HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1852-03-04, Page 311111111111111111111111-111111C1Cheuree----- dist Iles shoes amesell 444 le maim, you I. slot, therefore, oppose the re-election of Mr. Cameruo in these Counties (esd of course to bold the office of Preidset of the Coused,) became that office ia sissisee, but because you say that Mr. C•mares said w; arid you, therefore, oppose his electim on accoent of incossistescy -became Mr. Cameros said the office was limit's and again eacepted a useless office. Now, Sir, my own opino u that Mr. Cameron meet did mender .tbe effire above alluded to a useless office, the duties above um:a causal be useless duties. And Mr. Cameros was wed aware that these duties must be performed. 1 beard Mr. Cameron my is Harpurhey, that although there moat be a President of the amn- ia!, the duties to be performed by such President waa Dot of sufficieut amount to warrant the country in pitying so high a salary for his services. if Mr. Cameron had thought the office useless, I can hardly think be world state as above --and there t. uo reflecting mind but will clearly per- ceive that the above described dirties cannot be useless, but must be performed. It is, indeed, a thing very unusual for an officer to say that his duties are not of sufficient arecoot to warrant his being paid so large a salary, Lis re fuaiug the office on that ac - (omit certainly stews a very holiest princi- ple in Mr. Cameron. And I do not tbiuk that you or any other person can make it appear that Mr. Cameron was actuated by any other motive -for be inight have ex- cepted office without saying anything on the subject, and you must be aware that £800 wan attached to that office as salary. - Now, Sir, Al. a ntunber of other important duties are connected to the office of Presi- deal of the Ezetutive Council to satisfy Mr. Cameron's objection. 1 tbiuk , not only you, but all Mr. Cameron's friends, ought to be satisfied. Now, Sir, I should wish to know what it would advantage these Cowie, provided another person was ap- penned to the above named Office, and re- reit% the abase earned sum as salary, add that the electors of these Counties would a very small per centage of losses during the descard Mr. Cameron altogether (as you past year. It may perhaps be a little smal- sue;gest), bow inconsistent in that case ler than usual, but tbe experience of the large house of Gilmour*, who are their own insarers, shows that in a series of years, the arerage loss by shipwreck, is not one per ceot. Yet the rate of iasarance on vessels to the St. Lawresee, is sever less dab two per cent, and is often more than five, according to the season of the year and the character of the vessel. Tbe greater num- ber of tbe St. Lawrence traders are seam- ed in Eaglaari. Some years ago whea the vessels and crews were melt Inferior to what they are simmers, and the Gulf was not so well lighted, these rates were cor- rect,perhape. But things have changed thee ties, aaid ao abould the rates of uisur- ance. It is all important to as, that the expenses of the St- Lawresce route should be redscell,--ead the mssraoee is a very comideralak gas of the eharge. Some Americas Compasses have lately takes risks at towerratesaim the Eegbab oder- writers; but the only effectual remedy would appear to be the eitabiamettat of a marine Issussee Company at Quebec sod Mee- treal, founded on a solid Weis which would have the eastidesee of Slip owners tee both aides of the Adastac.-Globe. this king, gem ireas wheel it ma hied to the best mehea sied support who are really maims to Ma their p reveres. esti damming. To we have so clam jealonnes,we thisk Minder of Ageieulthre might ad ounly *embrace with& his sphere of domestic manufactures, Esagratme, seal matters relating to the docket fare of the country as are not *Vic chided by any specific department. ever squabbling were party politic have about this niessaires-oue tbtoff pretty certain, and upon Him we d sincerely cougratukte the fermiers nada, that henceforth our Calriset wjfl a Minister of Agriculture l -C Agriculturist. wooneswitareesearames NAVIGATION OF THE ST. R ENCE. The Losses in the Gulf and ILiver S rence in the year 1851, out of a 1 185 sail, 505,035 toss, that arri Quebecoind 1271 sail, 532,336 cleared at Quebec :- Bark Fortitude, loot ea Prince Ed Island, in baIlast--all hands say Schooner Sautos Primer°, wreck White Islaad-crew and cargo Ship Letitia Ileya, timber loaded, I Magdalen Islands -crew savcd. Bark Jane, in ballast, lest is Ontarde =crew and materials saved. Bark Victory, timber loaded, lost at Metis-crew saved - Bark Loclunaben Castle, timber loade oo Anticosti -crew saved. Ship Tyeadusaga, timber loaded, total ooCarriboo Island -17 of the drowsed. Ship Aberdeen, timber loaded, strand Kamouraska-crew saved. Brig Galatea, timber loaded --one man materials saved. being ;ths per cent on the number of It is a general impression, that the Lawrence a very dangerous river proach but the statement given above, 7,1.es- of all east ry show that that the restage - duty oaf sad all is wel- Uy Wiest - isms may aow most of Ca- bav e (Acadian LA W t Law - fleet of red at tons, ward's ed. ed on saved. ost on Bay Little d, lost ly lost crew ed at lest St. to aP- shows would the conduct of the Reformers in these Counties be, to cal] and elect a gen- tleman as their represestative, and because be is offered by the Government an office of honor, emolument and trust, they deserted each representation, and allow such office to be tilled by some person to them un- known. Should the Reformers in these Counties do as above, I will be prepared to gire them credit for a greater amount of folly, inconsistency and ignorance, than I am willing, as yet, te place to their account. Reformers must be aware that the services of the Honorable Malcolm Cameron is much wanted in the Cabinet, in order to carry oat their views, and I have no doubt of their usieg every legal means to secure his electusa. When you are able to MOS- fy tbe electors of these Comte* that Mr. Cameros has chsoged has views .pea equal rights sad privileges, mid epos the subject of the Clergy Reserves Sad Rectories, thee you might with better brews ofsseseem complain to tbe electors of these Caustics of the medec t of Mr. Cameras, penile me to my that the import of your shires le the peophe of these Counties (is Ina this and wo esore,) that as Mr. Casseves cow! sidered the salary of the Any referred to, too great for the ammonia ef *lee to be perfonsed,:you would sot (if ra your peweer) allow him to bald that ears. I Anil for- bear saying asything as te your inconsisten- cy, as I think from your past 4:011611et is eucb cues, Toe may be a wenn supporter *Elle Hocerable M. Cameras by the tan of the eke tioa. I have the hose, to reaanie, Veers respectfully, ROBERT HAYS. A GoefrooseST DEPARTMENT OF AGRiCIATIFILI.,--It Jo stated m the papers thst-Gervermnent bare made arrangements forgetting a new Department of Agricul- ture., -an object we consider of paramount importance, and if judiciously prosecuted, cannot fail of being instrumental in promot- mg the best iaterestri of the coustry. An Mee in the Cabinet, in which the true value of Agriculture wilt be adequately ap- preciated, and its welfare and advancemeat carefully studied and foilired, is what has ben recommended in tIllaeormal from its commencement. The field for the labors of such a Minister is indeed a wide and en- couraging ; and tbere are few, if any parts of it, but would yield a bountiful liar - vest to diligeet, enlightened and patriotic culture. We Mee already in active ope- ration a system of Agricultural Societies, THIS MORNING'S MAIL' embracing meat of the settled portions of the Country; a Botrd •-f Agriculture for tk Upper Province, just commescing its 0Farndonst---tles theory of the art forms a part of the regular instructros given to yo I10F Ilea is halting for school masters hi ome Pleteml lestitetinns ; and a Chair of Agrleulture is on tbs fief of hese filled in ths Unieersiey, ie eneneetine with se Et - panatella' Farm. %Oar agencles, we ere peppy tn learo, have been or are being brought into operation ie the Lower Pro- vince; and a Misister Agrieature. is a r matey where enier-fistAs (if the population are direetly engaged ie that parairt, would be • Biting represeMegive of the various Mannar est broad be the memo prowk0086 greM labored' a din country 10 many °thy utoiveyyttiottied '" "MO"' 44411/1114,41,111110' 11110110P1001111.. -This fearful disease, nays the Hamaltoe Spectator, is becoming sismaaarly common in Canada. The severi- ty ail* winter, aid consequent scarcity of seemed* water, appears to have had an effect es die wild *rem animals. Some time lime, a farmer im Espiesing, with his deg, succeeded IS killing a silver grey fox. The deg was lacerated by the fez; and is • short time lieges to show sign of Memieat madams. Two members of the family, the one serried sad the other a single man un- thinkingly began taming or playing with the azumal, and veers both 'Pities by has. &i,not dreading any evil cemseqmacea, apph- cation for proper media& aid woe neglected mad, it ie feared, too late. The most istelpe mulct/ prerruls in the seigithorlood an to the rem*. They are both young men of good constitutioes, as well respected for their industrious habits, &c.,ami it is ardent- ly hoped that the awful calamity of death by hydrophobia may be yet averted. If ever there was a time requiring the inter- vention of the competent authorities for the chaining of dogs, it is the prema. No one can tell bow far tbe evil bas already spread, asd it woad only be IN art of aim* justice to the community were our Municipal guar- dians of emetic the patron vented in these in this respecL ARRIVAL OP THE APR/CA. New Yoke, Pete. ENGLAND. Lord fain Reeirelre Referee Rill was ordered fee e 8011484,,,t91118108 on the 27th Pehresry. Dr. Loyola, Amens ID, diseeveries be Nineveh, has 1.00speetated Naar %eta- tary for ?seep MMus. The Leeds a the adsateality have pet**, el a report la relesemes to the Argo* be Caplan Nosy, sittramoisi the ldgheli ashemibillig :MO dee ease/net al Ospisin chissek es8a, agues of um /Mb MN A Cesamittim ono .10.4 ha int 1110.0. tete the Wavy emeemen • ---W1111111MIIIIIMINIMISMIIIIMOIMMIMo•MeetsgMetasteeteemmemeee - • - --usemess---mees-e- __ • rest -.mete me. - • - mellffellaM11. • THE HURON SIGNAL, GIODERICII, MARCH 4, 1852. • 1.4w4 Greer& bee ordered the Dritiell Mullane to ohm* redress, lhe the ••••0,111, hal ileekisa &Moors Oa de Eighahaea at Flees**. BPA/N. The Qom of flpain resoesnag TURKEY. Reselasid Pasha /*tarsal to the Capital two days after bis dleameal, anal was made Peeisehtma of Me Cense*. GRIMANY. The stemma (niers am 'repenter to evacuate Hageburgh and Holstein. ifeveral Belleau eigieneuts are reported i• favour ef Fraser. SWITZER ELAND. The Gevenesseet is a state of alarm, at mice congested te the clesteod of the French Goveremest, for the expulsion of French refugees. Arrangements between France, Austria, mid Prose', are threstemed, to repress de- mocratic InOrealesiii SWItzerlimd. FRANCE. The Minister of the fawner has a ddrues ed the Prefect., recommending candidates to adept frankly and si Readily the Dew order of things. Aoether Ministerial crisis- was feared, growing out of the tbrutemed anaesaliee of Belgium. The Orleans confiscation decree is still is force. Nsw Yoe*, Feb. The execution of Brune% was pos ed all between 2 and 3 o'clock, to or give him as tooth time ea possible t pare for lais dreadful end. Tb. partin tween his child and mistresio is *aid to been beart-rendlog. He was exccut the yard of theCity prison at half past o'clock; this P. M. He presisted innocence to the 1 st, and declared iseuer or later the world would be con ed that be was no murderer. His mist Margret(' Lohreez, will remain in pr vie ebarge of being in accomplice. Lotnevieut, Feb. 2 The Beard f Aldermen' of this clty rejected for the firth time, the Resole orienting Kossuth to the City. Prmssuariu, F.b. 2 Mr. Wieelm:', the comic lecturer, run over by the can at the Allegheny I) tonlay. 11. arra was broken, sod his so badly (tutored, as to leave so hopes tes recovery. LAST NIGHT'S REPORT. New Yoke, March Tb. Steamer Neentene, which left for Southampton, and Bremen, on Sate morning struck oa the bar, and was obi le put back to consequence rol a leak. lo charge of • pint wron she striae The steamer Glasgete, which failed Glasgow, after being two days nut, beck is consequence of her rudder head ing carved away, arrived bent yens free Halifu, ether, sh• pot in for coal. W•liale0T0,1, Feb. 3 The Gout Meetiag to seaman Das Waserna for Prseidest goalie off week. Mr. Coarou has 161001 illeitatieme 10 Presidest and Calieset, to the members both Howes ef Colleens, kt., to 'ant Balite, en Treeday for the purpose a tog as isepeceos of that' bunt fie. boat, whieh Otearitelt tbere will be a graad es 1 cud E.rperse. tainment.-Jeures B•trimoan, Feb. 28. As:emtes from New fht:eans state th an Koglishman has Wu wartd. *1 Jing commuted with ade oes':els es (ho IL on Ib. charge of be revolutionary mott Grande. 37. tpon- der to o pre g be- have ed in th rim O les that 1691, 1100 ?- bays tont 6. was epol skull of 1. here relay filed She k. fent put be- rday 1111. 011 the of the oak, 00 at Ps. 0 Ni. Tux, March I. Aanza,--8t.14y, fur Purls at S 19 Pots baoyant, and is fair roamed atlIS "„a 61. FLosen-isieremied bosses, to Lem Grades; for State and Western, bet at i side figures, which are net easily woe W 'once • better deemed for import mid use Large holders eet of searket at prime Comedian tall and nominal, *11437 a 4 94 Bane, domestic, 3700 hosered barbel. 04 75 • 481 for essames Snout Slane ay gamin, 1113 76 a 3 8 t. Cam Neal isertmee. Hailers of when.'. ferenat enmeshes heyers yews, and a 14111• mosaic ea oat 1.1. RerMy, see freely eared SU all& Oats dull. S40 • 44. PairrlINONS.--Helalers a Perk very firm emmiuse !seta, sales 260 he.. 115 • i6 hue ..wow 11146e, 114 for prams meet, 81.5 .50 fo Wei games; $118161173 for prime. Butter inn, end' • geed loud demand of If • 1 ow Moe. III • 11 for Wooers New York. II f; 6- • t. t! • • 6 • Flea THIt ParliTINTIARY.-Vester- day about eleven o'clock is the forenoon, the Alarm Fire Bell wan rang, and the cry was that the Pmvincial Peaiteatiary was again on fire, which proved to be the case. The Victoria &ghee Company. the Deluge Ergine Company and the Phoenix Compa- ny, proceeded in full force to the condo - grebe's, and being aided with a large de- tachment of Rifle Reigate, were greatly in- stmmestal in subduing the daises, which was happily accomplished is about two hours. The damage chiefly extends to the dome of the great building used for work- shops, which was wholly cormumed. There woe no escape of prisoners, elm all behaved very well, madam did the Warden, fru alter the Fire was over, be ordered sufficient re- freshments dor the Kinston Fire Compa- nies to be bad at a Worm in town. Tbe Majoi Illiteeral, commanding the Mayor, and a good essay other official gentlemen were on tbe epee at the time of the cosh- grebes.- -Nana** Wing. U. SI pla1'1411:36J;ANGENVITIII.-11 raperlii$ lea the Americas Government its ioloified. iteidalt to terminate it, pre - 5S pailal In* Witb Great Ikritani. The pump of die Canada mad: of tptzh the Halal States is part the arrasmaimat mow se fora", se we glee eirpoet In be thrown nn over hamlet ends with regard be our ldrU.h made, as irtirellles•yeart "go. Dis fact albrds epowevOhl segemoot MI! ere timid hiseme 011e 1•04.14,,,11.0.V0 0 -.0..0,6. •..• • •••••••• 1 ...••• oa lath the gmaillalifal radrio84 med thus become uulepeoeleat of the fuss aid Mate of speculating politicises at Washiegtoe. The Kw pow paid the Americans for the privi- lege of passing over theu ground would of itself be a haat/wan item of account in the business of the propcsed railroad. Thank torten, Ito succesa m atm assured, as we see by our last Giblets that the House of Assembly of "Nova Scotia, in spite of the tamest of their calsinet„bsve passed the re- solution in accordance with the prop oaition of Mew,. Mocks and Tube, ro that the only anticipated obstacle to the sew ar- rangement is happily obviated. We shall carry Our OWn illaulal0011, and no thanks to 13rother Jonatban.-Niagarri A CLERGYMAN'S OPINION OF Naws- PAPERIL-Rer. Daniel Baker, or Tema, says he has travelled through a:great many States mixed welt the.people, conversed at the country fireside, and preached in opeu forrest as well as the thronged city. Where he found Newspapers be:found intelligence -people whom he could talk or to listen to with pleasure. As a general thing, where a Newspaper was not taken, be could tell it in the slovenliness of the household, the ignorance of the children, and the uninfortn- ed parents. So naked is the difference in civilization between those who take news- papers and those who do not, that the tra- veller, in the country will be 'pleaaed and entertained by the one, while be will des- pise the other, without knowing the cease to which the difference is attributab)c.- Madison Statesman. TEA CAEES.-Take, of white flour, two pound; by -carbonate of soda, quarter of an (mute; sour buttennilk, twenty ounces ur one pint. Rub the soda, sugar, and but- ter well into the flour, end !nix with the buttermilk; roll out and make -into cakes of any convenient size, and bake in a moderato oven twenty minutes. CHLOROFuRS1.-00 Friday l•at, • Tumour weighing between two and three °ante was removed from the oeck of Mrs O'Brian of this village, by Dr. Laycock. The patittot was put under the tanning of Chloroform, and states that she experienced no pain from the locoing aed dissection nece NNNN y to effect the remora! of the diseased win. ture which lay snenediately is front of tits large vessels. Mrs. O'Brian has done re. markehly since the wound the wound being` nearly healed- No bad results followed the administration 01 18. anodyne vapor. Dr. Laycock received on the occasion the valu- sble aid of Dr. McCosti.,-Paris Star. Hows mum Uns.-Me. Bower, se' 8t. Nuts, Haste (England,) bee ceestructed and patented an apparatus for enakisg gag from coal, ao small as to be adapted fur pri- vate houses and inns, where ten or more lights are required. It is intented in an tree frame, necupying but little space, and may be managed by the errand boy. Beau- tiful gas is said to be wade by this plan st the paper manufactories of Meagre. Tow. rood. Cambridge at a Coll of one and sexpeace per 1,000 cubic feet. the pa- tent conceit, of meting hydrangea gas from steam ((enerated by the same fire that beat, ib. retort, ) and converting that vapor Into gas which otherwirie would be unveiled 1010 Likr• Mem rote ows Bcsiyass.-To 1.0 a;usas to his face to mind his own hosinees would be consented about equal to knock, him does. or as the 'rename. said, "bonzon- Labeler les perpeodieulanty.” Aid yet it is Oil* of the simplist rules of right conduct aid the meet woeful that mankind can adopt in thew intercourse with each other. There wi • great deal of the Paul Pry Spirit itt th• homes beam or wonderful- inquiet:tenets to regard to the personal and private affairs el (needs and neighbours. This •pin t makes more amber( in the community than al. most any other cause, and creates more maitre, envy, and jealously than can be over- come in a century. Let every man tread hie own bromine, and teen will not be half the trouble la the world that there le at pre- sent. GODERICH MARKETS. Goontior Marne 4, IRO% Ittlea-ollsper fie e per 10011. . • • • £0 15 0 Flee per barre, 0000 W.a.iir-F•11 per bus ...... .•••• 0 2 9 Spring .de 0 0 0 Booh<I of 48 11.. 0 1 0 Pites-reas per bested of 60I10111 1 6 (lino -Pee linnet 34 lbs 0 1 0 IliniAll cope-rer Bose 56 lbs•••• 0 9 6 Ry, -Per Beth of 56 Itis 0 2 3 PuRe-Per cert ......... 0 0 0 Hans -Pet lb dried 0 0 5 Herne meted 0 0 • Elestmoasi--Drood per lb 0 0 44 Green per Iti ......• •• • • 0 0 4 Reerta--Buiter per lb 0 0 9 LAND -IArd per lb ........ ....• • 0 0 5 roTiTore.-- Potatoes 9 6 Wen -Wool per lb 0 1 1 HAMILTON 31A RKETS. Heeittos. March, 1, 18.52. nue-Latta Soper. per 90u lbs .e8 16 3 Wiraier-While Fell per en 1ro...• 0 3 4 o Oatmeal per bat 196 Me 0 18 9 INDIAN Co:IR.-Per 56 lbs... ...... 0 9 9 esee-fter bon.. of fin *5 ........3 3 6 O Per bush, ei 48 1b 0 a 0 atodi., .1 34 3 1 3 Rva-Per hsahei. of 56 les.... 4 3 0 0 Assess -Pets. per cwt ......... 0 15 0 Hsee-Mees, per bbl., SOO Ms 9 17 6 Peee-Mem, 0 22 6 Heiss-flegar mind, per 11... 0 0 Se [)ry Salted. per 110 0 5 lihmrGosao-Asior eared pro. lb0 6 5 Dry Salted. per 0 6 44 Lime -Per Ib 0 0 S B OTTl•-Por Ib 0 0 9 Itemer-Per 111 Ilis 0 Ste 6 Wuxi -one lb. ....... ....... ..•0 11 TORONTO MALLET& Tuners, Mareb, 1, Ink nere-Per tiel tee ibs LO 17 11 Wmair-nel P.c bosh VD eff0 3 74 Spew, Vrttees ..../e 6 0 0 *o..101II V 6 911111•1....Pair 1011 lb. 11 16 0 11.st.sr-...11we7 per Monet 0 3 3 Isone Cees -Pet beset' 0 2 6 Uses -Hams per lb 0 0 S,; Plains, oohed •. 111 3 A, Rerra• -earlier, fredb, 'or lb ip (kind Mons, * t 8 to, 1..a.--r.eo lb ....... .... . 0 0 1' N(Yvice. fi AWLS is* the teelimere of TIIOMAI H WSTON 111 Oconee lug, • datk red Blue with ems wenn .pet one the toed of the 144 three pure Wel. Tin *weer es requested te prove property, pay chargee, mad take lum away,-fleasitme, 2•4 C... Pal:vary elth, BIOJ. TAKE NOTICE. ALL peruse having clams ageoet the Estate of ALEXANDER it•Di)N Au) lath of Saugus, in the County of Bruce, GM reqae•isel to head the faree ila 10 tt. ethecriber, on, or before the 1 5t1 Apel noel. As .Iso, all porous ludebtre 10 the •aia notate, •re requiem.' to pay the game oit tbe set/unbet, cm or before tro said 15th April. Wis. J. KEAYS, Administrator to the Roam of tho letie A tom 3I'Doe•LD. aniericto March 4, 145 O. .6-08 LIST OF LETTERS, Ep Ell A IN ING in tbe Bode, telt Post.of sm Ace to lot Much. loth. ' Armoire's' J.bs Miller Wilt•in Bisect George 1 Maguire Robert 110•0010 lima ellallheon• William Butte Witham Miller John Boyd John 3 Martliesull Hugh &atom Richard Murray Robert Busier John blutheroto Allan Bogie Jailiee Slontgossery A F Cleadesain ..oh• Jr !leotard Ili.. A Leotard Carey Limos Morton Fraucis Cook Peter Nome Willem ii, 2 Crabb Copt lietthea"n Jultanah Campbell Mon blauitheld William Curry Patrick Munro William Coonor Mrs Jiih• Melee Ellen Campbell Robert 'Murphy JAG' Cow•rtord Mr hil•har Ttennes l' James A 110100r0 John ke Duncan 81 ,11* Jac•b ry Samuel Aladwayoith M B Calder Andrew M'Cordy Janwe Cameron Alex 111'Lean Allen N Collins ft 0 M'Clidlead Win T 2 Dart Andrew M'Clelland Jobe 2 Debbie Geo Maguire Patrick Doan Thomas M'Donald Herold Dean Jobref 61'04111'i, Louise Miss David.. Jewes M'Carron William Ditesey Elias N'Nee Duncan Dimon A Esq 14'Donald Angus Dile Capt 11' Donald ,A Elliott:Rub% 51.1),•riald Hugh Elliot James 91 'Cull Julio Ecclio Mrs M'Kenna James Fez Smith 9 AITtunald Al,: Farrier David 111 Kure Kenneth Flynn Jeremiah Ild'Doneld John CoI- Feagen William borne 9 ' Feagao James M'Phse Archy Faloagber John M'Lean James Feagate Micros! M'Naughten Patrick Grd!ia John . Newman Henry Gaunt Edwin Orders y Natlialmil 11 Garvey Thomas Poet Joni.. - Gourley William Pennington Oliver Gallagher John Porte Robert Gerrie Andrew Quigley James (Ten William - Rohardson Robert Gorden Miss Ellen Range Mos Mary Healey Patrick Robinson Wm 9 !Junkie Jobe Rathwell John Hunt Miss Amelia Ross William Horton George Richman William Hays Capt D Reid Moss Margret Helmer Miro Eliza Kenney las Higginbotham Thos. Sail Richard Hanley Bimetal Smith John 2 Horton 9 Suet b George Hudson John Jr Sullivan 51r. Hyslop William Strong John Hasty Wet Sperling George Harrison James Thomas' Martin If y Joha Tromensen Stophen Irwin Richard Urgabart John Kelly Thomas Vrotren Michael Kenott Edward ' Wrathy William 2 King Patrick Pif Workman Richard Kitty Jahn Woods Thomas Irwi,. Richard N 9 Wilton H Lyons Hoary Yemeg Joseph LAWS Dun Yaws. Edward THOkA8 JIMA P. SI. W. & R. SIMPSON, (LATE HOPE, BIRRELL k Co.,) GROCERS, Moo Mereronts. Pert 'L.' and ()time., No. 17 Dundee Street, Leadoff/C. W. February 115th 1869. v5-06 '11-10MAS NICHOLLS ROKISR, House, Land Irourance, Ship- ping sad General AGENT. Produce and Commiesion Merehaat, Acs countast, Prodoce bonen sad sold on Corronissem goods carefully stored, sod forwarded, Book. balsawood, Perteerehip settlement adjusted- Geissemb Feh. 28. $59. t11-115 COUNTV 4.ORICULTURAL. so- CIEtY OF FLUTtoN, PESTI' AND BRUCE. S T BIS. rho above Society mill award the Iwo, "h• of twelve pounds tee shillings currency 10 11. beet STALLION shown on the near Ion square at Goderich, uu Wednesday the tiro day of April next. Tb. Horses to be on the ground by 11 o'clock noon. • The Demeter, may withhold the Premium should the Hones shown prov• neworthy t"Trilbe°CHnree reeeiriag the Premium will require to Mein Goderieh and remain there, every ninth day - THE COUNTY SOCIETY, will also glee • Premarin of FIVE POUNDS, to any indtviditel, who wilt bong and keep weer eight miles of the Town of Goderteb, the best Thor nigh Bred Derham Bull (pectgree w•II be required) The Bull to remain within that domains of the -Town during the sea son. R. G. CHNNINGIIAME, 8'•• Goderieh, 113ad Feb. th62. v5-86 ?Amy NOTICE:- A LL them I teal to the Hare. Sig nal (Mee, either by Not• 0 hard or by Boob hefiehni, di the oho*, will °Wirt - rho entweribee by arknowledgieg their Itsbilitsse, bed olittstanig • settlement of the same with Mr. Hove* lien.* of Benerich, at their earlivrest:entoNnovefAieznmeeuta..cquic, - A Bloteri Inet. Tro...R4.17...11RiCnet100. Lirso, Croesell W A NTPED9.4.1r°NehTuRTIoltr:rib Foundry whose a liberal Bolen we 1 bemns. Apply to the Teuton. 014••as apprentretts, three \Gt.!, 'oust 0,4.1 .4, Feb. 26th, *852. ,6-4o5 ehej,ollti FAwfilemlliAst ofeeetallt flies 1k%, p.,orite .11N AND COI° nexriol RALPH, t de Street lineal, Wait titraisk. God -ries, nu., 000.14011y on bus. • Owe, re, 61,444 .ipzeow. w saeine.II:kixmlebttyciers.e. The oveheett prime paid Pc ire& Oar old Istre"14.:1"bge. ragese 4"4 'be' 0 e.If sI 1.1.r Ilitioneemate rodeo* Utile ie eashaar se 4/111.11 oborooe. (moboossik Pah. 10, MIL • '4'1 8Y -LAW Aosammoug • Loom of .13,. theemed pined* Her in• •recuse .4 the eicemary Count Beidisge, for the Couto, • 1 pima, tl EREAS GO teriaari le borne the sum of Ave thuoitesO omens fro the stemma et the maceseary Coust B.11 d age ID, the Cresol, of Perth, se r the 16th Incl. of the Act le Vic. And vith•ress the samunt of rata by the perry is the ... o...dtt:iiiitiwnytisysuroffPthereth tu be £474,355 411. Awl el,s, sum of 1:741 3 81, will /square 4, .saua.,4 lot 'the p•y9n•ni el IOW ib. redemption vi the priecipal of ea g 10te wine 1.1proment ane: provided. Anil aromas a sps of three slits of a runny in the p •Il rateable Rao! and Personal pr.. the Cohnty ut Perth, accident to sessuieet return' for if. ye., 1651 required kir the pay eon( uf inter the fore.itioe of a ecling fund, tot /lunettes'/lunettes'- tte-if inn hill, .r 1.1. In it therefore enacted, by the Pre- mvienal Municipal Connt e, of the. Porth. Cecile, Id orth. Tloit the Provisionalde Warn of th• inn County. be and he is hereby au ri theaed ea betel of the said noniron Council, to Contrite! a Lola tor the UM of C6,000, hear mt Interest at the WO eia per cest., per annul., which interest shell be payable half yearly. el the Whetter the Fee rtreohal Treasurer of the County of Perth: Sod A:SSO of whieh prtatepal 010 ehall be payable no the fire% day of Pc!,. 1854, and 41000 oo the tirot day of Februaro 155e, and 1.1120 on the 6'.i day of February 1658, and £1030 on tis firot day of Fel. rears latiO, and •Clteiti on the erat day 44 dul: AY adbai1861. it further routed, That for affirdlue evidence ef the said Loan, and for securing the payment thereof with inter • eat, Debentures 00 behalf of the ea d Pro tiajonal ationietral Council, eball be mown for the game, in sums of oot lees thou twenty-five poutels, which Dobccitures shall be reeled, with the seal of the mod :Pru - visional Ceunc•I, signed by the Provisional Warden, and Icouetersigned by the Pro vismeal Clerk and Pthoisional Treasurer respectively, and shall bear date no tjueday the money is advanced to the eProvoton mal Treseurer, and be ade payable a ith inter- est according to the tenni and condnino of the 5.1 Logo aa herumbeforu mentioned. 3rd. Aiid ba it further eurotcd that a •pect•I rate of three eighth of • penny per pound per annum, 0101 and &hove, and in &dilate') to all other -rates whence ever, be netted and levied in mob year for the psytnent of the intorost and princi- pal of the said debt, to be created by the said Loan uotil the same *hall to fumy paid, upooell the. rateable Reel and Pommel property weights the ran County, and me- nu., three twoltilis of a penny per pound pet •rinum, (being the ratio .1 the ennuito the real value) (anon the annual value of all the rateable real and personal property, in any Town or V .1Iage s !itch shall he incorporated within said County dieter the continuance uf .1.1 rate. NaTieR.- The above to I true ropy of proposed By I,aw to be dem 00(0 condoler- stion by the Prot:Moen! hIiin•emalOv of the County of Perth, one of the United Coun- tie. of Wren Perth, and Bruce, at the Colon Hotel, Strateird, on Monday the 7th day of June neat, •t the hour ef 11 o'clock, fomn000, at which time and place the nom- ber• of ths bald SliTnirmality, are hereby re- quired to attend for the purpose a(eresaid. • STEWART CAMPBELL, Pro. Comae Clerk.. Stratford, 17th Feb., 1852. v5 -u5 -7J I No 1, III -LA W ri.astlaG4 as the Tremens el the UMW isintie el litines, Perth sod &WO, 06 Ce•)0•01, • 1 •se of Thirty T-.....,4 Pounds,, ID. Iga pawpaw* et 000.0•400U1101 '111110 Seel 0114.1.1o14 1n 1.41 seat aul 14•1 be intro, • t,,, licrus• the Rorer kaittanit, et Conerica. Cb. 'Ph V.RE1b it ia erpostMot to hon... tee pro. I V V the mon of Thirty Thonsend Pironlie • terrors toe the perm se of gvectorg. retell% and 4o.51. • ih.ria,r• improvise the Reed know*** shit BH e Hie uron Road, from the Hatboro at he raised , Goilersch, to the Towshm of Wilmottout : eet, sad leg 1(004 kiowo as tee London Road hem 4 Losa berion• cud rate wind, no Wray at the as- , well be sot. sod lleef re. ATTACHMENT. CANADA County of Huron, ase I -"'llYsVirew7t of the United Counters 1, Attachment of Heron, Perth and (sued out of TO13117/1'. j C:(frownttlyie UCti Counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, gad me directed a ens% tbe Cattalo, Real as MI 011000 0 Jolts bal•Li , am (emceed or cemented debtor, at Otto bit ef NAB Helmets, for the luee-dif hi/Ideal eoei fifteen shillings. 1:4*,. eaMed and ta blIathe Estate Real am well as Peraona 04 said Jon e SreAGL, end that, undoes t said Jobn Small, return wells the Junin poo of the said Court, and put in bail the action, or cautie the game to be d charged within three calendar months ; the Estate Real and Personal of the a Joss SMALL. or so much thereof as may oecessary, will be held liable for the p ment, benefit or satisfaction of the • claim or dein:m.0f such other Plaiottff Plaintiffs, asisha/1 or troy take proceeds against the property and effect• of the JOHM 111•1.1. Withia CA Mouths of tiie issuing ef the above Writ. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff; If. P. la B. &Merle Orrice. Goblial‘11 1814*, February, 1852. 4-6m of of ea - the ourt, ited le well the.% Liege of Chntoo to th• Townehip et' London. •nd bottling the flummery Bridge, aed Tull Gate. %buten°, and also for buthl• tag a Bridge ecru.. the Rest. Maenad at Getterich, with the necaroary eproachmi thereto. Ape whereas the amOliot of 1. west of the 'hero mut:need sure efTter- ty Tbousand pounds at ma per cent, will be rosi thousand e.ght beeline pounds per an. 111110, and tee auta siiffizient to foray sinking feed fur the puree.. u(, repro ing the sale debt *nein to erty ten. (rule tie cement- itig of the same, will be one thew -sod live towhee peunda o'er annum. amouuting in all to Tbierartanilaso,11 Woe hundred Pounds ..... Ity. And here as the mount a rate - An property to the Coiled Couiaties of Ho- ran, Perth and Eruce, smears by the last tuft aseesmeet reeirns Li be One II•ition One Hundred nod One Tbousand, One Hundred and Oa, Petting, Nowise.' See - logo and Eget Pence, exclusive of Ilse lecorpolucd Town of Gni-rich, •flii where- as the shout value 01 muerte in the Mad Incorporated Tows el kinetic° emotion to e1,040 10441. And whereas the apinel rate of three fourths of a peony per puurid, here. nater insperod upas ah the rateable, real •nil penmen property within the mod Colon couLtiee, and.the epecial rate of one Old- ham anti 1 many per pound per 1111001,1 hero, matter imposed upon the annual VIII* of , all the rateable real and personal property within the said locurporated To* n of OA, - vele the only Incorporated Tow• porr e5. ening le the gaol Coned Counties, will be sufficient to itatioly and discharge the loro herein aothemzed to be male, with the is. totem thereof ; within the time bruited hereby, seethe the Laws of this Province. eat. Belt therefore enac'ed by the Mani. cipa! Council 01 11. United Cuuntiro of lie. ron, Perth and Bruce, Chet the Treasoter of the said United Cotionro, be, and he is hereby authorized on Wall of the said Municipal Councilhto contract loan of thirs ty thousand pounds aneroid not bass Mee twenty-five pounds beanag interest at web tate nut escsedtog six r cent. per annuli ' as any be agreed upon between him and the platy Of panne offering to mak• such lean, which intermit shall tie parolee half yearly in fouling money at Londenos Regheet And -ten thousand perundsof wraith poorly*, own shall In payable in ten rears from the date or the imue of the said Debenturm, the tut ther sten of ten thousand manses to fif- teen rear. (pot the date of the noes of the aod Debenture< and the balance of tem thousand pound.) in twenty years from the data of the 'sen of the sail [tubular's', all payable at London aforesaid. :W. And be it further enacted, That for affordiog evidence of the ten Lou, ascl fer securing the payment theme( with teterost, Dienni urea on behalf of the meld lleatespal C61111011 shall be rdi.orti for the ,to sem et Lot less than tweet, ihre eseed.,, which Debentures shall be pealed with Om seal of tee said Munched Coastal, •sigirod by the Wardell, and cnunteretenent be this - county Clerk aefTreasumr respect rettlytifed steel bear Jam on the day tee soy is •44 %anted tote* Tfeliallref, and be nsaidepee- - able with ititsfeet accorilieg to the tortes ant coodincies a the said Lose es haste boom moot:oast 3rd. And ,be enacted, That • mire' rate of Three Farthimes In the Pound per annum war and aboicand in adilition to 911 other ratio •hataaever shall km fal0041 tid levied in each year for th• paymeut of samidebt to he created by tee said Lome bete the same shall be fully paid, upon all tfte ratable real aml personal property wish - tng 110 the said l,, 'Arid Counties, and • special co* I rote of owe kelling and 1 penny lo the pored teld : phr annum (being the ratio of the isenwal to • ken ' tile ren! or capital value) upon the animal t" Town or Village which shall hereafter bia 1 of value uf all the rateable real and personal he pemerty within Megan Ineorporated To** ics of Goderieh, mei within amity Incorporated Incorporated robin sheeted United Coen. •11 ties during the continuance of the son rate. 41,11 .NV7101.-1110 above us a true copy ef be a proposed By•Lsw to be taken iota cos- ily- ',donation by thelleatcmal Couocil ells, hid i United Commies of Iluron,4'irib and Brims, Of , on Tuesday the tootth dry of Hey 1862, :id. i at the the Huron Hotel, Godorich, (Gee- GODERICH, PORT SARNIA, HURON AND DETROIT. The new and oligaot Lowpresaure Steam Boat RUBY, will 71111 during the envie. mg season as follows: -Leave Goderich, (weather permitting, every Sunday morning et 10 o'clock, and Sarnia, Munday at 8 o'cleck. Leave Detroit for Goderich, every Suers day, at 9 u'clotk, a. n. rod Sauna, at 4 &emelt p. m. First trip, the first Apri', 1852. WANTED. Three 'molted cord. good Merchsetaltle Steam Boat Wood, well split, four foot long. Delivered oo 11,0 ikulanch, Pear. A portion of the alioro Won Inuel be hard and issesoned would be isreferred. ELI W .1 RD, toiD Detroit, Fele 1101h to5e. 11-41 T META WARNING. l' would be kw all throe iodated to the Goderich temerity, either by note or utmost, to call and settle inisnediatele- W . EA Ya. Goilerinhe 26th nib., left v3:00. ( sie----7"1-tit3---------------• roo,dee pttr ' W9..i.k.....„11:,..."00.4.41... ... iii„..1.4 7.. Wwaiht, 16.16111111.1"111hij.W."ralq. leptiar"eolearrirrskeeri td.rsi"lika ash 1V4101peele44.149111.6 I" fro Titywricavi 17. 8.-A rit.t ON, pao.T.dhe imetesse4646111/11."1%,..111144:etawisowb tibk#,„. i • T•1101001 wan11: a josintottmleeparx. tafitenrat.• - 1 t44.:neowat Imo.. au owe. e ties oil 111 Wei tag 011bee. 04.6:h. um" 4,131*. easel Huelerleht Illth PM, leek e"' • Vila .. . 4Lw.e.tat P•371.20 of .ie vs Iced ate""1"11;1111:" rade erlitetk.,0101141**114t11 ...41:10, •• -.0'4, ,wor, Io-,.. . • ,..r. ...... t. - - ---.;, $ , , -. , . ....,.= = ,w.., Not tt .. rtilaw...4.4... .. "10k .4'?" 4..4,44,40. ti..) at ten of the clock in tee force, at which time and place the member 01 14. said Mmecipslity ars hereby required to at. tame retire pureose at•resin. D. /I RITCHIE, County Clink. county Clerk. OW*, Boeotian, 31.1 .4... 183e. v5sIliem LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Stratford P. 0. la e'•J.,4 Gth 1451. Allen Rev. D. Keil'or Mrs. Arootrong Geo. Kim limy Arroll Too*. Kiley Mores Adair Matthew Liversags Geo. Ail, Voiantios lendenslaver Jae. Ahern Path. 141100ms thee. flurowes Charles Mullen Black Too,. rripfield Hy. Bocce Rht. Mayhew Woe Hegelian. McCarthy Jam A. Betio, Peter McKee: e Neil Brunner Troubled McNaughtee Dolmas Clieneck M. Me Whimsey he C. -sates Rachel. haliernie Lkoalt Campbell Stuart 2 Nell.') Jan Crowley Mr. Pike Ja0 Chenille Wo. pirdir Was. Carson Wats, Pursuit's. tas Path. , Riley Mt' Riley Jour% Roan Joo. Rrohis CUL Robb rSamuel piny hie. liesoms Gmblet Jae. lielbelay Thee. Ileyt Walter Healy Edward 8b.od Win. 2 Hay Andrew Sethestand Angus weer,' in , Spanner Them Kerr (nenoltio Renown Jim. so [Una George Tuner jo., , DI114114 Tiodale Jas. rat goo has Wools Aurae A. F. MICKLICe P. No Ine TR A Y El) from the Seheer.h4111 es flif " obout iPi.' Foot I), ember lam, Lot Mt 0.rb Pee Kincardine, • Red Collr weft' - a ebile fine sod over tbe Owe 0011•14110111 while ape, with a hell leo shee • Red ale*, th s filo limo and hcet w Iron ; nee • . [rata sleet, with 1,ne hack. rod whet, spot in toe Itrenlimaner ; aline • iliac seat* IMS. Same leek A. 8. as haw here* nelig 1011 Oars old. NATII %N:111. BRADLYe k 4(merotlee.1ro. Ith 1552. venal' mete WANTF0. 0044. 1191'0 goad HOOT ate XIV 1411116•heers v• who will had tosetast twspiegelessit g.s41 wages. by apelrief OS 40 W.* rit tee eetweriber, viliplarrnatrow*". Sept. 01h, 1001 11