE, SMITH. Metlot:Y, ANNAND, LAMB, Cot", HAYS. WALiobi , MON7'16r11. ROBINSON, HILL. Gut'RLAY, CORaItTT, RATH, RYAN, ocer and roved of. The mentis off Jamie were w read ad and rife .d to Fi- of James Brows was ree 66 Petition 67 Report of Select Committee of Committee. f t,ode- f Town (owei4' rich—referred to Finance Committee. s I.aytoe, ordered to lie ns the table. 69 Twter of Thoma Local Superintendent of Selipols 69 Tetter aerostats, from . 1st Derision—refs to Fitanre (' mmdtee. 70 in accordance with the res lotion of last Sessio' of Council, Mr. Robmsfln, iteeve of It anshard, submitted an esti- mate of building a Bridge across the 'Charm's at St. Marys a which was referred to Finance Committee, "rhea it p;lansltard, era. \tr jlnbin!ne. seetisded by Mr. H*milto', 71t 111 till by to assist is the erection of the 's ret the sow n( £ 1:>n ice Theme% at SE Marys• The above 'sr", Bodge mere the R' ' Committee. -- awe to do jest as I tell you. Besides, you ought to help Rose out of the bad box your fool- ery got her into.' ' Where do- --purpose o iogl' asked colonel Zane. ' Straight to the mouth of Short c that's Um pant Old Cross -Fire always CMS - ,e9 at. . It n. gitUrg for now into the arter noon, ao well have to be brisk. Elliot, is your rine mod all your ficins in good orderr a All right, responded the youth. ' Then, tome, let's 1* o6'.' n The two adventurers shouldered their firelocks, and ao they passed throui,b the gate of the fortification, many a brief prayer for tbeir success was uttered by the inmates. of the fort; all of whore had been deeply in- terested auditors of the. conversation abnxe related. They pursued a well -beaten path four or five miles up the bank,of the river. until they reached the mouth of a large run, which emptied itself wife the Ohio, immedi- ately opposite.* small island in the latter stream. Here, nature appeared in her wildest aspect. 'This ie asttspicioas looking )11•-• ob- 1n;.. Can't you sec that it was rut by'a left- handed man 1 The highest pint of a stump ie always where the heel of the hatcbt cuts it; and that )sigh pint is next to us on this don the left side.' understand you; said the youth. ' Your reasoning is conclusive that the lamb was cut by aleft -handed man.' Now took at, the other stones; resumed Wetzel,' and gine me your ilea ,about flint: Elliot ea•etu`y examined the second stomp; and ventured bis opinion prompt- ly. 'This one; ea:d be,. was Rut by a er,cht !Sanded man, became the Ligbest point of the stump is on the right side 'That's right, EUIt. I've larnt you that much, and it's worth minding, too.' ' Wny is the information so valuable!' 'ICs valuable on this account, Ellie: you see it shows us that there have been at least two red -skins here=Doe left -bawled and one right-handed one. The left handed one is Old'Crtw-Fire, becase bee the °sl served Elliot. • left -banded marl I know of in these parts; 'Not • bit; said WsUcl, ' There balnt 1 and flan other,/ is Doc of his bangers been an Indian here for a long. long time. A- good while back, this mai a fatuous place for 'rm t s erose riser in th.ir canoes; and many's the time Fre tai 1 for d-•;'• and ni;�,s the Finset- 'lotirm was rrferrru k, r. Y• WILWILLIAMllv ( coma adjourned tin 7 e'cln (IH/I.K, Wanks.I y moment Herein, Perth mid Brace. on: ' 1hd might there not have been. mor'' than two, Lewis,' ' So there might, but we can't tell, mai l at a stretch, on the pint of that lack island rtztl, as he masse,) tear else bank, in yandcr mat:ping the motions of the red- skius, to 1,it a chance to 113:110 their hi.1e- with my old women here, --and the hinder patted the breech of his ;lin with manifest affection. ' Old Cross -Fire; be contiout•d used to pail ;le over, hereabouts; bat me and hon Lave had so rr.any crack` at teach n t' el in • vends... that (w's K cast his keen eyes upon the bosom oft e water. • T1•^re's anolhcr discivery 1've made,' he added. ' 1)o you see that little green Twig in the creek there.' / I':i!int glapred bis eye in the directi•'w denoted by his comrade's finger, and anew ere' in the aainetive. other , Will, 1:Pit, that little trig K fast to Old j Cross-! ire's canoe, which is there sunk in ventur hi. 11.1 rr.l Lille in 1hie matter, any morn. }L's get Ili, ferry at ?hitt crce:a, tbe water, awl I arz'r that these now; and there's where we'll have to nail here were rut to Make forks to Castes it t the bottom/ ' 1)n yon think the rid fell.re Wessel •er- • very likely; tied off 1Lose1' iatrerngtt' 1 Fnint. • .1n1 1 now ar,-;rr 'hat there might he 'hit us .ar.in I'e di3 as my "me.' Wet- I been floe or mnrelediairs taking ear 1 canoe, while the ell slug and lea isq my I ashore to cul the forks: ..1. •yon res«+n Ur a pbiln!npber, I win sono beerme aa expert hsae v, yoer tutors''^.' Ir �jrrw L 11it. said 'lee ,eeet,' pi eel.' • Then, l.ewis, 1 ora reoilved that rifle Hell kill the icfernal old sent rel!' • Tut tut, Ellie! Po jest„ i till yon; I didn't fetch ',it along In talk that way. Boy, there'. eery man in this part of the .hearse that I'd trust with Old Cross - Fire.' back te )riff old place and keep riot; Imre abri;ut k-nst,obit. 1 :IN,